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Agricultural Systems 98 (2008) 6773

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Environmental performance in the US broiler poultry sector:

Life cycle energy use and greenhouse gas, ozone depleting,
acidifying and eutrophying emissions
N. Pelletier *
School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie University, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building, 6100 University Avenue, Suite 5010, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 3J5

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Most published research concerning the environmental impacts of broiler poultry production is limited
Received 26 April 2007 to assessments of on-farm gaseous and nutrient emissions. Here, ISO-compliant Life Cycle Assessment
Received in revised form 25 March 2008 was used to predict the broader, macroscale environmental impacts of the material and energy inputs
Accepted 31 March 2008
and emissions along the US broiler supply chain. It was found that feed provision accounts for 80% of sup-
Available online 21 May 2008
ply chain energy use, 82% of greenhouse gas emissions, 98% of ozone depleting emissions, 96% of acidi-
fying emissions and 97% of eutrophying emissions associated with the cradle-to-farm gate production of
broiler poultry. On-farm inputs and emissions, largely related to heating and ventilation contribute on
Broiler poultry
Life Cycle Assessment
average only 9% of these impacts. These results underscore the fallacy of landless farming and the
Supply chain importance of full supply-chain environmental management for improving sustainability in the US poul-
Sustainability try industry.
Energy use 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Greenhouse gas emissions

1. Introduction the most widely consumed meat, accounting for 39% of US meat
consumption (USDA, 2007).
Providing one-third of humanitys protein intake, the global Although the low economic feed conversion ratios (ratio of total
livestock industry currently employs 1.3 billion people and ac- dry weight feed inputs to live weight poultry produced) achieved
counts for 40% of agricultural GDP (Steinfeld et al., 2006). Increas- in the broiler sector make poultry production among the most ef-
ing demand for and trade in livestock products is projected to cient means of producing terrestrial animal protein (Flachowsky,
double global meat production by 2050 (FAO, 2006). However, a 2002), the sheer scale of this industry necessitates close attention
recent report by the Livestock, Environment and Development Ini- to a range of potential environmental impacts. Numerous research-
tiative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization ers have previously evaluated various aspects of environmental
also indicates that the livestock sector is among the top two or performance in broiler production, in particular point-source
three contributors to the most critical environmental problems eutrophying emissions from poultry litter management (Pope,
from local to global scales, including climate change, water and 1991; Reynells, 1991; Sims and Wolf, 1994; De Boer et al., 2000),
air pollution, land degradation, and biodiversity loss (Steinfeld and gaseous emissions from poultry houses (Wathes et al., 1997;
et al., 2006). Clearly, understanding and reducing the environmen- Chambers and Smith, 1998; De Boer et al., 2000; Ullman et al.,
tal costs of animal protein production must necessarily be a prior- 2004; Wheeler et al., 2006). However, the environmental perfor-
ity both for industry and across levels of governance. mance of broiler production from a supply chain perspective has
The US broiler poultry sector is both the largest and most ef- received little attention. In particular, the broader, macroscale
cient in the world, as well as the single largest meat producing implications of the material and energetic intensity of US broiler
industry in the United States. In 2005, close to 9 billion broilers production have been largely unaddressed.
were raised in the US, yielding over 16 million live-weight tonnes Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an ISO-standardized environ-
with a farm-gate value of 21 billion dollars (USDA, 2006a). At an mental accounting framework used to inventory the material and
annual per capita consumption of 39 kg, broiler chicken was also energy inputs and emissions associated with each stage of a prod-
uct life cycle, from resource extraction through processing, use and
disposal, and to express these in terms of their quantitative contri-
* Tel.: +1 902 405 9338; fax: +1 902 494 3728. butions to a specied suite of environmental impact categories
E-mail address: (Guinee et al., 2001). Such analyses facilitate the identication of

