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The American Journal of

Residents Journal
November 2016 Volume 11 Issue 11

2 Catatonia and Delirium: A Challenge in General Hospital Psychiatry
Kamalika Roy, M.D.
Emphasis on how indistinct nosology can lead to use of ineffective treatment.

3 Improving Communication Between Patients and Providers Surrounding

the Legal Basis for Admission
Robert Loman, M.D.
Examining individual plan of service.

6 Hypokalemia and Psychosis: A Forgotten Association

Ella Hong, M.D.
Focusing on the management of serum potassium levels.

8 A Complex Case of Suspected Serotonin Syndrome

Anna Kim, M.D.
Analysis of clinical presentation, treatment, and restarting psychiatric medications.

11 Revisiting Decision-Making Capacity

Aparna Atluru, M.D.
Investigating the specific role of psychiatrists.

13 ANNA-1 Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis Presenting as Rapidly

Progressing Dementia in a Man With Undiagnosed Small Cell Lung Cancer
Patrick K. Reville, M.P.H., Catherine Steingraeber, M.D.
Discussion of the utility of PET imaging in diagnosis.

16 Monitoring the Meeting: Opioids and Cannabis: Myths and Misperceptions

Rasna Patel, M.D., Amit Mistry, M.D.
Synopsis of one session held at the 2016 APA Annual Meeting in Atlanta.

17 Twilight, Chickens, and a Return to Humanity: A Letter to the Interns

Linda B. Drozdowicz, M.D.
A third-year residents advice to first-year interns.

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Katherine Pier, M.D. Michelle Liu, M.D.
Kamalika Roy, M.D.
Rachel Katz, M.D. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Aparna Atluru, M.D.
Gopalkumar Rakesh, M.D.
Janet Charoensook, M.D.
Oliver Glass, M.D. Angela Moore

EDITORS EMERITI Arshya Vahabzadeh, M.D. Joseph M. Cerimele, M.D.

Rajiv Radhakrishnan, M.B.B.S., M.D. Monifa Seawell, M.D. Molly McVoy, M.D.
Misty Richards, M.D., M.S. Sarah M. Fayad, M.D. Sarah B. Johnson, M.D.


Catatonia and Delirium: A Challenge in General

Hospital Psychiatry
Kamalika Roy, M.D.

Catatonia was historically described by (given the delay in catatonia treatment

Kahlbaum in 1874 as a disease with a
The debate over is associated with less responsiveness
cyclic course of melancholy, mania, stu- whether catatonia and to ECT), prolong hospitalizations, and
por, and confusion. Kraepelin later pos- increase mortality (7). Furthermore,
tulated that catatonia was a feature of delirium exist on a if we fail to capture the syndrome we
dementia praecox. Evidence has since hope to describe, research becomes
shown that catatonia is largely associ- spectrum imprecise. Ultimately, our ability to
ated with bipolar and depressive disor- treat catatonia before it becomes ma-
ders (43%45%) and general medical
has treatment lignant will rely on our ability to de-
conditions (25%) (1). In clinical settings, implications. tect it even when delirium is evident
catatonia often goes undetected. For ex- in clinical settings. These complicated
ample, it was only formally diagnosed in questions affect the prognoses of our
1.3% of patients in acute psychiatric set- symptoms and the hypoactive or mixed patients and are the kinds of chal-
tings, while two or more catatonic symp- type of delirium. Another study found lenges that psychiatrists in the gen-
toms were present in 18% of cases (2). that in some cases of alcohol and sed- eral hospital face every day.
This disconnect could be due to hetero- ative-hypnotic withdrawal, patients
geneity of clinical presentations wherein met criteria for withdrawal delirium Dr. Roy is a fellow in psychosomatic medi-
catatonic symptoms often overlap with and withdrawal catatonia simultane- cine in the Department of Psychiatry, Univer-
sity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., and Guest
the motoric symptoms of delirium and/ ously (5).
Editor for this issue of the Residents Journal.
or substance withdrawal. The debate over whether catatonia
According to DSM-5, delirium pro- and delirium exist on a spectrum has The author thanks Drs. Stephen Warnick and
hibits a formal diagnosis of catatonia due treatment implications, as delirium Katherine Pier for their assistance.
to another medical condition. Because of is often treated with antipsychotics,
the overlapping symptoms, many remain which increase the risk of malignant
convinced that one diagnosis necessar- catatonia. In contrast, benzodiazepines
ily excludes the other. Most accept that are often the first line of treatment in 1. Geoffrey PA, Rolland B, Cottencin O: Catatonia
and alcohol withdrawal: a complex and underes-
catatonia describes motor symptoms catatonia despite potentially worsen- timated syndrome. Alcohol 2012; 47:2882904
and not a disturbed sensorium. ing some components of delirium. Roy 2. van der Heijden FM, Tuinier S, Arts NJ, et al:
Francis and Lopez-Canino (3) sys- et al. (6) described three such cases in Catatonia: disappeared or under-diagnosed?
tematically demonstrated the presence which catatonia symptoms worsened Psychopathology 2005; 38:38
of catatonic symptoms in delirium pa- with benzodiazepines and ultimately 3. Francis A, Lopez-Canino A: Delirium with cata-
tients. They proposed that catatonia remitted with memantine, which may tonic features: a new subtype? Psychiatric Times
may account for the motor components hold promise for the treatment of pa- 2009; 26(7)
of hypoactive delirium. In another ex- tients with such a degree of symptom 4. Grover S, Ghosh A, Ghormode D: Do patients of
delirium have catatonic features? An exploratory
ploratory study, catatonia was present overlap. study. Psychiatr Clin Neurosci 2014; 68:644651
in 12.7% (using DSM-5 criteria) to 32% Perhaps antiquated terms such as 5. Oldham MA, Desan PH: Alcohol and sedative-
(using the Bush-Francis Catatonia Rat- agrypnia excitata or excited sleep- hypnotic withdrawal catatonia: two case reports,
ing Scale) of subjects with Delirium lessness are more clinically useful systematic literature review, and suggestion of a
Rating Scale-Revised-98 positive delir- and point toward a distinct subtype potential relationship with alcohol withdrawal
ium (4). These authors suggested that than delirium or catatonia in such delirium. Psychosom 2016; 57:246255
the requirement of clear consciousness cases (5). Without nosological ac- 6. Roy K, Warnick SJ, Balor R: Catatonia-delirium:
three cases treated with memantine. Psychosom
for a diagnosis of catatonia in medi- curacy, we may delay effective treat- (in press)
cal patients is more hypothetical than ments like benzodiazepines and ECT, 7. Ellul P, Choucha W: Neurobiological approach
clinically useful. They also showed a thereby decreasing treatment respon- of catatonia and treatment perspectives. Front
high association between catatonia siveness by the time ECT is initiated Psychiatry 2015; 6:182: 111

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 2



Improving Communication Between Patients and

Providers Surrounding the Legal Basis for Admission
Robert Loman, M.D.

Communication in health care is criti- Patient Safety and the Health Care ation, he agreed to voluntary commit-
cal, more so in psychiatry. It could be Team. To highlight its importance, ment, and after 5 days of treatment he
called the art of psychiatry if neuro- a separate section in the milestones was ready for discharge.
biology is the science of it. Although should be dedicated to communication. At the end, he expressed thankful-
medical schools encourage learning ness to the treatment team for caring
scientific standards of disease and no- for him during this stressful time in his
menclature, it is just as important to life. In hindsight, one of the difficulties
learn the essentials of effective com- A code orange was called as a suicide in communication with this patient
munication. By refining the skills of alert over the hospital speaker on the was the balance between the physi-
communication, the treatment out- medical floor. On interview, the patient cian-patient relationship, which might
come could be positively influenced revealed that he had a specific suicidal have benefitted from longer explana-
and a sustained therapeutic relation- plan to hang himself with a rope. After tions to questions the patient posed
ship can be achieved. Recently, medi- careful evaluation, it was determined and directly answering the patients
cal education has recognized com- that he met the criteria for inpatient questions to avoid confusion. While
munication as the area that needs the psychiatric hospitalization. He was not explaining the inpatient hospitaliza-
most improvement. The Accreditation happy about staying in the hospital and tion process to the patient, I found that
Council for Graduate Medical Educa- tried to convince the psychiatrist that I provided long responses to the ques-
tion and the American Board of Psy- he did not need to be hospitalized. tions the patient had. In hindsight,
chiatry and Neurology have integrated The explanation of involuntary and providing short concise responses may
communication as a subsection of the voluntary processes of admission only have aided in the understanding of his
psychiatry milestone project. upset him further. It was difficult to concerns.
In the July 2015 edition of Psychia- balance the patients rights and au-
try Milestones, it is recommended that tonomy with concerns about patient
psychiatry residents recognize failures safety. Establishing a therapeutic al-
in teamwork and communication as a liance became even more important Although the legal standards differ from
cause of preventable patient harm (1). considering the ongoing disagreement state to state, generally, criteria for in-
Psychiatry residency programs evalu- about the need of inpatient psychiatric patient commitment include presence
ate the development of communication care. of mental illness, dangerous behavior
skills on different levels. To achieve a After reading the voluntary admis- toward self or others, and the need for
level 2 in the category of patient safety sion form carefully to the patient, he treatment (3). Rights in all psychiatric
and health care team, psychiatry resi- was at first reluctant to sign it and re- admissions include the right to refuse
dents are expected to use structured quested to go home. He posed a risk of medications and the right to meet with
communication tools, such as check- harm to himself, and therefore inpa- legal counsel, and in some cases of invol-
lists, and safe hand-off procedures to tient psychiatric hospitalization was untary admission, committing a patient
prevent adverse events (1). required and allowing him to go home requires that two separate physicians
It was found that communication was not possible. He was unfamiliar independently evaluate a patient and
skills tend to decline during the time with this process, since he had no his- conclude that the patient would pose an
of medical training (2). Contributing tory of inpatient psychiatric admission. imminent danger to him- or herself or to
factors identified include the emo- In the back of my mind I thought, others that might be modified with hos-
tional and physical brutality of medi- How can I communicate this in a way pitalization (4).
cal training, which has been found to the patient understands the impor- Communication becomes espe-
erode the pillars of communication (2). tance of his safety? The patient felt as cially important for patients who suf-
Currently, in the Psychiatry Mile- though he was being placed in a prison fer from mental illness. Psychiatrists
stone project 1, Communication and and all his rights were being taken especially need the language, commu-
Patient Safety is a subheading under away from him. After some consider- nication skills, and empathy to com-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 3


