Land of The Morning

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JPRIZAL Salik, Haysam M.


Camilio Osias Land Of The Morning

Land of the morning,

Child of the sun returning,

With fervor burning,

Thee do our souls adore.

Land dear and holy,

Cradle of noble heroes,

Ne'er shall invaders

Trample thy sacred shore.

Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds

And o'er thy hills and sea,

Do we behold the radiance, feel and throb,

Of glorious liberty.

Thy banner, dear to all our hearts,

It's sun and stars alight,

O never shall it's shining field

Be dimmed by tyrant's might!

Beautiful land of love,

O land of light,

In thine embrace 'tis rapture to lie,

But it is glory ever, when thou art wronged,

For us, thy sons to suffer and die.

JPRIZAL Salik, Haysam M. BT603P

What is/are the effects of Rizal's death in Filipino people/youth and to

our country?

Dr. Jose P. Rizal is the national hero of the Philippines. He was the one who led
the Filipinos to start a revolution against the Spanish Government to attain
freedom and to gain control of the country. He is well-known for being a
propagandist and his way of fighting the Spanish Government through his
writing by revealing the inhumane manipulation of the Spanish Government in
the Philippines. He chose to have a silent war and not a bloody war because he
thinks that it is the only way to gain freedom. Through that, other Filipinos
were motivated to get that freedom. They started many revolts against the
Spanish Government. Personally, I admire Dr. Jose P. Rizal because he made a
difference for the country to have that freedom. And I am thankful for what he
did because I am proud to say that I am a true FREE Filipino.

Dr. Jose Rizal has influenced me to strive really hard in life. Education is the
important key to this success. Living his principles will get me somewhere in
this life. Remembering his principles teaches me how to be like him in a way
that he made a difference for the country. I want to do the same thing to in
which I am doing something for my country. And I'm not going to forget about
his legacy. With the best of my ability, I will try to continue this legacy.
JPRIZAL Salik, Haysam M. BT603P

Jose Rizal - Retraction Controversy

Several historians report that Rizal retracted his anti-Catholic ideas through a
document which stated: "I retract with all my heart whatever in my words,
writings, publications and conduct have been contrary to my character as a
son of the Catholic Church."However, there are doubts of its authenticity given
that there is no certificate of Rizal's Catholic marriage to Josephine Bracken.
Also there is an allegation that the retraction document was a forgery.

After analyzing six major documents of Rizal, Ricardo Pascual concluded that
the retraction document, said to have been discovered in 1935, was not in
Rizal's handwriting. Senator Rafael Palma, a former President of the University
of the Philippines and a prominent Mason, argued that a retraction is not in
keeping with Rizal's character and mature beliefs. He called the retraction story
a "pious fraud." Others who deny the retraction are Frank Laubach, a
Protestant minister; Austin Coates, a British writer; and Ricardo Manapat,
director of the National Archives.

Those who affirm the authenticity of Rizal's retraction are prominent Philippine
historians such as Nick Joaquin, Nicolas Zafra of UP Len Mara Guerrero III,
Gregorio Zaide, Guillermo Gmez Rivera, Ambeth Ocampo, John Schumacher,
Antonio Molina, Paul Dumol and Austin Craig.[24] They take the retraction
document as authentic, having been judged as such by a foremost expert on
the writings of Rizal, Teodoro Kalaw (a 33rd degree Mason) and "handwriting
experts...known and recognized in our courts of justice", H. Otley Beyer and
Dr. Jos I. Del Rosario, both of UP.

Historians also refer to 11 eyewitnesses when Rizal wrote his retraction, signed
a Catholic prayer book, and recited Catholic prayers, and the multitude who
saw him kiss the crucifix before his execution. A great grand nephew of Rizal,
Fr. Marciano Guzman, cites that Rizal's 4confessions were certified by 5
eyewitnesses, 10 qualified witnesses, 7 newspapers, and 12 historians and
writers including Aglipayan bishops, Masons and anti-clericals. One witness
was the head of the Spanish Supreme Court at the time of his notarized
declaration and was highly esteemed by Rizal for his integrity.
JPRIZAL Salik, Haysam M. BT603P

Because of what he sees as the strength these direct evidence have in the light
of the historical method, in contrast with merely circumstantial evidence, UP
professor emeritus of history Nicolas Zafra called the retraction "a plain
unadorned fact of history." Guzmn attributes the denial of retraction to "the
blatant disbelief and stubbornness" of some Masons.

Supporters see in the retraction Rizal's "moral recognize his

mistakes," his reversion to the "true faith", and thus his "unfading glory,"and a
return to the "ideals of his fathers" which "did not diminish his stature as a
great patriot; on the contrary, it increased that stature to greatness." On the
other hand, senator Jose Diokno stated, "Surely whether Rizal died as a
Catholic or an apostate adds or detracts nothing from his greatness as a
Filipino... Catholic or Mason, Rizal is still Rizal - the hero who courted death 'to
prove to those who deny our patriotism that we know how to die for our duty
and our beliefs'."

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