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Lightwave Communications:

The Fifth Generation

Optical fibers doped with erbium and powered by tiny laser chips are
revolutionizing the way signals are regenerated for transcontinental
communications and for fast data transmission over fiber-optic networks

by Emmanuel Desurvire

ometimes innovations emerge silica glass and traces of a rare-earth laser diode chip. When this fiber am
when existing technologies or old element. Such fibers can amplify light plifier was integrated into communica
ideas are applied in unconven signals when they are energized by in tions systems, it increased the trans
tional or original ways. Some five years frared radiation. mission capacities of the systems by a
ago many researchers predicted that Within three years investigators, in factor of 100. In principle, billions of
lightwave communications systems were cluding myself, had developed a novel bits of information can be transmitted
approaching their peak performance. type of optical amplifier that is based in a fraction of a second through an
Ignoring such opinions, a team of re on a fiber doped with the rare-earth uninterrupted cable that stretches a
searchers reexamined a 20-year-old element erbium and is powered by a quarter of the way around the planet.
technology: optical fibers made from tiny, efficient radiation source called a In the middle of this decade AT&T Bell

114 SCIENTIFIC AMERlCAN January 1992

Laboratories and Kokusai Denshin Den tensity as all current systems do. Fiber and those that followed consist of the
wa (KDD) plan to deploy such a ca amplifiers may be important for sys same basic components: encoding and
ble across the Pacific Ocean, and many tems in which information is carried by decoding devices, a transmitter, silica
other companies are likely to do the solitons. These short light pulses can in fibers, repeaters and a receiver. The en
same. Each cable will have the capabili theory propagate indefinitely in a de coding device first converts information
ty to carry 500,000 phone calls simul fect-free optical fiber. If a practical sys into an electrical signal. The transmit
taneously-more than 12 times the ca tem emerges from any of these con ter then converts the signal into light.
pacity of existing transoceanic systems. cepts, it should greatly exceed the per The transmitter, at least in 1975, was a
Erbium-doped fibers eliminate the formance of existing systems. light-emitting diode that produces in
need for complicated devices called re frared radiation at a wavelength of 0.87

peaters, which are used in conventional ince 1975 the technology of light micron. The diodes respond to changes
systems to regenerate weakened sig wave communications has pro in the electrical signal by emitting light
nals. Fiber amplifiers can boost signals gressed, by any standard, at an of various intensities.
by greater factors than repeaters, and extremely rapid pace. The technology In all generations of lightwave sys
they can transmit data at higher rates. has evolved as scientists have worked tems, light from the transmitter is car
The erbium-doped fiber amplifiers persistently to invent systems that ried through fibers made of silica glass.
will play a major role not only in long transmit more information at faster A fiber consists of a core, which carries
distance communications but also in lo rates over longer distances. lnnovative the light, and a cladding, which guides
cal-area networks. Fiber amplifiers are systems must also prove practical and light through the core. As the light sig
ideal for networks that carry vast quan cost-effective. During the past 20 years, nal travels along the fiber, it broadens
tities of information to thousands of researchers have launched five genera and weakens. The signal disperses, in
users. Such networks could bring high tions of lightwave communications sys part, because radiation of different fre
definition television and video telecon tems, each representing a major ad quencies propagates at different speeds
ferencing to every home and business. vance in the technology. through the core. The signal attenuates
Fiber amplifiers should also be an in When the first generation of lightwave largely because defects or impurities in
tegral part of future communications communications systems was intro the glass absorb or scatter light.
systems. They may be incorporated in duced around 1975, it could transmit A system can compensate for attenu
systems that convey information as a far more information than could sys ation with repeaters. These devices are
change in the phase and frequency of tems carrying electrical signals through placed between lengths of fiber to de
light rather than as a modulation in in- copper wires. First-generation systems tect, amplify and reemit the signal.

