Letter To Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia 12.15.17

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CITY OF PHILADELPHIA Fiscayret Mee Ptah A 0107 (Bia eseien exits) ete 200 December 18, 2017 Sarah Clark Stuart, Executive Director Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia 1500 Walnut Stet, Suite 1107 Philadephia, PA 19102 ‘Dear Ms, Clark Star: “Thank you for your November 3" eter, which expressed your concems and your requests for improving tele safety inthe Cty of Philadelphia. Following last mont’s tragic death of Emily Fredricks, and another ersh today that seriously injured a bieyelis, et assured that my administration is committed to the measure that we identified sour Vision Zero Action Plan this yer, and we fully intend to reach the foal of zero traffic deaths by 20:0. We are under no illusions that tis will be an easy task, but we are committed tit This pst year alone, we have installed another Smiles of new bikeways including the protected bike lane ag par ofthe Chestnut Street safsty project. We have upgrade further 11 mils of bike lanes suchas the enhanced Parkside Avenue bike lane and refreshed an additional 1S miles, We have suecessflly Jimplemented a wide range of multimodal improvements suchas the pedestrian oriented Direct Bus station plazas along Roosevelt Boulevasd and the pedestrian improvements at 12" and Passyunk, These fecomplishments reflect a clear commitment to improving safety, access, and mobility throughout the tire city. While all traffic deaths ae unacceptable; some encouragement can be derived from the fact that 11 fewer people have been lst through November of 2017 when compared tothe same period lst yew. Vision Zero tobe sucessful, mst have a two-pronged approach: data-driven analysis and civ ‘engagement. This, in tum, wll kad to broad, citywide consideration ofthe factors contributing to tre related foals, and the measures the City can take to have the greatest effect in terms of protecting lives, ‘Your letter identified seven specific requests which I wil respond t individually: 1) You have asked for alist of locations where the City intends to install protected bike lanes. ‘While my administration has developed a numberof concepts for the installation of protected lanes, fel strongly th the affected neighbors and other stakeholders have a right o be consulted before a concept is presented publily as par of a “plan” This includes consultation with members of City Council, which in many cases holds the legal authority required to install protected bike lanes. ‘We will announce projects onan individual basis, s the Bicycle Cation has a chance to get involved, and affected communities have a chance to make themselves heard, ina manner tht “allows for projects to reflect grase-toots fedbock, This the recipethat allows us to be most succesfil in establishing a permanent network of protected bike lanes. ‘Bear in mind, the timing of installation is dependent not only on award of funding but also the execution of grant agreements, contracts for material ad labor, an often finalization of paving plans which will vary during ay given year depending on te duraton and severity ofthe previous winter. 2) You have asked for an additional $1,000,000 for Vision Zero. Its esentil for my Administration to take a balanced approach tovards addressing a wide range ‘of critical public needs that affect education, health and sfey, poverty reduction, and quality of Tie across al parts of the City. The Office of Transporation and Infrastructure Systems and the Streets Department are working carefully tough the budgeting press to make sure thee is adequate funding to continue making progress on improving taficsaety. They ae also focused fon the procurement and human resources processes to ensue the money programmed towards Vision Zero results in the greatest long-temm benefit. ‘Be aware thatthe Citys finances remain particularly vulnerable over the next few years. Looming challenges include potential losses of federal and sate funding, a large deficit at the School District of Philadelphia, future labor contracts, as well athe potential fer an economic downturn, all of which create budgetary stresses. 3). You have asked the City to presenta design in 60 days and a 6-month implementation plan for protection of bike lanes on Pine and Spruce Street. ‘The Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems and the Sueets Department are determined to maintain engagement along these corridors, They are aking time to meet with ‘neighbors to develop meaningful safety improvements. Meetings to advance the discussion with the community are scheduled to begin this month. We would also welcome your group and others ‘who ate supportive of bike lanes to take on more ofa community engagement and education role. “Too often, residents are pitted agnns bike ane supporters. If we want to see meaningful ‘expansion ofbike lanes across the ety, tht intense tension must en. Having your groups and ‘thers share the benefits of bike lanes to residents through community education campaign or ‘organizing supportive residents in these areas to express their suppart to Counel, would bea ‘welcome addition tothe dialogue. is worth emphasizing that while the rent death of Emily Fredricks was clearly trae infact, no segment along the Pine and Spruce Set corridors is onthe City's High Injury Network. In fact the entre corridor ranks below the top 300 segments throughout the City in terms of injuries and fatalities. So, while Pine and Spruce Stees wil continue o receive our focus, arbitrary timettames applied to these locations hold the risk of taking important stention away fom other places in the City where the data indicates the safety concer maybe more acute. 4) You have asked fora redesign of intersections along Pine and Spruce to mitigate conficts between bikes and other vehicles making right turns. ‘We wil certainly review the concept you have presented, slong with others which might improve the safety of intersections where the mixing of bike and motor vehiele waffic are required to ccommodate tues '5) You have requested thatthe City limit garbage haulers to one section ofthe City. ‘The City doesnot have the authority to limit garbage haulers in this manner. Such authority is categorically preempted bythe State under Act 90, However, the City is interested in working ith businesses to address a variety of issues that relate to commerial dumpsters, and over the next year, we will be exploring opportunities to incentvize redutions inthe travel required to sevice commercial activites within the City. (6) You indicate a desire forthe City to mandate the use of “side guards” on all private and public racks. ‘The City may have limited authority to require the use of side guar on private vehicles, although this would not apply to large tucks. We are currently researching that. Inthe ‘meantime, we ae exploring opportunities (0 incentivizethe use of all manner of effective safety

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