municate effectively with some of TABLE 1. Methods to Enhance Communication

the most challenging patients in the Method Description
population. Assess Assess the situation and what next steps are going to be required.
Some ways that health care workers
Advise After the nature of the situation has been determined, advise the patient of
can enhance communication include
the next steps.
avoiding medical jargon and having the
patient repeat back his or her under- Agree Agreement on partnership with patient in participation of the patients care.
standing of the intended concept. Sim- Assist Assist in providing the needs for the patient.
ple measures such as offering food or Arrange Arrange the actions that are required for the patient.
water can help to form sound therapeu-
tic relationships between patients and
their health care providers.
A meta-analysis was conducted to primary care provider, and any other with medications (9). Qualities found
study whether enhanced communica- health care providers. A plan is devel- in physicians that promote a better re-
tion skills of the clinician can affect oped with a list of close contacts and lationship with patients include being
clinical outcomes (5). The investiga- the outlined steps to take in the event nonjudgmental and open to address-
tor found that effective communication of a crisis. Dates and frequency of fol- ing the patients concerns. The physi-
exerts a positive influence not only on low-up appointments and support ser- cians understanding of the patients
the emotional health of the patient vices are arranged and communicated perspective on his or her illness was
but also on symptom resolution, func- to the patient and/or guardian, as well found to be essential in establishing
tional and physiologic status, and pain as to the family (7). the ground work for effective commu-
control (5). Some of the elements that One study evaluated the effect of in- nication (10).
were considered to be effective commu- dividualized plan of service and the rate Ways of enhancing communica-
nication involved the physician asking of hospital admissions and readmissions tion include incorporating the five
many questions about the patients un- in 24 medically and psychosocially com- As (assess, advise, agree, assist, and
derstanding of the presenting problem, plex patients with high health care uti- arrange) (10), described in detail in
concerns, and expectations (5). Other lization. Six and 12 months after the im- Table 1.
elements that were considered to be plementation of individualized plan of
a part of what is regarded as effective service, hospital admissions decreased
communication include showing sup- by 56% (p<0.001) and 50.5% (p=0.003),
port and empathy during the encounter. respectively (8). Thirty-day readmis- Incorporating formal teaching in com-
Some limitations of this study include sions decreased by 66% (p<0.001) at munication skills within medical school
confounding factors, such as response 6 months and 51.5% (p=0.002) at 12 and residency training programs will
to medications, as well as psychosocial months after care-plan implementation not only promote patient safety and
factors, which also influence outcomes. (8). Limitations of this study include its compliance with medication, but also
Another study found that poor com- small sample size and the generalizabil- help in earning trust from patients. This
munication among patients and physi- ity of the data to psychiatric patients will further help to build the basis of an
cians can result when the physician fo- given the studied patients were not on empathic psychiatrist and possibly pro-
cuses on technical aspects of diagnosis psychiatric units when the treatment vide more effective ways of treating dis-
and treatment without eliciting the pa- plan was formulated. tressed minds.
tients values and goals (6). By focusing Communication was found to con-
tribute to better adherence to phar- Dr. Loman is a second-year psychiatry res-
on the goals of treatment, physicians ident in the Department of Psychiatry, De-
can enhance communication with their macotherapy in a study that examined
troit Medical Center, Detroit.
patients. patients with schizophrenia (9). Fur-
One way to enhance communica- thermore, patients with good thera- The author thanks the Wayne State Univer-
tion between providers and patients is peutic alliance with their physicians sity Psychiatry Residency Program for their
through implementation of a treatment were also more likely to be compliant support.
plan. In the state of Michigan, a treat-
ment plan is referred to as an individ-
ual plan of service, and it is an assess- KEY POINTS/CLINICAL PEARLS
ment that is tailored to the health and Communication in the health care setting is in need of improvement.
safety needs of the patient. It is devel-
oped with the involvement of the pa- Incorporating the five As (assess, advise, agree, assist, and arrange) can im-
tient and, when indicated, the patients prove communication.
guardian and/or family. Individual During the involuntary hospitalization process, the patient has the right to re-
plan of service includes the coordina- fuse treatment.
tion of care by the mental health team,
The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 4

REFERENCES petence to consent to treatment. N Engl J utilizers of care: individualized care plans to
Med 2007; 357:1834184 coordinate care, improve healthcare service
1. utilization, and reduce costs at an academic
5. Stewart MA: Effective physician-patient
Milestones/PsychiatryMilestones.pdf. tertiary care center. J Hosp Med 2015;
communication and health outcomes: a re-
2. DiMatteo MR: The role of the physician in 10:419424
view. CMAJ 1995; 152:1423
the emerging health care environment. West
J Med 1998; 168:328333 6. Kelley AS, Back AL, Arnold RM, et al: Geri- 9. McCabe R, Bullenkamp J, Hansson L, et
talk: communication skills training for geri- al: The therapeutic relationship and ad-
3. Menninger JA: Involuntary treatment: hos-
atric and palliative medicine fellows. J Am herence to antipsychotic medication in
pitalization and medications, in Psychiatric
Geriatr Soc 2012; 60:332337 schizophrenia. PLoS One 2012; 7(4):
Secrets, 2nd ed. Edited by Jacobson JL, Ja-
7. e36080
cobson AM. Philadelphia, Hanley and Bel-
fus, 2001, pp 477484 gud02_83966_7.pdf 10. Teutsch C: Patient-doctor communication.
4. Appelbaum P: Assessment of patients com- 8. Mercer T, Bae J, Kipnes J, et al: The highest Med Clin North Am 2003; 87:11151145



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The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 5



Hypokalemia and Psychosis: A Forgotten Association

Ella Hong, M.D.