0308-521X/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
68 N. Pelletier / Agricultural Systems 98 (2008) 6773

life cycle stages that contribute disproportionately to specic areas direct inputs and emissions associated with the production of
of environmental concern, as well as comparisons of environmen- poultry feed ingredients (including fuel use for eld operations
tal performance between competing production technologies. This and crop drying, the production of fertilizers/soil amendments,
study used LCA to predict the cradle-to-farm gate energy use seed and pesticides, as well as nitrous oxide and ammonia emis-
(cumulative, human-mediated energy including renewable and sions from fertilizers and crop residues for agricultural crops; crop
non-renewable sources) and greenhouse gas, ozone depleting, processing; poultry processing and rendering to produce poultry
acidifying and eutrophying emissions associated with contempo- fat and by-product meal; and reduction sheries and shmeal
rary broiler poultry production in the United States. reduction plants), feed milling, hatchery chick production, on-farm
The US broiler sector is dominated by fewer than 50 vertically energy use, litter management, and all associated transportation
integrated agribusiness rms, the top four of which are responsible stages (Fig. 1). Production, processing and transportation infra-
for almost 50% of production (USDA, 2002; Sambidi et al., 2003). structure, feed additives (amino acids, pigments, etc.), mainte-
These rms own or control breeder ocks, hatcheries, broiler nance of breeder ocks, hatchery wastes, and disposal of
ocks, feed mills, slaughter and processing plants, and transporta- mortalities were not included in the analysis.
tion/distribution centers (Sambidi et al., 2003). As such, this indus-
try structure may facilitate rapid and coordinated response to 2.1.1. Co-product handling
existing and emerging environmental issues. In particular, mount- In subsystems with multiple product outputs it was necessary
ing concern regarding human-induced climate change may pro- to partition environmental burdens between co-product streams.
voke regulatory measures and consumer pressure may also prove All co-product streams except poultry litter were allocated bur-
to be a powerful factor in inuencing improved accountability dens based on mass-adjusted gross chemical energy content. For
for greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts example, in the case of soy bean processing, where one tonne of
along the broiler supply chain. The purpose of this research is soy beans yields 200 kg of soy oil and 800 kg of soy meal with
therefore to assist the broiler industry in targeting effective supply respective gross chemical energy contents of 39.3 and 17.1 MJ/kg
chain management for environmental performance, as well as in- (Sauvant et al., 2002), burdens for soy meal production were allo-
form appropriate regulatory initiatives. cated according to the formula:
800 kg  17:1 MJ=kg=800 kg  17:1MJ=kg
2. Methods 200 kg  39:3 MJ=kg 64%:

Soy meal was therefore allocated 64% of the burdens associated

2.1. Goal and scope denition
with soy bean production, transport and processing, while soy oil
was allocated 36%.
ISO-compliant Life Cycle Assessment methodology (Guinee
Gross chemical energy content is not a relevant allocation crite-
et al., 2001) was used to estimate the average energy use and
rion for apportioning burdens between the outows (live-weight
greenhouse gas, ozone depleting, acidifying and eutrophying emis-
poultry and poultry litter) of broiler poultry production. Instead,
sions associated with the contemporary production of broiler poul-
since poultry litter is commonly applied to agricultural elds in
try in the continental United States. The functional unit for this
place of synthetic fertilizers, a system expansion was employed
cradle-to-farm gate analysis was one live weight tonne of broiler
whereby the poultry production system was charged with the
poultry. The system boundaries for the analysis encompassed all

Production Production
fertilizer, pesticides, machinery fishing vessels and gear

Production Production Harvest of fish

soy corn

Processing Processing
soy meal and oil fish meal and oil

Production Processing Processing

salt and limestone poultry feed poultry fat and meal

Production POULTRY PRODUCTION Processing

hatchery chicks one live-weight tonne poultry meat and trimmings

Poultry litter

Production/Supply Displaces fertilizer production Transportation

energy carries for crop agriculture

Fig. 1. System boundaries for a cradle-to-farm gate life cycle assessment of the US broiler poultry sector.
N. Pelletier / Agricultural Systems 98 (2008) 6773 69

