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mn Vocabulary: Food passions 1 fe Complete the statements about food passion with wards in the word box. Type the missing words. 100% otmuchof stand crazy carefor eater drinker addict big 1 1like all kinds of fish and shellfish. rm eraay about seafood. 2 Whenever we eat out. Inever order steak. Idan't care for ¥ steak 3. drink five cups of coffee a day. guess you can say that I'm a big ¥ coffee drinker ¥ 4 Chocolate is my passion. 1 can't live without it. 1'm a chocolate addict ¥ 5 Lused to eat a lot of fish when twas a kid. Now Ihate the smell. can'tstand fish. 6 T'mnot much of ¥ apizza eater ¥Iprefer pasta Vocabulary: Food passions 2 we Read Monica's comments on the Food Survey, and then look at each statement. Is it true or false? Click on the correct answer. 100% Monica Winston FOOD SURVEY How do you feel about these foods? Please write your ideas below. NAME: FISH | Know it’s good for me, but | rarely eat it, There’s something about the smell and taste of it. | prefer chicken, but | don't eat much of that either. I'm more of a vegetable. person, RED MEAT My husband loves it, but | stopped eating it ten years ago. | can't even look at a steak! VEGETABLES —_| used to hate vegetables, but things are different now, | love. salads and mushrooms and broccoli and asparagus, | eat them at every meal—even breakfast! PIZZA \ used to tat a lot of pizza at college, but | had to cut back because of my weight. Now | have it a few times a year. | like it, but | know it’s not good for me, so | don't eat much of it, FRUIT \ eat it almost every day because | know it’s good for me, but \ prefer vegetables. Many fruits are too sweet for me. ICE CREAM My friends think 'm crazy, but | almost never have it, It's too sweet for me, and it hurts my teeth, COFFEE \ know it’s not good for me, and my friends say | drink too much! But | don't care! It’s my passion! | must have three cups in the morning or | can't leave the house. MILK \have milk once or twice a week because | know it's good for AND CHEESE me, but | don't really like it. Cheese is different! | have it almost every day, Yum! She can't stand steak She doesn't care for milk © Tuy False 3 She's a big chicken eater. 4 She's a big fruit lover. True True © False © False v 5 She's a coffee addict 6 She's crazy about vegetables. © Tey © Tuey False False 7 She's noc much of a fish eater 8 She's not crazy about cheese © Truev True False © False v Oe Grammar: Use to / used to 1 we Complete each sentence with use to or used to and the verb in parentheses. Use contractions when 100% possible, Example: 1 didn use to worry | about eating too much sugar or salt. (not / worry) 41) My ister used to eat ¥ a lot of sweets, but now she avoids sugar. (e22) 2 When t was a teenager, used to love ¥ fast food. ve) 3 Where did you use to go out ¥ to eat when you lived downtown? (you / Eo out) 4 Myson and his friends used to get ¥ burgers ar fried chicken almost every day. (get) 5) Has Mary always been 2 vegetarian, or did she use to eet ¥ meat? (she / est) 6 The children didn't use to like ¥ vegetables, but now they do. not / Ike) 7 Dave didn't use to take care of ¥ himself, but now he eats well and exercises. (not / take care off 8 Did your grade school have a cafeteria, or did you use to bring ¥ your lunch to school? (you / bring) | Grammar: Use to / used to 2 we Complete the sentences. Use the words in parentheses and use to or used to, Use contractions when 100% possible, Example: When Twas a child, |I didn’t use to ike broccoli. (/ not / like / broccoli) 11 Where did you use to live ¥ before you maved here? (where / you / live) 2. They didn’t use to exercise ¥ , but now they go to the gym three times a week. (they / not / exercise) 3. Didyouuse to write ¥ more letters than you do now? (you / write) 4 None of my friends used to have ¥ a smartphone, but now it seems everyone does. (none of my friends / have) 5 Weekends used to be ¥ more relaxing before we got che dog. (weekends / be) 6 Who did Bill use to ask ¥ when he had questions? qwho / ill / ask) 7 There used tobe va good [talian restaurant in the neighborhood. (there / be) ‘tse to avoid ¥ carbohydrates, but now I do. 1/ not / avoid) Speaking: Talk about food passions 1 wa Drag and drop the words to complete the conversation. 100% “cutback, big, cm about could ve, Are you abig¥ coffee drinker? B: Definitely. 'merazy about ¥ coffee. What about you? A Tused co drink ta lot But recently I've eut back ¥ Well, Ieouldn't live ¥ without it Le e food 1 ‘Speaking: Make an excuse to dec! 1ono Drag and drop the sentences to put the conversation in order. 