CASE VIGNETTE oxetine and clonazepam were restarted DISCUSSION

based on the history of good response
A 41-year-old African American woman Hypokalemia is an identifiable, clinically
for depressive and anxiety symptoms.
with a past diagnosis of schizoaffective important but often overlooked condi-
Neuroleptics were discontinued, as the
disorder and medical history of hyper- tion in psychiatric patients. Compared to
patient no longer endorsed auditory hal-
tension and chronic obstructive pul- the general population, the prevalence
lucinations or paranoid delusions. She
monary disease (COPD) was brought to of hypokalemia (20%) in acute psychi-
received 40 mEq p.o. of potassium chlo-
the emergency department for auditory atric patients is surprisingly high (1).
ride each day until her discharge, with
hallucinations and paranoid delusions. The above case highlights the clinical
a final level of 3.4 mEq/L on the day of
Upon initial evaluation, she was irritable possibility that hypokalemia may cause
and agitated and reported active suicidal symptoms of psychosis in psychiatric
ideation associated with voices accus- populations.
ing her of being a murderer. She had re- INDEX EPISODES Hypokalemia can cause a wide range
cently moved into her brothers apart- of clinical manifestations, such as mus-
ment due to financial hardship and was From chart review, the patient presented cle weakness and areflexic paralysis.
unemployed. Family history was notable to the emergency department with vari- Cardiac manifestations include arrhyth-
for a brother with schizophrenia. The ous symptoms and was found to be hy- mia and EKG changes (2). Neuropsychi-
patient denied a history of illicit sub- pokalemic in the span of 7 years. There atrically, hypokalemia may present with
stance use. Medications included hydro- were 11 hospital visits recorded, and in memory impairment, disorientation,
chlorothiazide for hypertension and alb- nine instances, a potassium level of 3.5 and confusion. Hypokalemia may mimic
uterol as needed for COPD. The patient mEq/L and below was recorded. Out of neurovegetative symptoms, such as
had been maintained on clonazapam and these nine cases, seven cases were for weakness, lethargy, apathy, fatigue, and
paroxetine for depression for the last psychiatric care, with a potassium range depressed mood (2). Additionally, hy-
several years without recent medication of 2.7 mEq/L3.3 mEq/L. In the first pokalemia can mimic anxiety reactions,
adjustment but had run out of medica- episode of hypokalemia, the patient pre- such as headache, irritability, nervous-
tions a week prior to admission. Routine sented with insomnia and bizarre behav- ness, paresthesias, visual disturbances,
laboratory tests on admission revealed a ior. Her potassium level was 2.7 mEq/L, and muscle discomfort (3).
potassium level of 2.3 mEq/L and nega- and she was on hydrochlorothiazide for More importantly, hypokalemia has
tive urine toxicology. hypertension. The second time, the pa- previously been associated with psy-
tient presented to the emergency depart- chotic exacerbations in patients with
ment with paranoia and auditory hallu- schizophrenia. One study revealed that
cinations. Her potassium level was 2.7 in 259 patients with schizophrenia with
Upon arrival, hypokalemia was treated mEq/L, and the same medical manage- acute exacerbation, 6.9% had dehydra-
with 60 mEq intravenously and 40 mEq ment for hypertension was continued. tion, approximately 30% had hypokale-
p.o. of potassium chloride. Due to severe On the third occasion, she presented mia and leukocytosis, and 66% showed
agitation and aggression, the patient re- with irritable mood and auditory hallu- elevated serum muscle enzymes (4).
quired pharmacologic and physical re- cinations. She had been on paroxetine, It was postulated in the study that in-
straints. Repeat potassium level was 2.9 trazodone, and lorazepam, as well as creased endogenous catecholamine lev-
mEq/L. Potassium chloride 60 mEq in- amlodipine for hypertension. Her potas- els might lead to a decrease in plasma
travenously was again supplemented, sium level was 3.1 mEq/L. On the fourth potassium.
and repeat level was 3.5 mEq/L before presentation she presented with para- Thus, the mechanisms of hypoka-
transfer to the floor. Hydrochlorothia- noia and auditory hallucinations, and lemia in acute exacerbation have been
zide was discontinued for possible con- her potassium level was 3 mEq/L. The further explored. Based on several re-
tribution to hypokalemia. The patients patient had been on quetiapine, sertra- ports, antipsychotic agents are believed
delusions and auditory hallucinations line, paroxetine, and trazodone in the to cause hypokalemia by changes in ad-
improved the next day of admission. Par- past with recorded noncompliance. renergic activity (5). In a study exam-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 6


ining patients with different inpatient

psychiatric diagnoses and the vari-
ance of hypokalemia, it was postulated In psychiatric patients, hypokalemia may mimic a wide variety of symptoms
that hyperadrenergic state might drive such as weakness, lethargy, apathy, fatigue, depressed mood, headache, irrita-
beta-2-recepter stimulation, causing bility, nervousness, paresthesias, visual disturbances, and muscle discomfort.
influx of potassium into skeletal mus- Evidence suggests that hypokalemia may serve as an important clinical condi-
cle, resulting in hypokalemic trend (6). tion in acute psychiatric diagnoses such as psychosis.
Duration of illness could also affect
Studies suggest hypokalemia results from hyperadrenergic state might drive
the sensitivity or density of the beta-
beta-2-recepter stimulation, causing influx of potassium into skeletal muscle,
2-receptor, which was reflected in the
and duration of illness could affect the sensitivity or density of the beta-2-re-
results of one study showing that dis-
ceptor, reflecting that diagnoses with high acuity like acute psychosis would
orders of relatively short disease dura-
reflect lower potassium values compared to other diagnoses in the mainte-
tion had lower mean serum potassium nance phase.
values than disorders of longer dura-
tion (7). Thus, diagnoses with high
acuity like acute psychosis would re- treating hypokalemia in acute psychotic REFERENCES
flect lower potassium values compared decompensation and encouraging
to other diagnoses in the maintenance 1. Lam MH-B, Chau SW-H, Wing Y-K: High
thorough medical evaluation for such prevalence of hypokalemia in acute psychiatric
phase. presentations. inpatients. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 2009;
It is interesting that several reports 31:262265
suggest hypokalemia was associated 2. Gitlin D: Hypokalemia and Hypomagnesemia,
with acute decompensation of psychotic CONCLUSIONS in Handbook of Medicine in Psychiatry. Edited
symptoms (8). According to a case study, by Manu P, Suarez RE, and Barnett BJ. Wash-
One must heighten the suspicion of all ington, DC, American Psychiatric Publishing,
two episodes of acute decompensation dimensions of illness, including inves- 2006
of chronic paranoid schizophrenia were tigating possible metabolic causes for 3. Mitchell W, Feldman F: Neuropsychiatric as-
related to hypokalemia from use of thia- acute decompensation of psychosis. pects of hypokalemia. Can Med Assoc J 1968;
zide diuretics (8). Other variables were The available literature is not suffi- 98:4951
also mentioned, such as use of antipsy- cient to clearly justify the association
4. Hatta K, Takahashi T, Nakamura H, et al: Ab-
chotic medication upon admission and normal physiological conditions in acute
of hypokalemia with psychosis and to schizophrenic patients on emergency admis-
possible medication noncompliance, impose absolute positive correlation sion: dehydration, hypokalemia, leukocytosis
which could deter the direct correla- with treating hypokalemia leading and elevated serum muscle enzymes. Eur Arch
tion between hypokalemia and psycho- to improvement of psychosis. At this Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1998; 248:180188
sis. However, it is still notable to men- time, further systematic controlled 5. Unwin RJ, Luft FC, Shirley DG: Pathophysiol-
tion that an episode of acute worsening studies into the association and cau-
ogy and management of hypokalemia: a clinical
of psychosis was treated successfully by perspective. Nat Rev Nephrol 2011; 7:7584
sality of hypokalemia and psychosis 6. Kemperman CJF, Kuilman M, Njio LKF: A ret-
potassium supplement in this case (8). are needed. However, management of rospective and explorative study of hypokale-
Another case report discussed a patient serum potassium level could serve as a mia in psychiatric disorders: a beta2-receptor
with a history of psychosis presenting valuable way to better the overall out- related phenomenon. Eur Arch Psychiatr Neu-
with an acute psychotic decompensa- come of symptoms in acute psychotic
rol Sci. 1988; 237:161165
tion who was treated adequately with exacerbation.
7. Ali S: P03-21: Hypokalemia-induced psychosis.
intravenous potassium supplement Eur Psychiatry 26:1190
8. Hafez H, Strauss JS, Aronson MD, et al: Hypo-
(7). Although other factors were not Dr. Hong is a second-year resident in the kalemia-induced psychosis in a chronic schizo-
explained in detail, such reports sug- Department of Psychiatry, Wayne State phrenic patient. J Clin Psychiatry 1984;
gest the importance of recognizing and University, Detroit. 45:277279

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 7



A Complex Case of Suspected Serotonin Syndrome

Anna Kim, M.D.