ERBIUM-DOPED OPTICAL FmER (the green-glowing coil at the left) will be one of
the key components in the next generation of lightwave communications systems.
To demonstrate the capabilities of the erbium-doped fiber as an amplifier, the author
and his colleagues, then at AT&T Bell Laboratories, built the apparatus shown here
in the light (above) and dark (left). The fiber amplifies infrared light signals when it
is energized by green laser light. The erbium atoms in the fiber absorb the green
light and jump to a high-energy state. As an infrared light signal passes through
the fiber, the erbium atoms transfer their energy to the signal by a process known
as stimulated emission. Red light is used to indicate the path of the signal. The sig
nal travels from the right of the apparatus, propagates through the erbium-doped
fiber and emerges on the left, where the amplification of the signal is measured.

EMMANUEL DESURVIRE is associate professor of electrical engineering at Columbia

University. He works at Columbia's Center for Telecommunications Research. In 1981
he received a diploma of advanced studies (DEA) in theoretical physics from the Univer
sity of Paris VI. After investigating Raman fiber amplifiers for two years at Thomson
CSF in Orsay, he obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Nice. For the next two
years, at Stanford University, he conducted research on active fiber devices. From 1986
to 1990 at AT&T Bell Laboratories, he worked on erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.


Eventually the signal reaches the re In 1982 the third generation began to outperform direct-detection systems.
ceiver, which transforms the light back appear as researchers developed manu Coherent receivers can accurately de
into an electrical signal. Finally, the de facturing techniques that increased the tect light signals whose intensity is
coding device translates the electrical purity of silica glasses. By doing so, sci much lower than the minimum that di
signals into a form a telephone or com entists greatly enhanced the transparen rect-detection systems can discern. Sig
puter can interpret. cy of fibers in the wavelength region nals can therefore travel farther through
The success of each generation of from 1.2 to 1.6 microns. To take advan a coherent system than through a com
lightwave communications systems ul tage of this advance, they perfected the parable direct-detection system.
timately depends on two quantities: how technology of the laser diode chip-a By 1987, coherent systems had trans
much information can be transmitted high-speed, monochromatic source of mission capacities almost as high as
in a second through the system and laser light. In particular, laser diodes those of direct-detection schemes. It
how far signals can travel through a could generate light of 1.55 microns, was far from clear, however, whether
fiber before the signal must be regener the wavelength at which silica glass is either scheme could be improved. Some
ated. The success of the system can most transparent. These improvements investigators favored coherent systems
therefore be expressed as the transmis raised the transmission capacity to hun because of their greater potential. But
sion capacity, which is defined as the dreds of gigabit-kilometers per second. they faced serious technical obstacles.
highest bit rate of the system times the By 1984, many researchers believed They needed to produce light sources
maximum transmission length. By 1978, the basic design of lightwave communi whose frequency and phase were very
one billion bits (a gigabit) could be cations systems had been worked out. stable. And they had to develop devices
transmitted each second through a sys But to their surprise, the fourth and fifth that could modulate and detect the
tem 10 kilometers long. The transmis generations emerged from a communi phase and frequency of light as easily as
sion capacity was therefore about 10 ty of scientists working on forward conventional components could change
gigabit-kilometers per second. looking approaches and novel devices. and monitor the intensity of radiation.
During the next three years, lightwave Indeed, researchers had found devices

