8.1 Guiding Principles: Aircraft Register Procedures Manual 8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

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Aircraft Register Procedures Manual

8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

8.1 Guiding Principles

8.1.1 Responsibilities
Assessment, completion of checklist, signing of follow-up letters, process acceptance,
data entry and subsequent certificate issue may be performed by any officer, as
directed by a Team Leader or Manager.
If required, a Team Leader or Manager may sign any correspondence associated with
this process.
The Aircraft Register Section is responsible for monitoring the return of the
superseded certificate of registration.

8.1.2 Other Matters

For matters of uncertainty or those requiring discretion, speak with a Team Leader or
Notification of/application for change of ownership must only be made through the
lodgement of Form 027 Transfer of Ownership.
Only originals of certified documents will be accepted (the certified stamp and
accompanying signature must be in original form, not the document itself).
All other documents, including Form 027, may be lodged by fax or mail as they are not
required in their original form.
Incomplete forms must be either returned for completion or rejected.
If a form is to be returned for further completion, it must be returned by mail and a
copy kept on the Aircraft Registration History File.
If a form has been rejected, the original received copy is to be retained by CASA
but a photocopy is to be supplied to the applicant with the problem areas clearly
indicated in an accompanying letter and highlighted on the form, where possible.
Each notification/application is to be assessed individually in relation to rejection or
requests for amendment.
If a form is rejected or returned for amendment, the file should be kept aside for
follow up action.
Documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation. The
translation must be compiled by a translator registered with the Australian National
Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) and must include the
NAATI translators stamp.
All documents associated with this process should be attached to aircraft record AIRS
as the primary entity. They may also be attached to the ARN record of the RH and
RO, as applicable.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

8.2 Objectives
Ensure that:
Paperwork is scanned and attached to AIRS within one working day of receipt.
Paperwork is assessed within three working days of receipt.
Follow-up action is taken within one working day of assessment.
Processing occurs within three working days of sign off of paperwork.
Certificates and covering letters are mailed within one working day of issue.
Process closure is completed within two working days of certificate issue.

8.3 Administrative Procedures
At the Commencement of the Process:
1. Retrieve the appropriate Aircraft Registration History file.
2. If a process closure sheet was not inserted in the file at the end of the last process,
insert one.
3. Place a current copy of the aircraft details report, as generated from AIRS, on the file.
4. Ensure that all new paperwork has been stamped with the date received, scanned and
attached to AIRS, and, placed on the file before commencing assessment.
5. Obtain a copy of the appropriate checklist for the process (Form 1282-029 available
only to CASA staff via the CASA Intranet) and place in the front cover of the Aircraft
Registration History file.

During the Process:

1. Keep the current checklist in the front cover of the file.
2. Continually update assessment on checklist.
3. Continue to ensure that all paperwork is stamped with the date received, scanned and
attached to AIRS, and placed on file as soon as possible after receipt.
4. Always update the current file location in TRIM when moving files around the office.
5. Ensure that all fax transmission sheets and a copy of all outgoing correspondence is
attached to AIRS and placed on the file.
6. Write comprehensive notes to file, as required. These should also be attached to
AIRS and placed on the file.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

At the End of the Process:

Once the data entry has been completed and the certificates issued, ensure that the
following is done:
1. Place the checklist on file.
2. Place an updated copy of the aircraft details report from AIRS on the file.
3. Mail one copy of the certificate of registration and confirmation of registered operator
notice to the registration holder, together with the appropriate covering letter.
4. Mail one copy of the confirmation of registered operator notice to the registered
operator, together with the appropriate covering letter.

Note: Never fax a copy of the certificate of registration to anyone, including the
registration holder. For legal reasons, only the register entry may be faxed.

5. Place one copy of the certificate of registration, register entry certificate, confirmation
of registered operator notice and all covering letters on the Aircraft Registration History
6. Place one copy of the register entry certificate in the current Australian Civil Aircraft
Register folder.
7. Remove the now superseded register entry certificate from the current folder, stamp it
superseded and file in the history folder.
8. Check the Aircraft Registration History file to ensure that all documents relating to this
process are date stamped and placed in the Aircraft Registration History File.
9. Also ensure that all the documents are attached to AIRS.
10. Complete process closure sheet and place on file.
11. Update Aircraft Registration History file location in TRIM and return file to storage.
12. Monitor for return of the superseded certificate of registration.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

8.4 Assessment
8.4.1 Completion of Checklist
Only one assessing officer is required to sign off on the checklist for this process
(Form 1282-029 available only to CASA staff via the CASA Intranet).