Serotonin syndrome is a potentially life- lization and for treatment of chronic, pressure=108158 mm Hg/52105 mm
threatening state caused by an excess of paranoid delusions that others intensely Hg, respiratory rate=1746, and blood
serotonergic activity in the nervous sys- disliked her. Quetiapine was titrated to oxygen saturation level=92%98%. The
tem. Symptoms include mental status 50 mg every morning and 300 mg every rapid emergence of hyperreflexia and
changes, autonomic instability, and neu- evening. She was on these medications spontaneous clonus were suggestive
romuscular hyperactivity (1). The pres- for 6 months preceding decompensation. of serotonin syndrome. Additionally,
ent case report is of an elderly woman After admission, phenelzine was in- the patient remained afebrile, whereas
with moderate-to-severe presentation creased to 45 mg twice daily. Levothy- temperatures of more than 38C are
following psychotropic medication use. roxine for hypothyroidism and modafinil typical in 87% of neuroleptic malignant
for obstructive sleep apnea were contin- syndrome cases. The patients creatine
ued. Amlodipine was discontinued, since phosphokinase levels oscillated between
the patient was normotensive. Following 200 IU/L and 400 IU/L and peaked at
Ms. A is a 60-year-old single, unem- further titration, quetiapine was discon- 693 IU/L, lower than the 1,000 IU/L
ployed woman with a history of hyper- tinued due to orthostatic hypotension. 100,000 IU/L in neuroleptic malignant
tension, hypothyroidism, and obstruc- Risperidone was started, then cross-ti- syndrome (2).
tive sleep apnea and a psychiatric history trated to haloperidol at 2 mg every morn- Psychotropic medications were dis-
of bipolar I disorder, borderline person- ing and 3 mg every evening due to the continued. Supportive management
ality disorder, and cannabis/alcohol/ patients concern of weight gain side ef- with intravenous fluids was started with
sedative/hypnotic (benzodiazepine) use fect and persistent psychotic symptoms lorazepam as needed. The clonus and
disorder. She has had multiple psychiat- on other antipsychotics. She was main- diaphoresis resolved. The patients labo-
ric admissions since the age of 22 result- tained on benztropine for extrapyrami- ratory workup was normal. Video EEG
ing from suicide attempts via overdose. dal symptom prevention. Lamotrigine showed nonspecific generalized slow-
Since this age, she has had 20 sessions of was started and titrated to a therapeutic ing. However, the patient became inter-
ECT. She was brought to the hospital for level for further mood stabilization. mittently tachycardic to 110 beats per
suicide attempt via drug overdose in the After 3 months of the above medica- minute and hypertensive to 170/90. She
context of her husbands death. tion adjustments, Ms. A was noted over remained afebrile.
The patient was medically cleared a couple of days to be oriented to herself The patient was transferred to an
(temperature=36C36.5C, heart rate= only and resistant to passive flexion and intensive care unit for administration
98104 beats per minute, blood pres- extension of extremities. These symp- of cyproheptadine by nasogastric tube.
sure=114135 mm Hg/6371 mm Hg, re- toms, in combination with the recent ad- Over several days, her heart rate and
spiratory rate=20, and blood oxygen sat- dition of a neuroleptic, raised concern blood pressure normalized. Over the fol-
uration level=95%99%), fully oriented, for neuroleptic malignant syndrome. lowing week, her symptoms resolved,
and admitted to psychiatry. Urine toxi- However, the patients vital signs were and she returned to baseline mental
cology, blood alcohol, acetaminophen, unchanged. Delirium workup revealed status. She was transferred back to psy-
and salicylate levels were unremarkable. only a positive urinalysis that was sub- chiatry where she was stabilized on di-
It is unclear whether over-the-counter sequently treated. Catatonia was sus- valproex, vortioxetine, haloperidol, lo-
medications were ingested. Past medi- pected, but the patient did not respond razepam, and benztropine.
cations include lithium, divalproex, to a trial of benzodiazepines. Haloperi-
lamotrigine, phenelzine, vorioxetine, dol was decreased to 2 mg at bedtime.
risperidone, and olanzapine. Prior to Overnight, the patient developed
presentation, her psychiatrist placed her spontaneous, bilateral ocular and ankle Serotonin syndrome was first de-
on phenelzine after a 3-week wash-out clonus, mild diaphoresis, tremulous- scribed in the 1960s in a patient with
period from olanzapine and vorioxetine ness, and diffuse 4+ hyperreflexia more tuberculosis who had received me-
due to remission on phenelzine in the pronounced in the lower extremi- peridine with iproniazid (3). Since
past. Phenelzine was titrated to 30 mg ties. Her 24-hour vitals were as fol- the death of Libby Zion, the daugh-
every morning and 45 mg every evening. lows: temperature=36.2C37.4C, heart ter of a powerful attorney, in 1984 (4),
Quetiapine was added for mood stabi- rate=77107 beats per minute, blood there have been hundreds of case re-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 8


TABLE 1. Common Drugs Associated With Serotonin Syndromea agitation or diaphoresis, ocular clonus
(slow continuous lateral eye move-
Drug Mechanism of Action ments) plus agitation or diaphoresis,
Amphetamine, amphet- CNS stimulant: blocks presynaptic reuptake of norepinephrine tremor plus hyperreflexia, or hyperto-
amine derivatives and dopamine nia plus temperature above 38C plus
Analgesics: fentanyl, me- CNS opioid receptor agonist, NRIs, SRIs ocular clonus or inducible clonus (1).
peridine, tramadol These symptoms may develop later, and
Antidepressants SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs
presenting symptoms can include leth-
argy and disorientation (5).
Mood stabilizers Lithium: unknown, alters nerve and muscle cell Na+ transport
There is no specific test for sero-
VPA: unknown, increases CNS concentrations of GABA
tonin syndrome. Laboratory abnor-
Antimigrane drugs: ergots, Ergots: 5-HT1D agonist; triptans: 5-HT1B/1D agonist malities are nonspecific but include
elevated creatine phosphokinase,
Antiemetics: metoclo- CNS and PNS: antagonizes dopamine receptors; modulates leukocytosis, transaminitis, and low
pramide, ondansetron serotonin receptors
serum bicarbonate (7). Measurement
Dextromethorphan Centrally acting antitussive; active at multiple receptor types of serotonin levels has not been shown
Linezolid Oxazolidinone antibacterial, reversible MAOI to be helpful (4).
Methylene blue Potent MAO-A inhibitor, MAO-B inhibition at higher levels
Clinical presentation can range
from mild to moderate to severe
Cocaine CNS dopamine transporter protein blockade. 5-HT3 antagonist symptoms. Intensity of symptoms re-
St. Johns wort Multiple mechanisms, including reuptake inhibition of multiple flects the degree of serotonin toxicity.
monamines Consequently, intensity of treatment
Tryptophan supplements Amino acid, involved in biosynthesis of serotonin depends on clinical findings. Mild
cases with hyperreflexia, intermittent
For further details, see references 1317. CNS=central nervous system; GABA=gaba-
tremor and without fever or tachycar-
aminobutyric acid; MAO=monoamine oxidase; MAOI=monoamine oxidase inhibitor;
dia can be managed by discontinuing
Na+=sodium; SNRI=serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; SSRI=selective
the offending agent and supportive
serotonin reuptake inhibitor; PNS=peripheral nervous system; VPA=valproate.
care. Lack of improvement warrants
transfer to a medical unit. Moderate
ports describing serotonin syndrome. Ingestion of multiple drugs that cases involving tachycardia, hyper-
A literature review published in 2000 block serotonin reuptake can cause se- tension, fever, diaphoresis, or clonus
examined 226 cases from the 1960s rotonin syndrome (see Table 1). Patients and severe cases involving rigidity,
to the 1990s (5). The age of individu- with no exposure to a selective sero- seizures, and unstable hemodynamics
als with serotonin syndrome spanned tonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) who require additional treatment: hydra-
from 5 years old to 82 years old but oc- acutely ingest an SSRI in large doses tion, sedation, and intubation (4, 8).
curred commonly between ages 20 and are at higher risk (6). Hunters Criteria Controlling repetitive isometric mus-
50. The male-to-female ratio was 1:1.7, is one instrument used in making this cle contractions in episodes of agita-
and 90% of patients had at least one clinical diagnosis and captures 84% of tion with benzodiazepines is crucial
of the following disorders: depression cases. Diagnosis using Hunters Criteria to prevent morbidity and mortality
(65.8%), headaches (19%), obsessive- requires any of the following symptoms (4, 8). Restraints are contraindicated
compulsive disorder (9.7%), alcohol in the setting of serotonergic agent use: and may contribute to mortality. Cy-
abuse (7.3%), and generalized anxiety spontaneous clonus, clonus induced by proheptadine, a 5-HT2A antagonist, is
(7.3%) (5). sudden dorsiflexion of the ankle plus often given, although efficacy has not
been clearly established (4, 8).
The presentation of the patient in
KEY POINTS/CLINICAL PEARLS the above case was moderate to se-
Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include mental status changes, autonomic vere. Additionally, the patient was tak-
instability, and neuromuscular hyperactivity. ing phenelzine, a monoamine oxidase
inhibitor (MAOI) strongly associated
Hunters Criteria (sensitivity 84% and specificity 97%) is a measure commonly
with severe cases due to irreversible
used to diagnose serotonin syndrome.
inhibition of the enzyme (1). Because of
Laboratory abnormalities seen are nonspecific but can include elevated cre- this, the body must regenerate mono-
atine kinase, leukocytosis, transaminitis, and low serum bicarbonate. amine oxidase to resume prior levels of
Treatment includes removal of the offending agent and supportive care.; cy- enzymatic activity, a process that may
proheptadine, a 5-HT2A antagonist, is often given, although efficacy has not take weeks. Effects of the MAOI can
been clearly established. persist after the drug has been cleared
(9). A limitation of the present case re-
The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 9