communications systems reached near he fourth generation consists of that could accomplish these tasks, but
ly 100 gigabit-kilometers per second as innovative systems that modu at the time the approaches were too
the second generation emerged. Scien late the frequency or phase of complex and expensive for practical
tists had improved the technology in light instead of its intensity. Because considerations.
two ways. First, by reducing the size of such systems preserve the phase and Workers were also struggling to im
the core of the fiber, they created "sin frequency of light, they are described as prove direct-detection systems. They
gle-mode" fibers, which force the light coherent, just as lightwaves that travel knew that if they could invent powerful
signals to travel at a nearly uniform ve together with the same phase and fre amplifiers, they could compensate for
locity. This advance greatly reduced dis quency are called coherent. Systems the limited sensitivity of direct-detec
persion. Second, they developed trans based on intensity modulation are tion systems. The amplifiers would
mitters and receivers that could handle known as direct detection, because the boost the signals, enabling them to trav
light at a wavelength of 1.3 microns. detectors used in these systems can el over increased transmission lengths.
This change reduced attenuation be translate a change in intensity directly Many researchers were attempting to
cause silica glass is more transparent into a fluctuation in electric current. build an optical amplifier on a single
at 1. 3 microns than at 0.87 micron. In the laboratory, coherent systems chip. They succeeded but had difficulty
making the devices perform on the lab
bench. It was hard to imagine that opti
cal amplifier chips would be implement
ed on a large scale within several years.
100,000 At the end of the 1980s, it seemed
likely that both direct-detection and co
z herent systems would benefit from op
o 10,000 tical amplifiers. Yet it was not clear what
-(Jl kind of amplifier would prove beneficial.
a: Some researchers, therefore, turned
o..UJ their attention to "exotic" devices.
0.. 1,000
U(Jl The breakthrough was the develop
ment of the erbium-doped fiber am

100 plifier. The main components of the

::2:0 amplifier are laser diodes and lengths
Z of erbium-doped fiber. The laser diodes
a: t:: 10 power the amplifier by providing in
FOURTH frared radiation at a wavelength of 1.48
GENERATION or 0.98 micron. The light is absorbed
by the erbium atoms, "pumping" them
to a high-energy level. When a weak
GENERATION ened signal enters the erbium-doped
0.1 L-____________________________________________ fiber, the "excited" erbium atoms trans
1976 1978 1980 1 982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 fer their energy to the signal through a
YEAR process that Einstein called stimulated
TRANSMISSION CAPACITY of optical fibers has increased lO-fold every four years emission. In this way, the erbium-doped
since 1975. The five generations of the technology are shown. The open circle fiber regenerates the signal.
(purple) represents the results from an experiment that simulated long-distance Erbium-doped fibers are not consid
transmissions using a loop of fiber amplifiers and optical fibers. ered to be "repeaters" even though they





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FmER AMPLIFIER requires a source of pumping radiation and the intensity of the pumping radiation decreases over the
a single-mode optical fiber whose core is doped with erbium. length of the fiber. As the signal travels through the fiber, its
The fiber amplifies signals as erbium atoms absorb the pump intensity increases until the intensity of the pumping radia
ing radiation and transfer their energy to the signals. Hence, tion drops below a certain threshold.

act as signal regenerators. Repeaters rather than by cumbersome flash lamps pumped at other wavelengths. In par
convert light into electric current, am or water-cooled lasers. ticular, erbium can be energized with
plify the current and transform it back But during the 1970s, this promis infrared radiation, which can be pro
into light. Erbium-doped optical fibers ing line of research was abandoned. duced by a very practical device, the
do not interrupt the path of the light The neodymium-doped fiber amplifiers laser diode chip.
signal as it propagates from transmit did not meet the needs of the time.

