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1. The United Nations was founded on _________.

A. March 24, 1945

B. October 24, 1945
C. March 24, 1949
D. October 24, 1950
2. Which country from the following is NOT the member of UNO?
A. Vatican City
B. Afghanistan
C. North Korea
D. Vaitnam
3. The International Court of Justice is located in _________.
A. New York
B. Washigton
C. Geneva
D. The Hague
4. The Great Wall of China is about __________ KM long.
A. 18,196
B. 19,196
C. 20,196
D. 21,196
5. The oldest university in the world is
A. Cambridge University
B. Oxford University
C. University of Bologna
D. University of Warwick
6. There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 10
D. 15
7. The currency of Indonesia is _________.
A. rupiah
B. dinar
C. rangit
D. riyal
8. The D-8 is an organization of eight ________ countries.
A. developed
B. developing
C. Asian
D. African
9. The European Union's working capital is in _________.
A. London
B. Lisbon
C. Austria
D. Brussels
10. The headquarter of NATO is located in _________.
A. New York
B. Paris
C. Geneva
D. Brussels
11. The motto of UNO is _________.
A. It's your world!
B. Life for All!
C. Peace!
D. Love and Peace!
12. The world's highest mountain is in __________.
A. China
B. Pakistan
C. Nepal
D. India
13. The headquarter of Red Cross is in _________.
A. New York
B. Washigton
C. Geneva
D. The Hague
14. World Trade Organization was established in __________.
A. 1980
B. 1985
C. 1990
D. 1995
15. The North Atlantic treaty (NATO) was signed in __________.
A. 1945
B. 1947
C. 1949
D. 1951
16. Which country, on the map of world, appears as "Long Shoe"?
A. Portugal
B. Italy
C. Greece
D. Hungary
17. Which from the following countries is NOT a member of D-8?
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. Nigeria
D. Turkey
18. The largest ocean of the world is __________.
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Indian
D. None of these
19. Which from the following countries does NOT yeild veto-power?
A. United States
B. United Kingdom
C. Canada
D. France
20. OIC changed its name from Organisation of the Islamic Conference to Organisation of
Islamic Cooperation in _________.
A. 1991
B. 1999
C. 2001
D. 2011
21. The most powerful organ of United Nations is _________.
A. General Assembly
B. Security Council
C. Secretariat
D. International Court of Justice
22. The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________.
A. Amserdam
B. Geneva
C. Lisbon
D. Austria
23. 3 May is observed Internationally as _________.
A. Labour Day
B. Environment Day
C. Earth Day
D. Press Freedom Day
24. The Capital of Canada is __________.
A. Tirane
B. Ottawa
C. Athens
D. Luxembourg
25. Suez Canal is between __________.
A. Arabian Sea and Red Sea
B. Red Sea and North Sea
C. Mediterranean Sea and North Sea
D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
26. The permanent Secretariat of SAARC is located in __________.
A. Islamabad, Pakistan
B. New Delhi, India
C. Kathmandu, Nepal
D. Colombo, Sri Lanka
27. Which from the following countries is NOT a member of European Union?
A. Norway
B. Ireland
C. Malta
D. Estonia
28. The currency of Israel is _________.
A. Euro
B. Shekel
C. Forint
D. Krone
29. Which country (by electorate) is the world's largest democracy?
A. United States
B. United Kingdom
C. China
D. India
30. The permanent Secretariat of OIC is located in _________.
A. Makkah
B. Madina
C. Jeddah
D. Riyadh
31. The highest part of the Earth is __________ .

A. Mount Everest
B. K2
C. Norway
D. North Pole
32. The lowest part of the Earth is __________ .

A. Dead Sea
B. Mariana Trench
C. South Africa
D. South Pole
33. The deepest part of the Earth is __________ .
A. Dead Sea
B. Mariana Trench
C. South Africa
D. South Pole
34. The headquarter of Amnesty International is in _________.

A. Amserdam
B. Geneva
C. London
D. Berlin
35. The headquarter of Transparency International is in _________.

A. Amserdam
B. Geneva
C. London
D. Berlin
36. The largest Island of the World is _________.

A. Iceland
B. Greenland
C. England
D. Sri Lanka
37. 22 April is observed Internationally as _________.

A. Labour Day
B. Environment Day
C. Earth Day
D. Press Freedom Day
38. Yellow Sea lies between __________.

A. America and Canada

B. England and France
C. China and Korea
D. Norway and Sweden
39. The smallest Sea of the World is __________.

A. Dead Sea
B. Red Sea
C. Baltic Sea
D. Arabian Sea
40. World's famous bridge "Golden Gate Bridge" is in __________.

A. San Francisco
B. New Delhi
C. France
D. Sydney

41. Which country is called "Land of thousand islands"?

A. Malaysia
B. Indonesia
C. Ireland
D. Finland
42. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately __________ islands.
A. 10,000
B. 12,500
C. 15,000
D. 17,500
43. Which country is called the "Land of Golden Fibre"?
A. United States
B. South Korea
C. Bangladesh
D. India
44. Which country is called the "Land of thousand Lakes"?
A. Indonesia
B. Finland
C. Iceland
D. Scotland
45. Vienna is the capital of _________.
A. Austria
B. Switzerland
C. Cyprus
D. Denmark
46. The capital of Czech Republic is?
A. Nicosia
B. Dublin
C. Bern
D. Prague
47. AFP is the news agency of _________.
A. Germany
B. France
C. Syria
D. Yemen
48. ANTARA is the news agency of _________.
A. Indonesia
B. Syria
C. Yemen
D. Jordan
49. Emirates is an airline of __________.
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Qatar
D. Malaysia
50. Qantas is an airline of __________.
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Australia
D. Malaysia
51. The Temple of Heaven, a religious building, is located in
A. Edinburgh
B. Rome
C. Beijing
D. Shanghai
52. The mine, Super Pit, is Australia's largest _________ mine.
A. gold
B. silver
C. copper
D. coal
53. What was the nationality of Alfred Nobel?
A. American
B. British
C. German
D. Swedish
54. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in __________ .
A. 1895
B. 1901
C. 1907
D. 1913
55. The Nobel Prize has been awarded in __________ fields.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
56. The Li River is located in
A. China
B. Japan
C. South Korea
D. North Korea
57. SANA is the news agency of _________.
A. Saudi Arabia
C. Syria
D. Yemen
58. Saba is the news agency of _________.
A. Indonesia
B. Syria
C. Yemen
D. Jordan
59. KLM is an airline of __________.
A. Australia
B. Germany
C. Netherlands
D. Austria
60. Etihad Airways is an airline of __________.
A. United Arab Emirates
B. Qatar
C. Russia
D. Canada

61. The Earth surface is divided in __________ Continents.

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
62. The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________.
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. Africa
D. North America
63. The second Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________.
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. Africa
D. North America
64. The Smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is __________.
A. Antarctica
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. Europe
65. The Earth's Oceanic water is divided in __________ oceans.
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
66. The Earth's Largest ocean is __________ .
A. Atlantic
B. Arctic
C. Indian
D. Pacific
67. The Earth's second Largest ocean is __________ .
A. Atlantic
B. Arctic
C. Indian
D. Pacific
68. The Earth's Smallest ocean is __________ .
A. Atlantic
B. Arctic
C. Indian
D. Pacific
69. The world's Largest Lake is?
A. Caspian Sea
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Victoria
D. Great Bear Lake
70. The hottest desert of the world is?
A. Sahara Desert
B. Arabian Desert
C. Cholistan Desert
D. Arctic Desert
71. .The first Secretary General of United Nations was?
A. Dag Hammarskjold
B. Kurt Walheion
C. U Thant
D. Trygue Lie
72. World War I was began in?
A. 1912
B. 1914
C. 1916
D. 1918
73. World War I was ended in?
A. 1912
B. 1914
C. 1916
D. 1918
74. World War II was began in?
A. 1935
B. 1937
C. 1939
D. 1941
75. World War II was ended in?
A. 1939
B. 1941
C. 1943
D. 1945
76. The world's deadliest conflict was?
A. World War I
B. World War II
C. Mongol Conquests
D. Taiping Rebellion
77. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on?
A. 3 August 1945
B. 6 August 1945
C. 9 August 1945
D. 12 August 1945
78. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Hiroshima?
A. Little Boy
B. Fat Boy
C. Little Man
D. Fat Man
79. The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki on?
A. 3 August 1945
B. 6 August 1945
C. 9 August 1945
D. 12 August 1945
80. What was the name of Atomic Bomb that dropped on the city of Nagasaki?
A. Little Boy
B. Fat Boy
C. Little Man
D. Fat Man
81. NATO is a/an __________ alliance.
A. military
B. economic
C. regional
D. cultural

82. The oldestnews agency in the world is?

83. The Suez Canal is in __________ .
A. Nigeria
B. Libya
C. Egypt
D. Palestine
84. The Delaware river is in __________ .
A. United States
B. Canada
C. China
D. United Kingdom
85. The main structural work of the Eiffel Tower was completed in?
A. 1883
B. 1885
C. 1887
D. 1889
86. The height of Eiffel Tower is __________ feet.
A. 1063
B. 1067
C. 1073
D. 1077
87. Reuters is the news agency of __________ .
A. United States
B. United Kingdom
C. France
D. Germany
88. WAFA is the news agency of __________ .
A. Palestine
B. Iraq
C. Qatar
D. Egypt
89. The capital of Saudi Arabia is?
A. Makkah
B. Madina
C. Taif
D. Riyadh
90. The currency of Qatar is?
A. Dollar
B. Dinar
C. Dirham
D. Riyal

91. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was founded on __________ .

A. September 25, 1966
B. September 25, 1967
C. September 25, 19698
D. September 25, 1969
92. The OIC was founded in __________ .
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Iraq
C. Qatar
D. Morocco
93. The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council" of the United Nations suspended operation on
November 01, 1994, with the independence of _________.
A. Chad
B. Sudan
C. Palau
D. Tunisia
94. The United Nations has __________ principal organs.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
95. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded on __________ .
A. 27 December 1944
B. 27 December 1945
C. 27 December 1946
D. 27 December 1947
96. The social networking site "Twitter" was launched on __________ .
A. July 15, 2003
B. July 15, 2004
C. July 15, 2005
D. July 15, 2006
97. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed in?
A. 1958
B. 1960
C. 1962
D. 1964
98. 8 March is observed internationally as?
A. Women's Day
B. World Water Day
C. World Health Day
D. Human Rights Day
99. 22 March is observed internationally as?
A. Women's Day
B. World Water Day
C. World Health Day
D. Human Rights Day
100. 7 April is observed internationally as?
A. Women's Day
B. World Water Day
C. World Health Day
D. Human Rights Day
101. The deepest point in the world is
A. Dead Sea
B. South Pole
C. Mariana Trench
D. Sinai Peninsula
102. The Mariana Trench is in the __________ Ocean.
A. Atlantic
B. Arctic
C. Antarctic
D. Pacific
103. The depth of the Mariana Trench is __________ meters.
A. 10,011
B. 10,411
C. 10,611
D. 10,911
104. Panama (a country) connects the two continents
A. Asia and Europe
B. Asia and Africa
C. South America and North America
D. Asia and Australia
105. Turkey connects the two continents
A. Asia and Europe
B. Asia and Africa
C. South America and North America
D. Asia and Australia
106. Egypt connects the two continents
A. Asia and Europe
B. Asia and Africa
C. South America and North America
D. Asia and Australia
107. The Panama Canal in Panama is a man-made 77 km waterway that connects
A. Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean and Arctic
C. Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean
D. Pacific Ocean and Arctic Ocean
108. The Engadin Valley is located in
A. Switzerland
B. Portugal
C. Turkey
D. Egypt
109. The Pico Island is located in
A. Switzerland
B. Portugal
C. Turkey
D. Egypt
110. Sultan Ahmed Mosque in Istanbul is popularly known as the
A. Green Mosque
B. Blue Mosque
C. Red Mosque
D. Yellow Mosque
111. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest of the ancient 7 wonders of the world, is
located in
A. Egypt
B. Portugal
C. Switzerland
D. Turkey
112. Lake Lucerne that has complicated shape with several sharp bends and four arms is
located in
A. Egypt
B. Portugal
C. Switzerland
D. Turkey
113. Which city is also called The City of 1,000 Minarets?
A. Istanbul
B. Cairo
C. Makkah
D. Islamabad
114. The South Pole of the Earth is located in
A. Norway
B. Antarctica
C. Arctic Ocean
D. Pacific Ocean
115. The North Pole of the Earth is located in
A. Norway
B. Antarctica
C. Arctic Ocean
D. Pacific Ocean
116. Which statement is true about South and North Poles of the Earth?
A. South Pole is warmer than the North Pole
B. North Pole is warmer than the South Pole
C. Both poles have equal temperature
D. Both poles lie in the Ocean
117. The Sinai Peninsula is located in
A. Egypt
B. Portugal
C. Switzerland
D. Turkey
118. Augusta Raurica, a Roman archaeological site, was a/an
A. theater
B. open-air theater
C. museum
D. open-air museum
119. Augusta Raurica is located in
A. Egypt
B. Portugal
C. Switzerland
D. Turkey
120. The Pena Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in
A. Egypt
B. Portugal
C. Switzerland
D. Turkey
121. The bridge in Istanbul, Turkey that connects Asia and Europe is called
A. Golden Gate Bridge
B. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge
C. Bosphorus Bridge
D. Royal Gorge Bridge
122. Alexandria is a city in
A. Turkey
B. Egypt
C. Jordan
D. Greece
123. About __________% of Antarctica is covered by ice.
A. 97
B. 98
C. 99
D. 100
124. Ross Island in the Ross Sea is located near
A. Greenland
B. Norway
C. continent of Antarctica
D. continent of Australia
125. The first European to reach India by sea was
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Marco Polo
C. John Cabot
D. Vasco da Gama
126. Vasco da Gama was a/an __________ explorer.
A. British
B. French
C. German
D. Portuguese
127. The World Wide Web was invented by
A. Tim Berners-Lee
B. Bob Kahn
C. Steve Jobs
D. Bill Gates
128. The birthplace of the World Wide Web was
B. Pentagon
D. Microsoft
129. The headquarter of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, called CERN,
is located in
A. Belgium
B. Switzerland
C. Germany
D. England
130. The book "Emile" or "On Education" was written by
A. Rousseau
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
131. The world's longest land border between the two countries is the border between
A. US and Canada
B. US and Mexico
C. India and Pakistan
D. South Korea and North Korea
132. The world's largest island is
A. Greenland
B. Finland
C. Indonesia
D. United Kingdom
133. Which country is the largest archipelagic country in the world?
A. Greenland
B. Finland
C. Indonesia
D. United Kingdom
134. Indonesia is a country with around __________ islands.
A. 10,000
B. 11,000
C. 12,000
D. 13,000
135. The most dispersed country in the world is
A. Maldives
B. Indonesia
C. Malaysia
D. Philippines
136. The Maldives is spread over __________ km2.
A. 60,000
B. 70,000
C. 80,000
D. 90,000
137. Maldives, a country in Asia, is consists of around __________ islands.
A. 1100
B. 1152
C. 1192
D. 1212
138. Which country is also called the "Land of the Midnight Sun"?
A. Japan
B. Norway
C. Netherlands
D. South Africa
139. Which country is also called "Rainbow Nation"?
A. Japan
B. Norway
C. Netherlands
D. South Africa
140. "Netherlands" literally means
A. ideal location
B. lower countries
C. mouth of land
D. land of sun set
141. Which country contains the most volcanoes in the world?
A. Indonesia
B. Maldives
C. South Africa
D. Mexico
142. Which country is the lowest in the world?
A. Indonesia
B. Maldives
C. South Africa
D. Netherlands
143. Which country recognizes the highest number of official languages?
A. Indonesia
B. Maldives
C. South Africa
D. Mexico
144. The constitution of South Africa recognizes __________ official languages.
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11
145. Which country is completely surrounded by South Africa?
A. Gabon
B. Laos
C. Lesotho
D. Niue
146. The Komodo dragons are found in
A. Indonesia
B. Maldives
C. South Africa
D. Egypt
147. Jeju Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in
A. Indonesia
B. Egypt
C. South Africa
D. South Korea
148. Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site is located in
A. Indonesia
B. Egypt
C. South Africa
D. South Korea
149. The Orange River flows in
A. Indonesia
B. Egypt
C. South Africa
D. Mexico
150. The Chapultepec Castle is located in
A. Indonesia
B. Egypt
C. South Africa
D. Mexico
151. The largest desert in the world is
A. Antarctica
B. Arctic
C. Sahara
D. Atacama
152. The largest cold desert in the world is
A. Antarctica
B. Arctic
C. Sahara
D. Atacama
153. The largest hot desert in the world is
A. Cholistan
B. Arctic
C. Sahara
D. Atacama

154. The Sahara desert is located in

A. Asia
B. Africa
C. South America
D. Australia
155. The driest desert in the world is
A. Sahara Desert
B. Cholistan Desert
C. Arabian Desert
D. Atacama Desert
156. The Atacama Desert is located in
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. South America
D. Australia
157. Kansai International Airport on an artificial island is located in
A. China
B. Japan
C. South Korea
D. North Korea
158. The Seven Rila Lakes are located in
A. Bulgaria
B. Hungary
C. Poland
D. Czech Republic
159. The largest waterfalls system in the world is
A. Angel Falls
B. Victoria Falls
C. Niagara Falls
D. Iguazu Falls
160. The famous waterfall, Iguazu Falls, is located on the border of
A. United States and Canada
B. Chile and Portugal
C. Argentina and Brazil
D. Paraguay and Uruguay
161. The world's highest mountain is
A. Mount Everest
B. K2
C. Kangchenjunga
D. Nanga Parbat
162. The highest peak of the Mount Everest is located in
A. China
B. Pakistan
C. Nepal
D. Germany
163. The world's second highest mountain is
A. Mount Everest
B. K2
C. Kangchenjunga
D. Nanga Parbat
164. The highest peak of the K2 is located in
A. China
B. Pakistan
C. Nepal
D. Germany
165. The "El Valle de la Luna" means
A. Valley of the Moon
B. Colour of the Moon
C. Valley of the Mars
D. Colour of the Mars
166. The El Valle de la Luna (Valley of the Moon) is located in the
A. Antarctica Desert
B. Atacama Desert
C. Sahara Desert
D. Gobi Desert
167. The Valley of the Moon is located in
A. Argentina
B. Brazil
C. Chile
D. Hungary
168. The surface of El Valle de la Luna in the Atacama Desert looks like the surface of
A. Grass
B. Mars
C. Water
D. Moon
169. Near Antofagasta, Chile the surface of the Atacama Desert looks like the surface of
A. Moon
B. Grass
C. Water
D. Mars
170. The Gobi desert is located in
A. China and Pakistan
B. China and India
C. China and Mongolia
D. China and Russia
171. The point on the Earth's surface that is farthest from its center is the peak of the
A. Mount Everest
B. K2
C. Chimborazo mountain
D. Nanga Parbat
172. The Chimborazo mountain is located in
A. Peru
B. Guyana
C. Venezuela
D. Ecuador
173. The world's largest lake is the
A. Caspian Sea
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Baikal
D. Lake Lucerne
174. The world's largest freshwater lake by surface area is
A. Caspian Sea
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Baikal
D. Lake Lucerne
175. The world's largest freshwater lake by volume is
A. Caspian Sea
B. Lake Superior
C. Lake Baikal
D. Lake Lucerne
176. Lake Superior is located in
A. United States
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. United States and Canada
177. Lake Baikal is located in
A. United States
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. United States and Canada
178. Which country is called the "Land of the Rising Sun"?
A. China
B. Japan
C. New Zealand
D. Australia
179. The tallest waterfalls in the world is located in
A. Argentina
B. Canada
C. Russia
D. Venezuela
180. The world's tallest waterfalls is
A. Angel Falls
B. Victoria Falls
C. Niagara Falls
D. Iguazu Falls
181. The headquarters of International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) is
located in
A. Berlin
B. Lausanne
C. London
D. Zurich
182. FIFA was founded in
A. 1904
B. 1908
C. 1912
D. 1916
183. The FIFA men's World Cup was commenced in
A. 1924
B. 1930
C. 1936
D. 1942
184. The FIFA women's World Cup was commenced in
A. 1981
B. 1983
C. 1987
D. 1991
185. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded in
A. 1894
B. 1898
C. 1902
D. 1904
186. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded by
A. Demetrios Vikelas
B. Pierre de Coubertin
C. Thomas Bach
D. Juan Antonio Samaranch
187. The first president of IOC was
A. Demetrios Vikelas
B. Pierre de Coubertin
C. Thomas Bach
D. Juan Antonio Samaranch
188. The headquarters of IOC is located in
A. Berlin
B. Lausanne
C. London
D. Zurich
189. Pierre de Coubertin who created IOC and is called father of the modern Olympic
Games was also a/an
A. musician
B. politician
C. educator and historian
D. lawyer and historian
190. The creation of IOC was inspired by the ancient Olympic Games which were held
A. France
B. Germany
C. Greece
D. Switzerland
191. Due to World wars the Olympic Games were cancelled in
A. 1916 and 1940
B. 1918 and 1942
C. 1916, 1938, and 1942
D. 1916, 1940, and 1944
192. The first Summer Olympics organized by the IOC were held in 1896 in
A. France
B. Germany
C. Greece
D. Switzerland
193. The first Winter Olympics organized by the IOC was held in 1924
A. France
B. Germany
C. Greece
D. Switzerland
194. Kangaroos are found in
A. Australia
B. New Zealand
C. Australia and New Zealand
D. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
195. Polar bear is mostly
A. carnivorous
B. herbivorous
C. omnivorous
D. none of these
196. Pandas are feed almost entirely on
A. beech
B. bamboo
C. red pine
D. European larch
197. The world's largest animal is
A. blue whale
B. gray whale
C. sperm whale
D. North Pacific right whale
198. The world's largest land animal is
A. Hippopotamus
B. Asian elephant
C. African forest elephant
D. African bush elephant
199. The world's largest reptile is
A. American alligator
B. American crocodile
C. Saltwater crocodile
D. Nile crocodile
200. The world's largest bird is
A. Somali ostrich
B. Common ostrich
C. King penguin
D. Southern cassowary
201. The largest eggs in the world today are the eggs laid by the
A. Whale
B. Ostrich
C. Crocodile
D. African Duck
202. Lucy Gray is a poem written by
A. John Keats
B. John Milton
C. William Shakespeare
D. William Wordsworth
203. John Keats was a/an __________ Romantic poet.
A. American
B. English
C. German
D. French
204. Paradise Lost is an epic poem by
A. John Keats
B. John Milton
C. William Shakespeare
D. William Wordsworth
205. Buckingham Palace is located in
A. London
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. Moscow
206. The Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was build by Mughal emperor
A. Akbar
B. Humayun
C. Jahangir
D. Shah Jahan
207. The Taj Mahal is located in the city of __________ in India.
A. Agra
B. Hyderabad
C. New Delhi
D. Mumbai
208. The first non-European who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 was
A. Allama Iqbal
B. Munshi Premchand
C. Rabindranath Tagore
D. Swami Vivekananda
209. The Saint Basil's Cathedral is located in
A. London
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. Moscow
210. The Burj Al Arab which is a hotel on an artificial island is located in
A. Abu Dhabi
B. Sharjah
C. Dubai
D. Doha
211. The novel "The Old Man and the Sea" was written by
A. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. Mark Twain
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Ernest Hemingway
212. The novel "The Great Gatsby" was written by
A. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. Mark Twain
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Ernest Hemingway
213. The novel "War and Peace" was written by
A. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. Mark Twain
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Ernest Hemingway
214. The novel "Anna Karenina" was written by
A. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. Mark Twain
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Ernest Hemingway
215. The novel "Lolita" was written by
A. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. Mark Twain
C. Thomas More
D. Vladimir Nabokov
216. F. Scott Fitzgerald, was a/an __________ novelist and short story writer.
A. American
B. English
C. German
D. Russian
217. Ernest Hemingway was a/an __________ novelist, short story writer, and
A. American
B. English
C. German
D. Russian
218. Leo Tolstoy was a/an __________ writer.
A. American
B. English
C. German
D. Russian
219. The novels "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn" were written by
A. F. Scott Fitzgerald
B. Mark Twain
C. Leo Tolstoy
D. Ernest Hemingway
220. Mark Twain was a pen name of
A. Charles Dickens
B. Samuel Clemens
C. Oscar Wilde
D. Jack London
221. Which novel is sometimes called the world's first novel or the world's first modern
A. Don Quixote
B. City of the Sun
C. The Tale of Genji
D. Utopia
222. Which novel is considered as the first European novel of the modern era?
A. Don Quixote
B. City of the Sun
C. The Tale of Genji
D. Utopia
223. The novel "Don Quixote" was a __________ novel.
A. French
B. German
C. Spanish
D. Russian
224. The book "Utopia" that describes a fictional island society was written by
A. William Shakespeare
B. Bernard Shaw
C. Vladimir Nabokov
D. Thomas More
225. The play "The Doctor's Dilemma" that describes the moral dilemmas created by
limited medical resources and business was written by
A. William Shakespeare
B. Bernard Shaw
C. Vladimir Nabokov
D. Thomas More
226. Anton Chekhov, a famous playwright and short story writer was also a/an
A. engineer
B. lawyer
C. politician
D. medical doctor
227. The Jazz Age in which jazz music and dance styles became popular started in
A. 1900s
B. 1910s
C. 1920s
D. 1930s
228. The Jazz Age is often referred to in conjunction with the
A. Adult Twenties
B. Roaring Twenties
C. Sexy Twenties
D. Modern Twenties
229. The sexual revolution also known as sexual liberation throughout the Western
world was started in
A. 1950s
B. 1960s
C. 1970s
D. 1980s
230. The famous composer Ludwig van Beethoven was a __________ composer.
A. American
B. English
C. German
D. Russian
231. The world's first movie theater was
A. The Dolby Theatre
B. Rodgers Theatre
C. L'Ideal Cinema
D. Berlin Wintergarten theatre
232. The history's first short silent film was presented in the Berlin Wintergarten theatre
A. 1890
B. 1895
C. 1900
D. 1905
233. The oldest still-active cinema in the world is
A. The Dolby Theatre
B. Rodgers Theatre
C. L'Ideal Cinema
D. Berlin Wintergarten theatre
234. The oldest still-active cinema, L'Ideal Cinema, is located in
A. Aniche
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. London
235. Charlie Chaplin, one of the most important figures in the history of the film
industry was a/an _________ actor.
A. American
B. English
C. German
D. Spanish
236. The oldest large-scale film studio in the world is
A. Paramount Pictures
B. Babelsberg Film Studio
C. Hengdian World Studio
D. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
237. The Babelsberg Film Studio is located in
A. Aniche
B. Paris
C. Berlin
D. London
238. The oldest film industry of the world is
A. Hollywood
B. Bollywood
C. Mosfilm
D. Nestor Studios
239. The oldest entertainment awards ceremony is
A. Oscars Awards
B. Emmy Awards
C. Tony Awards
D. Grammy Awards
240. The first Academy Awards (also called Oscars Awards) presentation was held in
A. 1923
B. 1925
C. 1927
D. 1929
241. The tallest tree in the world is
A. Coconut palm
B. Cuban Royal palm
C. Quindio wax palm
D. Date palm
242. The Cocora valley, the principal location of Quindio wax palm, is located in
A. Argentina
B. Brazil
C. Colombia
D. Portugal
243. The airplane was invented by __________ in 1903.
A. Alexander Fleming
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Mikhail Kalashnikov
D. Wright brothers
244. Christopher Columbus was a/an __________ explorer.
A. Italian
B. Scottish
C. Swedish
D. French
245. The famous AK-47 assault rifle was invented by
A. Alexander Fleming
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Mikhail Kalashnikov
D. Wright brothers
246. Mikhail Kalashnikov was a __________ general.
A. German
B. Scottish
C. Swedish
D. Russian
247. Dynamite, an explosive was invented by
A. Alexander Fleming
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Mikhail Kalashnikov
D. Wright brothers
248. Alfred Nobel was a __________ chemist and engineer.
A. German
B. Scottish
C. Swedish
D. Russian
249. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by
A. Alexander Fleming
B. Alfred Nobel
C. Mikhail Kalashnikov
D. Wright brothers
250. Alexander Fleming was a __________ scientist.
A. German
B. Scottish
C. Swedish
D. Russian
251. The world's first artificial satellite was
A. Dong Fang Hong 1
B. Explorer 1
C. Sputnik 1
D. Vanguard 1
252. The world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched by
A. United States
B. Russia
C. France
D. Germany
253. The Sputnik 1 was launched by Russia on
A. 4 October 1957
B. 4 October 1959
C. 4 October 1961
D. 4 October 1963
254. The Mont Saint-Michel, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in
A. United States
B. Russia
C. France
D. Germany
255. The Statue of Liberty in the United States is located in
A. Washington D.C.
B. New York
C. Los Angeles
D. Chicago
256. The world's first nuclear power plant was built by
A. United States
B. Russia
C. France
D. Germany
257. Which country's official constitution is Quran?
A. Saudi Arabia
B. Qatar
C. Pakistan
D. Indonesia
258. The tomb of Prophet Muhammad is located in
A. Jeddah
B. Riyadh
C. Makkah
D. Madina
259. Which city is regarded as the holiest city in the religion of Islam?
A. Jeddah
B. Riyadh
C. Makkah
D. Madina
260. The Muslims are required to pray in the direction towards
A. Kaaba
B. Mount Arafat
C. Jabal al-Nour
D. Al-Aqsa Mosque
261. The longest river in Europe is
A. River Thames
B. Orange River
C. Ural River
D. Volga River
262. The Volga River flows in
A. Great Britain
B. Russia
C. Germany
D. France
263. The first person who entered into space was
A. Alan Shepard
B. Alexey Leonov
C. Neil Armstrong
D. Yuri Gagarin
264. The first person who walked on the Moon was
A. Alan Shepard
B. Alexey Leonov
C. Neil Armstrong
D. Yuri Gagarin
265. The first spacewalk was performed by
A. Alan Shepard
B. Alexey Leonov
C. Neil Armstrong
D. Yuri Gagarin
266. Yuri Gagarin was a/an __________ astronaut.
A. American
B. Russian
C. German
D. French
267. Neil Armstrong was a/an __________ astronaut.
A. American
B. Russian
C. German
D. French
268. Alexey Leonov was a/an __________ astronaut.
A. American
B. Russian
C. German
D. French
269. The first space station was
A. Lunokhod 1
B. Mir
C. Salyut 1
D. International Space Station (ISS)
270. The first moon walker (remote-controlled robot) was
A. Lunokhod 1
B. Mir
C. Salyut 1
D. International Space Station (ISS)
271. The first spacecraft to land on the Moon was
A. Luna 1
B. Luna 3
C. Luna 6
D. Luna 9
272. The first spacecraft to land on the Venus was
A. Venera 1
B. Venera 4
C. Venera 7
D. Venera 11
273. The first spacecraft to land on the Mars was
A. Mars 1
B. Mars 2
C. Mars 3
D. Mars 4
274. The world's oldest surviving federation is
A. United States
B. Russia
C. Great Britain
D. Italy
E. France
275. The Temple of All Religions that consists of several types of religious architecture
including an Orthodox church, a mosque, and a synagogue is located in
A. Kazan
B. Saint Petersburg
C. Barcelona
D. Valencia
276. Leonardo da Vinci was an __________ polymath with expertise in painting,
sculpting, architecture, science, music and mathematics.
A. Russian
B. French
C. Italian
D. Spanish
277. Marco Polo was a famous __________ traveller.
A. Russian
B. French
C. Italian
D. Spanish
278. The largest country by area in Africa is
A. Algeria
B. Nigeria
C. South Africa
D. Tanzania
279. The Spring Temple Buddha, the tallest statue in the world, is located in
A. China
B. Japan
C. Thailand
D. India
280. Africa's largest lake is
A. Lake Albert
B. Lake Tanganyika
C. Lake Malawi
D. Lake Victoria
281. The highest cold desert in the world is
A. Antarctica Desert
B. Greenland Desert
C. Katpana Desert
D. Siberia Desert
282. The Katpana Desert is located in
A. China
B. Russia
C. Spain
D. Pakistan
283. The Aljaferia Palace, a fortified palace, is located in
A. Algeria
B. Spain
C. Pakistan
D. Italy
284. Badshahi Mosque, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in
A. Algeria
B. Spain
C. Pakistan
D. Italy
285. The Cathedral of Saint Mary of Burgos dedicated to the Virgin Mary is located in
the __________ city of Burgos.
A. French
B. Italian
C. German
D. Spanish
286. The first female who led a Muslim state was
A. Benazir Bhutto
B. Fatima Jinnah
C. Khalida Zia
D. Maryam Nawaz
287. Benazir Bhutto was an elected Prime Minister of
A. Pakistan
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Indonesia
D. Malaysia
288. Who is the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate?
A. Albert Einstein
B. Stephen Hawking
C. Nelson Mandela
D. Malala Yousafzai
289. Malala Yousafzai belongs to
A. Algeria
B. Spain
C. Pakistan
D. Italy
290. Constantine is a city in
A. Algeria
B. Spain
C. Pakistan
D. Italy
291. The most populous country in Africa is
A. Algeria
B. Nigeria
C. South Africa
D. DR Congo
292. Which country has the largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
A. China
B. France
C. Italy
D. Spain
293. The historic Champagne wine region famous for the production of white wine is
located in
A. China
B. France
C. Italy
D. Spain
294. The Loire Valley famous for its historic towns, architecture, and wines is located in
A. China
B. France
C. Italy
D. Spain
295. Salonga National Park, the Africa's largest tropical rainforest is located in
A. DR Congo
B. Nigeria
C. South Africa
D. Tanzania
296. Victor Hugo was a __________ poet, novelist and dramatist.
A. French
B. Italian
C. German
D. Spanish
297. Which country is the world's largest producer of cobalt, a chemical element?
A. Nigeria
B. South Africa
C. Botswana
D. DR Congo
298. Victoria Waterfalls is located at the border of
A. Algeria and Nigeria
B. DR Congo and Zambia
C. Tanzania and South Africa
D. Zambia and Zimbabwe
299. The world's largest landlocked country is
A. Afghanistan
B. Azerbaijan
C. Kazakhstan
D. Uzbekistan
300. Alexander the Great was tutored by the philosopher
A. Aristotle
B. Socrates
C. Plato
D. none of these
1. 51. 101.
2. 52. 102.
3. 53. 103.
4. 54. 104.
5. 55. 105.
6. 56. 106.
7. 57. 107.
8. 58. 108.
9. 59. 109.
10. 60. 110.
11. 61. 111.
12. 62. 112.
13. 63. 113.
14. 64. 114.
15. 65. 115.
16. 66. 116.
17. 67. 117.
18. 68. 118.
19. 69. 119.
20. 70. 120.
21. 71. 121.
22. 72. 122.
23. 73. 123.
24. 74. 124.
25. 75. 125.
26. 76. 126.
27. 77. 127.
28. 78. 128.
29. 79. 129.
30. 80. 130.
31. 81. 131.
32. 82. 132.
33. 83. 133.
34. 84. 134.
35. 85. 135.
36. 86. 136.
37. 87. 137.
38. 88. 138.
39. 89. 139.
40. 90. 140.
41. 91. 141.
42. 92. 142.
43. 93. 143.
44. 94. 144.
45. 95. 145.
46. 96. 146.
47. 97. 147.
48. 98. 148.
49. 99. 149.
50. 100. 150.

151. 201. 251.

152. 202. 252.
153. 203. 253.
154. 204. 254.
155. 205. 255.
156. 206. 256.
157. 207. 257.
158. 208. 258.
159. 209. 259.
160. 210. 260.
161. 211. 261.
162. 212. 262.
163. 213. 263.
164. 214. 264.
165. 215. 265.
166. 216. 266.
167. 217. 267.
168. 218. 268.
169. 219. 269.
170. 220. 270.
171. 221. 271.
172. 222. 272.
173. 223. 273.
174. 224. 274.
175. 225. 275.
176. 226. 276.
177. 227. 277.
178. 228. 278.
179. 229. 279.
180. 230. 280.
181. 231. 281.
182. 232. 282.
183. 233. 283.
184. 234. 284.
185. 235. 285.
186. 236. 286.
187. 237. 287.
188. 238. 288.
189. 239. 289.
190. 240. 290.
191. 241. 291.
192. 242. 292.
193. 243. 293.
194. 244. 294.
195. 245. 295.
196. 246. 296.
197. 247. 297.
198. 248. 298.
199. 249. 299.
200. 250. 300.

1. On 11 February 2016 The LIGO Scientific Collaboration announced the detection of

A. electromagnetic waves
B. seismic waves
C. gravitational waves
D. radio waves
2. The SI unit of charge is __________.
A. Ampere
B. Coulomb
C. Ohm
D. Volt
3. Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths.
A. shorter
B. shortest
C. longer
D. longest
4. Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens.
A. concave
B. vonvex
C. diverging
D. none of these
5. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________.
A. night blindness
B. rickets
C. scurvy
D. hair fall
6. For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will
A. also decrease
B. increase
C. remains constant
D. none of these
7. The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days.
A. 60
B. 120
C. 180
D. 240
8. The density of water is __________.
A. 1 g/cm3
B. 1.5 g/cm3
C. 2 g/cm3
D. none of these
9. Radioactivity was discovered by __________.
A. Kelvin
B. Thomson
C. Rutherford
D. Bacquerel
10. A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________.
A. motor
B. generator
C. moving-coil meter
D. battery

11. The Sun is a __________.

A. Star
B. Planet
C. Asteroid
D. Meteor
12. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
13. The most abundant element in the universe is __________.
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Silicon
14. The most abundant element in the Earth's crust is __________.
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbon Dioxide
D. Silicon
15. Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.
A. 5,000 to 10,000
B. 10,000 to 15,000
C. 15,000 to 20,000
D. 20,000 to 25,000
16. Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________.
A. night blindness
B. rickets
C. scurvy
D. hair fall
17. The SI unit of "pressure" is _________.
A. pascal
B. joule
C. tesla
D. henry
18. The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.
A. Platinum
B. Copper
C. Steel
D. Osmium
19. A camera uses a __________ to form an image.
A. convex lens
B. concave lens
C. condenser lens
D. none of these
20. Which from the following is NOT a conductor?
A. Aluminium
B. Silicon
C. Graphite
D. All are conductors

21. CNG stands for?

A. Converted Natural Gas
B. Conduced Natural Gas
C. Conducted Natural Gas
D. Compressed Natural Gas
22. Which from the following is true for "Sound"?
A. Sound cannot travel through a vaccum
B. Sound cannot travel through gases
C. Sound cannot travel through liquids
D. Sound cannot travel through solids
23. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.
A. 5
B. 6
D. 8
24. 1 nanometer = ?
A. 10-3 meter
B. 10-6 meter
C. 10-9 meter
D. 10-12 meter
25. Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________.
A. Pyroscope
B. Pyrometer
C. Seismograph
D. Xylometer
26. Sound waves are _________ waves.
A. Transverse
B. Electromagnetic
C. Longitudinal
D. none of these
27. The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s).
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
28. The fluid part of blood is known as __________.
A. plasma
B. platelets
C. blood cells
29. X-rays were discovered by __________.
A. Rontgen
B. Thomson
C. Rutherford
D. Bacquerel
30. The speed of light is __________.
A. 280,000 km/s
B. 300,000 km/s
C. 320,000 km/s
D. none of these

31. During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy roads.
A. Salt
B. Chlorine
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Water
32. In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
A. River water
B. Canal water
C. Sea water
D. Water in a lake

33. The nearest planet to the Earth is _________.

A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Mars
D. Moon
34. The planet that moves round the Sun at the highest speed is?
A. Jupiter
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Mercury
35. In general, Comets have __________ orbits.
A. Elliptical
B. Highly elliptical
C. Circular
D. Parabolic
36. GPS is an abbreviation for?
A. Global Poles System
B. Global PolySiliconium Store
C. Global Positioning System
D. Global Position Structure
37. Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________.
A. Gain of Electrons
B. Loss of Electrons
C. Gain of Protons
D. Loss of Protons
38. At night, Plants intake __________ and release __________.
A. Oxygen Carbon dioxide
B. Carbon dioxide Oxygen
C. Oxygen Carbon monoxide
D. Carbon monoxide Oxygen
39. Urine is produced in __________.
A. Kidneys
B. Lungs
C. Large intestine
D. Liver
40. Blood is cleaned by __________.
A. Lungs
B. Liver
C. Heart
D. Kidneys
41. The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its __________ number.
A. Electron
B. Proton
C. Neutron
D. Positron
42. The salinity of sea water is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride)
in __________ of sea water.
A. 1 gram
B. 10 grams
C. 1 kg
D. 10 kg

43. The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
44. The Great Spot is on the planet __________.
A. Saturn
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
45. The Great Spot is a __________.
A. Mountain
B. Desert
C. Frozen Carbon dioxide
D. Storm
46. The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets and
A. Mars
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Jupiter
47. 1 light year = ?
A. 9.5x106 km
B. 9.5x109 km
C. 9.5x1012 km
D. 9.5x1018 km
48. The planets visible to us without using a telescope are __________.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
49. According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago.
A. 10 20
B. 20 30
C. 30 40
D. 40 50
50. Biosensor is used to measure?
A. Blood glucose level
B. The body pH value
C. Amount of hemoglobin
D. Salinity in Urine
51. Einsteins famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
A. E = mc2
B. E = cm2
C. M = ec2
D. M = ce2
52. The SI unit of electric current is?
A. Coloumb
B. Ampere
C. Volt
D. Watt
53. The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?
A. Oxygen
B. Carbon
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen
54. What is Dry Ice?
A. Solid Oxygen
B. Solid Carbon Dioxide
C. Solid Hydrogen
D. Solid Nitrogen
55. What are the primary colours?
A. White, Black, Blue
B. Red, Yellow, Blue
C. Red, Orange, Blue
D. Red, Green, Blue
56. Digestion of food is completed in the __________.
A. small intestine
B. large intestine
C. stomach
D. Liver
57. Carrot is good source of Vitamin?
A. A
B. B complex
C. C
D. D
58. For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential.
A. iodine
B. copper
C. fluorine
D. iron
59. Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.
A. zinc
B. iodine
C. copper
D. iron
60. Meteorology is the study of?
A. seasons
B. atmosphere
C. air and sounds
D. winds and clouds
61. The Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, by volume, is
A. 0.039%
B. 3.9%
C. 13%
D. 30%
62. Diamond is an allotropic form of
A. Carbon
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen
D. Silicon
63. The SI unit of Heat is
A. Watt
B. Volt
C. Joule
D. Newton
64. The good sources of Vitamin-A are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
65. The good sources of Vitamin-B Complex are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
66. The good sources of Vitamin-C are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
67. The good sources of iodine are
A. green leafy vegetables
B. seeds
C. fresh vegetables and fruits
D. sea foods
68. The gas, commonly known as laughing gas, is
A. Cabon Dioxide
B. Sulfur Dioxide
C. Nitrous Oxide
D. Sodium Oxide
69. The source of oxygen in photosynthesis is
A. water
B. salts
C. minerals
D. glucose
70. The instrument used to measure wind speed is
A. Anemometer
B. Barometer
C. Hydrometer
D. Hygrometer
71. The natural fats and oils are composed of
A. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
B. Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen
C. Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen
72. The energy value of food is measured in
A. Joule
B. Calories
C. Tesla
D. Proteins
73. Wind energy is the __________ energy.
A. Potential
B. Transverse
C. Kinetic
D. Mechanical
74. Who is considered the founder of meteorology?
A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Einstein
D. Newton
75. Water covers __________ of the Earth's surface.
A. 60%
B. 65%
C. 70%
D. 75%
76. In general, wind speed of 105137 caused
A. minor or no damage
B. considerable damage
C. severe damage
D. extreme damage
77. Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere.
A. Sulfur Dioxide and Potassium Nitrate
B. Sulfur and Charcoal
C. Nitrogen Oxide and Potassium Nitrate
D. Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide
78. About 50% of the Earths crust, including the waters on the Earth and atmosphere, is
A. Oxygen
B. Cabon Dioxide
C. Silicon
D. Clay
79. The fourth state of matter is
A. Water
B. Salts
C. Vapours
D. Plasma
80. The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called
A. Anemometer
B. Battery
C. Galvanometer
D. Rectifier
81. In night, when photosynthesis is stopped, plants
A. take in Carbon Dioxide
B. take in Oxygen
C. give off Carbon Dioxide
D. give off Oxygen
82. During photosynthesis, plants
A. take in Carbon Dioxide
B. take in Oxygen
C. give off Carbon Dioxide
D. give off Oxygen
83. __________ are called the powerhouses of the cell.
A. Mitochondria
B. Vesicles
C. Lungs
D. Liver
84. Mitochondria contain their own supply of
B. Amino acids
C. Vitamins
D. Oxygen
85. The first chemical explosive, Gunpowder, is a mixture of
A. Sulfur, Charcoal and Nitrogen Oxide
B. Sulfur, Charcoal, and Potassium Nitrate
C. Sulfur and Charcoal
D. Charcoal and Potassium Nitrate

86. The number of oscillations per second is called the

A. hertz
B. waves
C. pitch
D. frequency
87. Sound waves from a loudspeaker are caused by
A. frequency
B. vibrations
C. pitch
D. amplitude
88. The guitar has __________ strings.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
89. The device used to measure movements of the heart is
A. Cardiograph
B. Seismograph
C. Hydrometer
D. Hygrometer
90. The unit used to measure Pressure is
A. pascal
B. newton
C. watt
D. tesla
91. There are __________ methods of heat transfer.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
92. Which from the following is NOT a method of heat transfer?
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. All are methods of heat transfer
93. If we heat one end of metallic rod, the other end gets hot. The method of heat transfer is
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. None of these
94. A person seated in front of a fire receives heat by
A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. None of these
95. The unit used to measure magnetic flux is
A. pascal
B. farad
C. weber
D. henry
96. Battery was invented by
A. Volta
B. Hero
C. Fermi
D. Maiman
97. The most abundant element in the earth's crust is oxygen. The second most abundant
element in the earth's crust is
A. Hydrogen
B. Nitrogen
C. Brass
D. Silicon
98. The nearest planet to the Sun is
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
99. Bronze is an alloy of
A. Iron, Carbon
B. Copper, Tin
C. Nickel, Zinc
D. Mercury, Lead
100. Molecules with identical molecular formulae but with different structural formulae
are called
A. Isotopes
B. Isomers
C. Electrode
D. Compound

101. One way of transfer of heat energy is 'convection' which occurs in

A. Liquids only
B. Gasses only
C. Liquids and gasses
D. Liquids, gasses and solids
102. Which from the following is incompressible
A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gasses
D. All are compressible
103. The key factor in determining the weather is the quantity of ________ in the
A. Water vapour
B. Oxygen
C. Carbondioxide
D. Hydrogen
104. The entropy of the universe is
A. Increasing
B. Decreasing
C. Constant
D. None of these
105. Which from the following methods of heat transfer can take place in a vaccum?
A. Canduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. All
106. Neutrons were discovered by
A. Einstein
B. James Chadwick
C. F.W. Aston
D. Rutherford

107. Mass Spectrograph was invented by

A. Einstein
B. James Chadwick
C. F.W. Aston
D. Rutherford
108. Nucleus was discovered by
A. Einstein
B. James Chadwick
C. F.W. Aston
D. Rutherford
109. Which is the process of science?
A. Observation > Experiments > Hypothesis
B. Hypothesis > Observations > Experiments
C. Observation > Hypothesis > Experiments
D. Experiments > Observations > Hypothesis
110. Salty water can be made pure by the method of
A. filtration
B. evaporation
C. chromatography
D. distillation

111. The unit of efficiency is

A. Volt
B. Watt
C. Joules
D. None of these
112. Which from the following is NOT a stored energy?
A. Thermal
B. Gravitational
C. Elastic potential energy
D. Chemical
113. Energy can be converted from one form to another, but all energy ends up as
A. Kinetic energy
B. Potential energy
C. Heat energy
D. Chemical energy
114. A battery converts ________ into electrical energy.
A. Potential energy
B. Chemical energy
C. Nuclear energy
D. Mechanical energy
115. Which from the following is NOT a renewable energy resource?
A. Geothermal
B. Biomass
C. Solar
D. Nuclear
116. Which from the following is NOT a non-renewable energy resource?
A. Coal
B. Natural gas
C. Nuclear
D. Geothermal

117. Current is the flow of

A. Electrons
B. Protons
C. Neutrons
D. Voltage
118. The unit of current is
A. Volt
B. Ampere
C. Ohm
D. Watt
119. To prevent electric shocks, a/an ________ is placed in the circuit.
A. Amneter
B. Voltmeter
C. Fuse
D. Diode
120. Electrons were discovered by
A. James Chadwick
B. J.J. Thomson
C. F.W. Aston
D. Rutherford
121. When molten rock cools and solidifies, the ________ are formed.
A. igneous rocks
B. satimantary rocks
C. metamorphet rocks
D. none of these
122. Molten rock below the surface of the Earth is called?
A. Lava
B. Magma
C. Crystals
D. Granite
123. Molten rock above the surface of the Earth is called?
A. Lava
B. Magma
C. Crystals
D. Granite
124. The metal which is liquid at room temperature is?
A. Zinc
B. Nickol
C. Lead
D. Mercury
125. Between the melting point and boiling point of a substance, the substance is a?
A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
D. Crystal
126. The boiling point of alcohol is
A. 78 oc
B. 86 oc
C. 94 oc
D. 100 oc
127. The visible cloud of dust and gas in space is called?
A. White Dwarf
B. Supernova
C. Nebula
D. Galaxy
128. The average salinity of the Earth's oceans in 1 kilogram of sea water is about
________ grams of salt.
A. 90
B. 25
C. 30
D. 35
129. The most abundant substance that constitutes the mass of the Earth is?
A. Iron
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Silicon
130. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into ________ main layers.
A. 4
B. 5 (i)Troposphere upto 7-17 kms.(ii) Stratosphere 7-17 to 50 Kms. (iii)
Mesosphere 50 to 80-85 Kms. (iv) Thermosphere has two parts Ionosphere &
C. 6
D. 7

131. Rocks which are formed by high temperature and pressure on existing rocks over a
period of time are called ________ rocks.
A. igneous
B. metamorphic
C. sedimentary
D. crystal
132. Marble and slate are examples of
A. igneous rocks
B. metamorphic rocks
C. sedimentary rocks
D. crystals
133. Sandstone and limestone are examples of
A. igneous rocks
B. metamorphic rocks
C. sedimentary rocks
D. crystals

134. Absolute zero, which is the lower limit of the thermodynamic temperature scale, is
equivalent to ________ on the celsius scale.
A. -273 oc
B. 0 oc
C. 100 oc
D. 973 oc
135. The diameter of the Earth's equator is larger than the pole-to-pole diameter by
A. 40 km
B. 43 km
C. 46 km
D. 49 km
136. The Tectonic Plates of the Earth lies in
A. Inner Core
B. Outer Core
C. Lithosphere
D. Asthenosphere

137. There are ________ major tectonic plates.

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
138. The fresh water on the Earth is ________ of the total water.
A. 2.5%
B. 5%
C. 7.5%
D. 10%
139. The Ozone Layer lies in the
A. troposphere
B. stratosphere
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
140. The Earth's atmosphere is divided into ________ layers.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

141. Which type of rock may contain fossils?

A. Igneous
B. Metamorphic
C. Sedimentary
D. Crystals
142. The mass is highly concentrated form of
A. Weight
B. Energy
C. Force
D. Momentum
143. The whole Earth can be covered by ________ geo-stationary satellites.
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
144. The ozone layer is at height of ________ kilometers from the surface of the Earth.
A. 10 to 20
B. 20 to 30
C. 30 to 40
D. 40 to 50
145. The ozone layer was discovered by
A. F.W. Aston and J.J Thomson
B. Albert Einstein
C. Rutherford
D. Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson
146. The interior structure of the Earth is divided into ________ layers.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
147. We live on the Earth's
A. Inner core
B. Outer core
C. Crust
D. Mantle
148. The thickest layer of the Earth is
A. Crust
B. Inner core
C. Outer core
D. Mantle
149. The outermost layer of the Earth is
A. Crust
B. Inner mantle
C. Outer mantle
D. Core
150. The Earth's crust ranges from ________ km in depth.
A. 0-5
B. 5-10
C. 5-70
D. 10-70
151. The Earth's internal heat mainly comes from
A. Liquid hydrogen
B. Chemical reactions
C. Radioactive decay
D. Molecular kinetic energy
152. There are different reasons on the Earth because of
A. Rotation of the Earth
B. Revolution of the Earth
C. The Earth's axis is tilted
D. The Earth's distance from the Sun
153. On average, Air contains ________ % of water vapour.
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
154. Earth's troposphere extends from the Earth's surface to an average height of about
________ km.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 15
D. 17
155. The science of lightning is called
A. Aerology
B. Meteorology
C. Electeorology
D. Fulminology
156. Ships use ________ to find the depth of the ocean beneath them.
A. Pictches
B. Echoes
C. Frequencies
D. None of these

157. Molecules with identical molecular formulae but with different structural formulae
are called
A. Isomers
B. Isotopes
C. Atomic number
D. Mass number
158. The anode is the electrode connected to the ________ terminal of a battery.
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Neutral
D. Free
159. The unit used to measure humidity is
A. Barometer
B. Hydrometer
C. Hygrometer
D. Galvanometer

160. Laser was invented by

A. Volta
B. Sturgeon
C. Hero
D. Maiman

161. The vernier calipers is used to measure

A. Length
B. Time
C. Temperature
D. Viscority
162. Atomic clock is used to measure ________ intervals of time.
A. Very short
B. Short
C. Very long
D. Long
163. 1 tonne = ________ kg
A. 100
B. 400
C. 1000
D. 4000
164. An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is
A. Ammeter
B. Manometer
C. Galvanometer
D. Barometer
165. An instrument used to measure gas pressure is
A. Ammeter
B. Manometer
C. Galvanometer
D. Barometer
166. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?
A. Gamma rays
B. X-rays
C. Microwaves
D. Radio waves

167. Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?

A. Gamma rays
B. X-rays
C. Microwaves
D. Radio waves
168. All electromagnetic waves have the same
A. Frequency
B. Amplitude
C. Wavelength in vaccum
D. Speed in vaccum
169. The reflection of sound is called
A. Frequency
B. Vibration
C. Echo
D. Wave
170. An instrument used to measure electric current is called
A. Ammeter
B. Barometer
C. Galvanometer
D. Manometer

171. The SI unit of thermodynamic temperature is

A. Celsius
B. Fahrenheight
C. Kelvin
D. None of these
172. The shortest distance between crest to crest is called
A. Phare
B. thoughs
C. Amplitude
D. Wavelength
173. The speed of sound is fastest in
A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gasses
D. Vaccum
174. The speed of sound is slowest in
A. Solids
B. Liquids
C. Gasses
D. Vaccum
175. Radioactivity was discovered by
A. Henri Becquerel
B. Pierre Curie
C. Marie Curie
D. Rutherford
176. Which from the following has the greatest ionising power?
A. Alpha particles
B. Beta particles
C. Gamma rays
D. All three has same ionising power
177. Which from the following has the greatest penetrating power?
A. Alpha particles
B. Beta particles
C. Gamma rays
D. All three have same penetrating power
178. Which from the following has the greatest speed?
A. Alpha
B. Beta
C. Gamma
D. None
179. At night
A. The land cools faster than the water in the sea
B. The water in the sea cools faster than the land
C. The land and the water in the sea cools together
D. None of these
180. The chemical name of chalk is
A. Sodium nitrate
B. Zinc sulfate
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Calcium carbonate
181. The branch of science which study the interaction between matter and radian
energy is called
A. Thermochemistry
B. Polymer chemistry
C. Spectroscopy
D. Electrochemistry
182. The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called
A. Groups
B. Periods
C. Sets
D. Matrices
183. The vertical coloumns of the periodic table are called
A. Groups
B. Periods
C. Sets
D. Matrices
184. Which metallic element is liquid at room temperature?
A. Zinc
B. Nickel
C. Lead
D. Mercury
185. Which non-metallic element is liquid at room temperature?
A. Bromine
B. Flourine
C. Chlorine
D. Phosphorous
186. Battery charger converts electrical energy into ________ energy.
A. Kinetic
B. Potential
C. Chemical
D. Nuclear
187. A loudspeaker changes ________ energy into sound energy.
A. Chemical
B. Electrical
C. Light
D. Kinetic
188. The strongest part(s) of a magnet is/are
A. North pole
B. South pole
C. North and south pole
D. Median of north and south pole
189. Electromagnetic induction was discovered by
A. Carnot
B. Volta
C. Faraday
D. Bessel
190. Battery was invented by
A. Carnot
B. Volta
C. Faraday
D. Bessel

191. The most abundant form of matter in the universe is

192. When gas is ionized, ________ forms.
A. Molecule
B. Element
C. Plasma
D. Current
193. Wind is caused by
A. Difference in atmospheric pressure
B. Difference in atmospheric temperature
C. Rotation of the Earth
D. Revolution of the Earth
194. Wind speed is measured by
A. Anemometer
B. Barometer
C. Ceilometer
D. Galvanometer
195. The fact that universe is expanding was discovered by
A. Hahn
B. Hubble
C. Rontgen
D. Rutherford
196. X-rays were discovered by
A. Hahn
B. Hubble
C. Rontgen
D. Rutherford
197. The Nobel prize in physics for the discovery of the law of photoelectric effect was
awarded to
A. Newton
B. Einstein
C. Rontgen
D. Rutherford
198. The symbol of gold is
A. Au
B. Ag
C. Fe
D. Sg
199. Plaster of Paris is produced by heating
A. Graphite
B. Gypsum
C. Zinc
D. Lead
200. Which from the following is NOT true about Helium gas
A. Colourless
B. Odorless
C. Tasteless
D. Toxic

201. Which is the largest excretory organ of the body

A. lungs
B. skin
C. liver
D. none of these
202. The brain is enclosed in a bony case called
A. diaphragam
B. vertebral column
C. cranium
D. vertebrae
203. Which is the bone that is present in forelimb
A. radius
B. femur
C. ribs
D. sternum
204. Which one is herbivore
A. cat
B. dog
C. cow
D. lion
205. Which structure helps in transport of water in plants
A. phloem
B. leaf
C. bark
D. xylem
206. The organisms that can make their own food are called
A. producers
B. consumers
C. secondary consumers
D. decomposers
207. Bacteria are
A. eukaryotes
B. prokaryotes
C. non-living
D. none of these

208. Bile juice is secreted by

A. pancreas
B. stomach
C. intestine
D. gall bladder
209. Which part of the blood cells provide immunity
C. platelet
D. blood plasma
210. Which structure prevent water loss in plants
A. cuticle
B. bark
C. mesophyll
D. leaf

211. DNA structure was first described by

A. Pasteur
B. Robert Koch
C. Watson and Crick
D. Carlous Linnaues
212. Pollination is best defined as
A. germination of pollen grains
B. transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
C. formation of pollen grains
D. none of these
213. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
A. active transport
B. osmosis
C. diffusion
D. both b and c
214. One of the following is not a function of bones
A. support
B. production of blood cells
C. protein synthesis
D. muscle attachment
215. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their
A. stem
B. root hairs
C. leaf
D. bark
216. Highly intelligent mammals are
A. rat
B. bat
C. dolphin
D. elephant
217. Process of cell division take place by
A. mitosis
B. fertilization
C. reproduction
D. none of these

218. Prokaryotic cell lack

A. nucleolus
B. nuclear membrane
C. both a and b
D. none of these
219. Pulses are a good source of
A. proteins
B. carbohydrates
C. vitamins
D. minerals
220. Plants that grow in dry habitat are called
A. hydrophytes
B. xerophytes
C. shrubs
D. herbs

221. Oxygen released in the process of photosynthesis comes from

A. water
B. oxygen
C. carbon dioxide
D. nitrogen dioxide
222. Phloem tissue is found in
A. liver
B. placenta
C. plants
D. none of these
223. Plant bends towards the source of light on account of the movement known as
A. geotropism
B. hydrotropism
C. chemotropism
D. phototropism
224. Animal lacks
A. starch
B. cellulose
C. protein
D. lipids
225. On which of the following plants did Gregor Mendal perform his classical
A. corn
B. mustard
C. pea
D. sunflower
226. Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system is
A. carnivores
B. herbivores
C. plants
D. animals
227. Breeding and management of bees is known
A. agriculture
B. sericulture
C. horticulture
D. apiculture

228. Study of fossils is called

A. psychology
B. paleontology
C. biodiversity
D. haematology
229. Which is an example of fungi
A. paramecium
B. euglena
C. penicillium
D. octopus
230. The scientific name of human is
A. Homo sapiens
B. Homo habiscus
C. Oriza sativa
D. none of these

231. Thread like structures in fungi are called

A. mycelium
B. hyphae
C. sporangium
D. spores
232. The smallest bacteria on earth is
A. mycoplasma
B. E.coli
C. salmonella
D. clostridium
233. Vaccine for rabies was developed by
A. Robert Koch
B. Robert Brown
C. Pasteur
D. none of these
234. Malaria is caused by
A. mosquito
B. plasmodium
C. virus
D. bacteria
235. Hepatitis is inflammation of
A. stomach
B. kidney
C. lungs
D. liver
236. Penicillin is obtained from
A. soil
B. bacteria
C. fungi
D. virus
237. Which one is endoparasite
A. lice
B. ticks
C. virus
D. tape worm

238. Fructose is
A. pentose sugar
B. hexose sugar
C. heptose sugar
D. none of these
239. Peptide bond is a
A. C-N link
B. N-H link
C. C-O link
D. N-O link
240. Which is correct about enzymes
A. protein in nature
B. speed up reaction
C. denature at high temperature
D. all of these
241. Which is called power house of the cell
A. golgi complex
B. mitochondria
C. nucleus
D. endoplasmic reticulum
242. The structure that is absent in animal cell
A. cell wall
B. nulcleus
C. centriole
D. mitochondria
243. The non-protein part of enzyme is called
A. co-enzyme
B. activator
C. cofactor
D. substrate
244. Nucleic acid were first isolated by
A. Erwin Chargaff
B. Friedrich Miescher
C. Rosalind Franklin
D. none of these
245. One of the following is not pyrimidine
A. thymine
B. cytosine
C. guanine
D. uracil
246. Fructose is
A. milk sugar
B. cereal sugar
C. aldo sugar
D. keto sugar
247. Group of tissues doing a particular job
A. organ
B. system
C. organelle
D. individual
248. Members of the same species living in the same place at the same time make
A. population
B. ecosystem
C. community
D. trophic level
249. Which one is a leukocyte
A. red blood cell
B. plasma cell
C. monocyte
D. all of these
250. Which one of the following contain deoxygenated blood
A. pulmonary artery
B. hepatic artery
C. left atrium
D. none of these

251. In most plants the food is transported in form of

A. fructose
B. sucrose
C. starch
D. glucose
252. How many molecules of carbon dioxide are formed in one Kreb's cycle
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 1
253. Which enzyme digest carbohydrates
A. lipase
B. proteases
C. amylases
D. none of these
254. The pancreas produce digestive enzymes and release in the
A. stomach
B. esophagus
C. large intestine
D. small intestine
255. Detail study of internal organs at level of tissue with the help of microscope is
A. histology
B. anatomy
C. physiology
D. embryology
256. The exchange of chromosal segments i.e.crossing over occurs during
A. first meiotic division
B. mitotic division
C. second meiotic division
D. none of these
257. Many bacteria in our digestive system synthesize vitamins for example vitamin
A. B1
B. B2
C. B12
D. B6
258. It is very serious disease of brain which is caused by fungi
A. ring worm
B. meningitis
C. hepatitis
D. none of these

259. They are widespread as protective coatings on fruits and leaves

A. cholesterol
B. waxes
C. chitin
D. all of these
260. They are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored food
A. leucoplast
B. chromoplast
C. chloroplast
D. stem
261. The simplest amino acid is
A. alanine
B. glycine
C. valine
D. phenylalanine
262. Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to
A. paralysis
B. oedema
C. mental retardation
D. all of these
263. The life and activities of a cell is controlled by
A. cytoplasm
B. nucleus
C. vacuole
D. mitochondria
264. Flagella are composed of
A. micro tubules
B. micro filaments
C. intermediate filaments
D. glycoproteins
265. Tobacco mosaic virus was crystallized by
A. Pasteur
B. Chamberland
C. Stanely
D. Ivanowski
266. Non-enveloped naked viruses are known as
A. prions
B. bacteriophages
C. oncoviruses
D. virions
267. Gram +ve bacteria on treatment with crystal violet dye give colour
A. red
B. green
C. purple
D. pink
268. Malarial parasite is injected into man as
A. sporozoites
B. merozoites
C. zygote
D. none of these