port, however, is that discontinuation dose of drug ingested, and diagnoses. bedside, serotonin syndrome: a brief review.
of all psychiatric medications would Objective measures such as vital signs CMAJ 2003; 168:14391442
treat both serotonin syndrome and warrant inclusion. 8. Boyer EW, Shannon M: Review article: the
serotonin syndrome. NEJM 2005;
neuroleptic malignant syndrome and 352:11121120
that timing of the improvement would Dr. Kim is a second-year resident in the
9. Mallinger AG, Smith E: Pharmacokinetics of
correspond to both neuroleptic malig- Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai
monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Psychophar-
nant syndrome (10) and severe sero- Hospital, New York. macol Bull 1991; 27:493502
tonin syndrome with MAOI involve- 10. Caroff SN, Mann SC: Neuroleptic malignant
ment (9). Moreover, it is possible that the syndrome. Med Clin North Am 1993; 77:185
patient had co-occurring substance use 11. Tenore P: Advanced urine toxicology test-
1. Ables AZ, Nagubilli R: Prevention, diagno-
ing. J Addict Dis 2010; 29:436448
on the unit or an acute ingestion. Urine sis, and management of serotonin syndrome.
Am Fam Physician 2010; 81:11391142 12. Perry NK: Venlafaxine-induced serotonin
toxicology repeated on readmission to syndrome with relapse following amitripty-
psychiatry was negative, but this test 2. Levenson JL: Neuroleptic malignant syn-
line. Postgrad Med J 2000; 76:254256
drome. Am J Psychiatry 1985; 142:1137
does not detect agents such as synthetic 13.
3. Oates JA, Sjoerdsma A: Neurologic effects of
opiates and SSRIs (11). tryptophan in patients receiving a mono- 14. Beakley BD, Kayne AM, Kaye AD: Tramadol,
There are no clear guidelines as to amine oxidase inhibitor. Neurology 1960; pharmacology, side effects, and serotonin
which psychiatric medications to restart 10:10761078 syndrome: a review. Pain Physicians 2015;
in patients with a history of serotonin 4. Iqbal MM, Basil MJ, Kaplan J, et al: Review
article: overview of serotonin syndrome. 15. Quinn DK, Stern TA: Linezolid and sero-
syndrome (12). The patient in the above
Annal Clin Psychiatry 2012; 24:310318 tonin syndrome. Prim Care Companion J
case report was restarted on a regimen Clin Psychiatry 2009; 11:353356
5. Mason PJ, Morris VA, Balcezak TJ: Serotonin
without an MAOI. Syndrome: Presentation of 2 Cases and Re- 16. Dunford C, Gillman PK, Ramsay RR: Methy-
Most of the literature on serotonin view of the Literature. Philadelphia, Lippin- lene blue and serotonin toxicity: inhibition
syndrome dates from the 1990s to the cott Williams and Wilkins, 2000, pp 201209 of monoamine oxidase A (MAO A) confirms
2000s. Future areas of investigation in- 6. Nelson LS, Erdman AR, Booze LL, et al: Se- a theoretical prediction. Br J Pharmacol
lective serotonin reuptake inhibitor poison- 2007; 152:946951
clude the creation of risk assessments
ing: an evidence-based consensus guideline 17. Andrews CM, Lucki I: Effects of cocaine on
for serotonin syndrome, which include extracellular dopamine and serotonin levels
for out-of-hospital management. Clin Toxi-
details correlating morbidity and mor- col (Phila) 2007; 45:315332 in the nucleus accumbens. Psychopharma-
tality with symptom timing, type and 7. Birmes P, Coppin D, Schmitt L, et al: At the cology (Berl) 2001; 155:221229


Our Test Your Knowledge feature, in preparation for the PRITE and
ABPN Board examinations, has moved to our Twitter (
AJP_ResJournal) and Facebook (
Journal) pages.

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Selected residents will receive acknowledgment for their questions.\

Submissions should include the following:

1. Two to three Board review-style questions with four to five answer
2. Answers should be complete and include detailed explanations
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*Please direct all inquiries to Rachel Katz, M.D., Senior Deputy Editor

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 10



Revisiting Decision-Making Capacity

Aparna Atluru, M.D.

Currently, a patients right to self-determi- treatment. However, coercion or decep- Does the patient in case 2 have decision-
nation is protected by the legal doctrine of tions should be avoided. making capacity?
informed consent, which comes with a very Yes, this patient has decision-making ca-
important caveat. As Justice Schroeder of pacity. She has a rationale for her decision,
the Kansas Supreme Court in the case of and though it may be far-fetched, she has an
Natanson v. Kline (1960) (1) wrote: Anglo- Mr. P is a 58-year-old man recently di- explanation.
American law starts with the premise of agnosed with prostate cancer. Urology
thorough-going self-determination. It fol- had already recommended surgery. The
lows that each man is considered to be mas- patient wanted more options, which were
ter of his own body, and he may, if he be of given to him. He then had a conversation A 57-year-old HIV patient is admitted to
sound mind . This simply means that a with radiation oncology but was still unsat- the medical floor with what appears to be a
person should have decision-making ca- isfied, and he requested an ethics consult. bacterial infection. He refuses blood draws
pacity in order to give informed consent. The patient refused to decide whether he and blood cultures, as well as intravenous
Hence, a thorough understanding of deci- wanted any treatment at all. He requested antibiotics, saying that he has fought HIV
sion-making capacity is needed. Medical more information. In three subsequent for the past 25 years and is tired of his qual-
trainees of all levels are trusted with assess- meetings over the period of a month, more ity of life. He does not want to be poked or
ing decision-making capacity while obtain- and more information was provided to prodded any longer. He says he knows there
ing informed consent, which is needed on him, but he still could not make a decision. is a chance that he could die, but he prefers
three occasions: in treatment/procedure, The patient in case 1 does not have de- death, as he says he has lived a satisfactory
when a patient refuses treatment/proce- cision-making capacity because a person life, and he prefers to die comfortably, even
dure, and when a patient decides on an al- who has such capacity should be able to if the length of his life is reduced.
ternate treatment/procedure. It is often communicate a decision when enough in- The resident physician tries to persuade
believed that an experienced physician can formation is provided to them. the patient to agree to blood draws and in-
assess decision-making capacity simply by Many house staff only assess capacity travenous antibiotics, explaining the need
following a gut feeling. However, when a when a patients decision differs from ei- for these interventions and the chance of
physician encounters a case of questionable ther their own or the generally accepted grave consequences if these interventions
decision-making capacity, a focused assess- medical practice. Rarely does a physician are not carried out.
ment is necessary. say that a patient agrees with the medical The patient says he understands the
recommendation and therefore a capac- consequences of not receiving treatment,
ity assessment is needed. It is important says he knows he could die, and says he still
to remember that determining decision- does not want treatment. When the patient
making capacity involves evaluating the is asked why he decided to come to the hos-
The first and foremost criterion for deci- process the person uses to make the deci- pital if he did not want any treatment, he re-
sion-making capacity is that a patient can sion, not whether the final decision is in plied, to die peacefully.
make a decision and be able to convey it. accord with the teams recommendation. Patients have a right to refuse life-saving
Additionally, the patient should be able treatment if they are not affected by depres-
to acknowledge the problem and possi- sion, mental illness, or any other treatable
ble solutions. Decision-making capacity conditions affecting the decision, includ-
reflects functional abilities that a person Martha is a 52-year-old attractive woman ing uncontrolled pain. Refusing life-saving
needs to possess in order to make a spe- who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. treatment does not affect their decision-
cific decision (2). The patient should be Surgery has the best chance of cure in her making capacity.
able to provide a rationale for his or her case, but she refuses surgery. When asked
decision. The patient can reject medi- why, she responds that she wants to get into
cal advice if he or she can understand modeling and reports trying to break into the
the consequences and be able to express modeling industry for the last 20 years. She It is of paramount importance that the
them. It is not wrong for physicians to feels that now she has a real chance to make concept of decision-making capacity is
persuade the patient toward an optimal it and worries this can be affected by surgery. differentiated from competence, as the

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 11


terms are frequently used interchangeably.

