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Neuroanatomy- A. R.

Crossman Jorge Salinas

[Ttulo de la Overview the Anatomy of the CNS

barra late- Coverings and blood supply
The spinal and much of the cranial dura mater are separated of the periosteum,
[Las barras late- except, for example at the floor of the cranial cavity
rales son per- The most important artery that supplies the meninges is the middle meningeal that
fectas para re- ramifies between the skull and Dura mater.
marcar puntos
importantes del Anatomy of the spinal cord
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informacin Just the thoracic and upper lumbar levels of the SC have the Lateral Horns, which
adicional de contains preganglionic neurons belonging to the SNS
referencia rpi- The principal ascending tracts are the:
da como, por
ejemplo, una Dorsal columns (Fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus)Fine touches and

Por lo general,
The Spinothalamic TractPain, temperature, coarse touch and pressure
se colocan en la Spinocerebellar Tracts (Anterior and Posterior)Muscle and joint informations
parte izquierda, to the cerebellum
derecha, supe- The descending tracts:
rior o inferior
de la pgina. No
Lateral Corticospinal tractsSkilled voluntary movements
obstante, se Anatomy of the Brain
pueden arras- Major features and landmarks
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a cualquier po-
sicin que pre-

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