There are specific checklists for different processesyou need to ensure that you have
the correct checklist for the process you are completing. The checklist should be
considered a document in progress, which can be modified and added to until such times
as the assessing officer finally rejects the whole process (rather than just a portion such as
identification) or approves the whole process.

The checklist should be kept in the front cover of the applicable Aircraft Registration File
until the final sign off by the assessing officer. At that point, the checklist should be placed
on the file.

If all paperwork received is rejected, the checklist should be moved to the file and a new
checklist started if new paperwork is received.

If the matter is so complex that the checklist becomes difficult to understand, the checklist
should be moved to the file and a new checklist started. The new checklist should only
include details of the approved paperwork.

The checklist should also be used as a tool to make future checking easier. If the process
has missing paperwork for example, the assessing officer should highlight the appropriate
section of the checklist. If paperwork has been rejected, the incorrect section on the form
(not the checklist) should be highlighted and the reason recorded in the appropriate
section of the checklist (eg, invalid ACN).

8.4.2 Transfer Notice

CASR 47.110 The receipt of a transfer notice (Part 1 of Form 027) is only the first step in the transfer
(6) process. It is the responsibility of the former owner to notify CASA of the transfer, by
lodging Part 1 of the form, as soon as practicable after the transfer. The new owner has
14 days after the date of the transfer (not the date of the receipt by CASA of Part 1) to
apply by lodging Part 2 of the form. If an application complying with 47.110(6) is not
received by CASA with the 14 days, the registration must be cancelled.

For this reason, special notification procedures have been put in place to warn the
registration holder, and noted registered operator (in case they are still operating the
aircraft) and the new owner of the date for cancellation. See 8.4.3.

The transfer notice must be completed correctly before a notice can be accepted.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

During the assessment process any problem areas (eg, mandatory fields not completed,
or fields completed incorrectly) should be highlighted for future quick reference.

The assessing officer should progressively complete the assessment checklist during the
assessment process.

If Part 2 of this form is received without CASA having received Part 1, discuss with with a
Team Leader or Managerthe process cannot be finalised without additional information
though assessment of Part 2 can proceed.

Part 1

Section 1.1 Registration Details

All details required in this section must be supplied.

Return the form for amendment if not supplied.
If the details supplied differ significantly from those entered in AIRS, reject the form.

Section 1.2 New Owner Details

The new owners name must be supplied.
Return the form for amendment if not supplied.
The new owners address must be supplied.
Return the form for amendment if not supplied.
If an ARN is supplied and the address on the ARN differs to the address supplied on
the form, do not delay processing but follow up with new owner when application is
It is preferable that the ARN and full phone, fax and email contact details are
supplied, but these are not mandatory fields.

Section 1.3 Former Owner Details

All details required in this section must be supplied.

Return the form for amendment if name, address or date of transfer is not supplied.
If the name supplied differs significantly from the name entered in AIRS, reject the
If the address supplied differs from the address in AIRS, do not delay processing but
follow up with the former owner.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

The former owner must sign the notification.

If not signed, return the form for amendment.
If the former owner is an organisation, the appropriate check box must be checked
If no check box is checked, or Other is checked, a letter of authority must
accompany the notification (see Chapter 4). Request one if not supplied.
If the former owner is an individual and someone else signs the form on his behalf, a
letter of authority must be supplied.
Request one if not supplied.

Part 1 Checklist

Irrelevant if not completed or if completed incorrectly.

8.4.3 Special Processing After Receipt of Part 1

Upon receipt of a correctly completed Form 027 Part 1, but no Part 2 has been received,
the assessing CASA officer must calculate the latest date that Part 2 can be lodged. The
date is calculated by adding 14 days to the date of transfer (not the date of receipt of
Part 1). For instance, if a transfer takes place on the first of the month and Part 1 is
received on the fifth of the month, the end date would be the 15th of the month and the
registration would be manually cancelled on the 16th of the month.