269. The terms procariotique and eucariotique were proposed by

A. Whittaker
B. Chatton
C. Haeckel
D. Margulis and Schwartz
270. The most common type of asexual reproduction in the fungi is
A. fragmentation
B. spore production
C. budding
D. binary fission
271. Outside the thallus of Marchantia there are special structures called
A. stem tuber
B. rhizoids
C. sporangium
D. none of these
272. The vascular plants are termed as
A. tracheophytes
B. bryophytes
C. pteridophytes
D. all of these
273. In human beings influenza is caused by
A. bacteria
B. protist
C. virus
D. fungi
274. In many which phylum the body of an organisms is usually divided in there regions
called head, thorax and abdomen
A. echinodermata
B. mollusca
C. nematoda
D. arthropoda
275. Snails belong to
A. gastropods
B. bivalves
C. arthropods
D. platyhelminthes
276. Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called
A. tube feet
B. cilia
C. pseudopodia
D. flagella
277. Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of
A. cattle
B. sheep
C. goat
D. all of these
278. In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to
A. nervous system
B. digestive system
C. reproductive system
D. circulatory system

279. Higher vascular plants are also called

A. flowering plants
B. seed plants
C. ferns
D. none of these
280. The plants which produce embryo but lack vascular tissues and seeds are placed in
A. bryophytes
B. pteridophytes
C. tracheophytes
D. all of these
281. Which bone is called beauty bone in women
A. sternum
B. clavicle
C. maxilla
D. radius
282. Detachment of myosin head and actin in rigor mortis occurs due to
A. stored ATP in body
B. hypercalcemia
C. autolysis in body
D. hyperactivity of mitochondria
283. Release of the ovum from ovary is called
A. fertilization
B. ovulation
C. implantation
D. none of these
284. The foetus is protected from the mechanical damage by the
A. cervix
B. vagina
C. uterus
D. amniotic fluid
285. Rich source of energy in seimen is
A. glucose
B. fructose
C. lactose
D. sacrose
286. Sickle cell anemia was discovered by
A. Vernon Ingram
B. Sanger
C. Miescher
D. none of these
287. Earthworm lives in
A. sea water
B. moist soil
C. fresh water
D. none of these
288. Kangaroo has an abdominal pouch known as
A. placenta
B. guttural pouch
C. marsupial
D. all of these
289. The utilization of the products of digestion is called
A. Ingestion B. Absorption C. Assimilation D.both a and b
290. Parabronchi are present in
A. cockroach
B. frog
C. fish
D. birds
291. The respiratory problem most common in smokers is
A. tuberculosis
B. emphysema
C. asthma
D. cancer
292. Water potential of pure water is
A. zero
B. one
C. negative
D. two
293. Bean shaped cells in plants are
A. mesophyll cells
B. xylem cells
C. phloem cells
D. guard cells
294. The normal pH of human blood is
A. 6.4 B. 7.0 C.7.4 D. 7.5
295. Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is
A. imbibition
B. plasmolysis
C. deplasmolysis
D. adhesion
296. Artherosclerosis is a major condition leading to
A. heart attack
B. hypertension
C. stroke
D. tumor
297. Villi and microvilli increase
A. digestion
B. assimilation
C. absorption
D. ingestion
298. Splitting of glucose relates to
A. respiration
B. photorespiration
C. glycolysis
D. pyruvic acid
299. Reptiles hibernate during
A. summer
B. winter
C. spring
D. autumn
300. Which of the following plants are called arthrophytes
A. sphenopsids
B. lycopsids
C. psilopsids
D. pteropsids
1. 51. 101.
2. 52. 102.
3. 53. 103.
4. 54. 104.
5. 55. 105.
6. 56. 106.
7. 57. 107.
8. 58. 108.
9. 59. 109.
10. 60. 110.
11. 61. 111.
12. 62. 112.
13. 63. 113.
14. 64. 114.
15. 65. 115.
16. 66. 116.
17. 67. 117.
18. 68. 118.
19. 69. 119.
20. 70. 120.
21. 71. 121.
22. 72. 122.
23. 73. 123.
24. 74. 124.
25. 75. 125.
26. 76. 126.
27. 77. 127.
28. 78. 128.
29. 79. 129.
30. 80. 130.
31. 81. 131.
32. 82. 132.
33. 83. 133.
34. 84. 134.
35. 85. 135.
36. 86. 136.
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42. 92. 142.
43. 93. 143.
44. 94. 144.
45. 95. 145.
46. 96. 146.
47. 97. 147.
48. 98. 148.
49. 99. 149.
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151. 201. 251.
152. 202. 252.
153. 203. 253.
154. 204. 254.
155. 205. 255.
156. 206. 256.
157. 207. 257.
158. 208. 258.
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161. 211. 261.
162. 212. 262.
163. 213. 263.
164. 214. 264.
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166. 216. 266.
167. 217. 267.
168. 218. 268.
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170. 220. 270.
171. 221. 271.
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173. 223. 273.
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176. 226. 276.
177. 227. 277.
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184. 234. 284.
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194. 244. 294.
195. 245. 295.
196. 246. 296.
197. 247. 297.
198. 248. 298.
199. 249. 299.
200. 250. 300.
1. Napoleon Bonaparte was a __________ military and political leader.
A. American
B. British
C. German
D. French
2. Adolf Hitler was a __________ military and political leader.
A. American
B. British
C. German
D. French
3. Napoleon Bonaparte was finally defeated at the _______ in June 1815.
A. Peninsular War
B. Invasion of Russia
C. Battle of Waterloo
D. Battle of Leipzig
4. World War II in Europe was outbreak by the German invasion of __________.
A. Russia
B. Poland
C. Croatia
D. France
5. United States was discovered by Christopher Columbus during his voyage in __________.
A. 1486
B. 1488
C. 1490
D. 1492
6. In United States, the Congress declared independence from Great Britain on __________ .
A. July 4, 1774
B. July 4, 1775
C. July 4, 1776
D. July 4, 1777
7. North Atlantic Treaty of NATO was signed on _____ in Washington D.C.
A. April 04, 1947
B. April 04, 1948
C. April 04, 1949
D. April 04, 1950
8. In the war of 1812 between 13 States of US and Great Britain; Britain set fire to White
House in __________.
A. April 1813
B. August 1813
C. April 1814
D. August 1814
9. World War I was lasted from?
A. 1914 to 1918
B. 1913 to 1917
C. 1914 to 1917
D. 1913 to 1918
10. World War II was lasted from?
A. 1939 to 1945
B. 1939 to 1944
C. 1937 to 1941
D. 1937 to 1939
11. Which of the following is considered the first great work in world literature ?
A. Divine Comedy
B. Epic of Gilgamesh
C. Brother Karamazov
D. Anna Karenina
12. Belligerents of Battle of Salamis were ?
A. Romans and Mithradates
B. Phoenicians and Romans
C. Greeks and Persians
D. Spartans and Macedonians
13. Area where World's first civilization emerged ?
A. Mesopotamia
B. Congo River valley
C. Yucatan Peninsula
D. Grand Canyon
14. Cyrus was the famous conqueror of ?
A. Persia
B. India
C. Greece
D. Egypt
15. Punic wars were fought between ?
A. Carthage and Roman
B. Romans and Gaul
C. Romans and Vandals
D. Greece and Romans
16. Hannibal was a renowned military strategist and general of ?
A. Greece
B. Carthage
C. Sparta
D. Troy
17. Rome conquered Jerusalem in ?
A. 60 AD
B. 70 AD
C. 63 AD
D. 80 AD
18. Name the Vandal King who conquered Western Roman Empire ?
A. Odoacer
B. Attila
C. Charlemagne
D. Justanian
19. Battle of Badr was fought in ?
A. 625 AD
B. 622 AD
C. 620 AD
D. 624 AD
20. Alexander was a king of ?
A. Sparta
B. Macedonia
C. Greece
D. Athens
21. Who were the people known as Saracens ?
A. Muslims
B. Christians
C. Nestorians
D. Canaanites
22. Arabs divested the provinces of __________ from Roman Empire ?
A. Lebanon & Jordan
B. Algeria & Libya
C. Syria & Egypt
D. Iraq & Iran
23. Crusaders besieged Jerusalem in ?
A. 1099 AD
B. 1100 AD
C. 1094 AD
D. 1096 AD
24. Battle of Hastings was fought in ?
A. 1070 AD
B. 1080 AD
C. 1100 AD
D. 1066 AD
25. Who was the First Norman king of England ?
A. William
B. Bjorn
C. Harold Godwin son
D. Henry
26. Peloponnesian wars were fought from ?
A. 532 to 530 BC
B. 490 to 480 BC
C. 470 to 450 BC
D. 431 to 404 BC
27. Founder of Ottoman dynasty was ?
A. Ertughral
B. Orkhan
C. Osman
D. Bayezid
28. Saladin took back Jerusalem after the Battle of ?
A. Ajnadin
B. Zama
C. Ain u Jalloot
D. Hittin
29. Who was the founder of sanguinary order of Assassins ?
A. Omer Khayyam
B. Hasan bin Sabbah
C. Rashid u Din Sinan
D. Rukn-ud-Din Khurshah
30. Helagu conquered Baghdad in ?
A. 1258 AD
B. 1259 AD
C. 1260 AD
D. 1261 AD
31. Tamerlane was a military leader of present day ?
A. Iran
B. Tajikistan
C. Mongolia
D. Uzbekistan
32. Which grandson of Genghis Khan ruled China ?
A. Helagu
B. Batu
C. Janibeg
D. Kublai
33. Gunpowder was first used in Subcontinent by ?
A. Babur
B. Tamerlane
C. Ibrahim Lodhi
D. Aurangzeb
34. Constantinople was conquered by Ottoman sultan ?
A. Bayezid
B. Salim
C. Murad
D. Muhammad
35. Spain came under the rule of Muslims after the Battle of ?
A. Guadalete
B. Las novas
C. Tours
D. Aqab
36. Muslim presence in Hispania lasted from ?
A. 711 to 1492 AD
B. 712 to 1096 AD
C. 712 to 1098 AD
D. 710 to 1498 AD
37. William the Conquerer was __________ before becoming King of England.
A. Duke of Normandy
B. King of Swedan
C. A viking Earl
D. Duke of Saxony
38. Who ruled the eastern part of Roman Empire after its division ?
A. Diocletian
B. Titus
C. Constantine
D. Augustus
39. Ashoka was a king of Subcontinent who ruled in ?
A. 10th century BC
B. 6th century BC
C. 5th century BC
D. 3rd century BC
40. Vikramaditya was a legendry emperor of ?
A. Ujjain
B. Nagpur
C. Jaipur
D. Rajhistan
41. Haroon al Rashid was a caliph of __________ dynasty.
A. Ummayad
B. Abbasid
C. Bowahid
D. Alide
42. Who helped initiate Crusades ?
A. Pope Urban
B. Charlemagne
C. Henry
D. Alfonso
43. In middle ages, economy was predominently ?
A. Pastoral
B. Feudal
C. Industrial
D. Militaristic
44. Renaissance took inception in ?
A. Germany
B. France
C. Spain
D. Italy
45. Spain annexed Grenada, last muslim stronghlod, in ?
A. 1492
B. 1493
C. 1494
D. 1495
46. Baroque art was famous artistic style of ?
A. Industrial ages
B. Middle ages
C. Renaisaance
D. Modern age
47. Reformation started in which country ?
A. France
B. England
C. Germany
D. Spain
48. Who attempted to reform the Church in 16th century?
A. Martin luther
B. Calvin
C. Erasmus
D. Thomas Aquinas
49. Council of Trent was held from ?
A. 1545 to 1563
B. 1550 to 1556
C. 1560 to 1563
D. 1540 to 1545
50. Leonardo Da Vinci was an inventor, scientist and engineer of ?
A. Florence
B. Geneva
C. Genoa
D. Turin
51. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent ruled from ?
A. 1510 to 1520
B. 1520 to 1566
C. 1525 to 1535
D. 1520 to 1540
52. Taj Mahal was costructed by famous Mughal emperor ?
A. Aurangzeb
B. Akbar
C. Humayun
D. Shah Jahan
53. Babur was the king of __________ at the time of his invasion of India.
A. Turkemanistan
B. Afghanistan
C. Iran
D. Tajikistan
54. First battle of panipat was fought between ?
A. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
B. Akbar and Lal Singh
C. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
D. Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi
55. Who is called the first emperor of China ?
A. Qin Shi Huang
B. Zheng He
C. Qin Er Shi
D. Shang Zhou
56. Name of the Mongol dynasty that ruled China ?
A. Yuan
B. Ming
C. Qin
D. Shun
57. Battle of Actium was a decisive war fought between ?
A. Roman Republic and Octavian
B. Mark Antony and Octavian
C. Caesar and Pompey
D. Saprtacus and Pompey
58. Battle of Lepanto was fought in ?
A. 1570
B. 1571
C. 1560
D. 1555
59. Galelio Galilie was a renowned philosopher, scientist and engineer of ?
A. Spain
B. France
C. Germany
D. Italy
60. Adam smith was one the pioneer of ?
A. Sociology
B. Militarism
C. Anthropology
D. Political economy
61. Council of Westpahlia was by nature a ?
A. Stategic alliance
B. Internatinal treaty
C. Peace treaty
D. Defence treaty
62. Peace treaty of Council of Westpahlia was signed in ?
A. 1670
B. 1671
C. 1672
D. 1648
63. Habeas Corpus act was enactd in ?
A. 1670
B. 1660
C. 1650
D. 1679
64. Who was one of the rebel leader in English Civil war ?
A. Oliver Cromwell
B. Prince Rupert
C. Charles II
D. Henry
65. Joan of Arc was a French military leader and a hero of ?
A. Thirty year war
B. War of Roses
C. Hundred year war
D. French Civil war
66. Treaty of Tordesillas was concluded between ?
A. Spain and France
B. Spain and Portugal
C. Holland and Belgium
D. England and France
67. Which newly discovered land was named after Amerigo Vespucci ?
A. West Indies
B. America
C. Indonesia
D. Australia
68. Thirty Year War lasted from ?
A. 1610 to 1640
B. 1625 to 1665
C. 1640 to 1670
D. 1618 to 1648
69. US declared independence from England in ?
A. 1787
B. 1783
C. 1776
D. 1789
70. Who was the first president of United States ?
A. John Adams
B. George Washington
C. Thomas Jefferson
D. Richard Henry
71. Which country supported US in her war against England ?
A. Germany
B. France
C. Spain
D. Belgium
72. In which year French Revolution came ?
A. 1789
B. 1779
C. 1769
D. 1759
73. Who were ruling in France at the time of revolution ?
A. Bourbons
B. Medici
C. Borgias
D. Normans
74. Who was called the "Man of Destiny" ?
A. Fredrick
B. Napoleon
C. William
D. Henry
75. Napoleon invaded egypt in ?
A. 1798
B. 1800
C. 1805
D. 1810
76. Battle of Waterloo brought the downfall of ?
A. Napoleon
B. Napoleon II
C. Bourbons
D. French Nobility
77. Battle of Waterloo was fought in year ?
A. 1810
B. 1815
C. 1816
D. 1814
78. Fredrick the Great was the king of ?
A. Prussia
B. England
C. France
D. Sweden
79. Who was the first chancellor of Germany ?
A. Fredrick
B. Whilhelm
C. Otto Von Bismarck
D. Adolf Hitler
80. Blood and Iron is a speech associated with ?
A. Otto Von Bismarck
B. Hitler
C. Henry the Great
D. Mussolini
81. Who was the first Governor Genaral of India ?
A. Lord Minto
B. Warren Hasting
C. Lord Barlow
D. Lord Clive
82. War of Idependence was fought in which year ?
A. 1856
B. 1858
C. 1857
D. 1859
83. Who laid the foundation of British Colonialism in India ?
A. Warren Hastings
B. Robert Clive
C. George Barlow
D. Lord Dufferin
84. Sultan Tipu embraced martyrdom in which year ?
A. 1800
B. 1796
C. 1795
D. 1799
85. Anglo-Afghan wars lasted from ?
A. 1839-1842
B. 1840-1842
C. 1841-1842
D. 1838-1842
86. Opium wars were fought between ?
A. US and England
B. England and India
C. England and China
D. England and Japan
87. Boxer rebellion took place in ?
A. England
B. Vietnam
C. China
D. Japan
88. British signed Treaty of Durand line with ?
A. Wazir Akbar Khan
B. Dost Muhammad Khan
C. Abur Rehman Khan
D. Jamal Khan Barakzai
89. Russo-Japaneese war was fought during ?
A. 1903-1905
B. 1902-1903
C. 1901-1902
D. 1904-1905
90. In which year Bolshevik Revolution came ?
A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1917
91. Which of the following was one of the revolutionary leaders of October revolution ?
A. Karl Marx
B. Engels
C. Vladmir Lenin
D. Joseph Stalin
92. League of Nations was founded in which year ?
A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1933
D. 1939
93. Treaty of Versailles marked the end of ?
A. Second world war
B. First world war
C. Russo-Japaneese war
D. Crimean wars
94. Ottomen Caliphate was abolished in ?
A. 1924
B. 1923
C. 1921
D. 1920
95. Battle of Gallipoli resulted in the victory of ?
A. Turkey
B. Allied Powers
C. Ottomens
D. England
96. Who was the emperor of Japan during second World War ?
A. Chiang Kai Shek
B. Taisho
C. Sin Ke Qiang
D. Hirohito
97. England fought second world war under the leadership of ?
A. Winston Churchill
B. Roosevelt
C. Mountbatten
D. Clement Attlee
98. Year in which Cuban Missile Crisis took place ?
A. 1960
B. 1962
C. 1963
D. 1961
99. Paramilitary group that invaded Cuba under the aegis of CIA was called ?
A. Brigade 2506
B. Cuban liberatin front
C. United Cuban army
D. Cuban tigers
100. Operation Searchlight was started by Pakistan Army in ?
A. East Pakistan
B. Sri Lanka
C. India
D. Kashmir
1. If we add all the 7 colours of rainbow (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, violet and indigo),
the resultant colour would be?
A. White
B. Black
C. Maroon
D. Dark Blue
2. When white light passes through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
3. A camera uses a __________ to form an image on a piece of film at the back.
A. convex lens
B. concave lens
C. diverging lens
D. none of these
4. Short-sight defect could be corrected by a __________.
A. convex lens
B. concave lens
C. converging lens
D. none of these
5. Red + Green + Blue = ?
A. White
B. Black
C. Maroon
D. Dark Blue
6. Ozone layer protects the Earth from __________ radiations from the Sun.
A. microwaves
B. infrared
C. X-rays
D. ultraviolet
7. The distance of Moon from the Earth is __________ km.
A. 364,000
B. 384,000
C. 464,000
D. 484,000
8. There are __________ planets in orbit around the Sun.
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
9. Planets are kept in orbit by the?
A. Attraction among the Planets
B. Attraction among the Planets and the Sun
C. Radiations from the Sun
D. Gravitational pull of the Sun
10. Which from the following is NOT a Renewable Energy?
A. Geothermal
B. Solar
C. Nuclear
D. Biofuels
11. When vapours of a substance are cooled and changes into liquid, it is called
A. conduction
B. condensation
C. convection
D. evaporation
12. An instrument used to measure gas pressure is called
A. ammeter
B. barometer
C. galvanometer
D. manometer
13. If we add salt to the pure water, its boiling point will
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain same
D. none of these
14. The boiling point of alcohol is
A. 71 C
B. 75 C
C. 79 C
D. 83 C
15. The presence of impurities __________ the freezing point of water.
A. increases
B. decreases
C. accelerate
D. does not have any effect on

16. The melting point of ice is lowered by a/an __________ in pressure.

A. increase
B. decrease
C. change
D. consistency
17. At high altitude the air temperature is lower as compare to sea level, therefore water boils
at __________ temperature.
A. lower
B. higher
C. constant
D. absolute
18. Evaporation is a __________ process.
A. cooling
B. Liquefying
C. condensation
D. convection
19. The refrigerator works on the two processes
A. condensation and convection
B. convection and radiation
C. radiation and evaporation
D. condensation and evaporation
20. Air is a very good __________ of heat.
A. conductor
B. insulator
C. radiator
D. evaporator

21. Heat is transferred by three different processes

A. conduction, convection and condensation
B. conduction, convection and radiation
C. conduction, convection and evaporation
D. conduction, condensation and radiation
22. In solids heat is transferred through
A. conduction and radiation
B. conduction and convection
C. convection and radiation
D. condensation and evaporation
23. Which radiation has the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. X-rays
B. Gamma rays
C. Ultraviolet rays
D. Radio rays
24. Which radiation has the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. X-rays
B. Gamma rays
C. Ultraviolet rays
D. Radio rays
25. Which radiation has the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. X-rays
B. Gamma rays
C. Ultraviolet rays
D. Radio rays
26. Which radiation has the lowest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. X-rays
B. Gamma rays
C. Ultraviolet rays
D. Radio rays
27. Which rays are useful in cancer treatment?
A. X-rays
B. Gamma rays
C. Ultraviolet rays
D. Radio rays
28. The speed of sound will be maximum if passing through
A. vacuum
B. air
C. water
D. iron
29. The wire used to make the filament of a light bulb is made of
A. nichrome
B. chromel
C. tungsten
D. fire-clay
30. The wire used to make heating elements in electric kettles and irons are made of
A. nichrome
B. chromel
C. tungsten
D. fire-clay
31. Severe deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________.
A. scurvy
B. rickets
C. night blindness
D. osteomalacia
32. People living in high altitudes (like mountains) usually have a _________.
A. smaller number of Red Blood Cells
B. larger number of Red Blood Cells
C. smaller number of White Blood Cells
D. larger number of White Blood Cells
33. The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ liters.
A. 5
B. 5.5
C. 6
D. 6.5
34. The average internal temperature of human body is __________.
A. 35 oC
B. 36 oC
C. 37 oC
D. 38 oC
35. Vitamin __________ is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina.
A. A
B. C
C. D
D. B complex
36. About __________ of the body weight of a mammal is water.
A. 60%
B. 65%
C. 70%
D. 75%
37. On wound __________ fight foreign particles, like bacteria.
A. White Blood cells
B. Red Blood Cells
C. Platelets
D. Plasma
38. Blood is carried towards the heart by __________.
A. Arteries
B. Capillaries
C. Veins
D. none of these
39. __________ is essential for the formation of haemoglobin.
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Water
D. Carbohydrates
40. ___________ are needed as a source of energy for the vital activities of the body.
A. Calcium
B. Iron
C. Water
D. Carbohydrates
41. Haemodialysis means cleaning of
A. urine
B. blood
C. glomerular filterate
D. coelomic fluid
42. Production of sweat and sebum is related with
A. skin
B. liver
C. lungs
43. The evaporative cooling in the respiratory tract of dogs is called
A. vasodilation
B. vasoconstriction
C. panting
D. all of these
44. Which of the following pathogen type cause disease that can be treated with antibiotics
A. bacteria
B. fungi
C. virus
D. none of these
45. Most cell membranes are composed principally of
A. DNA ad protein
B. protein and lipids
C. protein and chitin
D. protein and RNA
46. Normally, in the process of osmosis, the net flow of water molecules into or out of the cell
depends upon differences in the
A. concentration of water molecules inside and outside the cell
B. concentration of enzymes on either side of the cell membrane
C. rate of molecular motion on either side of the cell membrane
D. none of these
47. Sodium ions are "pumped" from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher
concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of
A. diffusion
B. passive transport
C. osmosis
D. active transport
48. Proteins are made from amino acids by the process of
A. hydrolysis
B. pinocytosis
C. dehydration synthesis
D. active transport
49. Which is an organic compound found in most cells
A. water
B. glucose
C. oxygen
D. sodium chloride
50. Which are the four most abundant elements in living cells
A. carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur
B. carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen
C. carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus
D. carbon, sulfur, hydrogen, magnesium
51. Starch is converted into maltose by
A. diastase
B. invertase
C. maltase
D. amylase
52. Co-enzyme is often formed from
A. lipid
B. protein
C. inorganic ion
D. vitamin
53. Messenger RNA is formed in
A. nucleus
B. chloroplast
C. mitochondria
D. none of these
54. Number of chromosomes in E.coli
A. 4
B. 6
C. 3
D. 1
55. Protein factory is
A. nucleus
B. ribosome
C. golgi complex
D. centriole
56. Smallest disease causing agents in plants are
A. virion
B. mycoplasma
C. viroids
D. prions
57. The major cell infected by the HIV is lymphocyte
A. helper-T
B. B
C. both T and B
D. none of these
58. Pigment present in red algae is
A. fucoxanthin
B. phycocyanin
C. phycoerythrin
D. bilirubin
59. Nutrition in fungi is
A. photosynthetic
B. chemosynthetic
C. completely parasitic
D. absorptive heterotrophs
60. Fungi resemble plants because they lack
A. cell wall
B. cytoplasm
C. centriole
D. nucleus
61. Which is a parasitic plant
A. cuscuta
B. rose
C. ferns
D. mosses
62. True roots absent in
A. ferns
B. bryophytes
C. gymnosperms
D. angiosperms
63. The mechanism for ATP synthesis is
A. chemosynthesis
B. photosynthesis
C. phosphorylation
D. chemiosmosis
64. Enzyme present in the saliva is
A. lipase
B. trypsin
C. ptyalin
D. invertase
65. Nitrogen is present in
A. carbohydrates
B. proteins
C. lipids
D. carbonates
66. The food is ground in the cockroach in
A. mesenteron
B. crop
C. gizzard
D. intestine
67. Operculum is present in
A. bony fish
B. sea fish
C. cartilaginous fish
D. none of these
68. In which animal respiratory surface are found in more than one organ
A. birds
B. human
C. fish
D. frog
69. The heart is enclosed in a membrane called
A. pleura
B. pericardium
C. peritoneum
D. epithelium
70. From right ventricle blood is pushed into
A. pulmonary trunk
B. brain
C. aorta
D. body

71. Which one is abundant in lymph

A. oxygen
B. lipids
C. water
D. proteins
72. Jaws without teeth are found in found in
A. birds
B. reptiles
C. fish
D. none of these
73. Male reproductive part of flower is
A. stigma
B. stamen
C. carpel
D. ovule
74. Coordination in plants is by
A. nervous system
B. enzymes
C. hormones
D. roots
75. The simplest fatty acid is
A. palmitic acid
B. butyric acid
C. oleic acid
D. acetic acid
76. All enzymes are protein which are
A. globular
B. fibrous
C. helical
D. all of these
77. Cilia are produced from
A. mitochondria
B. cell-membrane
C. centriole
D. cytoplasm
78. Which of the following disease is not caused by virus
A. T.B
D. flu
79. Which of the following is a filamentous alga
A. ulva
B. chlorella
C. acetabularia
D. spirogyra
80. Which of the following is not sac fungi
A. truffles
B. yeasts
C. mushrooms
D. morels

81. 'Cassia fistula' is the scientific name of

A. amaltas
B. rose
C. onion
D. tomato
82. Phage virus consists of head and
A. thorax
B. neck
C. tail
D. none of these
83. Bacteria without any flagella are called
A. monotrichous
B. atrichous
C. peritrichous
D. lophotrichous
84. Protists have been evolved from
A. animals
B. plants
C. fungi
D. prokaryotes
85. Algae differ from plants in that the sex organs in algae are
A. multicellular
B. unicellular
C. acellular
D. none of these
86. Fungi can absorb food from the substrate because the have
A. sporangium
B. spores
C. rhizoids
D. stalk
87. A seed may be defined as a fertilized
A. egg
B. ovary
C. ovule
D. embryo
88. Platyhelminthes means
A. round worms
B. flat worms
C. tape worms
D. pin worms
89. The first land vertebrates were
A. dipnoi
B. amphibia
C. reptilia
D. aves
90. All life on planet earth is powered by
A. solar energy
B. thermal energy
C. tidal energy
D. kinetic energy

91. Recombinant DNA is introduced in to host cell by means of

A. phage
B. vector
C. bacteria
D. enzyme
92. In cystic fibrosis, the patient lacks a gene that codes for trans-membarene carrier of
A. sodium ion
B. carbon dioxide
C. chloride ion
D. potassium ion
93. Which gene is located on linkage group number 11 in man
A. sickle cell anemia
B. leukemia
C. albinism
D. all of these
94. In birds the sex is determined by the type of
A. sperm
B. autosomes
C. egg
D. none of these
95. In RNA nucleotides are attached by
A. peptide bonds
B. hydrogen bonds
C. covalent bond
D. phosphodiester bond
96. The chromosome is
A. gene
B. genes + protein
C. DNA + genes
D. gene + protein
97. The human body contains water
A. 60-80%
B. 70-90%
C. 75-95%
D. 80-90%
98. Environment is a source of
A. food
B. shelter
C. clothing
D. all of these
99. Fresh water ecosystem covers
A. 2%
B. 1%
C. 3%
D. 5%
100. Foul smell in lake is produced by
A. algae
B. bacteria
C. fungi
D. all
1. Starch is richly present in
A. onion
B. apple
C. cereals
D. tomato
2. Plants having foreign DNA are known as
A. genetic plants
B. recombinant plants
C. cultured plants
D. transgenic plants
3. Which of the following kinds of atom do not occur in carbohydrates
A. carbon
B. hydrogen
C. nitrogen
D. oxygen
4. The basic framework of all types of membranes are
A. lipoproteins
B. glycoproteins
C. proteoglycans
D. nucleoproteins
5. Single membrane bounded organelle is
A. nucleus
B. lysosome
C. ribosome
D. none of these
6. Irregular grape like cluster of bacilli is called
A. diplo bacilli
B. strepto bacilli
C. staphylo bacilli
D. none of these
7. It is generally accepted that plants arose from ancestral
A. green algae
B. fungi
C. bacteria
D. all of these
8. Main energy reserves in the case of green algae are
A. glycogen
B. sucrose
C. glucose
D. starch
9. The chief component of the cell wall of the majority of fungi is
A. pectin
B. chitin
C. lignin
D. cellulose
10. After pollination the pollens are transferred to which part of the flower
A. ovary
B. style
C. stigma
D. none of these

11. Glyoxisomes contain enzymes for

A. glyoxylate cycle
B. glycolate cycle
C. Calvin cycle
D. none of these
12. Vacuoles serve to
A. expand the plant cells
B. sites for storage
C. both in expansion and storage
D. non-specific function
13. An isolated virus is not considered living since it
A. separate into two parts
B. cannot metabolize
C. rapidly looses its genome
D. all of these
14. The predominant phycobilin pigment in cyanobacteria which is of blue colour is
A. phycoerythrin
B. phycocyanin
C. fucocyanin
D. fucoxanthin
15. Deafness is caused by misuse of
A. penicillin
B. tetracycline
C. paracetamol
D. streptomycin
16. Cell envelope does not include
A. capsule
B. slime layer
C. cell wall
D. cell membrane
17. Coenocytes is a fungal body which is
A. multi-nucleate aseptate
B. multi-nucleate septate
C. uni-nucleate septate
D. uni-nucleate aseptate
18. Bryophytes are
A. all heterosporous
B. all homosporous
C. mostly homosporus
D. none of these
19. Nephridia are excretory organs in
A. round worms
B. lizard
C. earth worm
D. planaria
20. Which one is harmful mollusc
A. slug
B. snail
C. oyester
D. star fish

21. Which structure is involve in gaseous exchange of plants

A. stomata
B. lenticels
C. cuticle
D. all of these
22. Common feature of human and insect trachea is
A. non-collapsiable wall
B. supporting rings
C. ectodermal origin
D. endodermal origin
23. Vomiting occurs due to
A. constipation
B. diarrhoea
C. antiperistalsis
D. peristalsis
24. Photosynthetic prokaryotes lack
A. ribosomes
B. chloroplast
C. cell-membrane
D. vacuole
25. Which of the following organ is because of absence of teeth in birds
A. crop
B. syrinx
C. stomach
D. gizzard
26. The scientific name of jelly fish is
A. Aurelia
B. Madrepore
C. Actinia
D. Obelia
27. In which plants leaves are always in whorls
A. lycopsids
B. psilopsids
C. sphenopsids
D. pteropsids
28. In bacterial and viral infection, their is increase in number of
A. platelets
B. RBC's
C. antibodies
D. WBC's
29. In plants, which are involved in testa formation
A. tracheids
B. sclereids
C. sclerenchyma
D. none of these
30. The etiolated plants lack
A. chlorophyll
B. xanthophyll
C. caroteins
D. none of these
31. Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.
A. 5,000 to 10,000
B. 10,000 to 15,000
C. 15,000 to 20,000
D. 20,000 to 25,000
32. The most abundant element in the universe is __________.
A. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Silicon
33. The substance which increases the rate of chemical reaction is __________.
A. Metal
B. Catalyst
C. Alloy
D. Enzymes
34. The average human body contains about __________ gram of Sodium Chloride.
A. 190
B. 210
C. 230
D. 250
35. pH is an abbreviation for?
A. Power of Hydrogen
B. Possibility of Hydrogen
C. Population of Hydrogen
D. Position of Hydrogen
36. The best soil pH value for most crops and plants is __________.
A. 4.5
B. 5.5
C. 6.5
D. 7.5
37. __________ are biological catalysts.
A. Enzymes
B. Minerals
C. Proteins
D. Vitamins
38. The most abundant constituent in Air is __________.
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Carbondioxide
D. Nitrogen
39. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with different numbers of __________.
A. Protons
B. Electrons
C. Neutrons
D. Positron
40. Over __________ of the elements in the Periodic Table are Metals.
A. 60%
B. 65%
C. 70%
D. 75%
41. Those substances which give hydroxyl ions in water is called ?
A. Acid
B. Base
C. Salts
D. Alkalies
42. Those substances which give hydrogen ions in water is called ?
A. Base
B. Salts
C. Neutral
D. Acid
43. KHSO4 is a ?
A. Base
B. Acid
C. Neutral
D. Salt
44. Neutral solution has pH value ?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 7
D. 14
45. According to bronsted acid are ?
A. Proton accepter
B. Electron donor
C. Proton donor
D. Electron accepter
46. NH3 is ?
A. Acid
B. Base
C. Salts
D. Neutral
47. Salts are ?
A. Acid
B. Base
C. Alkalies
D. Neutral
48. Organic compounds are originated from ?
A. Air
B. Sun
C. Rocks
D. Living organisms
49. ___________are insoluble in water.
A. Alkanes
B. Sugars
C. Salts
D. Starch
50. Poly Hydroxyl compounds of Aldehyde and ketones are called ?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Protein
C. Lipids
D. Vitamin
51. Wheat, rice and honey are the sources of ?
A. Lipids
B. Proteins
C. Vitamin
D. Carbohydrates
52. Polymers of amino acids are called ?
A. Vitamin
B. Proteins
C. Lipids
D. Maltose
53. Nucleic acids are of ________types.
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
54. Vitamin________ is also called ascrobic acid.
A. D
B. A
C. E
D. C
55. Fats and oils are example of ?
A. Proteins
B. Vitamin
C. Lipids
D. Carbohydrates
56. The major component of troposphere is ?
A. Argon
B. Carbon
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen
57. Ozone depletion causes ?
A. Blood Cancer
B. Skin Cancer
C. Malaria
D. T.B
58. The pH of the acid rains is less than ?
A. 5.6
B. 5.3
C. 6.9
D. 3.6
59. Ozone is a ____________ gas.
A. Reddish
B. Greenish
C. Bluish
D. Yellowish
60. In water, ratio of oxygen and hydrogen by mass is ?
A. 1:3
B. 2:1
C. 1:2
D. 8:1
61. pH of the neutral solution is ?
A. 2
B. 6
C. 7
D. 5
62. pH of the acidic solution is less than ?
A. 3
B. 2
C. 6
D. 7
63. The branch of chemistry in which we study hydrocarbon and their derivatives is called ?
A. Organic chemistry
B. Inorganic chemistry
C. Industrial chemistry
D. Biochemistry
64. The metal present in combine state is called ?
A. Metal
B. Solid
C. Minerals
D. None of these
65. Which of the following is homogeneous mixture ?
A. Smoke
B. Fog
C. Smog
D. Air
66. Hydrogen has a positive charge ?
A. Proton
B. Electron
C. Atom
D. Neutron
67. Electron in its ground state does not ?
A. Spin
B. Revolve
C. Reside in orbit
D. Radiate energy
68. Number of periods in modern periodic table is ?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 5
D. 7
69. Which of the following is transition element?
A. Cu
B. Cl
C. S
D. B
70. Ink spreads in water because of?
A. Vapor pressure
B. Dipole movement
C. Diffusion
D. Osmosis
71. Lower the pH value _________ will be an acid.
A. Weaker
B. Neutral
C. Stronger
D. Alkaline
72. Which of the following is an organic compound ?
B. C2H2
C. CO2
73. Which one of the following is the general formula of alkenes ?
A. CnH2n
B. CnH2n-1
C. CnH2n+1
D. CnH2n-2
74. The Homologues has the same?
A. Density
B. State
C. Chemical Properties
D. Colour
75. Carbon atom usually?
A. Gains four electron
B. Forms four covalent bonds
C. Ionizes
D. Loses four electrons
76. Organic radical with general formula CnH2n+1 is ?
A. Allyl
B. Alkyl
C. Pheny
D. Benzyl
77. The next homologue of C8H18 is ?
A. C9H20
B. C9H18
C. C8H16
D. C7H14
78. Methane is the first member of?
A. Alcohol Series
B. Carboxylic acids Series
C. Alkane Series
D. Alkene Series
79. The compound C3H8 must have?
A. An ionic bond
B. At least one triple bond
C. All single bonds
D. At least one double bond
80. The name of C6H14 is ?
A. Hexane
B. Decane
C. Propane
D. Heptanes

81. Which of the following organic compound has different chemical properties?
C. C5H11OH
82. Which of the following is inorganic?
C. CH4
83. Dehydration of ethyl alcohol with conc. H2SO4 results in the formation of?
A. Methane
B. Ethene
C. Ethane
D. Acetylene
84. Which one of the following reagents distinguished ethene from acetylene?
A. Bromine solution
B. AgNO3
C. Alcoholic KOH
D. Carbon tetrachloride solution
85. Which one of the following decolorizes Br2 Water?
A. Ethene
B. Methane
C. Propane
D. Ethane
86. Ethene reacts with HBr, the compound formed is ?
A. Br-CH2-CH2-Br
B. CH3-CH2-Br
C. Acetylene
D. CH3-CH2-CH3
87. Which of the following statement is not true for alkynes ?
A. They do not perform Baeyer's Test
B. They undergo addition reaction
C. They burn to form CO2
D. They contain a triple bond
88. All the member of alkane series has?
A. All types of bonds
B. All single bonds
C. At least one double bond
D. At least one triple bond
89. Baeyer's reagent is?
A. Hot KMnO4
B. Alkaline KMnO4
C. Conc. KMnO4
D. Acidic KMnO4
90. Which one gives carboxylic acid with alkaline KMnO4 ?
A. Acetylene
B. Ethane
C. Ethene
D. Methane

91. Which one gives a mixture of hydrocarbons on halogenations?

A. Ethane
B. Ethyl alcohol
C. Ethene
D. Ethyne
92. Baeyer's test shows the presence of?
A. A double bond
B. A triple bond
C. Both A and B
D. No bond
93. Which one is the least reactive?
A. Propane
B. Ethene
C. Ethyne
D. Ethane
94. Ethane reacts with chlorine in the presence of?
A. Sunlight
B. Water
C. Carbon tetra chloride
D. Ether
95. ______________ is a factor related to blood clotting.
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin E
96. The coldest region in atmosphere is ?
A. Mesopause
B. Stratosphere
C. Tropopause
D. Stratopause
97. The freezing point of water is ___________ celcius.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. 3
98. The total volume of water present on earth surface is?
A. 1.3 Trillion KM3
B. 1.7 KM3
C. 1.33 Million KM3
D. 1.386 Billion KM3
99. The vital function of protoplasm is due to the presence of?
A. Water
B. Fats
C. Minerals
D. Calcium
100. The quantity of fresh water present on eat is only about?
A. 2.5%
B. 0.04%
C. 2.2%
D. 3.6%
101. The reason of unusual physical properties of water is due to the presence of?
A. Covalent bond
B. Coordinate cov. Bond
C. Hydrogen bonding
D. None of these
102. The density of water is one gram per centimeter cube at?
A. 60Co
B. 4Co
C. 100Co
D. 0Co
103. The enormous quantity of water present on earth surface acts as giant thermostat
due to its high?
A. Density
B. Boiling Point
C. Latent heat values
D. Heat Capacity
104. The latent heat of fusion of water is?
A. 4.2 KJ/Mol
B. 5.2 KJ/Mol
C. 6 KJ/Mol
D. 5.7 KJ/Mol
105. Dielectric constant of water at 18Co is ?
A. 70
B. 80
C. 84
D. 75
106. Water gas is a mixture of ?
A. Hydrogen & Oxygen
B. Steam & Air
C. CO & H2
D. None
107. Chlorine act as a bleaching agent in the presence of ?
D. H2O
108. The chemical formula of magnetic oxide is ?
A. Fe3O4
B. Fe2O3.H2O
C. Fe2O3
D. FeO
109. Rain water is acidic in nature because air contain ?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. All of these
110. Nutrient pollution of water bodies is caused by ?
A. Nitrates & Phosphates
B. Pathogens
C. Acid rain
D. Cal & Mag
111. Most of the aquatic animals cannot survive above ?
A. 30Co
B. 35Co
C. 50Co
D. 44Co
112. Which one of the following disease is caused by mercury ?
A. Typhoid
B. Cholera
C. Hepatitis
D. Parkinson
113. The blister copper is refined by ?
A. Boiling
B. Concentration
C. Electrolysis
D. Reduction
114. Chemical formula of Urea is ?
B. Na2CO3
115. Sodium carbonate is commercially manufactured by ?
A. Ostwald's Process
B. Haber's Process
C. Frisch Process
D. Solvay Process
116. Urea is probably, most important fertilizer ?
A. Nitrogenous
B. Sulphur
C. Organic
D. Phosphate
117. Petroleum is a mixture of many ?
A. Salt
B. Hydrocarbons
C. Hydroxide
D. Acids
118. Raw materials used for manufacturing urea are ?
A. H2& NH3
B. CO2& NH3
C. HCL & NH3
D. None of these
119. Which one is a step of metallurgical process ?
A. Rustin
B. Roasting
C. Crystallization
D. None of these
120. Different fractions of petroleum are separated by ?
A. Cooling
B. Fractional Distillation
C. Steam distillation
D. None of these

121. The blister form of copper is ____________ form.

A. Impure
B. Raw
C. Pure
D. Refined
122. Vitamin A is soluble in ?
A. Water
B. Fat
C. Both A&B
D. None of these
123. Vitamin B is soluble in ?
A. Fat
B. Water
C. Both A&B
D. None of these
124. There are __________ types of DNA.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
125. Nucleic acid was first discovered in ?
A. 1869
B. 1870
C. 1871
D. 1872
126. Mutation is a sudden chemical change in ?
C. Cell
D. Cell wall
127. Amino acids are the building blocks of ?
A. Lipids
B. Fats
C. Vitamins
D. Protein
128. Organic chemistry is the study of ?
A. Carbon
B. Metal
C. Oxygen
D. Carbon and its compounds
129. Enzymes are made of ?
A. Protein
B. Lipids
C. Fats
D. Minerals
130. Cause of acidic rain is ?
A. Nitrogen
B. Sulphure Dioxide
C. Carbonic Acid
D. Carboxide
131. The major language of World Wide Web is ___________.
D. Java
132. HTML is an abbreviation for?
A. HiTech Meaningful Language
B. HyperText Meaningful Language
C. HiTech Markup Language
D. HyperText Markup Language
133. ___________ is a device from where the information is sent.
A. Transmitter
B. Spreadsheet
C. Simulation
D. Modulation
134. __________ is a mathematical model of a real system in the form of a computer
A. Transmitter
B. Spreadsheet
C. Simulation
D. Modulation
135. LAN is an abbreviation for?
A. Large Access Network
B. Local Access Network
C. Large Area Network
D. Local Area Network
136. In peer-to-peer networking,
A. there is only one server and many clients
B. there is only one client and many servers
C. every computer is capable of playing the role of server
D. every computer is capable of playing the role of client, server or both at the same
137. URL is an abbreviation for?
A. Universal Resource Locator
B. Uniform Resource Locator
C. Universal Resource Location
D. Uniform Resource Location
138. The network in which we connect each node to the network along a single piece of
network cable is called __________.
A. Bus Network Topology
B. Star Network Topology
C. Ring Network Topology
D. None of these
139. The network in which we connect each network node to a central device (hub) is
called __________.
A. Bus Network Topology
B. Star Network Topology
C. Ring Network Topology
D. None of these
140. FTP is an abbreviation for?
A. File Transfer Position
B. File Transfer Protection
C. File Transfer Protocol
D. File Transfer Possibility

141. IDE stands for?

A. Integrated Dual Environment
B. Inter Development Environment
C. Integrated Development Environment
D. Inter Dual Environment
142. A language that is closed to human language is called _________?
A. Low-Level language
B. High-Level language
C. Programming language
D. Machine language
143. CBT stands for?
A. Computer Based Training
B. Computer Based Trading
C. Computer Based Technology
D. None Of These
144. A virus that replicates itself is called _________?
A. Bug
B. Worm
C. Bomb
D. Hoax
145. The tool used to find a similar word in a document is called _________?
A. Finder
B. Thesaurus
C. Dictionary
D. Find and Replace
146. Which of the following components of physical database design refer to the
correctness and consistancy of data?
A. Indexes
B. Integrity constraints
C. File organization
D. Data Distribution strategy
147. conio stands for?
A. character input output
B. console input output
C. common input output
D. complex input output
148. Duplication of data in multiple files is called _________?
A. Data Redundancy
B. Data Dependence
C. Data Inconsistency
D. None Of These
149. A relation that contains minimal redundancy and allows easy use is called
A. Clean
B. Simple
C. Complex
D. Well-Structured
150. SQL stands for?
A. Structured Query Language
B. Sequential Query Language
C. Simple Query Language
D. None Of These

Sl. No. Ans. Sl. No. Ans. Sl. No. Ans.

1. C 2. D 3. C
4. A 5. B 6. C
7. A 8. D 9. B
10. C 11. A 12. C
13. B 14. B 15. D
16. D 17. A 18. B
19. C 20. A 21. D
22. A 23. C 24. B
25. D 26. A 27. C
28. D 29. B 30. A
31. C 32. A 33. B
34. D 35. A 36. C
37. A 38. D 39. C
40. D 41. B 42. D
43. B 44. C 45. C
46. B 47. D 48. D
49. A 50. A 51. D
52. B 53. A 54. D
55. C 56. D 57. B
58. A 59. C 60. D
61. C 62. D 63. A
64. C 65. D 66. A
67. D 68. D 69. A
70. C 71. C 72. B
73. A 74. C 75. B
76. B 77. A 78. C
79. C 80. A 81. A
82. A 83. B 84. B
85. A 86. B 87. A
88. B 89. B 90. A
91. D 92. C 93. D
94. A 95. A 96. A
97. C 98. D 99. A
100. A 101. C 102. B
103. D 104. C 105. B
106. C 107. D 108. A
109. A 110. A 111. A
112. D 113. C 114. A
115. D 116. A 117. B
118. B 119. B 120. B
121. A 122. B 123. B
124. D 125. A 126. A
127. D 128. D 129. A
130. B 131. A 132. D
133. A 134. C 135. D
136. D 137. A 138. B
139. D 140. B 141. A
142. B 143. A 144. B
145. B 146. C 147. B
148. A 149. D 150. A
International Organizations and their Headquarters and Head
Here is the list of Important International Financial / Banking / other organizations and their
Heads for preparation of IBPS Examinations.
Organization Name - Post - Name of Head/ Chief / President / Secretary General - Headquarter

1. United Nations - Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

2. World Bank - President Jim Yong Kim, Korea
3. Food and Agriculture Organization - Director-General Jos Graziano da Silva, Brazil.
4. International Atomic Energy Agency - Director-General Yukiya Amano, Japan.
5. International Labour Organization Director- General Guy Ryder, UK.
6. International Civil Aviation Organization - President of the Council Roberto Kobeh
Gonzalez, Mexico - Secretary-General Raymond Benjamin, France.
7. United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director Anthony Lake, United
8. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director-
General Irina Bokova, Bulgaria.
9. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights High Commissioner
NavanethemPillay, South Africa.
10. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - High Commissioner
AntnioGuterres, Portugal.
11. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) - Director-general
KandehYumkella, Sierra Leone.
12. World Food Programme (WFP) - Executive Director JosetteSheeran, United States.
13. World Health Organization (WHO) - Director-General Margaret Chan, China.
14. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - President Alexander Bedritsky, Russia.
15. World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General Michel Jarraud, France.
16. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) - Secretary-General TalebRifai, Jordan.
17. Commonwealth of Nations Head Queen Elizabeth II, Secretary-General Kamalesh
Sharma, India.
18. Commonwealth of Independent States Executive Secretary Sergei Lebedev, Russia.
19. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - Executive Director Muhamad Noor,
20. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - Secretary-General Le Luong Minh,
21. Central American Parliament President DorindoCortz, Panama.
22. Common Market of East and Southern Africa (COMESA) Secretary-General
SindisoNgwenya, Zimbabwe.
23. Council of Europe - Secretary General ThorbjrnJagland, Norway.
24. President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
Mevltavuolu, Turkey.
25. President of the European Court of Human Rights Jean-Paul Costa, France
26. East African Community Secretary-General Richard Sezibera, Rwanda
27. Group of Eight (G8) President (informal) David Cameron, United Kingdom
28. Indian Ocean Commission Secretary-General Monique Andreas Esoavekomandroso,
29. Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Chairman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran
30. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
31. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretary-General
Jos ngelGurra, Mexico.
32. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) -Secretary-General
LambertoZannier, Italy.
33. European Union (EU) Presidency of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy
34. European Ombudsman NikiforosDiamandouros, Greece
35. President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) Peter Straub, Germany
36. President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) - Werner Hoyer, Germany
37. President of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) - VassiliosSkouris, Greece
38. President of the European Court of Auditors Hubert Weber, Austria
39. President of the Economic and Social Committee (ESC) Anne-Marie Sigmund, Austria.
40. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation - Secretary-General Ahmed Saleem,
41. Southern African Development Community - Executive Secretary - TomazSalomo,
42. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) - Secretary-General Roberto
Azevdo, Brazil.
43. World Trade Organization (WTO) - Director-General Roberto Azevdo, Brazil.
44. African Development Bank President Donald Kaberuka, Rwanda
45. Asian Development Bank President Takehikonakao, Japan
46. European Bank for Reconstruction and Development President Suma Chakrabarti, India
47. Islamic Development Bank (IDB) President Ahmad Mohamed Ali, Saudi Arabia.
48. Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) President Luis Alberto Moreno, Colombia
49. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde, France.

In short, below are some International Organizations and their Headquarters

1. UNO - New York
2. UNICEF - New York
3. UNIDO - Vienna
4. UNESCO - Paris
5. IMF - Washington DC
6. UNFPA - New York
7. ILO - Geneva
8. WTO - Geneva
9. WHO - Geneva
10. International Committee of the Red Cross - Geneva.
11. World Meteorological Organisation - Geneva.
12. World Intellectual Property Organization - Geneva.
13. International Standards Organisation - Geneva.
14. International Maritime Organisation - London.
15. Commonwealth of Nations - London.
16. Amnesty International - London.
17. UNEP( united nations environmental programme) - Nairobi (Kenya).
18. SAARC - Kathmandu
19. Food and Agricultural Organisation - Rome.
20. Transparency International - Berlin
21. World Bank - Washington D.C.
22. International Renewable Energy Agency - Abu Dhabi (UAE) (Interim HQs)
23. Universal Postal Union - Berne.
24. International Atomic Energy Agency- Vienna.
25. International Court Of Justice - The Hague (Netherlands).
Q1. 14th Edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention was held at

1) New Delhi 2) Ahmedabad 3) Bengaluru4) Mumbai

View AnswerAns: 3
Q2. 'VAT' is imposed-
1) Dierctly on consumer2) On first stage of production
3) On all stages between production and sale4) On final stage of production

View AnswerAns: 3
Q3. Which of the following taxes in India is collected by panchayats?
1) Sales Tax2) Custom Tax
3) Land Revenue4) Tax on local fairs

View AnswerAns: 4
Q4. What is 'Super-301'?
1) Modern computer 2) A variety of rice
3) An insecticide4) American Trade Law

View AnswerAns: 4
Q5. The national Institute for Rural Development (NIRD) is situated in -
1) Shimal 2) Hyderabad3) Dehradun4) New Delhi

View AnswerAns: 2
Q6. The 'Closed Economy' is the economy in which -
1) Only export takes place2) Budget deficit is less
3) Only import takes place 4) There is no foreign trade

View AnswerAns: 4
Q7. Manodaya Kavya was composed by-
1) Bharat Kavi2) Maularam3) Bhushan4) Gumani Kavi

View AnswerAns: 4
Q8. Who is the Vice-Chairman of the NITI Ayog of India?
1) Raghuram Rajan 2) Arun Jately 3) Arvind Panagariya 4) Rahul Gandhi

View AnswerAns: 3
Q9. Due to the outbreak of which virus did the WHO declare a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern in February 2016?
1) Zika 2) Ebola 3) Swine flu 4) Chikungunya

View AnswerAns: 1
Q10. Who created a new world record is scoring the fastest century in Test Cricket history in
February 2016?
1) Steve Smith 2) Chris Gayle 3) Brendon McCullum 4) Virat Kohli

View AnswerAns: 3
Q11. Which of the following state has been declared as 'India"s first State to have adopted
organic farming?

1) Tripura 2) Sikkim 3) Arunachal Pradesh 4) Nagaland

View AnswerAns: 2
Q12. With which of the following is the Central Goverment's 'Stand up India' scheme to
promote entrepreneurship?

1) Women and Minorities 2) SC/ STs and Women

3) SC/ STs and Minorities 4) All of the above

View AnswerAns: 2
Q13. On which of the following routes will India's first Bullet Train run (upto 2024)?

1) New Delhi - Ahmedabad Route 2) New Delhi - Mumbai Rokute

3) Ahmedabad - Mumbai Route 4) Pune - Ahmedabad Route

View AnswerAns: 3
Q14. Which of the following is responsible for acid rain?

1) Nitrogen oxide and Carbon dioxide 2) Nitrogen oxide and Carbon monoxide
3) Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen oxide 4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 3
Q15. The term 'Ecosystem' was first used in 1935 by -

1) Taylor 2) Clark 3) Tansley 4) Lindemann

View AnswerAns: 3
Q16. Which of the following states incorporated 'Environmental Education' as a subject in
school curriculum for the first time?

1) Uttarkhand 2) Maharashtra 3) Kerala 4) Rajasthan

View AnswerAns: 1
Q17. 'Bio-Diversity' is -

1) Totality of all species, all genes and all ecosystems

2) Variety of plants
3) Variety of animals
4) Totality of cultural environment

View AnswerAns: 1
Q18. Which of the following canal is responsible for land-degradation in Rajasthan?

1) Ganga Canal 2) Sirhind Canal 3) Indira Gandhi Canal 4) Agra Canal

View AnswerAns: 3
Q19. The year 2016-17 will be observed by SAARC nations as -

1) Year of Democracy and Development

2) Year of Fight Against Terrorism
3) Year of Cultural Heritage
4) Year of 'Save the Earth'

View AnswerAns: 3
Q20. The Multi-billion dollar project TAPI on which work started in December, 2015 is related
to -

1) Natural Gas 2) Solar Energy 3) Road Construction 4) Railway Line

View AnswerAns: 1
Q21. The National Award for Child Welfare was instituted in the year -

1) 1996 AD 2) 1979 AD 3) 2008 AD 4) 2014 AD

View AnswerAns: 2
Q22. Which of the following is called 'Heart of the City'?

1) Central Business District 2) Zone of Better Residence

3) Zone of Better Social Amenities 4) Commuters Zone
View AnswerAns: 1
Q23. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1) Tharu - Uttar Pradesh 2) Gaddi - Himachal Pradesh

3) Konyak Kerala 4) Toda - Tamil Nadu
View AnswerAns: 3
Q24. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

1) The Godavari is the largest river of South India

2) The Kosi River is called the sorrow of Bihar
3) The Brahmaputra is an antecedental river
4) The Ganges originates from Gangoti
View AnswerAns: 3
Q25. Who made the Functional Classification of Indian Cities?

1) R. L. Singh 2) G. S. Ghosal 3) Ashok Mitra 4) A.B. Mukherjee

View AnswerAns: 3
Q26. Which of the following pairs (State-date of formation) is correctly matched ?

1) Haryana - 1 November 1966 2) Mizoram - 25 June, 1986

3) Telangana - 15 August, 2014 4) Chhattisgarh - 20 November, 2000
View AnswerAns: 1
Q27. Which of the following country has the largest reserve of Bauxite of the world?

1) India 2) Russia 3) Surinam 4) Australia

View AnswerAns: 4
Q28. Which of the following State has the largest forest area in India?

1) Chhattisgarh 2) Maharashtra 3) Madhya Pradesh 4) Andhra Pradesh

View AnswerAns: 3
Q29. In which of the following year the 'National Population Policy' (NPP) was announced in

1) 1999 2) 2000 3) 2001 4) 2002

View AnswerAns: 2
Q30. The 'World Population Day' is observed on -

1) 11th April 2) 11th May 3) 11th July 4) 12th August

View AnswerAns: 3
Q31. Who propounded the 'Mobility Transition Model of Migration'?
1) Lee2) Clarke 3) Ravenstein 4) Zelinsky
View AnswerAns: 4
Note: The Zelinsky Model of Migration Transition, also known as the Migration Transition
Model, claims that the type of migration that occurs within a country depends on how developed
it is or what type of society it is. A connection is drawn from migration to the stages of within
the Demographic Transition Model (DTM).
Q32. Which of the following States is the largest producer of pulses in India?
1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Maharashtra 4) Rajasthan
View AnswerAns: 1
Q33. At which of the following coasts of India is the average sea level measured?
1) Mumbai2) Chennai3) Cochin (Kochi)4) Vishakhapatnam
View AnswerAns: 1
Q34. With which of the following countries does India have its longest International boundary?
1) China2) Pakistan 3) Bangladesh 4) Nepal
View AnswerAns: 3
Q35. Which of the following countries is famous for livestock ranching in the world ?
1) Brazil2) Colombia 3) Argentina4) Venezuela
View AnswerAns: 3
Note: Ranching is the practice of raising herds of animals on large tracts of land. Ranchers
commonly raise grazing animals such as cattle and sheep. Some ranchers also raise elk, bison,
ostriches, emus, and alpacas. The ranching and livestock industry is growing faster than any
other agricultural sector in the world.
Q36. Which of the following countries is called the 'Land of Thousand Lakes'?
1) Sweden 2) Canada 3) Poland 4) Finland
View AnswerAns: 4
Q37. What is the correct north-south sequence of the stages of India along the Myanmar border?
1) Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram
2) Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur
3) Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram
4) Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram
View AnswerAns: 1
Q38. Which of the following pairs (country-capital) is not correctly matched ?
1) Brazil Brasilia2) Tunisia Tunis 3) Algeria Algiers 4) Morocco - Marrakech
View AnswerAns: 4
Q39. Which one of the following rivers crosses the Equator twice ?
1) Zaire 2) Amazon 3) Nile 4) Niger
View AnswerAns: 1
Q40. In which generation of computers, transistors were used ?
1) First 2) Second 3) Third 4) Fourth
View AnswerAns: 2
Q41. Which of the following is not an input device ?

1) Mouse 2) Light pen 3) Keyboard 4) VDU

View AnswerAns: 4

Q42. 'ALU' stands for ?

1) Arithmetic Long Unit 2) All Longer Units

3) Around Logical Units 4) Arithmetic and Logical Units
View AnswerAns: 4

Q43. What type of process creates a smaller file that is faster to transfer over the internet ?

1) Compression 2) Fragmentation
3) Encapsulation 4) None of the above
View AnswerAns: 1
Q44. The term 'Pentium' is related to -

1) DVD 2) Hard Disk

3) Microprocessor 4) Mouse
View AnswerAns: 3
Q45. Viral V. Acharya, Professor of Economics at the New York University (NYU) recently
was in news. He has appointed as -

1) Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

2) Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
3) Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu
4) Chief of Indian Army

View AnswerAns: 1

Q46. Which of the following is used to Manage Data Base?

1) Operating System 2) Compiler

3) DBMS 4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 3
Q47. Which of the following is the most powerful type computer?

1) Super-micro
2) Super Computer
3) Micro Computer
4) Mini Computer

View AnswerAns: 2
Q48. Which of the following is an example of non-volatile memory?

1) Cache memory
2) RAM
3) ROM
4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 3
Q49. The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called -

1) Abacus
2) Analytical Engine
3) Calculator
4) Processor

View AnswerAns: 2
Q50. The 'parsec' is the unit of -

1) Distance
2) Time
3) Energy
4) Temperature

View AnswerAns: 1
Q51. Seeds of Sunflower plant contain -

1) Alkaloids
2) Oils
3) Dyes
4) Crystals

View AnswerAns: 2
Q52. Fruit ripening hormone is -

1) Ethylene
2) Auxin
3) Kinetin
4) All of these

View AnswerAns: 1
Q53. By which of the following can petrol fire be extinguished?

1) Sand
2) Water
3) Carbon dioxide
4) Saw dust

View AnswerAns: 3
Q54. In view of environmental Problems, the use of which insecticide has been reduced?

1) Gammexane
2) D.D.T.
3) B.H.C.
4) D.M.T.

View AnswerAns: 2
Q55. To which theory of conservation is related the 'first' law of thermodynamics?

1) Charge
2) Momentum
3) Energy
4) Matter

View AnswerAns: 3
Q56. The main element of protein is -

1) Hydrogen
2) Nitrogen
3) Oxygen
4) Carbon

View AnswerAns: 4
Q57. Which of the following causes Swine flue?

1) Virus
2) Bacteria
3) Fungi
4) Tape worm

View AnswerAns: 1
Q58. Which of the following develops immune system in the body?

1) Antigen
2) Antibody
3) Enzymes
4) Hormones

View AnswerAns: 2
Q59. The bird that can move its upper jaw is -

1) Pigeon
2) Parrot
3) Vulture
4) Sparrow

View AnswerAns: 2
Q60. How many lobes are found in human lungs?

1) 2
2) 3
3) 4
4) 5

View AnswerAns: 4
Q61. The drug produced through bio-technology for cancer treatment is-

1) Interferon
2) Insulin
3) H.G.H.
4) T.S.H.

View AnswerAns: 1
Q62. Which of the following is dominant in heredity?

1) Albinism
2) Rh-factor
3) Color blindness
4) Haemophilia

View AnswerAns: 4
Q63. 'Brass City' in Uttarakhand is Being setup at -

1) Bajpur
2) Rudrapur
3) Pithoragarh
4) Almora

View AnswerAns: 4
Q64. Which of the following tribes worship the deity 'Bhumsen'?

1) Tharu
2) Boxa
3) Jaad
4) Bhotia

View AnswerAns: 1
Q65. The 'Dhawaj Temple' of 9th century in Dwarahat is also known as -
1) Maha Mrityunjay Temple
2) Katarmal Temple
3) Gujardev Temple
4) Kachheri Temple

View AnswerAns: 3
Q66. In which language are the 'Pandukeshwar copper plates' written?

1) Pali
2) Prakrit
3) Sanskrit
4) Armike

View AnswerAns: 1
Q67. In which of the following dances, the song is not sung?

1) Chhopti
2) Johra
3) Chhapeli
4) Chholia

View AnswerAns: 4
Q68. Which of the following was known as 'Kubjamrak' in ancient time?

1) Rishikesh
2) Devprayag
3) Haridwar
4) Srinagar

View AnswerAns: 1
Q69. During which period did the Colonial conflict start in Uttarakhand ?