ter to receiver. Whereas the fiber amplifiers operated was very interested in the work
The introduction of the erbium in the range of 1.06 microns, research of the Southampton team, having
doped fiber ushered in the fifth genera ers were concentrating on applications spent a few years experimenting
tion of lightwave communications sys that would work at wavelengths close with fiber amplifiers that boosted sig
tems. Transmission capacities shot up to 1. 3 or 1.55 microns, the wavelengths nals through a process known as Ra
from hundreds to tens of thousands of at which silica is most transparent. man scattering. When I joined AT&T
gigabit-kilometers per second. Could fibers be doped with other ele in 1986, I wanted to investigate wheth
The idea of doping optical fibers ments to make a device that would op er the technology of fiber amplifiers
with erbium and other rare-earth ele erate in the proper wavelength range? could be refined to improve lightwave
ments dates to the early 1960s, when The issue was not studied until networks. Just before my arrival, John
Charles J Koester and Elias Snitzer of 1985-86, when David Payne and his co B. MacChesney and Jay Simpson, who
the American Optical Company investi workers at the University of Southamp were working in the laboratory, had
gated fibers doped with the rare-earth ton revitalized interest in fibers doped patented a process for fabricating opti
neodymium. They discovered that the with rare-earth elements. In particu cal fibers made up of many constit
fibers could be used as a lasing medi lar, they demonstrated that an erbium uents-including rare-earth elements. I
um and could amplify light. To mea doped fiber could make a novel type of collaborated with them and Philippe
sure the amplification, they coiled a optical amplifier at 1.55 microns. One Becker, also at Bell Labs, to study er
one-meter length of the fiber around a year later they achieved a 25-decibel bium-doped fibers.
flash lamp. They found that infrared gain at this wavelength by pumping an We used an argon-ion laser to pump
radiation at a wavelength of 1.06 mi erbium-doped fiber with 60 milliwatts an erbium-doped fiber with green light
crons could be amplified by a factor of of red light at 0.65 micron. at 0.51 micron. By the middle of 1987,
50,000, a gain of 47 decibels. (Amplifi Most scientists who learned about the we obtained an encouraging 22-decibel
cation is usually expressed in decibels, work at Southampton probably consid gain using 100 milliwatts of green light.
which are defined as 10 times the com ered it an interesting piece of phys But such results did not generate ex
mon logarithm of the ratio of the out ics but nothing very practical. They citement among network engineers,
put power to the input.) A decade later were justified in their criticism because who justifiably considered the device
Julian Stone and Charles A. Burrus, Jr., it is difficult to generate intense red impractical.
of Bell Laboratories were the first to light at 0.65 micron; one must use a My colleague Randy Giles and I then
demonstrate that neodymium-doped fi large, ponderous laser. But these critics made a rather unorthodox decision.
bers could be energized by laser diodes overlooked the fact that erbium can be The next logical step would have been


to give up the approach or to work to whether erbium-doped fibers could re but it may then jump to a second state
ward building a more practical fiber generate several signals at the same by absorbing a second photon. In a fi
amplifier. Instead we wanted to see time. We found that they could. The sig ber amplifier, a fraction of the erbium
how well the amplifier could transmit nals did not interfere with one anoth atoms will jump to this second state,
data. We proceeded to measure the er, or more specifically, the cross talk which prevents them from transferring
error rate of data flow through the between signals was negligible. We had their energy to the optical signal. As a
strange, green-glowing fiber amplifier. identified a second advantage of er result, the efficiency of the amplifier is
After spending a few hours fighting bium-doped fiber amplifiers. reduced.
spurious effects, we obtained an error During the late 1980s, my colleagues Luckily, by a trick of nature, radia
rate of one part in a billion at a data and I set out to construct a practical er tion at 0.98 or 1.48 microns can ener
flow of two gigabits per second. This bium-doped fiber amplifier. First and gize erbium without suffering from this
rate is the industry standard for "error foremost, we need to prove that com unwanted effect. These wavelengths can
free" communications. pact laser diodes could replace massive be produced by semiconductor laser
Most important, the observed gain lasers as an efficient means for power diodes fabricated from compounds of
did not depend on the polarization of ing erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. indium, gallium, arsenic and phospho
the signal, whereas the semiconductor Our efforts were complicated by the rus. It is also fortunate that a silica
amplifiers that have been developed fact that although several different fiber can be designed so that light at
are sensitive to polarization. This re wavelengths of radiation can be used 0.98, 1.48 or 1.55 microns will travel in
sult was the first Sign that erbium to energize erbium, only a few do so a single mode. This type of propaga
doped fibers might have a real advan effiCiently. For instance, when an er tion is desirable because it allows the
tage over other amplifiers. bium atom is pumped with light of fiber to carry high-intensity light, which
Encouraged by these findings, we 0.67 or 0.80 micron, it absorbs a pho can energize the erbium atoms with
conducted an experiment to determine ton, achieving the desired energy state, great efficiency.