If Part 2 has not been received, the assessing officer must send the appropriate standard
letter, by fax, to the new owner recorded in Part 1 and the current registration holder and
registered operator recorded in AIRS, warning them that the registration will be cancelled
on x date unless an acceptable application is received. If no fax numbers are available,
the CASA officer should ring the parties and try to obtain a fax number. If no numbers can
be obtained or faxing is unsuccessful, the warning should be issued by phone and the
standard letters should be mailed.

If the 14 days have already passed when Part 1 is received and no Part 2 accompanies
Part 1, the assessing officer must immediately ring both parties concerned and warn them
that the registration will be cancelled at 4.00PM that day if all required documents are not
If Part 2 has not been received the file should be placed in the appropriate follow-up
cupboard for retrieval on the 14th day.
Details on actioning the cancellation can be found in Chapter 10.
In any cases where the 14-day limit is exceeded pass the file to the Registrar on
completion of the transfer process for action in relation to issuing an infringement notice.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

8.4.4 Application
The application form (Form 027) must be completed correctly and all necessary supporting
documentation supplied, in original form if necessary, before an application can be
accepted and processed. This means that both Parts 1 and 2 should be received.
During the assessment process any problem areas (eg mandatory fields not completed, or
fields completed incorrectly) should be highlighted for future quick reference.
The assessing officer should progressively complete the assessment checklist during the
assessment process.

Part 2
The VH mark at the top of Page 2 is considered mandatory. The VH mark at the top of
subsequent pages is optional.

Section 2 Former Owner Details

All details required in this section must be supplied.

Return the form for amendment if name, address or date of transfer is not supplied.
If the name supplied differs significantly from the name entered in AIRS, reject the
If the address supplied differs from the address in AIRS, do not delay processing but
follow up with the former owner.
The former owner must sign the notification.
If not signed, return the form for amendment.
If the former owner is an organisation, the appropriate check box must be checked
If no check box is checked, or Other is checked, a letter of authority must
accompany the notification (see Chapter 4). Request one if not supplied.
If the former owner is an individual and someone else signs the form on his behalf, a
letter of authority must be supplied.
Request one if not supplied.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Section 3 Owner Details

This section has strict identification requirements that must be met, as set out in the
guidelines. Check the details supplied on the form against the ID supplied. If ID is not
supplied, request it immediately.
It is not necessary for the name supplied in Section 3 to match the name supplied in
Sections 1 and 2, especially where multiple owners are involved.
It is irrelevant if first check boxes are not completed or if completed incorrectly.
If sections 3.1 and 3.2 are blank, return the form for amendment.
If both sections 3.1 and 3.2 are completed, reject the form on the basis that only one entity
can be the registration holder.

Section 3.1 Individual Owner Details

If completed, this section must contain the name of one individual only.
The date of transfer should be completed.
If the details of more than one individual are supplied, reject the form.
If this section does not include full name details, reject the form or return the form for
amendment, depending on the circumstances.
The minimum address requirements are as follows:
A home address.
Return the form to the owner for amendment if these details are not supplied.
Other contact details are optional.
If additional identification documentation in line with the current guidelines is not
supplied, request it immediately.

Note: If Q4 and Q5 in the Part 3 Checklist have been completed, identification

may not be required.

If an ARN is supplied, check the ARN details in AIRS against the application and
identification (name, address, phone numbers etc)
If the ARN details do not match the application and/or identification or the ARN
supplied is incorrect, further follow-up will be requireddiscuss with a Team
Leader or Manager, if necessary. The form should not be rejected because the
wrong ARN is supplied.
If the name on the ARN differs from the name on the application, discuss with a
Team Leader or Manager. It may not be necessary to reject the form, but
additional information supporting a change of name may be required.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

If address details differ between the ARN and the application and/or identification,
contact the applicant and confirm that the ARN requires updating before altering
the ARN. Place a note on file of your discussion.
If phone/fax/email details differ, update the ARN without further follow up.

Note: If address and/or name changes are required to an existing ARN, refer to
Chapter 4 and the AIRS Home Page (available only to CASA staff via the
CASA Intranet) to access the User Procedures, Job Aids and Business
Process Flows. Be mindful that other aircraft or areas within CASA may
be affected by the change and additional action may be required.