1) Mughal period
2) Gorkha period
3) Dogra period
4) British period

View AnswerAns: 1
Q70. The historical name of Uttar Kashi is -

1) Saumyakashi 2) Shrikshetra
3) Gangotri 4) Barahat

View AnswerAns: 4
Q71. In the Himalaya, the 'Main Central Thrust' (MCT) separates -

1) Lesser Himalaya and Outer Himalaya

2) 'Dun' valleys and the Shivaliks
3) Greater Himalaya and Trans-Himalaya
4) Greater Himalaya and Lesser Himalaya

View AnswerAns: 4
Q72. In which district does the 'Nandhaur Dun' lie ?
1) Udham Singh Nagar 2) Nainital3) Garhwal4) Haridwar

View AnswerAns: 2
Q73. Which one of the following is not a railway terminus point in Uttarakhand ?

1) Kathgodam2) Dehradun3) Kotdwar 4) Laksar

View AnswerAns: 4
Q74. The famous 'Kailash Manasarovar Yatra' passes through -

1) Niti pass2) Lipulekh pass3) Lampiya Dhura pass4) Barahoti pass

View AnswerAns: 2
Q75. Which of the following is not a foot hill town ?

1) Tanakpur2) Kotdwar3) Rudrapur4) Haridwar

View AnswerAns: 3
Q76. The Khatling glacier is the origin-place of -

1) Jalkur river2) Bhilangana river3) Pilang Ganga river4) Balganga river

View AnswerAns: 2
Q77. The pass connecting Darma and Byans Valley is -

1) Sinla2) Unta3) Jyatia4) Ramal

View AnswerAns: 1
Q78. The court language of Katyuris was -

1) Kumaoni2) Garhwali3) Sanskrit4) Prakrit

View AnswerAns: 3
Q79. The Lakhu cave having ancient rock paintings is located in -

1) Chamoli district2) Nainital district3) Haridwar district 4) Almora district

View AnswerAns: 4
Q80. Major Somnath Sharma who was honoured with Paramveer Chakra posthumously in 1947
belonged to -

1) Gorkha Rifle2) Garhwal Rifle3) Dogra Regiment4) Kumaon Regiment

View AnswerAns: 4
Q81. _________ is the first Indian Non-banking company to become a full-fledged member of
Visa payment network.

1) Pay TM2) Itz Cash3) Pay U Money 4) Pockets

View AnswerAns: 2
Q82. India's rank in Global Competitiveness Index, 2016-17 is -

1) 39th2) 55th3) 58th4) 66th

View AnswerAns: 1
Q83. Which of the following has been judge as India's top most brand in 2016 ?

1) Bharti Airtel 2) HDFC Bank3) State Bank of India 4) Asian Paints

View AnswerAns: 1
Q84. Which of the following nation topped the list of Logistic performance Index 2016 ?

1) Germany2) Sweden3) Singapore4) Britain

View AnswerAns: 1
Q85. Which of the following banks overtook Wells fargo as the most valuable bank in USA ?

1) Citibank2) Bank of America-Merrill Lynch3) HSBC4) J.P. Morgan

View AnswerAns: 4
Q86. Which country stood at the top rank in Economic Freedom Index 2016 ?

1) Hong Kong 2) Singapore3) New Zealand4) Australia

View AnswerAns: 1
Q87. In Logistic performance Index 2016, India stood at -

1) 30th rank2) 33rd rank3) 35th rank4) 38th rank

View AnswerAns: 3
Q88. India stood at _________ rank in Economic Freedom Index Ranking 2016.

1) 124th 2) 112nd3) 122nd4) 121st

View AnswerAns: 2
Q89. After India which of the following country has demonetise their high value currency?

1) Brazil2) Colombia3) Peru4) Venezuela

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: Venezuela - whose inflation rate is estimated to touch 475% this year - announced that it
has demonetised its most valuable note, the 100-bolivar bill. The Nicols Maduro-led
government gave citizens a 72-hour window before withdrawing the currency, which accounted
for 77% of the nations cash in circulation.
Q90. Who among the following is the winner of Miss World 2016 ?

1) Mireia Lalaguna2) Stephanie del Valle Diaz3) Yaritza Miguelina Reyes Ramirez
4) Natasha Mannuela

View AnswerAns: 2
Note: Miss World 2016 Stephanie del Valle Diaz is handling her education pretty well. Amidst
the hustle, she is a Puerto Rican musician, model and student. She is also multi-cultural, she
speaks three languages - English, Spanish and French.
Q91. In the foreign Exchange market cross currency rates are also known as -

1) Discovered Rates2) On the spot Rates3) Calculated Rates4) Synthetic Rates

View AnswerAns: 4
Q92. Which part of the Constitution of India is related to the 'citizenship' ?

1) II2) III3) IV4) V

View AnswerAns: 1
Q93. Which famous economist coined the term, "We are all Keynesians now"?

1) Joseph Stiglitz2) Milton Friedman3) Jeffery Sachs4) Amartya Sen

View AnswerAns: 2
Q94. In the Constitution of India, the Residuary powers are entrusted to -

1) State 2) Centre3) Both (A) and (B)4) None of the Above

View AnswerAns: 2
Q95. 'Privy Purse' was related to whom in the Post-Independence period ?

1) Landlords2) Former kings3) Industrialists4) Indio planters

View AnswerAns: 2
Q96. Who nominates the 12 members for Rajya Sabha in India ?

1) Prime Minister 2) Chief Justice 3) President 4) Vice President

View AnswerAns: 3
Q97. Who started the 'Silk-route' (Marg) for Indians ?

1) Kanishka 2) Harshwardhan 3) Ashok 4) Fahien

View AnswerAns: 1

Q98. Which of the following terms is used in IPO of a company?

1) Book Building 2) Cutt off Price 3) Greenshoe 4) Red Herring

View AnswerAns: 3

Q99. Which was the highest gold coin in the reign of Akbar ?

1) Ilahi 2) Jalali 3) Shahanshah 4) Asharfi

View AnswerAns: 3

Q100. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar published three periodicals for the safeguard of Dalit rights. Which of
the following is not one of them ?

1) Mook Nayak 2) Wahishkrit Bharat 3) Wahishkrit Samaj 4) Equality Janta

View AnswerAns: 3
First in India (Women)
Maharshi Karve starts SNDT University in
First Women's University
Pune with five students in 1916.
First Woman to hold a Union Cabinet post Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
Sarojini Naidu, in charge of United
First Woman governor of Independent India
First Woman president of UN General Assembly Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (1953)
First Woman Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi (1966)
First Woman IPS Officer of India Kiran Bedi (1972)
First Woman to win Nobel Peace Prize Mother Teresa (1979)
First Indian Woman to climb Mount Everest Bachendri Pal (1984)
First Indian Woman to win Booker Prize Arundhati Roy (1997)
First Woman President Pratibha Patil (2007)
First Woman Speaker of Lok Sabha Meira Kumar (2009)
First Indian Woman to become "Miss World" Rita Faria
First Woman judge in Supreme Court Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi
First Woman Ambassador Miss C.B. Muthamma
First Woman to climb Mount Everest twice Santosh Yadav
First Woman President of the Indian National
Mrs. Annie Besant
First Woman Chief Minister of an Indian State Mrs. Sucheta Kripalani
First Woman chairman of Union Public Service
Roze Millian Bethew
First Woman Director General of Police (DGP) Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya
First Woman Lieutenant General Puneeta Arora
First Woman Air Vice Marshal P. Bandopadhyaya
First Woman chairperson of Indian Airlines Sushama Chawala
First &Last Muslim Woman ruler of Delhi Razia Sultana
First Woman to receive Ashoka Chakra Niraja Bhanot
First Woman to cross English Channel Arati Saha
First Woman to receive Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi
First Woman to receive Gyanpith Award Ashapurna Devi
First Woman Headmistress in school Savitribai Phule
First Indian woman who reached Antarctica Mahel Musa
First Indian woman who become an
individualmember of International Olympic Nita Ambani (2016)
First in India (Men)
The first batsman to score three test century in three successive tests
Mohd. Azharuddin
on debut
The first batsman to score double century in One Day International
Sachin Tendulkar
cricket match
The first man to have climbed Mount Everest twice Nawang Gombu
The first President of Indian Republic Dr. Rajendra Prasad
The first Prime Minister of free India Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
The first Indian to win Nobel Prize Rabindranath Tagore
The first president of Indian National Congress W.C. Banerjee
The first Muslim President of Indian National Congress Badruddin Tayyabji
The first Muslim President of India Dr. Zakir Hussain
The first British Governor General of India Lord William Bentinck
The first British Viceroy of India Lord Canning
The first Governor General of free India Lord Mountbatten
The first and the last Indian Governer General of free India C. Rajgopalachari
The first man who introduce printing press in India James Hicky
The first Indian to join the I.C.S. Satendranath Tagore
The first Indian man in space Rakesh Sharma
The first Prime Minister of India who resigned without completing
Morarji Desai
the full term
The first Indian Commander-in-Chief of India General Cariappa
Gen. Maharaj Rajendra
The first Cheif of Army Staff
The first Indian member of the Viceroy's executive council S.P. Sinha
The first President of India who died while in office Dr. Zakir Hussain
The first Prime Minister of India who did not face the Parliament Charan Singh
The first Field Marshal of India S.H.F. Manekshaw
The first Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics C.V. Raman
The first Indian to receive Bharat Ratna award Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Indian to cross English Channel Mihir Sen
The first person to receive Gyanpith award Sri Shankar Kurup
Ganesh Vasudev
The first Speaker of the Lok Sabha
The first Vice-President of India Dr. Radhakrishnan
The first Education Minister Abul Kalam Azad
The first Home Minister of India Sardar Vallabha Bhai Patel
The first Indian Air Chief Marshal S. Mukharji
The first Indian Naval Chief Vice Admiral R.D. Katari
The first judge of International Court of Justice Dr. Nagendra Singh
The first person to receive Paramveer Chakra Major Somnath Sharma
The first person to reach Mt. Everest without oxygen Sherpa Anga Dorjee
The first Chief Election Commissioner Sukumar Sen
The first person to receive Magsaysay Award Achrya Vinoba Bhave
The first person of Indian origin to receive Nobel Prize in Medicine Hargovind Khurana
The first Chinese traveller to visit India Fahein
The first person to receive Stalin Prize Saifuddin Kitchlu
The first person to resign from the central cabinate Shyama Prasad Mukharji
The first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
The first person to receive Nobel Prize in Economics Amartya Sen
The first Chief Justice of Supreme Court Justice Hiralal J. Kania

Indian Nobel Winners

Kailash Satyarthi

Year: 2014Category: Peace

Work: For struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all
children to education.

V. Ramakrishnan

Year: 2009Category: Medicine

Work: For studies of the structure and function of the ribosome

Amartya Sen

Year: 1998Category: Economics

Work: for his contributions to welfare economics.
Subramanyan Chandrasekhar

Year: 1983Category: Physics

Work: He developed a theory on white dwarf stars which posts a limit of mass of dwarf stars
known also as Chandrashekhar Limit. His theory explains the final stages of stellar evolution.

Mother Teresa

Year: 1978Category: Peace

Work: Concern for the poor and the sick prompted her to found a new congregation,
Missionaries of Charity. Having become an Indian citizen, Mother Teresa served the cause of
dying destitutes, lepers and drug addicts, through Nirmal Hriday (meaning Pure Heart), the main
centre of her activity. Her selfless service and unique devotion, not only to helpless fellow-
Indians but also to the cause of world peace, earned her and India the first Nobel Peace Prize.

Har Govind Khorana

Year: 1968Category: Medicine

Work: His major breakthrough in the field of Medicine interpreting the genetic code and
analysing its function in protein synthesis.

C. V. Raman

Year: 1930Category: Physics

Work: Sir C.V. Raman received the Nobel Prize for an important optics research, in which he
discovered that diffused light contained rays of other wavelengthswhat is now popularly
known as Raman Effect. His theory discovered in 1928 explains the change in the frequency of
light passing through a transparent medium.

Rabindra Nath Tagore

Year: 1913Category: Literature

Work: He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in recognition of his work Geetanjali, a
collection of poems.
Popular Names of Personalities
Popular Name Personality
Lady with the lamp Florence Nightinglale
Grand Old man Dadabhai Naoroji of India
Iron Duke Duke of Wellington
Guru Ji M. S. Golwalkar
Jonn Bull England and the English people
CR Chakravarti Rajagopalachari
King Maker Earl of Warwick
JP Jayaprakash Narayan
Little Corporal Napoleon
Mahamanya Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya
Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
Maid of Orleansns Joan of Arc
Desh Bandhu C. R. Das
Deen Bandhu C. F. Andrews
Yankee Inhabitants of U.S.A.
Lion of the Punjab (Sher-i-Punjab) Lala Lajpat Rai
Bard of Avon Shakespeare
Panditji Jawaharlal Nehru
Man of Blood Bismark
Andhra Kesri T. Prakasam
Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Bapu Mahatma Gandhi
Apostle of Free Trade Richard Cobden
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Desert Fox Gen. Rommel
Nightingle of India Sarojini Naidu
Lal-Bal-Pal Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal
Father of English Poetry Geoffery Chaucer
Feuhrer Hitler
Iron man Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Ike Gen. Eisenhower
Tomy Atkins English Soldier
Jawan Indian soldier
Poolu French soldier
Vizzy Maharaja Kumar of Vizianagara
G.I. American soldier
Wizard of the North Sir Walter Scot
Samuel Clemens Mark Twain
Sparrow Major Gen. Rajender Singh
Shastriji Lal Bahadur Shastri
Babuji Jagjiwan Ram
Sahitya Samrat Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaye
Kathasilpi Sarat Chandra Chattopadhaye

Longest and Largest

Longest river (India) Ganges
Longest river (World) Nile
Longest Railway(World) Trans-Siberian railway
Longest Railway Station (World) Grand Central Terminal, Chicago (U.S.A.)
The longest tributary river of India Yamuna
The longest river of the south India Godavari
Longest Electric railway line in India From Delhi to Kolkata via Patna
Longest Road in India Grand Trunk Road
State with longest coastline in India Gujarat
Longest railway route in India Dibrugarh in Assam to Kannyakumari in Tamil Nadu
Longest tunnel in India Jawahar tunnel (Jammu & Kashmir)
Longest national highway in India NH-7 which runs from Varanasi to Kanyakumari
Longest Dam in India Hirakund Dam (Orissa)
Longest River Bride in India Mahatma Gandhi Setu, Patna
Longest Populated City in India Mumbai (1.60 crore)
Longest Railway Platform Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh)
Longest river which forms estuary in India Narmada
State with longest coastline of South India Andhra Pradesh
Longest Railway Bridge in the World Huey P. Long Bridge, Louisiana (U.S.A.)
Longest Irrigational Canal The Kalakumsky Canal
Longest Canal in World Suez Canal
Longest Beach in India Marina Beach, Chennai
Longest Tunnel in World (Railway) Tanna (Japan)
Longest Tunnel in World (Road) Mont Blanc Tunnel between France and Italy
Longest Wall (World) Great wall of China
Largest Zoo (World) Kruger National Park, South Africa
Largest Bird Ostrich
Largest Archipelago Indonesia
Largest Church in India Saint Cathedral (Goa)
Largest Museum in India National Museum, Kolkata
Largest Delta Sunderban Delta, W. Bengal
Largest Dome in India Gol Gumbaz, Bijapur (Karnataka)
Largest Zoo (India) Zoological Gardens, Alipur, Kolkata
Largest man-made Lake in India Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar (Rihand Dam)
Largest Desert in India Thar (Rajasthan)
Largest lake (Fresh water) in India Wular lake (Kashmir)
Largest Mosque in India Jama Masjid, Delhi
Largest State (Area) in India Rajasthan
Largest cave temple in India Kailash temple, Ellora (Maharashtra)
Largest animal Fair in India Sonepur (Bihar)
Largest State (Population) in India Uttar Pradesh
Largest corridor in India Rameshwaram temple corridor (Tamil Nadu)
Largest cantilever span bride Howrah Bridge (Kolkata)
Largest forest state in India M.P.
Largest Stadium in India Salt lake (Yuva Bharti), Kolkata
Largest Port in India Mumbai
Largest Gurudwara in India Golden Temple, Amritsar
Largest river island Majuli (Brahmaputra river, Assam)
Largest Planetarium in India Birla Planetarium (Kolkata)
Largest Lake (Saline water) in India Chilka lake, Orissa
Largest City in Population Tokyo
Largest Continent Asia
Largest (Population) Country China
Largest (Electorate) Country India
Largest Creature Blue Whale
Largest Delta Sunderban (Bangladesh & India)
Largest Desert (World) Sahara (Africa)
Largest Desert (Asia) Gobi
Largest Dam (World) Grand Coulee Dam (U.S.A.)
Largest Diamond in the World The Cullinan
Largest Dome in the World Astrodome, in Housten (U.S.A.)
Largest Epic in the World Mahabharat
Largest Irrigation Scheme in World Lloyd Barrage, Sukkur (Pakistan)
Largest Island (World) Greenland
Largest Sea in the World Mediterranean sea
Largest Lake (Artificial) in the World Lake Mead (Boulder Dam)
Largest Lake (Fresh water) in the World Superior
Largest Lake(Salt water) in the World Caspian
Largest Library in the World United State Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Largest Museum in the World British Museum, London
Largest Ocean Pacific
Largest Park in the World Yellow Stone National Park (U.S.A.)
Largest Peninsula in the World Arabia
Largest River(deepest) in the Worlds Amazon (S. America)
Largest Sea-bird Albatross
Largest Radio Telescope New Mexico (U.S.A.)
Highest City in the World Van Chuan (China)
Tallest Statue Statue of Motherland, Volgagrad (Russia)
Highest Volcano in the World Ojos del Salado (Andes, Ecuador)
Highest Waterfall in the World Angel (Venezuela)
Highest Lake in the World Titicaca (Bolivia)
Highest Dam (World) Hoover Dam (U.S.A.)
Highest Capital in the World La Paz (Boliva)
Highest Tower (India) Pitampura Tower, Delhi
Highest Waterfall in India Gersoppa waterfall (Karnataka)
Highest mountain peak in India Godwin Austin (K2)
Highest Dam in India Tehri Dam on Bhagirathi River
Highest Gateway in India Buland Darwaza, Fatehpur Sikri (Agra)
Highest straight gravity Dam Bhakra Dam
Highest Lake in India Devatal (Garhwal)
Highest Award in India Bharat Ratna
Highest Gallantry Award in India Paramveer Chakra
Highest Battle field in India Siachin Glacier
Highest Airport in India Leh (Laddakh)
Tallest Animal in the World Giraffe
Fastest Bird in the World Swift
Smallest Bird in the World Humming Bird
Tallest Building in the World Burj, Dubai (UAE)
Biggest City(Area) in the World Mount Isa Australia
Costliest City in the World Tokyo
Smallest Continent Australia
Biggest Country(Area) in the World Russia
Deepest Lake in the World Baikal (Siberia)
Highest Mountain Peak in the World Mount Everest (Nepal)
Longest Mountain Range in the World Andes (S. America)
Biggest Palace in the World Vatican (Italy)
Coldest Place(Habitated) in the World Verkhoyank (Siberia)
Driest Place in the World Iqique (In Atacama Desert, Chile)
Hottest Place in the World Azizia (Libya, Africa)
Biggest Planet Jupiter
Brightest Planet Venus
Highest Plateau in the World Pamir (Tibet)
Smallest Planet Mercury
Rainiest Place in the World Mausinram (Meghalaya, India)
Brightest Star Sirius
Worlds first Tramway New York
Most Active Volcano in the World Maunaloa (Hawail-U.S.A.)
Lowest body Water in the World Dead Sea
Densest populated State in India West Bengal (now Bihar)
Biggest Hotel in India Oberal - Sharaton (Mumbai)
Smallest State (Area) in India Goa
Smallest State (Population) in India Sikkim
Deepest river valley in India Bhagirathi & Alaknanda
Scientific Inventions
Invention Inventor Year Country
Acetylene Gas Berthelot 1862 France
Adding Machine Pascal 1642 France
Adhesive Tape, Scotch Richard Drew 1930 U.S.A.
Adrenaline Schafer and Oliver 1894 Britain
Aeroplane Orville & Wilbur Wright 1903 U.S.A.
Aerosol Spray Erik Rotheim 1926 Norway
Air Conditioning Carrier 1902 U.S.A.
Airplane, Jet Engine Ohain 1939 Germany
Airship (non-rigid) Henri Giffard 1852 France
Anesthesia, Local Koller 1885 Austria
Anesthesia, Spinal Bier 1898 Germany
Anti-toxins (Science of
Behring & Kitasato 1890 Germany, Japan
Artificial Heart Willem Kolff 1957 Netherlands
Aspirin Dreser 1889 Germany
Atomic Bomb J. Robert Oppenheimer 1945 U.S.A.
Atomic Numbers Moseley 1913 Britain
Atomic Theory Dalton 1803 Britain
Automatic Rifle John Browning 1918 U.S.A.
Ayurveda India
Bacteria Leeuwenhock 1683 Netherlands
Bacteriology Ferdinand Cohn 1872 Germany
Bakelite Leo H. Baekeland 1907 Belgium
Ball-Point Pen John J. Loud 1888 U.S.A.
Ballistic Missile Wemher von Braun 1944 Germany
Balloon Jacques & Joseph Montgolfier 1783 France
Barometer Evangelista Torricelli 1644 Italy
Battery (Electric) Alessandro Volta 1800 Italy
Bicyle Kirkpatrick Macmillan 1839-40 Britain
Bicyle Tyres (Pneumatic) John Boyd Dunlop 1888 Britain
Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin 1780 U.S.A.
Biochemistry Jan Baptista Van Helmont 1648 Belgium
Bleaching Powder Tennant 1798 Britain
Blood Plasma Storage (Blood
Drew 1940 U.S.A.
Blood Transfusion Jean-Baptiste Denys 1625 France
Bunsen Burner R.Willhelm von Bunsen 1855 Germany
Burglar Alarm Edwin T. Holmes 1858 U.S.A.
Calculus Newton 1670 Britain
Camera, Kodak Walker Eastman 1888 U.S.A.
Canned Food Appert 1804 France
Car (Petrol) Kari Benz 1888 Germany
Car (Steam) Nicolas Cugnot 1769 France
Carburetor Gottlieb Daimler 1876 Germany
Cardiac Pacemaker A.S. Hyman 1932 U.S.A.
Cassette, Audio Philips Co. 1963 Holland
Cassette, Videotape Sony 1969 Japan
CAT Scanner Godfrey Hounsfield 1968 Britain
Celluloid Alexander Parkes 1861 Britain
Invention Inventor Year Country
Cement (Portland) Joseph Aspdin 1824 Britain
Chemotherapy Ehrlich 1909 Germany
Chemotherapy Paracelsus 1493-1541 Switzerland
Chloroform as Anaesthetic James Simpson 1847 Britain
Chloromycetin Burkholder 1947 U.S.A.
Cholera T. B. Germs Robert Koch 1877 Germany
Chronometer John Harrison 1735 Britain
Cinema Nicolas & Jean Lumiere 1895 France
Circulation of Blood William Harvey 1628 Britain
Clock (Mechanical) I-Hsing & Liang Ling-Tsan 1725 China
Clock (Pendulum) Christian Huygens 1656 Netherlands
Cloning, DNA Boyer, Cohen 1973 U.S.A.
Cloning, Mammal Wilmut, et al 1996 U.K.
Compact Disc RCA 1972 U.S.A.
Compact Disc Player Sony, Philips co 1979
Computer, Laptop Sinclair 1987 Britain
Computer, Mini Digital Corp. 1960 U.S.A.
Crossword Puzzle Arthur Wynne 1913 U.S.A.
Cryo-Surgery Henry Swan 1953 U.S.A.
CT Sacn Hounsfield 1973 Britain
Dating Libby 1947 U.S.A.
Diesel Engine Rudoff Diesel 1895 Germany
Diphtheria Germs Klebs & Loffler 1883-84 Germany
Invention Inventor Year Country
Disc Brake Dr. F. Lanchester 1902 Britain
Disc Video Philips Co. 1972 Holland
DNA, Structure Crick, Waston, Wilkins 1951 UK,US,UK
Dynamo Hypolite Pixil 1832 France
Electric Flat Iron H.W. Seeley 1882 U.S.A.
Electric Iron Henry W. Seely 1882 U.S.A.
Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison 1879 U.S.A.
Electric Motor (AC) Nikola Tesla 1888 U.S.A.
Electric Motor (DC) Zenobe Gramme 1873 Belgium
Electric Washing machine Alva J. Fisher 1906 U.S.A.
Electro-Cardiograph Willem Einthoven 1903 Netherlands
Electro-Encephalogram Hand Berger 1929 Germany
Electro-Magnet William Sturgeon 1824 Britain
Electron Thomson. JJ 1897 Britain
Electronic Computer Dr. Alan M. turing 1824 Britain
Electroplating Luigi Brugnatelli 1805 Italy
Embryology Kari Ernest-Van Baer 1792-1896 Estonia
Endocrinology Bayliss & Starling 1902 Britain
Facsimile Machine Alexander Bain 1843 Britain
Fibre Optics Kepany 1955 Britain
Film (Moving Outlines) Louis Prince 1885 France
Film (Musical Sound) Dr. Le de Forest 1923 U.S.A.
Film (Talking) J. Engl, J. Mussolle & H. Vogt 1922 Germany
First Test Tube Baby Steptoe & Edwards 1978 Britain
Floppy Disk IBM 1970 U.S.A.
Invention Inventor Year Country
Fountain Pen Lewis E.Waterman 1984 U.S.A.
Frisbee Fred Morrisson 1948 U.S.A.
Galvanometer Andre-Marie Ampere 1834 France
Gene Therapy on Humans Martin Clive 1980 U.S.A.
Genes Associated with Cancer Robert Weinberg & others 1982 U.S.A.
Glider Sir George Cayley 1853 Britain
Gramophone Thomos Alva Edison 1878 U.S.A.
Heart Transplant Surgery Christian Barnard 1967 S. Africa
Helicopter Etienne Oehmichen 1924 France
Histology Marie Bichat 1771-1802 France
HIV Martagnier 1984 French
Holography Denis Gason 1947 Britain
Hydrogen Bomb Edward Teller 1952 U.S.A.
Hypodermic Syringe Alexander Wood 1853 Britain
Intelligence Testing Simon Binet 1905 French
Jet Engine Sir Frank Whittle 1937 Britain
Kidney Machine Kolf 1944 Netherlands
Laser Theodore Maiman 1960 U.S.A.
Launderette J.F. Cantrell 1934 U.S.A.
Leprosy Bacillus Hansen 1873 Norway
Lift (Mechanical) Elisha G. Otis 1852 U.S.A.
Lighting Conductor Benjamin Franklin 1752 U.S.A.
Locomotive Richard Trevithick 1804 Britain
Logarithms Napier 1614 Britain
Loom, power E. Cartwright 1785 Britain
Loudspeaker Horace Short 1900 Britain
LSD (Lysergic acid
Hoffman 1943 Switzerland
Machine Gun Richard Gatling 1718 Britain
Magnetic Recording Tape Fritz Pfleumer 1928 Germany
Malaria Germs Laveran 1880 France
Match, Safety John Walker 1826 Britain
Microphone Alexander Graham Bell 1876 U.S.A.
Robert Noyce & Gordon
Microprocessor 1971 U.S.A.
Microscope, comp. Z. Janssen 1590 Netherlands
Microscope, elect. Ruska Knoll 1931 Germany
Microwave Oven Percy LeBaron Spencer 1947 U.S.A.
Morphine Friderich Sertumer 1805 Germany
Motor Cycle G. Daimler 1885 Germany
Movie Projector Thomas Edison 1893 U.S.A.
MRI Damadian 1971 U.S.A.
Neon Lamp Georges Claude 1910 France
Neurology Franz Joseph Gall 1758-1828 Germany
Neutron Gems Chadwick 1932 Britain
Neutron Bomb Samuel Cohen 1958 U.S.A.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Raymond Damadian 1971 U.S.A.
Nylon Dr. wallace H. Carothers 1937 U.S.A.
Open Heart Surgery Walton Lilehel 1953 U.S.A.
Optical Fibre Narinder Kapany 1955 Germany
Invention Inventor Year Country
Oral Contraceptive Pills Gregory Pincus, Rock 1955 U.S.A.
Pacemaker Zoll 1952 U.S.A.
Paper A.D. 105 China
Pasteurization Louis Pasteur 1867 France
Pencil Lacques-Nicolas Conte 1792 France
Penicillin Alexander Fleming 1928 Britain
Periodic Table Mendeleyev 1869 Russia
Photo Film, Celluloid Reichenbach 1893 U.S.A.
Photo Film, Transparent Goodwin Eastman 1884 U.S.A.
Photocopier Carlson 1938 U.S.A.
Photoelectric Cell Julius Elster, Hans F. Geitel 1893 Germany.
Photography (on Film) John Carbutt 1888 U. S. A.
Photography (on Metal) J.N. Niepce 1826 France
Photography (on Paper) W.H. Fox Talbot 1835 Britain
Physiology Albrecht Von Haller 1757-66 Switzerland
Piano Cristofori 1709 Italy
Pistol, Revolver Samuel Colt 1836 U. S. A.
Kennedy, Whal, Seaborg,
Plutonium Fission 1940 U.S.A.
Pop-up toaster Charles Strite 1927 U.S.A.
Positron Emission Tomography Louis Sokoloff 1978 U.S.A.
Printing (Rotary) Richard Hoe 1846 U.S.A.
Printing (Web) William Bullock 1865 U.S.A.
Printing Press Johann Gutenberg 1455 Germany
Proton Rutherford 1919 N.Zealand
Quantum Theory Plank 1900 Germany
Rabies Vaccine Louis Pasteur 1860 France
Radar A. H. Taylor & Leo C. Young 1922 U.S.A.
Radio Telegraphy Dr. Mohlon Loomis 1864 U.S.A.
Radio Telegraphy (Trans
G. Marconi 1901 Italy
Radiocarbon Libby 1947 U.S.A.
Rayon Sir Joseph Swan 1883 Britain
Razor (Electric) Col. Jacob Schick 1931 U.S.A.
Razor (Safety) King C. Gillette 1895 U.S.A.
Paul Berg. H.W.Boyer, S.
Recombinant-DNA Technology 1972-73 U.S.A.
James Harrison, Alexander
Refrigerator 1850 U.S.A.
Relativity Theory Einstein 1905 Germany
Reserpine Jal Vakil 1949 India
Rh-factor Karl Landsteiner 1940 U.S.A.
Rubber (Latex Foam) Dunlop Rubber Co. 1928 Britain
Rubber (Tyres) Thomas Hancock 1846 Britain
Rubber (Vulcanised) Charles Goodyear 1841 U.S.A.
Rubber (Water Proof) Charles Macintosh 1823 Britain
Safety Pin Walter Hunt 1849 U.S.A.
Safety Razor King Camp Gillette 1903 U.S.A.
Seat Belt Volvo 1959 Sweden
Self-Starter Charles F. Kattering 1911 U.S.A.
Sex Hormones Eugen Steinach 1910 Austria
Invention Inventor Year Country
Ship (Steam) I. C. Perier 1775 France
Ship (Turbine) Hon. Sir C. Parsons 1894 Britain
Silk Manufacture 50 B.C. China
Skyscraper W. Le Baron Jenny 1882 U.S.A.
Slide Rule William Oughtred 1621 Britain
Small Pox Eradicated W.H.O. Declaration 1980 UN
Spinning Frame Sir Richard Arkwright 1769 Britain
Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves 1764 Britain
Spinning Mule Samuel Cromption 1779 Britain
Steam Engine Thomas Savery 1698 Britain
Steam Engine (Condenser) James Watt 1765 Britain
Steam Engine (Piston) Thomas Newcomen 1712 Britain
Steel (Stainless) Harry Brearley 1913 Britain
Stethoscope Laennec 1819 French
Stethoscope Rene Laennec 1819 France
Streptomycin Selman Waksman 1944 U.S.A.
Submarine David Bushnell 1776 U.S.A.
Super Computer J.H. Van Tassel 1976 U.S.A.
Synthesiser Moog 1964 U.S.A.
Synthetic Antigens Landsteiner 1917 U.S.A.
Tank Sir Emest D. Swington 1914 Britain
Tape Recorder Fessenden Poulsen 1899 Denmark
Telegraph M. Lammond 1787 France
Telegraphe Code Samuel F.B. Morse 1837 U.S.A.
Telephone (Imperfect) Antonio Meucci 1849 Italy
Telephone (Perfected) Alexander Graham Bell 1876 U.S.A.
Telephone, Cellular Bell Labs 1947 U.S.A.
Telescope Hans Lippershey 1608 Netherlands
Television (Electronic) P.T. Farnsworth 1927 U.S.A.
Television (Mechanical) John Logie Baird 1926 Britain
Television, Colour John Logie Baird 1928 Britain
Terramycin Finaly & Others 1950 U.S.A.
Thyroxin Edward Calvin-Kendall 1919 U.S.A.
Transformer Michael Faraday 1831 Britain
Transistor Bardeen, Shockley & Britain 1948 U.S.A.
Transistor Radio Sony 1955 Japan
Tyhus Vaccine J. Nicolle 1909 France
Uranium Fission, Atomic reactor Szilard Femi 1942 U.S.A.
Vaccination Edward Jenner 1796 Britain
Vaccine, Measles Enders 1963 U.S.A.
Vaccine, Meningitis Gardon, et al. Connaught Lab 1987 U.S.A.
Vaccine, Polio Jonas Salk 1954 U.S.A.
Vaccine, Polio-oral Albert Sabin 1960 U.S.A.
Vaccine, Rabies Louis Pasteur 1885 France
Vaccine, Smallpox Jenner 1776 Britain
Vacuum Cleaner (Elec) Spangler 1907 U.S.A.
Velcro (hook-and-Ioop-fastener) Georges de Mestral 1948 Switzerland
Video Tape Charles Ginsberg 1956 U.S.A.
Virology Ivanovski & Bajernick 1892
Invention Inventor Year Country
Vitamin A Mc Collum and M. Davis 1913 U.S.A.
Vitamin B1 Minot & Murphy 1936 U.S.A.
Vitamin C Forelich Hoist 1919 Norway
Vitamin D Mc Collum 1925 U.S.A.
Vitamin K Doisy Dam 1938 U.S.A.
Washing Machine (Elec.) Hurley Machine Co. 1907 U.S.A.
Watch Bartholomew Manfredi 1462 Italy
Welder (Electric) Elisha Thomson 1877 U.S.A.
Western Cientific Therapy Hippocrates 460-370BC Greece
Windmill Persian corn grinding 600
Wireless (Telegraphy) G. Marconi 1896 Italy
X-ray W.K. Roentgen 1895 Germany
Yoga Patanjali 200-100 BC India
Zip Fastener W.L. Judson 1891 U.S.A
Famous Dancer Instrumentalists and Vocalists in India
Famous Dancer
Bala Saraswati, C. V. Chandrasekhar, Leela Samson, Mrinalini Sarabhai, Padma
Bharatnatyam Subramanyam, Rukmini Devi, Sanyukta Panigrahi, Sonal Mansingh, Yamini
Bharti Gupta, Birju Maharaj, Damayanti Joshi, Durga Das, Gopi Krishna,
Kumudini Lakhia, Sambhu Maharaj, Sitara Devi
Kuchipudi Josyula Seetharamaiah, Vempathi Chinna Sthyam
Guru Bipin Sinha, Jhaveri Sisters, Nayana Jhaveri, Nirmala Mehta, Savita Mehta
Manipuri Debaprasad Das, Dhirendra Nath Pattnaik, Indrani Rahman, Kelucharan
Mahapatra, Priyambaba Mohanty, Sonal Mansingh
Ali Akbar Khan, Allaudin Khan, Amjad Ali Khan, Buddhadev Dasgupta, Bahadur
Khan, Sharan Rani, Zarin S. Sharma
Tabla Alla Rakha Khan, Kishan Maharaj, Nikhil Ghosh, Zakir Hussain
Baluswamy Dikshitar, Gajanan Rao Joshi, Lalgudi G. Jayaraman, M. S. Gopala
krishnan, Mysore T. Chowdiah, T. N. Krishnan
Shehnal Bismillah Khan
Sitar Nikhil Banerjee, Ravi Shankar, Vilayat Khan, Hara Shankar Bhattacharya
Flute Hari Prasad Chaurasia, Pannalal Ghose, T. R. Mahalingam
Veena K. R. Kumaraswamy lyer, Doraiswami lyengar
Shubha Mudgal, Bheemsen Joshi, Madhup Mudgal, Mukul Shivputra, Pandit Jasraj,
Parveen Sultana, Naina Devi, Girija Devi, Ustad Ghulam Mustafa Khan, Gangubai
Hangal, Krishna Hangal, V. Rajput, Kumar Gandharva, Faiyyaz Khan, Mallikarjun
Mansur, Kishori Amonkar, Ustad Rashid Khan.
M. S. Subbalakshmi, Balamuralikrishna, Bombay Jaishree, H. K. Raghavendra, H. K.
Carnatic Venkataram, Sitarajam, Mani Krishnaswamy, Akhil Krishnan, M. L.
Vasanthakumari, M. D. Ramanathan, G. N. Balasubramaniam
Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Ustad Mazhar Ali Khan, Ustad Zawad Ali Khan, Rita
Ganguli, Poornima Chaudhary, Shanti Heerananda, Naina Devi
Ghulam Hasan Niyazi, Sultan Niyazi, Ghulam Farid Nizami, Chand Nizami, Iqbal
Hussain Khan Bandanawaji, Aslam Sabari
Ustad Rahim Fahimuddin Dagar, Zahiruddin Dagar, Waslfuddin Dagar, Bundecha
Bandhu, Uday Bhawalkar, Pt. Abhay Narayan Mallick, Pt. Ritwik Sanyal

Tribal and Folk Dances in India

States Dances
Kathakeertan, Lezin, Dandaniya, Tamasha, Gafa, Dahikala, Lavani, Mauni,
Karnataka Huttari, Suggi Kunitha, Yakashagana
Kerala Kaikottikali, Kaliyattam, Tappatikkali
Tamil Nadu Kolattam, Pinnal Kolattam, Kummi, Kavadi, Karagam
Andhra Pradesh Ghanta Mardala, Veedhi Natakam, Burrakatha
Orissa Ghumara Sanchar, Chadya Dandanata, Chhau
West Bengal Kathi, Chhau, Baul, Kirtan, Jatra, Lama
Assam Bihu, Khel Gopal, Rash Lila, Tabal Chongli, Canoe
Punjab Giddha (women), Bhangra (men)
Jammu &
Rauf, Hikat
Jhora, Jhali, Dangli, Mahasu, Jadda, Jhainta, Chharhi
Haryana Jhumar, Ras Leela, Phag dance, Daph, Dhamal, Loor, Gugga, Khoria, Gagor
Gujarat Garba, Dandiya Rass, Tippani, Gomph
Rajasthan Ginad, Chakri, Gangore, Terahtaal, Khayal, Jhulan Leela, Jhuma, Suisini
Jata Jatin, Jadur, Chhau, Kathaputli, Bakho, Jhijhiya, Samochakwa, Karma,
Jatra, Natna
Uttar Pradesh Nautanki, Thora, Chappeli, Raslila, Kajri.
Classical Dances in India
Dance State
Bharatanatyam Tamil Nadu
Bihu Assam
Bhangra Punjab
Chhau Bihar, Orissa, W. Bengal and Jharkhand
Garhwali Uttaranchal
Garba Gujarat
Hattari Karnataka
Kathak North India
Kathakali Kerala
Kutchipudi Andhra Pradesh
Khantumm Mizoram
Karma Madhya Pradesh
Laho Meghalaya
Mohiniattam Kerala
Mando Goa
Manipuri Manipur
Nati Himachal Pradesh
Nat-Natin Bihar
Odissi Orissa
Rauf Jammu &Kashmir
Yakshagan Karnataka
News Papers and Journals
News Papers and Journals Founder/Editors
Bengal Gazette (India's first news paper, 1780) J. K. Hikki
Amrit Bazar Patrika Shishir Kr. Ghosh &Motilal Ghosh
Keshri Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Maharatta Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Sudharak G. K. Gokhle
Vande Mataram Aurobindo Ghosh
Native Opinion V. N. Mandalik
Kavivachan Sudha Bhartendu Harishchandra
Rast Goftar (First News Paper in Gujrati) Dadabhai Naoroji
New India Bipin Chandra Pal
Statesman Robert Knight
Hindu Vir Raghavacharya &G. S. Aiyar
Sandhya B. B. Upadhyaya
Vichar Lahiri Krishna Shastri Chiplunkar
Hindu Patriot Girish Chandra Ghosh
Som Prakash Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
Yugantar Bhupendra Nath Datta &Barindra Kumar Ghosh
Bombay Chronicle Firoze Shah Mehta
Hindustan Madan Mohan Malviya
Mooknayak B. R. Ambedkar
Comrade Mohammed Ali
Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan
Al-Hilal Abul Kalam Azad
Al-Balagh Abul Kalam Azad
Independent Motilal Nehru
Punjabi Lala Lajpat Rai
New India Annie Besant
Commonwealth Annie Besant
Pratap Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi
Essays in Indian Economics Mahadev Govind Ranade
Samvad Kaumudi (Bengali) Ram Mohan Roy
Mirat-ul-Akhbar (First Persian News Paper) Ram Mohan Roy
Indian Mirror Devendra Nath Tagore
Nav Jeevan M. K. Gandhi
Young India M. K. Gandhi
Harijan M. K. Gandhi
Prabudha Bharat Swami Vivekananda
Udbodhana Swami Vivekananda
Indian Socialist Shyamji Krishna Verma
Talwar (in Berlin) Birendra Nath Chattopadhyaye
Free Hinduatan Tarak Nath Das
Hindustan Times K. M. Pannikar
Kranti Mirajkar, Joglekar, Ghate

Parliament of Other Countries

Country Parliament
Afghanistan Shora
Australia Parliament
Bangladesh Jatia Parliament
Bhutan Tasongadu
Canada Parliament
China National People Congress
Denmark Folketing
Egypt Peoples Assembly
France National Assembly
Germany Bundestag
Great Britain Parliament
India Parliament (Sansad)
Iran Majlis
Ireland Dail Eireann
Israel Knesset Official Books of Various Country
Japan Diet Blue Book - An official report of the British
Malaysia Majlis
Maldive Majlis Green Book - Official Publications of Itali and Persia
Magnolia Khural Grey Book - Official reports of the Government of
Nepal Rasthtriya Panchayat Japan and Belgium.
Netherlands States General Orange Book - Official publication of the Govt. of
Norway Storting Netharlands.

White Book - Official publications of China, Germany

Pakistan National Assembly and Potugal.

White Paper - Official Paper of the Govt. of Britain and

India on a particular issue.

Yellow Book - Official paper of the Govt. of France.

Poland Scym
Spain Crotes
Sweden Riksdag
South Africa Parliament
Switzerland Federal Assembly
Russia Duma
Taiwan Yuan
Grand National
U.S.A. Congress

Indian National Highways

NH Length
Passing Rout
No (Km)
1 Delhi - Ambala - Jalandhar - Amritsar - Indo-Pak Border 456
Delhi - Mathura - Agra - Kanpur - Allahabad - Varanasi - Mohania - Barhi - Palsit
2 1,490
- Baidyabati Bara - Calcutta
3 Agra - Gwalior - Shivpuri - Indore - Dhule - Nasik - Thane - Mumbai 1,161
Junction with NH 3 near Thane - Pune - Belgaum - Hubli - Bangalore - Ranipet -
4 1,235
Junction with NH 6 near Baharagora - Cuttack - Bhubaneswar - Vishakhapatnam -
5 1,533
Vijayawada - Chennai
6 Surat - Dhule - Nagpur - Raipur - Sambalpur - Baharagora - Calcutta 1,932
Varanasi - Mangawan - Rewa - Jabalpur - Lukhna - don Nagpur - Hyderabad -
7 2,369
Kurnool -Babgalore - Krissnagiri - Salem - Dindigul - Madurai - Kanyakumari
8 Delhi - Jaipur - Ajmer - Udaipur - Ahmadabad - Vadodara - Mumbai 1,428
9 Pune - Sholapur - Hyderabad - Vijayawada 791
10 Delhi - Fazilka - Indo - Pak border 403
11 Agra - Jaipur - Bikaner 582
Jabalpur - Bhopal - Khilchipur - Aklera - Jhalawar - Kota - Bundi - Devil - Tonk -
12 491
13 Sholapur - Chitradurga 491
14 Beawar - Sirohi - Radhanpur 450
Pathankot - Amritsar - Bhatinda - Ganganagar - Bikaner - Jaisalmer - Barmer -
15 1,526
Samakhiali (near Kandla)
16 Nizamabad - Mancherel - Jagadalpur 460
Panvel - Mahad - Panaji - karwar - Mangalore - Cannore - Calicut (kozhikode) -
17 Ferokh - Kuttipuram - Pudu Ponnani - Chowghat - Cranganur Junction with 1,269
National Highways No.7 near Edapally
Junction with National Highway No.7 near Kurnool - Nandyal - Cuddapah -
18 369
Junction with National Highway No.4 near Chittoor
19 Ghazipur - Balia - Patna 240
20 Pathankot - Mandi 220
Junction with National Highway No.22 near Chandigarh - Ropar - Bilaspur -
21 323
Mandi Kullu - Manali
Ambala - Kalka - Shimla - Narkanda - Rampur - Chini Indo - Tibet border near
22 459
Shipki La
23 Chas - Ranchi - Rourkela - Talcher Junction with National Highway No 42 549
24 Delhi - Bareilly - Lucknow 438
25 Lucknow - Kanpur - Jhansi - Shivpuri 319
26 Jhansi - Lakhnadon 396
27 Allahabad - Mangawan 93
Junction with National Highway No. 31 near Barauni - Muzaffarpur - Pipra
28 570
Gorakhpur - Lucknow
29 Gorakhpur - Ghazipur - Varanasi 230
30 Junction with National Highway No.2 near Mohania - Patna - Bachtivarpur 230
Junction with National Highway No.2 near Barhi - Bakhtiarpur - Mokameh -
31 Purnea - Dalkola - Salmara - Nalbari Charali Aminagaon Junction with Nationl 1,125
Highway No. 37
32 Junction with National highway No.2 near Gobindpur - Dhanbad - Jamshedpur 179
Junction with National highway No.2 near Barhi - Ranchi Junction With national
33 352
Highway No.6 near Baharagora
Junction with National highway No.31 near Dalkoa - Berhampore - Barasat -
34 443
35 Barasat - Bangaon - Indo- Bangladesh Border 61
36 Nowgong - Dabaka - Dimapur (Manipur Road) 170
Junction with National Highway No.31 near Goalpara - Guahati - Jorabat -
37 680
Kamargaon - Makum - Saikhoaghat
38 Makum - Ledo - Lekhapani 54
39 Numaligarh - Imphal - Palel - Indo - Burma Border 436
40 Jorabat - Shillong - Indo - Bangladesh Border near Dawki 161
41 Junction with National Highway No.6 near Kolaghat - Haldia Port 51
Junction with National Highway No. 6 near Sambalpur - Angul Junction with
42 261
NationalHighway No. 5 near Cuttack
43 Raipur - Vizianagaram Junction with National Highway No. 5 551
44 Shillong - Passi Badarpur - Agartala - Sabroom 630
45 Chennai - Tiruchirapalli - Dindigul 387
46 Krishnagiri - Ranipet 132
47 Salem - Coimbatore - Trichur - Ernakulam - Trivandrum - Kanniyakumari 640
48 Bangalore - Hassan - Mangalore 328
49 Cochin - Madurai - Dhanushkodi - 440
50 Nasik - Junction with National Highway No.4 near Pune 192
51 Paikan - Tura - Dulu 149
Baihata - Charali - Tezpur - Bander Dewa - North Lakhimpur - Pasighat - Tezu -
52 850
Sitapani Junction with National Highway No.37 near Saikhoaghat
53 Junction with National Highway No.44 near Badarpur - Jirighat Imphal - Silchar 320
54 Silchar - Aizawl - Tuipang 560
55 Siliguri - Darjeeling 77
56 Lucknow - Varanasi 285
Important Days
Important Days in January
Jan 1 Army Medical Corps Establishment Day
Jan 8 African National Congress Foundation Day
Jan 10 World Laughter Day
Jan 9 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
Jan 11 Death anniversary of Lal Bahadur Shastri
Jan 12 National youth Day (Birth Day of Swami Vivekanand)
Jan 15 Army Day
Jan 23 Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's birth anniversary
Jan 25 International Customs Duty Day, India Tourism Day, Indian Voter Day
Jan 26 Republic Day
Jan 28 Birth anniversary of Lala Lajpat Rai
Jan 30 (Martyr's day) Mahatma Gandhi's Martyrdom Day;World Leprosy Eradication Day
Jan 31 World Leprosy Eradication Day
Inportant Days in February
Feb 2 World Wetlands Day
Feb 4 National Day of Srilanka
Feb 5 Kashmir Day (Organised by Pakistan)
Feb 13 Sarojini Naidu's Birth Anniversary
Feb 14 St. Valentine's Day
Feb 24 Central Exise Day
Feb 28 National Science Day
Important Days in March
Mar 3 National Defence Day
Mar 4 National Security Day
Mar 8 International Women's Day
Mar 9 CISF Raising Day
Mar 12 Mauritius Day;Central Industrial Security Force Day
Mar 15 World Consumer Day
Mar 16 National Vaccination Day
Mar 21 World Forestry Day
Mar 22 World Day of Water
Mar 23 World Meterological Day
Mar 24 World TB Day
Mar 26 Bangaladesh Liberation Day
Important Days in April
April 1 Orissa Day
April 5 National Meritime Day
April 7 World Health Day
April 11 National Safe Motherhood Day
April 13 Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre Day (1919)
April 14 B.R. Ambedkar Remembrance Day
April 17 World Haemophilia Day
April 18 World Heritage Day
April 21 National Civil Service Day
April 22 World Earth Day
April 23 World Books Day
April 24 Panchayat Raj Day
April 26 World Intellectual Property Day
Important Days in May
May 1 International Labour Day, Maharashtra Day
May 3 International Press Freedom day; International Energy Day
May 4 Coal Miners Day
May 7 Worlds AIDS Orphans day
International Red Cross Day (It is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary
May 8
of the founder of the Red Cross Organization Jean Henry Dunant)
May 11 National Technology Day
May 15 International Family Day
May 17 World Telecom Day
May 18 International Museums Day
May 22 International Bio Diversity Day
May 24 Commonwealth Day
May 25 Worlds Thyroid Day
May 29 International Day of UN Peace Keepers
May 30 Hindi Journalism Day
May 31 World No Tobacco Day
Important Days in June
June 1 World Milk Day (FAO)
June 5 World Environment Day
June 8 World Oceans Day
June 12 World Day Against Child Labour / Child Labour Prohibition Day
June 14 World Blood Donor Day
June 15 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
June 17 World Day to Combat Desertification
June 20 World Refugee Day
June 21 International Day of Yoga
June 23 United Nations Public Service Day
June 26 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
June 29 National Statistics Day
Important Days in July
July 1 Doctor's Day
July 2 World UFO Day
July 4 American Independence Day
July 7 International Day of Cooperatives
July 11 World Population Day
July 17 World Day for International Justice
July 18 Mandela Day
July 26 Kargil Victory Day
July 27 Central Reserve Police Force Foundation Day
July 28 World Hepatitis Day
Important Days in August
Aug 6 Hiroshima Day
Aug 7 National Handloom Day
Aug 9 Quit India Movement Day
Aug 12 International youth Day
Aug 14 Pakistan's Independence Day
Aug 15 India's Independence Day
Aug 19 World Photography Day
Aug 20 Sadbhavana Diwas
Aug 29 National Sports Day of India (Dhyanchand's Birth Day)
Aug 30 Small Industry Day
Important Days in September
Sept 5 Teacher's Day (Dr. Radhakrishnan's Birth Day)
Sept 7 Forgiveness Day
Sept 8 International Literacy Day
Sept 14 Hindi day,World First Aid Day
Sept 16 World Ozone Day
Sept 21 International Day of Peace, World Alzheimer's day
Sept 25 Social Justice Day
Sept 27 World Tourism Day
Important Days in October
Oct 1 International Day for the Elderly(UN)
Oct 2 Gandhi Jayanti, International Day of Non-Violence
Oct 3 World Nature Day, World Habitat Day
Oct 4 World Animal Day
Oct 5 World Teacher's Day
Oct 6 World Wildlife Day, World Food Security Day
Oct 8 Indian Air-force day
Oct 9 World Postal Day
Oct 10 World Mental Health day;National Post Day
Oct 11 International Girl Child Day
Oct 12 World Sight day
Oct 13 World Calamity Control Day(UN)
Oct 14 World Standard Day
Oct 15 World White cane day(guiding the blind)
Oct 16 World Food Day
Oct 17 International poverty
Oct 20 National Solidarity Day (China attacked India on that day)
Oct 24 United Nations Day
Oct 30 World Thrift Day
Rastriya Ekta Diwas (Sardar Patel), National Integration Day (In memory of Indira
Oct 31
Important Days in November
Nov 5 World Tsunami Awareness Day
Nov 7 Infant Protection day;World Cancer Awareness Day
Nov 9 Legal Service Day
Nov 10 World Science Day for Peace Development
Nov 11 National Education Day
Nov 12 National Broadcasting Day
Nov 14 Children's day; World Diabetics day
Nov 17 Guru Nanak Dev's Birth Anniversary
Nov 18 Territorial Army Day
Nov 19 National Integration Day
Nov 21 World Fisheries Day; World Television Day
Nov 26 National Law Day
Important Days in December
Dec 1 World AIDS Day
Dec 3 World Disability Day
Dec 4 Navy Day
Dec 7 Armed Force Flag Day
Dec 10 Human Rights day
Dec 11 UNICEF Day
Dec 14 National Energy Conservation Day
Dec 19 Goa's Liberation day
Dec 23 Kisan Divas (Farmer's Day)

Different Branches of Science

Branch Concerning Field
Aeronautics Science of flight of airplanes.
Astronomy Study of heavenly bodies.
Agronomy Science dealing with crop plant.
Angiology Deals with the study of blood vascular system.
Anthology Study of flower.
Anthropology Study of apes and man.
Apiculture Honey industries (Bee Keeping).
Araneology Study of spiders.
Batracology Study of frogs.
Biochemistry Deals with the study of chemical reactions in relation to life activities.
Deals with the use of micro-organisms in commercial processes for producing
fine chemicals such as drugs;vaccines;hormones,etc. on a large scale.
Cardiology Study of heart.
Craniology Study of skulls.
Cryptography Study of secret writing.
Cryogenics Study concerning with the application and uses of very low temperature.
Cytology Study of cells.
Dermatology Study of skin.
Ecology The study of relationship between organisms and environment.
Entomology Study of insects.
Etiology Study of cause of insects.
Study of improvement of human race by applying laws of heredity. it is related
with future generations.
Evolution Deals with the study of origin of new from old.
Exbiology Deals with life or possibilities of life beyond the earth.
Floriculture Study of flower yielding plants.
Geology Study of condition and structure of the earth
Genetics Study of heredity and variations.
Gerontology study of growing old.
Gynaecology Study of female reproductive organs.
Horticulture Study of garden cultivation.
Haematology Study of blood.
Hepatology Study of liver.
Iconography Teachings by pictures and models.
Immunology Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.
Jurisprudence Science of law.
Kalology Study of human beauty.
Lexicography Compiling of dictionary.
Mycology Study of fungi.
Myology Study of muscles.
Nephrology Study of kidneys.
Neurology study of nervous system.
Numismatics Study of coins and medals.
Obstetrics Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy.
Oneirology Study of dreams.
Ophthalmology Study of eyes .
Omithology Study of birds.
Osteology Study of bones.
Palaeontology Study of fossils.
Philately Stamp collecting.
Philology Study of languages.
Phonetics Concerning the sounds of a language.
Physiography Natural phenomenon.
Pedology Stydy of soils.
Pathology Study of disease causing organisms.
Phycology Study of algae.
Physiology Science dealing with the study of functions of various parts of organisms.
Pisciculture Study of fish.
Pomology Study of fruits.
Seismology Study of earthquakes.
Sericulture Silk industry(culture of silk moth and pupa).
Serpentology Study of snakes.
Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions,
thoughts and feelings.
Taxonomy Study of classification of organisms.
Virology Study of virus.
Objective Current Affairs
Q. 14th Edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention was held at -
1) New Delhi 2) Ahmedabad 3) Bengaluru 4) Mumbai
Ans: 3
Q. Who is the Vice-Chairman of the NITI Ayog of India?
1) Raghuram Rajan 2) Arun Jately 3) Arvind Panagariya 4)
Rahul Gandhi
Ans: 3
Q. Due to the outbreak of which virus did the WHO declare a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern in February 2016?
1) Zika 2) Ebola 3) Swine flu 4) Chikungunya
Ans: 1
Q. With which of the following is the Central Goverment's 'Stand up India' scheme to promote
1) Women and Minorities 2) SC/ STs and Women 3) SC/ STs and Minorities
4) All of the above
Ans: 2
Q. On which of the following routes will India's first Bullet Train run (upto 2024)?
1) New Delhi - Ahmedabad Route2) New Delhi - Mumbai Rokute
3) Ahmedabad - Mumbai Route4) Pune - Ahmedabad Route
Ans: 3
Q. The year 2016-17 will be observed by SAARC nations as -
1) Year of Democracy and Development 2) Year of Fight Against Terrorism
3) Year of Cultural Heritage 4) Year of 'Save the Earth'
Ans: 3
Q. Viral V. Acharya, Professor of Economics at the New York University (NYU) recently was
in news. He has appointed as -
1) Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 2) Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
3) Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu4) Chief of Indian Army
Ans: 1
Q. _________ is the first Indian Non-banking company to become a full-fledged member of
Visa payment network.
1) Pay TM2) Itz Cash
3) Pay U Money 4) Pockets
Ans: 2
Q. India's rank in Global Competitiveness Index, 2016-17 is -
1) 39th 2) 55th 3) 58th4) 66th
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following has been judge as India's top most brand in 2016 ?
1) Bharti Airtel 2) HDFC Bank
3) State Bank of India 4) Asian Paints
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following nation topped the list of Logistic performance Index 2016 ?

1) Germany2) Sweden
3) Singapore4) Britain
Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following banks overtook Wells fargo as the most valuable bank in USA ?

1) Citibank2) Bank of America-Merrill Lynch

3) HSBC4) J.P. Morgan
Ans: 4
Q. Which country stood at the top rank in Economic Freedom Index 2016 ?
Objective Current Affairs

1) Hong Kong 2) Singapore 3) New Zealand 4) Australia

Ans: 1
Q. In Logistic performance Index 2016, India stood at -

1) 30th rank2) 33rd rank

3) 35th rank4) 38th rank
Ans: 3
Q. India stood at _________ rank in Economic Freedom Index Ranking 2016.

1) 124th 2) 112nd3) 122nd4) 121st

Ans: 2
Q. After India which of the following country has demonetise their high value currency?

1) Brazil 2) Colombia 3) Peru 4) Venezuela

Ans: 4
Note: Venezuela - whose inflation rate is estimated to touch 475% this year - announced that it
has demonetised its most valuable note, the 100-bolivar bill. The Nicols Maduro-led
government gave citizens a 72-hour window before withdrawing the currency, which accounted
for 77% of the nations cash in circulation.
Q. Who among the following is the winner of Miss World 2016 ?

1) Mireia Lalaguna 2) Stephanie del Valle Diaz

3) Yaritza Miguelina Reyes Ramirez 4) Natasha Mannuela
Ans: 2
Note: Miss World 2016 Stephanie del Valle Diaz is handling her education pretty well. Amidst
the hustle, she is a Puerto Rican musician, model and student. She is also multi-cultural, she
speaks three languages - English, Spanish and French.
Q. Which of the following nations topped the 2016 Global Innovation Index?

1) Denmark 2) Sweden 3) Switzerland 4) Finland

Ans: 3
Q. After Monetery Policy Review by RBI on August 9, 2016, Satutory Liqudity Ratio (SLR)
stands at -

1) 21.25% 2) 21.5% 3) 21.0% 4) 20.5%

Ans: 3
Q. Fidel Castro died at the age of 90, was the former president of -

1) Haiti 2) Cuba 3) Kongo 4) Libya

Ans: 2
Note: Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, who led a rebel army to improbable victory in
Cuba, embraced Soviet-style communism and defied the power of 10 US presidents during his
half century rule, died at the age of 90.
Q. Which state became the first state to ratify GST Bill?

1) Rajasthan 2) Madhya Pradesh

3) Assam 4) Chhattisgarh
Ans: 3
Q. For how many years, Central government will compensate the loss of State governments due
to GST?
Objective Current Affairs

1) 2 years 2) 3 years
3) 4 years 4) 5 years
Ans: 4
Q. The official name of GST Bill is -

1) The Constitution (121st Amendment) Bill 2014

2) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2015
3) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2014
4) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2016

Ans: 3
Q. The proposed date of implementing GST is -

1) December 1, 2016 2) January 1, 2017

3) April 1, 2017 4) May 1, 2017

Ans: 3
Q. Dr. Urjit Patel has been appointed the new Governor of RBI. He is ------------ Govornor of

1) 23rd 2) 24th 3) 25th 4) 26th

Ans: 2
Q. "Awaaz-e-Punjab" is a -

1) Punjabi Cinema 2) Popular TV Show 3) Political Party 4) Punjabi News Paper

Ans: 3
Note: It is a political party founded by cricketer turned politician Navjot Singh Sidhu
Q. Which of the following party is not a recognised national political party?

1) BJP 2) AITMC 3) Congress 4) Samajwadi Party

Ans: 4
Q. Mission Bhagiratha is a water supply project of -

1) Uttarakhand 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Andhra Pradesh 4) Telengana

Ans: 4
Q. Who is the chairman of GST Council?

1) Deputy Chairman of NITI Aayog 2) Prime Minister

3) Finance Minister 4) Finance Secretary
Ans: 3
Q. In the year 2016, "Earth Over Shoot Day" was observed on -

1) 8th August 2) 9th August 3) 10th August 4) 11th August

Ans: 1
Q. The Eighth BRICS Summit in 2016 held at -

1) New Delhi 2) Hangzhou 3) Cape Town 4) Goa

Ans: 4
Objective Current Affairs
Q. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to -

1) Jean-Pierre Sauvage 2) Juan Manuel Santos

3) Bob Dylan 4) Oliver Hart

Ans: 3
Note: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to Bob Dylan (American Singer) "for
having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".
Q. Who is the newly elected President of USA?

1) Hillari Clinton 2) Donald Trump 3) Barack Hussein Obama

4) Geroge Bush

Ans: 2

Note: Donald John Trump is an American businessman and politician who is the President-elect
of the United States, and chairman of The Trump Organization. He was elected as the 45th U.S.
president in the 2016 election on the Republican ticket, defeating Democratic nominee Hillary
Clinton. Trump will be the oldest person to assume the presidency.
Q. 14th ASEAN-India Summit held on -

1) Singapore 2) Vietnam 3) Laos 4) Mayanmar

Ans: 3
Note: It is held at Vientiane, capital city of Laos from 7 September 2016 to 8 September 2016.
Q. Who among the following is not the the winner of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2016?

1) P.V. Sindhu 2) Sakshi Malik 3) Saina Nehwal 4) Jitu Rai

Ans: 3
Q. What is the name of the latest Android OS -

1) KitKat 2) Lollipop 3) Marshmallow 4) Nougat

Ans: 4
Q. Summer Olympic 2020 will be held at -

1) Beijing 2) Tokyo 3) PyeongChang 4) Vancouver

Ans: 2
Q. The recently published book "She Walk, She Leads" is written by -

1) Gunjan Jain 2) Nita Ambani 3) Chanda Kochhar 4) Mala Sen

Ans: 1
Q. Who is among the following recently appointed as the Director General BIS -

1) Smt Bharati S Sihag 2) Smt Seema Bahuguna

3) Smt Sanjeevanee Kutty 4) Smt Alka Panda

Ans: 4
Q. Tata Chemicals sells urea business to Yara International ASA of ________________
Objective Current Affairs

1) Norway 2) Russia 3) USA 4) Germany

Ans: 1
Q. Tata Consultancy Services, a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions
firm, announced its ranking as the ______ most valuable US brand in an annual survey by a top
brand valuation company.