LONG-DISTANCE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS will rely on the array of fibers, it is focused onto an optical grating,
erbium-doped fiber amplifiers in the near future. In such sys where it is separated. The split signals are then guided to
tems, several optical transmitters generate signals, which are ward several receivers. In the inset, which depicts the details
combined and directed into a single fiber. Fiber amplifi of the fiber amplifier, a photodiode measures the intensity of
ers are placed between ordinary strands of optical fiber and the output signal and provides feedback to keep the amplifi
boost the signals periodically. When the signal emerges from cation at a constant level.


To determine whether laser diodes 40 decibels. Such power levels were maximum transmission capacity to
might be practical, my group and oth shown to be well within the capability 1,500 gigabit-kilometers per second.
ers first used conventional lasers to of laser diodes, which can now gener Near the end of 1989, workers at KDD
test how erbium-doped fibers would ate more than 200 milliwatts of light at announced even more startling news.
perform powered by radiation of either 0.98 and 1.48 microns. By using a series of 12 fiber amplifiers,
0.98 or 1.48 microns. Researchers at Perhaps most significant, in 1989 NTT they were able to transmit data at 1.2
Southampton conducted many of the was the first to demonstrate that an am gigabits per second over the incredible
first experiments at 0.98 micron, which plifier could be efficiently pumped with distance of 904 kilometers.
they identified as the most efficient a laser diode. The same company suc Then, early in 1990, workers at NTT
wavelength for pumping. Meanwhile my cessfully tested a prototype system of made a remarkable comeback. They
co-workers and I focused on 1.48 mi erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and or were the first to construct a coherent
crons, the wavelength for which the la dinary fiber links. The system carried system that included fiber amplifiers.
ser diode technology was more mature. about two gigabits per second over a The system could transmit data at 2.5
Other institutions, including the Nip distance of 212 kilometers, at the time. gigabits per second over 2,22 3 kilome
pon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) Once NTT had shown that the trans ters. The industry had entered the era
Research Laboratories near Tokyo, mission capacity could be greatly in of 1,000-kilometer-Iong systems.
joined the investigation. So far the best creased, research groups began com But even these results do not dem
results, as reported by AT&T for the peting for world records as fiercely as onstrate the full potential of erbium
1.48-micron wavelength and NTT for Olympic teams. In the middle of 1989 doped fiber amplifiers. Using an experi
the 0.98-micron wavelength, are that both NTT and Bell Communications Re mental system that emulates a very
an erbium-doped fiber amplifier pow search reported transmission rates of long transmission link, Neal S. Bergano
ered by a mere 10 milliwatts of power about 10 gigabits per second over dis and his colleagues at AT&T achieved
can achieve a gain in the range of 30 to tances of 150 kilometers, bringing the transmission capacities as high as






(10 TO 25



BROADCAST NETWORK for high-definition television and of transmitters and lasers that convert the signals into light.
other communications services is one system that could bene The signals are combined into one and guided into several
fit from erbium-doped fiber amplifiers. According to recent ordinary fibers. Amplifiers boost the signal as it is split nu
estimates, the system could transmit signals as far as 25 kilo merous times and as it decays over lengths of ordinary fiber.
meters and could reach as many as 10 million users. Once The signal ultimately reaches the user, who can select the de
the signals are received or generated, they travel to a series sired portion of the signal.


50,000 gigabit-kilometers per second. cused their efforts on achieving record act disperSion. If each wavelength com
This capacity is 100 times greater than breaking transmission capacities during ponent is generated so that it has a par
what can be achieved so far in an op the past four years, others have made ticular intensity, all the components can
tical fiber system without amplifiers, significant progress in the study of be made to travel at the same speed. As
and it is 10 times greater than what solitons and their use in communica a result, the soliton will neither broad
has been attained in systems deployed tions systems. en nor compress as it travels through
across the oceans. a lossless fiber.