If an ARN is not supplied, search AIRS and, if necessary, have one created and
record the ARN on the application form using a red ink pen. The CLARC
Processing Team may have already done this.
If the address on the identification differs from the address on the application,
query in writing.
If the name on the identification differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the application.
The application statement must be completed and signed by the owner named in
section 3.1.
If not signed, return the form for amendment.
If the applicant is an individual and someone else has signed this section on their
behalf, a letter of authority must accompany the application (see Chapter 4).
Request one if not supplied.

Section 3.2 Organisation Owner Details

If completed, this section must contain the name of one organisation only.
If the details of more than one organisation are supplied, reject the form.
If this section does not include full name details, reject the form or return the form for
amendment, depending on the circumstances.
The minimum address requirements are as follows:
The registered office address.

In cases where the owner is to be the registered operator, query the postal address with
the owner if these details are not supplied. Return the form for amendment, if necessary.

Other contact details are optional.

Note: The Organisations registered office address is a new address field in the ARN
System and will generally require to be entered.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

The following identification is required:

For an organisation with an ACN:

The ACN must be included in the appropriate section of the application form. If
the ACN is not supplied, return the form for amendment.
Check the ACN on the ASIC National Names Index website.
Print the ASIC report and place it on file.
If the name on the ASIC website differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the form.
If the ACN supplied is invalid etc, reject the form.
If the organisation status is listed as anything other than registered, discuss with
a Team Leader or Manager.

For an organisation that is a state registered and incorporated body:

A certified true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation must be supplied.
If the name on the Certificate of Incorporation differs significantly from the name
on the application, reject the form.

For a government body:

A copy of the establishing statutory provision, which proves the body capable of
exercising statutory rights in its own right must be supplied.

For a foreign corporation:

If an ARBN is supplied check the ASIC National Names Index website.
Print the ASIC report and place it on file.
If the name on the ASIC website differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the form.
If the ACN supplied is invalid etc, reject the form.
If the organisation status is listed as anything other than registered, discuss with
a Team Leader or Manager.
If an ARBN is not provided, a certified true copy of a Certificate of Incorporation
must be supplied.
If the name on the Certificate of Incorporation differs significantly from the name
on the application, reject the form.
If an ARN is supplied, check the ARN details in AIRS against the application (name,
address, phone numbers etc).
If the ARN details do not match the application and/or identification or the ARN
supplied is incorrect, further follow-up will be requireddiscuss with a Team
Leader or Manager if necessary. The form should not be rejected because the
wrong ARN is supplied.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

If the name on the ARN differs from the name on the application, discuss with a
Team Leader or Manager. It may not be necessary to reject the form, but
additional information supporting a change of name may be required.
If address details differ between the ARN and the application and/or identification,
contact the applicant and confirm that the ARN requires updating before altering
the ARN. Place a note on file of your discussion.
If phone/fax/email details differ, update the ARN without further follow up.

Note: If address and/or name changes are required to an existing ARN, refer
to Chapter 4 and the AIRS Home Page (available only to CASA staff
via the CASA Intranet) to access the User Procedures, Job Aids and
Business Process Flows. Be mindful that other aircraft or areas within
CASA may be affected by the change and additional action may be

If an ARN is not supplied, search AIRS and, if necessary, have one created and
record the ARN on the application form using a red ink pen. The CLARC
Processing Team may have already done this.
If the name on the identification differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the application.
The application statement must be completed and signed by the owner named in
section 3.2.
As the applicant is an organisation, the appropriate check box must be checked.
If no check box is checked, or Other is checked, a letter of authority must
accompany the application (see Chapter 4). Request if not supplied.

Section 3.3 Multiple Owner Statement

At a minimum, the Yes/No check boxes must be completed.

If a check box is not checked, return the form to the applicant for completion.
If Yes has been checked, the statement must be signed and a letter of authority
supplied, if necessary.
Request letter of authority immediately if not supplied.
If No has been checked, the remainder of this section is not applicable.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Section 4 Owners Eligibility

Note: This section has strict eligibility requirements that must be met, as set out in
the guidelines. Check the details supplied on the form against the supporting
documentation supplied. If proof is not supplied, request it immediately.

This section is mandatory if the owner is to be the registered operator.

While not mandatory in other cases, it is strongly recommended that this section be
completed and proof of eligibility be supplied.

Section 4.1 Does the Owner Qualify as an Eligible Person?