1) 60th 2) 58th 3) 59th 4) 57th

Ans: 2
Q. Cabinet increases the limit for foreign investment in Stock Exchanges from 5% to -

1) 15% 2) 12% 3) 10% 4) 8%

Ans: 1
Q. The Chabahar port development agreement was signed with India and -

1) Afganisthan 2) Iran 3) South Africa 4) Saudi Arab

Ans: 2
Q. Which among the following states is not having any AYUSH institute, recently constructed
by Central Govt. of India?

1) Arunachal Pradesh 2) New Delhi

3) Meghalaya 4) Sikkim

Ans: 4
Note: All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi, North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda &
Homoeopathy (NEIAH) , Shilong - Meghalaya and North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine
(NEIFM), Pasighat-Arunachal Pradesh.
Q. All India Institute of Homoeopathy proposed to be set up at -

1) Ahmedabad, Gujarat 2) Narela, New Delhi

3) Pune, Maharashtra 4) Hyderabad, Telangana

Ans: 2
Q. Sovreign Debt/GDP ratio is highest in -

1) Greece 2) Portugal 3) Japan 4) Lebanon

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following Financial institutions has recently launched India's first mobile only

1) Standard Chartered Bank 2) BNP Paribar

3) HSBC Bank 4) Development Bank of Singapore

Ans: 4
Q. Which country inaugurated the world's latest stock exchange?

1) Ukraine 2) Singapore 3) Mayanmar 4) Malaysia

Ans: 3
Objective Current Affairs
Q. India's rank in World Press Freedom Index 2016 is -

1) 95th 2) 100th 3) 115th 4) 133rd

Ans: 4
Q. Who said, "India 'One-eyed' king in land of blinds"?

1) WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo

2) RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan
3) World Bank President Jim Yong Kim
4) BRICS Development Bank President K. V. Kam

Ans: 2
Atal Pension Yojana (APY)

The FinanceMinister has announced a new initiative called Atal Pension Yojana (APY) in his
Budget Speech for 2015-16. The APY will be focussed on all citizens in the unorganised sector,
who join the National Pension System (NPS) administered by the Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (PFRDA) and who are not members of any statutory social security
scheme. Under the APY, the subscribers would receive the fixed pension of Rs. 1000 per month,
Rs. 2000 per month, Rs. 3000 per month, Rs. 4000 per month, Rs. 5000 per month, at the age of
60 years, depending on their contributions, which itself would vary on the age of joining the APY.
The minimum age of joining APY is 18 years and maximum age is 40 years. Therefore,
minimum period of contribution by the subscriber under APY would be 20 years or more.
The benefit of fixed pension would be guaranteed by the Government. The Central Government
would also co-contribute 50% of the subscribers contribution or Rs. 1000 per annum.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was divided, one half awarded to David J. Thouless (University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA), the other half jointly to F. Duncan M. Haldane (Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ, USA) and J. Michael Kosterlitz (Brown University, Providence, RI,
USA) "for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016 was awarded jointly to Jean-Pierre Sauvage (University of
Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France), Sir J. Fraser Stoddart (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,
USA) and Bernard L. Feringa (University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands) "for the
design and synthesis of molecular machines".
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016 was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi (Tokyo
Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) "for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy".

The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to Bob Dylan (American Singer) "for having
created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".Dylan has recorded a
large number of albums revolving around topics such as: the social conditions of man, religion,
politics and love. The lyrics have continuously been published in new editions, under the title
Lyrics. As an artist, he is strikingly versatile; he has been active as painter, actor and scriptwriter.
Nobel Peace Prize 2016

The Nobel Peace Prize 2016 was awarded to Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia "for
his resolute efforts to bring the country's more than 50-year-long civil war to an end".
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2016

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2016 was
awarded jointly to Oliver Hart (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA) and Bengt
Holmstrm (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA) "for their
contributions to contract theory"


AWARDS 2016:-

National Sports Awards are given every year to recognize and reward excellence in sports. Rajiv
Gandhi Khel Ratna Award is given for the spectacular and most outstanding performance in the
field of sports by a sportsperson over a period of four years; Arjuna Award is given for
consistently outstanding performance for four years; Dronacharya Award for coaches for
producing medal winners at prestigious international sports events, Dhyan Chand Award for life
time contribution to sports development and Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar is given to the
corporate entities (both in private and public sector) and individuals who have played a visible
role in the area of sports promotion and development.
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2016
Name of awardee Discipline
P.V. Sindhu Badminton
Sakshi Malik Wrestling
Dipa Karmakar Gymnastics
Jitu Rai Shooting

Dronacharya Award 2016

Name of awardee Discipline
Nagapuri Ramesh Athletics
Sagar Mal Dhayal Boxing
Raj Kumar Sharma Cricket
Bishweshwar Nandi Gymnastics
S. Pradeep Kumar Swimming (lifetime)
Mahabir Singh Wrestling (lifetime)

Arjuna Award 2016

Name of awardee Discipline
Rajat Chauhan Archery
Lalita Babar Athletics
Sourav Kothari Billiards and Snooker
Shiva Thapa Boxing
Ajinkya Rahane Cricket
Rani Hockey
Subrata Paul Football
V R Raghunath Hockey
Gurpreet Singh Shooting
Apurvi Chandela Shooting
Soumyajit Ghosh Table Tennis
Vinesh Poghat Wrestling
Amit Kumar Wrestling
Sandeep Singh Mann Para-Athletics
Virender Singh Wrestling (deaf)

Dhyan Chand Award 2015

Name of Awardee Discipline
Satti Geetha Athletics
Sylvanus Dung Dung Hockey
Rajendra Pralhad Shelke Rowing

The Ramon Magsaysay Award, Asias premier prize and highest honor, celebrates greatness of
spirit and transformative leadership in Asia. In the past five decades, the award has been bestowed
on over three hundred outstanding men, women and organizations whose selfless service has
offered their societies, Asia, and the world successful solutions to some of the most intractable
problems of human development.

The winners of Ramon Magsaysay Award 2016

Conchita Carpio-Morales (Philippines): The board of trustees recognizes her moral courage and
commitment to justice in taking head-on one of the most intractable problems in the Philippines;
promoting by her example of incorruptibility, diligence, vision and leadership, the highest ethical
standards in public service.

Bezwada Wilson(India): The board of trustees recognizes his moral energy and prodigious skill
in leading a grassroots movement to eradicate the degrading servitude of manual scavenging in
India, reclaiming for the dalits the human dignity that is their natural birthright.

Dompet Dhuafa(Indonesia): The board of trustees recognizes the organization and its leaders for
redefining the landscape of zakat-based philanthropy in Indonesia, unleashing the potential of the
Islamic faith to uplift, irrespective of their creed, the lives of millions.

Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers(Japan): The board of trustees recognizes the volunteers
for their idealism and spirit of service in advancing the lives of communities other than their own,
demonstrating over five decades that it is indeed when people live, work, and think together that
they lay the true foundation for peace and international solidarity.

Thodur Madabusi Krishna(India): The board of trustees recognizes his forceful commitment as
artist and advocate to arts power to heal Indias deep social divisions, breaking barriers of caste
and class to unleash what music has to offer not just for some but for all.

Vientiane Rescue(Laos): The board of trustees recognizes its heroic work in saving Laotian lives
in a time and place of great need, under the most deprived of circumstances, inspiring by their
passionate humanitarianism a similar generosity of spirit in many others.


The Union Cabinet under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 1st June
2016 has given its approval for setting up the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) as a Public
Limited Company under the Department of Posts, with 100% Government of India (GOI) equity.
The total expenditure involved in this project is Rs 800 Crore. All citizens, especially 40% of the
country's population that is outside the ambit of formal banking in the country will benefit from
this project. The project will be rolled out in the entire country in a phasedmanner. The IPPB will
obtain banking licence from RBI by March 2017 and by September 2017, its services will be
available across the country through 650 payments bank branches, linked post offices and
alternative channels riding on modern technology including mobiles, ATMs, PoS and m-PoS
devices etc and simple digital payments.

Setting-up of the IPPB to further financial inclusion was one of the budgetary announcements
during 2015-16. The Department of Posts had obtained the "in-principle approval" of the RBI in
September 2015 to set up the India Post Payments Bank. The India Post Payments Bank will
leverage the Departments network, reach, and resources to make simple, low-cost, quality
financial services easily accessible to customers all over the country.

The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has launched a new programme known
as "Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana" (SGSY) by restructuring the existing schemes namely:

Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP)

Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM)
Development of Women & Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans (SITRA)
Ganga Kalyan Yojana (GKY)
Million Wells Scheme (MWS)
The Scheme:- The SGSY Scheme is operative from 1st April 1999 in rural areas of the country.
SGSY is holistic Scheme covering all aspects of self-employment such as organization of the poor
into Self Help Groups, training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing. The scheme will
be funded by the financial institutions, Panchayat Raj Institutions, District Rural Development
Agencies (DRDAs), Non Government Organisation (NGOs), Technical institutions in the district;
will be involved in the process of planning, implementation and monitoring of the scheme. NGOs
help may be sought in the formation and nurturing of the Self Help Groups (SHGs) as well as in
the monitoring of the progress of the Swarozgar is. Where feasible their services may be utilized
in the provision of technology support, quality control of the products and as recovery monitors
cum facilitators.

The scheme aims at establishing a large number of micro enterprises in the rural areas. The list of
Below Poverty Line (BPL) households identified through BPL census duly approved by Gram
Sabha will form the basis for identification of families for assistance under SGSY. The objective
of SGSY is to bring assisted family above the poverty line within three years by providing them
income generating assets through a mix of bank credit and Government subsidy. The rural poor
such as those with land, landless labour, educated unemployed, rural artisans and disable are
covered under the scheme.The assisted families known as Swarozgaris can be either individuals or
groups and would be selected from BPL families by a three member team consisting of Block
Development Officer Banker and Sarpanch.

SGSY will focus on vulnerable section of the rural poor. Accordingly the SC/ST will account for
at least 50%, Women 40% and the disabled 3% of those assisted.


Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) is designed to provide continuous power
supply to the entire rural India. The scheme was launched under leadership of Prime Minister Shri
Narendra Modi in November 2014 announcing that "the government had decided to electrify
18,452 unelectrified villages within 1000 days, by May 1, 2018. It is one of the key initiatives of
Government of India and a flagship programmes of the Ministry of Power. The DDUGJY can
benefit rural households significantly as electricity is extremely vital for growth and development
of the country. The scheme will replace the existing Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana
(RGGVY) but features of RGGVY have been subsumed in the new scheme of DDUGJY and the
unspent amount of RGGVY will be carried forward to DDUGJY.The scheme is one of the
flagship programmes of the Power Ministry (MoP) and will facilitate 24x7 supply of electricity.


The historic agreement on climate change on 22nd April 2016 marked a milestone, with a record
175 countries, including India, signing it. The Paris Agreement on climate change is a milestone
in global climate cooperation. It is meant to enhance the implementation of the Convention and
recognizes the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
capabilities in the light of different national circumstances. The salient features of the Paris
Agreement are as follows:

The Paris Agreement acknowledges the development imperatives of developing countries.

The Agreement recognizes the developing countries' right to development and their efforts
to harmonize development with environment, while protecting the interests of the most
The Paris Agreement recognizes the importance of sustainable lifestyles and sustainable
patterns of consumption with developed countries taking the lead, and notes the
importance of 'climate justice in its preamble.
The Agreement seeks to enhance the 'implementation of the Convention' whilst reflecting
the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.
The objective of the Agreement further ensures that it is not mitigation-centric and
includes other important elements such as adaptation, loss and damage, finance,
technology, capacity building and transparency of action and support.
Pre-2020 actions are also part of the decisions. The developed country parties are urged to
scale up their level of financial support with a complete road map to achieve the goal of
jointly providing US $ 100 billion by 2020 for mitigation and adaptation by significantly
increasing adaptation finance from current levels and to further provide appropriate
technology and capacity building support.

India had advocated a strong and durable climate agreement based on the principles and
provisions of the Convention. The Paris Agreement addresses all the important concerns and
expectations of India.

61st Filmfare Awards 2016 :- Best Film Bajirao Mastani Best Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali
for Bajirao Mastani Best Actor in a Leading Role (Male) Ranveer Singh for Bajirao Mastani Best
Actor in a Leading Role (Female) Deepika Padukone for Piku Best Actor in a Supporting Role
(Male) Anil Kapoor for Dil Dhadakne Do Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Female) Priyanka
Chopra - Bajirao Mastani Best Music Ankit Tiwari, Meet Bros. Anjjan and Amaal Mallik - Roy
Best Lyrics Irshad Kamil - Agar tum saath ho (Tamasha) Best Playback Singer (Male) Arijit
Singh - Sooraj dooba (Roy) Best Playback Singer (Female) Shreya.


The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Pradhan
Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana - a path breaking scheme for farmers welfare. The highlights of this
scheme are as under:

There will be a uniform premium of only 2% to be paid by farmers for all Kharif crops and
1.5% for all Rabi crops. In case of annual commercial and horticultural crops, the premium
to be paid by farmers will be only 5%. The premium rates to be paid by farmers are very
low and balance premium will be paid by the Government to provide full insured amount
to the farmers against crop loss on account of natural calamities.
There is no upper limit on Government subsidy. Even if balance premium is 90%, it will
be borne by the Government.
Earlier, there was a provision of capping the premium rate which resulted in low claims
being paid to farmers. This capping was done to limit Government outgo on the premium
subsidy. This capping has now been removed and farmers will get claim against full sum
insured without any reduction.
The use of technology will be encouraged to a great extent. Smart phones will be used to
capture and upload data of crop cutting to reduce the delays in claim payment to farmers.
Remote sensing will be used to reduce the number of crop cutting experiments.
The new Crop Insurance Scheme is in line with One Nation One Scheme theme. It incorporates
the best features of all previous schemes and at the same time, all previous
shortcomings/weaknesses have been removed.


The Planning Commission, which was established in the year 1950 was on 1st January 2015
replaced by a new body, NITI Aayog or National Institution for Transforming India, which
will serve as a policy think-tank for the central as well as state governments and have Prime
Minister as its chairperson. NITI Aayog will have a CEO and a vice chairperson, to be appointed
by the Prime Minister, in addition to some full-time members and two part-time members, while
four union ministers would serve as ex-officio members. The NITI Aayog will have a governing
council comprising of all state chief ministers and Lt Governors and will work towards fostering a
'co-operative federalism' for providing a "national agenda" to the Centre and states.The Prime
Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has made the following appointments to the NITI Aayog:

Vice Chairman : Shri Arvind Panagariya, Economist (Shri Rajiv Kumar)

Full-Time Members : Shri Bibek Debroy, Economist and Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Former Secretary
Defence R&D

Ex-officio members : Shri Rajnath Singh (Union Minister), Shri Arun Jaitley (Union Minister),
Shri Suresh Prabhu (Union Minister), Shri Radha Mohan Singh (Union Minister).

Special Invitees: Shri Nitin Gadkari (Union Minister), Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot (Union
Minister), Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani (Union Minister)

Barai, Shivangi to receive Pravasi Bharatiya Samaan Award [07 Jan 2017]:- Indian-
Americans Dr. Bharat Barai and Dr. Sampat Shivangi have been selected for the prestigious
Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award, the highest civilian award given to overseas Indians and
people of Indian origin. They have received the award from President Pranab Mukherjee in
Bengaluru on January 9, the last day of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas conclave. People of Indian
origin from across the world have gathered for the three-day event.

Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar is appointed as Chief Justice of India [04 Jan 2017]:- The
Government of India has appointed Justice Jagdish Singh Khehar as Chief Justice of India
(Supreme Court). (Justice Deepak Mishra)

Ex-IAS officer Anil Baijal appointed new Delhi LG [29 Dec 2016]:-Anil Baijal an ex-IAS
officer has been appointed as the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi.

Lt Gen Vinod Vashisht takes over as DG NCC

Rakesh Asthana takes charge as Director, CBI

Shri Sharad Kumar reappointed as DG NIA

Acclaimed Bengali poet Shankha Ghosh to get 2016 Jnanpith Award [24 Dec 2016]:-Bengali
poet and literary critic Shankha Ghosh gets the Jnanpith Award for 2016. The award is given for
exceptional contribution in the field of literature. He has earlier won the Sahitya Academy Award
and the Padmabhushan for his contribution to Indian literature.

India beats Belgium to win after 15 years [22 Dec 2016]:-India created history by winning the
FIH Junior Hockey World Cup after a gap of 15 long years with a clinical 2-1 victory against
Belgium in the final.
Sahitya Academy Award for Lomte's story collection 'Alok' [22 Dec 2016]:-Marathi author
Asaram Lomte's book 'Alok' has been selected for the prestigious Sahitya Academy Award.
Published in 2010, 'Alok' is a collection of six stories that largely reflect rural life and people.

Lt General Bipin Rawat is new Indian Army chief; Air Marshal B. S. Dhanoa is new IAF
chief [18 Dec 2016]:- Air Marshal B.S. Dhanoa, presently the Vice Chief of Indian Air Force
(IAF) has been appointed the next Air Chief and LT Gen Bipin Rawat currently the Vice Chief of
the Army has been appointed the next army chief with effect from the afternoon of December 31.

Miss World 2016 is Stephanie Del Valle from Puerto Rico [18 Dec 2016]:- Stephanie Del Valle
of Puerto Rico was crowned Miss World 2016 on 18th December 2016, edging out runners-up
from the Dominican Republic and Indonesia winning the top prize in the 66th edition of the
pageant held this year in the United States.

Time names Trump its Person of the Year [08 Dec 2016]:- Time magazine named Donald
Trump its Person of the Year for 2016 for his stunning upset election victory that rewrote the
rules of politics, delivering him to the helm of a divided America.

Kehkashan Basu, UAE-based Indian teen, wins Children's Peace Prize [03 Dec 2016]:- The
16-year-old Dubai born teen environmental activist Kehkashan Basu awarded the prestigious
International Children's Peace Prize. The prize is awarded annually "to a child who fights
courageously for children's rights," Kids Rights said. It also includes a 100,000 euro ($106,000)
investment for projects in the winner's home country. Ms. Basu is being honoured for the work
done by her child-run organisation Green Hope, based in the United Arab Emirates, which now
has more than 1,000 volunteers in 10 countries around the world. The ambitious teen founded
Green Hope at the age of 12 and within four years managed several successful environmental
projects, including planting 5,000 trees in Colombia, France, Mexico, Nepal, Oman and the
United States.

Trump chooses Nikki Haley as US Ambassador to UN [24 Nov 2016]:- U.S. President-elect
Donald Trump has chosen South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations, the first woman tapped for a top-level administration post during his White House
transition so far.

Donald Trump elected as the 45th US President [09 Nov 2016]:- Donald John Trump was
elected the 45th president of the United States on 9th November 2016 in a stunning culmination of
an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign that took relentless aim at the institutions and
long-held ideals of American democracy.

Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak founder of Sulabh International as a Brand Ambassador for

Swachh Rail Mission of Indian Railway
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board

The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) was established on 1 November 1973 as
an independent recruitment agency in pursuance of the recommendations of the Gajendragadkar

Recruitment to posts in the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the ICAR and to
such other posts and services that the President, ICAR, may specify from time to time.
Rendering such other assistances to the Council in personnel matters, including
promotion, as may be required by the President, ICAR.
Advising the Council on disciplinary matters relating to personnel recruited through
ASRB or appointed by the Council in consultation with the Board.
Recruitment to entry level scientific positions of the ARS through an All-India
Competitive Examination.
Induction of existing scientists of the ICAR to ARS under the initial constitution of
Assessment for merit promotion and grant of advance increments to scientists of the
To conduct National Eligibility Test, which is a prerequisite for the initial recruitment as
Assistant Professor/Lecturer in the State Agricultural Universities.
Recruitment to posts in the Combined cadres of Administrative Officers/Finance &
Accounts Officers of the ICAR which are required to be filled by direct recruitment
1 Solar System in Hindi -(Planets)
o 1.1(Mercury)
o 1.2 (Venus)
o 1.3(Mars)
o 1.4(Jupiter)
o 1.5(Saturn)
o 1.6(Uranus)
o 1.7(Neptune)
o 1.8(Pluto)
o 1.9 (Earth)

(solar system) school books

competitive exams -
. planets

Solar System in Hindi -(Planets)

(Mercury):- (nearest to the sun). (smallest planet)

(axis) 58.65 . 88 (rotation)
. (.mass) 18 .
(gravity) 3/8 .

(Venus):- (nearest to the earth) .

. -evening star -
morning star . (hottest planet)
. (
temperature) .90-95 % CO2 .(satellite)
.(sister planet of the earth)
(features) (,
etc)225 .Sulfuric Acid .
(Mars):- . (Phobos
and Deimos) (Nix Olympia)
. (red planet) .
22.79 cr km. .(poles) (climate
change) . .

(Jupiter):- . .(density)
.(orbit) 11.9 .
71% (volume) .
( energy) (release)
. (radio energy) . (hydrogen)
(helium) .6 (satellites)

(Saturn):- (farthest planet)

. . 21(diameter)
1,20,0000 . .. 29.5 .(Titan) .
. . .

(Uranus):- .15
. (rings) (alpha), (beta), (gamma),
(delta) (epsilon) .(methane gas)
.(discovery) 1781 .William Herschel .84
.planet (orbit)

(Neptune):- planet (farthest from the sun). (triton)

Proteus . .
.(third body) , (active
volcano) .
(Pluto):- .(dwarf planet) .
3 2006 .300 ..
. 586.56 ..248 .
(Charon) . 1930 Clyde Tombaugh

(Earth):- (equatorial diameter) 12,757 .. (7,927 )

(polar diameter) 12,714 ( ..7,900 ) ( .equatorial
circumference) 40, 075 (24, 900 . )107160 ( ..speed per
hour) 365 , 5 , 48 .
46 .1610 ..23
56 4 .71% (hydrosphere) 29%
. (Elliptical) .3
(minimum) 4 (maximum)
. (Perihelion) (Aphelion)
.(Plane of orbit) 66 . 21 June
90 ,
Summer Solstice
.22 Winter Solstice
(south hemisphere) . 21
23 .
(12-12 . )
Q. "A Passion For Dance" was written by -
1) Rukmani Dev Arundale 2) Dr. Padma Subramanyam 3) Sonal Man Singh
4) Yamini Krishnamurthy
Ans: 4
Q. Which is the International Dance?
1) Romantic Dance 2) Bibhu 3) Odissi4) Chau

Ans: 4
Q. Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?
1) 74 mins 2) 90 mins 3) 56 mins 4) 60 mins

Ans: 1
Q. What was the earlier name of music director A.R. Rehman?
1) Dev Kumar 2) Raj Kumar 3) Dileep Kumar 4) Manoj Kumar

Ans: 3
Q. Who amongst the following has lunched a new venture named
1) Azim Premji 2) Bill Gates 3) Narayan Murthy 4) Sabeer Bhatia

Ans: 4
Q. K. S. Ranjit Singhji was -
1) First Field Marshal 2) First Indian test Cricketer 3) First Bar-at-law
4) First Air marshal

Ans: 2
Q. The first Indian awarded the Oscar for lifetime achievements in Cinema was -
1) Amitabh Bachchan 2) Satyajit Ray 3) Bhanu Athaiya 4) Shivaji

Ans: 2
Q. First woman speaker of Loksabha was -
1) Smt Margarate Alva 2) Sorojini Naidu 3) Meira Kumar 4) Indira

Ans: 3
Q. Who was the first woman president of the UN General Assembly?
1) Aruna Asif Ali 2) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit 3) Sarojini Naidu 4)
Virginia Woolf

Ans: 2
Q. Which among the following countries whose National Anthem has only music not words -
1) India 2) Bahrain 3) Germany 4) Spain

Ans: 2
Q. Samba dance is famous in -

1) Brazil 2) Peru 3) Argentina 4) Mexico

Ans: 1
Q. Rouff is a folk dance. It has its origin in?

1) Assam 2) Mizoram 3) Kashmir 4) Himachal Pradesh

Ans: 3
Q. __ is son of Ustad Allah Rakha -

1) Ustad Jakir Hussain 2) Ustad Amjad Ali Khan 3) Ustad Bismillah Khan
4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. Indian classical dance has been popularized abroad by:

1) Malaika Arora 2) Gopi Krishna 3) Uday Shankar 4) Yamini Krishnamurti

Ans: 3
Q. First Indian women Olympic Medal winner is -

1) Saina Nehwal 2) M C Mary Kom 3) Karnam Malleshwari 4) Sakshi Malik

Ans: 3
Q. 14th Edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention was held at -

1) New Delhi 2) Ahmedabad 3) Bengaluru 4) Mumbai

Ans: 3
Q. 'VAT' is imposed-

1) Dierctly on consumer 2) On first stage of production

3) On all stages between production and sale4) On final stage of production

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following taxes in India is collected by panchayats?

1) Sales Tax 2) Custom Tax 3) Land Revenue 4) Tax on local fairs

Ans: 4
Q. What is 'Super-301'?

1) Modern computer 2) A variety of rice 3) An insecticide 4) American Trade Law

Ans: 4
Q. The National Institute for Rural Development (NIRD) is situated in -

1) Shimal 2) Hyderabad 3) Dehradun 4) New Delhi

Ans: 2
Q. Who nominates the 12 members for Rajya Sabha in India ?

1) Prime Minister 2) Chief Justice 3) President 4) Vice President

Ans: 3
Q. Who started the 'Silk-route' (Marg) for Indians ?

1) Kanishka 2) Harshwardhan 3) Ashok 4) Fahien

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following terms is used in IPO of a company?

1) Book Building 2) Cutt off Price 3) Greenshoe 4) Red Herring

Ans: 3
Q. Which was the highest gold coin in the reign of Akbar ?

1) Ilahi 2) Jalali 3) Shahanshah 4) Asharfi

Ans: 3
Q. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar published three periodicals for the safeguard of Dalit rights. Which of the
following is not one of them?

1) Mook Nayak 2) Wahishkrit Bharat 3) Wahishkrit Samaj 4) Equality Janta

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The first Sultan who started the work of translation of Hindu Religious texts into Persian
Language, was -

1) Iltutmish 2) Alauddin Khilji 3) Mohammad-Bin-Tughlaq 4) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. By which date did the British Government declare to grant India full self Government ?

1) January 26,1946 2) August 15,1947 3) December 31,1947 4) June 30,1948

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. From 1906 to 1920, the role of Md. Ali Jinnah during freedom struggle of India was -

1) Separatist 2) Fundamentalist 3) Nationalist 4) Nationalist and Secular

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The real name of Sabarmati Ashram -

1) Gandhi Ashram 2) Satyagraha Ashram 3) Finiks Farm 4) Dandi Ashram

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Laddering is a tactic usually employed in the case of ------------ investments.

1) Equity2) Gold3) Bond4) Real Estate

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who built the Khajuraho temples?

1) Vijainagar Kings 2) Bahmani Sultans 3) Chandel Kings 4) Gupta Kings

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Arrange the following movements of Mahatma Gandhi in the right order from the beginning -

1) Champaran, Ahmedabad, Kheda, Non-cooperation

2) Ahmedabad, Champaran, Kheda, Non-cooperation
3) Kheda, Champaran, Ahmedabad, Non-cooperation
4) Non-cooperation, Champaran, Kheda, Ahmedabad

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who said, "The consumar is not a moron. She is your wife"?
1) Martin Sorrel 2) Philips Kotlar 3) John Ogilvy 4) A. Padamsee

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. What was 'Sangam' in Ancient India ?

1) Sangha or Mandal of Tamil poets2) Tamil King's court poets

3) Tamil settlement 4) Mesolithic graves

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Monetary and credit policy in India has so far been based on -

1) Investor friendly approach2) Cafeteria Approach

3) Multiple Indicator Approach4) Consumar friendly Approach

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. United Nations Headquarters building had been constructed on the land donated by famous
businessman and philanthropist -

1) Andrew Carnegie2) Alfred Nobel 3) John D. Rockefeller 4) Wallace Harrison

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following nations topped the 2016 Global Innovation Index?

1) Denmark 2) Sweden 3) Switzerland 4) Finland

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The term "carried interest" is most often used in the context of -

1) Fixed Deposits 2) Small Saving Scheme 3) Mutual Fund 4) Private Equity Fund

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. After Monetery Policy Review by RBI on August 9, 2016, Satutory Liqudity Ratio (SLR) stands
at -

1) 21.25% 2) 21.5% 3) 21.0% 4) 20.5%

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The first 'Lokpal Bill' was introduced in the Parliament of India in -

1) 1971 2) 1967 3) 1972 4) 1968

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The concept of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) originated in -

1) United Kingdom 2) Australia 3) United States of America 4) Ireland

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who propounded the theory of 'Economic Drain' ?

1) M. K. Gandhi 2) Jawahar Lal Nehru 3) Dadabhai Naoroji 4) R. C. Dutt

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The 'Zero Hour' in the Parliament of India starts at -
1) First hour of the sitting 2) Last hour of the sitting 3) At 12-00 Noon 4) At any time

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The main object of a 'Budget' is -

1) To ensure Accoimtability2) To serve as a tool of Management

3) To facilitate Economic Analysis4) All of the above

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. 'Parliamentary form of Govemment' functions on the principle of -

1) Separation of powers 2) Checks and Balances

3) Close relationship between Legislature and Executive 4) Control of Judiciary on the Executive

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The Constitution of India declares India as -

1) A voluntary Federation 2) A Confederation3) A Union of States

4) A Federation

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who settles the dispute regarding the election of the President of India ?

1) Supreme Court2) Election Commission

3) Parliament4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following state does not have 'Legislative Council'?

1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Maharashtra 3) Karnataka 4) Uttarakhand

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The first book written by M. K. Gandhi was -

1) My Experiment with Truth 2) Hind Swaraj 3) India of My Dreams4) Key to the Health

View AnswerAns: 1

Q. By which Constitutional Amendment, the subject of 'Education' was transferred from State list
to concurrent list?

1) 5th 2) 9th3) 42nd4) 44th

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Fidel Castro died at the age of 90, was the former president of -

1) Haiti 2) Cuba 3) Kongo 4) Libya

View AnswerAns: 2
Note: Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, who led a rebel army to improbable victory in Cuba,
embraced Soviet-style communism and defied the power of 10 US presidents during his half
century rule, died at the age of 90.
Q. The principal of subrogation applies to -
1) Life Insurance 2) Property Insurance 3) Health Insurance 4) Travel Insurance

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which of the following days has been declared as National Handloom Day by the government
of India?

1) August 5 2) August 10 3) August 7 4) August 14

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. A political party become eligible to be recognised as a national party if it has -

1) Won 2% of seats in Lok Sabha from at least three different states in the latest general election
2) It has been recognised as a State party in at least four states
3) In a Lok Sabha or Assembly election it has polled 6% of the total valid votes in at least four
states, in addition to winning four Lok Sabha seats
4) If fulfill all the above criteria

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which state became the first state to ratify GST Bill?

1) Rajasthan 2) Madhya Pradesh 3) Assam 4) Chhattisgarh

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. After won the 13th gold medal in Rio Olympic 2016 by Michael Phelps, he has broken 12
individual gold medals records of -

1) Duke Kahanamoku 2) Leonidas of Rhodes3) Larisa Latynina4) Paavo Nurmi

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. For how many years, Central government will compensate the loss of State governments due to

1) 2 years 2) 3 years 3) 4 years 4) 5 years

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Investors buy and sell shares in publicly leaded companies in -

1) Money Market2) Forex Market3) Stock Market4) Bond Market

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The official name of GST Bill is -

1) The Constitution (121st Amendment) Bill 2014

2) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2015
3) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2014
4) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2016

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The date of implementing GST is -

1) December 1, 20162) January 1, 2017

3) July 1, 20174) May 1, 2017

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Dr. Urjit Patel has been appointed the new Governor of RBI. He is ------------ Govornor of RBI.

1) 23rd2) 24th3) 25th4) 26th

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. "Awaaz-e-Punjab" is a -

1) Punjabi Cinema2) Popular TV Show

3) Political Party4) Punjabi News Paper

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: It is a political party founded by cricketer turned politician Navjot Singh Sidhu
Q. Which of the following party is not a recognised national political party?

1) BJP
3) Congress
4) Samajwadi Party

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. September 1 is the foundation day of -


View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The concept of "Helicopter Money" was given by -

1) Milton Friedman 2) J. M. Keynse 3) Robertson 4) Pigue

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Mission Bhagiratha is a water supply project of -

1) Uttarakhand 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Andhra Pradesh 4) Telengana

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who is the chairman of GST Council?

1) Deputy Chairman of NITI Aayog2) Prime Minister

3) Finance Minister4) Finance Secretary

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. In the year 2016, "Earth Over Shoot Day" was observed on -

1) 8th August2) 9th August

3) 10th August4) 11th August

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The Eighth BRICS Summit in 2016 held at -

1) New Delhi2) Hangzhou

3) Cape Town4) Goa

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to -
1) Jean-Pierre Sauvage2) Juan Manuel Santos
3) Bob Dylan4) Oliver Hart

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to Bob Dylan (American Singer) "for
having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".
Q. Who is the newly elected President of USA?

1) Hillari Clinton2) Donald Trump

3) Barack Hussein Obama4) Geroge Bush

View AnswerAns: 2
Note: Donald John Trump is an American businessman and politician who is the President-elect of
the United States, and chairman of The Trump Organization. He was elected as the 45th U.S.
president in the 2016 election on the Republican ticket, defeating Democratic nominee Hillary
Clinton. Trump will be the oldest person to assume the presidency.
Q. Who was youngest Nobel Laureates in Nobel Prize history?

1) Lawrence Bragg2) Werner Heisenberg

3) Malala Yousafzai4) Paul A.M. Dirac

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. 14th ASEAN-India Summit held on -

1) Singapore2) Vietnam3) Laos4) Mayanmar

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: It is held at Vientiane, capital city of Laos from 7 September 2016 to 8 September 2016.
Q. Murugappa Gold Cup is associated with -

1) Badminton2) Hockey3) Cricket4) Golf

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who among the following is not the the winner of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2016?

1) P.V. Sindhu2) Sakshi Malik3) Saina Nehwal4) Jitu Rai

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. What is the name of the latest Android OS -

1) KitKat2) Lollipop3) Marshmallow4) Nougat

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Summer Olympic 2020 will be held at -

1) Beijing2) Tokyo3) PyeongChang4) Vancouver

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. First Indian women Olympic Medal winner is -

1) Saina Nehwal 2) MC Mary Kom3) Karnam Malleshwari 4) Sakshi Malik

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The recently published book "She Walk, She Leads" is written by -

1) Gunjan Jain2) Nita Ambani3) Chanda Kochhar4) Mala Sen

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who is among the following recently appointed as the Director General BIS -

1) Smt Bharati S Sihag2) Smt Seema Bahuguna

3) Smt Sanjeevanee Kutty4) Smt Alka Panda

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which of the following Bank is not a Public Sector Bank?

1) IDBI Bank2) State Bank Of India3) Bharatiya Mahila Bank4) HDFC Bank

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Tata Chemicals sells urea business to Yara International ASA of ________________

1) Norway2) Russia3) USA4) Germany

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Tata Consultancy Services, a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions firm,
announced its ranking as the ______ most valuable US brand in an annual survey by a top brand
valuation company.

1) 60th 2) 58th 3) 59th4) 57th

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Cabinet increases the limit for foreign investment in Stock Exchanges from 5% to -

1) 15% 2) 12% 3) 10% 4) 8%

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The Chabahar port development agreement was signed with India and -

1) Afganisthan 2) Iran 3) South Africa 4) Saudi Arab

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which among the following states is not having any AYUSH institute, recently constructed by
Central Govt. of India?

1) Arunachal Pradesh2) New Delhi3) Meghalaya 4) Sikkim

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi, North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda &
Homoeopathy (NEIAH) , Shilong - Meghalaya and North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine
(NEIFM), Pasighat-Arunachal Pradesh.
Q. All India Institute of Homoeopathy proposed to be set up at -

1) Ahmedabad, Gujarat2) Narela, New Delhi3) Pune, Maharashtra4) Hyderabad, Telangana

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Term "Roll-Up" used in USA is associated with -

1) Tax Treaties2) Bankrupty3) Introduce New Business Policy4) Mergers

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Normally Kisan Credit Cards are not issued by -

1) Commercial Banks2) NABARD

3) Cooperative Banks4) Regional Rural Bank

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Sovreign Debt/GDP ratio is highest in -

1) Greece2) Portugal3) Japan4) Lebanon

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following Financial institutions has recently launched India's first mobile only

1) Standard Chartered Bank2) BNP Paribar

3) HSBC Bank4) Development Bank of Singapore

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who was the first Indian to sign the "Giving Pledge"?

1) Kiran Mazumder Shaw2) Mukesh Ambani3) Azim Premji4) Nandan Nilekani

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which country inaugurated the world's latest stock exchange?

1) Ukraine2) Singapore3) Mayanmar4) Malaysia

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. "Nil bata Sannata" is a -

1) Feature Film2) Documentary Film

3) Children Film4) A Film for Social Cause

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. India's rank in World Press Freedom Index 2016 is -

1) 95th2) 100th3) 115th4) 133rd

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who said, "India 'One-eyed' king in land of blinds"?

1) WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo

2) RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan
3) World Bank President Jim Yong Kim
4) BRICS Development Bank President K. V. Kamat

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. As per the world bank's report which country is the largest recipient of overseas remittances in
1) USA2) India3) China4) United Kingdom

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which of the following is odd one out?

1) Paytm2) Citrus Pay3) mPaisa4) Ezetap

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which country has the world's highest nominal per capita GDP?

1) Luxembourg2) Norway3) Qatar4) Macao

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. As per Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and KPMG report 2016 India is the ________
fastest growing services economy in the world.

1) Fifth 2) Fourth 3) Second 4) Third

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The commodities that will initially be sold online through e-Nam portal of National Agriculture
Market are:
A) Paddy, Wheat, MaizeB) Chana, Castor, Turmeric
C) Onion, Potato, TurD) Mustard, Mahua Flower, Tamrind
The correct code is:

1) A, B and D are correct2) A, B and C are correct

3) B, C and D are correct4) All are correct

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The e-NAM market place will initially enable farmers in eight states to sell 25 commodities in
21 wholesale mandis. Which of the following state is not in the list?

1) Haryana 2) Uttarpradesh 3) Maharashtra 4) Punjab

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. "SWIFT" codes are mainly user by -

1) CIBIL 2) Stock Exchange 3) Banks 4) Credit Card Agencies

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following country is the winner of Copa America Centenario 2016?

1) Brazil 2) Argentina 3) Chili 4) Paraguay

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who is the author of the book 'The Accumulation of Capital'?

1) Mrs. Joan Robinson2) Adam Smith

3) Lord Maynard Keynes4) Rosa Luxemburg

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. In Cyber Law terminology 'DOS' means -
1) Denial of Service2) Disk Operating System
3) Distant Operator Service4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Leakage of which of the following gases had caused the Bhopal Gas Tragedy?

1) Methyl isocyanate
2) Carbon Mono-oxide
3) Nitric oxide
4) Sulphur di-oxide

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. One carbon credit is equivalent to -

1) 10 kg of CO22) 100 kg of CO2

3) 1000 kg of CO24) 10000 kg of CO2

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: A carbon credit is a generic term for any tradable certificate or permit representing the right
to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or the mass of another greenhouse gas with a carbon dioxide
equivalent (tCO2e) equivalent to one tonne of carbon dioxide.
Q. Minamata disease is caused due to -

1) Arsenic poisoning2) Lead poisoning

3) Mercury poisoning4) Cadmium poisoning

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who has been honoured with the 16th Laureus World Sportsman of the year award?

1) Rafael Nadal2) Novak Djokovic

3) Andi Mury4) Roger Federer

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which country tested its first stealth jet named X-2?
1) China 2) Russia 3) Japan 4) USA

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Padma Sachdeva has been selected for the Saraswati Samman 2015 for her novel Chitt Chete
written in
1) Hindi Language 2) Dongri Language 3) Oriya Language 4) Marathi

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. What was the name of India's new fastest train?
1) Rajdhani Express 2) Shatabdi Express 3) Gatimaan Express 4) Vivek Express

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which country secured top position in the 2016 World Press Freedom Index?
1) Finland 2) Norway 3) Netherlands 4) Germany

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who own Femina Miss India World 2016 crown?
1) Adity Arya 2) Sushruthi Krishna 3) Priyadarshini Chatterjee 4) Pankuri Gidwani

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Sushila Karki became the first female Chief Justice of -
1) Bhutan 2) Myanmar 3) Maldive 4) Nepal

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who has been appointed as Chairperson of National Monument Authority?
1) Himanshu Prabha Ray 2) Susmita Pande 3) Padma Sachdeva 4) Minakshi Lekhi

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. "Kash" is the payment system based on -
1) Bitcoin 2) Fingerprint ID 3) Direct Debit 4) PayPal

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. What percentage of foreign direct investment in India comes through automatic route?
1) 62% 2) 98% 3) 90% 4) 85%

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. "Plaza Accord" of 1985 is best known for its primary role in shaping -
1) Currency Market 2) Stock Market 3) Bond Market 4) Commodity

View AnswerAns: 1
Note: The Plaza Accord or Plaza Agreement was an agreement between the governments of France,
West Germany, Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom, to depreciate the U.S. dollar in
relation to the Japanese yen and German Deutsche Mark by intervening in currency markets.
Q. "Ant Financial" is an affiliate of -

1) Amazon 2) PayPal 3) Paytm 4) Alibaba

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: Ant Financial Services Group, formerly known as Alipay, is an affiliate company of the Chinese
Alibaba Group. It operates the Alipay payment platform. It also runs the Sesame Credit credit rating
Q. The "Patterson Cycle" pertains to -

1) Aviation Sector 2) Technology Sector 3) Mining Sector 4) Telecom Sector

View AnswerAns: 2
Note: Arthur Patterson, cofounder of Accel Partners, postulated that the tech industry follows
approximately 14 year cycles - 8 years of growth and 6 years of "retrenchment". Apparently, this
pattern has held up since the 1960s. Most likely the current cycle began in 2000/2001 (6 retrenchment
years) and will last until 2014.

Q. The first and only Bharat Mata Mandir was constructed in 1930s in -

1) Ahmedabad 2) Surat 3) Pune 4) Varanasi

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: Bharat Mata Mandir was constructed in 1936 by freedom fighter Babu Shiv Prasad Gupta and
was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi. The temple is built on the campus of Mahatma Gandhi Kashi

Q. Which of the following goods are termed as "Veblin Goods"?

1) Luxury Goods 2) Whit Goods 3) Basic Goods 4) Brown Goods

View AnswerAns: 1
Note: In economics, Veblen goods are types of material commodities for which the demand is
proportional to its high price, which is an apparent contradiction of the law of demand; Veblen goods
also are commodities that function as positional goods.
Q. Which of the following company has launched a "Digital Price Index" for measuring inflation?

1) Amazon 2) Microsoft 3) Adobe 4) Google

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The "Rashtriya Gokul Mission" announced by the Union Government aims at -

1) Conserve and develop indigenous breeds in a focused and scientific manner

2) Developing high milk yielding cow breeds
3) Curbing slaughtering of cattles
4) Eliminating Foot and Mouth disease in cattles

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. NREGA was renamed 'MNREGA' on -

1) October 2, 2007 2) February 2, 2008

3) October 2, 2009 4) October 2, 2010

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who among the following is not nominated by President of India to the Upper House of Parliament

1) Mary Kom 2) Narendra Jadhav 3) Swapan Dasgupta 4) Mithun Chakrabarti

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: BJP leaders Subramanian Swamy, Navjot Singh Sidhu, Narendra Jadhav, Malayalam actor
Suresh Gopi, journalist Swapan Dasgupta and boxer Mary Kom were nominated to the Upper House
of Parliament by President.
Q. Which among the following brand is most influential brand in India?

1) Microsoft 2) Google 3) Facebook 4) Samsung

View AnswerAns: 2
Note: According to the study by global research firm Ipsos, Google ranks on the top and is followed
by Facebook, Gmail, Microsoft and Samsung in the top five - all of which are foreign brands.
Q. Which among the following gas is most responsible for global warming?

1) Nitrogen 2) Methane 3) Carbon di-oxide 4) Carbon mono-oxide

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: Most come from the combustion of fossil fuels in cars, factories and electricity production. The
gas responsible for the most warming is carbon dioxide, also called CO2.
Q. Dipa Karmakar was recently in news, she is associated with -

1) Badminton 2) Tennis 3) Chess 4) Gymnastic

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: Dipa Karmakar became the first Indian female gymnast to qualify for the Olympics.
Q. Where is the Headquarters of North-Central Railway Zone situated?

1) Allahabad 2) Jabalpur 3) Bhopal 4) Delhi

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1) Ebola Virus - Small Pox

2) Biometric identification - Fingerprints and Iris scan
3) Cloning - Genetic replica
4) DNA Fingerprinting - Paternity or criminal identification

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. As per a World Bank report which of the following commodities is likely to face glut during 2016?

1) Iron Ore 2) Bauxite 3) Automobiles 4) Cotton Textiles

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. India investment summitwas held on February 4-5, 2016 in -

1) Ahmedabad 2) Mumbai 3) New Delhi 4) Hyderabad

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The term "Whitewash" is associated with which game?

1) Football 2) Hockey 3) Cricket 4) Lawn Tennis

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Global Initiative of Academic Networks is related to -

1) Intermediate Education 2) Basic Education

3) Technical Education 4) Higher Education

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The Baltic Dry Index is associated with -

1) Dry bulk shipping freight 2) El-Nino effect

3) Intra-country trade among CIS nations 4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 1
Note: The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an economic indicator issued daily by the London-based Baltic
Exchange. Not restricted to Baltic Sea countries, the index provides "an assessment of the price of
moving the major raw materials by sea. Taking in 23 shipping routes measured on a timecharter basis,
the index covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of
commodities including coal, iron ore and grain.
Q. How many Navies participated in International Fleet Review held in February 2016 in

1) 39 2) 54 3) 24 4) 62

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Du Pont Analysis synthesizes -

1) Net Profit 2) Asset Turnover 3) Return on equity 4) Financial leverage

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: DuPont Analysis (also known as the dupont identity, DuPont equation, DuPont Model or the
DuPont method) is an expression which breaks ROE (return on equity) into three parts. The name
comes from the DuPont Corporation that started using this formula in the 1920s.
Q. The "Chiang Mal" initiative pertain to -

1) Currency Swap2) Trade3) Intellectual Property4) Services

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The "Triffin Paradox" primarily pertain to -

1) Bonds2) Equity3) Commodity derivatives4) Currencies

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: The Triffin dilemma (or the Triffin paradox) is a theory that when a national currency also
serves as an international reserve currency, there could be conflicts of interest between short-term
domestic and long-term international economic objectives.
Q. The state producing maximum vegetables in India is -

1) Punjab2) Uttar Pradesh3) West Bengal4) Maharashtra

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following state has been announced as "a state of total organic farming"?

1) Sikkim2) Karnataka3) Kerala4) Punjab

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following tops the list of Indian Philanthropists in 2015?

1) Mukesh Ambani2) Azim Premji3) Ratan Tata4) K M Birla

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. What is the premium percentage to be paid by farmers for Rabi crops in newly introduced "Pradhan
Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)?

1) 1.0%2) 1.5%3) 2.0%4) 2.5%

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. India ranks ____ on Forbes Best countries list for business in 2015.

1) 97th2) 98th3) 95th4) 96th

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Defexpo-2016 held at -

1) Goa2) Bangalore3) Jaisalmer4) Ahmedabad

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. "Kings are made for Public; Public is not made for King" - who made this statement during the
national movement?

1) Abbas Tyabji2) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

3) Dadabhai Naoroji4) Mahatma Gandhi

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which freedom fighter was the author of the book "An Introduction of the Dreamland"?

1) Bhagat Singh2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

3) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar4) Subhas Chandra Bose

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who scores fastest individual Test century?

1) Viv Richards2) Misbah-ul-Haq3) Bredon McCullum4) AB de Villiers

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which country's Parliament became first in the world to run fully on solar energy?

1) Germany2) France3) Russia4) Pakistan

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who has been selected as the new Chairman of NHRC?

1) Justice H. L. Dattu2) Justice Cyriac Joseph

3) Justice D. Murugesan4) Shri Sharad Chandra Sinha

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who is the new Chief of Bank Board Bureau?

1) Roopa Kudva2) H N Sinor3) Anil K Khandelwal4) Vinod Rai

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which team emerged champion of the HIL-2016 title?

1) Kalinga Lancers2) Jaypee Punjab Warriors

3) Delhi Waveriders4) Dabang Mumbai H.C.

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. President of the International Olympic Committee is elected for a term of -

1) 5 yrs2) 6 yrs3) 8 yrs4) 10 yrs

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. "Bundestag" and "Bundesrat" are the name of the parliament houses of -

1) Germany2) France3) Australia4) Italy

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Central Inland Water Transport Corporation is located in -

1) Kolkata2) Mumbai3) Chennai4) Panjim

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. "Shadow Cabinet" is the features of administrative system of -

1) Britain2) Germany3) France4) Spain

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who has honoured with the BBC Sports Personality of 2015 award?

1) Rooney2) Andy Murray3) Ellie Downie4) AP McCoy

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The "Pommel Horse" is term associated with the game -

1) Chess2) Tennis3) Badminton4) Gymnastics

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who is the newly President of Myanmar?

1) Aung San Suu Kyi2) Htin Kyaw3) Thein Sein4) Henry Van Thio

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The main constituent of biogas is -

1) Hydrogen2) Methane3) Butane4) Acetylene

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Bacillus thuringiensis is used as -

1) Biofertilizer2) Biological pesticide3) Chemical fertilizer4) Chemical insecticide

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Great Himalayan National Park, which has been accorded the UNESCO World Heritage Site
status, is located in -

1) Uttarakhand2) Himachal Pradesh3) Jammu-Kashmir4) Nagaland

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. In Budget 2016 limit of deduction of rent increased from Rs.24,000 to -

1) Rs.70,000 2) Rs.75,000 3) Rs.60,000 4) Rs.50,000

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Axis Bank recently buys 4.99% stake in -

1) Max Life Insurance2) Tata AIG

3) Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company4) Bharti AXA

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which Uranium isotope is used in nuclear power plants to produce electricity ?

1) U-2332) U-2343) U-2384) U-239

View AnswerAns: 3

Q. Who among the following is the newly elected FIFA president?

1) Gianni Infantino2) Prince Ali of Jordan

3) Sheikh Salman4) Jerome Champagne

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. 12th South Asian Games held at -

1) New Delhi2) Bengaluru3) Guwahati and Shillong4) Hyderabad

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. A dreaded virus recently outbreak in most of the Latin American Country. The name of that virus is

1) Ebola virus 2) Zika virus 3) SARS virus 4) Influenza virus

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who is the winner of Mens Single title in Australian Open Tennis?

1) Roger Federer 2) Novak Djokovic 3) Andy Murray 4) Milos Raonic

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who is the winner of Women Single title in Australian Open Tennis 2016?

1) Serena Williams 2) Maria Sharapova 3) Angelique Kerber 4) Victoria Azarenka

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who is the present Chairman of Competition Commission of India?

1) Shri Ashok Chawla 2) Shri Atulesh Jindal

3) Shri A.K. Jain 4) Shri Devender Kumar Sikri

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which Vitamin is required for in clotting of blood?

1) Vitamin A 2) Vitamin C 3) Vitamin E 4) Vitamin K

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: Vitamin K is a group of structurally similar, fat-soluble vitamins the human body requires for
complete synthesis of certain proteins that are prerequisites for blood coagulation that the body needs
for controlling binding of calcium in bones and other tissues.
Q. International Day of Non-violence is observed on -

1) December 10 2) January 30 3) October 2 4) March 23

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who has won the FIFA world player award for 2015?

1) Cristiano Ronaldo 2) Lionel Messi 3) Neymar 4) Luis Surez

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The 103rd edition of Indian Science Congress from January 3 to 7, 2016 held at -

1) Bangalore 2) New Delhi 3) Mysore 4) Pune

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. In November 2015 concluded G20 summit was held at -

1) Antalya, Turkey 2) Paris, France 3) Berlin, Germany 4) Geneva, Switzerland

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The "Turn the World UN Blue" global campaign was the part of -

1) United Nation's 70th anniversary 2) United Nation's 75th anniversary

3) United Nation's 60th anniversary 4) United Nation's 50th anniversary

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Alphabet is a parent company of -

1) Yahoo2) Google3) Microsoft4) Cisco

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which of the following has been declared as National Handloom Day by Government of India?

1) August 72) August 93) August 114) August 12

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. World water day is celebrated every year on -

1) June 232) May 153) July 214) March 22

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. According to Swachh Bharat Survey 2015, which of the following cities is most clean city of

1) Bangalore2) Chennai3) Mysore4) Pune

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The 8th BRICS Summit will be held in -

1) China2) South Africa3) Brazil4) India

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. How many Indian companies have been included in world largest 500 companies as per fortune

1) 92) 73) 84) 10

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Famous noodles brand "Maggi" is owned by -

1) Nestle India2) Pepsico India3) Parle Foods4) ITC

View AnswerAns: 1

Q. India's biggest telescope "Multi Application Solar Telescope" (MAST) has been installed at -

1) Ladakh 2) Udaipur 3) Jaipur4) Ahmedabad

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Mission Indradhanush is related to -

1) Universal Immunisation programme2) Revival of public sector bank

3) Development of Electronic Manufacturing Hub4) Skill development of rural youth

View AnswerAns: 1

Q. Which of the following book is an autobiography of Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam?

1) Ignited Minds2) Turning Points3) Wings of Fire4) My Presidential Years

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which team is the winner of 8th IPL league?
1) Channai Super King2) Royal Challengers Bangalore
3) Kolkata Knight Rider4) Mumbai Indian

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. A deadly virus suddenly appear in South Korea, the name of that virus is -
1) Ebola 2) SARS 3) MERS4) Influenza

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
Q. Unsorted transaction that can used to immediately update database is called -
1) Direct database access2) Sequential database access
3) Alternate database access4) Instance database access

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. A satellite in vacuum -
1) Is kept in orbit by remote control2) Is kept in orbit by retro-rocket
3) Derives energy from gravitational field4) Does not require any energy for orbiting

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The nuclear force is -
1) Short range repulsive force2) Short range attractive force
3) Long range repulsive force4) Long range attractive force

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. According to kinetic theory gases, at the temperature absolute zero, the gas molecules -
1) Start movement 2) Become massless 3) Start emitting light 4) Stop movement

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Radio Carbon Dating is use to estimate the age of -
1) Soil 2) Monuments 3) Fossils 4) Rocks

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Male mosquitoes take their food from -
1) The human blood2) The standing water 3) The sap of plants 4) The dung and other

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Casuarina is a -1) Hydrophyte2) Mesophyte3) Xerophyte4) Epiphyte

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Formic acid is produced by -
1) White ants 2) Cockroaches 3) Red ants 4) Mosquitoes

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. What is the meaning of the word 'Sangam' in the Sangam Age?

1) Royal Court 2) Assembly of poets 3) Assembly of religious leaders

4) Meeting of rivers

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Ink is prepared from -

1) Dye 2) Tannin 3) Starch 4) Latex

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. A contemporary of Charles Darwin who came to the same conclusion in the matter of organic
evolution was -

1) Jean Baptist Lamarck2) Thomas Fluxley

3) Alfred Russel Wallace4) Franklin Benjamin

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following lakes is situated on the West Coast of India?

1) Astamudi2) Chilka3) Pulicat4) Kolleru

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. GIS stands for -

1) Geographical Integrated System2) Geographical Information System

3) Geometrical Integrated System4) General Immunity System

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. National AIDS research Institute is at -

1) Chennai2) New Delhi3) Mumbai4) Pune

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Chemical decomposition of an organic compound by water is called as -

1) Hydrogenation2) Hydration3) Hydrolysis4) All of these

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1) Vitamin B Pyridoxine2) Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid

3) Vitamin E Alphatocopherol4) Vitamin D - Sunshine

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The country with the world's largest natural gas reserves is -

1) Saudi Arabia 2) Kuwait 3) Russia4) United States of America

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Seasonal migration of people is known as -

1) Pastoralism2) Nomadism3) Intra migration4) Transhumance

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Ivory coast is located in -
1) South Africa2) North America3) West Africa4) South America

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. When did the British make English the medium of instruction in India?
1) 18132) 18333) 18354) 1836

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. When and where was the All India Kisan Sabha formed?
1) 1935 Bombay2) 1942 Kanpur3) 1938 Calcutta4) 1936 - Lucknow

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who was the founder of the City of Agra?
1) Ala-ud-din Khalji2) Muhammad Tughlaq3) Firoz Tughlaq4) Sikandar Lodi

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Revenue deficit in the budget 2015-16 has been estimated at -
1) 3.0% of GDP2) 2.4% of GDP3) 2.6% of GDP4) 2.8% of GDP

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which of the following feature of Indian constitution was borrowed from U.S.A.?
1) Rule of law2) Fundamental Right3) Rigid Constitution4) Directive principles of state policy

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Rule of law prevails in -
1) Dictatorship2) Aristocracy3) Democracy4) Oligarchy

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. In budget 2015-16 the target of agricultural credit for the year 2015-16 has been fixed at -
1) Rs. 10.5 lakh crore2) Rs. 10.0 lakh crore3) Rs. 8.5 lakh crore4) Rs. 9.5 lakh crore

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The parliament is empowered to make laws on any subject of the state list during -
1) Election2) War3) Agitation4) Emergency

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Fascism believed in leadership of -
1) Feudals2) Working classes3) Political elites4) One man

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. A firm practising price discrimination will be -
1) charging different price for different qualities of a production
2) buying in the cheapest and selling in the dearest markets
3) charging different prices in different markets for a product
4) buying only from firms selling in bulk at a distance

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The 'fine respiratory particles' which deteriorate air quality for breathing by human beings are categorized as -
1) PM 0.0 2) PM 2.5 3) PM 8.5 4) PM 10.0

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. CSO has changed the base year for estimating the national income data -
1) from 2004-05 to 2010-11 2) from 1999-2000 to 2004-05
3) from 2004-05 to 2011-12 4) from 2004-05 to 2009-10

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The snow leopard population is found in -
1) Sikkim 2) Assam 3) Mizoram 4) Manipur

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. In Union Budget, GDP growth rate for the year 2015-16 has been projected at -

1) 8.0 - 8.5% 2) 7.0 - 7.5% 3) 7.5 - 8.0% 4) 8.5 - 9.0%

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. 14th Finance Commission has recommended distribution of grants to states for local bodies using 2011 popula
ratio of population and area stands at -

1) 90:10 2) 80:20 3) 85:15 4) 92:08

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Total interacting animals and plants in any well defined area is known as -

1) Population 2) Biome 3) Community 4) Species

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The Phillip's curve is the schedule showing the relationship between -

1) aggregate supply and demand 2) total saving and investment

3) the rate of unemployment and rate of inflation 4) demand for and supply loanable funds

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The most healthy edible oil for heart is -

1) Butter oil 2) Olive oil 3) Rape-seed oil 4) Mustard oil

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. In Bollywood, the actress popularly known as 'Dream Girl' is -

1) Zeenat Aman 2) Helen 3) Hema Malini 4) Madhubala

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. IPCC stands for -

1) Inter-govemmental Panel on Climate Change

2) Indian Panel on Climate Change
3) International Policy on Climate Change
4) Indian Policy on Climate Control

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The food corporation of was established in the year -

1) 1965 2) 1966 3) 1967 4) 1955

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Increase in cash reserve ratio leads to -

1) increase in bank credit 2) decrease in bank credit

3) constant bank credit 4) excess bank credit

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. In the long run the fixed costs become -

1) Money costs 2) Real costs 3) Opportunity costs 4) Variable costs

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The book entitled 'Spell Tiger' is written by -

1) Jim Corbett 2) Valmik Thapar 3) Sy Montgomery 4) Atul Sethi

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. ICMR is the abbreviation for -

1) International Council for Malarial Research 2) Indian Council of Medical Research

3) International Council of Medical Research 4) Indian Council of Microbial Research

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. In budget 2015-16 speech, the Finance Minister has announced the year __________ will be Amrut Mahotsav

1) 2019 2) 2021 3) 2020 4) 2022

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Rubber is a product of -

1) Fibre 2) Latex 3) Resin 4) Gum

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The first indigenous silent film -

1) Alam Ara 2) Raja Harishchandra 3) Bhakta Prahlad 4) Mother India

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who was the first woman President of the Indian National Congress?

1) Annie Besant 2) Sarojini Naidu 3) Vijaylakshmi Pandit 4) Kadambani Ganguli

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched India's first indigenously developed vaccine _________ on March 9,

1) Rotavirus 2) Oral Polio 3) Influenza 4) Oral Typhoid

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the followings is not correct?

1) SIT - Special Intelligence Team 2) CNG - Compressed NaturaJ Gas

3) NGT - National Green Tribunal 4) KYC - Know Your Customer

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Telengana creation as in independent state is primarily the outcome of -

1) 13th Lok Sabha 2) 14th Lok Sabha 3) 15th Lok Sabha 4) 16th Lok Sabha

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. CaC2 on treatment with water gives -

1) Methane 2) Ethane 3) Ethylene 4) Acetylene

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fertilizer?
1) Ammonium sulphate 2) Urea 3) Ammonium nitrate 4) Super phosphate

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who has won the 62nd National Film Awards as best actor?

1) Bobby Simhaa 2) Irfan Khan 3) Vijay 4) Amir Khan

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. In budget 2015-16, service tax plus education cess has been changed -

1) from 12% to 14% 2) from 12% to 13% 3) from 12.36% to 13% 4) from 12.36% to 14%

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Mawlynnong Village in Meghalaya is in the news recently. The reason being -

1) It has been awarded the Asia's Cleanest village award in 2014-15

2) All the houses in the village have sanitary toilet
3) All the houses in the Village use clean energy for cooking
4) The village is situated on Indo-Bangladesh border

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who has won the 62nd National Film Awards as best actress?

1) Kangana Ranaut 2) Priyanka Chopra 3) Usha Jadhav 4) Baljinder Kaur

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who was declare man of the match in World Cup Cricket 2015 final match?

1) Guptil 2) Michael Clarke 3) James Faulkner 4) Mitchell Starc

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who said, "India is the bright spot on the cloudy global horizon" ?

1) IMF Chief Christine Lagarde 2) World Bank Chief Dr. Jim Yong Kim
3) UNO Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon 4) US President Barack Obama

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which state is the winner of Ranji Trophy 2014-15?

1) Mumbai 2) Tamil Nadu 3) Karnataka 4) West Bengal

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. What is 'Pink Sheet' ?

1) IMF's Data sheet on current account deficits2) RBI's Monetary Policy norms
3) World Bank Commodities Price Data4) WHO Data Sheet on Ebola

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who was declared man of the tournament in world cup Cricket 2015?

1) Guptil2) James Faulkner3) Mitchell Starc4) AB de Villiers

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who was the ICC Cricket world Cup 2015 ambassador?

1) Riki Ponting 2) Sachin Tendulkar 3) M. S. Dhoni 4) AB de Villiers

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Project 'Maryadaa' is associated with -

1) Making all the women of the village educated and self-reliant

2) Education of girls
3) Making the village open defecation free
4) Skill development for women

View AnswerAns: 3

Q. The term Grand Slam is associated with -

1) Badminton 2) Lawn Tennis 3) Table Tennis 4) Squash

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. India's Contribution to cumulative Global CO2 emission is about -

1) 7.4% 2) 3.6% 3) 5.5% 4) 2.8%

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. In which of the following States are the Ajanta caves situated?

1) Madhya Pradesh 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Maharashtra 4) Karnataka

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The planet which is farthest from the Sun is -

1) Uranus 2) Saturn 3) Mercury 4) Neptune

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal are usually called -

1) Hurricanes 2) Typhoons 3) Depression 4) Tornadoes

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which one of the following cities is the capital of Japan?

1) Nagasaki 2) Kyoto 3) Beijing 4) Tokyo

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Chenghez Khan was a -

1) Turk 2) Mongal 3) Persian 4) Afgan

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place during the Viceroyalty of -

1) Lord Canning 2) Lord Ripon 3) Lord Curzon 4) Lord Chelmsford

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Fa-hien visited India in -

1) 750-890 A.D. 2) 750-765 A.D. 3) 311-495 A.D. 4) 399-411 A.D.

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. When was Guru Nanak Dev born?