100% _Tinsorn Everyhinglools great 1's notaproblen, Donleyouest chicken? Please hep yours. "Butt passon te chicken, IM have something else, Ima vegetarian, Acualy no, Loldt know thet, A: Please help yourself. ¥ Everything looks graet! ¥ But I'll pass on the chicken. ¥ A; Don'tyou eat chicken? ¥ B: Actually, no. ¥ I'ma vegetarian. ¥ Ac Vm sorry. Tdida’t know that. ¥ B: It'snota problem. ¥ I'll have something else. ¥ a Vocabulary: Excuses for not eating something 1 Look at the pictures. Type the missing words. 1 [don'teare for ¥_broccolt rgic to ¥ chocolate. 5 [don’t eat beet. I's against my religion ¥ we 100% 2 Coffee doesn't agree with ¥ me 4 Tmon¥ adiet ¥ .Tmuying to lose weight ¥ oO 6 Tmavoiding ¥ sugar. fe Vocabulary: Excuses for not eating something 2 5/5 Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences, 100% = & Look at your arms. They're all red and spotty. What happened? Tate the cake, and It had strawberries in i 50? 'm allergic to them ¥ . That's why my arms look like this! Um crazy about most vegetables, but [can't eat broccol Why not It doesn't agree with me ¥ It gives me a stomiachache and makes me feel avul The cake looks delicious, but [think I'l pass on it Oh, are you on a die ‘No, but the doctor told me that too much white sugar is bad far us so I'm avoiding it Try some af these fried potatoes. No. thanks. But they're delicious! know, bur they have a lot of calories in them, and 1'm trying to lose weight ¥ . They're terrible for my diet. Let's go to that new fish restaurant at the beach tonight. J hear the food is delicous. Sorry, can we go to the Chinese restaurant instead? I know fish is a good, low-calorie source of protein, but don't care for it ¥ It smells bad to me, and I've never liked i Grammar: Negative yes / no questions 1 Complete each negative yes / no question. 1A: Don't you eat meat? B: No, Tma vegetarian, 3 Ab Haven't ¥ you been here before? No, this is my first time. 5 A: Don't you want more noodles? No, thanks. I'm full Aren't 7 you going 10 order dessert? B: Not tonight. 'm on a diet. A 88 100% Isn't David's mother a doctor? No. She's. lawyer. Wosn't ¥ that a great movie? Yes, loved ith, Weren't ¥ those mangoes delicious? Ijust loved them. ‘Actually, I don’t care for mangoss. Hasn't the game started yer ‘No, but it will shortly Grammar: Negative yes / no questions 2 we Complete each negative yes / no question. Use the words in parentheses. 100% Aren't you trying 7 to lose weight? (you / try) Yes, 1am. 've been ona diet for weeks. Doesn't he like ¥ spicy food? the / like) No, he completely avoids t. Aren't there sardines von that pizza? (there /'be / sardines) ‘Yes, there are. Do you have a problem with thac? Isn't Sandra allergic ¥ to shellfish? (Sandra / be / allergic) ‘That's right. She can’t eat lobster or shrimp or any other shellfish, Aren't you going to make dinner ¥ tonight? (you / make / dinner) No, I'm too tired. I'm just going to have a bowl of cereal Haven't your parents ever had ¥ sushi before? (your parents / ever / have) No, they haven't. They never try new foods, Didn't you like ¥ your steak? (you / like) Tliked it very much, but I couldn't eat i all. Weren't those French fries terrific? (those French fries / be) Yes! I loved them. Sir) Reading: Article: How to make healthy lifestyle changes 1 Read and listen to the article about making healthy lifestyle changes. Then answer the question, what isthe main pol a How to make healthy lifestyle changes If you've ever tried to lose weight—even a few pounds—or lead a more active Itfestyle, you know it isn’t easy. Making a lifestyle change fy is challenging, and its especially aifficutt 10 make changes that last. Often people try 10 make many big changes all at once without @ clear idea of how they will accomplish their goals. For example, they decide to stop eating carbohydrates, like pasta and potatoes, Or they start running five miles every day. They may struggle, get disappointed, and give up after a short period of time, But don’t worry, there are strategies that can help you succeed. Here are some tips to help you make healthy changes that become lifelong habits: Make one change at a time. Replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones takes ‘time, If you try to change too much too fast, you won't be successful, Dedding to avoid sucar completely is definitely not going to work if you're a chocolate addict or crazy about cake. Cutting out all caffeine it you're a big cotfee drinker isn't likey to succeed, either. Focus instead on one small change you'd like to make. If your goal isto improve your eating habits, choose one ‘thing to cut back on or addto your diet. It you're a pizza lover, skip the high-caiotie toppings lke sausage and go for mushrooms or anchovies instead. When a new healthy behavior becomes part of