The complexity of the issue, with the aid
of clinical examples, is explained in this Decision-making capacity and competence are not synonymous.
article. Some patients may have decision-making capacity for some decisions but not
Decision-making capacity is decided others.
by clinicians regarding a specific question,
while competence is decided by a court The sliding scale of competence describes differences in the threshold or level
and is implemented over a functional do- of capacity needed, depending on the risks and benefits with which a decision
may come.
main, such as finances or medical deci-
sions. Decisions regarding competence are All patients, even those with established psychiatric diagnoses, have decision-
legal decisions, which take medical evalu- making capacity until proven otherwise.
ations into account, and are binding for the
duration specified in a court order.
tient did have decision-making capacity tants, the responsibility will fall upon the
THE VARIED THRESHOLD FOR for the decision to go home. primary physician.
ASSESSMENT OF DECISION-MAKING Was the ethics consultant right the first The possession of capacity has been de-
CAPACITY time or the second time? scribed as a gateway to the exercise of au-
The consultant was right both times, as tonomy. On occasion, a patient may refuse
Decision-making capacity is assessed at
the assessment for questions of different an essential treatment as an autonomous
three levels of complexity depending on the
magnitude will be of a different complex- choice. In our society, even in situations in
clinical situation and the patients accep-
ity. All patients have decision-making ca- which autonomy is in conflict with benefi-
tance or refusal of the treatment. Additional
pacity until proven otherwise. cence, liberty and freedom for the patient
issues that must be considered when assess-
should be protected. Therefore, everyone
ing decision-making capacity are the ur-
has capacity until proven otherwise.
gency of the situation and the risk versus the THE ROLE OF PSYCHIATRISTS
A status approach, the fact that a pa-
benefit involved. The sliding scale of com-
Mental illnesses may affect decision-mak- tient has an established psychiatric di-
petence, originally discussed by Dr. James
ing capacity, and in those patients, psy- agnosis, should not solely dictate the
Drane, describes differences in the thresh-
chiatrists are best suited to assess capacity. presence or absence of decision-making
old or level of capacity needed depending
They can be consulted in all other cases capacity. A focused assessment of these
on the risks and the benefits. For example, a
as well, at the discretion of the attending patients is necessary. The values and be-
simple intervention with a low risk and high
physician. liefs of the patient may not necessarily be
benefit (e.g., drawing blood to measure the
shared by the clinician, but they should be
hematocrit) may require only simple assent;
consistent, stable, and affirmed by the pa-
however, a procedure with substantial risk CASE EXAMPLE 5 tient, and this value system should serve as
and uncertain benefit requires great under-
a sieve through which the criteria of deci-
standing on the patients part. A 49-year-old patient is receiving ECT on
sion making is filtered (3).
Decision-making capacity is not an all a regular basis, and the patients anesthesi-
or none phenomenon. All of us can have ologist requests an ethics consult because
Dr. Atluru is a first-year child and adolescent
decision-making capacity for some deci- he feels uncomfortable continuing to assist psychiatry fellow at Stanford and Culture
sions but not for other decisions. in performing ECT due to the patient ex- Editor of the Residents Journal.
periencing multiple episodes of arrhyth-
mia during an anesthesia induction. The author thanks Dr. Padmashri Rastogi for
In this patient, a decision-making capac- her assistance in the development of this
Mr. A, a 62-year-old man with chronic ity assessment should be done by a psychia- article.
alcoholism, is admitted after a fall. He trist, who will understand the need for ECT
underwent detoxification and was ready and the effect of ECT, as well as the effect
to go home when he was diagnosed with of the underlying mental illness on capacity. REFERENCES
an aortic dissection. An ethics consultant 1 Brennan TA: Just Doctoring: Medical Ethics
determined that he did not have decision- in the Liberal State. Oakland, Calif, Univer-
CONCLUSIONS sity of California Press, 1991
making capacity to consent for surgery.
Once recovered from surgery, the patient The patient has a right to refuse a capacity 2. Grisso T, Appelbaum PS: Assessing Compe-
was ready to go home again. The case assessment by a consultant, and his or her tence to Consent to Treatment: A Guide for
Physicians and Other Health Professionals.
manager noted that the patient did not refusal must be respected. Patients should
New York, Oxford University Press, 1998
have decision-making capacity, hence he not be compelled or coerced into agreeing
3. Buchanan AE, Brock DW: Deciding for Oth-
should be sent to a nursing home, where to an assessment. In cases when patients ers: The Ethics of Surrogate Decision Mak-
it would be safer for him. The same ethics refuse to be assessed for decision-making ing. Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge
consultant determined that that the pa- capacity by psychiatrists or ethics consul- University Press, 1989

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 12



ANNA-1 Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis Presenting

as Rapidly Progressing Dementia in a Man With
Undiagnosed Small Cell Lung Cancer
Patrick K. Reville, M.P.H.
Catherine Steingraeber, M.D.

Patients with paraneoplastic encepha- an [18F]FDG PET [18F-fluorodeoxyglu- better controlled, it remained clear that
lomyelitis may present with cognitive cose positron emission tomography] his major neurocognitive disorder re-
dysfunction, memory loss, confusion, scan of the brain showed reduced meta- mained, with serial Montreal Cogni-
psychiatric disturbances, rapidly pro- bolic activity in the posterior cingulate, tive Assessment examinations demon-
gressive dementia, myoclonic jerks, and/ precuneus, and lateral temporal-parietal strating consistent levels of cognitive
or seizures. The present case report is of lobes suggestive of Alzheimers disease. impairment.
an elderly man with rapidly progressive Two days prior, the patient was seen at An initial EEG demonstrated focal
cognitive decline and positive anti-neu- an outside emergency department be- spike and wave discharges from the
ronal nuclear antibody-1 prior to small cause he was becoming too difficult to right temporal chain, but a 24-hour
cell lung carcinoma diagnosis. manage; olanzapine (5 mg a day) was video EEG re-demonstrated epilepti-
added to his medication regimen. form abnormalities without clear elec-
The patient is a former smoker with a trographic seizures. Levetiracetam was
50-pack/year history and drinks alcohol loaded but discontinued after the results
Mr. B is a 64-year-old man with a occasionally. He lives at home with his of the video EEG. Initial head CT was
past medical history of hypertension wife and worked as a repairman until 2 unremarkable, and a head MRI showed
presented to our emergency depart- months prior when he had to resign due T2-fluid attenuated inversion recov-
ment with his wife for safety concerns to cognitive decline. His family history is ery hyperintensity in the bilateral me-
in context of rapid behavioral changes, significant for a mother with depression, sial temporal lobes. Initial laboratory
mood lability, impulsivity, and memory anxiety, and acute lymphoblastic leuke- workup included a heavy metal screen
problems. Review of his outside records mia as a child, as well as a sister with de- that was negative; iron studies demon-
showed that he initially presented to his pression and anxiety. strating elevated ferritin, normal iron,
primary care physician 2 months prior Laboratory investigation in the emer- total iron binding capacity, and transfer-
due to a 1-month history of memory defi- gency department revealed a hemoglo- rin indicating anemia of inflammation;
cits, confabulations, confusion, and ex- bin level of 12.1 g/dl with normal mean and CSF analysis. Basic CSF analysis
ecutive function deficits in the context corpuscular volume, hyponatremia with demonstrated normal cell count and glu-
of an unintended 20-pound weight loss. a sodium level of 134 mEq/L, a negative cose and an elevated level of CSF protein
Additionally, he had alternating irritabil- toxicology screen, an unremarkable uri- to 75 mg/dl. CSF gram stain and cultures
ity and euphoria, psychomotor agitation, nalysis, and Montreal Cognitive Assess- were negative. CSF polymerase chain
nonspecific paranoia, increased speech, ment score of 12/30. The patient was reaction tests were negative for herpes
and impaired judgment. Neurologic ex- admitted for further workup. The con- simplex virus, enterovirus, and Epstein-
amination was concerning for frontal sulting psychiatry service recommended Barr virus. CSF angiotensin convert-
and temporal lobe deficits. The patients discontinuing bupropion, mirtazapine, ing enzyme levels were normal. CSF
Montreal Cognitive Assessment score and olanzapine in favor of 50 mg of que- serology demonstrated positive anti-
was 12/30. His vitamin B12 and thyroid- tiapine at night. neuronal nuclear antibody-1 (ANNA-1),
stimulating hormone levels were nor- Initially, the patient had episodes of with a titer of 1:512, no anti-N-methyl-
mal. His primary care physician started increasing agitation and confusion that D-aspartate receptor antibodies, and
him on bupropion (150 mg twice daily) was managed with an as-needed que- a normal Creutzfeldt-Jakob screen. A
and mirtazapine (7.5 mg at night) for tiapine dose of 50 mg. About a week into prostate-specific antigen screen was
mood. An MRI of the patients head re- his hospitalization, his agitation wors- normal. Given the positive ANNA-1 an-
vealed several foci of T2 hyperintensity ened, necessitating the addition of halo- tibody, a CT of the chest, abdomen, and
within the periventricular white matter peridol (2 mg p.r.n.) to control his agita- pelvis was performed, which showed
and centrum semiovale. Subsequently, tion. As his delirium was subsequently enlarged right paratracheal lymph nodes