transport-related environmental burdens for delivering and 2.3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment
spreading the litter, as well as the anticipated difference in nitrous
oxide emissions between synthetic and litter nitrogen applied to The impact categories considered in this study were Energy Use
agricultural elds (default emission factor of 2% for litter N and (MJ), Global Warming Potential (CO2 equiv.), Ozone Depletion Po-
1% for synthetic N) as per IPCC (2006). The poultry production sys- tential (CFC-11 equiv.), Acidication Potential (SO2 equiv.) and
tem was subsequently credited with the avoided burdens of an Eutrophication Potential (PO4 equiv.). Energy use was quantied
equivalent amount of synthetic fertilizer production. following the Cumulative Energy Demand method v 1.03 (VDI,
1997). Global warming, acidication, ozone depletion and eutro-
2.2. Life Cycle Inventory phication potentials were quantied according to the CML 2 Base-
line 2000 method (CML, 2001). All impact assessment calculations
Product Life Cycle Assessments require collecting data for all employed the SimaPro 7.0 LCA software package from PR Consul-
relevant material and energy inputs and emissions associated with tants (PR., 2006). These assessment methods follow the problem-
each stage of the product life cycle considered. Data for the cradle- oriented mid-point approach, meaning that results are expressed
to-farm gate life cycle of US broiler poultry were derived primarily in terms of their potential environmental impacts rather than ac-
from contacts in industry and academia, as well as peer-reviewed tual damage levels.
literature and government statistical publications (Table 1). Data
for background systems including transportation, fertilizer and fuel 2.4. Life Cycle Interpretation
production were derived from Life Cycle Assessment databases in
the SimaPro 7.0 software package (PR., 2006). All feed ingredients The total contributions to each impact category associated with
were derived from US sources and were assumed to be transported the cradle-to-farm gate production of one live weight tonne of
1000 km by rail. All local transport links (i.e. transporting feed broiler poultry were evaluated, and the relative contributions of
from mill to farm, transporting litter from farm to eld, etc.) were hatchery chick production, feed production, farm energy inputs
assumed to be 25 km by truck. and emissions, and litter management were calculated. The total
impacts associated with producing one tonne of feed and the rela-
tive contributions of individual feed components to total impacts
were similarly determined. This information was then used to esti-
mate the protein energy return on investment (EROI) of broiler
Table 1
Life cycle inventory data sources for US broiler poultry production.
production compared to reported values for other food production
systems. This measure is a dimensionless index used to compare
Inventory data Source the relative efciency of energy use per unit protein produced be-
Crops used in poultry feed tween different food production systems (Mitchell and Cleveland,
- average yields and fertilizer/energy/crop USDA (2004, 2006b,c) 1993). The total estimated energy use and greenhouse gas, ozone
protection inputs
depleting, acidifying and eutrophying emissions associated with
- eld-level nitrous oxide emissions calculated as per IPCC (2006)
- inputs to crop processing Pelletier (2006) broiler production in the United States in 2005 were also
Fishmeal used in poultry feed calculated.
- inputs to sheries and reduction plants Pelletier (2006)
for US menhaden meal
Poultry fat used in poultry feed
3. Results
- poultry processing and reduction of by- calculated as per Pelletier (2006)
products for fat and meal Feed provision contributes the majority of the predicted life cy-
Feed formulation (70% US corn, 20% US soy generic US industry- cle cradle-to-farm gate impacts associated with the US broiler
meal, 2.5% poultry by-product meal, 2.5% representative formulation based
poultry supply chain, followed by on-farm energy inputs and emis-
poultry fat, 2.5% US menhaden sh meal, on consultations with feed mills
2.5% salt and limestone) and academic experts sions. Hatchery chick production contributes negligibly (Table 2,
Economic feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.9 As above Fig. 2). Excluding the energy use and emission offsets associated
Energy use in poultry feed millsa Anon. with litter management (avoided burdens of fertilizer production),
Energy use in hatcheriesb Anon. the provision of feed accounts for 80% of overall supply chain en-
Broiler poultry farm energy inputsc Tabler (pers. comm. 2007)
Gaseous emissions from broiler poultry Coufal et al., 2006
ergy use, 82% of greenhouse gas emissions, 98% of ozone depleting
farmsd emissions, 96% of acidifying emissions and 97% of eutrophying
Broiler cycle 48 days, slaughter weight Tabler (pers. comm. 2007)
2.26 kg
Poultry litter
- produced at rate of 650 kg/tonne of poul- Conservative estimate based on Table 2
try produced the literature reviewe Cradle-to-farm gate life cycle energy use and global warming, ozone depleting,
- fertilizer replacement value of 30/30/ acidifying and eutrophying emissions associated with the production of one tonne of
20 kg NPK/tonne of litter broiler poultry in the United States (negative values for litter management indicate
credits associated with the avoided burdens of fertilizer production)
Data for energy use in poultry feed mills represents average data collected from
three companies (137 MJ of electricity and 294 MJ of natural gas/tonne of feed Poultry Hatchery On-farm Litter Total
produced). feed chicks inputs/ management
Data for energy use in hatcheries represents average data collected from three emissions
hatcheries employing a combination of single and multi-stage incubators (18 MJ of Energy use (MJ) 13,265 394 2913 1613 14,959
electricity and .23 MJ of natural gas/chick produced). Global warming 1164 22 226 17 1395
Data for poultry farm energy inputs supplied by Tom Tabler (pers. comm.. 2007) (kg CO2 equiv.)
for a commercial-scale research facility at the University of Arkansas operating Ozone depletion 41.2 0.5 1.5 11.0 32.2
according to industry norms (64.8 kWh of electricity and 80.7 l of LPG/tonne of (lg CFC-11
poultry produced). This facility is a four-house farm employing a range of industry- equiv.)
representative technologies, and setting 83,475 birds per cycle with 6 cycles per Acidication (kg 16.3 0.2 0.5 1.2 15.8
year and 5% mortality. SO2 equiv.)
Data for gaseous emissions from broiler poultry farms adapted from Coufal Eutrophication (kg 3.9 0 .1 0.1 3.9
et al. (2006) (1 kg N2O, 11 kg NH3 and 1 kg CH4 per tonne of poultry produced). PO4 equiv.)
For a range of reported values, see Chamblee and Todd (2002).
70 N. Pelletier / Agricultural Systems 98 (2008) 6773

