Public Vs Private School Debate

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Running head: Public Vs.

Private 1

Should private schools be allowed to compete against private schools in athletics?

Jacob S. Nichols

Piketon High School

Public Vs. Private 2


This paper discusses the athletic imbalances in high school athletics and goes through

studies showing examples of it happening. The report is based on a couple research questions:

When did Private schools come to be? Can Private schools recruit individuals to compete for

them? Why do people care if there is competitive balance in high school athletics? What do

people think of private schools compared to public schools? What can be done to create a more

balanced playing field for everyone? Finding include, sports articles, journals, surveys, and in-

depth looks into this debate. All of these sources help in shining some light on the athletic

imbalances in high school athletics. In conclusion, until private schools compete under the same

rules as public schools, then they should have to compete at either a higher classification or

separate division just for private schools so that it is more fair for all.

Keywords: Athletics, Private, imbalances, Public, Recruit, classification, division.

Public Vs. Private 3


The public vs. private school debates in athletics have been a major issue raging on for

years even during the late 1970s early 1980s. Disproportionate talent level gaps between high

school teams have led to unfair advantages. On the other hand, private schools miss out on a lot

of athletes due to the high cost of attending these schools. If the two types of schools were

competing on more balanced rules then it would not be as big of an issue as what it has become.

Until there is a more level playing field established, then private schools will continue to be

dominant in high school sports.

History of Private Schools

Private schools began in the 18th century and were used as missionaries of the Roman

Catholic Church(Kennedy, 2016, p.1). Their original purpose when first built was just to further

the gospel to young children or those who wanted to get an education. These schools did not

have athletics until the late 1870s when New York first adopted the idea of private school

sporting teams. Private schools did not begin to expand to other states until the early 1900s when

other states began to adopt these types of schools. Private schools were not dynasties in sports

until around the last 30 years where they began winning at a more considerable rate. When these

schools began winning state championships on a regular basis states began searching for a way

to make high school athletics more balanced (Kennedy, 2016, p.1.).

Can Private Schools Recruit athletes?

One major issue that people really disapprove of is the fact that private schools can

recruit athletes outside of their district. According to Kevin Cacabelos (2009), public schools are

at a massive disadvantage because they can only get athletes from their county. With private

schools being able to compete in the same divisions as public schools, who can not do the same
Public Vs. Private 4

types of recruiting, it leaves a big talent level gap that is nearly unbridgeable by everyday

schools. This causes most of the unstable athletic leagues that are ruled by those who can recruit

to continue to be dominant for years and years to come. The thing is this should not even be an

issue because private schools are not allowed to recruit; however, they are still doing this

practice even though it is against the rules and nobody is trying to stop these schools from

breaking the rules. If states were to implement multiplier systems then maybe the recruiting

aspect of private schools will be less impactful.

Public School Dilemma

According to Jon Timmerman, A possible bill is going through congress right now, that

if passed will allow home-schooled students to compete in public school athletics(Timmerman,

2012, pg.1). The problem with this bill is that people will exploit it and put false addresses down

and compete for a certain team that they want to play for. This problem would be handled by

athletic directors from that certain school that the student is trying to attend, but if they decide to

look the other way on this and not report these schools would be able to create super teams

essentially. So you may be asking yourself how do you fix this problem? You can fix this

problem by forcing ADs or athletic directors to crack down on infractions of false addresses and

schools need to make sure their students do their work and not allow them to make unstoppable

teams that practice all day long with no consequences. If this bill happens teams that allow home

school students to compete for them will still be penalized and each individual person will count

as 5 people since they were not enrolled in the school they are competing for. And if these

transfers would compete for these schools they would have to play at a higher classification and

make it harder on themselves in the long run.

Issues in Ohio Athletics

Public Vs. Private 5

In the sport of cross country alone in Ohio of the last 10 years in division two, 7 of the

last 10 state champions were private schools and the only public school that won in this time

period was Woodridge High School and they won it all three times. This shows some of the

dominance that has really started to shine through in high school athletics and it really makes you

wonder should they be able to compete with these public schools that are overshadowed year in

and year out due to these drastic ranges in athleticism? It also shows the lack of diversity and it

displays how the same teams win every year and really makes it hard for the teams in the very

rural areas that have small student counts. Which is why you dont see teams from Southern

Ohio winning state championships very often, in fact it is few and far between. For example,

1989 was the last time Piketon High School was a runner up in the state and this team was the

only state runner up team in school history. In fact it was the best team in our regions history. In

my high school career I have only made it to state one time which was my freshman year in 2014

when we placed 5th in the state and there was a private school in the race I was referring to and

they finished second overall.