your normal daily routine, you can take on another change Start smalll. Changes ate often easier to make if they are small, Don't expect yourself to go ‘rom lying on the sofa watching TV every night to spending an hour a night at the gym. Instead, ‘ake “baby steps.” For example, you could start by exercising twice a week for 30 minutes. Then, ‘when you've done this successfully for a few weeks, try three times a week for 45 minutes. Make a realistic plan. When you decide to make a lifestyle change, you need to make a plan. lf more exercises your goal, figure out how you will schedule it into your week and putit on your, calendar. If you want to eat healthier, write down meels and snacks for the week, Keep the foods you'll need on hand. If you know that you'll want something that tastes salty, be sure you have pickles in the refrigerator so that you don’t run out and buy chios. And consult your plan before you eat. Most importantly, make sure your plan is achievable and that it works for your lifestyle, For example, if you're 2 big meat eater, a plan to eat only vegetables is not going to work! And if you can't stand fish, don’t plan a meal around tuna, Likewise, if you're not a morning person, don't plan daily workouts at 5:00 A..! he author makes in this article? © When you make lifestyle changes, go slowly. v Making lifestyle changes is too difficult for most people Cutting out carbohydrate 1s a good way to lose weight. wm 100% eH Reading: Article: How to make healthy lifestyle changes 2 we Listen to the article about making healthy lifestyle changes. Complete the sentences with the words 100% you hear. How to make healthy lifestyle changes Ityou've ever tried to lose weight ¥ —even a few pounds—or lead a more active lifestyle, you know itisn't easy. Making lifestyle change is challenging, and i's especially difficult to make changes that last. Often people try 10 ‘make many big changes all at once without a clear Idea of how they will accomplish their goals. For example, chey decide to stop eating carbohydrates ¥ , like pasta and potatoes. Or they start running five miles every day. They ‘may struggle, get disappointed, and give up after a short period of time. But don’t worry, there are strategies that can help you succeed. Here are some tips to help you make healthy changes that became lifelong habits: ‘Make one change at a time. Replacing unhealthy behaviors wth healthy ones takes me. If you try to change too ‘much t00 fast. you won't be successful. Deciding to avold sugar ¥ completely s definitely not going to work if you're a chocolate addict or crazy about cake. Cutting ouc all caffeine if you're a big coffee drinker ¥ isn’t likely 10 succeed, elther. Focus instead on one small change you'd ike to make. If your goal isto improve your eating habits, choose one thing to cut back on or add to your diet. If you're plaza lover ¥”, skip the high-calorie toppings like sausage and go for mushrooms or anchovies instead. When a nev healthy behavior becomes part of your narmal daily routine, you can take on another change. 2:Start small. Changes are often easier to make if they are small. Don't expect yourself to go from lying on the sata ‘watching TV every night to spending an hour a night at the gym. Instead, take "baby steps.” For example, you could start by exercising twice a week for 30 minutes. Then, when you've done this successfully for a few weeks, cry three times a week for 45 minutes, ‘3 Make a reelistic plan. When you decide to make a lifestyle change, you need to make a plan. If more exercise is, ‘your goal, figure out how you will schedule itinto your week and put it on your calendar. If you went to eat healthier, write down meals and snacks for the week. Keep the foods you'll need on hand. If you knaw that you'll want something that tastes salty ¥, be sure you have pickles in the refrigerator so that you don’t run out and buy chip. ‘And consult your plan before you eat. Most importantly, make sure your plan is achievable and that i works for your IMfestyle. For example, if you're a big meat eater +”, a plan to cat only vegetables Is not going to work! And if you. ‘can’t stand fish ¥ , don't plan a meal around una. Likewise, ifyou're nota morning person, don't plan daily WorkouTs at 5:00 AM! Lesson 3 Reading: Article: How to make healthy lifestyle changes 3 Read and listen to the article again. Then choose the correct words to complete the sentences. B How to make healthy lifestyle changes If you've ever tried to lose weight—even a few pounds—or lead a more active lifestyle, you know it isn’t easy. Making a lifestyle change Is challenging, and it's especially difficult to make changes that last. Often people try to make many big changes all at