The group placed a few erbium-fiber Oliton can travel indefinitely Of course, all fibers attenuate signals
amplifiers between strands of low-loss through a "perfect" fiber, that to some degree, and the soliton will
fiber and joined the ends to form a is, one that does not attenuate slowly decay as the pulse propagates.
loop. When they injected light pulses light. A soliton, like an ordinary light Yet it will retain its shape until the
into the loop, they succeeded in trans pulse, consists of many components power of the soliton drops below a cer
mitting 2.4 gigabits per second over that differ slightly in wavelength. A sol tain level.
21,000 kilometers and five gigabits per iton also varies in intensity over its Linn F. Mollenauer, who pioneered
second over 9,000 kilometers. The out length, width and height. Lightwaves of the field of solitons in optical fibers,
put signals emerged undistorted ex different wavelengths travel through fi proposed that fiber amplifiers could
cept for a small, unavoidable amount bers at different velocities. This effect compensate for the losses in fibers,
of noise generated by the fiber amplifi is known as disperSion. And when the making it possible to sustain the prop
er. Although these results were achieved intensity of light exceeds a certain lev agation of solitons over long distances.
using a fiber loop, which differs some el, lightwaves of the same wavelength In 1988 he proved it at AT&T. By trap
what from a demonstration of point but different intensities propagate at ping solitons in a 40-kilometer loop of
to-point communications, the achieve different speeds. This phenomenon is fiber and fiber amplifiers, Mollenauer
ment indicates that fiber amplifier sys known as the optical Kerr effect. The and his colleagues ultimately observed
tems have enormous potential. principle behind solitons is that the op solitons that propagated for 10,000
Whereas some investigators have fo- tical Kerr effect can be used to counter- kilometers with little broadening. Re
cently they showed that solitons enable
information to be tranSmitted, error
free, at a rate of 2.5 gigabits per second
over a distance of 14,000 kilometers.
This result gives every indication that
solitons could be used for long-distance
Solitons are the ideal light pulse for
communications. They can be spaced
closely together because they do not
o merge into one another and because

I they are short (about 10 trillionths of a

Cl.. second). Soliton systems-in which the
presence or absence of a soliton rep

resents a single bit of information

should attain transmission capacities
of at least five gigabits per second over
distances of 10,000 kilometers.
Soliton systems should achieve even
greater capacities if they can take ad
vantage of other emerging technologies.
Signals transmitted as solitons enable
several channels of information to be
sent Simultaneously at different wave
lengths. This approach, called wave
length-division multiplexing, is imprac
tical with nonsoliton signals because
LJ.J the signals disperse and mix irreversibly
with one another over long distances.
::::; In soliton systems the maximum num
Cl.. ber of channels is ultimately limited

because fiber amplifiers boost signals

of different wavelengths by different
amounts. A soliton system could realis
tically support at least five channels
and could therefore carry 25 gigabits
per second.
o 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 Mollenauer and his colleagues have
also investigated "polarization multi
SIGNALS (top) traveled 9,000 kilometers through a loop of ordinary fiber and er plexing" for soliton systems. In such
bium-doped fiber amplifiers, emerging (bottom) virtually undistorted and free from schemes the number of channels can
noise. These results, which were obtained by Neal S. Bergano and his co-workers at be doubled by transmitting signals that
AT&T Bell Laboratories, show the great potential of fiber amplifiers. have the same wavelength but two


different polarizations. This approach
would bring the total transmission rate
to the high rate of 50 gigabits per sec
ond. The techniques used for generat
ing, modulating and detecting soliton
pulses are still being developed in the
laboratory. For this reason alone, soli
ton systems may not be deployed for
some time.
Another alternative for the future of
communications is coherent systems.
Coherent techniques could exploit the
entire wavelength region from 1.2 to
1.6 microns and would allow optical
channels to be packed very closely to
gether. To make a practical system,
workers must still develop frequency
agile devices, which have better abso
lute frequency control and stability. If
progress continues in this field, work
ers may well find a way to eliminate
FIBER AMPliFIER can boost telephone signals through fiber-optic cables that span
the need for optical amplifiers in local
continents. The amplifier contains an erbium-doped optical fiber, which is wound
area networks. It seems clear, however, around a spool at the left. The fiber is energized by light from a laser chip, which
that long-distance communications will is housed in the small metallic case at the top right. light signals enter and exit the
continue to depend on optical ampli fiber through the yellow cables at the left. The device, which is 15 centimeters
fiers. Furthermore, it is too early to pre long, was designed by Terry W. Cline and his colleagues at AT&T Bell Laboratories.
dict when frequency-agile devices will
be ready for use.
plifiers to compensate for the loss. The area networks during the coming de