1) 1469 2) 1369 3) 1269 4) 1556

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which among the following was the great centre of trade and commerce in India in the Gupta period?

1) Taxila 2) Tamralipti 3) Mathura 4) Vatapi

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Among the given nutrients, milk is a poor source of -

1) Calcium 2) Protein 3) Carbohydrate 4) Vitamin C

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who was the first women ruler of Delhi?

1) Noorjahan 2) Razia Begum 3) Jahanara 4) Samyukta

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The saint from Gujarat who preached non-sectarianism in medieval India was -

1) Tukaram 2) Ramanand 3) Raghunandan 4) Dadu

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Myanmar is the new name of -

1) Thailand 2) Burma 3) Philippines 4) Vietnam

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which of the following countries are joined by the Palk Strait?

1) Pakistan and China 2) North and South Korea

3) India and Srilanka 4) France and Britain

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who among the following has scored first double century in World Cup Cricket?

1) Sachin Tendulkar 2) Martin Guptill 3) AB de Villiers 4) Chris Gayle

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Lee Kuan Yew was recently in news, he is the founder of modern -

1) Thailand 2) Singapore 3) Malaysia 4) Vietnam

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The highest individual World Cup score made by

1) Rohit Sharma 2) Chris Gayle 3) Martin Guptill 4) AB de Villiers

View AnswerAns: 3
Note: Martin Guptill has made this score on 2015 World Cup Cricket against West Indies.
Q. In the 2015-16 budget fund allocated for development of the North-Eastern Region (NER) is -

1) Rs. 3,000.00 crores 2) Rs. 2,362.74 crores

3) Rs. 2,100.00 crores 4) Rs. 2,000.00 crores

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. An International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) is set up at -

1) Mumbai 2) Ahmedabad 3) Gandhinagar 4) Bengaluru

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. R. K. Laxman was recently in news. He was a famous __________

1) Painter 2) Journalist 3) Cartoonist 4) Writer

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. LED, LCD, CRT are the names related to different types of -

1) Monitor 2) Printer 3) Sound System 4) Semiconducter

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The factor that least influences exchange rate fluctuations:

1) Industrial Production 2) Investors Sentiments

3) Interest Rates 4) Consumer Price Index

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The ancient civilization of Sumer flourished in a region, which is a part of the following country in the modern

1) Iraq 2) Egypt 3) Syria 4) Sumeria

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who among the following foreigners is the recipient of Padma Vibhushan for the year 2015?

1) Prof. Jacques Blamont 2) Ms. Melinda Gates

3) Shri Aga Khan 4) Shri Saichiro Misumi

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which city houses the headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?

1) Geneva (Switzerland) 2) Tokyo (Japan) 3) Vienna (Austria) 4) New York (USA)

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which seventh century Indian mathematician was the first in the world to treat 'zero' as a number and show its

1) Aryabhatta 2) Bhaskaracharya 3) Brahmagupta 4) Panini

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. "Long Walk to Freedom" is the autobiography of which one of the following Bharat Ratna
recipients -
1) Jawaharlal Nehru 2) S. Radhakrishnan 3) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan 4) Nelson

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The number of officially recognised languages according to the Eighth Schedule of the Indian
Constitution is -
1) 22 2) 15 3) 19 4) 12

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who among the following is not the recipient of Padma Vibhushan for the year 2015?
1) Shri Amitabh Bachchan 2) Shri Prakash Singh Badal
3) Shri Mohammad Yusuf Khan 4) Shri Jagdish Bhagwati

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which Indian region is the only place in the world where the Asiatic Wild Ass is found?
1) Sunderban 2) Coromandel 3) Rann of Kutch 4) Andaman and Nicobar Island

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who among the following was known as the "Saint of the Gutters"?
1) Baba Amte 2) Mother Teresa 3) Jyotirao Phule 4) C. F. Andrews

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The list of persons not containing an RBI Governor is -
1) Raghuram Rajan, D. Subbarao, I. G. Patel, R. N. Malhotra
2) Y. V. Reddy, Bimal Jalan, C. Rangarajan, K. R. Puri
3) Manmohan Singh, A. Ghosh, D. Subbarao, Raghuram Rajan
4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The G-7 is a group consisting of -
1) the heads of the states of US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan
2) the finance ministers of US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada and Japan
3) the heads of the states of US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Canada and Japan
4) the heads of the states of US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Italy and Japan

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The acronym of YAHOO stands for -
1) a song sung by Shammi Kapoor
2) Yet Another Hierarchical Object Orientation
3) Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle
4) Young American Hi-tech Organization in Ohio

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The newest country in the world is -
1) Palau 2) Kosovo 3) East Trimor 4) South Sudan

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The distance covered in half Marathon is approximately -
1) 21 km 2) 42 km 3) 11 km 4) 5 km

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following taxes in India is collected by panchayats?
1) Sales Tax 2) Custom Tax 3) Land Revenue 4) Tax on local fairs

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which part of the Constitution of India is related to the 'citizenship' ?
1) II 2) III 3) IV 4) V

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. In the Constitution of India, the Residuary powers are entrusted to -
1) State 2) Centre3) Both (A) and (B)4) None of the Above

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who nominates the 12 members for Rajya Sabha in India ?
1) Prime Minister 2) Chief Justice 3) President 4) Vice President

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The first 'Lokpal Bill' was introduced in the Parliament of India in -
1) 1971 2) 1967 3) 1972 4) 1968

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The concept of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) originated in -
1) United Kingdom 2) Australia 3) United States of America 4) Ireland

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The 'Zero Hour' in the Parliament of India starts at -
1) First hour of the sitting 2) Last hour of the sitting 3) At 12-00 Noon 4) At any time

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. 'Parliamentary form of Govemment' functions on the principle of -
1) Separation of powers 2) Checks and Balances
3) Close relationship between Legislature and Executive 4) Control of Judiciary on the Executive

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The Constitution of India declares India as -
1) A voluntary Federation 2) A Confederation 3) A Union of States 4) A Federation

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who settles the dispute regarding the election of the President of India ?
1) Supreme Court 2) Election Commission 3) Parliament 4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following state does not have 'Legislative Council' ?

1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Maharashtra 3) Karnataka 4) Uttarakhand

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. By which Constitutional Amendment, the subject of 'Education' was transferred from State list to concurre

1) 5th 2) 9th 3) 42nd 4) 44th

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. A political party become eligible to be recognised as a national party if it has -

1) Won 2% of seats in Lok Sabha from at least three different states in the latest general election
2) It has been recognised as a State party in at least four states
3) In a Lok Sabha or Assembly election it has polled 6% of the total valid votes in at least four states, in addit
4) If fulfill all the above criteria

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which of the following feature of Indian constitution was borrowed from U.S.A.?

1) Rule of law 2) Fundamental Right

3) Rigid Constitution 4) Directive principles of state policy

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The parliament is empowered to make laws on any subject of the state list during -

1) Election 2) War 3) Agitation 4) Emergency

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Telengana creation as in independent state is primarily the outcome of -

1) 13th Lok Sabha 2) 14th Lok Sabha 3) 15th Lok Sabha 4) 16th Lok Sabha

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The number of officially recognised languages according to the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution

1) 22 2) 15 3) 19 4) 12

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) has been hiked to

1) Rs. 3 crore per annum 2) Rs. 4 crore per annum

3) Rs. 5 crore per annum 4) Rs. 6 crore per annum

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who is the Chairman of the Rajya sabha?

1) President 2) Vice President 3) Prime Minister 4) Governor of Particular State

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill became an Act after _________ Constitution Amendme

1) 121st 2) 120th 3) 119th 4) 118th

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The Constitution of India, describes India as -
1) Union of States 2) A Federation 3) A quasi-federal 4) Unitary

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Consumer Protection Act 1986, was amended in -
1) 1991 2) 1992 3) 1993 4) 1994

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. In relation to the State Government, local government exercises -
1) Independent Authority 2) Coordinate Authority
3) Delegated Authority 4) Superior Authority
View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Total assembly segments in Delhi are -
1) 40 2) 50 3) 60 4) 70

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Section of IPC, which deals with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)
community is -
1) 377 2) 376 3) 370 4) None of these

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which body is constituted by the President of India to advise on the decision of Central
Resources between the centre and the state?
1) Taxation Enquiry Commission 2) Tariff Commission
3) Finance Commission 4) Planning Commission

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Maximum strength of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha respectively are
1) 542 & 250 2) 552 & 250 3) 542 & 275 4) None of these

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Indian Parliament consists of -
1) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & the President 2) Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
3) Lok Sabha & State Assemblies 4) Lok Sabha Only

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which one of the following Fundamental Rights was included as per the 93rd amendment of
the Indian constitution?
A. Right to Constitutional Remedies
B. Right to Free and Compulsory Education for all children in the age group of 6 to 14
C. Right to Equality
D. Right to Freedom of Religion
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Supreme Court was established in Calcutta in -
1) 1771 2) 1774 3) 1775 4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Indian Constitution has been divided into -

1) 16 Chapters 2) 24 Chapters 3) 25 chapters 4) 22 Chapters

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. "A person can move the Supreme Court by appropriate proceedings for the enforcement of
the Fundamental Rights if violated." This is a provision in -

1) Right to Equality 2) Right to Constitutional Remedies

3) Right against Exploitation 4) Right to Religious Freedom

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right?

1) Right to Equality 2) Right Against Exploitation

3) Right to Property 4) Right to Freedom of Religion
View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The objective to Indian Constitution is reflected in which of the following?

1) Fundamental Rights 2) Preamble of the Constitution

3) Directive Principles of State Policy 4) Parliament

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. When was Forest Conservation Act passed in India?

1) 1978 2) 1979 3) 1980 4) 1981

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Poverty level in India is established on the basis of -

1) Per capita income in different states 2) Household average income

3) Household consumer expenditure 4) Slum population in the country

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which among the following committee's recommendations are used for estimating the
poverty line in India?

1) Dutt Committee 2) Lakdawala Committee

3) Chelliah Committee 4) Chakravarty Comittee

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The system of proportional representation as an electoral mechanism ensures -

1) majority rule 2) stability in Government

3) common political thinking 4) representation of minorities

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1) The total number of Articles in the Constitution of India is 395

2) Finance Commission is constituted under Article 280 of the constitution of India
3) Madam Cama was the first woman President of Indian National Congress
4) 'Politics in India' is the Pioneering Research Study of Rajni Kothari

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Under the Preventive Detention Act, a person can be arrested without trial for -

1) 1 month 2) 3 month 3) 6 month 4) 9 month

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Officers of the Parliament include -
1. Speaker, Lok Sabha
2. Dy. Speaker, Lok Sabha
Secretary General of Lok Sabha
Chairman of Rajya Sabha Select the correct answer from the code given below:

1) Only 1 and 2 2) Only 1, 2 and 3 3) Only 1, 3 and 4 4) All the four

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The Supreme Court of India has propounded the doctrine of basic structure of the
Constitution in which of the following cases?

1) Golaknath Vs Punjab State 2) Sajjan Singh Vs Rajasthan State

3) Keshavanand Bharti Vs Kerala State 4) Shankari Prasad Vs Indian Union

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which part of our Constitution envisages a three tier system of Panchayats?

1) Part IX 2) Part X 3) Part XI 4) Part XII

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Sikkim became a new State by which one of the following Constitutional Amendments?

1) 30th 2) 34th 3) 35th 4) 36th

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The Vice-President of India,
1. is the second highest dignitary of India.
2. has no formal function attached to his office.
3. discharges the functions of the President during his absence.
4. acts as President, if the resident resigns or is removed or dies. Select the correct answer from
the code given below:

1) Only 1 and 2 2) Only 1, 2 and 3 3) Only 1, 3 and 4 4) All the four

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which Constitutional amendment makes provision for the reservation of seats to SC's and
ST's in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies?

1) 76th 2) 77th 3) 78th 4) 79th

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The Election Commission is responsible for the conduct of Elections to -

1) The Parliament 2) State legislatures

3) The offices of President and Vice-President 4) All of the above

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. After independence, the first state organized on the basis of language age is -

1) Punjab 2) Andhra Pradesh 3) Gujarat 4) Karnataka

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Under the Constitution of India which one of the following is not a fundamental duty?

1) to vote in public elections 2) to develop the scientific temper

3) to safeguard public property 4) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. RTI extends to the whole of India except the State of -

1) Himachal Pradesh 2) Sikkim 3) Arunachal Pradesh 4) Jammu and Kashmir

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. In which part of the Indian Constitution, the Fundamental Duties are enshrined?
1) IV 2) IV A 3) IV B 4) V

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The vacancy of the office of the President must be filled within -
1) 3 months 2) 6 months 3) 12 months 4) 1 months

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. One of the following subject is not in the State List:
1) Market and fairs 2) Bankruptcy and insolvency
3) Police and Prisions 4) Public health and sanitation

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The only Union Territory which has a High Court of its own is
1) Chandigarh 2) Daman and Diu 3) Delhi 4) Lakshadweep

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Ashok Mehta Committee recommended for the establishment of -
1) Nagar Panchayat 2) Panchayat Samiti 3) Mandal Panchayat 4) Gram

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: In December 1977, the Janata Government appointed a committee on Panchayati Raj
institutions under the chairmanship of Ashoka Mehta. The committee submitted its report in
August 1978 and made 132 recommendations to revive and strengthen the declining
Panchayati Raj system in the country.
Q. Which one of the following is not included in the State List in the Constitution of India?
1) Police 2) Law and Order 3) Prisons 4) Criminal Procedure

View AnswerAns: 4
Note: The State List of List-II is a list of 61 items (previously 66) in Part XI of the
Constitution of India.
Q. Which one among the following is not a function of the Comptroller and Auditor-General
of India?
1) Auditing the transaction of center and state Governments relating to contingency funds and
public accounts
2) Compiling the accounts of Defence
3) Auditing the accounts of institutions financed by the Government
4) Compiling the accounts of States

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Joint Parliamentary Sessions in India are chaired by the -
1) President of India
2) Vice President of India who is the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
3) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
4) Prime Minister of India

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
Under Article 200 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of a State may
1. Withhold his assent to a bill paised by the state legislature.
2. Reserve the bill passed by the State Legislature for reconsideration of the President.
3. Return the bill, other than a money bill, for reconsideration of the Legislature.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
1) 1 only 2) 1 and 2 only 3) 2 and 3 only 4) 1, 2 and 3
View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The President of India is elected by proportional representative system by a single
transferable vote. This implies that -
1) elected Mps and MLAs of States have different number of votes
2) all MPs and MLAs of States have one vote each
3) all MPs and MLAs of State have equal number of votes
4) MPs of the Lok Sabha have equal number of votes

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who will have its leader elected as Leader of Opposition and given the status & facilities to
the rank of Cabinet ministers?
1) The opposition party with the largest number of MPs
2) The opposition party with the largest number of MPs and whose number is at least 1/100 of
the total House
3) The opposition party with the largest number of MPs and whose number is at least 1/10 of
the total House
4) None of the above is correct

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. "Parliament has no right to reduce or abolish fundamental rights". This refers to Supreme
Court decision in the matter of:
1) Keshvanand Bharti vs State of Kerala 2) Golaknath vs State of Punjab
3) Shankar Prasad vs Union of India 4) A.K. Gopalan vs State of Madras

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Citizenship Act, 1955 provisions may be broadly divided into three parts: acquisition of
citizenship, termination of citizenship and supplementary provisions. How many modes have
been provided by Act for acquiring the citizenship of India?
1) Three 2) Four 3) Five 4) Two

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which schedule of Constitution of India describes the allocation of seats in the Council of
1) Fourth 2) Third 3) Tenth 4) Eighth

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which schedule of the Constitution contains provisions as to disqualifications of MPs and
MLAs on the ground of defection?
1) 8th 2) 11th 3) 12th 4) 10th

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Point out the incorrect statement -
1) The fundamental right guaranteed under article (freedoms) remain suspended while a
proclamation of emergency is made by the president
2) A writ petition cannot be directly moved in the Supreme Court
3) The maximum gap between two sessions of Parliament can be six months
4) Majority of States in India have unicameral legislature

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Under Article 226 of the constitution of India every High Court has the power to issue
Writs. One of the following is not a writ:
1) Quo warranto 2) Mandamus 3) Ultimum supplicium 4) Prohibition

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The power to appoint members of the Union Public Service Commission rests with the
1) President 2) Prime Minister 3) Parliament 4) Minister for Home Affairs

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The total strength of a Legislative Council shall not exceed which of the following
proportion of the membership of the Legislative Assembly of that State?
1) One-third 2) One-fourth 3) One-fifth 4) One-sixth

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Force in India?
1) Prime Minister 2) Defence Minister 3) President 4) Home Minister

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The joint sitting of the Parliament is presided over by the
1) Prime Minister 2) President of India 3) Chairman of the Rajya Sabha 4) Speaker of
the Lok Sabha

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. The Vice President of the Indian Union is elected by the
1) Member of Rajya Sabha
2) Member of Lok Sabha
3) Member of both the Houses of Parliament
4) Member of Parliament and the member of State legislatures

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The member of a State Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of
misbehaviour only after an enquiry has been conducted by the
1) Commission appointed by the president 2) Supreme Court of India
3) High Court of India 4) Committee appointed by the Governor of the state

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The first Constitutional Amendment Act, 1951 was related to
1) Security of the country 2) Security of the Prime
3) Protection of agrarian reforms legislation in some states 4) Child Marriage

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which one of the following is not a Union Territory?
1) Arunachal Pradesh 2) Lakshadweep
3) Andaman & Nicobar Island 4) Puducherry

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Two persons are nominated by the president to be members of Lok Sabha to represent the
1) Anglo-Indians 2) Indian Christians 3) Buddhists 4) Paris

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which Fundamental Right of the Indian Constitution prohibits traffic in human beings?
1) Right to equality 2) Right against exploitation
3) Right to freedom 4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. A proclamation of failure of the constitutional machinery in a state is valid, in the first
instance, for
1) One month 2) Three month 3) Four month 4) Six month
View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who can recommend abolition or creation of the Legislative Council in a state?
1) The State Council of Minister 2) Legislative Assembly of the State
3) Government of the state 4) Advocate-General of the State

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The National Integration Council (NIC) is chaired by -
1) President of India 2) Prime Minister 3) Finance Minister 4) Home

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who can remove a judge of High Court?
1) President on the resolution of parliament passed by special majority
2) President on its own
3) Governor on the advice of Chief Minister
4) President on the advice of Chief Justice of India

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who described the Government of India Act, 1935 as a new charter of bondage?
1) B.R. Ambedkar 2) Mahatma Gandhi 3) Rajendra Prasad 4) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who among the following enjoys the rank of Cabinet Minister in Union Cabinet?
1) Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission 2) Judge of Supreme Court
3) Secretary to Government of India 4) Political Advisor to PM

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. In which part of the Indian Constitution, the Fundamental Duties are enshrined?
1) IV 2) IV-A 3) IV-B 4) V

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The vacancy of the office of the President must be filled within:
1) 3 months 2) 6 months 3) 12 months 4) 1 month

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. By Which Constitution Amendment Act, Right to Property ceased to remain a Fundamental
1) 44th 2) 42nd 3) 43rd 4) 45th

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which has become a legal right under 44th Amendment?
1) Right to Education 2) Right to Property 3) Right to Judicial Remedies 4) Right to

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which one of the following Amendments has been described as Mini Constitution?
1) 42nd 2) 43rd 3) 52nd 4) 59th

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following is a Fundamental Right as provided under Part III of the
1) Promotion of educational and economics interests of the Scheduled Casts, Scheduled Tribes
and other weaker sections
2) Right to reside and settle in any part of India
3) Right of workers to participate in the management of industries
4) None of the above

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. In case of conflict between the Central and State law on a subject in the Concurrent List -
1) The law which was passed first prevails 2) The law of State prevails
3) The law of Centre prevails 4) Both laws stand nullified

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which part of our Constitution primarily reflects Mahatma Gandhi's principles?

1) The Preamble
2) Part III - Fundamental Rights
3) Part IV - Directive Principles of State Policy
4) Part IV A - Fundamental Duties

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following Government of India Acts created the office of High

1) 1909 Act 2) 1919 Acts 3) 1935 Act 4) 1891 Act

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) constituted to examine matters relating to
Allocation and Pricing of Telecom Licences and SPectrum, which recently submitted its
report, was headed by:

1) P.C.Chacko 2) Kapil Sibal 3) P.Chidambaram 4) Murali Manohar Joshi

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which State Capital was declared 'non-free zone' for outside jobseekers by an order of the
President of India that will disallow candidates from applying for Government jobs there?

1) Chennai 2) Hyderabad 3) Bangalore 4) Mumbai

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. When were the first General Election held in India?

1) 1949 2) 1950 3) 1951 4) 1952

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. When the Fundamental Rights of a person are violated, he can go to the -

1) President of India 2) Prime Minister of India

3) Supreme Court 4) Any of the above

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The Governor of a State is answerable to the -

1) Chief Minister of the State 2) President of India

3) Lok Sabha 4) Prime Minister

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The Minimum age to become a member of the Rajya Sabha is -
1) 25 Years 2) 30 Years 3) 35 years 4) 40 Years

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Who among the following was not the president of India?

1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 2) Dr. Zakir Hussain

3) Fakruddin Ali Ahmed 4) Maulana Azad

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which is the Lower House of the State Legislature?

1) Rajya Sabha 2) Lok Sabha 3) Vidhan Sabha 4) Vidhan Parishad

View AnswerAns: 3
Who was the first soldier of the Indian armed forces to be awarded Param Vir Chakra, the highest
military award of India ? - Major Som Nath Sharma
Hirakud Dam at Sambalpur in Orissa, the longest dam in India, is built across which river?
Which Indian state has the longest coastline? Gujarat
When a running car stops suddenly, the passengers tends to lean forward because of? Inertia of
Full form of RDBMS is? - Relational Database Management System
Which company invented the transistor radio? - Texas Instruments
A plant with compound leaves Coconut Palm
The method of magnetisation is - passing alternating current through it
The largest coal producing state in India is? Jharkhand
Which of the following is the abbreviated name associated with food security? PDS (Public
Distribution System)
By what Indian name is the fighter aircraft 'Jaguar', jointly developed by Britain and France,
inducted into Indian Air Air Force (IAF) fleet? Shamsher
Capital output ratio of a commodity measures - The ratio of working capital employed to
quantity of output
Where did the miniature Bani Thani paintings of Indian heritage develop? Kishengarh
Crude oil is sometimes termed as sweet because it is - mildly sweet due to low sulphur content
Which one of the following is the origin of the Brahmaputra river? Chemayungdung
The peacock throne was made for? Shahjahan
In India, Law Day is celebrated every year on? - 26 November
Life originated by chemosynthesis was proved in the laboratory by - Miller
Which country was formerly known as 'Formosa' ? Taiwan
Which Constitutional Article mentioned the posts of Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Lok
Sabha? Article 93
Who was the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament? DadabhaiNaoroji
The first Secretary General of United Nations Organisation (UNO) was? Trygve Lie
The software that is used to create text-based documents are referred to as: Word processors
The least distance of distinct vision is 25Cm.
Project Tiger was introduced in 1973
The subatomic particle 'Boson' is named after which Indian scientist? Satyendra Nath Bose
All the ecosystems taken together in a geographical area form a bigger unit called? Biosphere
Which of the following act disturbs the ecological balance? Lumbering
Exporters in India get insurance cover and risk cover from which of the following organisations?
Banks in India are required to maintain a portion of their demand and time liabilities with the
Reserve Bank of India. This portion is called Cash Reserve Ratio
Parliament enjoys the exclusive right to legislate on the subjects contained in Union List
In nature, trophic levels are found in Ecosystem
Of the four Hindu Dhams, three are dedicated to lord Vishnu & one to lord Shiva. Which one is
dedicated to lord Shiva? Rameshwaram
Who is the only person to be honoured with both 'Bharat Ratna' and 'Nishan-e-Pakistan', the
highest civilian awards of India and Pakistan respectively? Morarji Desai
Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by? - oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
Name the story written by Rabindranath Tagore? Kabuliwalla
What is the scientific name of Vinegar? Acetic Acid
Most important responsibility of a Welfare State is? - To check exploitation
Colorado in U.S.A. is famous for which of the following landforms? - Grand Canyon
Who created the character Sherlock Holmes'? Arthur Conan Doyle
Q. Which unfortunate event took place in the year 1919?
1) Partition of Bengal2) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre3) Subsidiary Alliance4) Gandhi's

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which freedom fighter suffered fatal injuries during a demonstration against Simon
1) Bhagat Singh2) Lala Lajpat Rai3) Baj Gangadhar Tilak4) Chandrashekhar Azad

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which Mughal emperor took the title of Alamgir?
1) Akbar2) Jahangir3) Shah Jahan4) Aurangzeb

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Microsoft Office does not include -
1) Android2) Excel3) Powerpoint4) Word

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who was the Tenth Guru of the Sikhs?
1) Guru Nanak2) Guru Tegh Bahadur3) Guru Gobind Singh4) Guru Amardas

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following Valleys is known as "Paradise of Earth"?
1) Kashmir Valley2) Kangra Valley3) Kullu Valley4) Doon Valley

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which Sultan of Delhi shifted his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad?
1) Allauddin Khilji2) Sher Shah3) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq4) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. In which year was the First Battle of Panipat fought?
1) 1556 A.D.2) 1526 A.D.3) 1605 A.D.4) 1761 A.D.

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The highest town (from the sea level) of India is -
1) Srinagar2) Lahaul & Spiti3) Shimla4) Jammu

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. "Rajtarangini" written by Kalhan is -
1) A bout Chandragupta's reign2) A history of Kashmir
3) A history of Delhi Sultanate4) About Akbar

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. What name is given to the soil brought down by the rivers?

1) Alluvial Soil2) Black Soil3) Laterite Soil4) Red Soil

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which is the largest freshwater lake in India?

1) Wular2) Chilka3) Loktak4) Sambhar

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Where is the famous Pinjore Garden situated?
1) Shimla2) Dehradun3) Chandigarh4) New Delhi

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Who invented Telegraph?

1) Samuel Morse2) Edward Jenner3) Alexander Graham Bell4) Marcony

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The Grand Trunk Road was originally built by -

1) Sher Shah2) Akbar3) Aurangzeb4) Allauddin Khilji

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following name is not associated with painting?

1) K. L. Saigal2) Jamini Roy3) Manjit Bawa4) M. F. Hussain

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The word Buddha means -

1) a conqueror2) a liberator3) a wanderer4) an enlightened one

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which of the following award is given to recognize outstanding achievement in sports?

1) Padma Shri2) Arjuna Award3) Param Vir Chakra4) Ashok Chakra

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. If someone is injured in an accident and broken his/her knee joint, then he or she needs to
consult -

1) Orthopodic2) Paediatrician3) Oncologist4) Urologist

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Who among the following is an Olympic Medal winner?

1) P. T. Usha 2) Sania Mirza 3) Mahesh Bhupathi 4) Saina Nehwal

View AnswerAns: 4

Q. Which of the following is a classical dance from North India?

1) Kathak2) Kathakali3) Kuchipudi4) Bharat Natyam

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The temple situated near Pushkar Lake in Rajasthan is related to -
1) Lord Ganesh2) Lord Vishnu3) Loard Maheshwar4) Lord Brahma

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who among the following is not a Dada Saheb Phalke Award winner?
1) Amitabh Bachchan2) Asha Bhosle3) Pran4) Mrinal Sen

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following festival associated with full-moon day?
1) Eid-ul-Fitr2) Easter3) Holi4) Diwali

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. The correct combination among the following is -
1) Rafael Nadal - Tennis, Neymar Football2) Rafael Nadal - Football, Neymar - Football
3) Rafael Nadal - Badminton, Neymar Tennis4) Rafael Nadal - Tennis, Neymar - Badminton

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The hormone which is not directly associated with reproduction is -
1) Testosterone2) Oestrogen3) Progesterone4) Parathormone

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. What is Operation Flood?
1) a scheme to control flood2) a mission programme of production and distribution of milk
3) a scheme for distribution of water for irrigation4) None of these

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. The terms 'bull' and 'bear' are used in -
1) Planning Commission2) Stock Exchange
3) Sale Tax Department4) Income Tax Department

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. To correct his/her vision, a person suffering from short-sightedness will have to use -
1) Convex lens2) Concave lens3) Convex mirror4) Bifocal Lens

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which among the following is the natural inhabitant of North Pole but not of South Pole?
1) Penguins2) Emu3) Ploar Bear4) Seals

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Newton's 1st Law is the law of -

1) Inertia 2) Force 3) Momentum 4) Acceleration

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Name of the longest Train route of India -

1) Jammu Tawi Express 2) Jammu Kanyakumari Express

3) Himsagar Express 4) Vivek Express

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Who is the Chairman of the Rajya sabha?

1) President 2) Vice President 3) Prime Minister 4) Governor of Particular State

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Electric fuse wire is made of alloys because alloys -

1) Have low melting point 2) Have high melting point

3) Are economical 4) Do not get heated easily

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Sarojini Naidu became the Governor of which Indian State?
1) Himachal Pradesh 2) Uttar Pradesh
3) Madhya Pradesh 4) Andhra Pradesh

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Formic acid is a large component of -

1) Citrus Fruit 2) Ant Venom 3) Vinegar4) Spirit

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Calcium is a constituent element of -

1) Marble 2) Silicon 3) Dry Ice 4) Cooking Soda

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. The group of substances that can burn easily are -

1) paint thinner, coal, brick 2) coal, sand, alcohol

3) coal, alcohol, paper 4) brick, alcohol, coal

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Common salt that we eat everyday contains -

1) Sodium and Chloride 2) Sodium and Carbon

3) Calcium and Chlorine 4) Sodium and Aluminium

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which two colours can be mixed to make green?

1) Yellow and Balck 2) Yellow and Blue

3) Orange and Violet 4) Purple and Yellow

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. "Cue ball, break shot, pool table" are terms associated with which of the following games?

1) Billiards 2) Squash 3) Golf 4) Cricket

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Ram wants to bite into an apple. Which type of teeth will be use?

1) Incisors 2) Canines 3) Premolars 4) Molars

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Which of the following is a fish?

1) Jelly Fish 2) Lobster 3) Salmon 4) Whale

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following is a fungal disease?

1) Ringworm 2) Mumps 3) Rabies 4) Malaria

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Use of disposable syringes is usually advised to prevent -
1) Rabies 2) Mumps 3) AIDS 4) Cancer

View AnswerAns: 3
Q. Which of the following is not a good source of protein?

1) Potato 2) Mushroom 3) Nuts 4) Meat

View AnswerAns: 1
Q. Caterpillar is a -

1) Cocoon 2) Larva 3) Embryo 4) Pupa

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. DNA stands for -

1) Degenerated Neuron Activation 2) Double Neuron Activation

3) Dinucleic Acid 4) Deoxyribonucleic Acid

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which of the following is not a sensory organ?

1) Ear 2) Tounge 3) Nose 4) Brain

View AnswerAns: 4
Q. Which among the following rivers joins the Ganga from south?

1) Gandak 2) Yamuna 3) Gomti 4) Ghaghra

View AnswerAns: 2
Q. Which of the following is a "Fire and Forget" anti tank missile?

1) Trishul 2) Agni 3) Akash 4) Nag

Ans: 4
Q. Which State has the highest population in India?

1) Himachal Pradesh 2) Uttar Pradesh 3) Haryana 4) Bihar

Ans: 2
Q. Which city is called the "City of Nawabs"?

1) Delhi 2) Agra 3) Bhopal 4) Lucknow

Ans: 4
Q. Which country is separated from British India by the Durand Line?

1) Pakistan 2) Afganistan 3) China 4) Nepal

Ans: 2
Q. The largest producer of saffron in India is -

1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Tamil Nadu 3) Jammu and Kashmir 4) Haryana

Ans: 3
Q. Where did Industrial revolution take place?

1) Germany 2) England 3) France 4) United States of America

Ans: 2
Q. Name the city which hosts the literary festival (largest in Asia Pacific)?

1) Jaipur 2) Lucknow 3) Kolkata 4) New Delhi

Ans: 1
Q. Sri Pranab Mukherjee was elected as MP from which of the following places before
becoming the President of India?

1) Howrah 2) Jangipur 3) Malda 4) Raiganj

Ans: 2
Q. Aishwarya oil field is located in which State of India?

1) Maharashtra 2) Gujarat 3) Rajasthan 4) Andhra Pradesh

Ans: 3
Q. Ubuntu is which type of operating system -

1) Open Access 2) Open Source 3) Windows Based 4) Mac Based

Ans: 2
Q. In MICR, C stands for -

1) Code 2) Colour 3) Computer 4) Character

Ans: 4
Q. The OSI reference model is divided into how many layers?

1) Seven 2) Five 3) Four 4) Six

Ans: 1
Q. The first CNG train is launched on -

1) Delhi-Agra Section 2) Rohtak-Chandigarh Section

3) Delhi-Chandigarh Section 4) Rewari-Rohtak Section

Ans: 4
Q. French economist Jean Trirole got Noble Prize 2014 in Economic in his work related to -

1) Mechanism Design Theory 2) New Trade Analysis Theory

3) Analysis of Market Power and regulation 4) Efficient Market Hypothesis

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following company has been barred by SEBI for accessing capital market for 3

1) Kingfisher 2) Spice Jet 3) Sahara 4) DLF

Ans: 4
Q. National Judicial Appointments Commission Bill became an Act after _________
Constitution Amendment.

1) 121st 2) 120th 3) 119th 4) 118th

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following country is the most competitive economy in the world as per Global
Competitiveness Report 2014?

1) Japan 2) Switzerland 3) Singapore 4) Hong Kong

Ans: 2
Q. The first Railway Station in India having WiFi facility is -

1) New Delhi 2) Ahmedabad 3) Mumbai 4) Bengaluru City

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

1) Snapdeal 2) Big Bazar 3) Flipkart 4) eBay

Ans: 2
Q. National Women's Chess Championship 2014 won by -

1) Nisha Mohota 2) Mary Ann Gomes 3) Padmini Rout 4) Nimmy George

Ans: 3
Q. The number of players on each side in baseball is -

1) Seven 2) Eight 3) Nine 4) Ten

Ans: 3
Q. HD 2967 is the new high yielding variety of -

1) Rice 2) Maize 3) Mustered 4) Wheat

Ans: 4
Q. The scientific study of soil is -

1) Earth Study 2) Soil Science 3) Pedology 4) Soil Chemistry

Ans: 3
Q. Prabhat is an early short duration variety of -

1) Red gram 2) Wheat 3) Maize 4) Rice

Ans: 1
Q. Blue revolution is associated with the development and growth of -

1) Epiculture Sector 2) Sericulture Sector 3) Fishery Sector 4) Tea Sector

Ans: 3
Q. XXI Commonwealth Games in 2018 will be hosted by -

1) Capetown(South Africa) 2) Gold Coast(Australia)

3) Auckland(New Zealand) 4) Ottawa(Canada)

Ans: 2
Q. Which date is recently declared as "International Yoga Day" by UN?

1) June 5 2) July 21 3) June 21 4) October 21

Ans: 3
Q. Which state celebrate Hornbill festival?

1) Mizoram 2) Manipur 3) Meghalaya 4) Nagaland

Ans: 4
Q. Kidambi Srikanth recently on news, he is associated with -

1) Football 2) Tennis 3) Badminton 4) Squash

Ans: 3
Q. G20 Summit 2014 held on -

1) Sydney 2) Brisbane 3) Melbourne 4) Canberra

Ans: 2
Q. Who is appointed as the Chairman of National Institute of Public Finance & Policy (NIPFP)?

1) C. Rangarajan 2) Raghuram Rajan

3) Vijay Laxman Kelkar 4) Arvind Subramanian

Ans: 3
Q. Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2014 winner Jean Tirole belongs to -

1) France 2) Germany
3) USA 4) Norway
Ans: 1
Q. The conduction current in a chemical cell is -

1) By Positive and negative ions 2) By Positive ions

3) By Negative ions 4) By Positive Holes

Ans: 3
Q. When a chart is placed on this, it is much larger and there is no other data on it -

1) Chart sheet 2) Exclusive sheet

3) Primary sheet 4) Reference sheet

Ans: 1
Q. In word, you can use Styles to -

1) make copies of documents. 2) save changes to documents.

3) delete text in documents. 4) format your documents.

Ans: 4
Q. This dialog box specifies or modifies the work sheet cell range containing data to be charted -

1) Chart Location 2) Chart Style

3) Chart Options 4) Chart Source Data

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is used by the browser to connect to the location of the Internet

1) Linkers 2) Protocol 3) Cable 4) URL

Ans: 4
Q. ___is the process of carrying out commands.

1) Fetching 2) Storing 3) Decoding 4) Executing

Ans: 4
Q. The process of trading goods over the Internet is known as -

1) e-selling-n-buying 2) e-finance
3) e-commerce 4) e-trading

Ans: 3
Q. Information that comes from an external source and fed into computer software is called -

1) Output 2) Input 3) Throughut 4) Reports

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following can input graphical images and pictures for a computer?

1) Plotter 2) Scanner 3) Mouse 4) Printer

Ans: 2
Q. Using output devices one can -

1) input data 2) store data 3) scan data 4) view or print data

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following categories would include a keyboard?

1) Printing Device 2) Output Device 3) Storage Device 4) Input Device

Ans: 4
Q. Print Preview command is used when you want to -

1) colour the document. 2) save the document.

3) copy the document. 4) view how the document will appear when printed.

Ans: 4
Q. The time for the actual data transfer after receiving the request for data from secondary
storage is referred to as the disk's -

1) transfer time. 2) movement time. 3) access time. 4) data input time.

Ans: 3
Q. Why is the Caps Lock key referred to as a toggle key?

1) Because its function goes back and forth every time it is pressed
2) Because it cannot be used for entering numbers
3) Because it cannot be used to delete
4) Because it cannot be used to insert

Ans: 1
Q. Your position in the text is shown by a -

1) Blinker 2) Cursor 3) Causer 4) Pointer

Ans: 1
Q. To reverse the effect of your fast action in Word -

1) use the cut command. 2) use the Undo command.

3) press the Deleted key. 4) use the Redo command.

Ans: 2
Q. A word gets selected by clicking it to select a word, in Word -

1) once 2) twice 3) three times 4) four times

Ans: 2
Q. What happens when we try to delete the files from a floppy?

1) The files get moved to the Recycle Bin

2) Files on a floppy cannot be deleted
3) The files get deleted and can be restored again from the Recycle Bin
4) The files get deleted and cannot be restored again

Ans: 4
Q. In Word, you can change Page Margins by -

1) Dragging the scroll box on the scroll bars.

2) Deleting the margin boundaries on the Ruler.
3) Dragging the margin boundaries on the Ruler.
4) Clicking the right mouse button on the Ruler.

Ans: 3
Q. The following computer's memory is characterised by low-cost per bit stored -

1) Primary 2) Secondary 3) Hard Disk 4) All of these

Ans: 2
Q. Assembly language is -

1) Machine language
2) High-level programming language
3) Alow-level programming language
4) Language for assembling computers
Ans: 3
Q. The economically diverse region of MENA nations refers to the countries in -

1) Middle East and North African Countries

2) Middle East and North American Countries
3) Mediterranean Europe and North Atlantic Countries
4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. The four triangles formed by joining the mid points of the sides of any triangle are -

1) Isosceles triangles
2) Equilateral triangles
3) Similar but not congruent triangles
4) Congruent triangles

Ans: 4
Q. Universal Building Blocks are -

1) NAND, NOR Gate 2) OR, NOR, NOT Gate

3) AND, OR, NOT Gate 4) AND, NAND, NOT Gate

Ans: 1
Q. The speed of sound in water is four times its speed in air. When a sound wave of frequency
'n' and wavelength '' enters from air into water, then its frequency and wavelength will
respectively become -

1) 4n and 2) n and 4
3) 2n and 4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. The required DC voltage for arc welding is -

1) 6 to 9 V 2) 50 to 60 V 3) 200 to 250 V 4) 90 to 100 V

Ans: 3
Q. For a body floating in water, the apparent weight is equal to -

1) Actual weight of the body

2) Zero
3) Weight of the body minus weight of the liquid
4) Weight of the body plus upward thrust

Ans: 3
Q. The UNO came into existence in -

1) 1946 2) 1945 3) 1947 4) 1950

Ans: 2
Q. It is 12 noon at Greenwich. What will be the time at a place situated at 55 east longitude?

1) 8.40 am 2) 3.20 pm 3) 5.00 am 4) 12.00 midnight

Ans: 2
Q. The saltiest sea is -

1) Arabian Sea 2) Mediterranean Sea 3) Red Sea 4) Dead Sea

Ans: 4
Q. Seychelles is located in the -

1) Pacific Ocean 2) Indian Ocean 3) Atlantic Ocean 4) Mediterranean Sea

Ans: 2
Q. The Sunlight takes .... minutes to reach the earth -

1) 8.3 2) 7.3 3) 9.4 4) Less than 5 minutes

Ans: 1
Q. The Hundred-Year War was fought between -

1) France and Germany 2) Germany and Austria

3) France and England 4) England and Austria

Ans: 3
Q. The mass of the moon in comparison to the earth is -

1) 2) 1/80 3) 1/100 4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Red Cross was founded by -

1) J. H. Durant 2) Baden Powell 3) Trygve Lie 4) Frederick Passey

Ans: 1
Q. Nobel Alfred Bernhard after whom Nobel prizes are given was -

1) Engineer 2) Chemist
3) Both (A) & (B) 4) Doctor

Ans: 3
Q. Sikhism was founded in -

1) 1000 AD 2) 1500 AD 3) 300 BC 4) 1400 AD

Ans: 2
Q. The boundary line between India and China is called -

1) McMahon line 2) Durand line 3) Red line 4) Radcliffe line

Ans: 1
Q. The Kalahari Desert is in -

1) South-West Africa 2) North Africa

3) North-West Mexico 4) South-West Asia

Ans: 1
Q. The British Government declared for the first time that their intention in India is to gradually
establish responsible government through -

1) The Regulating Act, 1773

2) The Government of India Act, 1958
3) The Government of India Act, 1958
4) The August 1917 Declaration

Ans: 4
Q. Who wrote the 'Communist Manifesto'?

1) Lenin 2) Karl Marx 3) Stalin 4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. The first electric railway was opened in -

1) 1853 2) 1885 3) 1905 4) 1925

Ans: 4
Q. The Dronacharya Award for sports coaches was instituted in the year -

1) 1984 2) 1985 3) 1987 4) 1988

Ans: 2
Q. Sanchi portrays the art and sculpture of the -

1) Jains 2) Buddhists 3) Muslims 4) Christians

Ans: 2
Q. Who was the first Indian to receive the World Food Prize?

1) Dr. Verghese Kurien 2) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan

3) Dr. Amita Patel 4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Rome is situated on the banks of the river -

1) Vistula 2) Avon 3) Rhime 4) Tiber

Ans: 4
Q. Where is the Sahara Desert?

1) South Africa 2) North Africa 3) Europe 4) Asia

Ans: 2
Q. Faizee lived in the court of -

1) Humayun 2) Dara Shikoh 3) Bahadur Shah Zafar

4) Akbar

Ans: 4
Q. Monsoon is caused by the -

1) Seasonal reversal of winds 2) Revolution of earth

3) Movement of clouds 4) Rise in temperature
Ans: 1
Q. Mahavira was born in the royal family of the -

1) Sakyas 2) Kshatriyas 3) Licchavis 4) Satavahanas

Ans: 3
Q. Bangladesh was created in -

1) 1970 2) 1971 3) 1972 4) 1973

Ans: 2
Q. What is the name of the Parliament of Bangladesh?

1) Jatiya Sansad 2) Majlis 3) People's Council 4) National Assembly

Ans: 1
Q. The world's tallest free-standing structure is -

1) Eiffel Tower 2) Leaning Tower of Pisa 3) CN Tower 4) Qutab Minar

Ans: 3
Q. Ranthambore is a wildlife sanctuary in India. In which State it is located and what it its
famous for?

1) Gujarat-Loins 2) Rajasthan-Black buck 3) Rajasthan-Tigers 4) Gujarat-Wild


Ans: 3
Q. Aryans emerged on the Indian scene sometimes between -

1) 3000-2500 BC 2) 3100-2400 BC
3) 300-250 BC 4) 322-185 BC

Ans: 1
Q. The Earth rotates on its axis from -

1) West to East 2) East to West 3) South to North 4) North to South

Ans: 1
Q. India's Direct Cash Transfer Scheme draws similarities from models of which country -

1) Brazil 2) Germany 3) Australia 4) Sri Lanka

Ans: 1
Q. The Corporate Head Quarters of Tata Group is -

1) Bombay House 2) Tata Towers 3) JRD Centre 4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. Given below are the creators of some well-known cartoon pair that does not match -

1) Elzie Crisler Segar --- Popeye 2) Dan Yaccarino - Oswald the Octopus
3) William Hanna - Richie Rich 4) Walt Disney - Donald Duck
Ans: 3
Q. India signed the Kyoto Protocol in the year -

1) 2000 2) 1998 3) 2002 4) 1995

Ans: 3
Q. "The Three Gorges Dam", the world's largest hydro-power project, is located in -

1) China 2) Brazil 3) Russia 4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. The movie 'Life of Pi' is based on an award winning novel written by -

1) Peter Carey 2) Alan Hollinghurst 3) Yann Martel 4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following sectors in India was not nationalized by the government at any point
of time -

1) Banking 2) Insurance 3) Coal 4) None of these

Ans: 4
Q. Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an Inter-governmental Body established in 1989. It is
concerned with -

1) Money laundering 2) Stock markets

3) Foreign Direct Investment 4) Foreign Institutional Investors

Ans: 1
Q. The market for government securities is also referred to as -

1) Bullion market 2) Gilt-edge market

3) Secondary market 4) Money market

Ans: 3
Q. Which NATO country;s parliament was the first to vote in favour of the move to make
military service compulsory for women -

1) Italy 2) Germany 3) Norway 4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. Which two institutions are popularly referred to as the 'Bretton Woods Twins?

1) Monetary Fund and World Bank

2) World Bank and Asian Development Bank
3) Asian Development Bank and International Monetary Fund
4) United Nations and World Trade Organisation

Ans: 1
Q. The Finance Minister's Budget speech presented to the Indian Parliament every year usually
has two parts. What does the Part A relate to -

1) Taxation Proposals 2) General Economic Survey

3) Both (a) and (b) 4) None of these
Ans: 2
Q. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is elected by -

1) Members of Lok Sabha2) President of India

3) Leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. IRDA is the Indian regulator for the -

1) Banking sector2) Mutual funds3) Rural Development4) None of these

Ans: 4
Note: IRDA regulate Insurance Sector.
Q. Panchatantra was written by -

1) Bhramabhat2) Vishnu Sharma 3) Jaya Deva 4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. The agency that estimates national income in India is -

1) RBI 2) Planning Commission 3) Central Statistics Organisation4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. Open market operations refers to the sale and purchase by the RBI of -

1) Foreign currency2) Gold3) Government bonds4) All the above

Ans: 3
Q. What type of keys are 'ctrl' and 'shift'?

1) adjustment2) function3) modifier4) alphanumeric

Ans: 3
Q. In Word, replace option is a available on -

1) File Menu2) View Menu3) Edit Menu4) Format Menu

Ans: 3
Q. The binary system is a number system to the base -

1) 22) 43) 84) 10

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following is not an example of hardware?

1) Scanner2) Printer3) Monitor4) Interpreter

Ans: 4
Q. In excel, this is a pre-recorded formula that provides a shortcut for complex calculations -

1) Value2) Data Series3) Function4) Field

Ans: 3
Q. This is not a function category in Excel -
1) Logical 2) Data Series3) Financial4) Text

Ans: 2
Q. On a CD-RW you can

1) read and write information.2) only read information.

3) only write information.4) read, write and rewrite information

Ans: 4
Q. To be able to 'boot', the computer must have a(n)

1) Compiler2) Loader3) Operating system4) Assembler

Ans: 3
Q. The operating system that is self-contained in a device and resident in the ROM is -

1) Batch Operating System2) Real-time Operating System

3) Embedded Operating System4) Multi-Processor Operating System

Ans: 3
Q. To make a copy of the current document on the disk -

1) Use the "save" command2) This cannot be done

3) Use the "duplicate" command4) Use the "save as" command

Ans: 4
Q. The ohms law is -

1) R=E/W2) R=E/I3) R=E/Z4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Good conductor of electricity is

1) Copper2) Silver3) Aluminum4) Iron

Ans: 2
Q. If signal distorts on increasing the volume, where is the fault?

1) AGC2) Loud Speaker3) Volume control4) Audio stage

Ans: 3
Q. In a broadcast receiver, most of the selectivity is achieved in -

1) 1 F stage2) R F stage3) Audio stage4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. In a zener diode regulator, zener -

1) Is kept reverse biased2) Is kept forward biased

3) Depends upon current requireemnt4) Depends upon rated voltage

Ans: 3
Q. The EMF of every cell of full charge battery is -

1) 1.18v2) 2.0v3) 2.2v4) 2.4v

Ans: 4
Q. The colour code of 47k 20% resister will be -

1) Orange, Blue, Yellow, Silver2) Yellow, Violet, Orange

3) Yellow, Violet, Orange, Silver4) Yellow, Violet, Orange, Gold

Ans: 4
Q. An amplifier is said to suffer from distortion when its output is

1) Low2) Different from input3) Noisy4) Larger than its input

Ans: 3
Q. Sound in TV is modulating -

1) AM2) FM3) PCM4) PM

Ans: 1
Q. The spacing between picture carrier and sound carrier frequency in T.V. is -

1) 7 MHZ2) 5.5 MHZ3) 5 MHZ4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Selectivity of a receiver can be increased by -

1) Using more tuned circuit2) Decreasing number of tuned circuits

3) Using loud speaker4) Increasing gain of the receiver

Ans: 2
Q. What will happen if a transformer is connected to D.C. voltage?

1) It will induce more voltage

2) Its reactance will increase
3) The primary will burn out and no emf will be induced in the secondary
4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. 1 KHZ signal is used to test which stage?

1) Mixer stage2) 1 F stage3) Detector stage4) Audio stage

Ans: 2
Q. When did the Jallianwala Bagh tragedy take place -

1) 19282) 19193) 19464) 1942

Ans: 2
Q. In the formula, = B1/B2 + B3, which of the following is the correct precedence?
1) Addition higher precedence than division
2) Equal precedence among the two operators: proceed right to left
3) Equal precedence among the two operators: proceed left to right
4) Division higher precedence than addition

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is not a term pertaining to the Internet?

1) Keyboard2) Link3) Browser4) Search Engine

Ans: 1
Q. If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP, you are actually performing

1) upstart2) upgrade3) update4) patch

Ans: 2
Q. An educational institution would generally have the following in its domain name

1) .org2) .edu3) .inst4) .com

Ans: 2
Q. How may megabytes make a gigabyte?

1) 10242) 1283) 2564) 512

Ans: 1
Q. Nepoleon Bonaparte belonged to -

1) Italy2) Britain3) Germany4) France

Ans: 4
Q. The First Battle of Panipat was fought between -

1) Shershah Suri2) Humayun and Ibrahim Lodhi

3) Ibrahim Lodhi and Babur4) Babur and Rana Sanga

Ans: 3
Q. The polar diameter of the earth is shorter than its equatorial diameter by -

1) 25 km2) 80 km3) 43 km4) 30 km

Ans: 3
Q. Which war is associated with Florence Nightingale?

1) World War I2) World War II3) Crimean War4) Battle of Leipzig

Ans: 3
Q. Who regarded as the great law giver of the ancient India?

1) Panini2) Manu3) Kautilya4) Baraha Mihir

Ans: 2
Q. The oceans cover approximately _________ of the Earth's surface -
1) 50%2) 60%3) 70%4) 80%

Ans: 3
Q. The Rupee coins were first minted in India during the rule of -

1) Shahjahan2) Shershah Suri3) East India Company4) Razia Begum

Ans: 2
Q. The Capital of Lakshadweep is -

1) Mahe2) Minicoy3) Kavaratti4) Kachativu

Ans: 3
Q. The French Revolution began in the year -

1) 17702) 17883) 17894) 1750

Ans: 3
Q. Who among the following transferred his capital from Delhi to Devagiri?

1) Iltutmish2) Ghiasuddin Balban

3) Ala Uddin Khalji4) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

Ans: 4
Q. Who expounded the theory of "Advaita"?

1) Ramanuja2) Sri Shankaracharya3) Madhavacharya4) Swami Vivekananda

Ans: 2
Q. Which is the smallest gland in human body?

1) Liver2) Thyroid3) Pituitary4) Salivary Gland

Ans: 3
Q. Ggautam Buddha died at -

1) Lumbini 2) Saranath3) Kushinagar4) Bodhgaya

Ans: 3
Q. Which country led a boycott of the 1980 Olympic Games held in Moscow?

1) Great Britain2) China3) USA4) South Korea

Ans: 3
Q. The rising of the evening star indicates the -

1) South Pole2) North Pole3) East4) West

Ans: 4
Q. Jesse Owens Global Award is given in the field of -

1) Literature2) Journalism3) Science4) Sports

Ans: 4
Q. KLM Airlines belongs to -

1) Kuwait2) The Netherlands3) Japan4) Indonesia

Ans: 2
Q. The first to have trade relation with India were the -

1) Duch2) English3) Portuguese4) French

Ans: 3
Q. The main system board of a computer is called the -

1) Integrated Circuit2) Mother Board3) Processor4) Microchip

Ans: 2
Q. Which contents are lost when the computer turns off?

1) Storage2) Input3) Output4) Memory

Ans: 4
Q. Cheraw, the Bamboo Dance, is associated with which of the following Indian States?

1) Mizoram2) Sikkim3) Arunachal Pradesh4) Manipur

Ans: 1
Q. An Equity Share is also commonly referred to as

1) Ordinary Share2) Debenture3) Convertible Share4) Security Receipt

Ans: 1
Q. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations (UN)
that is concerned with international public health. It is headquartered at

1) Sweden2) Switzerland3) United Kingdom4) France

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following is a hardware and not a software?

1) Excel2) Printer driver3) Operating system4) CPU

Ans: 4
Q. NABARD is responsible for regulating and supervising the functions of -

1) Investment and Industrial Finance Banks

2) Co-operative Banks and Regional Rural Banks
3) Corporate Finance and Overseas Banking Units
4) Private Sector and Multinational Banks

Ans: 2
Q. The concept of 'Micro Credit' essentially concentrates on

1) consumption smoothening as and when needed

2) providing safe place to hold savings
3) accepting deposits
4) provision of credit to the poor

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following communities is 'not' notified as a 'minority community' by the
ministry of Welfare, Government of India?

1) Sikhs2) Zoroastrians3) Buddhists4) Jains

Ans: 2
Q. The abbreviation EMI in banking sector stands for

1) Equated Monthly Instalment2) Equal Monthly Increment

3) Equated Money Instalment4) Equalised Monthly Instalment

Ans: 1
Q. The Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale (ESTPOS) is an electronic payment system
based on

1) Interner Banking2) Account Payee Cheques3) Letters of Credit4) Debit and Credit Cards

Ans: 4
Q. Banking Codes and Standard Board of India (BCSBI) has evolved which of the following

1) Code of Bank's commitment to customers.

2) Code of Bank's commitment to big industries
3) Code of Bank's commitment to micro and Small Enterprises
4) (1); and (3)

Ans: 4
Q. According to the provisions of the Income tax Act, 1961, a resident individual is categorised
as a 'super senior citizen' when his age is

1) 80 Years2) 75 Years3) 90 Years4) 85 Years

Ans: 1
Q. CASA ratio of bank indicate the -

1) Bank deposits (current & saving)2) High-value deposits

3) Non performing4) Bank's loans

Ans: 1
Q. The part of a company's earnings or profits which are paid out to shareholders is known as -

1) Capital Gains2) Taxes3) Interest on Borrowings4) Dividends

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is a receipt listed in India and traded in rupees declaring ownership of
shares of a foreign company?

1) Indian Depository Receipt (IDR)2) European Depository Receipt (EDR)

3) Global Depository Receipt (GDR)4) American Depository Receipt (ADR)

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following is also known as the "Pink City"?

1) Jaipur2) Amritsar3) Agra4) Bhopal

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following services relate to execution of transaction directly with consumers,
rather than corporations or other banks?

1) Wholesale Banking Services2) Industrial Banking Services

3) Corporate Banking Services4) Retail Banking Services

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following Indian universities is Asia's largest residential university?

1) Allahabad University2) Utkal University

3) Banaras Hindu University4) Delhi University

Ans: 3
Q. Who among the following is the current Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India?

1) K.G. Balakrishnan2) Dr. Nasim Jaidi3) V. S. Sampath4) Achal Kumar Jyoti

Ans: 4
Q. A type of fraud wherein criminals use an innocent person's details to open or use an account
to carry out financial transactions is known as

1) Identity Theft2) Hacking3) Money Laundering4) Espionage

Ans: 1
Q. A bank without any branch network that offers its services remotely through online banking,
telephone/mobile banking and interbank ATM network alliances is known as

1) Universal Bank2) Indirect Bank3) Door Step Bank4) Direct Bank

Ans: 4
Q. Banks' mandatory lending to farmers for agriculture, micro and small enterprises, and other
weaker sections wherein banks are required to lend up to 40 percent of the loans is generally
described as

1) Para banking2) Sub-Prime lending3) Retail lending4) Priority sector lending

Ans: 4
Q. Study of organisms in relation to their environment its called -

1) Palynology2) Ecology3) Zoology4) Entomology

Ans: 2
Q. Who benefits the most during the inflationary period?

1) government servants2) corporate servants3) creditors4) entrepreneurs

Ans: 3
Q. Dactylogram is related with -

1) finger print2) teleprinter3) perumbulator4) cereals

Ans: 1
Q. Who is known as the "Father of Indian Unrest?"

1) Bipin Chandrapal2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak3) Lalalajpat Rai4) Aurobindo Ghosh

Ans: 2
Q. Tesla is a unit of magnetic -

1) field2) flux3) induction4) moment

Ans: 2
Q. Virtually treeless, sparse vegetation is found in -

1) Chapparal2) Taiga3) Alpine4) Tundra

Ans: 4
Q. The unit of noise pollution (level) is -

1) decibel2) decimal3) ppm4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. 'Ryder Cup' is awarded to the players of -

1) Golf2) Baseball3) Basket ball4) Cards

Ans: 1
Q. 'Shadow Cabinet' is the feature of Administrative system of -

1) Japan2) Britain3) USA4) France

Ans: 2
Q. Transition ions absorb light in -

1) visible region2) infrared region

3) ultraviolet region4) microwave region

Ans: 1
Q. Stamens are fused with each other by their anthers and also with the petals in -

1) Euphorbiaceae2) Leguminosae3) Liliaceae4) Compositae

Ans: 4
Q. The threshold frequency is the frequency below which -

1) photo current is constant2) photo current increases with voltage

3) photo current decreases with voltage4) photo electric emission is not possible

Ans: 4
Q. The site of birth (nativity) of Gautam Buddha is marked by -

1) a Peepal Tree2) a monastery

3) a 'Rummindei Pillar' of Ashok Maurya4) a statue
Ans: 3
Q. The Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains was introduced in the year -

1) 19542) 19443) 19644) 1974

Ans: 3
Q. The current spell of cold wave in the US has been a fall out of the -

1) political administration2) polar vortex

3) biodiversity and habitats4) climate and energy

Ans: 2
Q. 'Democratic Centralism' is an important feature of a -

1) Socialist state2) Communist state3) Democratic state4) Totalitarian state

Ans: 2
Q. The UNIX operation system is suitable for -

1) Single user2) Multi user3) Real-Time Processing4) Distributed Processing

Ans: 2
Q. Soil factors are otherwise known as -

1) Climatic factors2) Edaphic factors3) Biotic factors4) Physiographic factors

Ans: 2
Q. The Constitution of India, describes India as -

1) Union of States2) A Federation3) A quasi-federal4) Unitary

Ans: 1
Q. The damage of the human body due to radiation (-rays or -rays etc,) is measured in -

1) Rads2) Rems3) Roentgen4) Curie

Ans: 1
Q. Consumer Protection Act 1986, was amended in -

1) 19912) 19923) 19934) 1994

Ans: 3
Q. Who said that "Where there is no Law there will not be Liberty?"

1) John Locke2) Karl Marx3) Plato4) Machiavelli

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following does not have a Stupa?

1) Dhamek2) Ranchi3) Sanchi4) Barhut

Ans: 2
Q. Potato was introduced to Europe by -
1) Dutch2) Portuguese3) Germans4) Spanish

Ans: 4
Q. Which National Highway is called Shershah Suri Marg?

1) National Highway No. 12) National Highway No. 3

3) National Highway No. 84) National Highway No. 7

Ans: 1
Q. In relation to the State Government, local government exercises -

1) Independent Authority2) Coordinate Authority

3) Delegated Authority4) Superior Authority

Ans: 1
Q. The freezing point of fresh water is -

1) 0C2) 4C3) 3C4) 5C

Ans: 1
Q. Flywheel is an important part of a steam engine because it -

1) gives strength to the engine

2) accelerates the speed of the engine
3) helps the engine in keeping the speed uniform
4) decreases the moment of inertia

Ans: 3
Q. Total assembly segments in Delhi are -

1) 402) 503) 604) 70

Ans: 4
Q. Who was the Delhi Sultan to impose Jizya even on the Brahmins?

1) Balban2) Ala-ud-din Khilji3) Firoz Tughluq4) Muhammad Tughluq

Ans: 3
Q. Preparation of butter, ghee by a houshold for their own use is a part of -

1) consumption2) own-account production

3) household capital formation4) industrial production

Ans: 2
Q. The plants, which grow under water stress conditions of deserts are -

1) Sciophytes2) Epiphytes3) Xerophytes4) Heliophytes

Ans: 3
Q. The pair of compounds used as anaesthetic in medicines -

1) Nitrogen dioxide, ether2) Ether, Ammonia3) Nitrous oxide, Chloroform

4) Chloroform, Nitrogen dioxide
Ans: 1
Q. The percentage of carbon in cast iron is -

1) 3 to 52) 0.1 to 0.253) 0.5 to 1.54) 6 to 8

Ans: 1
Q. Who among the following is the founder of 'Azad Hind Fauj'?

1) Chandrashekhar Azad2) Lala Har Dayal

3) Subhash Chandra Bose4) Vir Savarkar

Ans: 3
Q. The type of fruit obtained from a multicarpillary apocarpous gynoecium is -

1) multiple2) composite3) aggregate4) simple

Ans: 1
Q. Section of IPC, which deals with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)
community is -

1) 3772) 3763) 3704) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. Sir C. V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for his work on -

1) Sonometer2) Light Scattering3) Radio activity4) Cryogenics

Ans: 2
Q. The production, marketing storage, advertisement and consumption of smokeless tobacco is
banned in -

1) Meghalaya2) Assam3) Arunachal Pradesh4) Nagaland

Ans: 2
Q. Coupling and repulsion are the two states of -

1) crossing over2) linkage3) chiasma4) mutation

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following books is not written by Jawaharlal Nehru?

1) Glimpses of World History2) Discovery of India

3) My Experiments with Truth4) An Autobiography

Ans: 3
Q. Obsidian, Andesite, Gabbro and Perodite are -

1) Extrusive rocks2) Metamorphic rocks3) Intrusive rocks4) Sedimentary rocks

Ans: 3
Q. An increase in the quantity supplied suggests -

1) a rightward shift of the supply curve2) a leftward shift of the supply curve
3) a movement up along the supply curve4) a movement down along the supply curve
Ans: 1
Q. Which body is constituted by the President of India to advise on the decision of Central
Resources between the centre and the state?

1) Taxation Enquiry Commission2) Tariff Commission

3) Finance Commission4) Planning Commission

Ans: 3
Q. The compound that has the least value for octane number is -

1) n-heptane2) 2-methyl heptane3) Iso-octane4) 2, 2-dimethyl hexane

Ans: 1
Q. Where does the cabbage store food?