Section 4.1(b) Optional if not completed, provided appropriate identification has been
supplied if necessary.
If in doubt as to the acceptability of the proof of eligibility supplied, discuss with a
Team Leader or Manager.
If no proof of eligibility has been supplied and the owner is to be the registered
operator, request proof of eligibility immediately.
If no proof of eligibility has been supplied and the owner is not going to be the
registered operator, continue with processing but request proof in case it is
required in the future. If this is the case, Section 5 and 6 must be completed.

Section 4.1(c) Optional if not completed, but section 4.2 or 5 must be completed.

Section 4.2 Mandatory Statement

The owner must complete the mandatory statement and signature block if he is to be the
registered operator.

Section 4.2(a) and (b)

The effective date of appointment must be included. Return for amendment if not
If not signed, return the form for amendment.
If the applicant is an organisation, the appropriate check box must be checked.
If no check box is checked, or Other is checked, a letter of authority must
accompany the application (see Chapter 4). Request one if not supplied.

Note: Special conditions apply to letters of authority for signing this

section. If an unacceptable letter of authority is supplied, query
and request a new letter of authority or reject the form.
No letter of authority is acceptable if an individual is to be the registered

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Request clarification from the owner if the statement and signature block are
completed and the owner is an eligible person but the owner is not to be the
registered operator (No check box in section 4.1(c) ticked and sections 5 and 6

Section 5 Registered Operator

Note: This section has strict eligibility requirements that must be met, as set out in
the guidelines. Check the details supplied on the form against the supporting
documentation supplied. If proof is not supplied, request it immediately.

This section is mandatory if Section 4 was not completed in full and the owner is not to be
the registered operator. In all other cases, this Section must be blank.
If this Section is considered mandatory but not completed, return the form for
If this Section is completed and Section 4 has also been completed in full, request
clarification in writing from the owner on the basis that only one registered operator
can be nominated.

Section 5.1 Registered Operator Details

This section must be completed in the name of one legal entity only. Non-completion of
the first query in relation to whether or not the nominated registered operator is an
individual or organisation is irrelevant.

Note: If both sections 5.1(a) and 5.1(b) are completed, reject the application.

Section 5.1(a)
If the details of more than one individual are supplied, reject the form.
If this section does not include full name details, reject the form or return the form
for amendment, depending on the circumstances.
The minimum address requirements are as follows:
A home address.
A postal address (if different).
Return the form to the owner for amendment if these details are not supplied.
Other contact details are optional.
If additional proof of eligibility documentation in line with the current guidelines is
not supplied, request it immediately.

Note: if Q4 and Q5 in the Part 2 Checklist have been completed, identification

may not be required.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

If an ARN is supplied, check the ARN details in AIRS against the application and
identification (name, address, phone numbers etc).
If the ARN details do not match the application and/or identification or the ARN
supplied is incorrect, further follow-up will be requireddiscuss with a Team
Leader or Manager if necessary. The form should not be rejected because the
wrong ARN is supplied.
If the name on the ARN differs from the name on the application, discuss with
a Team Leader or Manager. It may not be necessary to reject the form, but
additional information supporting a change of name may be required.
If address details differ between the ARN and other paperwork, contact the
nominated registered operator and confirm that the ARN requires updating
before altering the ARN. Place a note on file of your discussion. If the
incorrect address details have been entered on the form, return the form to the
owner for amendment.
If phone/fax/email details differ, update the ARN without further follow up.

Note: If address and/or name changes are required to an existing ARN,

refer to Chapter 4 and the AIRS Home Page (available only to CASA
staff via the CASA Intranet) to access the User Procedures, Job Aids
and Business Process Flows. Be mindful that other aircraft or areas
within CASA may be affected by the change and additional action
may be required.

If an ARN is not supplied, search AIRS and, if necessary, have one created
and record the ARN on the application form using a red ink pen. The CLARC
Processing Team may have already done this.
If the address on the identification differs from the address on the application,
query in writing.
If the name on the identification differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the application.

Section 5.1(b)

If completed, this section must contain the name of one organisation only.
If the details of more than one organisation are supplied, reject the form.
If this section does not include full name details, reject the form or return the form
for amendment, depending on the circumstances.
The minimum address requirements are as follows:
The registered office address.
A postal address (if different).
Return the form to the owner for amendment if these details are not supplied.
Other contact details are optional.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Note: The Organisations registered office address is a new address field in

the ARN System and will generally require to be entered.