Creation of a Private School Divisions

According to Jeremy James, Another possible option of what to do to create a more

balanced playing field, would be to create private school divisions which would separate the

private schools from public schools in tournament time(James, 2007, pg.1). It could allow for

large and small private school divisions. Which would create separation between the large and

small private schools. Now, this might not solve the recruiting issue or possibly even repeat

champions in these new divisions but it would allow for a equal playing field for public schools

and private schools. And if this was carried out in a professional and efficient way I think it

would be able to make big waves in the discussion about high school athletic balance.
Public Vs. Private 6

Attempts to Bring Balance

In 1999, Ohio first tried to pass a bill forcing private schools to compete at a higher

division which did not go through after a tight vote. If it would have passed it would have lead to

private schools playing better competition and lessening the chances of repeat state champions.

Years later states are still trying to come to some kind of compromise with private schools on

what is the proper way to handle this issue. Georgia has implemented a multiplier system that

counts each individual student as 1.5, which leads to teams having to compete at a bigger

division. In the United States, 19 of the 50 states have no student multiplier in place and have no

plan for the future on competitive balance (Patsko, 2014, p. 1.).

What do people think of private schools compared to public schools?

According to my survey, 66.7% of people said that private schools should be able to

compete against public schools. On the other hand 33.3% said that they should not be allowed to

compete against public schools. Some of their reasons for this were Private schools have better

athletes than public schools and because of the recruiting aspect they will continue to grow to be

better athletes. From the looks of the survey, people from Southern Ohio seem to be less

worried about the athletic gap between schools and believe their should not be any change made.

If my survey was to be United States wide the results would most likely differentiate.

Why should people care if there is competitive balance in high school athletics?

People should care because if nothing is done to make it more balanced then private

schools will have an unfair advantage that public schools can do nothing to change. If nothing is

to change then you have to remember that if you dont send your kid to private school that he or

she will be competing against these super schools that they have hardly any chance of winning
Public Vs. Private 7

against. But if there is change to the rules on recruiting in schools than public schools and private

schools alike will be competing with equal chances of getting to compete for a state

championship and there wont be a need for all of these multipliers to be in place. These are the

reasons why someone should care about competitive balance in high school athletics.

What can be done to create a more balanced playing field for everyone?

The way to create a more balanced playing field for everyone would be to make each

type of school compete under the same exact rules. Such as, no more recruiting outside of your

district which would lead to a smaller talent gap between schools. Also, private schools should

not be able to take donations from high class individuals who can help them afford state of the

art equipment, world class trainers, constant new uniforms, etc. Because if a public school was to

do the same thing they would lose their high school eligibility and not be able to compete in high

school athletics anymore. Private schools should not be allowed to give scholarships to high

schoolers also because public schools are not allowed to do that, and it is one of the main factors

for elite athletes to want to come and compete for these schools. In conclusion, if private schools

follow the same rules as public schools then I do not see why they could not compete in the same

leagues as each other, but until changes are made they should have to compete at a higher

classification through the multiplier system.

Writer's Note

I would like to thank you readers for taking the time to read my APA research paper

today and I hope you enjoy it and find it informative and learn something new from this that you

did not know coming in. I also hope that this paper gets the debate moving on this tough issue

and give insight from someone that is being affected by this on a regular basis. Students athletes
Public Vs. Private 8

will hopefully begin talking with their athletic directors to possibly create change in the near

Public Vs. Private 9


Cacabelos, K. (2009). High School Sports: Private vs. Public. Retrieved from


James, J. (2007). Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice. v10 n4 pp.409-432. 24

Kennedy, R. (2016). How Private Schools Evolved in the United States. Retrieved from

According to the student survey by J.S. Nichols. 2017. Retrieved from


Patsko, S. (2014). Compilation of how all 50 states handle competitive balance. Retrieved from http://


Timmerman J. Bill would result in problems.Aiken Standard (SC). (2012). 2W63225014309.

Rubric rating submitted on: 9/24/2017, 12:00:54 PM by

3 5 8 10

Intro: Discussion of Minimal discussion Minimal discussion Limited discussion Clearly identifies
Research of research focus of research focus or of research and discusses
Your score: 10 and purpose of purpose of research. focus/purpose of research
research.Research Research question research. Research focus/purpose of
question and thesis and thesis is not question and thesis research. Research
is poorly articulated well articulated is described but not question and thesis
or is absent as well articulated is clearly articulated

Intro: Background Provides very little May not give Gives the reader Briefly gives the
Information & infomoration for the enough information enough information reader enough
Importance audience. The to thoroughly to thoroughly information to
Public Vs. Private 10

Your score: 10 importance or familiarize the familiarize thoroughly

significance of the auidence with the themselves with the familiarize
study is not clear. topic or goes into a topic but goes into a themselves with the
too much detail.The little detail. The topic without going
importance or importance or into too much detail.
significance of the significance of the The importance or
study is superficial. topic is describe but significance of the
not articulated very study is emphasized
well. and clearly