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 13


but no other abnormalities. Subsequent

bronchoscopy with endobronchial ultra-
sound-guided fine-needle aspiration of Patients with paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis may present with cognitive dysfunction,
the paratracheal lymph nodes was per- memory loss, confusion, psychiatric disturbances, rapidly progressive dementia, myo-
formed. Initial cytology smear was sus- clonic jerks, and/or seizures.
picious for malignancy. Final pathology Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis occurs commonly in small cell lung, ovarian, and
demonstrated cells positive for synapto- breast carcinomas, as well as thymomas and Hodgkins lymphomas.
physin, chromogranin, and thyroid tran-
While uncommon, paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis is an important diagnostic consid-
scription factor-1 consistent with small
eration in patients presenting with rapidly progressing dementia, as the cognitive symp-
cell lung carcinoma. A subsequent PET-
toms usually present prior to detection of the malignancy.
CT performed showed hypermetabolic
activity in the right paratracheal lymph
nodes, mildly hypermetabolic nodes in-
volving the right hilum, pretracheal, and suggestive of Alzheimers dementia. with paraneoplastic encephalomyeli-
paraesophageal nodes, and moderate On PET, the metabolic pattern charac- tis than those without paraneoplastic
uptake in the right fourth and tenth rib teristic of Alzheimers disease is hypo- encephalomyelitis (8). Similarly, a re-
with sclerosis, suggestive of extensive- metabolism in parietotemporal areas, port in patients without clinically evi-
stage small cell lung carcinoma. the posterior cingulate cortex, and the dent paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
The patients paraneoplastic syn- precuneus, as well as medial temporal showed that small cell lung carcinoma
drome was initially managed with 5 lobes, mostly the entorhinal cortex and patients with detectable ANNA-1 anti-
daily doses of intravenous immunoglob- hippocampus (4). Interestingly, PET has bodies in their serum were more likely
ulin (400 mg/kg/day) and five plasma- utility in the diagnosis of paraneoplastic to have: limited stage disease, a com-
pheresis treatments three times weekly. neurologic syndromes as well. In clini- plete response to therapy, and longer
His first cycle of chemotherapy with cally suspected paraneoplastic enceph- overall survival compared with patients
cisplatin and etoposide was started in alomyelitis, PET has a sensitivity and without ANNA-1 antibodies (9). De-
the hospital. He was discharged home specificity of 75% and 87%, respectively, spite more positive prognosis for small
after a 23-day hospital stay. During ini- in diagnosing paraneoplastic encephalo- cell lung carcinoma with ANNA-1 para-
tial follow-up with a lung oncologist, the myelitis (5). Clear indications for PET in neoplastic encephalomyelitis, reports
decision was made to pursue curative in- patients with major neurocognitive dis- suggest that up to 65% of patients with
tent with chemotherapy plus radiation. order are not currently established, but ANNA-1 paraneoplastic encephalomy-
The patients behavioral agitation is im- the American College of Radiology and elitis and small cell lung carcinoma die
proved; however, his cognitive function the American Society for Neuroradiol- of neurological complications rather
remains diminished. ogy suggest it can be useful in patients than tumor progression (9). It is unclear
with unexplained major neurocognitive whether paraneoplastic encephalomy-
disorder (6). elitis preceding small cell lung carci-
A case series of patients with noma diagnosis allows for earlier detec-
Paraneoplastic syndromes are autoan- ANNA-1 paraneoplastic encephalomy- tion of disease and a potential survival
tibody-mediated disorders associated elitis shows similarities with the above benefit through lead-time bias or there
with underlying tumors (1). Neurological case (7). The authors reported that the is a biological relationship between
paraneoplastic syndromes occur in ap- median age was 63 years old, 75% were these autoimmune processes and small
proximately 1 in 10,000 cancer patients men, and paraneoplastic encephalomy- cell lung carcinoma outcomes.
(2). These conditions arise when sys- elitis preceded diagnosis of the malig- Despite the initial uncertainty in the
temic tumors express antigens normally nancy in 73% of cases (7). Treatment above case, a relatively rapid diagnosis of
found on neural tissue. Tumor directed of the primary tumor with or with- small cell lung carcinoma was made. Ini-
immune responses recognize these an- out immunotherapy was a predictor tial diagnostic workup for rapidly pro-
tigens as non-self, leading to production of improvement or stabilization of the gressive dementia should be broad and
of antibodies against the neural antigen. neurologic sequelae (7). Similarly, in include testing for metabolic, infectious,
Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis symp- another case series of ANNA-1 paraneo- and autoimmune causes through blood,
toms are often subacute and often pre- plastic encephalomyelitis, tumor com- urine, and CSF; neuroimaging with MRI
cede detection of the tumor (2). Cancers plete response was the only predictor is also recommended (10). This workup
associated with paraneoplastic encepha- of paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis can be expanded based on results of a
lomyelitis include small cell lung carci- stabilization, and immunotherapy did complete initial evaluation. Early diag-
noma, ovarian carcinoma, breast carci- not modify the outcome regarding the nosis of paraneoplastic encephalomy-
noma, thymoma, Hodgkins lymphoma, tumor or paraneoplastic encephalomy- elitis and tumor and early tumor treat-
and, rarely, prostate cancer (3). elitis (8). The probability of survival at ment are necessary. However, the overall
The patient in the above case pre- 30 months has been shown to be higher functional outcome is poor, and >50% of
sented with records showing imaging in small cell lung carcinoma patients patients are confined to bed or a wheel-
The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 14

chair in the chronic phase of the disease, REFERENCES 6. Frey KA, Lodge MA, Meltzer CC, et al: ACR-
highlighting the therapeutic challenge ASNR practice parameter for brain PET/CT
1. Graus F, Francesc G, Albert S, Josep D: Anti- imaging dementia. Clin Nucl Med 2016;
these patients face (7, 8). bodies and neuronal autoimmune disorders 41:118125
of the CNS J Neurol 2009; 257:509517
Mr. Reville is currently a fourth-year medi- 7. Graus F, Keime-Guibert F, Ree R, et al:
2. Darnell RB, Posner JB: Paraneoplastic syn-
Anti-Hu-associated paraneoplastic enceph-
cal student at the University of Wiscon- dromes involving the nervous system. N
alomyelitis: analysis of 200 patients. Brain
sin School of Medicine and Public Health, Engl J Med 2003; 349:15431554
2001; 124:11381148
Madison, Wisc., and Dr. Steingraeber is 3. Lucchinetti CF, Kimmel DW, Lennon VA:
8. Keime-Guibert F, Graus F, Brot P, et al:
currently a first-year child and adolescent Paraneoplastic and oncologic profiles of pa-
Clinical outcome of patients with anti-Hu-
psychiatry fellow at the University of Min- tients seropositive for type 1 antineuronal
associated encephalomyelitis after treat-
nesota, Minneapolis, Minn. nuclear autoantibodies. Neurology 1998;
ment of the tumor. Neurology 1999;
The authors thank their mentors, Drs. Burr 4. Mosconi L, Lisa M: Brain glucose metabo-
lism in the early and specific diagnosis of Al- 9. Graus F, Dalmou J, Re R, et al: Anti-Hu
Eichelman and Michael Peterson, for as- antibodies in patients with small-cell lung
zheimers disease. Eur J Nucl Med Mol
sistance with caring for the patient in this cancer: association with complete response
Imaging 2005; 32:486510
case report, as well as for their editorial as- to therapy and improved survival. J Clin On-
5. Hadjivassiliou M, Alder SJ, Van Beek EJR,
sistance. The authors also thank all medi- col 1997; 15:28662872
et al: PET scan in clinically suspected para-
cal professionals that played a role in the neoplastic neurological syndromes: a 10. Paterson RW, Takada LT, Geschwind MD:
complex management of this patient, as 6-year prospective study in a regional neu- Diagnosis and treatment of rapidly progres-
well as the patient and his family for allow- roscience unit. Acta Neurol Scand 2009; sive dementias. Neurol Clin Pract 2012;
ing us to take part in his care. 119:186193 2:187200

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The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 15



Opioids and Cannabis: Myths and Misperceptions

Rasna Patel, M.D.
Amit Mistry, M.D.

WHAT WE KNOW scribing opioids and other controlled change and build awareness and provide
Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National substances in efforts to reduce misuse education.
Institute on Drug Abuse, discussed the and make physicians aware of patients
prescription habits. The biggest impact Dr. Patel is a PGY-3 Resident Physician in
opioid epidemic, a public health issue the Department of Psychiatry, University of
that plagues America. The opioid epi- has come from building awareness of the
Connecticut, Farmington, Conn. Amit Mis-
demic was put into the limelight by the issue. At the National Prescription Drug
try, M.D., is a PGY-2 Resident Physician in
media when opioid overdose mortalities Abuse and Heroin Summit in March the Department of Psychiatry, University of
surpassed mortalities by motor vehicle 2016, President Barack Obama spoke re- Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Okla
accidents in the 1990s, a time in which garding the opioid epidemic. He at once
opioid prescriptions increased drastically. acknowledged the gravity of the problem The authors thank Dr. Nora Volkow for her
This was fueled by the growing concern and rallied America to come together to continued work in the field of addiction
address the epidemic. psychiatry.
of inadequate assessment and treatment
of the fifth vital sign: patients pain. The
ubiquity of pain, easy access to narcotic REFERENCES
medications, and lack of public aware- 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
ness about their addictive potential led Ongoing research is advancing our un- National Vital Statistics System, 2016. At-
to widespread misuse. Since 1999, opioid derstanding of addictive pathways and lanta, Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
biochemistry, as well as the identifica- vention, 2016
prescriptions have quadrupled, and opi-
tion of biomarkers to recognize which 2 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
oid overdose is on the rise, especially in CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for
women ages 4555 years-old (1). patients are at greater risk for develop-
Chronic Pain, 2016. Atlanta, Centers for Dis-
ing addictive disorders (3). The devel- ease Control and Prevention, 2016. http://
opment of opioid formulations that are
tamper resistant and the development rr6501e1.htm
In March 2016, the Centers for Disease of pro-drugs might further reduce and 3. Volkow ND, Koob G: Brain disease model of
Control and Prevention released new deter abuse of prescription opioids (4). addiction: why is it so controversial? Lancet
Psychiatry, 2015; 2:677679
opioid prescribing guidelines related to Dr. Volkow concluded by challenging
4. Gudin JA, Nalamachu SR: An overview of
chronic noncancer pain (2). Many states physicians everywhere to address pain prodrug technology and its application for
have now mandated the use of prescrip- with more than their prescription pads. developing abuse-deterrent opioids. Post-
tion monitoring programs before pre- She asked that we become advocates for grad Med 2016; 128:97105

Job opportunities for graduating residents and fellows are listed
on JobCentral, a free service provided by APA for its members
( Browse over 2,000 job postings based
on location, work setting and position type, create an
account and set up job alerts.

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 16



Twilight, Chickens, and a Return to Humanity: A Letter

to the Interns
Linda B. Drozdowicz, M.D.