The following identification is required:

For an organisation with an ACN:

The ACN must be included in the appropriate section of the application form. If
the ACN is not supplied, return the form for amendment.
Check the ACN on the ASIC National Names Index website.
Print the ASIC report and place it on file.
If the name on the ASIC website differ significantly from the name on the
application, reject the form.
If the ACN supplied is invalid etc, reject the form.
If the organisation status is listed as anything other than registered, discuss with
a Team Leader or Manager.

For an organisation that is a state registered and incorporated body:

A certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation must be supplied.
If the name on the Certificate of Incorporation differs significantly from the name
on the application, reject the form.

For a government body:

A copy of the establishing statutory provision, which proves the body capable of
exercising statutory rights in its own right, must be supplied.

For a foreign corporation:

If an ARBN is supplied check the ASIC National Names Index website.
Print the ASIC report and place it on file.
If the name on the ASIC website differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the form.
If the ACN supplied is invalid etc, reject the form.
If the organisation status is listed as anything other than registered, discuss with
a Team Leader or Manager.
If an ARBN is not supplied, a certified copy of a Certificate of Incorporation must
be supplied.
If the name on the Certificate of Incorporation differs significantly from the name
on the application, reject the form.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

If an ARN is supplied, check the ARN details in AIRS against the application and
identification (name, address, phone numbers etc).
If the ARN details do not match the application and/or identification or the ARN
supplied is incorrect, further follow-up will be requireddiscuss with a Team
Leader or Manager if necessary. The form should not be rejected because the
wrong ARN is supplied.
If the name on the ARN differs from the name on the application, discuss with a
Team Leader or Manager. It may not be necessary to reject the form, but
additional information supporting a change of name may be required.
If address details differ between the ARN and other paperwork, contact the
nominated registered operator and confirm that the ARN requires updating before
altering the ARN. Place a note on file of your discussion. If the incorrect address
details have been entered on the form, return the form to the owner for
If phone/fax/email details differ, update the ARN without further follow up.

Note: If address and/or name changes are required to an existing ARN, refer
to Chapter 4 and the AIRS Home Page (available only to CASA staff
via the CASA Intranet) to access the User Procedures, Job Aids and
Business Process Flows. Be mindful that other aircraft or areas within
CASA may be affected by the change and additional action may be

If an ARN is not supplied, search AIRS and, if necessary, have one created and
record the ARN on the application form using a red ink pen. The CLARC
Processing Team may have already done this.
If the address on the identification differs from the address on the application,
query in writing.
If the name on the identification differs significantly from the name on the
application, reject the application.

Section 5.2 Nomination

The owner must nominate the entity to be recorded as the registered operator.

Section 5.2(a) or (b)

The effective date of appointment must be included. Return for amendment if not
If not signed, return the form for amendment.
If the applicant is an organisation, the appropriate check box must be checked.
If no check box is checked, or Other is checked, a letter of authority must
accompany the application (see Chapter 4). Request if not supplied.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Note: Special conditions apply to letters of authority for signing this section.
If an unacceptable letter of authority is supplied, query and request a
new letter of authority or reject the form.

No letter of authority is acceptable if the owner is an individual.

Section 6 - Mandatory Statement

The nominated registered operator must complete this section. He must be an eligible
person in order to be the registered operator. First query in relation to Are you nominated
by the aircraft owner should be completed. Discuss with a Team Leader or Manager if
not completed.

Section 6(b)
Optional if not completed or if completed incorrectly, provided required documentation is
Proof of eligibility, in accordance with the guidelines, must be supplied.
If in doubt as to the acceptability of the proof supplied, discuss with a Team
Leader or Manager.
If no proof of eligibility has been supplied, request proof of eligibility from the
nominated registered operator immediately and inform the owner of the delay.

Section 6(c) and (d)

If neither section is completed and section 4.2 has not been completed in full, reject the
form on the basis that there is no registered operator.
If Section 4.2 has been completed in full and appropriate identification was provided, make
the owner the registered operator.
The nominated registered operator must sign the appropriate statement.
If not signed, return the form to the registered operator for amendment and inform the
owner of the delay.
If the applicant is an organisation, the appropriate check box must be checked.
If no check box is checked, or Other is checked, a letter of authority must
accompany the application (see Chapter 4). Request if not supplied.

