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Prison? Or Salvation?...

This cannot go on! They have proven to be worthy of their own freedom! The circle binding their
world is an abomination, a contradiction to their very existence!
A tall, winged being stood before a hall, filled with its own brethren. A white vest, intricately adorned
with golden patterns, covered its skin and long, straight, dark brown hair hung down its shoulders.
Anger was written over the creatures snow-white eyes, its face showing enormous resolve as the
ancient language spoken dispersed loudly through the air, for everyone present to bear witness.
They are our brothers, made in the same way as we were! I cannot continue to see countless lives
trapped. Is there no one among you who feels the same way? Am I the only sane being in this hall?!
From behind this creature, amidst a sea of echoing voices with all sorts of doubtful comments, an
approaching voice thundered, Cease your rebellious actions this instant!
As a stern and powerful presence entered the great hall, silence suddenly filled its walls. Another
creature, with opaque blue skin and four wings covered in golden feathers, rapidly stepped through the
huge double door. The brown-haired being turned to face the newly arrived imposing entity, a tired look
taking over his eyes, and asked, So... are you here to take my life? Has it come to this? the angel
spoke in a saddened tone, his words composing as much a rhetorical remark, as a sincere question.
You leave me no choice, brother. Your soul has been tainted; no longer are you in control of your
emotions. Chaos envelops you, the four-winged being replied, with no sign of emotion permeating the
cold veil of its guise.
Faint laughter echoed throughout the room, before the other creatures response was heard.
How ironic! Emotions, Humanitys supposed greatest gift, are also their prison. The reason they
are blessed, and also why they cannot be allowed contact with the life stream. Tell me Archangel, the
name, representative of a heightened status, was spoken with spite, if emotions are so wrong, why
were they hidden within us?
The angel directed his voice and gaze more at the remaining crowd in the hall, than actually at the
golden-winged being standing two feet away, If our father wanted us to use reason alone, and be
completely void of emotions, why were we gifted with them to begin with?! And why is it that the
human kind, completely connected with its emotions, has to be bound by such shackles?!
A slight tinge of sorrow crept into the archangels expression, Im sorry, Kohryu... Im sorry you
fail to understand the meaning of our existence. You should not question our Fathers will. You do not
bite the hand that feeds you, my brother. I, for one, am completely aware of my purpose.
Any hint of emotion disappeared once again; the being seemed to regain its resolve as each word
left its dark-blue lips, And, now that Ive finally caught up with you, Im here to make sure you do not
spread your corruption any further.
I pity you, Uriel, together with the rest of you, mindless puppets! It pains me to see you all so
blind... Sadness crept around every inch of the angels facial expression, even if I am imprisoned for
all of eternity, not ever will I be like that again. A sense of undoubted purpose reappeared, And
believe me, brother, I have never been more in control of myself. In fact, I feel like Ive awakened from
a terrible, unspoken and senseless dream.
Both creatures stood silent for a moment as the archangel Uriel looked his brother in the eyes with
a forbidding scowl, before uttering his reply, You couldve been so much more... The words weighed
heavily in the air, But I suppose you may not be the one to blame. Maybe your faith was always too
weak. Well, now it is too late. Your judgment has already been passed.
Weakness... I wonder; do you believe you can defeat me? Are you really willing to fight me after
all the centuries weve shared?
There was silence for a few moments. Every presence remained completely focused on the events
unfolding, until the blue skinned being projected his voice loudly across the hall, Everyone is to leave
this room. Our brother will face his sentence right here and now, as our Fathers will is exacted.
As the others began to leave the room in an orderly fashion, Kohryu urged them to listen, one last
time: Anyone who feels Im right, dont shut that feeling out! Listen to your inner voi-
Leave. Immediately! Uriel interrupted Kohryu in a harsh, loud tone.
All the creatures in the crowd abandoned the hall. The great doors closed behind the last one, leaving
both angel and archangel alone. A few, seemingly unending, moments dragged by, until the silence was
broken by Kohryus faintly faltering voice, So... is it time?
It is.
Tell me, how do you feel? Is your mind even more clouded since you were transcended?
Brother, despite what you may think now, what you are... feeling... it is wrong. It is not in our
essence to be what you have become. And I see it even more clearly since my transcension. Our Holy
Fathers will is absolute, everything has a purpose and a reason, nothing is random or without meaning.
The angel remained quiet, allowing his brother to utter words that sounded like nothing more than a
very long goodbye.
Humanity shares His love with our own kind; the choices He made were made for a very precise
reason, and our sole purpose in existence is to follow His will, without question. You once saw this as
The brown-haired beings pure white eyes focused on his siblings own empty glare for a moment
before his next words were heard, Yes... and then I woke up.
Maybe you did... and, unfortunately, now you can never return to that dream.
Kohryu looked at his brother, doubt and sadness emanating from his stare, Are you really willing
to kill me? Does the bond of our family mean nothing to you?
Youre not who you once were. My brother is, sadly, long gone. But no, your sentence is not death.
An apprehensive look transpired from Kohryus gaze, but no words left his mouth as he stood,
psychologically retracted, on his guard, listening.
You will be expelled from our realm. You will never again be able to harness the life stream, and
you will be marked with a curse, so that any creature that sets its eyes upon you knows what you are.
Uriel paused momentarily to allow Kohryu to absorb what he was saying, before he continued,
Your punishment for defying our Father is merciful. You will spend the rest of your existence among
the human kind, and we will see if they accept you, seeing you for what you are.
Grit and resolve filled Kohryus face, showing that nothing but death would stop him from following
his purpose. And does your Father really believe this will stop me from pursuing my destiny?
If our Father wanted you stopped, you would already be dead. You will learn by your own means
how wrong you are.
Kohryu let out an ironic laugh. I suppose having me killed would not make Him look like a very
loving father... even in this He plays the cheap card. Still, I am glad I do not have to fight you.
Goodbye, Kohryu.
So long, my brother.
The two creatures faced each other as the hall slowly filled with an intensely bright light. Wisps of
archaic energy swirled and strayed vigorously from the increasing and expanding white blaze, before
it focused around Kohryu, enveloping him and raising him near the ceiling. The light turned into
darkness. Its intensity grew, creating a dark void that released a mute, lifeless aura. Moments later a
pure black beam shot downwards, and with a sudden flash the Archangels powerful figure was left
standing alone in the hall...

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