The room is dark and cool. The dog is Your first year alcohol detox; instead, I calmly formu-
still sleeping, now having inched him- late a taper schedule and engage the pa-
self into the warm spot I left in the bed. as a physician is tient in motivational interviewing. My
My husband, also unconscious, bears a heart thanks me for the change. The cof-
facial expression suggesting mixed pal- challenging at best fee is ready.
sies of multiple cranial nerves. There I am grateful to care for people in
is drool. From the bedroom I can smell and grueling at worst. their times of crisis and relieved to feel
the savory, salty chicken broth seeping like I finally have some competence in
into the pearled barley as it boils on the doing so. While my doctoring skills are
stove in my charming, compact [read: endless to-do lists and general bottom- far from perfect, I no longer bear the
tiny] Manhattan kitchen. I walk to the of-the-totem-pole-ism, today I rise feel- interns cross of complete unfamiliarity
kitchen and peer down into the deep, ing rested and calm. Like my mother, I and fear. I pour the coffee into my fa-
glinting aluminum of the pot to see the savor the morning twilight and delight in vorite tacky mug and continue to swirl
soup simmering below. The microwave the ability to prepare something good for my stovetop concoction. The barley be-
clock shows 6:00 a.m., and the sun is just later. Reflecting on intern year, I delight comes soft, gradually absorbing the fla-
starting its morning commute. in the ability to even think about later. vors of the broth that surrounds it. And
Growing up, I could never under- Next to the stove, the coffee pot drips Ihaving absorbed over a year of knowl-
stand why my mother would rise out and clicks as it brews my drug of choice. edge and experience in my chosen field
of bed before the sun just to cook. I Taking a moment to think about the I slowly exhale and smile.
mean, come onshe would be awake, day to come, I envision the busy psy- To the interns: Your first year as a
dressed, and productive before our chiatric emergency service. I recall my physician is challenging at best and gru-
backyard chickens even had a chance heightened (to put it lightly) anxiety the eling at worst. Have faith and keep your
to start puttering around and clucking first few times I was assigned to patients chins up. You too will return to human-
bloody murder. Who wakes up before with alcohol withdrawal, thinking only ity in time.
the chickens? of the helpful medical school axiom that
Today, 1 years into residency, I alcohol withdrawal will kill your pa- Dr. Drozdowicz is a third-year resident
wake up before the chickens. Unlike the tients! I am pleased that, with time and in the Department of Psychiatry, Icahn
frantic days of intern year, when each training, I no longer suffer a temporary School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
morning would bring the promise of arrhythmia when a patient comes in for York; she is also an APA Leadership Fellow.

Get Involved With the Residents Journal!

The American Journal of Psychiatry-Residents Journal is seeking Guest Editors to
assist in coordinating special themes for upcoming issues. If you are interested in
working with the Residents Journal Editorial Board in this capacity, please con-
tact the Editor-in-Chief, Katherine Pier, M.D. (

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 17


Residents Resources
Here we highlight upcoming national opportunities for medical students and trainees to be recognized for their hard work, dedica-
tion, and scholarship.
*To contribute to the Residents Resources feature, contact Oliver Glass, M.D., Deputy Editor (

and Deadline Organization Brief Description Eligibility Contact Website
Research Colloquium for American The colloquium provides guidance, men- Psychiatrists who are senior Keila Barber https://www.
Junior Investigators Psychiatric torship, and encouragement to young residents, fellows or junior colloquium@
Association investigators in the early phases of their faculty; psychiatrists/
Deadline: November 30, (APA) training. Held during the APA Annual MD degree or be a member (e-mail) practice/research/
2016 Meeting. of the APA or eligible to be- or research-
come a member of the APA; 703-907-8690 colloquium
Must be receiving their train- (phone)
ing in the U.S. or Canada.

and Deadline Organization Brief Description Eligibility Contact Website
Association for the AAPP This award is given for the best solely Resident or fellow in psychia- Christian Perring https://philosophyand
Advancement of Phi- authored, unpublished paper related to try, graduate students and cperring@yahoo.
losophy and Psychiatry the subject of philosophy and psychiatry. post-doctoral students in com (e-mail) jaspers-award/
(AAPP) Karl Jaspers Appropriate topics for the essay include, philosophy, psychology, or
Award among others, the mind-body problem, related fields.
psychiatric methodology, nosology and
Deadline: December 15, diagnostic issues, epistemology, biopsy-
2016 chosocial integration, the philosophy
of science, philosophical aspects of the
history of psychiatry, psychodynamic,
hermeneutic and phenomenological ap-
proaches, and psychiatric ethics.

and Deadline Organization Brief Description Eligibility Contact Website
American Psychiatric APA The aim of the American Psychiatric APA member; Sejal Patel http://www.ameri
Leadership Fellowship Leadership Fellowship is to develop Enrolled as PGY-2 in an Telephone: (703) canpsychiatricfoun
Program leaders in the field of organized psychia- accredited U.S. or Cana- 907-8579 or
try by providing opportunities for resi- dian psychiatry residency e-mail: psych volved/fellowships/
Deadline: January 30, dents to engage, interact, and participate program; leadership@ american-psychiatric-
2017 at a national level and further develop Passed appropriate board leadership-fellowship
their professional leadership skills, net- examinations (i.e., USMLE
works, and psychiatric experience. The 1-3; COMLEX 1-3; Canadian
program creates prospects for fellows QE; LMCC 1-2);
to expand relationships with peers and Need not be a U.S. citizen
national thought-leaders in the field of or permanent resident, or a
psychiatry. This fellowship has graduated graduate of a U.S. medical
many participants who have gone on school
to assume leadership roles that have
helped guide the field of psychiatry.

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 18


Author Information for The Residents Journal Submissions

Editor-in-Chief Senior Deputy Editor Deputy Editor
Katherine Pier, M.D. Rachel Katz, M.D. Oliver Glass, M.D.
(Icahn School of Medicine) (Yale) (East Carolina)

The Residents Journal accepts manu- 4. Clinical Case Conference: A 8. Perspectives on Global Mental
scripts authored by medical students, resi- presentation and discussion of an Health: This article type should
dent physicians, and fellows; manuscripts unusual clinical event. Limited to begin with a representative case or
authored by members of faculty cannot be 1,250 words, 10 references, and one study on psychiatric health delivery
accepted. figure. This article type should also internationally, rooted in scholarly
To submit a manuscript, please visit include a table of Key Points/Clinical projects that involve travel outside Pearls with 34 teaching points. of the United States; a discussion of
ajp, and select a manuscript type for AJP clinical issues and future directions
Residents Journal. 5. Original Research: Reports of for research or scholarly work
novel observations and research. should follow. Limited to 1,500
1. Commentary: Generally includes Limited to 1,250 words, 10 words and 20 references.
descriptions of recent events, references, and two figures. This
opinion pieces, or narratives. article type should also include a 9. Arts and Culture: Creative, nonfiction
Limited to 500 words and five table of Key Points/Clinical Pearls pieces that represent the introspections
references. with 34 teaching points. of authors generally informed by a
patient encounter, an unexpected cause
2. History of Psychiatry: Provides 6. Review Article: A clinically of personal reflection and/or growth,
a historical perspective on a topic relevant review focused on or elements of personal experience
relevant to psychiatry. Limited to educating the resident physician. in relation to ones culture that are
500 words and five references. Limited to 1,500 words, 20 relevant to the field of psychiatry.
references, and one figure. This Limited to 500 words.
3. Treatment in Psychiatry: This article type should also include a 10. Letters to the Editor: Limited to
article type begins with a brief, table of Key Points/Clinical Pearls 250 words (including 3 references)
common clinical vignette and with 34 teaching points. and three authors. Comments on
involves a description of the
articles published in the Residents
evaluation and management of a 7. Drug Review: A review of a
Journal will be considered for
clinical scenario that house officers pharmacological agent that
publication if received within
frequently encounter. This article highlights mechanism of action,
1 month of publication of the
type should also include 24 efficacy, side-effects and drug-
original article.
multiple choice questions based on interactions. Limited to 1,500
the articles content. Limited to 1,500 words, 20 references, and one 11. Book and Movie Forum: Book
words, 15 references, and one figure. figure. This article type should and movie reviews with a focus
This article type should also include also include a table of Key Points/ on their relevance to the field of
a table of Key Points/Clinical Pearls Clinical Pearls with 34 teaching psychiatry. Limited to 500 words
with 34 teaching points. points. and 3 references.

Upcoming Themes
Please note that we will consider articles outside of the theme.
Mental Health of Childhood Medical LGBT Mental Health
Healthcare Providers Conditions and Psychopathology If you have a submission related to
If you have a submission related to If you have a submission related to this this theme, contact the Section Editor
this theme, contact the Section Editor theme, contact the Section Editor Mark Messih, M.D., M.Sc.
Charles Johnson, M.D. David Saunders, M.D. (
( (

*If you are interested in serving as a Guest Section Editor for the Residents Journal, please send your CV, and
include your ideas for topics, to Katherine Pier, M.D., Editor-in-Chief (

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents Journal 19

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