100% 100%

80% 75%



20% Energy Use Global Warming Ozone Depletion Acidification Eutrophication

Poultry BPM (2.5%) Poultry Fat (2.5%) Fish meal (2.5%)

0% Corn (70%) Soy Meal (20%) Mill Energy

Fig. 3. Relative contributions of poultry feed ingredients to cradle-to-mill gate life
Energy Use Global Ozone Acidification Eutrophication cycle energy use and global warming, ozone depleting, acidifying and eutrophying
Warming Depletion emissions associated with the production of one tonne of broiler poultry feed in the
United States (bracketed values indicate inclusion rate).
Poultry Feed Hatchery Chicks

Litter Management On-farm Inputs/Emissions

Fig. 2. Relative contributions of poultry feed, hatchery chicks, litter management,

Table 3
and on-farm inputs and emissions to cradle-to-farm gate energy use (MJ) and global
Life cycle energy use and global warming, ozone depleting, acidifying and eutrophy-
warming (CO2-equiv.), ozone depleting (CFC-11-equiv.), acidifying (SO2-equiv.) and
ing emissions associated with delivery to the mill gate of one tonne of each feed
eutrophying (PO4-equiv.) emissions associated with producing one tonne of broiler
ingredient used in broiler feed production in the United States
poultry in the United States.
Corn Soy Poultry Poultry Fishmeal
meal fat BPM
Energy use (MJ equiv.) 2600 3510 84,900 48,100 9160
emissions. On-farm inputs and emissions, largely related to heat-
Global warming (kg CO2 328 297 6610 3740 554
ing and ventilation contribute, on average 9% across impact catego- equiv.)
ries. Due to the avoided burdens of synthetic fertilizer production Ozone depletion (lg CFC-11 14 17 159 91 22
as a result of applying poultry litter to agricultural elds, litter equiv.)
management offsets 10% of total energy use, 1% of global warming Acidication (kg SO2 equiv.) 5.5 5.4 78 44 7.7
Eutrophication (kg PO4 1.5 1.2 18.3 10.4 2.9
emissions, 25% of ozone depleting emissions, 7% of acidifying emis- equiv.)
sions and 2.5% of eutrophying emissions (Fig. 2). The offset of glo-
bal warming emissions is much reduced due to the higher
anticipated eld-level nitrous oxide emissions from poultry litter
Feed Milling
compared to the synthetic fertilizers it supplants. 11%
Given that feed production dominates contributions to all im- 0%

pact categories considered, it is worthwhile examining these back- Fishmeal 2%

ground production systems in greater detail. Corn, with an 1%

inclusion rate of 70% by mass in the modeled feed, contributes
on average 41% of the impacts associated with producing one 0%

tonne of broiler feed, while soy meal (which comprises 20% of Poultry Fat 8% 6%

the feed) contributes 12%. Fertilizer production is the major con- 23%

tributor to energy use and ozone depleting emissions in crop pro-

duction, while eld-level nitrous oxide emissions and nitrate/
phosphate leaching are responsible for the greatest shares of global
warming, acidifying and eutrophying emissions. In combination,
poultry fat, poultry by-product meal and shmeal (which together Soy Meal
comprise 7.5% of the feed) contribute on average 41% across impact
categories (Fig. 3). Feed milling contributes only 6%.
0% 4% 11%
On an equivalent-mass basis, corn and soy meal generate a frac-
tion of the impacts associated with poultry fat, poultry by-product Poultry BPM

