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As a Patient : INDAH GITA SARI

Chapter 1 ( General assessment )

Part 1 ( collecting demographic data elements )

Nurse : Good morning, miss.

Patient : Good morning, nurse.

Nurse : Its time for me to interview you assess your health condition

Patient : Oke, nurse

Nurse : What is your name ?

Patient : My name is indah gita sari

Nurse : How old are you ?

Patien : Im 19 years old

Nurse : What is your address ?

Patient : My address is in Labuan

Nurse : What is your phone number ?

Patient : My number phone is 081 246 285 342

Nurse : Are you married ?

Patient : No, Im not

Nurse : Do you have any health insurance ?

Patient : No, I dont

Nurse : What is your occupation ?

Patient : My occupation is student

Nurse : What brings your in this hospital ?

Patient : I got fever

Nurse : Who sends you to this hospital ?

Patient : My father

Nurse : What makes you come to this hospital ?

Patient : I got fever for three days and my body temperature is high

Part 2 and 3 ( current health and illness status and history of past health and illnesses )

Nurse : Would you tell me about your health condition recently ?

Patient : I got dizzy , my body temperature is high , nausea and vomiting

Nurse : How many times a day your vomiting ?

Patient : Vomiting three time a days

Nurse : Have you ever had fever ?

Patient :Yes, I have

Nurse : Are you allergic to antibiotic ?

Patient : No, I havent

Nurse : Have you ever been immunized against polio ?

Patient : Yes i have

Chapter 2 ( Dimension of Symptoms )

Nurse : Where do you feel it ?

Patient : I feel pain in my head

Nurse : Show me where ?

Patient : I feel pain around here, to the right of my head

Nurse : Do you feel ?

Patient : I feel my dizzy, my body temperature in high , nausea and vomiting

Nurse : What does the pain look like ?

Patient : I feel great dizzy, nausea, vomiting and high fever

Nurse : On a scale of 0 to 10, with ten the worst, how would you rate what you feel right now ?

Patient : I feel on scale of 7

Nurse : What was the worst it has been ?

Patient : I lost my appetite, nausea and vomiting

Nurse : When did you first notice it ?

Patient : three days a go

Nurse : How long does it last ?

Patient : three times a day

Nurse : Does it occur in particular place or under certain circumstance ?

Patient : I feel repeated pain in my head

Nurse : Does it appear in particular time ?

Patient : I vomited after eating the food

Chapter 3 ( Patient assessment )

Nurse : Now i want to examine your chest ( Nurse auscultation to weak lung vesicular voices)

Patient : Yes, nurse

Nurse : Now i want you to lie flat on the bed

Patient : Yes, nurse (walking towards the bed)

Nurse ; Now i want you to roll your clothes up

Patient : Yes, nurse

Nurse : please relax your stomach? ( Nurse palpation the stomach to see if there is an enlargement of the
liver )
Patient : Oke, nurse

Chapter 4 ( checking vital sign )

Nurse : Its time for me to measure your temperature

Patient : Oke, nurse

Nurse : Would you give your right hand ? (to check your temperature )

Patient : Yes, nurse

Nurse : Now pelase put this thermometer into your armpit

Patient : Yes, nurse

Nurse : Oke, finished

Chapter 5 ( Discharge Instruction )

Nurse : You should consume vegetables and fruits such as carrots and orange juice

Patient : Yes, nurse

Nurse ; I suggest you to keep your environment clean,

Patient : Oke, nurse

Nurse : You should apply healthy lifestyle

Patient : Yes , nurse

Nurse : You should not eat fast food, spicy food and cold drinks

Patient : Yes, nurse

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