1) Root2) Leaves3) Stem4) Fruit

Ans: 2
Q. GNP at market prices is Rs. 200. Net factor income from abroad is Rs. 20. Indirect taxes are
Rs. 20 and subsidies are Rs. 10. GDP at factor cost is -

1) Rs. 2202) Rs. 2503) Rs. 1804) Rs. 170

Ans: 4
Q. The number of women entrepreneur in small scale industry is highest in the State of -

1) Karnataka2) Kerala3) Maharashtra4) Tamil Nadu

Ans: 2
Q. As per Basel II norms, a bank's capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) should be at least

1) 8 per cent2) 10 per cent3) 12 per cent4) 14 per cent

Ans: 1
Q. Reserve Bank of India gives licence for credit creation to -

1) Commercial banks2) Scheduled banks3) Cooperative banks4) None of the these

Ans: 2
Q. When cost of production is zero, monopoly equilibrium will be established at a level where
elasticity of demand curve is -

1) Greater than one2) Equal to one3) Less than one4) Infinity

Ans: 2
Q. The comprehensive facts about Indian economy combined with incisive analysis is provided
by -

1) RBI bulletin2) Economic and political weekly

3) Centre for monitoring Indian economy4) Economic survey

Ans: 4
Q. According to census 2011, the number of males and females in India are -

1) 62.37 and 58.65 crores2) 61.67 and 59.35 crores

3) 60.39 and 60.63 crores4) 63.28 and 57.74 crores

Ans: 1
Q. 'Supply creates its own demand' means -

1) Demand is supply2) Supply is demand

3) Demand comes first and supply afterwards4) Supply has nothing to do with demand

Ans: 2
Q. The base year for estimation of GDP in India is -

1) 1999-20002) 2000-20013) 2004-20054) 2006-2007

Ans: 3
Q. In any set of numbers, the geometrical mean exists only when all numbers are -

1) Positive2) Negative3) Zero4) Positive, zero and negative

Ans: 1
Q. Economists who introduced the notion of Human Capital are -

1) Schultz and Gary Becker2) Marshall and Pigou

3) Hicks and Hansen4) Stigler and Johnson

Ans: 1
Q. Dead weight loss is equal to -

1) Producer's Surplus - Consumer's Surplus

2) Consumer's Surplus + Producer's Surplus
3) Marginal Revenue - Marginal Cost
4) Average Revenue + Average Cost

Ans: 1
Q. Marshallian approach is popularly known as -

1) Cardinal utility approach2) Ordinal utility approach

3) The modern utility approach4) Indifference curve approach

Ans: 1
Q. The sign of country's growth is -

1) More and more industries2) Higher standard of living

3) Higher per capita income4) More means of transport

Ans: 3
Q. If the total production in an economy is produced by a few big firms then this market is
known as -

1) Monopolistic competition2) Oligopoly3) Duopoly4) Discriminating monopoly

Ans: 2
Q. One of the following is average of second order -
1) Arithmetical mean2) Geometrical mean
3) Second quartile4) Standard deviation

Ans: 4
Q. Borrowings from foreigners are known as -

1) Export of goods2) Unrequited receipts3) Capital receipts4) Current receipts

Ans: 3
Q. The shape of a frequency curve can not be -

1) U shaped2) V shaped3) J shaped4) S shaped

Ans: 3
Q. Human capital consists of -

1) Number of total workers in an economy2) Educated, trained and healthy workers

3) Number of qualified persons4) Number of persons over 14 years of age

Ans: 2
Q. Producer's surplus is equal to the difference between -

1) Price and marginal cost2) Price and marginal utility

3) Average cost and marginal cost4) Total cost and marginal cost

Ans: 1
Q. The rate of inflation in India is measured generally in respect of movement in -

1) Consumer price index2) Wholesale price index

3) Cost of living index for agriculture labour4) Money supply

Ans: 1
Q. Mean Deviation is always -

1) Equal to standard deviation2) Less than the standard deviation

3) More than the standard deviation4) Twice of the standard deviation

Ans: 2
Q. The finance commission in India is -

1) An autonomous body2) An advisory body3) A constitutional body4) A statutory body

Ans: 3
Q. Under classical assumptions the aggregated supply curve of an economy is -

1) Upward sloping2) Downward sloping3) Horizontal straight line4) Vertical straight line

Ans: 1
Q. Primary deficit is defined as -

1) Budget deficit - Interest payments2) Fiscal deficit - Interest payments

3) Budget deficit - Public borrowings4) Budget deficit + Public borrowings
Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following is the revenue expenditure of government?

1) Payment of interest2) Purchase of a building

3) Purchase of a machine4) Loans to State government

Ans: 1
Q. Indira Gandhi Nahar originates from -

1) Bhakhra dam2) Pong dam3) Harike dam4) Hirakud dam

Ans: 3
Q. Selective credit control is a tool of -

1) Fiscal policy 2) Import policy3) Monetary policy4) Income policy

Ans: 3
Q. Who was the first Hindi writer to receive Jnanpith Award?

1) Dr. Randhari Singh Dinkar2) S. H. Vatsyayan

3) Mahadevi Verma4) Sumitranandan Pant

Ans: 4
Q. The Buddhist monk who spread Buddhism in Tibet was -

1) Asanga2) Padmasambhava3) Nagarjuna4) Ananda

Ans: 2
Q. International Girl Child Day celebrate on

1) 8th October2) 11th October 3) 10th October4) 9th October

Ans: 2
Q. The 'Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana' launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on -

1) 2nd October 20142) 5th October 20143) 11th October 20144) 10th October 2014

Ans: 3
Q. To improve access of the poor to banking, RBI has advised banks to open branches with
minimum infrastructure supporting up to 8 to 10 Business Correspondents (BC) at a 3-4 kms.
Such branches are known as -

1) Micro Branches2) Nodal Branches3) Mini Branches4) Ultra Small Branches

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following statements regarding the "Direct Benefits" Transfer Scheme(DBT) of
the Government of India is not true?

1) The Scheme covers LPG subsidies, pension payments ans scholarships

2) Indirect transfers of benefits are more prone to leakage than direct transfer
3) Under DBT money is directly transferred into bank accounts of beneficiaries
4) The scheme is likely to increase the subsidy bill of the Government

Ans: 4
Q. "World Food Day" is celebrated every year on -

1) 16th October2) 12th August3) 4th July4) 18th May

Ans: 1
Q. As per 2011 Census, which of the following Indian States has the lowest population density?

1) Nagaland 2) Manipur 3) Arunachal Pradesh 4) Meghalaya

Ans: 3
Q. A Bank's "Fixed Deposit" is also referred to as a -

1) Saving Bank Deposit 2) Term Deposit 3) Current Deposit4) Demand Deposit

Ans: 2
Q. "Make in India" initiative launch on -

1) 23rd September 20142) 24th September 2014

3) 25th September 20144) 26th September 2014

Ans: 3
Q. The Earth's annual circuit round the Sun covers a distance of -

1) 896 million km2) 1038 million km3) 996 million km4) 1098 million km

Ans: 3
Q. Maximum strength of Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha respectively are

1) 542 & 2502) 552 & 2503) 542 & 2754) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Silk is the secretion of -

1) Salivary Glands2) Thoracic Glands3) Abdominal Glands4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. The Indian Parliament consists of -

1) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha & the President2) Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
3) Lok Sabha & State Assemblies4) Lok Sabha Only

Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following Fundamental Rights was included as per the 93rd amendment of
the Indian constitution?
A. Right to Constitutional Remedies
B. Right to Free and Compulsory Education for all children in the age group of 6 to 14
C. Right to Equality
D. Right to Freedom of Religion

1) A2) B3) C4) D

Ans: 2
Q. Noted Hindi novelist who wrote "Tamas" is -
1) Shivani2) Shobha De3) Munshi Premchand4) Bhishma Sahni

Ans: 4
Q. Who killed the Sikh Guru Arjun Dev?

1) Akbar2) Jahangir3) Babar4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following is the ore of iron?

1) Haematite2) Magnetite3) Bauxite4) Smaltite

Ans: 1
Q. A device which converts AC into DC is known as -

1) Transformer2) Amplifier3) Rectifier4) Stabiliser

Ans: 3
Q. Name the river that does not originate in Western Ghats -

1) Kaveri2) Vaigai3) Barak4) Godavari

Ans: 3
Q. "Ruhr of India" known for its rich coal deposits is in the State of

1) Madhya Pradesh2) Jharkhand3) West Bengal4) Bihar

Ans: 2
Q. Who was the last Governor General of India?

1) Lord Mountbatten2) C. Rajagopalachari3) Lord Wavel4) Surendra Nath Banerjee

Ans: 2
Q. The age of the solar system is

1) 7.8 billion years2) 3.2 billion years3) 3.8 billion years4) 4.6 billion years

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is not correct?

1) MSP - Minimum Support Price2) NGT - National Green Tribunal

3) BSF - Border Security Force4) PIL - Public Introduced Litigation

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is a commercial crop?

1) Cotton2) Bajra3) Jowar4) Paddy

Ans: 1
Q. The credit of construction of first nuclear reactor goes to -

1) Niels Bohr2) Fermi3) Einstein4) Oppenheimer

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following react to produce urea?

1) Ammonium Chloride + Calcium sulphae

2) Carbon dioxide + Ammonia
3) Acetic acid + Ammonia
4) Methane + Carbon Monoxide

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following is not a national holiday?

1) 2nd October2) 15th Aughtst3) 26th January4) 25th December

Ans: 4
Q. Which is not a component of to qualify the 'Green Embassy'?

1) Rain water harvesting system

2) Installation of solar panels on the roof
3) Installation of air treatment filter in the office ventilation system
4) Daily disposal of garbage generated in the embassy

Ans: 3
Q. Which tree is referred to as 'Subabul' -

1) Prosopis juliflora2) Leucaena leucocephala3) Albizzia lebbeck4) Pithecolobium saman

Ans: 2
Q. The snow leopard population in India is not found in -

1) Jammu and Kashmir2) Arunachal Pradesh3) Himachal Pradesh4) Western Ghats

Ans: 4
Q. 'CEPI' stands for -

1) Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index

2) Council of Environmental Pollution of India
3) Centre of Environmental Pollution Indiana
4) Centre of Environmental Pollution and Industries

Ans: 1
Q. The percentage of carbon in steel is -

1) 3 to 52) 0.1 to 0.253) 0.5 to 1.54) 6 to 8

Ans: 3
Q. Essential oils contain

1) Alkaloids2) Terpenoids3) Porpoise4) Steroids

Ans: 2
Q. What could be the function attributed to the transfusion tissue found in Cycas leaflets?

1) Mechanical2) Conduction3) Storage4) Photosynthesis

Ans: 2
Q. A compound used in medicine as a pain killer is -

1) Urotropine2) Chloroform3) Aspirin4) Ethyl alcohol

Ans: 3
Q. Ubuntu is basically -

1) a high level language2) an operating system

3) an input device4) a machine language

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following communication modes support two-ways traffic, but in only one
direction at a time?

1) Simpelx2) Half-duplex3) Full-duplex4) Three-quarter duples

Ans: 2
Q. Angular momentum is equal to -

1) moment of inertia x angular velocity2) mass x angular velocity

3) linear velocity x angular velocity4) mass x linear velocity

Ans: 1
Q. In photoelectric emission, the energy of emitted electron is -

1) same as that of incident photon2) larger than that of incident photon

3) less than that of incident photon4) proportional to the intensity of incident light

Ans: 4
Q. The least distance of distinct vision is -

1) 35 cm2) 25 cm3) 45 cm4) 15 cm

Ans: 2
Q. The first postage stamp was issued in -

1) Varanasi2) Karachi3) Allahabad4) Mumbai

Ans: 2
Q. Branch of Biology deals with extinct organisms -

1) Palynology2) Phylogency3) Palawobotany4) Palaeontology

Ans: 4
Q. Triticum aestivum, the common bread wheat is -

1) Tetraploid2) Hexaploid3) Haploid4) Diploid

Ans: 2
Q. The other name for phloem is -

1) Wood2) Sclereid3) Fibre4) Bast

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following is both a local anesthetic as well as a stimulant?

1) Cocaine2) Alcohol3) Heroin4) Quinine

Ans: 1
Q. The author of 'Philosophic Zoologique' is -

1) Lamarck2) Darwin3) Aristotle4) Morgan

Ans: 1
Q. The word CNG in the transport network system stands for -

1) Chlorine Natural Gas2) Commercial Natural Gas

3) Compressed Natural Gas4) Condensed Natural Gas

Ans: 3
Q. Border roads are built solely with the purpose of maintaining -

1) trade ties with neighbouring countries2) tourism

3) security of the country4) religious ties with other countries

Ans: 3
Q. In spite of being located at lower latitude than Amritsar, Shimla colder because -

1) in Shimla it snows heavily2) in Shimla air pressure is higher

3) it is at a higher altitude4) Shimla receives heavy rainfall

Ans: 3
Q. Price rigidity is the feature of -

1) Perfect competitive competition2) Monopoly

3) Oligopoly4) Monopolistic competition

Ans: 3
Q. Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation are the aims of -

1) Economic Planning2) Socialistic pattern of society

3) Land Reforms4) Economic Reforms

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following committees examined and suggested financial sector reforms in

1) Bhagawati Committee2) Abid Hussain Committee

3) Narsimham Committee4) Chelliah Committee

Ans: 3
Q. 2015 cricket World Cup is held in -

1) England2) Australia and New Zealand3) South Africa4) West Indies

Ans: 2
Q. In Uttar Pradesh IT City is being established in -

1) Allahabad2) Kanpur3) Lucknow4) Varanasi

Ans: 3
Q. The Chinese new year beginning from February 10, 2013 is known as the -

1) Year of Dragon2) Year of Horse3) Year of Ox4) Year of Snake

Ans: 4
Q. According to a report published recently by 'Stockholm Research Peace International
Institute', the biggest arms importing country is the world is -

1) China2) India3) Pakistan4) South Korea

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right?

1) Right to Equality2) Right Against Exploitation

3) Right to Property4) Right to Freedom of Religion

Ans: 3
Q. The objective to Indian Constitution is reflected in which of the following?

1) Fundamental Rights2) Preamble of the Constitution

3) Directive Principles of State Policy4) Parliament

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

1) Lipulekh Uttarakhand2) Nathula - Arunachal Pradesh

3) Rohtang - Himachal Pradesh4) Plaghat - Kerala

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following Aluminium Companies has been given 'Navaratna Status' by


Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1) Nangal Dam - Sutlej river2) Sardar Sarovar - Narmada river

3) Nagarjun Sagar - Godavari river4) Hirakud Dam - Mahanadi

Ans: 3
Q. India has been divided into how many Seismic Risk Zones?

1) 52) 63) 74) 4

Ans: 1
Q. The largest proven oil reserved of the world lies in -

1) Venezuela2) Saudi Arabia3) Iran4) Iraq

Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following is not temperate grass land?
1) Savanna2) Pampas3) Veld4) Down

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following regions is the original habitat of 'Toda Tribe'?

1) Jaunsar Hills2) Garo Hills3) Niligiri Hills4) Jaintia Hills

Ans: 3
Q. The longest rock tunnel of the world is located is -

1) Finland2) Greenland3) Japan4) Sweden

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following cities of California (USA) is not located within the 'Silicon

1) Campbell2) Palo Alto3) Santa Rosa4) Santa Clara

Ans: 3
Q. Indicate the wrong pair among the following -

1) Kanpur Leather2) Varanasi Cement3) Meerut Sugar4) Saharanpur - Paper

Ans: 2
Q. The rate of interest at which Reserve Bank of India lends short term funds to the Commercial
Banks is known as -

1) Repo Rate2) Reverse Repo Rate3) Prime Lending Rate (PLR)4) None of the above

Ans: 1
Q. The most appropriate measure of a country's economic growth is -

1) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)2) Net Domestic Product

3) Net National Product4) Per Capita Product

Ans: 1
Q. A letter of credit is produced by -

1) an exporter2) an importer3) Coustom authorities4) Shipping company

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following does not contribute to the rural economy?

1) Pastoralism2) Cottage industry

3) Practice of lending personal money4) Accessibility of good tools

Ans: 3
Q. Market is an economic leads to which of the following trends?

1) Individualism2) Consumerism3) Holism4) Capitalism

Ans: 2
Q. When was Forest Conservation Act passed in India?
1) 19782) 19793) 19804) 1981

Ans: 3
Q. Poverty level in India is established on the basis of -

1) Per capita income in different states2) Household average income

3) Household consumer expenditure4) Slum population in the country

Ans: 1
Q. Which among the following committee's recommendations are used for estimating the
poverty line in India?

1) Dutt Committee2) Lakdawala Committee

3) Chelliah Committee4) Chakravarty Comittee

Ans: 2
Q. The film 'Kai Po Che' is based on the novel -

1) Lashkar2) The Loving Dool3) The Story of My Marriage4) The 3 Mistakes of My Life

Ans: 4
Q. Under the Nuclear Power Projects, Environmental Effects that have to be studied and
resolved are -

1) Radioactive contamination of air, soil and water

2) Deforestation and loss of flora and fauna
3) Radioactive waste disposal
4) All of the above

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following countries has the lower density of population?

1) Canada2) Finland3) Norway4) Russia

Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following States of India has the highest urban density of population?

1) Maharashtra2) Punjab3) Tamil Nadu4) West Bengal

Ans: 1
Q. The modern Brahmos Supersonic Missile like technology has been developed by India in
collaboration with -

1) U. S. A.2) Russia3) France4) Japan

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following SI units is not correctly matched?

1) Work Joule2) Mass Kg3) Force Newton4) Pressure - Dyne

Ans: 4
Q. An air bubble in water will act like a -

1) Convex mirror2) Concave lens3) Concave mirror4) Convex lens

Ans: 4
Q. The highest temperature attained by a super conductor is -

1) 24 K2) 133 K3) 150 K4) 300 K

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following vitamins is helpful in keeping a dream in memory for a longer

1) Vitamin A2) Vitamin D3) Vitamin B-64) Vitamin C

Ans: 3
Q. 'One Dive' is the name of Cloud Computing Service of which one of the following

1) Apple2) Yahoo3) Microsoft4) Google

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollution?

1) Diesel2) Coal3) Hydrogen4) Kerosene

Ans: 3
Q. The radio isotope used in the detection of tumour is -

1) Arsenic 742) Cobalt 603) Sodium 244) Carbon - 14

Ans: 2
Q. Hekistotherms are plants growing in -

1) bright light2) high temperature3) very low temperature4) very low light

Ans: 3
Q. DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics Research Centre is situated at -

1) Pune2) New Delhi3) Hyderabad4) Kolkata

Ans: 3
Q. The hormone related to drought tolerance is -

1) Abscisic acid2) Gibberellin3) Indole Acetic acid4) Cytokinin

Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following animals has three chambered heart?

1) Monkey2) Crocodile3) Fish4) Frog

Ans: 4
Q. The Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage is located at -

1) Ahmedabad2) Hyderabad3) Faridabad4) New Delhi

Ans: 3
Q. The member of Agro-Climatic Zones in U.P. is -

1) 52) 73) 94) 11

Ans: 3
Q. When the total product remains constant, the marginal product will be -

1) Zero2) Negative3) Positive4) Constant

Ans: 1
Q. Demand of agricultural products is found to be -

1) Elastic2) Zero elastic3) Inelastic4) Infinite elastic

Ans: 1
Q. Drawfing gene in Wheat is -

1) Norin -102) Dee-gee-woo-gee3) Opaque-24) None of the above

Ans: 1
Q. The National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research is located at -

1) New Delhi2) Kolkata3) Hyderabad4) Bhopal

Ans: 1
Q. 'AGMARK' is related with -

1) Processing2) Quality3) Packaging4) None of the above

Ans: 2
Q. The virus responsible for AIDS is an example of -

1) Adeno virus2) Mosaic virus3) T-even virus4) Retro virus

Ans: 4
Q. Desert plants are generally -

1) Viviparous2) Succulent3) Herbaceous4) Heterophyllous

Ans: 2
Q. Food Poisoning (Botulism) is caused by infection of a species of -

1) Azotobacter2) Lacto bacillus3) Clostridium4) Rhizobium

Ans: 3
Q. The apparatus used for detecting lie is known as -

1) Polygraph2) Pyrometer3) Gyroscope4) Kymograph

Ans: 1
Q. Chlorophyll contains -

1) Iron2) Copper3) Magnesium4) Manganese

Ans: 3
Q. Yeast is an example of -

1) bacteria2) fungus3) virus4) algae

Ans: 2
Q. Which type of market is suitable for vegetable crops?

1) Short term2) Very short term3) Long term4) Very long term

Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

1) The first Newspaper Published from India -- The Bengal Gazette

2) Founder of All India Harijan Sangh -- Mahatma Gandhi
3) Active participants of Gadar Movement -- Hardayal, Baba Harnam Singh and Tundilat
4) Governor General of Bengal at the time of passing of Pitt's India Act -- Lord Minto

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1) Lord Dalhousie - Annexation of Avadh

2) Lord Dufferin - Eastablishment of Indian National Congress
3) Lord William Bentinck - Passing of the Charter Act, 1833
4) Lord Lyttoon: Beginning of first Anglo -- Afghan War

Ans: 4
Q. The campaign for window remarriage in Maharashtra was led by -

1) Vishnu Parashuram Pandit2) B. M. Malabari

3) Gopal Hari Deshmukh4) Dadabhai Naoroji

Ans: 3
Q. French East India Company was formed during reign of -

1) Louis XIII2) Louis XIV3) Louis XV4) Louis XVI

Ans: 2
Q. Who among the following threw a bomb in the Central Legislative Assembly on April 8,
1929 to make the deaf British Government hear?
1. Bhagat Singh2. Sukhdev3. Rajguru4. Batukeshwar Data
Select the answer from the code give below:

1) 1 and 22) 2 and 33) 1 and 34) 1 and 4

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

1) Lajpat Rai - Poverty and Unbritish Rule in India

2) Dadabhai Naoroji - Unhappy India
3) Rafiq Zakaria - The Man Who Divided India
4) Subhas Chandra Bose - Guilty Men of India's Partition

Ans: 3
Q. Who among the following had welcomed Vasco-da-Gama at Calicut?
1) Gasper Correa2) Albuquerque3) Zamorin4) Don Almaida

Ans: 3
Q. The propounder of 'Filtration Theory' in India's education policy was -

1) Charles Wood2) Macaulay3) J. S. Mill4) Cornwallis

Ans: 2
Q. On whose suggestion were the Indians kept out of the Simon Commission?

1) Lord Reading2) Lord Chelmsford3) Sir John Simon4) Lord Irwin

Ans: 3
Q. Consider the following statements:
1. The Arya Samaj was founded in 1875.
2. 'Al Hilal' was published by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
3. Lala Lajpat Rai was not associated with the paper 'The People.'
4. The famous Presidency College (former Hindu college) of Calcutta was established by Raja
Ram Mohan Roy.
Of these statements:

1) Only 1 and 2 are correct2) Only 2 and 3 are correct

3) Only 1, 2 and 4 are correct4) Only 1, 2 and 3 are correct

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1) Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography was originally written in Gujarati Language

2) Saddler Commission is associated with Education
3) Hindu College Calcutta is the first institution to help in spreading English Education in India
4) Lala Lajpat Rai was never elected as President of Indian National Congress

Ans: 4
Q. The year of Bengal Famine in which millions of people died is -

1) 19422) 19433) 19444) 1945

Ans: 2
Q. The system of proportional representation as an electoral mechanism ensures -

1) majority rule2) stability in Government

3) common political thinking4) representation of minorities

Ans: 1
Q. Who resigned from Viceroy's Executive Council as a protest against Jallianwala Bagh

1) Mahatma Gandhi2) Rabindra Nath Tagore3) Shankaran Nayar4) Jamnalal Bajaj

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

1) The total number of Articles in the Constitution of India is 395

2) Finance Commission is constituted under Article 280 of the constitution of India
3) Madam Cama was the first woman President of Indian National Congress
4) 'Politics in India' is the Pioneering Research Study of Rajni Kothari

Ans: 3
Q. After the formation of ministries in the provinces in 1937, congress rule lasted for -

1) 28 months2) 29 months3) 30 months4) 31 months

Ans: 1
Q. Who called Bal Gangadhar Tilak the 'Father of Indian Unrest'?

1) Lord Curzon2) Vincent Smith3) Valentine Chirol4) Henry Cotton

Ans: 3
Q. 'Indian War of Independence 1857' was written by -

1) V. D. Savarkar2) R.C. Majumdar3) S. N. Sen4) S. B. Choudhari

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following states does not has RRB?

1) Jharkhand2) Telengana3) Goa4) Uttarakhand

Ans: 3
Q. Sourav Kothari was recently in news. He is associated with?

1) Squash2) Billiards3) Tennis4) Chess

Ans: 2
Q. Under the Preventive Detention Act, a person can be arrested without trial for -

1) 1 month2) 3 month3) 6 month4) 9 month

Ans: 2
Q. The Officers of the Parliament include -
1. Speaker, Lok Sabha
2. Dy. Speaker, Lok Sabha
Secretary General of Lok Sabha
Chairman of Rajya Sabha Select the correct answer from the code given below:

1) Only 1 and 22) Only 1, 2 and 33) Only 1, 3 and 44) All the four

Ans: 4
Q. The Supreme Court of India has propounded the doctrine of basic structure of the
Constitution in which of the following cases?

1) Golaknath Vs Punjab State2) Sajjan Singh Vs Rajasthan State

3) Keshavanand Bharti Vs Kerala State4) Shankari Prasad Vs Indian Union

Ans: 2
Q. A thermostat is a device for -

1) Switching off an electrical appliance2) Measuring temperature

3) Regulating temperature4) Producing Heat
Ans: 3
Q. A football bounces when it falls on the ground, because -

1) It is made up of Rubber2) It is hollow

3) It is very light and is able to overcome the resistance of air4) Of its property of elasticity

Ans: 4
Q. Raindrops are spherical due to -

1) Viscosity of water2) Surface tension3) Continuous evaporation4) Air friction

Ans: 2
Q. Atmospheric pressure is measured with a -

1) Hydrometer2) Barometer3) Hygrometer4) Altimeter

Ans: 2
Q. A person climbing a hill bends forward in order to -

1) Avoid slipping2) Increase speed 3) Reduce fatigue4) Increase stability

Ans: 4
Q. Conservation of energy means that -

1) Energy can be created as well as destroyed

2) Energy can be created, but not destroyed
3) Energy cannot be created, but can be destroyed
4) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed

Ans: 4
Q. A sheet of paper can be pulled out quickly from under a glass of water without spilling the
water. This phenomenon illustrates -

1) Lack of friction between paper and glass2) Newton's third law of motion
3) Inertia4) Acceleration

Ans: 3
Q. On finds it more difficult to walk on ice than on a concrete road because -

1) Ice is soft and spongy where as concrete is hard

2) the friction between the ice and the feet is less than that between the concrete and the feet
3) There is more friction on ice than on concrete
4) None of the above

Ans: 2
Q. A person weighs more in a lift, which is -

1) Moving up with a constant velocity2) Moving down with a constant velocity

3) Accelerating upward4) Accelerating downward

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following contributes the maximum to the greenhouse effect?

1) Carbon dioxide2) Water vapour3) Methane4) Nitrous oxide

Ans: 1
Q. Forest fires are natural sources of -

1) Carbon monoxide2) Hydrocarbons

3) Hydrogen sulphide4) Nitrogen dioxide

Ans: 1
Q. ATP stands for -

1) Adenosine triphosphate2) Alanine triphosphate

3) Adrenalin triphosphate4) Asparagine triphosphate

Ans: 1
Q. Gall bladder stones are deposits of -

1) Calcium2) Phosphorus3) Glucose4) Cholesterol

Ans: 4
Q. Carotene is found in -

1) Lemon2) Carrot3) Radish4) Turnip

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following affects Biodiversity?

1) Environmental Pollution2) Ocean acidification

3) Climate change4) All of the above

Ans: 4
Q. The International year of Biodiversity was -

1) 20062) 20103) 19964) 1999

Ans: 2
Q. The Election Commission is responsible for the conduct of Elections to -

1) The Parliament2) State legislatures3) The offices of President and Vice-President

4) All of the above

Ans: 4
Q. Monoculture is a typical characteristics of -

1) Shifting cultivation2) Subsitence farming

3) Specialized horticulture4) Commercial grain farming

Ans: 4
Q. The Satellite launching centre of Indian Space Research Organization is in -

1) Thiruvananthapuram2) Bengaluru3) Thumaba4) Sriharikota

Ans: 4
Q. Who prepares to topographical maps of India?

1) Geological survey of India2) Survey of India

3) Defence Ministry4) Geographical survey of India

Ans: 2
Q. In Which state is silent valley located?

1) Tamil Nadu2) Kerala3) Assam4) Arunachal Pradesh

Ans: 2
Q. Where is Kalpakkam?

1) Uttar pradesh2) Maharashtra3) Gujarat4) Tamil Nadu

Ans: 4
Q. Kothagudem thermal power project is located in -

1) Bihar2) West Bengal3) Andhra Pradesh4) Madhya Pradesh

Ans: 3
Q. On which river is the Nagarjunasagar project located?

1) Krishna2) Godavari3) Cauvery4) Tapi

Ans: 1
Q. Which crop requires water-logging for its cultivation?

1) Tea2) Coffee3) Rice4) Mustard

Ans: 3
Q. Kaziranga wildlife reserve is in -

1) Uttar Pradesh2) Tamil Nadu3) Assam4) Kerala

Ans: 3
Q. Why are plants grown along river banks?

1) To prevent floods2) To provide shade

3) To reduce silting and erosion4) To control pollution

Ans: 3
Q. Which is an area of Tropical ever green forests?

1) The Western ghats2) The Eastern ghats

3) The Western Himalayas4) Madhya Pradesh

Ans: 1
Q. Trees shed their leaves in winter season to -

1) Conserve heat2) Take rest after the summer growth

3) Conserve water4) Escape being eaten by animals

Ans: 1
Q. Which country is the leading producer of Uranium?

1) Canada2) Russia3) France4) India

Ans: 1
Q. Which region is most famous for citrus fruits?

1) Deserts2) Monsoon regions 3) Temperate grasslands4) Mediterranean regions

Ans: 4
Q. Hail consists of -

1) Granular ice2) Crystals of ice3) Water droplets4) Masses of ice with concentric layers

Ans: 4
Q. What is measured by the sling Psychrometer?

1) Temperature2) Humidity3) Pressure4) Wind velocity

Ans: 2
Q. Snowfall occurs when -

1) Water droplets freeze as they fall the the ground

2) Rain drops are carried up by updroughts in air
3) Dew points of air is below freezing point
4) Air is highly most and rises due to convection

Ans: 3
Q. BRICS Bank's head office established in -

1) Brazil2) India3) China4) Russia

Ans: 3
Q. Rangarajan Panel re-determined the new poverty line. According to this panel, the population
below the poverty line in 2011-12 stays at -

1) 33.6%2) 26%3) 22.6%4) 29.5%

Ans: 4
Q. The term "Gambit" is used in the game is -

1) Tennis2) Badminton3) Chess4) Squash

Ans: 3
Q. Durbey Cup associated with the Game -

1) Polo2) Horse Race3) Golf4) Formula One

Ans: 2
Q. NABARD was established on the recommendations of -

1) Mehta Committee2) Kelkar Committee3) Narsimham Committee4) Shah Committee

Ans: 3
Q. After independence, the first state organized on the basis of language age is -
1) Punjab2) Andhra Pradesh3) Gujarat4) Karnataka

Ans: 2
Q. Who is the newly elected President of Afghanistan?

1) Hamid Karzai2) Abdullah Abdullah3) Ramazan Bashardost4) Ashraf Ghani

Ans: 4
Q. Which country of the world ranks first in milk production in 2014-15?

1) India2) Russia3) Germany4) Canada

Ans: 1
Q. The Silkworm Research and Training Institution under the Central Silk Broad in India are
administered by the Union Ministry of -

1) Forest and Tribal Welfare2) Forest and Tribal Welfare

3) Agricultural and Rural Development4) Commerce and Textile

Ans: 4
Q. A woman who rents her womb to produce a child for others is known as -

1) Biological mother2) Step mother3) Surrogate mother4) Foster mother

Ans: 3
Q. Where do the sunrays leave India?

1) Gujarat2) Pondicherry3) Goa4) Andaman

Ans: 1
Q. Name the story written by Rabindranath Tagore?

1) Unto the Last2) Al-Balagh3) Akash4) Kabuliwallah

Ans: 4
Q. Bhangra is a popular folk dance of -

1) Haryana2) Chandigarh3) Punjab4) Gujarat

Ans: 3
Q. Who has been appointed the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee of Lok Sabha for

1) Mallikarjun Kharge2) Veerappa Moily 3) K. V. Thomas4) Captain Amrinder Singh

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following is a great circle?

1) Tropic of cancer2) Tropic of capricon3) Equator4) Arctic circle

Ans: 3
Q. One Astronomical unit is the average distance between -
1) Earth and the Sun2) Earth and the Moon
3) Jupiter and the Sun4) Mars and the Sun

Ans: 1
Q. Who gave Vallabhbhai Pael the title of Sardar?

1) C. Rajagopalachari2) M. K. Gandhi3) J.L. Nehru4) M.a. Jinnah

Ans: 2
Q. The first Satyagraha campaign of Gandhiji was started at -

1) Champaran2) Bardoli3) Dandi4) Baroda

Ans: 1
Q. Raja Rammohan Roy was not connected with -

1) The abolition of Sati2) Widow remarriage

3) The Promotion of English4) Sanskrit education

Ans: 4
Q. The famous court poet of Akbar was -

1) Birbal2) Tulsidas3) Bairam Khan4) Rahim

Ans: 4
Q. The remains of the Vijayanagar empire can be found in -

1) Bijapur2) Golconda3) Hampi4) Boroda

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following sets of elements was primarily responsible for the origin of life
on the earth?

1) Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sodium2) Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen

3) Oxygen, Calcium, Phosphorus4) Carbon, Hydrogen, Potassium

Ans: 2
Q. A genetically engineered form of brinjal known as the BT-brinjal has been developed. The
objective of this is -

1) To make it pest resistant2) To improve its taste and nutritive qualities

3) To make it drought resistant4) To make its shelf life longer

Ans: 1
Q. Which one of the following is not a site for in situ method of conservation of flora?

1) Biosphere Reserve2) Botanical Garden3) National Park4) Wildlife Sanctuary

Ans: 2
Q. Under the Constitution of India which one of the following is not a fundamental duty?

1) to vote in public elections2) to develop the scientific temper

3) to safeguard public property4) to abide by the Constitution and respect its ideals
Ans: 1
Q. The function of heavy water in a nuclear reactor is to -

1) Slow down the speed of neutrons2) Increase the speed of neutrons

3) Cool down the reactor4) Stop the nuclear reaction

Ans: 1
Q. The Policy of Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation was announced as New
Economic Policy by Prime Minister -

1) Rajeev Gandhi2) Vishwa Nath Pratap Singh3) Narsimha Rao4) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Ans: 3
Q. Regular intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended in the diet since they are a good
source of antioxidants. How do antioxidants help a person maintain health and promote

1) The activate the enzymes necessary for vitamin synthesis in the body an help avoid
unnecessary wastage of energy
2) They prevent excessive oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body and help
avoid unnecessary wastage of energy
3) They neutralise free radicals produced in the body during metabolism
4) The activate certain genes in the cells of the body and help delay the ageing process

Ans: 3
Q. Which one of the following observations is not true about the Quit India Movement of 1942?

1) It was a non-violent movement2) It was led by Mahatma Gandhi

3) It was a spontaneous movement4) It did not attract the labour class in general

Ans: 1
Q. Cooking gas is a mixture of -

1) Carbonmonoxide and carbondioxide2) Butane and Propane

3) Methane and Ethylene4) Carbondioxide and Oxygen

Ans: 2
Q. Lime water contains -

1) Sodium hydroxide2) Calcium hydroxide3) Sodium carbonate4) Calcium chloride

Ans: 2
Q. Washing soda is -

1) Sodium chloride2) Hydrated sodium carbonate

3) Sodium bicarbonate4) Calcium carbonate

Ans: 2
Q. Common salt is obtained from seawater by the process of -

1) Sublimation2) Evaporation3) Crystalization4) Filtration

Ans: 2
Q. Foot and Mouth disease occurs in -
1) Cattle2) Cattle and Sheep3) Cattle and Pigs4) Cattle, Sheep and Wine

Ans: 3
Q. The naturally occurring anticoagulant in the human blood is -

1) Hirudin2) Heparin3) Fibrinogen4) Serotonin

Ans: 2
Q. Chocolates can be bad for health because of a high content of -

1) Cobalt2) Nickel3) Zinc4) Lead

Ans: 2
Q. The term 'gene' for the factors controlling heredity was coined by -

1) Gregor-Mendal
2) Hugo de vries
3) T.H. Morgan
4) W. Johannsen

View Answer

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following spices is obtained from flower buds?

1) Clove2) Cumin3) Nutmeg4) Coriander

Ans: 1
Q. Lichen is a symbiotic association between an alga and which one of the following?

1) A bacterium2) Fungus3) Liverwort4) Fern

Ans: 2
Q. Bacteriophages -

1) A kind of soil bacteria2) Bacteria growing in phases

3) Parasitic bacteria infecting man4) Virus infecting bacteria

Ans: 4
Q. The Mammal that lays eggs is -

1) Kangaroo2) Duck-billed platypus3) Opossum4) Other

Ans: 2
Q. Agronomy is a branch of Agriculture that deals with -

1) Breeding of crop plants2) Principles of field management

3) Principles and practice of crop production4) Protection of crops from Diseases and Pests

Ans: 3
Q. A prokaryote is -

1) a single celled organism

2) a hard and stony fruit
3) an organism lacking membrane bound nucleus in its cells
4) None of the above

Ans: 3
Q. The International Rice Research Institute is based in -

1) Australia2) Mexico3) Nigeria4) Philippines

Ans: 4
Q. Cryogenic engines fined applications in -

1) Sub-marine propulsion2) Frost free refrigerators

3) Rocket technology4) Superconductivity

Ans: 3
Q. A device used for converting A. C. into D. C. is called -

1) Transformer2) Rectifier3) Induction coil4) Dynamo

Ans: 2
Q. Radioactivity is a property of -

1) Atomic nuclei2) Excited electrons3) X-rays4) Ultraviolet light

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following are Einstein's discoveries?

1) Photoelectric affect and X-rays

2) Radioactivity and the theory of relativity
3) Photoelectric effect and the theory of relativity
4) Radioactivity and X-rays

Ans: 3
Q. The age of the earth can be estimated by -

1) Uranium dating2) Carbon dating3) Atomic clocks4) Biological clocks

Ans: 1
Q. Radioactivity has applications in -

1) Medicine2) Agriculture3) Industry4) All of these

Ans: 4
Q. The nucleus of an atom contains -

1) Protons and Neutrons2) Protons and Electrons

3) Neutrons and Electrons4) Only Neutrons

Ans: 1
Q. An electric bulb has a filament made of -

1) Copper2) Iron3) Lead4) Tungsten

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following devices converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?

1) Dynamo2) Transformer3) Electric motor4) Inductor

Ans: 3
Q. The surface of a lake is frozen in severe winter, but the water at its bottom is still liquid.
What is the reason?

1) Ice is a bad conductor of heat

2) Since the surface of the lake is at the same temperature as the air, no heat is lost
3) The density of water is maximum at 4C
4) None of the above

Ans: 3
Q. The Red Data Books published by the International Union for Conservation of nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN) contains lists of -

1) Endemic plant and animal species present in the biodiversity hotsposts

2) Threatened plant and animal species
3) Protected sites for conservation of nature and natural resources in various countries
4) None of the above

Ans: 2
Q. The term pH denotes the -

1) Temperature of solution2) Vapour pressure of solution

3) Acidity or Basicity of solution4) Ionic strength of solution

Ans: 3
Q. DDT is the name of a chemical that can be used as a/an -

1) Antiseptic2) Insecticide3) Antibiotic4) Fertilizer

Ans: 2
Q. Haemoglobin is -

1) The colouring matter of leaves of plants

2) The colouring matter of Blood
3) A compound present in Milk
4) A compound that transmits signal to the Brain

Ans: 2
Q. "The Lives of Others" book is written by -

1) Salman Rushdie2) Kaavya Viswanathan

3) Jhumpa Lahiri4) Neel Mukherjee

Ans: 4
Q. RTI extends to the whole of India except the State of -

1) Himachal Pradesh2) Sikkim3) Arunachal Pradesh4) Jammu and Kashmir

Ans: 4
Q. What is the tag line of "Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana"?
1) Mera Khata Mera Naam2) Mera Khata Bhagya Vidhata
3) Mera Khata Anna Daata4) Mera Khata Mera Pahechan

Ans: 2
Q. Who is the official Interlocutor and Government of India Representative for Naga Peace

1) Shri Shiv Shankar Menon2) Shri Shyam Sharan

3) Shri R. N. Ravi4) Shri Sharad Kumar

Ans: 3
Q. Which vitamins are those which if taken in excess can be dangerous as they are stored in the

1) B Complex2) E and C 3) B and C4) A and D

Ans: 4
Q. "Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana" is launched on -

1) 24th August 20142) 26th August 2014

3) 27th August 20144) 28th August 2014

Ans: 4
Q. First Hindu-American to enter in the US House of Representative as senator is -

1) Tulsi Gabbard2) Sunita Williams3) Ami Bera4) Jyoti Sengupta

Ans: 1
Q. "Whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you, I have learned from you. You
have made me a better President", was said by -

1) Pranab Mukherjee2) Barack Obama3) George Bush4) APJ Abdul Kalam

Ans: 2
Q. Hypothermia occurs due to loss of excessive heat from body due to sudden low body
temperature in -

1) Snakes2) Frogs3) Human beings 4) Lizards

Ans: 3
Q. Non Resident Indians (NRI) day is marked on -

1) January 7 2) January 9 3) January 174) January 19

Ans: 2
Q. The hormone used as an oral contraceptive is -

1) Aldesterone 2) Cortisone3) Progesterone4) Testosterone

Ans: 3
Q. Ethanol containing 5% water is known as -

1) Absolute alcohol2) Dilute alcohol3) Power alcohol4) Rectified spirit

Ans: 4
Q. The percentage of nitrogen present in ammonia sulphate is -

1) 18%2) 21%3) 25%4) 30.5%

Ans: 2
Q. Stains Of rust on clothes can be removed by -

1) H2O22) Oxalic acid3) Petrol4) Alcohol

Ans: 2
Q. Identify the odd term amongst the following group -

1) Coaxial cable 2) Optical cable3) Twisted pair wire 4) Microwaves

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is an impact printer?

1) Daisy wheel printer2) Ink-jet printer

3) Bubble-jet printer4) Laser printer

Ans: 1
Q. What type of information system would be recognised by digital circuits?

1) Hexadecimal system 2) Binary system

3) Both hexadecimal and binary system 4) Only Roman system

Ans: 2
Q. Communication satellite are used to -

1) transmit communication signal only2) receives communication signal only

3) receive and redirect communication signal 4) provide information of natural resources only

Ans: 3
Q. Steel is more elastic than rubber because it -

1) is harder than rubber 2) requires larger deforming force

3) is never deformed 4) is deformed very easily

Ans: 2
Q. 'Farad' is the unit of -

1) Conductance 2) Capacitance3) Inductance4) Resistance

Ans: 2
Q. In dicots the pollen-grains posses -

1) One germ pore2) Two germ pore 3) Three germ pore4) Four germ pore

Ans: 3
Q. The disease that has been eradicated from the world is -

1) Small pox 2) Leprosy3) Poliomyelitis4) Chicken pox

Ans: 1
Q. DPT vaccine is administered to prevent disease like

1) Diphtheria, Pertussis and Typhoid 2) Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus

3) Dengue, Pertussis and Typhoid4) Dengue, Polio and Tetanus

Ans: 2
Q. Blood is a -

1) Reproductive tissue2) Connective tissue3) Epithelial tissue4) Muscular tissue

Ans: 2
Q. Pick out the correct match -

1) Egg Yolk - Protein and Fat2) Fleshy foods - Calcium and Protein
3) Fish - Starch and Vitamin4) Milk - Fibre and Mineral

Ans: 1
Q. Blood group was discovered by -

1) Alexander Fleming 2) William Harvey3) Landsteiner 4) Pavlov

Ans: 3
Q. The natural disaster in which carbon-dioxide suddenly erupts form a deep lake water is
known as ________.

1) Liminic 2) Lacaustrine3) Fluvial4) Glacial

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following is an endemic species?

1) Nicobar pigeon2) Hornbill3) Indian rhino4) Pink head duck

Ans: 1
Q. The eastward continuation of the Brazil current is called -

1) North Atlantic drift2) South Atlantic drift

3) Counter Equatorial drift4) West Atlantic drift

Ans: 2
Q. Where are the Todas found?

1) Madhya pradesh2) Tamil Nadu3) Rajasthan 4) Arunachal Pradesh

Ans: 2
Q. Multi-purpose river valley projects are the "New temples of modern India". The above
statement is made by:

1) Jawaharlal Nehru2) Motilal Nehru3) Mahatma Nehru4) Rajiv Gandhi

Ans: 1
Q. Who wrote the book "Why Socialism"?

1) Jayaprakash Narayan2) Mahatma Gandhi 3) Acharya Narendra Dev4) M.N. Roy

Ans: 1
Q. From which of the following banks did Madan Malaviya take loans for financing "The
Hindustan Times"?

1) State Bank of India2) Punjab National Bank

3) Bank of Maharashtra4) Bank of Baroda

Ans: 2
Q. What is the first sermon of Buddha called as?

1) Mahaparinirvansutta2) Brahmajalasutta
3) Dhammachakkapabattanasutta4) Kachchayanagottasutta

Ans: 3
Q. Who described the Government of India Act, 1935 as a new charter of bondage?

1) B.R. Ambedkar2) Mahatma Gandhi3) Rajendra Prasad4) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans: 4
Q. In which part of the Indian Constitution, the Fundamental Duties are enshrined?

1) IV2) IV A3) IV B4) V

Ans: 2
Q. The vacancy of the office of the President must be filled within -

1) 3 months2) 6 months3) 12 months4) 1 months

Ans: 2
Q. Who gave the title of "Mahamana" to Madan Mohan Malaviya?

1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak2) Dada Bhai Nauroji

3) Gopal Krishna Gokhale4) Mahatma Gandhi

Ans: 4
Q. Diamonds are priced higher than water because -

1) Consumers do not buy them at lower prices.

2) They are sold by selected firms with monopolistic powers.
3) Their marginal utility to buyers is higher than that of water.
4) Their total utility to buyers is higher than that of water.

Ans: 3
Q. "Functional Finance" is associated with -

1) Abba 'P' Lerner2) Adolph Wogner3) Adam Smith4) Adams

Ans: 1
Q. Transboundary pollution (or) Acid rain is caused by:

1) Nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide2) Carbon monoxide

3) Carbon dioxide 4) Hydrocarbon

Ans: 1
Q. Who was the other Congress leader who joined with Motilal Nehru to start the Swaraj party
in 1923?

1) G.K. Gokhale2) B.G. Tilak3) Chittaranjan Das4) M.K. Gandhi

Ans: 3
Q. Who was the Viceroy at the time of Quit India Movement?

1) Lord Irwin2) Lord Mountbatten3) Lord Wavell4) Lord Linlithgow

Ans: 4
Q. Externality theory is the basic theory of the following branch of Economics -

1) Macro Economics2) Environomics3) Fiscal Economics4) International Economics

Ans: 4
Q. Who among the following was the winner of best actress in 62nd Hindi Filmfare Awards
1) Alia Bhatt2) Kangna Ranawat3) Sonam Kapoor4) Katrina Kaif

Ans: 1
Q. Who among the following was the winner of best actor in 62nd Hindi Filmfare Awards
2017 ?
1) Shahid Kapoor2) Amir Khan3) Manoj Bajpayee4) Ranbeer Singh

Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following movies get the 62nd Hindi Filmfare Awards 2017 ?
1) Udta Punjab 2) Sultan3) Pink4) Dangal

Ans: 4
Q. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan was the chief guest of 68th Republic Day
celebration. He was the Crown Prince of -
1) UAE2) Katar3) Saudi Arabia4) Bahrain

Ans: 1
Q. The annual index of Transparency International issued for 2016 placed India in the
__________ position with Brazil and China.
1) 30th2) 20th3) 40th4) 35th

Ans: 3
Note: A major international index of corruption and transparency has placed India on the
watch list for its inability to curb mega corruption scandals and petty bribery. The annual
index of Transparency International issued on Wednesday for 2016 placed India with Brazil
and China in the 40th position.
Q. Who was the head of The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM)
1) Rathin Roy2) Sumit Bose3) Arvind Subramanian4) N. K. Singh

Ans: 4
Q. National Youth Festival with the theme Youth for Digital India held at -
1) Ambala2) Rohtak3) Noida4) Gurugram

Ans: 2
Q. National Payments Corporation of India, the umbrella organisation for all digital payments
in the country has launched new mobile aap for digital payment called -
1) PayTM2) BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money)3) UPI4) PayU Money

Ans: 2
Q. Who amongst the following has lunched a new venture named
1) Azim Premji2) Bill Gates3) Narayan Murthy4) Sabeer Bhatia

Ans: 4
Q. 14th Edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention was held at -
1) New Delhi2) Ahmedabad3) Bengaluru4) Mumbai

Ans: 3
Q. Who is the Vice-Chairman of the NITI Ayog of India?
1) Raghuram Rajan 2) Arun Jately 3) Arvind Panagariya4) Rahul Gandhi

Ans: 3
Q. Due to the outbreak of which virus did the WHO declare a Public Health Emergency of
International Concern in February 2016?
1) Zika2) Ebola3) Swine flu 4) Chikungunya

Ans: 1
Q. With which of the following is the Central Goverment's 'Stand up India' scheme to
promote entrepreneurship?
1) Women and Minorities2) SC/ STs and Women
3) SC/ STs and Minorities 4) All of the above

Ans: 2
Q. On which of the following routes will India's first Bullet Train run (upto 2024)?
1) New Delhi - Ahmedabad Route2) New Delhi - Mumbai Rokute
3) Ahmedabad - Mumbai Route4) Pune - Ahmedabad Route

Ans: 3
Q. The year 2016-17 will be observed by SAARC nations as -
1) Year of Democracy and Development 2) Year of Fight Against Terrorism
3) Year of Cultural Heritage 4) Year of 'Save the Earth'

Ans: 3
Q. Viral V. Acharya, Professor of Economics at the New York University (NYU) recently
was in news. He has appointed as -
1) Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
2) Lieutenant Governor of Delhi
3) Chief Secretary of Tamil Nadu
4) Chief of Indian Army

Ans: 1
Q. _________ is the first Indian Non-banking company to become a full-fledged member of
Visa payment network.
1) Pay TM2) Itz Cash3) Pay U Money 4) Pockets

Ans: 2
Q. India's rank in Global Competitiveness Index, 2016-17 is -
1) 39th2) 55th3) 58th4) 66th

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following has been judge as India's top most brand in 2016 ?
1) Bharti Airtel 2) HDFC Bank3) State Bank of India 4) Asian Paints

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following nation topped the list of Logistic performance Index 2016 ?
1) Germany2) Sweden3) Singapore4) Britain

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following banks overtook Wells fargo as the most valuable bank in USA ?
1) Citibank2) Bank of America-Merrill Lynch3) HSBC4) J.P. Morgan

Ans: 4
Q. Which country stood at the top rank in Economic Freedom Index 2016 ?
1) Hong Kong 2) Singapore3) New Zealand4) Australia

Ans: 1
Q. In Logistic performance Index 2016, India stood at -
1) 30th rank2) 33rd rank3) 35th rank4) 38th rank

Ans: 3
Q. India stood at _________ rank in Economic Freedom Index Ranking 2016.
1) 124th 2) 112nd3) 122nd4) 121st

Ans: 2
Q. After India which of the following country has demonetise their high value currency?
1) Brazil2) Colombia3) Peru4) Venezuela

Ans: 4
Note: Venezuela - whose inflation rate is estimated to touch 475% this year - announced that
it has demonetised its most valuable note, the 100-bolivar bill. The Nicols Maduro-led
government gave citizens a 72-hour window before withdrawing the currency, which
accounted for 77% of the nations cash in circulation.
Q. Who among the following is the winner of Miss World 2016 ?
1) Mireia Lalaguna2) Stephanie del Valle Diaz
3) Yaritza Miguelina Reyes Ramirez4) Natasha Mannuela

Ans: 2
Note: Miss World 2016 Stephanie del Valle Diaz is handling her education pretty well.
Amidst the hustle, she is a Puerto Rican musician, model and student. She is also multi-
cultural, she speaks three languages - English, Spanish and French.
Q. Which of the following nations topped the 2016 Global Innovation Index?
1) Denmark2) Sweden3) Switzerland4) Finland

Ans: 3
Q. After Monetery Policy Review by RBI on August 9, 2016, Satutory Liqudity Ratio (SLR)
stands at -
1) 21.25%2) 21.5%3) 21.0%4) 20.5%

Ans: 3
Q. Fidel Castro died at the age of 90, was the former president of -
1) Haiti2) Cuba3) Kongo4) Libya

Ans: 2
Note: Former Cuban President Fidel Castro, who led a rebel army to improbable victory in
Cuba, embraced Soviet-style communism and defied the power of 10 US presidents during
his half century rule, died at the age of 90.
Q. Which state became the first state to ratify GST Bill?
1) Rajasthan2) Madhya Pradesh3) Assam4) Chhattisgarh

Ans: 3
Q. For how many years, Central government will compensate the loss of State governments
due to GST?
1) 2 years2) 3 years3) 4 years4) 5 years

Ans: 4
Q. The official name of GST Bill is -
1) The Constitution (121st Amendment) Bill 2014
2) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2015
3) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2014
4) The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill 2016
Ans: 3
Q. The proposed date of implementing GST is -
1) December 1, 20162) January 1, 20173) April 1, 20174) May 1, 2017

Ans: 3
Q. Dr. Urjit Patel has been appointed the new Governor of RBI. He is ------------ Govornor of
1) 23rd2) 24th3) 25th4) 26th

Ans: 2
Q. "Awaaz-e-Punjab" is a -
1) Punjabi Cinema2) Popular TV Show3) Political Party4) Punjabi News Paper

Ans: 3
Note: It is a political party founded by cricketer turned politician Navjot Singh Sidhu
Q. Which of the following party is not a recognised national political party?
1) BJP2) AITMC3) Congress4) Samajwadi Party

Ans: 4
Q. Mission Bhagiratha is a water supply project of -
1) Uttarakhand2) Uttar Pradesh3) Andhra Pradesh4) Telengana

Ans: 4
Q. Who is the chairman of GST Council?
1) Deputy Chairman of NITI Aayog2) Prime Minister
3) Finance Minister4) Finance Secretary

Ans: 3
Q. In the year 2016, "Earth Over Shoot Day" was observed on -
1) 8th August2) 9th August3) 10th August4) 11th August

Ans: 1
Q. The Eighth BRICS Summit in 2016 held at -
1) New Delhi2) Hangzhou3) Cape Town4) Goa

Ans: 4
Q. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to -
1) Jean-Pierre Sauvage2) Juan Manuel Santos3) Bob Dylan4) Oliver Hart

Ans: 3
Note: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2016 was awarded to Bob Dylan (American Singer) "for
having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition".
Q. Who is the newly elected President of USA?
1) Hillari Clinton2) Donald Trump3) Barack Hussein Obama4) Geroge Bush

Ans: 2
Note: Donald John Trump is an American businessman and politician who is the President-
elect of the United States, and chairman of The Trump Organization. He was elected as the
45th U.S. president in the 2016 election on the Republican ticket, defeating Democratic
nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump will be the oldest person to assume the presidency.
Q. 14th ASEAN-India Summit held on -
1) Singapore2) Vietnam3) Laos4) Mayanmar

Ans: 3
Note: It is held at Vientiane, capital city of Laos from 7 September 2016 to 8 September
Q. Who among the following is not the the winner of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award 2016?
1) P.V. Sindhu2) Sakshi Malik3) Saina Nehwal4) Jitu Rai

Ans: 3
Q. What is the name of the latest Android OS -
1) KitKat2) Lollipop3) Marshmallow4) Nougat

Ans: 4
Q. Summer Olympic 2020 will be held at -
1) Beijing2) Tokyo3) PyeongChang4) Vancouver

Ans: 2
Q. The recently published book "She Walk, She Leads" is written by -
1) Gunjan Jain2) Nita Ambani3) Chanda Kochhar4) Mala Sen

Ans: 1
Q. Who is among the following recently appointed as the Director General BIS -
1) Smt Bharati S Sihag2) Smt Seema Bahuguna
3) Smt Sanjeevanee Kutty4) Smt Alka Panda

Ans: 4
Q. Tata Chemicals sells urea business to Yara International ASA of ________________
1) Norway2) Russia3) USA4) Germany

Ans: 1
Q. Tata Consultancy Services, a leading global IT services, consulting and business solutions
firm, announced its ranking as the ______ most valuable US brand in an annual survey by a
top brand valuation company.
1) 60th2) 58th3) 59th4) 57th

Ans: 2
Dated: 03.02.2017
Q. Calorie value is the least of the following materials -
1) Coal gas 2) Producer gas 3) Steam fiery gas 4) Oil gas

Ans: 2
Q. Where are the caves of Ajanta located?
1) Orissa 2) Kerala 3) Maharashtra 4) Madhya Pradesh

Ans: 3
Q. Share of export from India is the maximum to the following country-
1) U.S.A 2) U.K 3) U.A.E 4) Japan

Ans: 1
Q. Germanium possesses -
1) Two valence electrons 2) Three valence electrons
3) Four valence electrons 4) Five valence electrons

Ans: 3
Q. Moisture can be removed from lubricating oil using -
1) Tubular centrifugal 2) Clarifier 3) Sparkler filter 4) Vacuum leaf filter

Ans: 1
Q. Who started the Shaka era?
1) Ashok 2) Chandragupta-II 3) Kanishka 4) Harsha

Ans: 3
Q. What is the proper use of signal generator?
1) Designing 2) Testing 3) Repairing 4) All of the Above

Ans: 4
Q. Where is the headquarters of Geological Survey of India located?
1) Patna 2) Dehradun 3) Kolkata 4) Agra

Ans: 2
Q. Which type of oscillator is most stable in simple circuit?
1) Crystalline oscillators 2) Clapp oscillators 3) Colepitts oscillator 4) Armstong oscillator

Ans: 1
Q. What is the S. I. unit of magnetic flux density?
1) Gauss 2) Tesla 3) Oersted 4) Weber

Ans: 2
Q. There are rings around which of the following?
1) Uranus 2) Mars 3) Jupiter 4) Saturn

Ans: 4
Q. Function of N. S. D. L. are related to -
1) Bearer bonds 2) GDRs 3) Electronic share 4) Debenture

Ans: 4
Q. What is the power factor of a pure resistor circuit?
1) One 2) Zero 3) Leading 4) Lagging
Ans: 1
Q. A transformer mainly transforms -
1) Current 2) Voltage 3) Frequency 4) Power

Ans: 2
Q. Which organization had proposed first to constitute the Constitution Assembly to form the Indian
1) Swaraj Party in 1928 2) Indian National Congress in 1936
3) Muslim League in 1942 4) By all parties convention in 1946

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following kings of ancient India embraced Jainism and became a Sanyasi?
1) Bimbisara 2) Chandra Gupta Maurya 3) Pushyamitra 4) Harsha

Ans: 2
Q. In which Buddhist Council Hinyan and Mahayan School of thought emerged in Buddhism?
1) First 2) Second 3) Third 4) Fourth

Ans: 4
Q. In which book or books the religious discourses of Gautam Buddha were collected?
1) Suttapitaka 2) Jataks 3) Vinayapitaka 4) Amidhammapitaka

Ans: 1
Q. The main emphasis of Upnishads is on which aspect of philosophy?
1) Bhakti 2) Gyan 3) Karma 4) Tapa

Ans: 2
Q. Where did Rigvedic Aryans live in India?
1) Northern India 2) All over India 3) Eastern part of India 4) Sapta Sindhu area

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following was the most significant feature of the Indus Valley Civilization?
1) Economic System 2) Religious life 3) Town Planning 4) Social life

Ans: 3
Q. Which metal was unknown to Indus Valley people?
1) Gold 2) Silver 3) Iron 4) Copper

Ans: 3
Q. The largest number of seals of Indus Valley Civilization are made of -
1) Terracotta 2) Faience 3) Agate 4) Steatite

Ans: 4
Q. Why was the Swaraj Party established?
1) To co-operate with Government
2) To place obstacles in the functioning of the legislative council
3) To form an organization parallel to the Congress
4) Because of schism in the Congress

Ans: 2
Q. Among the following who never joined the Congress Socialist Party?
1) Sampurnanand 2) Jaiprakash Narayan 3) Jawaharlal Nehru 4) Acharya Narendra Deva

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following events was the first to take place?
1) Chauri Chaura Incident 2) Kakori Incident 3) Bardoli Satyagraha 4) Rowlatt Satyagraha

Ans: 4
Q. Whichone of the following newspaper was launched by Motilal Nehru?
1) Leader 2) The Independent 3) Hindustan Times 4) National Herald

Ans: 2
Q. Where did the Mopalla Revolt of 1921 take place?
1) Telangana 2) Malabar 3) Mysore 4) Vidarbha

Ans: 2
Q. How long A. O. Hume guided the Congress while living in India?
1) Twenty years 2) Fifteen years 3) Ten years 4) Six years

Ans: 1
Q. Who launched the strongest opposition to the Ilbert Bill during Ripon's regime?
1) Educated Indians 2) Indian Association 3) European Businessmen 4) Surendra Nath Banarjee

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following did not attract foreign capital?
1) Cotton2) Indigo3) Jute4) Tea

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following was the main source of the revenue of the Government of India in the
second half of the 19th Century?
1) Land Revenue2) Tariff Duties3) Monopoly tax of Opium and Salt4) Income Tax

Ans: 1
Q. What was Gandhiji's view regarding the VArna System?
1) Expressed opposition2) Expressed no definite opinion
3) Opposed it in theory only4) Accepted it in original form

Ans: 4
Q. Who played the most significant role in the enactment of the Widow Remarriage Act of 1856?
1) Ishwarchandra Vidhyasagar2) Ram Mohan Roy
3) Keshab Chandra Sen4) Mahadeva Govinda Ranade

Ans: 1
Q. How did Tilak react to the Age of Consent Act of 1891?
1) Total Support2) Limited Support3) Total opposition4) Neutrality

Ans: 3
Q. He has been called the pioneer of Indian Renaissance -
1) Ramkrishna Paramhansa2) Raja Rammohan Roy
3) Ishwarchandra Vidhyasagar4) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Ans: 2
Q. What policy was followed by British administrators towards the Indian States after the Revolt of
1) To annex as many Indian states as possible to the British empire
2) To maintain the status of Indian States
3) To give more powers to Indian states
4) To allow Indian states to maintain relations with foreign powers
Ans: 2
Q. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1) Permanent Settlement - Madras
2) Ryotwari Settlement - Bengal
3) Mahalwari Settlement - United province and North Western Province
4) Talukdari System - Bombay

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following was the first event relating to the Revolt of 1857?
1) Revolt in Kanpur and taking over the leadership by Nana Saheb
2) Marching of sepoys to Red Fort of Delhi
3) Raising of the Banner of revolt by the Rani Jhansi
4) Hanging of Tantia Tope to death

Ans: 2
Q. Who among the following writers described the Revolt of 1857 as the 'First War of
1) V. D. Savarkar2) R. C. Majumdar3) S. N. Sen4) Ashok Mehta

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following Acts abolished thebtrading rights of the East India Company?
1) Regulating Act2) Charter Act of 18133) Charter Act of 18334) Charter Act of 1853

Ans: 3
Q. During whose Governor Generalship the Maratha confederacy ended?
1) Wellesley2) Cornwallis3) Lord Hastings4) Dalhousie

Ans: 3
Q. Historians are of the view that the British signed the Treaty of Bassien (1802) with a 'Cypher'.
Who was this 'Cypher'?
1) Baji Rao II2) Raghunath Rao3) Nana Phadanvis4) Daulat Rao Sindhia

Ans: 1
Q. What was the British policy towardsMysore after Tipu Sultan's death?
1) Establishing control over the whole of Mysore
2) The whole of Mysore was handed over to the successor of Tipu Sultan
3) The whole of Mysore was handed over to the successor of Wadyar dynasty
4) Only the central part of erstwhile Mysore was handed over to the successor of Wadyar dynasty

Ans: 4
Q. The Sarvodaya Movement was started by -

1) Mahatma Gandhi 2) Jayprakash Narayan 3) Vinoba Bhave 4) Datta Dharmodhikari

Ans: 3
Q. Who presides over the meeting of Lok Sabha?