meal and shmeal (Table 3). More specically, shmeal production

Primary Production
generates from 1.4 to 3.5 times the impacts associated with either
of the crop ingredients, largely due to fuel inputs for shing and Processing
the energy inputs and emissions associated with the reduction of
sh into shmeal and oil. The impacts of poultry by-product meal,
the production of which relies on background poultry and crop Fig. 4. Breakdown of cradle-to-mill gate life cycle energy use associated with the
production and processing, are 6.518.5 times those of crop pro- production of one tonne of poultry feed containing 70% corn, 20% soy meal, 2.5%
duction. Poultry fat, the highest impact ingredient, generates 11 poultry by-product meal, poultry fat and shmeal (total energy use per tonne of
feed is 6920 MJ).
33 times the impacts of crop production. In total, production of
one tonne of poultry feed requires cradle-to-mill gate energy in-
puts of 6877 MJ, of which 62% is attributable to the production of returns in crop production systems, but compares very favourably
raw materials, 18% to raw material processing, 9% to transportation with reported values for other animal protein production sectors
and 11% to feed milling (Fig. 4). (Table 4).
Since the production (to the farm gate) of one tonne of broiler Based on the modeled system and national production data
poultry requires a net input of 14,959 MJ of energy, protein energy from states producing a minimum of 500,000 broilers in 2005,
return on investment is 17.7%. This is much lower than estimated the US broiler sector consumed an estimated 240 billion MJ of en-
N. Pelletier / Agricultural Systems 98 (2008) 6773 71

