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TOPIC: Video recording procedures

1. Objective:

After completing these activities you should be able to:

a. Understand the features of video camera.

b. Collect the video footage in the correct manner
c. Understand perspective error
d. Do basic 2D measurement using Kinovea software

2. Apparatus
a. Video camera, storage device (hard disc), playback hardware (laptop), scaling device,
measurement tape, and kinovea video analyzing software. You also need to upload Payton
text from the shared file in MyGuru.

3. Task outline:
Please answer and complete all of these questions:
a. In your own words please give a correct definition on these video camera features?
i. Pixels ii. Frame rate iii. Shutter speed
iv. Focus mode v. Aperture vi. Synchronised

b. What is scaling object?

c. Explain perspective error?
d. Based on the procedures reported by Payton, please do the following?
i. Capture your own-self video standing (arm span) beside a vertical 1 meter stick and on
top of 1 meter horizontal scaling/calibration stick. After 2 second rotated your arm 45
degree horizontally and stop the footage.
ii. Record another 2 video of you standing (arm span only) 1 meter in front of and behind
of the scaling object (duration of each video not more than 2 second)
iii. Transfer the videos to your computer and using Kinovea please complete these
measurements table?

Measurement Actual (cm) Video (cm) Error (cm)

Own height
Vertical stick
Arm span
Arm span rotate 45
Height in front stick
Height in behind stick
Distance of stick to camera
Height of camera above ground

e. ## do another table but this time use the vertical stick as the scaling/calibration object.
f. In your own word please conclude what have you learn and why do we need to be careful
when taking video for biomechanics analysis?

Happy Selfie-ing

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