Note: Special conditions apply to letters of authority for signing this section.
If an unacceptable letter of authority is supplied, query and request a
new letter of authority or reject the form.

No letter of authority is acceptable if an individual is to be the registered operator.


Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Section 7 Owners Representative Details

This section must be completed if someone else signed the form on behalf of the owner.
This includes all instances where the owner is an organisation.
If an ARN is supplied, check the ARN details in AIRS against the application (name,
address, phone numbers etc).
If the ARN details do not match the application or the ARN supplied is incorrect,
further follow-up will be requireddiscuss with a Team Leader or Manager, if
necessary. The form should not be rejected because the wrong ARN is supplied.
If address details differ between the ARN and the application, contact the owners
representative and confirm that the ARN requires updating before altering the
ARN. Place a note on file of your discussion. If the incorrect address details have
been entered on the form, return the form to the owners representative for
amendment and notify the owner of the delay.
If phone/fax/email details differ, update the ARN without further follow up.

Note: If address changes are required to an existing ARN, refer to Chapter 4

and the AIRS Home Page (available only to CASA staff via the CASA
Intranet) to access the User Procedures, Job Aids and Business
Process Flows. Be mindful that other aircraft or areas within CASA
may be affected by the change and additional action may be required.

If an ARN is not supplied, search AIRS and, if necessary, have one created and
record the ARN on the application form using a red ink pen.
Optional if title is not completed.
Full name must be supplied.
Return the form to the owners representative for amendment if not supplied and
inform the owner of the delay.
Full physical address details must be supplied.
Return the form to the owners representative for amendment if not supplied and
inform the owner of the delay.
Optional if other contact details are not supplied.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

Part 2 Checklist

Optional if not completed or if completed incorrectly, with the exception that if identification
is not being supplied, Q4 and Q5 need not be answered.
If acceptable ID has been supplied to CASA in the previous 12 months, it is not
necessary to supply it again, (this applies to individuals only).
If Q4 and Q5 have been completed, find the file holding the ID previously supplied.
Take a copy of the ID from the other file and place on this file.
If Q5 has been completed but AIRS does not show that a previous ID was supplied,
check the file noted in Q4 and Q5 to make sure that AIRS is correct. Amend AIRS if
If an ID is not supplied but is required, request it immediately.

8.4.5 At End of Assessment Process

At the end of the assessment process, the assessing officer should record the
recommended action on the checklist, prepare, sign and send any letters for follow-up or
rejection, stamp the form with a rejected stamp, if applicable, and ensure that the problem
areas on both the form itself and the checklist are clearly identified.

8.4.6 Follow-up Procedure

If, after initial assessment, it is found that the process requires rejection or follow-up, the
following guidelines should be observed.

All rejections must be made in writing and through the use of a formal letter.
Where possible, the appropriate standard letters should be used for rejections.
Rejection letters should be prepared and signed by the assessing officer.
A copy of the rejected form should accompany rejection letters with the errors clearly
marked, where practical.
If a rejection is faxed in the first instance, the original document should also be mailed.
If this is done, ensure that the original letter is stamped faxed to avoid confusion
for the recipient and ensure that all fax confirmations are placed on file and
attached to AIRS.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

If a notification/application is rejected, once the rejection has been sent to the client,
the file should be placed in the appropriate cupboard for follow-up, and the file location
updated in TRIM.
An appropriate amount of time should be allowed for the receipt of additional
information/amended forms etc.
If the additional information is not received within an appropriate timeframe, a
second request should be made.
If the second request does not receive a response, the matter must be brought to
the attention of a Team Leader or Manager..
If a mandatory time frame set by the regulations is not complied with, the matter
must be brought to the attention of a Team Leader or Manager.

Note: In this case the mandatory time frame is 14 days after the date of transfer.

Follow-up Action

Note: The type of follow-up action taken (returning form for amendment, following up
by phone, etc) should be based on amount of time left before mandatory
cancellation of registration.

All follow-up should be in writing, where possible.