once without a clear Idea of how they will accomplish their goals. For example, they decide to stap eating carbohydrates, like pasta and potatoes. Or they start running five miles every day. They may struggle, get disappointed, and give up after a short period of time, But don’t worry, there are strategies that can help you succeed. Here are some tips to help you make healthy changes ‘that become lifelong habits: Make one change at a time. Replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones takes time. If you try to change too much too fast, you won't be successful. Deciding to avoid sugar completely is definitely not going to work if you're a chocolate addict or crazy about cake. Cutting out all caffeine if you're a big coffee drinker n't likely to succeed, either. Focus instead on one small change you'd like to make. If your goal is to improve your eating habits, choose one thing to cut back on or add to your diet. If you're a pizza lover, skip the high-calorie toppings like sausage and go for mushrooms or anchovies instead, When a new healthy behavior becomes Patt of your normal daily routine, you can take on another change. Start small. Changes ate often easier to make if they are small. Don't expect yourself to go. ‘rom lying an the sofa watching TV every night to spending an hour a night at the gym. Instead, take "baby steps.” For example, you could start by exercising twice a week for 30 minutes. Then, ‘when you've done this successfully for 2 few weeks, ty three times a week for 45 minutes. Make a realistic plan. When you dedde to make a lifestyle change, you need to make a plan. I more exercise is your goal, figure out how you will schedule it into your week and put it on your calendar. If you want to eat healthier, write down meals and shacks for the week. Keep the foods you'll need on hand. If you know that you'll want something that tastes salty, be sure you have pickles in the refrigerator so that you don’t run out and buy chips. And consult your plan before you eat. Most importantly, make sure your plan is achievable and that it works for your lifestyle, For example, if you're a big meat eater, a plan to eat only vegetables is not going to work! And if you can't stand fish, don't plan a meal around tune, Likewise, if you're net a morning person, don't plan daily workouts at 5:00 a..! 1. The author believes making permanent lifestyle changes is challenging ¥ 2. The author recommends making changes that are small ¥ 3° The author recommends making one change at a time ¥ 4 People should add exercise gradually to their lives ¥ 5. Anexample of advice from this article might be If you are used to eating chocolate every day, it's best to stop gradually ¥ ding a the article tis important that a healthy eating plan be achievable for you ¥ es 100% Lesson 4 Vocabulary: Food descriptions 1 Look at the pictures. Type the missing words. ihe looks ¥ terrific. Teiastes salty ¥ Te-smells like ¥ chicken. 9 IClooks like ¥ chicken. 11 Weshard ¥ 43° [eserunchy ¥ wna 100% Iesmells ¥ terrible * tastes spicy ¥ Tetastes sour ¥ Ittastes like ¥ chicken, 0 Wssofty 12 Wscheny¥ | Vocabulary: Food descriptions 2 we Drag and drap the wards to complete the sentences. Not all phrases will be used. 100% loos teniic astessmeet castes ike sme eile, estes spicy, softand chewy hard) say ang crunchy, smels ke castes sour "The tea tastes sweet ¥ . How much suger did you putin? Mmmm! This pizza is perfect. The cheese |s soft and ehewy ¥ Just the way like m* “That bread is three weeks old. You can't eat i because i's too herd ¥ “1m crazy about potato chips and fres. They're salty and crunchy ¥ but they'e also igh in calories so 1 avoid thems" “Ugh! Moms frying fish again, Ie smells terrible Yin here.” "bia you forget to put the milk in the refrigerator again? Ijusthad a glass oft, and it tastes sour ¥ Ugh" "love 1o watch cooking shows on Ty Allthe food always looks terrific ¥ ~ "The soup tastes spiey ¥ How much pepper did you putin it BSD Listening: Listen to descriptions of foods 4a Part1 100% Listen to the descriptions of food. Drag and drap the number of the description to each picture. Catibbean / callaloo Philippines / crispy pata Ethiopia / Quwanta Polynesia / Poi Part2 319 Listen to the descriptions again. Choose the words to complete the description. 100% 1 Fresh polis soft ¥ and sweet ¥ Later, itgets sour ¥ 2. Crispy patais nice and crunchy ¥ . Ittastes good with a sweet and sour ¥ sauce. 3. Callaloo is cooked until tis very soft ¥ It looks terrible ¥ 4 Quwantais spicy ¥ and chewy ¥ Game: Quiz shous vegetables drinker avoiding terrible dairy don't care for spicy fruit eater lose weight grains don't agree with

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