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Jessica Hetrich

a. First Letter, Last Name Game

b. Sources:

Alzheimers Association. (2011). Change and adapt, but dont stop: how to

provide meaningful activities for those with Alzheimers and related

dementias. Retrieved from

The Game Gal. (2017). First letter, last letter. Retrieved from

The Van Gogh-Goghs. How to play the name game!. Retrieved from

c. Task Analysis

1. The first person thinks of a famous persons name (can be real or fictional)
2. The second person must think of a celebritys name whose name beings
with the same letter as the last name of the the first celebrity
3. The third person will think of a celebritys first name whose name beings
with the same letter as the last name of the first celebrity
4. If a player chooses a name whos first and last name starts with the same
letter (Minnie Mouse), the direction of the game then reverses
5. The game ends when everyone gets tired of playing it
6. *Optional- you can put a time limit for how many seconds a person has to
come up with a name. If they do not think of a name in time, they are out!
d. Intragroup

e. You could adapt First Letter, Last Name game for older adults who have

dementia. Instead of using famous peoples names you could use categories. For

example, the RT could use Food as a category. The participants would then be
challenged to think of food items. If a person has difficulty thinking of a food item,

you could give the individuals a verbal cue that may trigger memories from their

past such as, what did your mother like to cook? This question could then lead

to a meaningful discussion about an individuals memories and could be

therapeutic for that individual.

First Letter, Last Name Game

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