If follow-up is made through a phone call, make a comprehensive note to file.
It is also strongly recommended that, at the conclusion of the phone call, a fax be
forwarded confirming the important points of the conversation.
Where possible, use the appropriate standard letters for follow-up.
Follow-up correspondence should be prepared and signed by the assessing officer.
If a formal letter is faxed in the first instance, in most cases the original document
should also be mailed.
If this is done, ensure that the original is stamped faxed to avoid confusion for the
recipient and ensure that all fax confirmations are placed on file, and attached to
If an original form is to be returned for amendment, a copy of the form must be kept on
file and it must be clearly noted that the original was returned.
Forms must only be returned by mailfaxing of these documents is not permitted.
A letter clearly stating the errors and what amendment is required must
accompany forms returned for amendment.
Returning amended forms to CASA by fax should not be encouraged due to the
high risk of illegible transmissions.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

If follow-up is required, once the request for information etc has been sent to the client,
the file should be placed in the appropriate cupboard for follow-up, and the file location
updated in TRIM.
Allow an appropriate amount of time for the receipt of additional information/amended
forms etc.
If the additional information is not received within an appropriate timeframe, make
a second request.
If the second request does not receive a response, bring the matter to the
attention of a Team Leader or Manager.
If a mandatory time frame set by the regulations is not complied with, bring the
matter to the attention of a Team Leader or Manager.

8.5 Processing
8.5.1 Data Entry and Issue of Certificate
Specific data entry guidelines can be found in the AIRS Home Page (available only to
CASA staff via the CASA Intranet) by accessing the User Procedures, Job Aids and
Business Process Flows.

Note: If registration is to be cancelled, follow the guidelines in Chapter 10.

Data entry is considered an administrative process and, as such, can be carried out by
any CASA officer.
Data entry MUST NOT be performed until the assessing officer approves the process
by signing off on the checklist.
Only the information contained in the paperwork and approved for processing can be
used during the data entry process.
The officer performing the data entry has no flexibility at all in relation to data
Any points requiring clarification must be discussed with the assessing officer, a
Team Leader or Manager.
Upon successful completion of the data entry, the officer must ensure the following
documents are generated:
Certificate of registration
Register entry certificate
Confirmation of registered operator
Covering letters
Registration details report.

Aircraft Register Procedures Manual
8. Transfer of Ownership/Change of Registration Holder

Approved by Group General Manager Personnel Licensing, Education and Training Group Version 3.1: Januaray 2006

8.5.2 Return of Superseded Certificate of Registration

Monitoring the return of the certificate of registration is the responsibility of the Aircraft
Register Section.
The newly superseded certificate of registration must be returned within 21 days from the
date of issue of the new certificate. (Please be aware that the Civil Aviation Safety
Regulations 1998 state that the old certificate of registration must be returned within
14 days after the day on which CASA sent the new certificate. As there are different time
frame requirements for certificate returns under different regulations, this is difficult for
CASA to monitor.)

Note: If a certificate of registration has been destroyed or lost, the registration holder
must give CASA a statutory declaration to that effect within the same
timeframe allowed for return of the certificate. If a statutory declaration is
received, the declaration should be treated in the same way as a returned
certificate and the certificate should be marked in AIRS as returned.

Once the superseded certificate is returned:

(Refer to the AIRS Home Page (available only to CASA staff via the CASA Intranet) to
access the User Procedures, Job Aids and Business Process Flows for instructions on
data entry.)
1. Scan and attach to the aircraft record in AIRS (This is normally done by the CLARC
processing team See Chapter 4 Incoming Correspondence).
2. Place certificate on the appropriate Returned Superseded COR file.

If the superseded certificate is not returned within 21 days:

1. Fax or mail standard letter to the registration holder, copying registered operator.
If letter is faxed in the first instance, in most cases the original document should
also be mailed.
If this is done, ensure that the original is stamped faxed to avoid confusion for the
recipient and ensure that all fax confirmations are placed on file.
2. If no response is received within two days, make a follow up call to the registration
If follow-up is made through a phone call, note the details on file.

If the superseded certificate is not returned within 25 days:

1. Mark the certificate as returned in AIRS (see the AIRS Home Page (available only to
CASA staff via the CASA Intranet) to access the User Procedures, Job Aids and
Business Process Flows for instructions on data entry).
2. Complete the Request for Investigation or Recommendation for Infringement Notice
form and pass file to the Registrar.


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