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Government College University Lahore

Department of Economics

B.Sc. (Hons.) Economics
Part (A)
Impacts of Terrorism on Pakistan Economy. After the
Title of Research Proposal
incident of 11 September 2001.
Name of Student Hassan Khalid

Roll No. 0231-BH-ECON-2014

Registration No 2014-BH-ECON-154

Session 2014-2018

Supervisor (Name/Designation) Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad

Part (B)
Problem statement

-To find out the effects of terrorism on economy.

-Terrorism effects the economy of the country very badly. The research aims to gauge
the effects of terrorism on the GDP, Unemployment and Inflation in Pakistan after the
attacks of 11 September 2001. After this incident, terrorism increase in Pakistan which
Problem leads it towards the unpeaceful and unstable country and Both are bad for economy.
Statement/ Due to Terrorism Pakistan also face the political instability because every politician has
Research different policies for terrorist groups. This issue also effects the economy badly.
Research Question

What is the effects of terrorism on GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Unemployment and
Inflation in Pakistan after the incident of 11 September 2001?

The main objective of this study to closely examine how terrorism effects the economy
of our country.
Objective - To Investigate how terrorism effects the economic growth of pakistan.

-To examine the relation between terrorism and Inflation.

Government College University Lahore
Department of Economics
-To see how Terrorism create Unemployment.

Hypothesis is a statement about the relationship between the dependent and

independent variable(s).

-Null Hypothesis (Ho): Terrorism has an insignificant effect on Gross Domestic

Product (GDP).

- Terrorism has an insignificant effect on Unemployment.

-Terrorism has an insignificant effect on inflation.

-Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : Terrorism has significant effect on Gross Domestic

Product (GDP).

-Terrorism has significant effect on Unemployment.

-Terrorism has significant effect on Inflation.

Data Collection Procedure

The Data will be secondary data and it based on time series data. Secondary data
is easily accessible and available.It is reliable data source.

Identification of the Variables

From the research objectives, identify:

- Dependent variable is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measured in US

Methodology - Independent variable is terrorism measured in number of incident in each
/ Data year.
Sources - Other variables are Unemployment and Inflation.
Source(s) of Data

- World Development Indictor.

- Wikipedia
- Economicand
Proposed Methodology

The method choosen for my research is.

Government College University Lahore
Department of Economics
-Malik, M.N., and Wolters. (2013). An analysis of causal relationship Between economic
growth and terrorism in Pakistan. (M.S. Shabbir, Ed.). Economic Modelling,35,21-29.

Doi: .org/10.1016/j.economod.2013.06.031.
-M.S. 2013. Linkages between Inflation, economic growth and terrorism in Pakistan.
Economic Modelling,32 496- 506 ,

Comments of

_____________________ ____________________________
Signature of Student Signature of Supervisor
Name of Supervisor
Government College University Lahore
Department of Economics


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