1) Speaker 2) Vice President 3) Prime Minister 4) President

Ans: 1
Q. The Bodo language is spoken in which of the following States?

1) Mizoram 2) Tamil Nadu 3) Assam 4) Arunachal Pradesh

Ans: 3
Q. The length of the Indian Coastline is -

1) 5000 km 2) 5500 km 3) 7516.6 km 4) 5800 km

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following states has the highest production of coffee in India?

1) Karnataka 2) Tamil Nadu 3) Kerala 4) Andhra Pradesh

Ans: 1

Q. Which one of the natural regions is known as the 'Bread Basket' of the world?

1) The steppe region 2) The mediterranean region

3) The mansoon region 4) The equatorial region

Ans: 1
Q. The first summit of NAM was held at -

1) Cairo 2) Lusaka 3) Belgrade 4) New Delhi

Ans: 3
Q. The northernmost limit of India is -

1) 36 4 N latitude 2) 37 8 N latitude 3) 37 6 N latitude 4) 36 12 N latitude

Ans: 3

Q. Who of the following was not the acting President of India?

1) V. V. Giri 2) B. D. Jatti 3) Hidayatullah 4) Zakir Hussain

Ans: 4
Q. The least populated State in India is -

1) Goa 2) Sikkim 3) Manipur 4) Arunachal Pradesh

Ans: 2
Q. In steam turbine the action of steam is -

1) Stable 2) Dynamic 3) Stable and dynamic 4) Neither stable nor dynamic

Ans: 2
Q. Protein is not available in which of the following?

1) Meat 2) Milk 3) Rice 4) Pulse

Ans: 3
Q. What would be the expenditure in 30 days at the rate of 50 paise per unit, if a bulb of 100 W is
used five hours per day?

1) Rs. 10.50 2) Rs. 8.50 3) Rs. 7.50 4) Rs. 9.50

Ans: 3
Q. A diode....

1) Functions only in one direction 2) Functions in both the directions

3) Does not function at all 4) It gets damaged, when voltage is applied

Ans: 1
Q. What is the unit of electrical energy?

1) Ampere 2) Volt 3) Watt 4) Kilowatt-hour

Ans: 4
Q. How will a red flower appear, if it is seen through a green glass?

1) Red 2) Brown 3) White 4) Green

Ans: 2
Q. Who had demarcated the border-line between India and Pakistan?

1) McMohan 2) Lord Durand 3) Redcliffe 4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. Who had appointed the first Prime Minister of India?

1) Lord Mountbatten 2) C. Rajgopalachari 3) President of India 4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. Pak strait joins which of the following two countries -

1) India-Pakistan 2) India-Myanmar 3) India-Sri Lanka 4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. National Library, the largest in India is located at -

1) Chennai 2) Mumbai 3) Delhi 4) Kolkata

Ans: 4
Q. The translator program that converts source code in high level language into machine code line
by line is called -

1) Assembler 2) Compiler 3) Loader 4) Interpreter

Ans: 4
Q. An electronics circuits in which different components such as Diode, Resistor and Capacitor etc.
are connected separately is called -

1) Chassis 2) Printed board 3) Integrated circuit 4) Discrete circuit

Ans: 3
Q. In case of ball bearings, which part is made harder than others -

1) Ball 2) Outer race 3) Inner race 4) All are made equally hard
Ans: 4
Q. Most of the weather phenomena take place in the -

1) Stratosphere 2) Troposphere 3) Tropopause 4) Ionosphere

Ans: 2

Q. Natural rubber is polymer of -

1) Isobutane 2) Isoprene 3) Propane 4) Isopropene

Ans: 2
Q. The Colonial system of the Company was formalized by -

1) Battle of Plassey 2) Battle of Buxar 3) Battle of Panipat 4) Battle of Wandiwash

Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following pairs of ocean currents meet each other near Newfound Land?
1) Canaries and Labrador 2) Gulf stream and Labrador
3) Gulf stream and Canaries 4) Kuroshio and Kuraile

Ans: 2

Q. The most salty sea in the world is the

1) Dead Sea 2) Red Sea 3) Ural Sea 4) Black Sea

Ans: 1

Q. The hot deserts of the world are generally found near

1) the equator 2) the doldrums 3) the horse latitudes 4) the Tundras

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following environment supports the growth of mangrove swamp?

1) Tidal flat 2) Monsoon 3) Equatorial 4) Mixed

Ans: 1

Q. Which vegetation is called natural cattle country?

1) Savanna 2) Downs 3) Selva 4) Prairies

Ans: 1
Q. Strait of Malacca separates
1) Sumatra and Malaysia 2) Java and Borneo 3) Sumatra and Java 4) Malaysia and Borneo

Ans: 1
Q. "Namibia" was earlier known as
1) South- West Africa 2) New Guinea 3) British Guyana 4) British Columbia

Ans: 1

Q. Coal is found in
1) volcanic rocks 2) metamorphic rocks 3) igneous rocks 4) sedimentary rocks

Ans: 1

Q. Adam's bridge connects

1) Amman and Damascus 2) Dhanushkodi (Rameswaram) and Thalaimannar
3) Israel and Jerusalem 4) Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman

Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following soils is very hard to cultivate?

1) Alluvial 2) Black 3) Red 4) Sandy

Ans: 3

Q. The world's highest hydel power project 'Rongtong' is located in

1) Rangoon 2) Kathmandu 3) Himachal Pradesh 4) Beijing

Ans: 3

Q. Of the following the bussiest oceanic trade route is

1) Cape route 2) North Atlantic 3) Panama canal 4) Suez canal

Ans: 3

Q. The highway connecting Sinkiang in China with Pak occupied Kashmir is

1) Pak-China Highway 2) Siachin Highway 3) Friendship Highway 4) Karakoram Highway

Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following is called the 'Gateway to the Pacific'?

1) Suez Canal 2) Panama Canal 3) Bering Sea 4) Gulf of Alaska

Ans: 2

Q. 'Pillars of Hercules' refers to

1) A huge building in Rome 2) A huge historical structure in Greece
3) Strait of Bosporus 4) Strait of Gibraltar

Ans: 4

Q. The mainstream of river Ganga which flows beyond Farakka is known as

1) Bhagirathi 2) Hooghly 3) Padma 4) Subarnarekha

Ans: 3

Q. Arakan Yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located in

1) Kashmir 2) Nepal 3) Baluchistan 4) Myanmar

Ans: 4

Q. At which place in India will you find maximum sunlight in December?

1) Pune 2) Leh 3) Kolkata 4) Kanyakumari

Ans: 4

Q. The states of India having common border with Myanmar are

1) Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh
2) Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam
3) Assam, Manipur, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh
4) Assam, West Bengal, Tripura

Ans: 1

Q. Duncan Pass is between

1) India and Sri Lanka 2) Andaman and Nicobar
3) North and South Andaman 4) North and East Andaman

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following pairs of regions and States is not correct

1) Saurashtra - Gujarat 2) Chhota Nagpur - Jharkhand
3) Chhattisgarh - Orissa 4) Vidarbha - Maharashtra

Ans: 3

Q. The State of India having common frontiers with China are:

1) Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Sikkim 2) Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab
3) Uttar Pradesh, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh
4) Uttar Pradesh., Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim

Ans: 4

Q. Salal hydro electric project is in which of the following states?

1) Punjab 2) Haryana 3) Jammu & Kashmir 4) Karnataka

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following gas is used in cigarette lighters

1) Propane 2) Butane 3) Methane 4) Ethane

Ans: 2

Q. Global warming is due to increased production of all the following, except

1) Methane 2) Ethane 3) Sulpher dioxide 4) Carbon dioxide

Ans: 4
1- Who led the Salt Satyagraha Movement with Mahatma Gandhi?

A.Annie Besant B.Mridula Sarabhai C.Nuthu Lakshmi D.Sarojini Naidu

Answer - D (Sarojini Naidu)
2- In which of the following movements did Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of Hunger Strike as a

A.Ahmedabad Strike, 1918 B.Rowlatt Satyagraha, 1919

C.Non-Co-Opearation Movement, 1920-22 D.Baroli Satyagraha, 1928
E.None of these
Answer - A (Ahmedabad Strike, 1918)
3- From where did Archarya Vinoba Bhave start the individual Satyagraha in 1940?

A.Nadiad in Gujarat B.Paunar in Maharashtra C.Adyar in Tamil Nadu D.Guntur in Andhra Pradesh
Answer - B (Paunar in Maharashtra)
4- Which one of the following writings is NOT related to Mahatma Gandhi?

A.My Experiments with Truth B.Harijan C.The Holy Family D.Hind Swaraj
Answer - C (The Holy Family)
5- The book Unto this Last which influenced Gandhi was authorized by?

A.Boris Yeltsin B.John Ruskin C.Pushkin D.Ruskin Bond

Answer - B (John Ruskin)
6-Moti Lal Nehru and Chitta Ranjan (C.R.) Das were the founder members of the?

A.Communist Party in India B.Forward Bloe C.Socialist Swarajist Party D.Swarajya Party
Answer - D (Swarajya Party)
7- Gandhi considered Khadi as a symbol of?

A.Industialisation B.Economic Independence C.Economic Growth D.Moral Purity

Answer - B (Economic Independence)
8-India wins Freedom is the autobiography of?

A.Abul Kalam Azad B.Muhammad Ali C.Zakir Hussain D.Syed Ahmed Khan
Answer - A (Abul Kalam Azad)
9- The Round Table Conference at London met for the decision of?

A.A future constitution of India B.Provision of Provincial Autonomy C.Gandhis demands for calling
off Civil Disobedience Movement D.Congress Claim to be sole representative of Indians
Answer - A (A future constitution of India)
10- Sarvodaya stands for?

A.Total revolution B.Non-Co-Operation C.Upliftment of all D.Non-Violence

Answer - C (Upliftment of all)
11- In which city of South Africa was Mahatma Gandhi beaten up and thrown off the pavement by the
white people?

A.Cape Town B.Durban C.Johannesburg D.Pretoria E.None of these

Answer - C (Johannesburg)
12- Who attend the Congress of Oppressed Nationalist at Brussels in 1927, on behalf of the National

A.Jawaharlal Nehru B.Mahatma Gandhi C.Dr. Ansari D.Moti Lal Nehru E.None of these
Answer - A (Jawaharlal Nehru)
13- Gandhiji was the staunch supporter of?

A.big industries B.cottage industries C.both a and b D.only b E.None of these

Answer - B (cottage industries)
14- Who was the last British Viceroy of India?

A.Lord Lintithgrow B.Lord Wavell C.Clement Atlee D.Lord Mountbatten

Answer - D (Lord Mountbatten)
15- The Swarajya Party was formed following the failure of?

A.Non Co operation Movement B.Civil Disobedience Movement C.Quit India Movement

D.Champaran Satyagraha
Answer - A (Non Co operation Movement)
16- Who was the President of Indian National Congress when the Mountbatten Plan was accepted?

A.Jawaharlal Nehru B.Sardar Patel C.Maulana Azad D.J.B. Kripalani

Answer - D (J.B. Kripalani)
17- Provincial Authonomy was one of the important features of the Act of?

A.1935 B.1919 C.1909 D.1858

Answer - A (1935)
18- Who declared as his ultimate aim the "wiping of every tear from every eye"?

A.Jawaharlal Nehru B.M.K. Gandhi C.Bal Gangadhar Tilak D.Sardar Patel

Answer - A (Jawaharlal Nehru)
19- In ends and means relationship, Gandhiji believed?

A.Means determine the endsB.Means become good if they serve the endsC.Ends is everything no matter
what or how the means areD.Ends and means are watertight compartments
Answer - A (Means determine the ends)
20- Bhulabhai Desais most memorable achievement was his defence of the Indian National Army (INA)
personnel at the Red Fort Trial towards the ends of?

A.1943 B.1944 C.1945 D.1946

Answer - C (1945)
21- Mahatma Gandhis remark A post-dated cheque on a crumbling banks is regarding the proposals

A.Simon Commission B.Cripps Mission C.Cabinet Mission D.Wavel Plan E.None of these
Answer - B (Cripps Mission)
22- Under whose leadership was the Congress Socialist Party founded in 1934?

A.Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi B.Acharya Narendra Dev and Jai Prakash Narayan
C.Subhas Chandra Bose and P.C. Joshi D.Saifuddin Kitchlew and Rajendra Prasad
Answer - B (Acharya Narendra Dev and Jai Prakash Narayan)
23- The issue on which the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930 was launched was?

A.Equal employment opportunities for Indians B.The proposed execution of Bhagat Singh
C.Salt monopoly exercised by the British Government D.Complete freedom
Answer - D (Complete freedom)
24- Who was the author of the book My Experiments with truth?

A.Aurobindo Ghosh B.Bal Gangadhar Tilak C.M.K. Gandhi D.Vinoba Bhave E.None of these
Answer - C (M.K. Gandhi)
25- Gandhiji movement of boycotting the foreign goods aimed at?

A.Full independence B.Creating anti-British sentiment C.Promotion of cottage industry

D.Promotion of welfare state
Answer - C (Promotion of cottage industry)
26- After the Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhi suspended the?

A.Civil Disobedience Movement B.Khilafat Movement C.Non-Co-Operation Movement

D.Quit India Movement
Answer - C (Non-Co-Operation Movement)
27- India attained Dominion States on?

A.15th Jan, 1947 B.15th Aug, 1947 C.15th Aug, 1950 D.15th Oct, 1947
Answer - B (15th Aug, 1947)
28- Who called Gandhi Half Naked Beggar?

A.Mountbatten B.Hastings C.Winston Churchill D.Jinnah E.None of these

Answer - C (Winston Churchill)
29- The final arrangements for the Indias independence were worked out by the?

A.Cabinet Mission B.Simon Commission C.Gandhi-Irwin Pact D.Cripps Mission E.None of these
Answer - A (Cabinet Mission)
30- With which of the following newspaper was Jawaharlal Nehru associated?

A.The leader B.Amrit Bazar Patrika C.The Tribune D.National Herald E.None of these
Answer - D (National Herald)
31- Which of the following days was declaraed as the International Day of Non-voilence by the UNO?
A.Aug, 15 B.Oct, 2 C.Nov, 12 D.Oct, 26 E.Jan, 30
Answer - B (Oct, 2)
32- Dyarchy in the provincial Government was established by the?

A.Act of 1892 B.Act of 1909 C.Act of 1919 D.Act of 1935 E.None of these
Answer - C (Act of 1919)
33- During Indias freedom struggle, which one of fthe following led to the first All India Hartal?

A.Protest against Rowlatt Act B.Protest against Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre

C.Trail of Mahatma Gandhi D.Arrival of Simon Commission
Answer - D (Arrival of Simon Commission)
34- On which one of the following dates Jawaharlal Nehru unfurl the tri-colour national flag on the banks
of the Ravi as the clock struck the midnight?

A.31st Dec, 1929 B.26th Jan, 1930 C.31st Dec, 1931 D.26th Jan, 1933 E.None of these
Answer - A (31st Dec, 1929)
35- The famous INA trials took place in the Red Fort, Delhi in?

A.1945 B.1946 C.1944 D.1947 E.None of these

Answer - B (1946)
36- Who among the following had headed the group of advocates to argue the case on behalf of the Indian
National Army in 1946 in the Red Fort trails?

A.Bhulabhai Desai B.Kailash Nath Katju C.Tej Bahadur Sapru D.Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer - A (Bhulabhai Desai)
37- Who among the following was regarded by Mahatma Gandhi as his Political Guru?

A.Dadabhai Naoroji B.Bal Gangadhar Tilak C.Pheroz Shah Mehta D.Gopal Krishn Gokhle
Answer - D (Gopal Krishn Gokhle)
38- Where was the first Peasant Movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi?

A.Bardoli B.Dandi C.Champaran D.Wardha E.None of these

Answer - C (Champaran)
39- Who among the following was a founder of the Swaraj Party?

A.Vallabh Bhai Patel B.Rajendra Prasad C.C.R. Das D.Narendra Dev E.None of these
Answer - C (C.R. Das)
40- During the freedom struggle, Aruna Asaf Ali was a major woman organizer of the underground
activities in?

A.Bardoli Satyagraha B.Quit India Movement C.Civil Disobedience Movement

D.Khilafat Movement E.None of these
Answer - B (Quit India Movement)
41- Who was the Governor General of India during the launch of Civil Disobedience Movement?

A.Lord Chelmsford B.Lord Reading C.Lord Irwin D.Lord Wavell E.None of these
Answer - C (Lord Irwin)
42- Which one of the following movement started from Dandi March?
A.Swadeshi Movement B.Non-Co-Operation Movement C.Civil Disobedience Movement
D.Quit India Movement E.None of these
Answer - C (Civil Disobedience Movement)
43- Who prescribed the separate electorates for India on the basis of the Communal Award in August

A.Lord Irwin B.Ramsay Mac Donald C.Lord Linlithgrow D.Winston Churchill

Answer - B (Ramsay Mac Donald)
44- Which one of the following slogans is attributed to Subhash Chandra Bose?

A.Jai Jawan Jai Kisan B.Bande Mataram C.Jai Hind D.Inquilab Zindabad
Answer - C (Jai Hind)
45- Who among the following has authored the book Hind Swaraj?

A.Bal Gangadhar Tilak B.Mahatma Gandhi C.Gopal Krishna Gokhle D.M.G. Ranade
Answer - B (Mahatma Gandhi)
46- Who was the first woman President of India National Congress?

A.Annie Besant B.Aruna Asaf Ali C.Saroijini Naidu D.Vijayalaxmi Pandit

Answer - A (Annie Besant)
47- In the year 1946, who among the following joined the Viceroys Executive Council with finance
A.Mohammad Ali Jinnah B.Liaqat Ali Khan C.Nawab Salimullah D.Shaukat Ali
Answer - B (Liaqat Ali Khan)
48- During whose tenure as the Viceroy of India were the great martyrs Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and
Sukhdev hanged?

A.Lord Curzon B.Lord Irwin C.Lord Minto D.Lord Chelmsford E.None of these
Answer - B (Lord Irwin)
49- During Indian freedom struggle, which one of the following happened earliest?

A.Simon Commission B.Gaya Session of Congress C.Tripura Session of Congress

D.Gandhi-Irwin Pact E.None of these
Answer - B (Gaya Session of Congress)
50- The Rani Jhansi Regiment, the womens regiment of Azad Hind Fauj, was under whose command?

A.Usha Mehta B.Anne Marcarence C.Annie Besant D.Lakshmi Sehgal E.None of these
Answer - D (Lakshmi Sehgal)
51- Who among the following was elected as the President of All India Khilafat Conference met at Delhi in
November, 1919?

A.Motilal Nehru B.Mahatma Gandhi C.M.A. Jinnah D.Shaukat Ali E.None of these
Answer - B (Mahatma Gandhi)
52- Who among the following was not a member of the Cabinet Mission?

A.Sir Stafford Cripps B.A.V. Alexander C.Redcliff D.Pethwick Lawrence

Answer - C (Redcliff)
53- Who among the following Urdu poets was invited to the Second and Third Round Table Commission?

A.Faiz Ahmad Faiz B.Josh Malihabadi C.Muhammad Iqbal D.Firaq Gorakhpuri

Answer - C (Muhammad Iqbal)
54- When Lord Mountbatten became the first Governor General of free India, who among the following
became the Governor General for Pakistan?

A.Lord Mountbatten B.M.A. Jinah C.Liaquat Ali khan D.Shaukat Ali

View Answer (-)
Answer & Explanation
Answer - B (M.A. Jinah)
55- Which one of the following Commissions/Committees was appointed by the British Government to
investigate in to the massacre in Jallianwala Bagh?
A.Welby Commission B.Hunter Commission C.Simon Commission D.Butler Commission
Answer - B (Hunter Commission)
56- Cabinet Mission was presided over by?

A.Lord Atlee B.Stafford Cripps C.Clement Atlee D.Pathic Lawrence

Answer - D (Pathic Lawrence)
57- Jai Prakash Narayan belonged to which party?

A.Congress B.Kisan Sabha C.Socialist D.Raivadi E.None of these

Answer - C (Socialist)
58- Who of the following shot dead General Dyer responsible for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?

A.Khudiram B.Bhagat Singh C.Madan Lal Dhingra D.Udham Singh E.None of these
Answer - D (Udham Singh)
59- Quit India Movement was led by?

A.B.R. Ambedkar B.Jawaharlal Nehru C.Mahatma Gandhi D.Sardar Patel E.None of these
Answer - C (Mahatma Gandhi)
60- The mantra Do or Die given by?

A.P.C. Roy B.J.C. Bose C.C.V. Raman D.Mahatma Gandhi E.None of these
Answer - D (Mahatma Gandhi)
61- Bhagat Singh, Rajgurua and Sukhdev were hanged on?

A.March 23, 1931B.March 23, 1932C.March 23, 1933D.March 23, 1934

Answer - A (March 23, 1931)
62- Where was Azad Hind Fauj set up?

A.JapanB.BurmaC.SingaporeD.EnglandE.None of these
Answer - C (Singapore)
63- Who is known as Lok Nayak?

A.Mahatma GandhiB.Subhash Chandra BoseC.Jai Prakash NarayanD.Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Answer - C (Jai Prakash Narayan)
64- Which incident led Gandhiji to withdraw Non-Co-Operation Movement?

A.Kakori EpisodeB.Chauri-Chaura episodeC.Jallianwala Bagh episodeD.Muzaffarpur episode

Answer - B (Chauri-Chaura episode)
65- The Poona Pact aimed? Hindu-Muslim represent to lower privileges to review the
DyarchyE.None of these
Answer - B (to represent to lower cast)
66- The massacre of the crowd at Jallianwala Bagh at Amristar took place on?

A.1st June, 1918B.13th April, 1919C.14th April, 1920 D.6th July, 1921
Answer - B (13th April, 1919)
67- The Second Round Table Conference at London was held at the backdrop of the?

A.Emerson-Gandhi PactB.Hailey-Gandhi PactC.Gandhi-Irwin PactD.Gandhi-Simon Pact

Answer - C (Gandhi-Irwin Pact)
68- Mahatma Gandhis close English compatriot during the freedom movement was?

A.Thomas Moore B.A.O.Hume C.Charlie Freer (C.F) Andrews D.William Wavell

Answer - C (Charlie Freer (C.F) Andrews)
69- The first and last Indian to hold office as Government General of Independence India was?

A.Jamanalal Bajaj B.C. Rajagopalachari C.Rajendra Prasad D.M.A. Ansari E.None of these
Answer - B (C. Rajagopalachari)
70- The Prime Minister of England at the time of Quit India Movement was?
A.Chamberlain B.Churchill C.Clement Attlee D.Mac Donald E.None of these
Answer - B (Churchill)
71- Which Congress President negotiated with both Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell?

A.Abul Kalam Azad B.Jawaharlal Nehru C.J.B. Kripalani D.C. Rajagopalachari

Answer - A (Abul Kalam Azad)
72- Which among the following capitalist served as AICC Treasurer for a long time and went to jail in

A.G. D. Birla B.Jamanalal Bajaj C.J. R. D. Tata D.Balchand Hirachand

Answer - B (Jamanalal Bajaj)
73- At which place in Bihar was the session of Indin National Congress of 1922 held?

A.Haripura B.Patna C.Gaya D.Ramgarh E.None of these

Answer - C (Gaya)
74- At which place of Bihar, Gandhi Ji started Satyagarh movement for the first time in India?

A.Patna B.Gaya C.Madhubani D.Champaran E.None of these

Answer - D (Champaran)
75- When was Rowlatt Act passed?

A.1919 B.1920 C.1921 D.1922 E.None of these

Answer - A (1919)
76- Gandhi launched the Non-Co-Operation movement in:
A.1920 B.1919 C.1921 D.1922 E.None of these
Answer - A (1920)
77- Quit India Movement began on:

A.9th Aug, 1942 B.10th Aug, 1942 C.15th Aug, 1942 D.16th Aug, 1942
Answer - A (9th Aug, 1942)
78- The name of the periodical among the following published by Mahatma Gandhi during his stay in
South Africa?

A.Navijivan B.India Gazette C.Africaner D.Indian Opinion

Answer - D (Indian Opinion)
79- The main reason for the boycott of Simon Commission in India was?

A.Appointment before time B.All the members were Englishmen C.Chairman was a
member of the British Liberal Party D.Gandhijis Non-Co-Operation
Answer - B (All the members were Englishmen)
80- Dyarchy was first introduced in India under?

A.Government of India Act, 1935 B.Morley-Minto Reforms C.Mont-Ford Reforms

D.Simon Commission Plan
Answer - C (Mont-Ford Reforms)
81- In which field of Art did Jamini Roy make his name?

A.Sculpture B.MusicC.PaintingD.DramaE.None of these

Answer - C (Painting)
82- Which among the following is NOT a work of Rabindranath Tagore?

A.ChitraB.Kapal KundalaC.The Court DancerD.ChitrangadaE.None of these

Answer - B (Kapal Kundala)
83- Who was the architect of North and South Blocks of the Central Secretariat in Delhi?

A.Sir Edward LutyensB.Herbert BackersC.Robert Tor TusselD.Antonin Raymond

Answer - B (Herbert Backers)
84- Who from the following leaders was NOT assassinated?

A.Mahatma GandhiB.Liaqat Ali KhanC.Muhammad Ali JinnahD.Lord Mountbatten

Answer - C (Muhammad Ali Jinnah)
85- Who painted the masterpiece Hamsa Damyanti?

A.Ajolie Ela MenonB.Abanindranath TagoreC.Amrita ShergilD.Raja Ravi Varma

Answer - D (Raja Ravi Varma)
86- The immortal national song Bande Mantaram has been written by?

A.Rabindranath TagoreB.Sharat Chandra ChattopadhyayaC.Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaya

D.Surrendranath Bandopadhyaya
Answer - C (Bankim Chandra Chattopadhaya)
87- Who amongst the following made it possible for the Indians to enter the Indian Civil Services (ICS)
through an open competitive examination?
A.William BentickB.DalhousieC.MayoD.Ripon
Answer - B (Dalhousie)
88- High courts were established in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in?

A.1935B.1919C.1892D.1865E.None of these
Answer - D (1865)
89- When did the British make English the medium of instruction (education) in India?

A.1813B.1833C.1835D.1844E.None of these
Answer - C (1835)
90- During whose Viceroyship did the High court come into existence at the three presidential cities of
Calcutta, Madras and Bombay?

A.Waren HastingsB.Lord CornwallisC.John LawrenceD.Lord Dalhousie

Answer - C (John Lawrence)
91- Which of the following exercised the most profound influence in framing the Indian Constitution?

A.British ConstitutionB.US Constitution C.Irish Constitution D.The Government of India Act,

1935 E.None of these
Answer - D (The Government of India Act, 1935)
92- The first attempt to introduce a representative and popular element in the governance of India was
made through:

A.Indian Council Act, 1861 B.Indian Council Act, 1892 C.Indian Council Act, 1909
D.Government of India Act, 1919 E.None of these
Answer - A (Indian Council Act, 1861)
93- Which of the following acts introduced communal electorate in India?

A.Indian Council Act, 1861 B.Indian Council Act, 1892 C.Indian Council Act, 1909
D.Government of India Act, 1919 E.None of these
Answer - C (Indian Council Act, 1909)
94- By virtue of which Act, Dyarchy was introduced in India?

A.Indian Council Act, 1909 B.Government of India Act, 1919 C.Government of India Act, 1935
D.Indian Independence Act, 1947 E.None of these
Answer - B (Government of India Act, 1919)
95- The instrument of instructions contained in the Government of Indian Act, 1935 has been incorporated
in the Constitution of India in the year 1950 as:

A.Fundamental Rights B.Directive Principle of State Policy C.Fundamental Duties D.Emergency

Provisions E.None of these
Answer - D (Emergency Provisions)
96- The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on:

A.The principle of federation and parliamentary system B.The principle of succession of British Indian
provinces C.Acceptance of the idea of Constituent Assembly D.All of these
Answer - A (The principle of federation and parliamentary system)
97- The monopoly of Indian trade of the East India Company was abolished by the:
A.Regulating Act, 1773 B.Charter Act, 1813 C.Charter Act, 1833 D.Government of India
Act, 1858 E.None of these
Answer - B (Charter Act, 1813)
98- With reference to the colonial period of India, the trade monopoly of the East India Company was
ended by:

A.The Regulating Act, 1773 B.Pitts India Act, 1784 C.The Charter Act, 1813 D.The Charter Act,
Answer - C (The Charter Act, 1813)
99- Two independent states of India and Pakistan were created by:

A.The Simla Conference B.The Cripps Proposal C.The Cabinet Mission Plan D.The Indian
Independence Act E.None of these
Answer - D (The Indian Independence Act)
100- The first definite step to provide parliamentary control over East India Company was taken by:

A.The Regulating Act, 1773 B.Pitts India Act, 1784 C.The Charter Act, 1813 D.The Charter
Act, 1833 E.None of theseAnswer - A (The Regulating Act, 1773)
1. Constitution of India was adopted by constituent assembly on ?

a. 25 October, 1948 b. 25 October, 1949 c.26 November, 1948

b. 26 November, 1949

2. Constitution of India came into effect from ?

15 January, 1950 26 January, 1950 15 August, 1950 15 January, 1950

3. Setting a supreme court was Calcutta is a part of ?

Regulating Act of 1773 Pitts India Act of 1784 Charter Act of 1793 Charter Act of 1893

4. A separate Governor for Bengal to be appointed under the act ?

Pitts India Act of 1784 Charter Act of 1793 Charter Act of 1733 Charter Act of 1753

5. The first statute for the governance of India, under the direct rule of the British Government, was the

Government of India Act, 1858 Government of India Act, 1861 Government of

India Act, 1892 Government of India Act, 1915

6. "The Constitution should give India Domination Status", was a proposal in ?

Cabinet Mission Plan Cripps Mission The Mountbatten Plan Simon Commision

7. The plan to transfer of power to the Indians and partition of the country was laid down in the ?

Cabinet Mission Plan Simon Commision Cripps Mission The Mountbatten Plan

8. Who was the chairman of Drafting Committee ?

N Gopalaswamy K.M Munshi N Madhava Rao Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

9. Which Article is for "Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases"?

Article 24 Article 23 Article 22 Article 21

10. Which Article is for "Protection of interests of Minorities" ?

Article 26 Article 27 Article 29 Article 30

11. Which article is related to "Equal Justice and free legal aid" ?

Article 39 Article 39 A Article 43 Article 43 A

12. Article 44 is related to ?

1. Uniform civil code for citizens.

2. Provision of early childhood care and education to children below the age of 6 years.
3. Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition.
4. Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry.

13. Which article is related to Special Address by the president ?

Article 84 Article 85 Article 86 Article 87

14. Which article is related to Assent to Bills ?

Article 98 Article 111 Article 112 Article 114

15. In which Amendment act Sindhi language was included as 15th regional language in the Eight
Schedule ?

1. 1st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1956

2. 7th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1956
3. 15th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1963
4. 21st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1967

16. In which Constitutional Amendment Act Sikkim was made full fledged State of the Union of India ?

1. 21st Constitutional Amendment Act

2. 31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973
3. 35th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1974
4. 36th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975

17. In which Constitutional Amendment Act seats of Lok Sabha were increased from 525 to 545 ?

1. 21st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1967

2. 24th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971
3. 25th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971
4. 31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973

18. In which Constitutional Amendment Act Goa was made a full fledged State with a State assembly ?

1. 43rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1977

2. 44th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1978
3. 56th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987
4. 57th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987

19. In which Constitutional Amendment Act An authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi was
provided to the people of India by the President ?

1. 57th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987

2. 58th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987
3. 59th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988
4. 61st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988

20. Which Constitutional Amendment Act, provided reservation in admissions in private unaided
educational institutions for students belonging to scheduled castes/tribes and other backward classes ?

1. 92nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003

2. 93rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2005
3. 94th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2006
4. 95th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2009

21. Under the constitution of India who are the ultimate Sovereign ?

Indian People Prime Minister of India President of India All elected leaders of India

22. The speaker can ask a member of the house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This is
known as ?

Crossing the floor Yielding the floor Obeying the rule Rotating the floor
23. Which Article of the constitution empowers the Parliament to form a new state by altering the
boundaries of existing states ?

Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4

24. Nagaland was created as a separate state in the year ?

1960 1961 1962 1963

25. Punjab was divided into Punjab and Haryana in the year ?

1966 1967 1968 1969

26. Chhattisgarh came into existence on ?

1st November, 2000 1st November, 2001 1st November, 2002 1st November, 2003

27. Uttarakhand came into existence on ?

1st November, 2000 4th November, 2000 7th November, 2000 9th November, 2000

28. State of Jharkhand was established on ?

15th November, 2000 16th November, 2000 17th November, 2000 18th November, 2000

Six fundamental rights provided by Constitution are :

1. Right to equality
2. Right to liberty
3. Right against exploitation
4. Right to freedom of religion
5. Cultural and Educational rights
6. Right to constitutional remedy

Article 19 provides six freedoms :

1. Freedom of speech and expression.

2. Assemble peacefully and without arms.
3. Form associations or unions.
4. Reside and settle in any part of the territory of India.
5. Move freely throughout the territory of India.
6. Practise any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business.

29. When Right to Information Act came into force in India ?

10th October 2005 11th October 2005 12th October 2005 13th October 2005

30. The term of Comptroller and Auditor-General is of ?

4 Years 5 years 6 Years Not fixed

31. A Supreme court judge must have been a High Court judge for at least ?

1. 4 Years 5 Years 7 Years 10 Years

32. Delhi High court was established in ?

1966 1968 1974 1980

33. Inter state council was constituted in ?

1980 1985 1990 1995

34. A bill which contains only provisions dealing with the imposition, repeal, remission, alteration or
regulation of taxes is called ?

Locus Standi Money Bill Motion Ordinanace

35. What was the total number of members in the Drafting Committee of Constitution ?

5 6 7 8

36. Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten Copy of the Constitution ?

Mihir Sen S.N. Banerji Mukesh Bandhopadhyaya Nandalal Bose

37. The members of the Panchayat are ?

1. nominated by the district officer

2. the electorates of the respective territorial constituencies
3. nominated by local self-government minister of the state
4. nominated by the block development organization

38. The oath of office is administered to the Governor by the

1. chief justice of India

2. President
3. Chief justice of high court
4. Speaker of legislative assembly

39. Which among the following can be said to be a part of the Parliament of India?

1. President
2. Lok Sabha
3. Rajya Sabha
4. Governors of states

a) only 2 and 3 b) only 1,2, and 3 c) only 4 d) All of the above

40. Which of the following Acts was described by Jawahar Lai Nehru as Charter of Slavery?

a. Regulating Act, 1773

b. Pitts India Act, 1784
c. Government of India Act, 1919
d. Government of India Act, 1935

41. The Cabinet Mission Plan for India envisaged

a. Federation
b. Confederation
c. Unitary form of Government
d. Union of States

42. In which Article of the Constitution of India says, No child below the age of 14 years shall be
employed to work in any factory or mines or engaged in any other hazardous employment?

Article 24 Article 45 Article 330 Article 368

Q. Who among the following ruler was a famous musician?

1) Swathi Thirunal 2) Moolam Thirunal 3) Marthanda Varma 4) Sri

Chithira Thirunal

Ans: 1

Q. The Hathigumpha inscription (near Bhubaneshwar, Orissa) relates to the king

1) Susharma 2) Hala 3) Kharavela 4) Pulamayi

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following were the first rulers in India to issue coins which can be
definitely attributed to the kings ?

1) Shakas 2) Kushans 3) Indo-Greeks 4) Parthians

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following Shaka king reconstructed the Sudarshana lake?

1) Rudradaman 2) Manes 3) Chastana 4) Bhumaka

Ans: 1

Q. Which of the following king started the Vikram Sanvad?

1) Kanishka 2) Vikramaditya 3) Rudradaman 4) Kadphises

Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following was the physician who adored Kanishka's court

1) Vasumita 2) Charaka 3) Parsva 4) Asvaghosha

Ans: 2

Q. Which language was used in the literature of sangam period

1) Kannada 2) Telugu 3) Tamil 4) Sanskrit

Ans: 3

Q. What was the type of marriage in the Vedic period in which, in place of the
dowry, there was a token bride price of a cow and a bull -
1) Asura 2) Arsa 3) Gantharva 4) Rakshsa

Ans: 1

Q. At the earlier stage backward classes movement means?

1) Santal movement 2) Non-Brahmin movement 3) Harijan movement 4)

Antirulers movement

Ans: 2

Q. The large residential university established in ancient time was at -

1) Cochin 2) Vaishali 3) Nalanda 4) Harappa

Ans: 3

Q. Which among the following dynasties had the strongest navy?

1) Chalukya 2) Chola 3) Gupta 4) Pallava

Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following Mughal emperor's tomb is outside India?

1) Akbar 2) Shajahan 3) Aurangazeb 4) Jehangir

Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following animals was generally not known to the Indus Valley

1) Horse 2) Rhinoceros 3) Bull 4) Cow

Ans: 1

Q. When a system is changed by force, that change is -

1) Growth 2) Development 3) Evoluion 4) Revolution

Ans: 4

Q. Where is India House?

1) London 2) New york 3) New delhi 4) Mumbai

Ans: 1

Q. Which one of the following is the first season of the year according to Indian

1) Grishim 2) Vasant 3) Hemant 4) Shishir

Ans: 1

Q. Which amongst the following countries has the largest number of people of Indian

1) Malaysia 2) Fiji 3) Guana 4) South africa

Ans: 3

Q. WLL stands for

1) Wireless in Local Loop 2) Walking Land Line 3) Walking Loop Line 4)

Wireless Land Line

Ans: 1

Q. What is the colour of the "Dharma Chakra" in the middle of our National Flag?

1) Sea blue 2) Black 3) Navy blue 4) Green

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following paper sizes is the largest?

1) A2 2) A3 3) A4 4) A5

Ans: 1

Q. Merdeka Cup is associated with

1) Cricket 2) Football 3) Ragbi 4) Hockey

Ans: 2

Q. Wasim Akram of Pakistan is associated with

1) Politics 2) Martial law 3) Nuclear tests 4) Cricket

Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following teams won the Ranji Trophy cricket championship for the
first time

1) Kerala 2) Bengal 3) Delhi 4) Utter Pradesh

Ans: 4

Q. Indian Sports Research Institute is located at

1) Patiala 2) Delhi 3) Cochin 4) Poona

Ans: 1

Q. Makers of which tyres sponsor Indian ace Narain Karthikeyan

1) JK 2) MRF 3) Dunlop 4) Modi

Ans: 2

Q. Who is the first India to take a hat trick in an international test

1) Kapil Dev 2) Jasu Patel 3) Harbhajan Singh 4) B.S.


Ans: 3

Q. Which game is Ian Thorpe associated with

1) Badminton 2) Chess 3) Swimming 4) Squash

Ans: 3

Q. Which city hosted the First Afro-Asian games?

1) Lucknow 2) Hyderabad 3) Allahabad 4) Chennai

Ans: 2

Q. The first one-day Cricket World Cup tournament was held in

1) Australia 2) England 3) New Zealand 4) West Indies

Ans: 2

Q. Annika Sorenstam, a famous sportsperson, is known as a professional

1) Chess Player 2) Golfer 3) Swimmer 4) Table Tennis player

Ans: 2

Q. Who is Paradorn Srichaphan?

1) A Sri Lankan cricketer 2) A Thai tennis player 3) An Indonesian

badminton player
4) A Malaysian golfer

Ans: 2

Q. Dandiya Ras is a dance form of which state

1) Kerala 2) Bengal 3) Gujarat 4) Maharashtra

Ans: 3

Q. With which musical instrument is Shiv Kumar Sharma associated

1) Tabala 2) Santoor 3) Sithar 4) Shehnai

Ans: 2

Q. The Simhastha Kumbh Mela was held at

1) Nasik 2) Ujjain 3) Prayag 4) Haridwar

Ans: 1

Q. The oldest Veda is

1) Atharva Veda 2) Rig Veda 3) Yajur Veda 4) Sama Veda

Ans: 2

Q. A childless widow who could cohabit with her brother-in-law until the birth of a
son. This practice was known as

1) Niyoga 2) Levirate 3) Sororate 4) Nantru

Ans: 1

Q. What is the most essential element of nationality

1) A common race 2) A common language 3) A common religion 4)

Corporate sentiment
Ans: 3

Q. Which of the societies practiced polyandry

1) Nyinba of Nepal 2) Medieval of Europeans 3) Wodabe of Africa 4)

Todas of India

Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following is not a varna (group) of the Aryan society

1) Vaishya 2) Shudras 3) Brahmanas 4) Sabhas

Ans: 4

Q. In which tribe the divorced women is most respected

1) Korawa of Mizapur 2) Santhals 3) Lushai of Assam 4) Khasi tribe

Ans: 1

Q. The role of religion has been

1) to bring people closer 2) to provide faith to people in distress

3) Harmonizing 4) All the above

Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following is a classical dance form of Andhra Pradesh

1) Odissi 2) Kuchipudi 3) Kathakali 4) Mohiniyattam

Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following is the most prevalent folk dance of Uttar Pradesh

1) Naati 2) Bhangra 3) Tamasha 4) Nautanki

Ans: 4

Q. The Meenakshi temple at Madurai is the monument of

1) Cholas 2) Pallavas 3) Pandyas 4) Cheras

Ans: 3

Q. Who amongst the following is regarded as the historical founder of Jainism?

1) Mahavira 2) Sisunaga 3) Rishabha 4) Gautama

Ans: 1

Q. What is the interval between two 'Maha Kumbh' melas at the same place?

1) 6 years 2) 10 years 3) 12 years 4) 15 years

Ans: 3

Q. Which one of the following four Vedas contains an account of magical charms
and spells?

1) Rig-veda 2) Yajur-veda 3) Atharva-veda 4) Sama-veda

Ans: 3

Q. Who among the following is well known as an exponent of flute?

1) Debu Choudhuri 2) Madhup Mudgal 3) Ronu Mazumdar 4)

Shafaat Ahmad

Ans: 3

Q. Kimberley mines in South Africa is famous for

1) Silver 2) Coal 3) Gold 4) Diamonds

Ans: 4

Q. The power of Speaker on disqualification under anti detection law( X schdule)is:

1) Absolute2) Open to judicial review

3) Subject to the content of the election commision
4) Subject to the consent of the president

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following are the basic characterstics of the parliamentary system of

1) co-existence of head of the state and government

2) Fusion of the executive and legislature
3) Collective responsibility of council of ministers
4) Existence of multiparty system

Ans: 3
Q. in which one of the following is the second chamber an indispensable part of the

1) Unitary government.2) Fedal form of government

3) Parlimentary form of government4) Presidental form of government

Ans: 1
Q. Which of the following states is the largest producer of cashew nuts in India

1) Tamil Nadu2) Assam3) Kerala4) Karnataka

Ans: 3
Q. For which one of the following items, Tirupur is famous as a huge exporter to
many parts of the world

1) Handicrafts2) Gems and Jewelry3) Leather goods

4) Knitted garments

Ans: 4
Q. Ankaleshwar in India is known for the production of

1) Petroleum2) Coal3) Iron ore4) Bauxite

Ans: 1
Q. Zero Coupon Bonds are that variety of loans

1) which fail to yield an income for the creditors

2) which are issued at a discount and redeemed at par
3) on which the entire interest income is paid at the time of purchase
4) the market price of which may fall suddenly and heavily

Ans: 2
Q. Which brand/company uses the ad line "We know India better"?

1) Max New York Life Insurance2) LIC of India3) Amul4) Bajaj

Ans: 2
Q. The part of profit or other surpluses of a company distributed proportionately
among shareholders is called

1) Preference Share2) Equity Share3) Face Value4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. NABARD stands for

1) National Bank of Agriculture and Regional Development

2) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
3) National Bureau of Aeronautical Research and Development
4) None of these
Ans: 2
Q. Ashok Leyland is owned by the

1) Tatas 2) Birlas 3) Hindujas4) None of these

Ans: 3
Q. Which is South Korea's largest car manufacturing company?

1) Hyundai2) Honda3) Suzuki4) Toyota

Ans: 1
Q. Nandan Nilekani is associated with which company?

1) Satyam Computers2) Wipro3) Infosys4) Polaris

Ans: 3
Q. 'Bottle neck inflation' means

1) No rise in prices despite increase in aggregate demand

2) Rise in prices without increase in the aggregate demand
3) Decline in prices due to increase in aggregate demand
4) None of these

Ans: 2
Q. Recession in the market implies

1) Slump in trade & industry due to fall in demand

2) Increase in trade industry due to rise in demand
3) No change in trade and industry due to stability in demand
4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. Which is the largest tea producing country in the world?

1) Kenya2) Indonesia3) China4) India

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following is not manufacturing mobile telephone handsets?

1) Samsung2) Nokia3) Videocon4) Sony

Ans: 3
Q. BPO is an abbreviation for

1) Bharat Petroleum Organisation2) Business Process Outsourcing

3) Business Products Outsourcing4) Bharat Pesticides Outlet
Ans: 2
Q. Suvidha Fixed Deposit scheme was launched by which bank?

1) IDBI2) ICICI3) SBI4) City Bank

Ans: 1
Q. Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana has been launched by

1) National Insurance Co.2) United India Insurance Co.

3) LIC of India4) Oriental Insurance Co.

Ans: 3
Q. K.L.M. Royal Airlines belongs to

1) Italy2) Japan3) Netherlands4) Austria

Ans: 3
Q. Which company uses the ad line, 'Knowing is everything'?

1) BBC World2) Star3) Sony4) Zee

Ans: 1
Q. In the recent past, Reliance has found the gas in..........

1) Mumbai offshore2) Mahanadi basin3) Krishna -Godavari basin

4) Kaveri basin

Ans: 3
Q. Which petroleum company has introduced an improved quality petrol called

1) Bharat Petroleum2) Indian Oil3) Hindustan Petroleum

4) None of these

Ans: 1
Q. A place where wild animals live

1) Forest2) Lair3) Sanctuary4) Stable

Ans: 2
Q. A field or a part of a garden where fruit trees grow, mainly commercially

1) Park2) Orchard3) Nursery4) Yard

Ans: 2
Q. The characteristic feature of virus is

1) It lacks chlorophyll2) It multiplies only on hosts

3) It multiplies only on dead animals4) It is made of fats

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following has been found useful in keeping cholesterol level down

1) Tulsi2) Serpentina3) Turmeric4) Garlic

Ans: 4
Q. The crop which considers frost as its enemy

1) Rubber2) Tea3) Coffee4) Tobacco

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is not a Biosphere Reserve

1) Agasthyamala2) Panchamarhi3) Nallamala 4) Nilgiri

Ans: 3
Q. Cacti are classic examples of

1) Mesophytes2) Xerophytes3) Heliophytes4) Sciophytes

Ans: 2
Q. Economically the most important forest of India

1) Tidal2) Tropical deciduous forest

3) Thorn forest4) Evergreen forest

Ans: 2
Q. Which among the following has the maximum lifespan

1) Eagle2) Tortoise3) Tiger4) Elephant

Ans: 2
Q. The resinous shellac is obtained from

1) Bark of a tree2) Distillation of wood3) Agricultural waste

4) Processing of crude oil
Ans: 1
Q. The tallest tree in the world is

1) Eucalyptus2) Mahogany3) Redwood4) Teak

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following is not a natural fibre

1) Silk2) Jute3) Coir4) Rayon

Ans: 4
Q. Which of the following is not one of the important steps in processing tea leaves

1) Rolling2) Drying3) Fermenting4) Withering

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following is not obtained from the bark of a tree

1) Quinine2) Tannin3) Cinnamon4) Bhang

Ans: 4
Q. The best method of control of a soil borne disease is by

1) Using fungicides2) Burning affected plants3) Crop rotation

4) Seed treatment

Ans: 3
Q. Respiration of plants is through

1) Arriers2) Gills3) Trachea4) Stomata

Ans: 4
Q. An earthworm has

1) Three eyes2) No eyes3) One eye4) Two eyes

Ans: 2
Q. Which of the following animals is a marsupial

1) Kangaroo2) Goat3) Lion4) Whale

Ans: 1
Q. Which ruler went to Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism

1) Ashoka2) Samudragupta3) Sanghamitra4) Chitragupta

Ans: 3
Q. Temple architecture was most developed under

1) Rastrakutas2) Pallavas3) Pandyas4) Cheras

Ans: 2
Q. King Piyadassi referred to in some ancient Indian inscriptions is identified with

1) Chandragupta Maurya2) Bimbisara3) Ashoka4) Samudragupta

Ans: 3
Q. In Sanskrit plays written during the Gupta period, women & Sudras speak

1) Prakrit2) Sauraseni3) Pali4) Sanskrit

Ans: 1
Q. Sir Thomas Rose visited the court of

1) Akbar2) Jehangir3) Shajahan4) Aurangazeeb

Ans: 2
Q. The capital of Mysore during Tipu Sultan's rule was

1) Bangalore2) Devagiri3) Coimbatoor4) Srirangapattanam

Ans: 4
Q. Who among the following was a famous astronomer?

1) Bhanabhatta2) Vishakadatta3) Nagarjuna4) Aryabhatta

Ans: 4
Objective General Knowledgde

Q. The Reservation of seats for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the
Parliament and State Legislature is now Available upto the Year:

1) 20102) 20153) 20204) 2005

Ans: 1

Q. The Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission enjoys the status similar to that of

1) Comptroller and Auditor General of India2) Governor

3) Supreme Court Judge4) CabinetMinister

Ans: 4

Q. Who is the 'ex-officio Chairman' of the zonal Councils?

1) Prime Ministerof India2) Vice President of India

3) Union Home Minister4) President of India

Ans: 3

Q. Which Parliamentary Committee is describe as 'Watch-dog' and guardian of the

people against official negligence of corruption?

1) Committee on Estimates
2) Public Accounts Committee
3) Committee on Public Undertaking
4) Commitee on 'Consolidated fund of india'

Ans: 2

Q. The 'Inter-State Council' is provided by the

1) President of India2) Parliament3) Constitution of India4) Planning Commission

Ans: 3

Q. 'National Human Right Commission' is a

1) Statutory body2) Constitutional body

3) Quasi-Judicial body4) Extra-constitutional and Extra Statutory body

Ans: 1

Q. The units under a unitary system of government enjoy

1) Original powers2) Delegated powers

3) Powers bestowed by the Constitution
4) Powers not surrendered by them at the time of joining the union

Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following is the proper authority to effect deprivation of some
of the fundamental rights of the armed forces?

1) The Parliament of India 2) The President of India

3) The Defence Ministe4) The Council of Ministers

Ans: 1

Q. The power of the judiciary to entertain petitions for Public Interest Litigation can
be traced to

1) Rule of Law2) Due Process of Law3) Procedure established by Law

4) Writ jurisdiction

Ans: 4

Q. Which one of the following Constitutional Amendment Act accorded primacy to

some of the Directive Principles of State Policy?

1) 24th Constitutional Amendment2) 25th Constitutional Amendment Act

3) 42th Constitutional Amendment Act4) 44th Constitutional Amendment Act

Ans: 2

Q. Under the Indian Constitution, it is whose function to see that no money is spent
out of the Consolidate Fund of the state without the authority of the legislature?

1) Governor of the State2) Public Accounts Committee

3) Comptroller and Auditor General of india4) Estimates Committee

Ans: 3

Q. Which one of the following is correct about the expenses of a State Public Service

1) Budget of the state2) Public Account of the state

3) Consolidated Fund of India4) Consolidated Fund of State
Ans: 4

Q. Though India adopted the Parliamentary System from U.K. But the major
difference between the parliamentary systems obtained in U.k.and India is that of the

1) role of the Head of the state 2) role of the judiciary

3) nature of rule of Law4) relevance of the second chamber

Ans: 2

Q. "The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy are

complementary to each other .it is not necessary to sacrifice either of them for the
sake of the other." This statement can be traced to

1) Maneka Gandhi Case2) Minerva Mills Case

3) Golaknath Case4) Kesanananda Bharti case

Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following is the meaning of 'to be informed'?

1) Certiorari2) Prohibition3) Quo Warranto4) Mandamus

Ans: 1

Q. In which of the following elections, the system of Proportional Representation

with single transferable voting has been provided ? (i)President and vice Prersident
(ii)Speaker (iii)Rajya Sabha (iv)Chairman of State Legislature Council

1) 1 and 2 only2) 2 and 3 only

3) 1 and 3 only4) 1, 3 and 4 only

Ans: 3

Q. Which one of the following amendment Acts added Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and
santhali Languages in the Eight Schedule to the Constitution?

1) 100th Amendment Act 20032) 97th Amendment Act 2003

3) 92nd Amendment Act 20034) 91st Amendment Act 2003

Ans: 3

Q. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court had ruled that the parliament
cannot amend the fundamental rights?

1) Kesavanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala

2) Minerva Mills' Vs. union of india
3) Golaknath Vs State of Punjab
4) Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India

Ans: 3

Q. Which one of the following is the "House" whose presiding officer is not its

1) Legislative Council2) Lok Sabha3) Rajya Sabha4) Legislative Assembly

Ans: 3

Q. Which of the following countries is not the member of IBSA?

1) India2) Bangladesh3) South Africa4) Brazil

Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following is the correct description of the Capital Market? Capital
Market Comprises of

1) Stock markets & Bond Markets2) Bank and Insurance Companies

3) RBI and Nationalized Banks4) Stock Markets and Banks

Ans: 1

Q. Which of the following reflects the importance of 8th November 2008 in the
history of India?

1) Chandrayaan-I was launched this day

2) Chandrayaan - I was put into the orbit of the moon on this day.
3) This was the day on which ISRO completed 50 yrs of its existence.
4) This was the day on which Chandrayaan-I landed on the surface of the moon.

Ans: 2

Q. Who amongst the following cricketers has joined the club of 300 wicket takers in
Test Cricket?

1) Harbhajan Singh2) Anil Kumble3) Ishant Sharma4) Rahul Dravid

Ans: 1

Q. According to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in India,

the share of food component in the Consumer Price Index is around

1) 10 %2) 20 %3) 39 %4) 49 %

Ans: 4

Q. Which of the following countries is not a member of Shanghai Cooperation

Organization (SCO) ?

1) Russia2) Tajikistan3) Uzbekistan4) Mongolia

Ans: 4

Q. The first Chief Election Commissioner of India was

1) S.P. Sen Verma2) Sukumar Sen3) Dr. Nagendra Singh4) K.V.K. Sundaram

Ans: 2

Q. Who compared the Dandi March to Napoleon's March to Paris on his return from
Elba ?

1) Dadabhai Naoroji2) Lala Lajpat Rai

3) Subhash Chandra Bose4) B.G. Tilak

Ans: 3

Q. Dr. Manmohan Singh declared an Indian river as 'National River'. The name of
the river is
1) Brahmaputra2) Mahanadi3) Ganga4) Kosi

Ans: 3

Q. Which is the largest river system of the peninsular region ?

1) Godavari2) Kaveri3) Narmada4) Mahanadi

Ans: 1

Q. The Scheme "Ladli" launched by the Government of India relates to the welfare

1) Mothers giving birth to baby girl2) Baby girl

3) Whole family4) Girl after marriage

Ans: 2

Q. What is the source of electric energy in an artificial satellite?

1) A mini nuclear reactor2) A dynamo3) A thermopile4) Solar cells

Ans: 4

Q. The novel "White Tiger" which won the Man Booker Prize, 2008 is authored by

1) Arundhati Roy2) V.S. Naipaul3) Kiran Desai4) Aravind Adiga

Ans: 4

Q. The Pashmina variety of wool is obtained from

1) sheep2) camel3) rabbit4) goat

Ans: 4

Q. The disease caused by eating fish due to mercury poisoning is called

1) Minamata2) Diarrhoea3) Dysentery4) Cholera

Ans: 1

Q. The Bandung Conference (1955) was held in

1) Vietnam2) Philippines3) Indonesia4) Egypt

Ans: 3

Q. How many items are contained in the Union List ?

1) 66 items2) 96 items3) 97 items4) 67 items

Ans: 3

Q. The Indian Citizenship Act was passed in

1) 19502) 19523) 19554) 1960

Ans: 3

Q. In Faizabad, the revolt of 1857 was led by

1) Ahmadullah2) Bakht Khan3) Khan Bahadur Khar4) Nana Saheb

Ans: 1

Q. Who was the first Sufi saint in India ?

1) Shaikh Hamiduddin2) Shaikh Naizamuddin Auliya

3) Shaikh Qubuddin Auliya4) Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti

Ans: 4

Q. Who built the temple of Angkor Vat ?

1) Surya Varman II2) Jaya Varman vII

3) Yaso Varman4) Hari Varman

Ans: 1

Q. The world's first woman Prime Minister was

1) Indira Gandhi2) Margaret Thatcher

3) Sirimavo Bandaranaike4) Golda Meir

Ans: 3

Q. Sivasamudra is an island formed by the river

1) Ganges2) Godavari3) Krishna4) Cauvery

Ans: 4
Q. The first Indian talkie feature film was

1) Alam Ara2) Raja Harishchandra

3) Barsaat4) Taj Mahal

Ans: 1

Q. The Taj Mahal is affected due to

1) green house gases2) ozone

3) excess humidity in air4) acid rain

Ans: 3

Q. An ancient cave containing a mural of 55 panels on the life of Buddha has been
recently discovered at

1) Sanchi2) Bodh Gaya3) Mustang (Nepal)4) Lhasa

Ans: 3

Q. Who broke Pete Sampras's record of maximum Grand Slams in tennis ?

1) Rafael Nadal2) Roger Federer3) Andy Roddick4) Novak Djokovic

Ans: 2

Q. The 42nd amendment act(1976) was practically a revision of the indian

constitution because

1) The amendment of Preamble ignored the principles of federal parliamentary

2) Fundamental rights were reinterpreted as natural rights
3) almost a quarter of the constitution including Preamble and VII Schedule was
4) the power of judicial review was restricted

Ans: 3

Q. Which one of the following defines the rationale of emergency Provisions in the
constitution of india?

1) Socio-economic backwardness neccessitates firm control

2) Unforseens situations force to take unified step
3) Federation means weak government and therefore requires strong measures
4) A democratic polity cannot guarantee the will of the people
Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following correctly explains the meaning of 'Socialist' in


1) Nationalisation of all means of production

2) Abolition of private property
3) Socialistic pattern of society
4) Eradication of exploitation and vested interest

Ans: 4

Q. The Constitution of India enjoins upon the Councils of Ministers to dicharge

'double responsibility'

1) individually to the President and collectively to the Parliament

2) collectively to the lower chamberand individually to the Prime Minister
3) collectively to the lower chamber and individually to the President.
4) collectively both to the Lok Sabha and the President
Ans: 3
Q. What Indians have been according to all nations throughout the ages?

1) The mines of knowledge2) The fountains of justice

3) The fountains of administration4) All of the above

Ans: 4

Q. The father of Asoka was:

1) Bimbisara2) Bindusara3) Mahendra4) Namda

Ans: 2

Q. Aurganzeb, the Mughal ruler murdered the Sikh Guru

1) Guru Tej bahadur2) Guru Arjan Dev3) Guru Ramdas4) Guru Angud

Ans: 1

Q. 'Ashtadiggajas' was the council of scholars of ____

1) Krishnadevaraya2) Sivaji 3) Chandragupta4) Harshavardhana

Ans: 1

Q. King Akbar of the Mughal Dynasty was in power in the

1) 18th century2) 12th century3) 16th century4) 14th century

Ans: 3

Q. On which date was Mrs. Indira Gandhi assassinated?

1) 30th October 19832) 1st Nov 19833) 31st Oct 19844) 1st Nov 1985

Ans: 3

Q. In which year did the Dutch oust the Portuguese from Cochin?

1) 16212) 1663 3) 1701 4) 1748

Ans: 2

Q. The Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hien visited India during the reign of

1) Chandragupta I2) Chandragupta II 3) Kanishka4) Harshavardhana

Ans: 2

Q. In ancient peninsular India, who among the following assumed the title

1) Mayurasharman2) Narasimhavarman3) Pulakesi II4) Vikramaditya II

Ans: 2

Q. The battle at Waihind in 1008-09 A.D was fought between

1) Mahmud of Ghazni and Jayapala2) Mahmud of Ghazni and Anandapala

3) Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj4) Muhammad Ghori and Jaichandra

Ans: 2

Q. Which one of the following travelers is not associated with the description of the
glories of Vijayanagar kingdom?

1) Paes2) Abdul Razzaq3) Ibn Batutach4) Nuniz

Ans: 3

Q. Raja Rammohan Roy and David Hara were associated with the foundation of the

1) Ripon College2) Hindu College3) M.A.O College4) Sanskrit College

Ans: 1

Q. During the Mughal period, which one of the following traders were the first to
come to India?

1) English2) Portuguese3) Dutch4) Danish

Ans: 2

Q. Who among the following was appointed by Ashoka to administer justice in his

1) Shramana 2) Uparika3) Rajuka 4) Kumaramatya

Ans: 3

Q. The capital of the Pallava kings was

1) Chennapattinam 2) Mahabalipuram3) Kanchipuram4) Madurai

Ans: 3

Q. 'Tipu Sultan' had his capital at

1) Srirangapatnam2) Mysore 3) Bangalore4) Bhagyanagar

Ans: 1

Q. Who among the following British Governors-General shifted India's capital from
Calcutta to Delhi in 1911?

1) Lord Louis Mountbatten2) Warren Hastings3) Lord Canning

4) Lord Hardinge

Ans: 3

Q. Among the four dynasties listed below, which one minted coins made of lead?

1) Mauryas2) Satvahanas3) Western Kshatrapas4) Guptas

Ans: 2

Q. The founder of Mughal Dynasty in India was

1) Alaudhin Khilji2) Babar3) Qudbudhin lbak4) Akbar

Ans: 2

Q. The cultivation of crops brought about such great changes in man's life that it
marks the beginning of a new age that it known as the

1) Mesolithic age2) Neolithic age3) Paleolithic age4) Chalcolithic age

Ans: 2

Q. The first metal to be discovered and used for making tools was

1) bronze2) iron 3) copper4) Zinc

Ans: 3

Q. The first known civilization in India is called the Indus Valley Civilization because

1) the name of the country is derived from the word Indus

2) the river Indus was most important for Indians in ancient times
3) the important sites which were excavated first are located in the valley of the river
4) the Indus is the main river in the north-west regions of the Indian sub-continent

Ans: 3

Q. A great tank, now called the Great Bath, was found in

1) Harappa2) Chanhudaro3) Lothal4) Mohenjodaro

Ans: 4

Q. Lothal had a structure which, according to some archaeologists, was a

1) dockyard2) citadel3) public building 4) great tank

Ans: 1

Q. Chandragupta Maurya built the first great empire in India with the help of

1) Mahapadmananda2) Bindusara3) Seleucus4) Kautilya

Ans: 4

Q. The most important kingdom in Deccan and Central India after the Mauryas was

1) Satavahanas2) Vakatakas3) Pallavas4) Cholas

Ans: 1

Q. The foreign traveler who visited India during the rule of the Guptas was

1) Hiuen Tsang 2) Beriner3) Fa-Hein 4) Manucci

Ans: 3

Q. The British were able to conquer India in 18th century by

1) taking advantage of the political, social and economic weakness of Indian society
2) following a policy of war and conquest
3) the policy of divide and rule
4) establishing trade relations

Ans: 1

Q. Alexander's general who attacked India and was defeated by Chadragupta Maurya
1) Ptolemy2) Seleucus3) Nearchus4) Arrian

Ans: 2

Q. The most remarkable, Chola achievement was

1) In the field of art and architecture 2) their military organization

3) local self-government in villages 4) in fighting and deeds of chivalry

Ans: 3

Q. The scholar who accompanied Mahmud of Ghazni in India was

1) Ibn Batuta 2) Al-Beruni 3) Al-Firdausi 4) Al-Razi

Ans: 2

Q. Karl Marx's appeal was directed primarily to

1) peasants 2) industrial workers 3) the middle classes 4) capitalists

Ans: 2

Q. The British Government in India became the paramount power in the country in

1) 18572) 17573) 18134) 1765

Ans: 3

Q. The earliest figure in the awakening of modern India was

1) Raja Ram Mohan Roy2) Dadabhai Naoroji

3) Mahatma Gandhi 4) Swami Vivekananda

Ans: 2

Q. The first newspaper in India was

1) Sambad Kaumudi 2) The Bengal Gazette 3) Meratul Akbar 4) Sambad Prabhakar

Ans: 2

Q. The most magnificent of Shajahan's buildings is

1) Red Fort Delhi 2) Jama Masjid 3) Taj Mahal 4) Diwan-e-Khas

Ans: 3

Q. The Indian ruler known as the Napoleon of Indian was

1) Samudragupta 2) Ashoka3) Chandragupta Maurya 4) None of the above

Ans: 1

Q. The invader who raided India seventeen times was

1) Mohammad Ghori 2) Mahmud of Ghazni 3) Genghis Khan 4) Timur

Ans: 2

Q. The battle that was fought between Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas in 1761

1) 2nd battle of Panipat 2) 1st battle of Panipat3) 3rd battle of Panipat

4) the battle of Tarain

Ans: 3

Q. The main historical source regarding the information about village government
under the Cholas is the

1) Halmidi inscription 2) Jatwai inscription

3) Uttaramerur inscription 4) Chandravallo inscription

Ans: 3

Q. Which was the first metal to be used by man?

1) Copper2) Bronze3) Iron4) Tin

Ans: 1

Q. Winds and air currents differ in the aspect that

1) air currents blow much faster than winds

2) air currents are always moisture laden while winds are usually dry
3) the winds blow on lands while air currents blow over seas and oceans
4) winds are horizontal movements of air while air currents are the vertical
movements of air

Ans: 4
Q. Cyclone is a system of wind blowing

1) spirally outwards from a high pressure region

2) spirally towards low pressure centre
3) in a straight line from high to low pressure regions
4) from Bay of Bengal towards Bangladesh annually

Ans: 2

Q. Which of the following occurs more frequently than the other three, in Indian

1) Cyclones2) Hurricanes3) Tornadoes4) Typhoons

Ans: 1

Q. A sudden fall in the barometric reading indicates

1) rain2) storm3) fine weather 4) extreme cold

Ans: 2

Q. Which type of rain is caused by ascent of moisture laden air along a mountain?

1) Convectional rainfall 2) Orographic rainfall

3) Cyclonic rainfall 4) All of the above

Ans: 2

Q. Choose incorrect statement

1) Capacity of air to hold moisture decreases with a rise in temperature of the air
2) The air pressure decreases with an increase in temperature
3) Absolute humidity is expressed in grams per cubic metre of air
4) With an ascent of every 165 metres, the temperature is reduced by 10C

Ans: 1

Q. Which type of rainfall leads to the formation of the windward and the leeward side?

1) Cyclonic2) Convectional3) Orographic4) All of these

Ans: 3

Q. Artesian wells are found in

1) Sedimentary rocks 2) Igneous rocks3) Metamorphic rocks

4) None of these

Ans: 1

Q. Epicenter of an earthquake is a point associated with the

1) place where earthquake is felt

2) place of origin of earthquake in the interior of earth
3) point on the earth's surface just above seismic focus
4) point over the earth's surface where first shock is felt

Ans: 3

Q. Which UN Organization is called as the World Bank :

1) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

2) International Banking System
3) International Banking Management System
4) All the above

Ans: 1
Q. Where is the headquarters of International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development :

1) New York2) Washington3) Texas4) All the above

Ans: 2
Q. Where is the headquarters of International Finance Corporation :

1) New Delhi2) Tokyo3) London4) Washington

Ans: 3
Q. Which UN Organization provide facilities for conciliation and arbitration of
disputes between government and foreign investor :

1) Multilateral investment guarantee agency

2) International finance corporation
3) International centre for settlement of investment disputes
4) None of the above

Ans: 3
Q. Where is the headquarters of International Civil Aviation Organization :

1) Canada2) Lebanon3) Brazil4) None of the above

Ans: 1
Q. When did UN General Assembly adopt the Universal Declaration of Human

1) 15th December, 19482) 10th December, 1948

3) 30th December, 19484) 25th December, 1948

Ans: 2
Q. When was Asian Development Bank established :

1) 19662) 19673) 19684) 1965

Ans: 1
Q. Where is the headquarters of the Economic Co-operation Organisation :

1) Republic of Iran2) Pakistan3) Turkey4) Afghanistan

Ans: 1
Q. Which are the countries who set-up the Economic Co-operation Organisation :

1) Iran2) Pakistan3) Turkey4) All the above

Ans: 4
Q. Where is the headquarters of Colombo Plan :

1) Srilanka2) Singapore3) Thailand4) Myanmar

Ans: 1
Q. When was Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation formed:

1) 19492) 19893) 19874) 1983

Ans: 2
Q. Which is the official language of Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation :

1) English2) Urdu3) German4) French

Ans: 1
Q. When was Southern Common Market founded :

1) January 19922) March 19913) October 19894) September 1997

Ans: 2
Q. Which Article of the UN Charter describe the basic procedure to make a member of
the UN Trusteeship Council:

1) 842) 833) 864) 89

Ans: 3
Q. When UN Peacekeeping forces were awarded Noble Prize :

1) 19782) 19883) 19984) 2005

Ans: 2
Q. What is the term of the Secretary General of the UN:

1) 6 years2) 5 years3) 4 years4) 3 years

Ans: 2
Q. What functions are performed by the UN Secretary General:

1) The Secretary-General is the chief administrative officer of the Organization.

