List of Spanish Irregular Verbs

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List of Spanish Irregular Verbs: falsificar (to forge)

When the last syllable is a vowel (u -> intensificar (to intensify)

) marcar (to mark)
mascar (to chew)
acentuar (to stress/ to accent) picar (to bite)
actuar (to act) provocar (to incite)
conceptuar (to consider/ to judge) refrescar (to refresh/ to chill)
continuar (to continue) sacar (to take out)
extenuar (to exhaust/ to drain) tocar (to touch/ to play on an instrument)
insinuar (to insinuate) unificar (to unite)
perpetuar (to perpetuate)
When we add an e to the last letter of
When the last syllable is a vowel (i -> ) the stem z then (z-> c)

fotografiar (to take a photograph of) aterrorizar (to terrorize)

agriar (to turn sour) abrazar (to embrace)
confiar (to confide) amordazar (to gag/ muzzle)
criar (to breed) adelgazar (to lose weight)
desvariar (to be delirious/ to talk aterrizar (to land)
nonsense) analizar (to analyze)
enviar (to send) alcanzar (to reach)
espiar (to spy on) civilizar (to civilize)
esquiar (to ski) alzar (to lift/ raise/ hoist)
liar (to tie up/ to wrap/ to roll) cazar (to hunt)
cotizar (to quote/ to price)
When we add an e to the last letter of generalizar (to spread/ to generalize)
the stem c then (c -> qu) gozar (to enjoy)
lanzar (to throw/ to fling)
platicar (to chat) memorizar (to memorize)
mascar (to chew) punzar (to prick/ to stab)
electrificar (to electrify) rozar (to rub/ to brush/ to graze)
clarificar (to clarify) utilizar (to use)
aparcar (to park/ to shelf) When we add an a or o to the last letter
suplicar (to plead) of the stem g then (g -> j)
justificar (to justify)
blocar (to block) escoger (to choose)
complicar (to complicate) acoger (to welcome/ take in/ receive)
cualificar (to qualify) coger (to take)
certificar (to confirm) encoger (to shrink)
edificar (to build) recoger (to pick up)
fabricar (to manufacture/ to build/ to
make) When we add an e to the last letter of
explicar (to explain) the stem g then (g ->gu)
desaprobar (to disapprove of/ to reject)
castigar (to punish) descontar (to deduct)
agregar (to add) encontrar (to find/ to encounter)
apagar (to put out/ to put off/ to engrosar (to swell)
extinguish) mostrar (to show)
chocar (to crash) recordar (to remember)
fatigar (to tire/ to weary) tronar (to thunder)
halagar (to flatter) devolver algo (to give something back)
juzgar (to judge) disolver (to dissolve/ to break up)
llegar (to arrive) doler (to hurt)
madrugar (to get up early) envolver (to wrap up/ to wind)
tragar (to swallow) llover (to rain)
morder (to bite/ to eat into)
When we have an e in an accented
syllable then (e -> ie)
When an o occurs in a stressed syllable
then (o -> ue) or (o -> u)
alentar (to encourage)
atender (to attend to) dormir (to put to bed)
calentar (to heat up/ to warm up) dormirse (to go to bed)
comenzar (to start/ to begin) morir (to die)
confesar (to confess)
defender (to defend/ to stand up for) When an o occurs in a stressed syllable
descender (to go down) then (e -> ie) or (e -> i)
despertar (to wake/ to arouse)
empezar (to begin/ to start) consentir (to allow/ to permit)
encender (to light/ to inflame) digerir (to digest/ to assimilate)
encerrar (to shut up/ to shut in) divertir (to entertain/ to amuse)
extender (to stretch out) hervir (to boil)
mentar (to mention) invertir (to reverse/ to invert)
pensar (to think) mentir (to lie)
perder (to lose) preferir (to prefer)
quebrar (to break) referir (to tell/ recount)
sentar (to sit/ to seat)
No pattern followed for this verbs
When an o occurs in a stressed syllable whose e becomes I (e -> i)
then (o -> ue)
henchir (to fill/ to fill up)
acordar (hacer algo) (to agree to do expedir (to send/ to dispatch/ to issue)
something) impedir (to prevent)
acostarse (to go to bed) pedir (to ask for/ to order)
aprobar (to approve)
concordar (to agree/ to reconcile) When we add an a or o to the last letter
contar (to count/ to tell) of the stem c then (c ->zc)
costar (to cost)
dar (to give)
agradecer (to thank) decir (to say)
amanecer (to dawn) estar (to be )
compareceer (to appear) deshacer (to undo/ to unpack/ to destroy)
aparecer (to appear/ show up) hacer (to do/ to make)
crecer (to grow) rehacer (to do again/ to rebuild)
decrecer (to decrease/ to decline) satisfacer (to satisfy/ to quench)
conocer (to know) ir (to go)
or (to hear)
When we add an (a/ e/ o) then (u -> ) poder (to be able to)
querer (to want)
aguar (to water down) saber (to know)
apaciguar (to calm down) salir (to go out)
atestiguar (to testify to) prevaler (to prevail)
averiguar (to find out) valer (to value)
fraguar (to forge)
Traer family
No pattern followed here (ui->uy)
contraer (to contract/ to acquire/ catch)
construir (to build/ manufacture) distraer (to amuse/ to entertain)
confluir (to converge/ to meet) extraer (to extract)
contribuir (to contribute) maltraer (to maltreat)
derruir (to demolish/ to knock down) traer (to bring)
destituir (to dismiss)
destruir (to destroy/ to wreck/ to Tener family
diluir (to dilute) abstenerse (to abstain)
disminuir (to reduce/ to decrease) contener (to contain/ to restrain/ to hold
distribuir (to distribute) back)
fluir (to flow) detener (to arrest/ to stop/ to hold up/ to
incluir (to include) delay)
influir (to influence) obtener (to get/ to win)
reconstruir (to rebuild/ to reconstruct) sostener (to support)
rehuir (to avoid)
Venir family
Miscellaneous Irregular verbs (usually
no pattern followed) convenir (to be suitable)
devenir en (to become/ to turn into)
andar (to walk) intervenir (to take part/ to get involved)
desandar (to go back over/ to retrace the prevenir (to prevent)
trail) provenir de (to come from)
caer (to fall)
recaer (to relapse)

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