Congressional Powers 1

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Powers of Congress

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Instructions: Read the first column and circle any words that you might need help defining.
List them in the box below. Translate the contents of the first box into a plain English translation
in the second box. In the third box create a visual representation for each individual clause.
Words to define:

Article 1, section 8 (Powers of Congress)

Original language Plain English translation Visual representation

Clause 1: The Congress shall Clause 1: Congress has the

have Power To lay and power to decide what taxes to
collect Taxes, Duties, create (such as taxes on
Imposts and Excises, to pay things imported into the
the Debts and provide for the country, or taxes on products
common Defence and made within the country, and
general Welfare of the United to collect these taxes to pay
States; but all Duties, Imposts for the countrys debts, and to
and Excises shall be uniform pay for the defense and
throughout the United States; general welfare of the United
States. All such taxes shall
be the same in all places in
the U.S.

Clause 2: To borrow Money Clause 2: Congress may

on the credit of the United borrow money on the credit of
States; the United States.

Clause 3: To regulate Clause 3: Congress may

Commerce with foreign make rules about trading with
Nations, and among the foreign countries. They may
several States, and with the make rules about trading
Indian Tribes; among the states and with
the Indian tribes.

Clause 4: To establish an Clause 4: Congress shall set

uniform Rule of up rules for immigrants to
Naturalization, and uniform become naturalized citizens:
Laws on the subject of these rules will be the same
Bankruptcies throughout the in every state. Congress shall
United States; set up laws about
bankruptcies that are the
same in all of the states.

Clause 5: Congress has the

Clause 5: To coin Money, power to coin money. They
regulate the Value thereof, have the power to decide the
and of foreign Coin, and fix value of the coins and the
the Standard of Weights and value of foreign coins
Measures; compared to American coins.
Congress has the power to
set up a standard for weights
and measures.

Clause 6: To provide for the Clause 6: Congress shall

Punishment of counterfeiting decide the punishments for
the Securities and current anyone who makes false
Coin of the United States; (counterfeit) coins or bank
notes of the United Sates.

Clause 7: To establish Post Clause 7: Congress shall

Offices and post Roads; create post offices and
special post roads.

Clause 8: To promote the Clause 8: Congress shall

Progress of Science and promote science and useful
useful Arts, by securing for arts by giving copyrights to
limited Times to Authors and authors and patents to
Inventors the exclusive Right inventors. This will give
to their respective Writings authors and inventors the
and Discoveries; rights to their own writings
and discoveries or inventions
for a limited period of time,
and prevent others from
using them without payment
for that period of time.

Clause 9: To constitute Clause 9. Congress shall set

Tribunals inferior to the up the courts lower than the
supreme Court; Supreme Court.

Clause 10: To define and Clause 10. Congress shall

punish Piracies and Felonies make laws about piracy and
committed on the high Seas, punish pirates (people who
and Offences against the Law steal things from ships on the
of Nations; oceans,) and punish people
who break international law.

Clause 11: To declare War, Clause 11. Congress has the

grant Letters of Marque and power to declare war. It has
Reprisal, and make Rules the power to tell our armies
concerning Captures on Land they can cross an
and Water; international border to take
action against an attack.
Congress has the power to
make rules about capturing
people or property, either on
land or on sea.

Clause 12: To raise and Clause 12. Congress has the

support Armies, but no power to raise and pay for
Appropriation of Money to armies. Congress may not
that Use shall be for a longer vote for money for armies for
Term than two Years; a term longer than two years.

Clause 13: To provide and Clause 13. Congress shall

maintain a Navy; have the power to create and
pay for a navy

Clause 14: To make Rules for Clause 14. Congress shall

the Government and have the power to make rules
Regulation of the land and for the government and
naval Forces; regulation of the Army and

Clause 15: To provide for Clause 15. Congress shall

calling forth the Militia to have the power to call up the
execute the Laws of the militia (state army), to enforce
Union, suppress Insurrections national laws, to fight against
and repel Invasions; rebellion and fight against
any army that invades the
United States.

Clause 16: To provide for Clause 16: Congress shall

organizing, arming, and have the power to organize,
disciplining, the Militia, and arm (give weapons to), and
for governing such Part of discipline the militia (state
them as may be employed in army). They have the power
the Service of the United to govern the part of the
States, reserving to the militia that is used in the
States respectively, the service of the national
Appointment of the Officers, government. Congress shall
and the Authority of training let each state appoint officers
the Militia according to the for its own militia. The states
discipline prescribed by will have the authority to train
Congress; the militia in the way that
Congress describes.

Clause 17: To exercise Clause 17. Congress shall

exclusive Legislation in all have the power to make all
Cases whatsoever, over such laws for the district that will
District (not exceeding ten be set up to be the capital of
Miles square) as may, by the United States. The district
Cession of particular States, shall be created from land
and the Acceptance of that states give up. This area
Congress, become the Seat will not be larger than ten
of the Government of the miles square. The district will
United States, and to become the capital and the
exercise like Authority over all place where the government
Places purchased by the of the United States works.
Consent of the Legislature of Congress shall have authority
the State in which the Same over it all, and be able to
shall be, for the Erection of build forts, places to store
Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, guns and ammunition, docks,
dock-Yards, and other and other necessary
needful Buildings;And buildings.

Clause 18: To make all Laws Clause 18. Congress shall

which shall be necessary and have the power to make all
proper for carrying into the laws that are needed and
Execution the foregoing suitable to carry out the
Powers, and all other Powers powers that we just
vested by this Constitution in mentioned and for all the
the Government of the United other powers that this
States, or in any Department Constitution gives the
or Officer thereof. government or any part of it.

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