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1) Two regions of a diode are

A. anode and collector

B. anode and cathode
C. anode and Emitter
D. cathode and collector

2) Holes in an n - type semiconductor are

A. minority carriers that are thermally produced

B. majority carriers that are thermally produced
C. minority carriers that are produced by doping
D. majority carriers that are produced by doping

3) For practical diode barrier potential taken into account is

A. 0.2V
B. 0.5V
C. 0.7V
D. 0.9V

4) In a transistor, emitter current is

A. slightly more than collector

B. slightly less than collector
C. equal to collector
D. equal to base current

5) One that is based on forward biased PN junction is

A. photo diode
C. photo voltaic cell
D. both a and b

6) A transistor can be used as a switch ON if Vce is nearly

A. 1 V
B. 5 V
C. 0.1 V
D. 9 V

7) Diode characteristic curve is a plot between

A. current and time

B. voltage and time
C. voltage and current
D. both a and b

8) What does LED stand for?

A. Light Emitting Display

B. Low Energy Display
C. Light Emitting Diode
D. Light Emitting Detector

9) When the base is raised the emitter will:

A. Rise
B. Fall
C. Remain Fixed
D. Oscillate

10) Name the three leads of a common transistor:

A) Collector Bias Omitter

B) Base Collector Base
C) Emitter Collector Bias
D) Collector Base Emitter


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