Aporte 2da Entrega Asia

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Two main business partners of INDIA in the world

India's main trading partners are the United States, the United Arab Emirates

Reasons for the successful commercial relationship between these countries

Since the arrival of Modi in power, the bilateral relationship with the United States has been
characterized by joint work in terms of civil nuclear cooperation, defense cooperation, fight
against terrorism and internal security, trade and economic cooperation, energy and climate
change, education, science and technology, health, cultural cooperation, among others.

The activity between both partners during the month of June 2016 began with the signing of a
memorandum of understanding in the city of New Delhi between the Indian Secretary of
Electric Energy, P.K. Pujari, and the American Ambassador to India, Richard Verma. On this
occasion, cooperation was agreed on energy security, clean energy and climate change.
Among the points of the agreement were the association of smart cities in energy, the
ecological transformation of the electric grid, the promotion of access to energy through the
expansion of clean energy and energy efficiency.

Following the line of joint work initiated in 2014, Prime Minister Modi visited the United States
from June 6 to 8, 2016, as part of a world tour of five countries (which also included
Afghanistan, Qatar, Switzerland and Mexico). ). The purpose of the visit was to increase
economic cooperation, prioritizing Indian-American relations with a view to guaranteeing the
support of the world superpower for the development of the Indo-Pacific corridor.

In their last meeting in Washington, and with a very consistent agenda, both countries
committed to continue collaborating in the fight against climate change with the aim of the 2015
Paris Agreement coming into force in 2016. It was also signed a parallel agreement to reduce
the use of HFC gases (hydrofluorocarbon gases, used in refrigerators and air conditioning
systems) due to its serious greenhouse effect; US support for India's entry into the Nuclear
Suppliers Group (the body that regulates nuclear trade) was also transmitted, as well as the
increase of major and future US investments in the Asian country.

Finally, it is necessary to consider a certain "air of change" in Indian foreign policy since 2014
and the commitment to a strategic link with the countries of the North, in contrast to the vision
of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who held the position since 2004 to 2014. Singh had
guided Indian international relations towards his neighbors in the South, being exemplary the
participation of New Delhi in BRICS since 2009 or the Indian actions within the IBSA Forum





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