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The conflicts that were addressed in the case were about the problems concerning the stress-
related illnesses among Canons employees in the Denmark subsidiary and about Japanese
employees being prohibited to sit down during working hours and walk at a specific pace.

As these stress-related illnesses resulted to a series of problems to the companys workforce,

Canon tried to find right resolutions by developing new or by changing its policies. They started
to examine not only its own policy in Denmark but also the European and global Canon policies,
after finding out that stress-reduction policy was lacking in many ways.

Canon clearly made a shift from reactive to proactive management. The stress-related illness in
Denmark convinced the company to centre its attention on prevention, rather than the
treatment of problems. The company focused their policy on stress management for all
employees. They carried out varied seminars on the topic which improved the HR and
management competences and long-term absence rates. Moreover, Canon launched a new
policy that covered topics such as: work-life balance, aging workforce, health and safety, respect
and tolerance, smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, nutrition and exercise.

A strict implementation of a no-overtime day was also made to avoid excessive working hours
and to guarantee a healthy and proper work-life balance for its workforce. Canon also took
action in preventing lifestyle-related diseases and mainly focused on its employees cholesterol
and smoking rates. This resulted to a cut on its smoking rates in 2004-2006 from 22% to 30% and
high cholesterol from 11.7% to 11%,

Moreover, the company can avoid or prevent stress by adapting a stress-free environment and
reminding employees that combating stress is everyone's priority. The HR should be able to
orient the organization beforehand about creating a stress-free work environment.

Further alternative course of action may be to require presidents from the Canon Group to
submit at least two suggestions to improve the general CSR of Canon. Canon group is a global
group of companies with diverse collection of cultures. This means unity is an important need of
the group. A fast-changing world requires a dynamic and adaptive governance and responsibility,
which can only be done through timely suggestions and feedback. The HR must always value the
concerns of the employees as this can also be an efficient way for the management to know
what part they need to work out and improve. By establishing a strong communication network
between colleagues and across management or by implementing an open-door policy, this could
make a big difference for its people and encourage transparency.
Other alternative includes conducting an organization-wide wellness program like physical
fitness activities once a week to ease the employees strains and work pressure and give them
the time to relax both their bodies and minds. Canon can also encourage sports to its employees
by means of friendly competition with the other Canon companies. Canon can conduct this
competition yearly where employees does not just have fun and loosen up but it is one way to
develop their physical aspect and their team building skills. This can be considered as one of
Canons big events.

Through the necessary measures taken by the company it shifted from meeting basic needs into
intellectual development which in return gave an impact on the overall satisfaction of its
workforce and the companys performance.

Canon, indeed, is considered as one of the companies with the longest history of implementing
what we now refer to as corporate social responsibility (CSR). The case study revolves around the
social conflicts of Canon Inc. where it talked about the conflicts they encountered, the measures
taken by the company as resolutions and their CSR policy relative to the stated conflicts.

Canon made a change in its management from reactive to proactive which stemmed from one of
its conflicts concerning stress-related illness in Denmark. They used this approach to prevent the
emergence of potential conflicts. Through this, the company implemented changes to improve
their CSR policies both in the Danish subsidiary and in its global operations. Even if Canon did not
face conflicts that could have stained its reputation, they considered every issue as significant as
every severe problem out there.

Based on the study, conflicts within the company can be an important reason for adopting and
adjusting a CSR policy so as to contribute to a better society. If taken lightly, it doesnt just affect
the companies reputation but can reduce consumer trust in their products. Thus, the adoption
of the proper CSR policies can serve as an effectual tool for companies to control risks and avoid
future predicaments. A good CSR policy must always consider the needs of its employees. By
taking care of ones people, companies, builds a workforce with the right mental focus, physical
strength and emotional stability essential to fortify ones business. Before a company dives for its
own goals, its people should always be considered at everything they do. Once it set the right
policies that improve the whole work-life balance and standards of the workforce that is the
perfect time to set higher goals for the company. You may have an excellent business model but
to turn things into reality, you still need a great team to support your back.

Being socially responsible is vital. If you look after you employees, as well as the wider society,
your business is likely to have a more positive public image. Companies that take an active role in
implementing the right CSR policies are viewed more favorably than those that do not apply such

In general, Canon depicts a good corporate social responsibility and good governance since the
beginning. They are not only specific to the company's products and profits but they also go
beyond towards the ethical and social responsibilities of their people.

Canon is one of the companies out there who has been implementing what we now refer to as
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) since the beginning. They should continue to strengthen
and stay true to their Japanese origins together with its deep-rooted philosophy of kyosei and
spread it in all other Canon subsidiary and delegate companies as part of its global corporate
plan. If this is the basis for making decisions inside and outside the corporate part of the
company, concern for success and concern for social responsibility may come together. This will
absolutely raise the morale of the team and trust from the customers, suppliers, retailers, etc.

Canon, though faced with a non-severe conflict, still took the cases seriously especially the one
about the stress-related illnesses in Denmark. If Canon keeps on approaching issues like these
proactively, they can surely reach greater heights. Being proactive rather than reactive will not
only prevents the emergence of future conflicts but it makes situations easier to navigate and
assists you in planning for your long-term objectives as well. Moreover, it allows a company to be
more flexible since they are able to choose the best alternative or resolution before things

In addition, Canon should always view issues as a chance to advance their policies and take
active measures no matter how insignificant or important it is. Setting higher principles when
assessing problems can, without a doubt, make the company prosper and attain success as a

Indeed, the adoption of correct CSR policies can serve as another effective way for companies to
manage risks, neutralize threats and avoid losses. Canon should continue their efforts to be good
corporate citizens. By creating a positive, safe and healthy environment for its employees, they
can increase their morale, improve the employees work-life balance and in turn positively
impact the business. Their employees should be at the heart of everything they do. Canon
should always keep a place of work where people are appreciated, productive and thriving- n
ideal place where they actually want to work.

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