rbium-doped fiber amplifiers are maximum number of users is limited, cades, people will have access to new
already having a tremendous im however, because as the signal passes types of powerful communications ser
pact on long-distance communi through one amplifier after another, it vices. Lightwave communications sys
cations. And in the next decade fiber eventually accumulates so much noise tems will integrate the functions of
amplifiers should play an even greater that it becomes unusable for communi telephones, facsimile machines, com
role in the field of lightwave networks. cations purposes. puters and televisions. They will also
Indeed, the technological challenge of Networks that include fiber ampli offer many new services: Businesses
such networks is to exchange the maxi fiers can transmit data at very high will have access to vast data banks and
mum amount of data among the largest rates because they are able to support will be able to take advantage of inter
possible number of users in the short many channels. The number of chan active video networks for teleconfer
est interval of time with the smallest nels is not reduced by dispersion, encing. Researchers will be able to ex
probability of failure. For this type of which is negligible over the short dis ploit fully the resources of supercom
communication, the advantage of em tances covered by fiber networks. The puters located thousands of kilome
ploying optical fibers, rather than mi number of channels is finite, however, ters away. Homeowners will be able to
crowave cables, comes from their low because of four effects. First, if the choose programs from video libraries.
loss and their ability to convey data at combined strength of the signals from It is reasonable to infer that just as
higher bit rates over longer distances. each channel exceeds a certain level, telephones and televisions have trans
The simplest form of a fiber network the erbium amplifier will not amplify formed work and leisure in this centu
is called a broadcast network, in which the signal. Second, the fiber amplifier ry, lightwave communications systems
optical data are transmitted from a can transmit only a limited range of promise to influence society profound
central station to an ensemble of users. wavelengths (from 1.5 3 to 1.55 mi ly in the 21st century.
A fiber amplifier could compensate for crons). Third, the wavelengths of any
losses as the signals from the central two optical channels must differ enough
station are split over and over again. that the channels do not interfere or
Other fiber amplifiers in the branches mix together. And finally, the gain of FURTHER READING

of the network could compensate for the amplifier varies with wavelength. BmuoGRAPHY ON ERBIUM-DOPED FmER

propagation losses over extended dis The number of channels may also be 1987 TO 1990. Harish R. D.
O. Box 1668, Kingston, R . 1.
Sunak. P.
tances of 10 to 25 kilometers, permit reduced because of limitations in the
02881-1668, EDFA Consultants, 1991.
ting the scale of the network to be in ability of photonic devices to discrimi
creased. The number of homes that nate optical channels. A. Saleh and Malvin Carl Teich. John Wi
could be reached through such a net Despite these limitations, lightwave ley and Sons, 1991.
work is enormous. networks that employ fiber amplifi MULTIGIGABIT SOUTON TRANSMISSION
The company British Telecom has re ers may ultimately carry an estimated TRAVERSE ULTRALONG DISTANCES. L. F.
cently demonstrated the broadcasting 2,000 to 3,000 gigabits per second. So Mollenauer, ]. P. Gordon and S. G. Evan
gelides in Laser Focus World, Vol. 27,
of 384 video channels to nearly 40 mil far no other technology can compete
No. 11, pages 159-170; November 1991.
lion potential users within a 50-kilome with these rates.
ter-diameter area. Such systems can be As erbium-fiber amplifiers and other Edited by M. ]. Digonnet. Marcel Dek
expanded in area by increasing the lightwave technologies are introduced ker (in press).
fiber length and using more fiber am- into long-distance systems and local-



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