Background An incomplete The history or The history or The history or

Information or description of background of the background background
Methodology subject's history or subject is overly information of the informaiton of the
Your score: 10 background is general or too subject is described, subject is
provided. OR specific. OR but not clearly thoroughly
Description of how Description of how articulated. OR described and
the data was the data was Description of how clearly articulated.
collected, what/how collected, what/how the data was OR Provides
many data sources many data sources collected, what/how accurate, thorough
were analyzed, plan were analyzed, plan many data sources description of how
of analysis or of analysis or were analyzed, plan the data was
measurement measurement of analysis or collected, what/how
instrument is very instrument is measurement many data sources
confusing/not somewhat instrument is were analyzed, plan
articulated confusing/not adequate but of analysis or
sufficiently. clearly articulated. limited. Limitations measurement
Limitations of the Limitations of the of the study are instrument.
study are not study are addressed addressed but are Limitations of the
addressed. but are inaccurate. generalized. study are clearly

Use of Sources Not all information Most information is All information is All information is
Your score: 10 is supported with supported with supported with supported with
credible sources. A credible sources. A credible sources. An credible sources. A
clear understanding vague understanding understanding of clear understanding
of who has already of who has already who has already of who has already
written about this written about this written about this written about this
subject is not subject is subject is mostly subject is
demotnstrated. demotnstrated. demotnstrated. demotnstrated.

Findings/Results: Level of detail is Level of detail is Level of detail is not A comprehensive

Organization (a) severely insufficient, and as sufficient, and level of detail
Your score: 10 insufficient, and there are more there are some provided and are
there are serious organizational organizational well-
organizational issues.Tables/figures issues.Tables/figures organized.Tables/fig
issues.Tables/figures are not clear/concise are not as ures clearly and
are not clear/concise in conveying the clear/concise in concisely convey
Public Vs. Private 11

in conveying the data. conveying the data. the data.


Findings/Results: Results are not Results are not very Results are not very Results are clearly
Organization (b) clearly explained. clearly explained. clearly explained. It explained. There are
Your score: 8 The paper is lacking Some major is clear that there are multiple major
any major findings. findings are hinted major findings, but findings that are
at, but not clearly they are not clearly clearly and
explained. articulated. The thoroughly
findings are not all described separately
described in-depth and in depth.
or separately.

Discussion Interpretations/ Interpretations/ Interpretations/ Interpretations/

Your score: 5 analysis of results analysis of results analysis of results analysis of results
severely lacking in lacking in are sufficient but are thoughtful and
thoughtfulness and thoughtfulness and somewhat lacking in insightful, are
insight, are not insight, are not thoughtfulness and clearly informed by
informed by the clearly informed by insight, are not as the studys results,
studys results, and the studys results, clearly informed by and thoroughly
do not address how and do not the studys results, address how they
they supported, adequately address and do not as supported, refuted,
refuted, and/or how they supported, thoroughly address and/or informed the
informed the refuted, and/or how they supported, research question
research question informed the refuted, and/or
research question informed the
research question

Conclusion The paper fails to The paper reiterates The paper reiterates The paper
Your score: 10 reiterate the thesis, some of the the thesis, major concludes very
major claims, and following: thesis, claims, and nicely with a
significance. New major claims, and significance, but is reiteration of the
information could significance. Some not as smooth. If thesis, major claims
be provided. new information is appropriate, a and the importance
provided may be recommendation is while offering a
provided. A made. No new look to the future. If
recommnedation information is appropriate, a
may be appropriate, provided. recommendation is
but is not provided. made. No new
information is

Documentation of Does not cite Cites some data Cites most data Cites all data
Sources sources. obtained from other obtained from other obtained from other
Your score: 10 sources. Citation sources. APA sources. APA
style is either citation style is citation style is
inconsistent or used. accurately used.
Public Vs. Private 12

Spelling & Excessive spelling Noticeable spelling Minimal spelling & No spelling &
Grammar and/or grammar and grammar grammar mistakes grammar mistakes
Your score: 10 mistakes mistakes

Manuscript Format: Title page Title page deviates a Title page Title page has
APA completely deviates bit more from APA approximates APA proper APA
Your score: 10 from APA formatting. The formatting. The formatting. The
formatting. The abstract is mostly abstract is mostly abstract is clear and
abstract does not clear but a little clear and concise. concise.
clearly summarize wordy.
the paper.

Sentences Headings and Headings & Used correct Used correct

demonstrate correct subheadings subheadings less headings & headings &
usage, punctuation, completely deviate consistent subheadings almost subheadings
and capitalization. from suggested consistently consistently
Your score: 10 formatting or are
absent altogether

Total: 108/120

The essay is well organized and clearly explains and supports what can be done to level the
playing field. However, the only evidence you have that shows that this is a true issue is
anecdotal. You're not proving to your audience that the current practices are adversely and
unfairly affecting athleticism between public and private athletes. You're approaching it as if it's
a given. This is probably because of your personal bias on the issue. However, in a research
paper you must fully prove all of your conclusions.

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