Table 4 gories (Cederberg and Mattsson, 2000; Haas et al., 2001; Thomas-
Protein energy return on investment (EROI) for broiler poultry production in the sen et al., 2008). For example, in a recent comparison of
United States and reported values for other food production systems
conventional and organic milk production in the Netherlands,
Production system Protein EROI (%) Thomassen et al. (2008) found that the production of concentrate
Soybean1 492 feeds for conventional dairy farms produced the highest contribu-
Wheat2 89.1 tions to all impact categories considered. In a similar analysis in
Corn1 80.6 Sweden, Cederberg and Mattsson (2000) also identied concen-
Broiler poultry1 17.7
Global sheries3 8
trate feed production, and the use of synthetic fertilizer in feed
Farmed salmon2 11.4 crop production in particular, as a central factor in the environ-
Swine4 7.1 mental performance of conventional dairy farming. The contribu-
Eggs4 7.1 tion to eutrophying impacts associated with eld-level nitrogen
Milk4 2.6
and phosphorous leaching was particularly noteworthy. Casey
Beef cattle (pasture fed)4 5
Beef Cattle (feedlot)4 2.5 and Holden (2005) reported that, although methane emissions
from enteric fermentation in Irish dairy production accounted for
Note: EROI for broiler poultry calculated assuming 56% of live weight poultry is
49% of greenhouse gas emissions, the off-farm production of con-
edible, 20% of edible fraction is protein, and energy density of protein is 23.6 MJ/kg.
Values for other production systems from (1) this study, (2) Pelletier and Tyedmers,
centrate feeds and on-farm grass cultivation contributed 34% to to-
2007 (3) Tyedmers et al., 2005, (4) Pimentel, 2004. tal emissions. In contrast, on-farm manure management
contributed only 11% to emissions, and on-farm energy use only
5%. An Irish study of suckler-beef production yielded similar re-
sults (Casey and Holden, 2006). More recently, Ellingsen and Aan-
ergy (the equivalent of 6.7 billion litres of crude oil) to produce 16 ondsen (2006) compared the life cycle impacts of chicken, farmed
million live weight tonnes of broiler poultry. This is greater than salmon and wild-caught cod production in Norway and found that
the annual energy consumption in 2005 for 123 of the 214 re- feed production dominated supply chain impacts for both chicken
gions/countries for which data is reported by the US Energy Infor- and salmon farming. Several analyses of aquaculture production
mation Administration (EIA, 2005). Similarly, the sector generated systems have yielded comparable results, with feed production
22.3 million tonnes of CO2 equiv. greenhouse gas emissions (more typically accounting for the majority of resource use and emis-
than the national emissions of 9 out of 39 Annex 1 countries for sions-related environmental impacts (Papatryphon et al., 2003;
which data was reported to the UNFCC for 2005), over half a tonne Sepplv et al., 2001; Pelletier and Tyedmers, 2007). Clearly,
of ozone depleting emissions, 254 thousand tonnes of acidifying understanding and ameliorating the environmental impacts of feed
emissions and 62.3 thousand tonnes of eutrophying emissions. provision is central to improving the environmental sustainability
of broiler production as a whole.
4. Discussion For the crop-derived feed components (soy meal and corn), im-
pacts were predominantly associated with the agricultural rather
Most published research regarding the potential environmental than transportation or processing phases. More specically, eld-
impacts of broiler production focuses on farm-specic emissions level nitrous oxide and nitrate emissions dominated greenhouse
from poultry houses or litter management (Pope, 1991; Reynells, gas, acidifying and eutrophying emissions, while the production
1991; Sims and Wolf, 1994; Wathes et al., 1997; Chambers and of fertilizers (in particular, nitrogen fertilizer) were also important
Smith, 1998; De Boer et al., 2000; Ullman et al., 2004; Wheeler for greenhouse gas emissions and the dominant factor in energy
et al., 2006). However, on-farm broiler production is but one step use and ozone depleting emissions. These ndings complement a
in a complex series of interlinked industrial activities that together broad body of published work (for example, see Williams et al.,
comprise the broiler supply chain. Understanding the environmen- 2006; Hoeppner et al., 2006; Pimentel et al., 2005). Although not
tal impacts of broiler production must therefore involve careful analyzed in this study, the use of organic feed ingredients, which
consideration of each step in this process. In particular, broiler pro- are typically less energy and emissions intensive due to the disal-
duction is fundamentally dependent on concentrated feed derived lowance of synthetic fertilizers in their production (Pelletier et al.,
from crop production systems, processing and transportation links in press), may potentially offer a viable means of much reducing
typically far removed from the farm itself. Indeed, from a life cycle the life cycle impacts of broiler production.
perspective, it would appear that upstream feed production pro- On an equivalent mass basis, crop-derived feed ingredients gen-
cesses are responsible for the bulk of macroscale, environmental erate a fraction of the impacts associated with shmeal and, in
impacts associated with material and energy inputs and emissions turn, correspondingly less than poultry fat and poultry by-product
along the broiler supply chain. Specically, feed provision contrib- meal. For this reason, even though used in relatively small quanti-
utes an estimated 80% of the supply chain energy use, 82% of ties (7.5% inclusion rate), the animal-derived material included in
greenhouse gas emissions, 98% of ozone depleting emissions, 96% feed production contributes a disproportionate share of environ-
of acidifying emissions and 97% of eutrophying emissions associ- mental burdens in the broiler supply chain. These ndings are con-
ated with farm-gate broiler production in the US. This insight is sistent with research of feed production for salmon aquaculture
consistent with previous analyses of other animal husbandry and (Ellingsen and Aanondsen, 2006; Pelletier and Tyedmers, 2007).
aquaculture production systems (Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998; Ceder- This is not simply an artifact of accounting methodology. In this
berg and Mattsson, 2000; Sepplv et al., 2001; Papatryphon et al., analysis, environmental burdens were partitioned between co-
2003; Basset-Mens and van der Werf, 2005; Ellingsen and Aanond- products of multi-output systems on the basis of gross chemical
sen, 2006; Pelletier and Tyedmers, 2007; Thomassen et al., 2008). energy content (see Ayer et al., 2007) (with the exception of poul-
In an analysis of pork production in Sweden, Carlsson-Kanyama try litter applied to agricultural elds, for which the production
(1998) found that the production of concentrate feed contributed system was credited with the avoided burdens of synthetic fertil-
53% of greenhouse gas emissions, and 70% of energy use. Basset- izer production). For example, in the production of soy meal and
Mens and van der Werf (2005) also found that feed production oil from soy beans, each co-product was allocated a share of the
was an environmental hotspot in pork production. Life Cycle upstream impacts of soy production according to mass-adjusted
Assessment research of milk production has similarly indicated gross energy content. Poultry meat and the processing trimmings
that feed production is the major contributor to most impact cate- used to produce poultry fat and poultry by-product meal were
72 N. Pelletier / Agricultural Systems 98 (2008) 6773

similarly allocated burdens according to the same principle. For ture technologies perform better still (Troell et al., 2004). More-
this reason, poultry fat and by-product meal derived from poultry over, vegetable protein production generates a fraction of the
processing trimmings carry a share of the total impacts associated impacts associated with terrestrial animal protein production.
with broiler production (including crop production, processing, After all, the inefciencies inherent in biological feed conversion
transportation and on-farm inputs and emissions), as well as some dictate that any animal husbandry system will necessarily con-
of the burdens of processing and reduction. Since poultry produc- sume more energy (in crops) than it generates (in animal products)
tion requires 1.9 ton of feed per tonne of poultry produced, and (Goodland, 1997; CAST, 1999; Delgado et al., 1999; Zhu and Ier-
large volumes of poultry processing trimmings are required to pro- land, 2003; Pelletier and Tyedmers, 2007), as well as compound
duce poultry fat and poultry by-product meal (1 ton of trimmings the associated impacts. What emerges from these considerations
yield 260 kg of by-product meal and 100 kg of poultry fat), the are key societal questions regarding the optimal means of satisfy-
environmental burdens associated with producing these materials ing human wants and needs in a sustainable manner, and to what
is considerable. extent animal protein can/should contribute. Regardless of relative
While other allocation criteria may be used (for example, mass- efciencies compared to other meat producing industries, the
based allocation, or allocation based on the relative economic value sheer scale of the US broiler poultry sector means that associated
of co-product streams), it was thought that gross energy content impacts are considerable, with energy and emission intensities
best reects the actual ows of biologically valuable material and exceeding those of numerous countries. The promotion of plant
associated environmental impacts (see Pelletier et al., 2007). More- protein consumption over animal protein is therefore an obvious
over, using economic allocation would result in even higher attri- suggestion for reducing the environmental impacts of food produc-
bution of impacts to broiler meat were the analysis carried tion generally (Goodland, 1997; Carlsson-Kanyama, 1998; Reijin-
through to processed products since, at processing, the primary ders and Soret, 2003; Zhu and Ierland, 2003).
product (meat) would be assigned a much larger share of the im- Although efforts have been made to achieve the most complete
pacts than the economically less valuable processing trimmings. analysis possible, the generic nature of the broiler production sys-
Such an approach would also tend to produce results that simply tem modeled as well as limitations in data availability inevitably
reect the distortions inherent in market prices (which externalize result in a simplistic representation of the US broiler supply chain.
many of the environmental impacts of products and services) For example, since broiler poultry farms are located throughout the
rather than logical, biophysical relationships. US (with high concentrations in certain states) it was not feasible
Modern broiler production and other intensive animal hus- to arrive at a concrete representation of the average distance trav-
bandry operations are often referred to as landless farming. eled by feed ingredients (which also derive from various states and
However, as demonstrated by this analysis, understanding the full travel variable distances from farms to distribution centers to pro-
environmental implications of animal protein production requires cessors, etc.). Rather, average distances and transport modes were
a systemic perspective that includes all aspects of the supply chain assumed based on distances between major feed ingredient pro-
and, in particular, activities related to the provision of feed. Indeed, duction regions and major poultry production regions. It should
the estimation that feed crop production for intensive animal hus- also be noted that the values reported here are likely conservative
bandry accounts for 33% of total arable land use (Steinfeld et al., as the cumulative contributions of seemingly minor omissions may
2006) demonstrates well the fundamental and considerable be non-trivial. Moreover, the environmental performance of spe-
dependence of so-called landless farming on human activities cic supply chains will almost certainly differ according to the par-
and ecosystem goods and services far removed from the location ticulars of management, efciency and logistics. However, the
of the farm itself. general insights derived from this analysis are relevant across broi-
The life cycle perspective may be among the most urgently re- ler supply chains. As such, although addressing only a limited
quired perceptual shifts for both business and government if we number of the broad range of the potential environmental impacts
are to effectively respond to the pressing environmental challenges of broiler production (and animal protein production, generally),
of our age. Clearly, there are limits to the buffering capacity of this information can and should be used in complement with exist-
planetary biogeochemical cycles against human-induced perturba- ing management tools by industry and regulators to improve sup-
tions such as the large-scale emissions of greenhouse gases or reac- ply chain environmental management for the impact categories
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