2) The Secretary-General acts in the capacity of the chief administrative officer of the
organization in all meetings of the General Assembly, the Security Council, The
Economic and Social Council and of the Trusteeship Council.
3) Secretary-General makes annual report to the UN General Assembly in the work of
the Organization. The Secretary-General may bring to the notice of the Security
Council any matter which in his opinion threatens the maintenance of international
peace and security.
4) All the above

Ans: 4
Q. When was the international Labour Organization established :

1) 19192) 19203) 19214) 1923

Ans: 1
Q. In 1919, International Labour Organization became an autonomous partner of
which Organization :

1) UN2) Developed Nations3) League of Nations4) None of the above

Ans: 3
Q. Where is the head office of the International Labour Organization situated :

1) Paris2) Geneva3) Moscow4) London

Ans: 2
Q. When ILO was brought into relationship with the UN through a special agreement:

1) 19452) 19683) 19694) 1946

Ans: 4
Q. What is the kind of state representation in the general assembly of the International
Labour Organization :

1) Two representatives of the state government

2) One each representative of the workers and employees
3) (A) and (B)
4) None of the above

Ans: 3
Q. Which is recently created UN institution as part of the Human Rights Machinery :

1) High Commissioner for Human Rights

2) Commission on Human Rights
3) Human Rights Council
4) Human Rights Institute

Ans: 3
Q. When did the UN General Assembly adopt the statute of the International Civil
Service Commission :

1) December, 19742) December, 1976

3) December, 19794) December, 1978

Ans: 1
Q. In which year, International Civil Service Advisory Board was established for the
UN :

1) 19682) 19673) 19484) 1949

Ans: 4
Q. In which year UN General Assembly established a 11- member council for South-
West Africa to administer the territory till independence :

1) 19672) 19653) 19644) 1968

Ans: 1
Q. Where is the headquarters of International Organisation of the Francophonie :

1) Togo2) Mali3) Romania4) France

Ans: 4
Q. Where is the headquarters of World Confederation of Labour:

1) Chad2) Canada3) Belgium4) Cameroon

Ans: 3
Q. Which city houses the headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) ?

1) Vienna (Austria)2) Brussels (Belgium)

3) Geneva (Switzerland)4) Montreal (Canada)
Ans: 4
Q. In 2001, which Indian player was appointed as 'Messanger of Peace' by United
Nations (UN), to promote its peacekeeping efforts ?

1) Vijay Amritraj2) Prakash Padukone3) Vishwanathan Anand

4) Sachin Tendulkar

Ans: 1
Q. In 1989, which municipal town of Kerala became the first fully literate municipal
town in India ?

1) Adoor2) Kottayam3) Alappuzha4) Palakkad

Ans: 2
Q. Which building, designed by British architect Edwin Lutyens, and located at
Raisina Hill in New Delhi, was formerly known as 'Viceregal Palace' ?

1) India Gate2) Teen Murti Bhavan3) Rashtrapati Bhavan4) Sansad Bhavan

Ans: 3
Q. Even though India became independent in 1947 but Daman and Diu remained a
European colony till 1961. Which country ruled over it ?

1) France2) Britain3) Netherlands4) Portugal

Ans: 4
Q. Who authored the 'Gitanjali', an anthology of poems ?

1) Sumitranandan Pant2) Makhanlal Chaturvedi

3) Rabindranath Tagore4) Maithili Sharan Gupt

Ans: 3
Q. Which among the following is not a gallantry award ?

1) Arjuna Award2) Ashok Chakra3) Param Vir Chakra4) Shaurya Chakra

Ans: 1
Q. Who founded the 'Sevagram Ashram' near Wardha in Maharashtra ?

1) Vinoba Bhave2) Mahatma Gandhi3) Jyotirao Phule4) Anna Hazare

Ans: 2
Q. In the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Consitution, how many languages have been
officially recognised ?

1) 152) 183) 224) 24

Ans: 3
Q. When an ant bites a person, which irritating chemical it (ant) injects into his
(person) body ?

1) Acetic acid2) Citric acid3) Tartaric acid4) Formic acid

Ans: 4
Q. In which city is the International Advanced Research Centre for Powder
Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) located ?

1) Mumbai
2) Bengaluru
3) Chennai
4) Hyderabad

Ans: 4
Q. Ban Ki-moon, present Secretary-General, is the second Asian to hold the post of
Secretary General of United Nations. Who was the first Asian ?

1) Kurt Waldheim2) U.Thant3) Trygve Lie4) Kofi Annan

Ans: 2
Q. Who authored Sanskrit play the 'Mudrarakshasa' ?

1) Kalidas2) Banabhatta3) Vishakhadatta4) Bhavabhuti

Ans: 3
Q. Which is the oldest mountain range in India ?

1) Aravali2) Himalayas3) Sahyadri4) Vindhyas

Ans: 1
Q. What is the official residence of the US President ?

1) The Kremlin2) Elysee Palace3) Buckingham Palace4) White House

Ans: 4
Q. The multipurpose Sardar Sarovar Project is being built across which river ?

1) Tapti2) Narmada3) Sabarmati4) Godavari

Ans: 2
Q. In 305 BC, which Maurya ruler defeated Alexander's general Seleucus Nicator and
received the territories of Kabul and Balochistan ?

1) Bindusara2) Ashok the Great3) Chandragupta Maurya

4) Dasharatha Maurya

Ans: 3
Q. In 1989, who became the first woman judge of the Supreme Court of India ?

1) Leila Seth2) M.S. Fatima Beevi3) Cornelia Sorabji4) Anna Chandy

Ans: 2
Q. What were Indians a thousand years ago

1) Most advanced nation2) Very large in numbers3) A noble country

4) All of the above

Ans: 4
Q. Who were called the Kings of Wisdom?

1) The kings of China2) The kings of India3) Both4) Neither

Ans: 2
Q. Why Indian kings were called the kings of wisdom?

1) Because of their interest in yoga2) Because of their interest in Poetry

3) Because of their interest in sciences4) Because of all the above

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following was selected as capital by Kanishka?

1) Purushpur2) Pataliputra3) Ujjain4) Kannauj

Ans: 1
Q. As a prince where was Ashoka sent to suppress the revolt?

1) Taxila2) Kalinga3) Ujjain4) Deccan

Ans: 1
Q. The wheel of Saranath pillar denotes -

1) Revolution2) Justice3) Dharmachakra Pravartan4) Dhamma

Ans: 3
Q. Which is the most important source of Ashoka's invasion of Kalinga?

1) Mahavnsha2) Divyavadan3) Thirteen Rock edict4) Seventh Pillar edict

Ans: 3
Q. Who among the following, proved the spherical shape of the earth during his first
voyage around the world?

1) Captain Cook2) Ferdinand Magellan3) Vasco da Gama4) Columbus

Ans: 2
Q. The most important divinity in the Rig Veda is

1) Agni2) Marut3) Varuna4) Indra

Ans: 3
Q. March 4 1931 is an important date in Indian History because on this day

1) Mahatma Gandhi undertook the famous "Dandi March"

2) Mahatma Gandhi was arrested for starting a civil disobedience movement known as
"Salt Satyagraha"
3) First Round Table Conference started in London
4) Gandhi Irwin Pact was concluded

Ans: 4
Q. Azad Hind Fauj was founded in 1943 in

1) Mandalay2) Singapore3) Midnapore4) Kuala Lumpur

Ans: 2
Q. Who said "You shall give me blood I will return freedom" ?

1) Mahatma Gandhi2) C. R. Das3) Jawaharlal Nehru4) Subhash Chandra Bose

Ans: 4
Q. The seat of Central Government of British India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi
in the year

1) 19102) 19093) 19114) 1912

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following was a saint of the Bhakti Movement in Bengal?

1) Tulshidas2) Vivekananda3) Chaitanya4) Kabir

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following is associated with Lord Wellesley, the Governor General of
India from 1798 to 1805?

1) Doctrine of Lapse2) Subsidiary Alliance

3) First Mysore War4) Conquest of Rajputana

Ans: 2
Q. Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at

1) Vaishali2) Pataliputra3) Sanchi4) Sarnath

Ans: 4
Q. Which one of the following is not a member of the U. N. O.?

1) Switzerland2) Sweeden3) Nepal4) Bhutan

Ans: 1
Q. Who among the following was directly associated with the French Revolution?

1) Napolean Bonaparte2) Voltaire3) Louis XIV4) Danton

Ans: 1
Q. The number of permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations

1) Three2) Five3) Seven4) Eleven

Ans: 2
Q. Gandhijis first fast in India was in connection with

1) The Champaran Satyagraha2) The Chauri Chaura incident

3) The Communal riots in eastern India
4) The strike of mill workers at Ahmedabad

Ans: 4
Q. In his book "Hind Swaraj" Gandhiji expresses his views on Swaraj. To him it

1) Freedom from foreign rule

2) Acquisition of political power by the sons of the soil
3) Moral and spiritual awakening of the people
4) Ability of the people to resist authority when abused

Ans: 3
Q. Which of the following is correctly matched?

1) Salt Satyagraha :19292) Surat Split :1905

3) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre :19214) Non-co-Operation Movement :1920

Ans: 4
Q. The most important feature in the economic measure pursued by Allauddin Khilji

1) market control2) foreign trade3) minting of new coins

4) development of agriculture

Ans: 1
Q. The era which is counted from 78 A.D. is the

1) Vikram era2) Kollam era3) Saka era4) Salivahana era

Ans: 3
Q. The earliest Veda is the

1) Rigveda2) Yajurveda3) Samveda4) Atharvaveda

Ans: 1
Q. The tutor of Alexander, the Great was -

1) Darius2) Cyrus3) Socrates4) Aristatole

Ans: 4
Q. Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at

1) Pataliputra2) Magadha3) Kalinga4) Sarnath

Ans: 1
Q. Which was the only Indus city without a citadel?

1) Kalibangan2) Harappa3) Mohenjodaro4) Chanhudraro

Ans: 2
National Symbols of India
The National Emblem of India has been taken from the Sarnath Lion capital erected
National Emblem by Ashoka. The national emblem of India was adapted by the Government of India
on 26th January, 1950.

National Flag On July 22nd1947, the National Flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly.

Jan Gana Mana written by Ravindra Nath Tagore - Adopted as National Anthem on
National Anthem
24 Jan 1950 by Constituent Assembly.

The song Vande Mataram composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterji was adopted
National Song
as National Song on 24 Jan 1950 by Constituent Assembly.

Government adopted the Saka Era as the system for National Calendar with
National Calender
Chaitra as its first month and Pahalgun the last from 22 March 1957.

National Bird Peacock

National Language None (Hindi and English are Official Languages, not National Language)

Tiger (Land), River Dolphin (Aquatic) - Lion was the National Animal in India till
National Animal
1972, after that it was replaced by Tiger.

National Flower Lotus

National Fruit Mango

National Tree Banyan

National River Ganga

National Game Not Declared (Hockey is not national game as per recent RTI)
1. RTI Act 2005 came into force on

(a) 12 October 2005(b) 15 August 2005(c) 15 June 2005(d) 1 November 2005

Ans. 12 October, 2005

2. Which of the following is not come under the definition of 'information' under
RTI Act 2005?

(a) Log books (b) File notings(c) Data material held in any electronic form
(d) Circulars
Ans. File Noting

3. The officer designated by the public authorities in all administrative units or

offices under it to provide information to the citizens requesting for information
under the Act is know as

(a) Appellate Authority (b) Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)

(c) Public Information Officer (PIO) (d) Assistant Public Information Officer

Ans. Public Information Officer (PIO)

4.What is the time limit to get the information under RTI Act 2005?

(a) 15 days (b) 45 days (c) 60 days (d) 30 days

Ans . 30 days

5.What is the time limit to get the information concerning the life and liberty of a

(a) 48 hours (b) 24 hours (c) 5 days (d) 10 days

Ans.48 hours

6.If the interests of a third party are involved in information sought for, the
maximum time limit to get the information will be

(a) 30 days (b) 40 days (c) 45 days (d) 60 days

Ans. 40 dyas

7.If information sought has been supplied by third party or is treated as

confidential by that third party, the third party must be given a representation
before the PIO in reply to the notice issued to him within ------ days from the date of
receipt of such notice.

(a) 5 days (b) 15 days (c) 10 days (d) 7 days

Ans. 10 days

8.What is the fee for getting information under RTI Act

(a) Rs.20/- (b) Rs.50/- (c) Rs.100/- (d) Rs.10/-

Ans. Rs.10/-

9. First appeal to the first appellate authority can be preferred by the applicant
within -------- days from the expiry of the prescribed time limit or from the receipt of
the decision from the PIO

(a) 30 days (b) 45 dyas (c) 60 days (d) 90 days

Ans.30 days

10.First Appeal shall be disposed of by the first appellate authority within ------
days from the date of its receipt.

(a) 40 days (b) 30 days (c) 60 days (d) 50 days

Ans. 30 days

11. Period for disposing first appeal can be expand by ------ days from 30 days if

(a) 10 days (b) 30 days (c) 15 days (d) 25 days

Ans. 15 days

12. The long title of the RTI Act seeks to promote the following qualities in the
working of every public authority:

(a) Transparency (b) Punctuality (c) Efficiency (d) Reputation

Ans. Transparency

13. Second appeal to the Central Information Commission/ the State Information
Commission can be preferred by the applicant within ------ days from the date on
which the decision was given or should have been made by the First Appellate

(a) 30 days (b) 45 days (c) 60 days (d) 90 days

Ans.90 days

14. Appointment Committee of Central Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)


(a) Prime Minister (b) Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha
(c) One Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by the Prime Minister
(d) All the above

Ans. All the above

15. Consider the following statements about the right to information (RTI) Act,
2005 and select one which is not provided for or specially exempted

(a) It is not applicable in the state of Jammu and Kashmir

(b) An applicant making request for information will have to give reasons for seeking
(c) Removal of chief information officer
(d) Every information commissioner shall hold office for a term of 5 years or till the age of
65 years whichever is earlier.

Ans. C - Removal of chief information officer

16. The RTI Act gives right to seek information from the following:

(a) private companies (b) MNCs (c) public authorities (d) associations

Ans.(C) Public Authorities

17. Central Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) is appointed by

(a) President (b) Vice President (c) Prime Minister (d) Home Minister

Ans. (A) President

18. Under RTI Act, the grounds for a complaint could be
(i) being asked to pay an unreasonable amount of fee.
(ii) being given incomplete or false information.
(iii) any matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records.

Select the correct code

(a) All (i), (ii) & (iii) (b) Only (i) & (iii) (c) Only (ii) & (iii) (d) Only (iii)

Ans. (A)

19. Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) shall be appointed for a term of ------
years from date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of -------
- years, whichever is earlier

(a) 6 yeras / 66 yeras (b) 5 yeras/ 70 yeras (c) 5 years / 65 years

(d) 5 years /60 years

Ans. (C) 5 years / 65 years

20. Section 4 (1) (b) (xi) of RTI Act states that a public authority should publish:

(a) The budget allocated to each of its agency (b) Proposed expenditures
(c) Reports on disbursements made (d) All the above
Ans. (d) All the above
Capital of Kerala?

(A) Ernakulam (B) Thiruvananthapuram (C) Thrissur (D) Calicut

Ans. B

The National animal of India?

(A) Cow (B) Lion (C) Tiger (D) Elephant

Ans.: Tiger

Which among the following inert Gases is not present in our atmosphere?

(A) Neon (B) Argon (C) Krypton (D) Xenon (E) Radon

Ans. Radon

The first Lady Prime-Minister of a country was?

(A) Indira Gandhi (B) Sirimavo Bhandara Naike (C) Goldamair

(D) Margaret Thatcher

Ans. B

The Panchayati Raj is a?

(A) One-tier system (B) Two-tier system (C) Three-tier system

(D) Four-tier system

Ans. C

Dear money means?

(A) Low rate of interest (B) Inflation (C) High rate of interest (D) None

Ans. C

The most important string musical instrument of Carnatic music?

(A) Violin (B) Veena (C) Sitar (D) Sarod

Ans. A

Which of the following eastern states of India is generally referred to as the Land of
the Sun rays?

(A) Assam (B) Nagaland (C) Manipur (D) Arunachal Pradesh

Ans. D

The famous Indian who first swam the Palk Strait?

(A) Mihir Sen (B) Bula Chaudhary (C) Karni Singh (D) Nandu

Ans. A

The longest land frontier of India is with?

(A) China (B) Nepal (C) Bangladesh (D) Pakistan

Ans. C

Which one of the following is not a rabi crop?

(A) Wheat (B) Maize (C) Peas (D) Mustard

Ans. B

Who discovered Vaccine for hydrophobia?

(A) Robert Koch (B) Ronald Ross (C) Louis Paster (D) Columbus

Ans. C

Who discovered Theory of relativity?

(A) Archimedes (B) Einstein (C) Mendeleev (D) Malthus

Ans. B

Who discovered Electrons?

(A) J.J.Thomson (B) A.Becquerel (C) Charles Darwin (D) Pythagorus

Ans. A

Who discovered Psycho analysis?

(A) Benjamin Franklin (B) Sigmund Freud (C) Dr.C.V.Raman (D) Dr.Jack

Ans. B.

Who discovered Railway Engine?

(A) Isac Newton (B) Edison (C) Stephenson (D) Robert Whitehead

Ans. C

Who discovered Insulin?

(A) Dr.P.K.Sen(B) Hahneman(C) Alexander Fleming (D) Frederick Banting

Ans. D

An organism which transmits a disease to a healthy person is known as?

(A) Pathogen (B) Carrier (C) Vector (D) None of these

Ans. C

Time allowed for chanting Jana Gana Mana the National Anthem of India?

(A) 1 Minute (B) 2 Minute (C) 52 Seconds (D) 55 Seconds


DIET is the Parliament of?

(A) Norway (B) Japan (C) Holland (D) West Germany

Ans. B

The Minister who resigned from Central Cabinet during the wake of Chinese

(A) H.K.L.Bhagat (B) V.C.Shukla (C) V.K.Krishnamenon (D) Jaffer Sheriff

Ans. C

Dated: 01.03.2017

Q. 1-The Odakkuzhal Award is given in memory of?

(A) Kumaran Asan (B) Chempai Vydyanatha Bhagavathar

(C) Balamurali Krishna (D) Vallathol
(E) G.Sankarakurup

Ans. E

Q.2-Which of the following books has been translated to the maximum number of

(A) Ramanan (B) Chemmeen (C) Karuna (D) Nalukettu (E) Indulekha

Ans. B

Q.3-The centre of the Sanskrit University in Kerala?

(A) Kottayam(B) Kochi (C) Kalady (D) Kozhokode (E) Thiruvananthapuram

Ans. C.

Q.4-The layer in the atmosphere that protects earth from ultraviolet radiation?

(A) Oxygen belt(B) Milky way(C) Galaxy(D) Nitrogen layer (E) Ozone layer

Ans. E

Q.5- The largest delta,Sundarbans is in?

(A) West Bengal (B) Gujarat (C) Bihar (D) Uttar Pradesh

Ans. A

Q.6-A glass rod placed in a colourless liquid seems to disappear because?

(A) The glass and the liquid have the same refraction index (B) The glass and
the liquid have the same colour
(C) The glass and the liquid are of the same density (D) The liquid wets
the glass by capillary action
Ans. A

Q.7-Prime Meridian is the Meridian of ----------- degree longitude,which runs

through Greenwich?

(A) Zero (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 180

Ans. A

Q.8-Which continent is divided into almost two equal parts by the equator?

(A) Asia (B) Australia (C) Europe (D) Africa

Ans. D

Q.9-The voltage between any two phases in the three phase system is?

(A) 1100 V (B) 400 V (C) 220 V (D) 110 V

Ans. B

Q.10-The state that ranks first in the production of coal is?

(A) Jharkhand (B) Orissa (C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Andhra Pradesh

Ans. A

Q.11-The German ruler during the Second World War was?

(A) Mussolini (B) Hitler (C) Churchill (D) Stalin

Ans. B

Q.12-The first country to speak about non-alignment was?

(A) China (B) Sri Lanka (C) India (D) Pakistan

Ans. C

Q.13-The first atomic power plant in India was built at?

(A) Sriharikotta (B) Tharapur (C) Trombay (D) Valiyamala

Ans. B
Q.14-The first scheduled caste Vice President of India belongs to------------?

(A) Tamil Nadu (B) Uttar Pradesh (C) Kerala (D) Assam

Ans. C

Q.15-The progressive street-play writer and actor who was murdered by reactionary
forces in Delhi was -----------------?

(A) Safdar Hashimi (B) Salman Rushdie (C) Tasleema Nasreen (D)
Qurratul Ain Hyder

Ans. A

Q.16-"Jai Jawan Jai Kisan" slogan is associated with-----------?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B) Lal Bahadur Sastri (C) Indira Gandhi (D)

Ans. B

Q.17-Chinese traveller, Huen Tsang visited India at the time of ---------------?

(A) Harsha Vardhana(B) Chandra Gupta Maurya (C) Kanishka(D) Ashoka

Ans. A

Q.18-Koutilya the author of Arthasasthra was a contemporary of ----------?

(A) Ashoka (B) Chandra Gupta Maurya (C) Bindusara (D) Samudra Gupta

Ans. B

Q.19-Jaffna was forcibly freed from the hold of LTTE by Sri Lankan Government
forces in December 1995 by an operation called --------------?

(A) Operation Blue Star (B) Operation Indian Ocean(C) Operation Rivi Resa
(D) Operation Black Thunder

Q.20-Megasthanese visited India during the period of?

(A) Harsha (B) Ashoka (C) Chandra Gupta Maurya (D) Chandra Gupta II
Ans. C

Q.21-The region of Kerala where evergreen forest are seen?

(A) Nelliyampathi (B) Munnar (C) Wayanad (D) Silent Valley

Ans. D

Q.22-The reaction in torch cell is ----------------?

(A) Photochemical (B) Electrochemical(C) Endothermic (D) Addison reaction

And. B

Q.23-Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesque caused the great --------- with their

(A) French Revolution (B) Industrial Revolution (C) Agrarian Revolution

(D) Green Revolution

Ans. A

Q.24-The strait that joins the Atlantic and the Mediterranean is the -------------?

(A) Panama Canal (B) Seuz Canal (C) Strait Gibralter (D) Strait Palk

Ans. C

Q.25-The Sun and the Planets revolving round it are known as -----------------?

(A) The Solar system (B) The Galaxy (C) The Milky Way (D) The
Celestial system

Ans. A

Q.26-The Punjab takes its name from the tributaries of the river --------------?

(A) Ganga (B) Krishna (C) Indus (D) Cauvery


Q.27-----------mountain ranges seperates Europe from Asia?

(A) The Appalachians (B) The Pyrenees (C) The Ural (D) The Alps
Ans. C

Q.28-The ruler who attempted to shift the capital of India is -------------?

(A) Allavuddin Khilji (B) Muhammed Bin Tughlug (C)

Kutabudin Ibak (D) Muhammed of Ghor

Ans. B

Q.29-The first war of independence was fought in the year -----------?

(A) 1939 (B) 1885 (C) 1857 (D) 1526

Ans. C

Q.30-The Great Britain comprises of England,Scotland and -------------?

(A) Finland (B) Bouchunaland (C) Ireland (D) Iceland

Ans. C

Q.31-After the Chinese revolution Chiang Kai -shek fled to the island called ------?

(A) Sicily (B) Formosa (C) Cylon (D) Sumathra

Ans. B

Q.32-When sodium vapour lamp burns ---------------------light is emitted?

(A) Green (B) Orange red (C) White (D) Yellow

Ans. D

Q.33-The Konkan Railway connects Mumbai with -------------?

(A) Bangalore (B) Vijayawada (C) Chennai (D) Mangalore

Ans. D

Q.34-The First President of the U.S.A. was ----------------?

(A) George Washington (B) Thomas Jefferson (C) Theodore Roosevelt (D)
Abraham Lincoln
Ans. A

Q.35-One of the following is a Greek City State.Which is it?

(A) Berlin (B) Athens (C) Damascus (D) Rome

Ans. B

Q.36-The opium war was fought between the Chinese and -------------?

(A) The British (B) The French (C) The Japanese (D) The Portuguese

Ans. A

Q.37-UNICEF is an international body concerned with the welfare of----------------?

(A) Labourers (B) Children (C) Politicians (D) Woman

Ans. B

Q.38-The Pyramids are found on the banks of the river ----------------------?

(A)Congo (B) Nile (C) Niger (D) Zambezi


Q.39-The first battle of Panipat was fought between Babar and --------------?

(A) Nadirsha(B) Ibrahim Lodi (C) Allavuddin (D) Gazni Mahamood

Ans. B

Q.40-The smallest continent is situated in ---------------?

(A) The Atlantic Ocean (B) The Pacific Ocean (C) The Indian Ocean (D)
Between Indian and Pacific Ocean

Ans. D

Q.41-Maximum yield of milk is obtained from -----------variety of cows?

(A) Red Sindhi (B) Kamadhenu (C) Jersey (D) Kapila

Ans. A
Q.42-The energy possessed by the water collected in the reservoir of a dam?

(A) Kinetic energy (B) Mechanical energy (C) Electric energy (D) Potential

ans. D

Q.43-Under what condition does a lunar eclipse take place?

(A) The earth comes between the sun and the moon
(B) The moon comes between the sun and the earth
(C) The sun comes between the earth and the moon
(D) The sun,moon and earth are in a straightline in any order

Ans. A

Q.44-The name of Nehru's Family House at Allahabad is?

(A) Anandamatom (B) Ananda Bhavan (C) Teenmurthi Bhavan (D) Moti

Ans. B

Q.45-Television was started in India in the year?

(A) 1959 (B) 1960 (C) 1975 (D) 1980 (E) None of these


Q.46-The Rourkela Steel Plant in Orissa was built with the collaboration of?

(A) Russia (B) Germany (C) Britain (D) U.S.A (E) None of these

Ans. B

Q.47-Which state in India touches the boundaries of the largest number of other

(A) Bihar(B) Orissa(C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Madhya Pradesh(E) None of these

Q.48-"Leelavathy" the famous Sanskrit Grantha is a book on?

(A) Grammar(B) Health Care (C) Aesthetics (D) Mathematics (E) Science

And. D

Q.49-Rainbow is caused due to?

(A) Refraction and dispersion (B) Refraction(C) Interference of light(D) None

Ans. A

Q.50-Jawahar Rozgar Yojana was started by?

(A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B) Indira Gandhi (C) Sanjay Gandhi (D) Rajiv Gandhi

And. D

Q.51-National Institute of Sports is located at?

(A) Patiala (B) Gwalior (C) Delhi (D) Thiruvananthapuram

And. A

Q.52-R.K.Laxman is associated with?

(A) Education (B) Painting (C) Sports (D) Cartoon

And. D

Q.53-Which dance form is popularly known as "Poetry in motion"?

(A) Mohiniyattam (B) Kuchipudi (C) Bharatnatyam (D) Kathakali


Q.54-The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun?

(A) Galileo (B) Ptolemy (C) Aryabhatta (D) Copernicus

Ans. D

Q.55-Which is known as the Land of White Elephants?

(A) Thailand (B) Finland (C) Ireland (D) Canada (E) None of these
Ans. A

Q.56-The first University in India was started at?

(A) New Delhi (B) Kolkotta (C) Patna (D) Lucknow (E) None of these

Ans. B

Q.57-Where is the National Environment Engineering Research Institute located?

(A) Jamshedpur (B) Cuttack (C) Ranchi (D) Nagpur (E) None of these

Ans. D

Q.58-The partition of Bengal was carried out under the rule of?

(A) Lord Curzon (B) Lord Ripon (C) Lord Dalhousie (D) Lord Minto

Ans. (A)

Q.59-The Play," Malavikagnimithram" was written by?

(A) Chandragupta Maurya (B) Kautilya (C) Kalidasa (D) Vikramaditya (E)

Ans. C

Q.60-The name given to a disease of the eye,caused by increased tension within the
eyeball is?

(A) Cataract (B) Glaucoma (C) Colour blindness (D) Conjunctivitis

Ans. B

Q.61-The source of oxygen for fish living at the bottom layer of the sea is?

(A) Its gills (B) Air sacs in the abdomen (C) Small sea plants (D) The sea

Ans. C

Q.62-Which of the following is not a parasite?

(A) Earthworm (B) Tapeworm (C) Pinworm (D) Roundworm

Ans. A

Q.63-Which feature is not present in an amoeba?

(A) Nucleus (B) Vacuole (C) Tentacle (D) Pseudopodium

Ans. C

Q.64-Which of the following food items is usually said to be a complete food?

(A) Cod liver oil (B) Banana (C) Milk (D) Apple

Ans. C

Q.65-Which of the following fish varieties is not generally used for food?

(A) Gold fish (B) Shark (C) Cutla (D) Gourami

Ans. A

Q.66-Which is the longest bone in human body?

(A) Sternum(breast bone) (B) Ulna(bone of the lower arm)

(C) Humerus(bone of the upper forelimb) (D) Femur(thigh bone)

Ans. D

Q.67-What disease is caused by intake of saturated fats?

(A) Arthritis (B) Cancer (C) Asthma (D) Cardiac problems

Ans. A

Q.68-What is meant by dialysis?

(A) Giving additional blood(B) Removing impure blood and providing fresh blood
(C) Washing kidneys to remove impurities (D) Giving artificial respiration

And. B

Q.69-Which of the animals given below is 'generally not' considered under "live-

(A) Elephant (B) Horse (C) Sheep (D) Pig


Q.70-Which of the following creatures has metamorphosis?

(A) Earthworm (B) Frog (C) Cockroach (D) Fish

Ans. B

Q.71-Which is the plant that uses insects as food?

(A) Pitcher plant (B) Loranthus (C) Lotus (D) Orchid

Ans. A

Q.72-Which of the following creatures have compound eyes?

(A) Frog (B) Owl (C) Butterfly (D) Kite

Ans. C

Q.73-Which one is a cold blooded creature?

(A) Dove (B) Hen (C) Duck (D) Snake

Ans. D

Q.74-Which is not an example for modification of underground stems?

(A) Ginger (B) Potato (C) Turmeric(Manjal) (D) Carrot

Ans. B

Q.75-Which of the following creatures does not have ears?

(A) Snake (B) Fish (C) Owl (D) Frog

Ans. A

Q.76-Which disease is caused by virus?

(A) Tuberculosis (B) Mumps (C) Cholera (D) Typhoid

Ans. B
Q.77-To which category does onion belong?

(A) Stem tuber (B) Corn (C) Bulb (D) Rhizome

Ans. C

Q.78-Which plant does brown hopper affect most?

(A) Vegetables (B) Rice (C) Pepper (D) Coconut

Ans. B

Q.79-Transportation of food in plants takes place through?

(A) Xylem (B) Pores (C) Cells (D) Phloem

Ans. D

Q.80-Which of the folowing is an example for adventitious roots?

(A) Carrot (B) Beetroot (C) Tapioca (D) Radish

Ans. C

Q.81-The organ that regulates body temperature in human beings is?

(A) Hair (B) Kidney (C) Lungs (D) Skin

Ans. D

Q.82-What is meant by hybridisation?

(A) Producing new varieties of plants that resist pests

(B) Producing new varieties of plants or animals that give more yield
(C) Producing new varieties of plants that give early yield
(D) Producing new varieties of plants or animals by combining characteristics of
two different varieties

And. D

Q.83-Which one is a communicable disease?

(A) Asthma (B) Cancer (C) Smallpox (D) Arthritis

And. C

Q.84-The gas produced by partial combustion of fuel is?

(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Carbon monoxide (C) Sulphur dioxide (D)
Hydrogen peroxide

And. B

Q.85-Protein is not supplied by?

(A) Rice (B) Meat (C) Fish (D) Egg

And. A

Q.86-Which of the following is a non-vertebrate?

(A) Snake (B) Fish (C) Cockroach (D) Frog

Ans. C

Q.87-Normally hen's eggs hatch in?

(A) 30 days (B) 28 days (C) 21 days (D) 14 days

And. C

Q.88-What is the name given to the branch of study of the general structure of a
living thing?

(A) Ecology (B) Anatomy (C) Physiology (D) Embryology

Ans. A

Q.89-The name given to pollination by the agency of water is?

(A) Anemophily (B) Entophily (C) Hydrophily (D) Ornithophily


Q.90-The central most space of tooth contains?

(A) Pulp (B) Dentine (C) Enamel (D) Cement

Ans. A

Q.91-Which disease is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D?

(A) Anaemia (B) Scurvy (C) Goitre (D) Rickets


Q.92-Out of which part of a plant does its seed originate?

(A) Ovary (B) Ovule (C) Stigma (D) Embryo

Ans. A

Q.93-The structure of DNA was discovered by?

(A) Watson and Crick (B) Har Gobind Khorana (C) Wilkins and Franklin (D)
Linus Pauling

Ans. A

Q.94-The fungus that produces alcohol is?

(A) Penicillium (B) Mushroom (C) Rhizopus (D) Yeast

Ans. D

Q.95-Which disease is not prevented by the triple vaccine?

(A) Diphtheria (B) Tetanus (C) Polio (D) Whooping cough

Ans. C

Q.96-Which is a disease spread by house flies?

(A) Scabies (B) Filaria (C) Cholera (D) Rabies

Ans. C

Q.97- What is the physical basis of inheritance of characters in animals?

(A) Cells (B) Genes (C) Blood (D) Tissues

Ans. B
Q.98-The scientist who gave scientific laws of heredity for the first time was?

(A) Charles Darwin (B) Issac Newton (C) Lamarck (D) Mendel

Ans. D

Q.99-The food item that provides energy for growth is?

(A) Carbohydrates (B) Vitamins (C) Proteins (D) Minerals

Ans. A

Q.100-Paralysis is caused by disorders connected with?

(A) Muscles (B) Lungs (C) Joints (D) Brain

Ans. D

Q.101-To which of the following does petroleum belong?

(A) Nitrate (B) Oxide (C) Fat (D) Hydrocarbon

Ans. D

Q.102-The name given to a substance formed by the chemical combination of two

or more metals is?

(A) Alloy (B) Ore (C) Compound (D) Mineral

Ans. A
Dated 08.03.2017

Prime Minister related questions

1. How many Indian Prime Ministers have died while in office?

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Answer (c). Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and Smt. Indira Gandhi

2. Who of the following was the acting Prime Minister of India twice on the death of Jawaharlal
Nehru and Lal Bahadur Shastri?

1. Purshottam Das Tandon

2. Gulzari Lal Nanda
3. Morarjee Desai
4. Chandrashekhar

Answer (b).

3. Who of the following was the first Prime Minister to visit Siachen?

1. Dr. Manmohan Singh

2. Rajiv Gandhi
3. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
4. Lal Bahadur Shastri

Answer (a).

4. Which schedule to the Constitution of India carries the form of oath or affirmation for the
Prime Minister of India?

1. Second
2. Third
3. Fourth
4. Fifth

Answer (b).

5. Which of the following is the official residence of the Prime Minister of India?

1. No. 1 Safdarjung Road

2. No. 10 Janpath
3. No. 1 Akbar Road
4. No. 7 Race Course Road

Answer (d).

6. Which Indian Prime Minister was the first to be awarded the Bharat Ratna posthumously?

1. Lal Bahadur Shastri

2. Indira Gandhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi
4. Morarjee Gandhi

Answer (a).

7. Birth anniversary of which Prime Minister is observed as Sadbhawna Diwas?

1. Lal Bahadur Shastri

2. Indira Gandhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi
4. PV Narasimha Rao

Answer (c).

8. Who of the following did not hold any other cabinet post prior to becoming the Prime Minister?

1. Lal Bahadur Shastri

2. Indira Gandhi
3. Rajiv Gandhi
4. PV Narsimha Rao

Answer (c).

9. Match the birthdays with the Prime Ministers

Birthday Prime Minister

A. December 25 1. Morarji Desai
B. October 2 2. Indira Gandhi
C. February 29 3. Lal Bahadur Shastri
D. October 19 4. A.B. Vajpayee

Which of the above is/are correct?

1. A - 2; B - 3; C - 1; D - 4
2. A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2
3. A - 4; B - 1; C - 3; D - 2
4. A - 3; B - 2; C - 1; D - 4

Answer (b).

10. Who of the following was the first Prime Minister to present the Union Budget?

1. Jawahar Lal Nehru

2. Indira Gandhi
3. PV Narasimha Rao
4. Manmohan Singh

Answer (a).

11. Which Prime Minister's autobiography is titled "Matters of Discretion: An Autobiography"?

1. Indira Gandhi
2. H.D. Deve Gowda
3. Manmohan Singh
4. I.K. Gujral
Answer (d).

12. Arrange the following in ascending order of lengths of their total tenure as Prime Ministers?

1. Indira Gandhi
2. Manmohan Singh
3. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
4. Jawahar Lal Nehru

1. 2-3-1-4
2. 3-2-1-4
3. 3-1-4-2
4. 2-1-4-3

Answer (b).

13. Which constituency did Prime Minister Lal Bahadu Shastri represent?

1. Varanasi
2. Rae Bareli
3. Allahabad
4. Lucknow

Answer (c).

14. Who administered the oath of office to the first Prime Minister of India, Shri Jawaharlal

1. Lord Mountbatten
2. C. Rajagopalachari
3. Rajendra Prasad
4. Justice HL Kania

Answer (a).

15. How many Prime Ministers have been awarded the Bharat Ratna till date (i.e. May 2014)?

1. 3
2. 4
3. 5
4. 7

Answer (d). 1. Jawaharlal Nehru 2. Lal Bahadur Shastri 3. Indira Gandhi 4. Rajiv Gandhi 5.
Morarji Desai 6. Gulzarilal Nanda 7. Atal Bihari Vajpai

16. Who was the only Prime Minister of India to be awarded the Nishan-e-Pakistan, Pakistan's
highest civilian honour?

1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

2. Morarji Desai
3. Indira Gandhi
4. PV Narasimha Rao

Answer (b).

17. Who of the following is/was the oldest to take the oath as the Prime Minister of India?
1. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
2. Manmohan Singh
3. Morarji Desai
4. PV Narasimha Rao

Answer (c).

18. Who of the following Prime Ministers was administered the oath of office by the Vice
President (then acting President) B.D. Jatti?

1. H.D. Deve Gowda

2. Indira Gandhi
3. Charan Singh
4. Morarji Desai

Answer (d).

19. In 2011, which Indian Prime Minister was honoured with Bangladeshi Swadhinata
Sammanona Award by the Bangladesh Government?

1. Rajiv Gandhi
2. Indira Gandhi
3. Manmohan Singh
4. Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Answer (b).

Population related questions

1. What percentage of Worlds population lives in India?

1. 16.5%
2. 17.5%
3. 20%
4. 15%

Answer (b).

2. At the present rates of population growth of India and China, by which year is India likely to
overtake China as the worlds most populous country?

1. 2025
2. 2040
3. 2030
4. 2050

Answer (c).

3. During which decade did India see a negative population growth?

1. 1901-11
2. 1931-41
3. 1911-21
4. 1951-61

Answer (c).
4. Which among the following is the least populated state in India?

1. Sikkim
2. Goa
3. Manipur
4. Mizoram

Answer (a).

5. Which state in India has the lowest number of females in comparison to males?

1. Bihar
2. Rajasthan
3. Punjab
4. Haryana

Answer (d).

6. Which among the following countries has a better gender ratio than India?

1. Bhutan
2. Pakistan
3. China
4. Afghanistan

Answer (b).

7. What is the overall literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?

1. 74.04%
2. 82.14%
3. 76.06%
4. 65.5%

Answer (a).

8. Next to Delhi, which is the most populated Union Territory in India?

1. Chandigarh
2. Puducherry
3. Daman and Diu
4. Andaman and Nicobar

Answer (b).

9. Which of the following States has the lowest literacy rate in India?

1. Rajasthan
2. Jharkhand
3. Chhattisgarh
4. Bihar

Answer (d).

10. Which of the following statements is/are true?

1. From 1901 to 2011 Indias population registered a four-fold growth.

2. From 1901 to 1951, Indias population grew only one and half times.

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (c).

11. Which of the following statements is/are true?

1. Population of Bihar is more than that of Maharashtra.

2. Population of West Bengal is less than that of Bihar.

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (b).

12. Which of the following statements is/are true?

1. Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India.

2. All the 4 southern states A.P., Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Kerala, have achieved the
literacy target of 85%.

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (a).

13. Which of the following statements is/are true?

1. The sex ratio in India is 940.

2. The sex ratio has seen a decline in the past decade.
3. India had the worst sex ratio in 1991 when it was 927.

1. 1 and 2 only
2. 1 and 3 only
3. 2 and 3 only
4. All the three

Answer (b).

14. Which of the following is being taken as the census moment since 2001?

1. 00.00 hrs of 01 Apr

2. Sunrise of 01 Apr
3. 00.00 hrs of 01 Mar
4. 00.00 hrs of 31 Mar

Answer (c).

15. The population of which of the following States is greater than that of Delhi?
1. Uttarakhand
2. Assam
3. Himachal Pradesh
4. Jammu and Kashmir

Answer (b).

Olympic related questions

1. What do the five rings on the Olympic symbol represent?

1. the five oceans

2. the five continents
3. the five planets
4. five Greek Gods

Answer (b).

2. The five rings of the Olympic symbol are in five different colours. Red, Green, Yellow, Blue
and _______

1. Indigo
2. Violet
3. Orange
4. Black

Answer (d).

3. Olympic games were held in ancient Greece in the honour of Greek God ________

1. Zeus
2. Uranus
3. Apollo
4. Jupiter

Answer (a).

4. Which of the following combination of years represents the years when the Olympic Games
were not held due to the two World Wars?

1. 1914, 1940, 1944

2. 1916, 1940, 1944
3. 1920, 1936, 1940
4. 1936, 1840, 1944

Answer (b).

5. Which team leads the procession of athletes at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?

1. Hosting nation
2. Greece
3. Hosting nation of the next Olympic games
4. Hosting nation of the previous Olympic games

Answer (b).
6. At which of the following cities have the Olympic games NOT been held twice?

1. Athens
2. Paris
3. London
4. Atlanta

Answer (d).

7. Where are the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee located?

1. Lausanne, Switzerland
2. Paris, France
3. Athens, Greece
4. Atlanta, United States

Answer (a).

8. In which year were the first modern Olympic Games held?

1. 1900
2. 1896
3. 1904
4. 1892

Answer (b).

9. What does the Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius mean?

1. Character, Attitude, Fortitude

2. Faster, Higher, Deeper
3. Faster, Higher, Stronger
4. Bigger, Stronger, Taller

Answer (c).

10. Olympic Games 2012 are being held in London. In which earlier years have the Olympic
Games been held in London?

1. 1920 and 1960

2. 1904 and 1952
3. 1908 and 1948
4. 1904 and 1948

Answer (c).

11. In which year did women participate for the first time in modern Olympic Games?

1. 1900, Paris
2. 1908, London
3. 1904, St Louis
4. 1920, Antwerp

Answer (a).

12. What are the names of the mascots of the London Olympics 2012?
1. Manlock and Wendeville
2. Wenlock and Mandeville
3. Fuwa, the dolls
4. Athena and Phevos

Answer (b).

13. At which of the following Olympic Games was the Olympic flag flown for the first time?

1. 1900, Paris
2. 1908, London
3. 1920, Antwerp
4. 1928, Amsterdam

Answer (c).

14. Who of the following is known as the Father of Modern Olympics?

1. Le Marqus de Samaranch
2. Pierre de Coubertin
3. Demetrius Vikelas
4. Ferenc Kemny

Answer (b).

15. Which of the following countries won the maximum number of medals at the first Olympic
Games in 1896?

1. Germany
2. Great Britain
3. United States of America
4. Greece

Answer (d).

16. At which of the Olympic Games was the Olympic flame introduced for the first time?

1. 1896, Athens
2. 1908, London
3. 1928, Amsterdam
4. 1920, Antwerp

Answer (c).

17. Which team is at the end of the procession of athletes at the opening ceremony of the Olympic

1. Hosting nation
2. Greece
3. Hosting nation of the next Olympic games
4. Hosting nation of the previous Olympic games

Answer (a).

18. Which language other than English is the Official language of the International Olympic
1. Chinese
2. French
3. Spanish
4. German

Answer (b).

19. What is the motto of the XXX Olympics being held at London from 27 July 2012?

1. Share the Spirit

2. One World One Dream
3. Welcome Home
4. Inspire a Generation

Answer (d).

20. According to the Olympic charter, the duration of the competitions of the Olympic Games
shall not exceed -

1. 20 days
2. 15 days
3. 12 days
4. 16 days

Answer (d).

21. At which of the following Olympic Games was the Olympic oath taken for the first time?

1. 1936, Berlin
2. 1920, Antwerp
3. 1968, Mexico City
4. 1956, Melbourne

Answer (b).

22. At which of the following Olympics were gold medals made of pure gold last awarded?

1. 1912
2. 1920
3. 1936
4. 1948

Answer (a). At present, the gold medals are made of 92.5% silver coated with 6 gms of gold.

23. Who of the following athletes has won the maximum number of individual gold medals at a
single Olympics?

1. Mark Sptiz
2. Michael Phelps
3. Carl Lewis
4. Matt Biondi

Answer (b).

24. Who of the following in 1896 became the first champion of the modern Olympic Games?

1. Norman Pitchard
2. Paul Masson
3. Carl Schumann
4. James Connolly

Answer (d).

25. Who of the following was the first person to complete the 100 m event in under 10 seconds?

1. Jim Hines
2. Jesse Ownes
3. Usain Bolt
4. Ben Johnson

Answer (a).

26. Who of the following gymnasts was the first to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an
Olympic gymnastic event?

1. Elena Mukhina
2. Nellie Kim
3. Nadia Comaneci
4. Yelena Davydova

Answer (c).

27. Who of the following was the first female Olympic champion?

1. Helen Jackson
2. Charlotte Cooper
3. Agnes Morton
4. Louise Martin

Answer (b).

28. At which of the following places is the Olympic flame lit before the start of the Olympic
Games every four years?

1. Temple of Zeus
2. Temple of Diana
3. Temple of Hera
4. Temple of Artemis

Answer (c).

29. Among the following Indians, who was the first to win an individual medal at the Olympics?

1. K.D. Jadhav
2. Leander Paes
3. Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
4. Karnam Malleswari

Answer (a).

30. At which of these Olympic Games did Dhyanchand captain the gold medal winning Indian
hockey team?

1. 1956, Melbourne
2. 1948, London
3. 1928, Amsterdam
4. 1936, Berlin

Answer (d).

31. Who among the following is the lone winner of gold medal from India in the Olympics?

1. Abhinav Bindra
2. Vijender Kumar
3. Sushil Kumar
4. Rajyavardhan Rathore

Answer (a).

32. When were the first recorded Olympics held ?

1. 825 BC
2. 776 BC
3. 320 BC
4. 80 AD

Answer (b).

33. Who won the gold medal for 400 metres run at two consecutive Olympic games?

1. Michael Johnson
2. Carl Lewis
3. Alvin Harrison
4. Gregory Haughton

Answer (a).

34. Which city is the first in the world to be awarded both summer and winter Olympics?

1. Seoul
2. Tokyo
3. Beijing
4. Atlanta

Answer (c). Beijing has hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and it will host the 2022 Winter

Multiple Choice Questions - Oceans, Seas and Water Bodies

1. Tides in the sea are caused by

1. Effects of the moon

2. Effects of the sun
3. Sun and the moon
4. Gravitational centrifugal or centripetal forces

Answer (c).

2. Which of the following oceans is between Africa and Australia?

1. Indian Ocean
2. Arctic Ocean
3. South Atlantic Ocean
4. South Pacific Ocean

Answer (a).

3. The canal joining Baltic Sea to North Sea is

1. Neil Canal
2. Kiel Canal
3. Panama Canal
4. Suez Canal

Answer (b).

4. Which of the following is the smallest ocean of the world?

1. Pacific
2. Indian
3. Atlantic
4. Arctic

Answer (d).

5. Through which one of the following Straits, does a tunnel connect the United Kingdom and

1. Davis Strait
2. Denmark Strait
3. Strait of Dover
4. Strait of Gibraltar

Answer (c).

6. Which one of the following countries is planning to construct a rival to the Panama Canal to
link the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans?

1. Colombia
2. Costa Rica
3. Guatemala
4. Nicaragua

Answer (d).

7. Sargasso Sea is a part of :

1. North Atlantic ocean

2. South Atlantic Ocean
3. North Pacific Ocean
4. North Sea

Answer (a).

8. The Suez Canal connects -

1. Mediterranean and Red Seas

2. Baltic and Caspian Seas
3. Mediterranean and North Seas
4. Red Sea and Caspian Sea

Answer (a).

9. The sea bed sloping gradually and bordering the continent is known as -

1. Coast
2. Continental Shelf
3. Continental Platform
4. Continental slope

Answer (b).

10. The oceans cover ______ of the surface of the earth.

1. 50%
2. 60%
3. 71%
4. 80%

Answer (c).

11. Bosphorus Strait links :

1. Black Sea and Adriatic Sea

2. Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea
3. Sea of Marmara and Black Sea
4. North Sea and Baltic Sea

Answer (c).

12. Which of the following countries does not have a coastline with Arabian Sea?

1. Afghanistan
2. Pakistan
3. Oman
4. Iran

Answer (a).

13. Suez Canal was nationalized in the year :

1. 1954
2. 1955
3. 1956
4. 1957

Answer (c).

14. The land near which of the following is considered the lowest point on land on earth?

1. Caspian Sea
2. Dead Sea
3. Black Sea
4. Salton Sea
Answer (b).

15. Which of the following is referred to as Pirates' Alley because of increased number of pirate
activities in it?

1. Gulf of Aden
2. Gulf of Oman
3. Red Sea
4. Gulf of Khambat

Answer (a).

16. Where is the deepest part of world's ocean located?

1. Arctic Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Pacific Ocean

Answer (d).

17. Which of the following oceans has the most coral reefs?

1. Arctic Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Pacific Ocean
4. Indian Ocean

Answer (c).

18. Which of the following oceans holds almost 50% of total water on the planet?

1. Pacific Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Indian Ocean
4. Arctic Ocean

Answer (a).

19. Match the seas with the coastal countries?

Sea Country
1. Red Sea A. China
2. Black Sea B. Russia
3. Yellow Sea C. Turkey
4. White Sea D. Saudi Arabia

1. 1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - B
2. 1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - A; 4 - B
3. 1 - D; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - A
4. 1 - D; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - B

Answer (b).
20. Which of the following oceans has the most trenches or deeps?

1. Atlantic Ocean
2. Indian Ocean
3. Arctic Ocean
4. Pacific Ocean

Answer (d).

21. A shallow body of water protected from a larger body of water (usually the ocean) by
sandbars, barrier islands, or coral reefs is called -

1. Strait
2. Gulf
3. Lagoon
4. Bay

Answer (c).

22. The much-in-news Guantanamo Bay is located in which of the following countries?

1. Mexico
2. Cuba
3. Guatemala
4. Nicaragua

Answer (b).

23. Which country has the longest coastline in the world?

1. Canada
2. Russia
3. U.S.A.
4. Indonesia

Answer (a).

24. Which is the largest gulf in the world?

1. Gulf of Thailand
2. Gulf of Oman
3. Gulf of Alaska
4. Gulf of Mexico

Answer (d).

25. The busiest ocean from the point of view of trade is

1. Indian Ocean
2. Atlantic Ocean
3. Arctic Ocean
4. Pacific Ocean

Answer (b).
Dated 09.03.2017

Multiple Choice Questions - Indian Railways

1. When was the first train steamed off in India?

a. 1848 b. 1853 c. 1875 d. 1880

Answer (b).

2. Which of the following is the headquarters of the newly established railway zone East Coast

a. Vishakhapattnam b. Kolkata c. Hyderabad d. Bhubaneswar

Answer (d).

3. Which train in India has the longest route length?

a. Howrah - Jammu Tawi Himgiri Express

b. Kanyakumari - Jammu Tawi Himsagar Express
c. Kanyakumari - Dibrugarh Vivek Express
d. Guwahati-Thiruvanthapuram Express

Answer (c).

4. Where is the Railway Staff College located?

a. Pune b. Delhi c. Vadodara d. Allahabad

Answer (c).

5. On which of the following is the longest railway bridge in India located?

a. River Ganges b. Vembanad Lake c.River Brahmaputra d.Chilka Lake

Answer (b).

6. In which of the following cities are located 3 zonal headquarters of Indian Railways?

a.Guwahati b.Mumbai c.New Delhi d.Kolkata

Answer (d).

7. Who of the following is known for having designed the first railway timetables?

a.George Bradman b.George Bernard Shaw c.George Bradshaw d.George Brummel

Answer (c).

8. Which of the following is the largest railway junction in India?

a. Delhi b.Bhatinda c.Mathura d.Allahabad

Answer (c).

9. Which of the following is the eastern-most division of the Indian Railways?

a.Tinsukia bLumding c. Rangiya d.Katihar

Answer (a).

10. Over which of the following rivers is the world's highest railway bridge in Kashmir being

a. Chenab b. Jhelum c. Sutlej d. Indus

Answer (a).

11. Gorakhpur which has the longest railway platform in the world is located in which of the
following states?

a. Odisha b. West Bengal c.Uttar Pradesh d.Chhattisgarh

Answer (c).

12. Which of the following stations has all the three guages viz. broad, metre and narrow?

a. Lucknow b. Chandigarh c. Shimla d. Siliguri

Answer (d).

13. What is the width of broad guage railway line in India?

a. 5 feet 3 inches b. 5 feet 6 inches c. 4 feet 11 inches d. 5 feet 4 inches

Answer (b).

14. Match the manufacturing units with their locations

Manufacturing Unit State

A. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works 1. Tamilnadu

B. Integral Coach Factory 2. Punjab

C. Wheel and Axle Plant 3. West Bengal

D. Rail Coach Factory 4. Karnataka

a. A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D 2
b. A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3
c. A - 3; B - 1; C - 4; D - 2
d. A - 3; B - 1; C - 2; D - 4

Answer (c).

15. Which of the following stations was formerly known as Victoria Terminus?
a. Churchgate Railway Station b. Mumbai Central
c. Lokmanya Tilak Terminus d. Chhatrapathi Shivaji Terminus

Answer (d).

16. Fairy Queen, the world's oldest steam locomotive in regular operation, plies between New
Delhi and -

a.Shimla b. Alwar c. Kalka d. Gwalior

Answer (b).

17. Who of the following was the first Railway Minister of independent India?

a. John Mathai
b. Lal Bahadur Shastri
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Shanmugham Shetty

Answer (a).

18. Shatabdi Express trains were introduced in 1989 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of
which of the following personalities?

a. Swami Vivekanand
b. Mahatma Gandhi
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Rabindranath Tagore

Answer (c).

19. Who was the Governor General of India when Railways were first introduced in India?

a. Lord Canning
b. Lord Dalhousie
c. Lord William Bentick
d. Lord Ripon

Answer (b).

20. In which city is the Wheel and Axle Plant of the Indian Railways located?

a. Kapurthala
b. Varanasi
c. Bangalore
d. Rae Barelly

Answer (c).

21. What is the rank of India in the world in terms of length of railroad network?

a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Fourth
Answer (d).

22. Which of the following ran the first train from Bori Bunder to Thane in 1853?

a. Bombay Baroda Railway

b. The Scindia Railway
c. Central India Railway
d. Great Indian Peninsula Railway

Answer (d).

23. The Maitree Express connects India with which of the following countries?

a. Myanmar b. Pakistan c. Bangladesh d. Nepal

Answer (c).

24. Which of the following is the largest zone in terms of route kilometers?

a. Western Railways b. Eastern Railways c. Northern Railways d. Southern Railways

Answer (c).

25. Which of the following is the largest marshalling yard in India (also the longest in Asia)?

a. Mughalsarai b. Mathura c. Itarasi d. Guntakal

Answer (a).

26. Through which of the following group of states does the Konkan Railways run?

a. Maharashtra - Karnataka - Andhra Pradesh - Kerala

b. Maharashtra - Karnataka - Goa - Kerala
c. Maharashtra - Karnataka - Kerala - Tamil Nadu
d. Karnataka - Goa - Kerala - Tamil Nadu

Answer (b).

27. Which of the following zonal headquarters - city combination is incorrect?

1. South East Central - Bilaspur

2. North Western - Jodhpur
3. East Central - Hajipur
4. West Central - Jabalpur

Answer (b).

28. Which of the following zones administers the Matheran Hill Railway?

a. Konkan Railways b.Western Railways c. Central Railways d. Southern Railways

Answer (c).

29. In which city is the Indian Railway Institute of Financial Management (IRIFM) being set up as
announced in the Railway Budget 2013?
a. Secunderabad b. Lucknow c. Rae Barelly d. Gurgaon

Answer (a).

30. In which of the following cities is the National Rail Museum located?

a. Mumbai b. New Delhi c. Hyderabad d. Chennai

Answer (b).

31. The first Indian railway line was opened by the British :

a. From Delhi to Bombay

b. From Bombay to Thane
c. From Calcutta to Allahabad
d. From Bombay to Madras

Answer (b).

32. Into how many zones is the Indian Railways organized?

a. 17 b. 15 c. 14 d. 16

Answer (a).

33. Which state has the longest route kilometers of railway line in India?

a. Maharashtra b.Andhra Pradesh c. Rajasthan d. Uttar Pradesh

Answer (d).

34. Headquarters of which one among the following Railway Zones in India is situated at the
highest elevation from the mean sea level?

a. East Central Railway

b. South Eastern Railway
c. South Western Railway
d. West Central Railway

Answer (c). Hubli is at an elevation of 2073 feet, Jabalpur at 1669 ft, Kolkata at 42 ft and Hajipur at 150 ft.

Multiple Choice Questions - Rivers - Dams and Cities

1. Which of the following dams is not on the River Krishna?

a. Nagar junasagar b. Krishnaraja Sagar c. Srisailam d.Alamatti

Answer (b).

2. Match the following :

List 1 (Dam) List 2 (River)

A. Hirakud Dam 1. Beas
B. Thein Dam 2. Chenab
C. Salal Project 3. Ravi
D. Pong Dam 4. Mahanadi

a. A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2
b. A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1
c. A - 2; B - 1; C - 3; D - 4
d. A - 1; B - 2; C - 4; D - 3

Answer (b).

3. The city located on the banks of Gomati is

a. Kanpur b. Allahabad c. Lucknow d. Ghaziabad

Answer (c).

4. Tehri Dam of Uttarakhand has been constructed on the river -

a. Teesta b. Alaknanda c. Bhagirathi d. Ghaggar

Answer (c).

5. Chutak Hydro-electric project being constructed by NHPC in Kargil is on the river -

a. Suru b. Jhelum c. Kunar d. Ravi

Answer (a).

6. On the banks of which of the following rivers is Srinagar located?

a. Sutlej b. Indus c. Ravi d. Jhelum

Answer (d).

7. Maithon Dam, which was in news during the 34th National Games is located on which of the
following rivers?

a. Damodar b. Barakar c. Hooghly d. Padma

Answer (b).

8. Nimoo Bazgo hydro-electric Project being constructed by NHPC in Leh is located on river -

a. Indus b. Beas c. Ravi d. Chenab

Answer (a).

9. Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?

a. Kota - Chambal
b. Bhubaneswar - Mahanadi
c. Jabalpur - Narmada
d. Surat - Tapti

Answer (b).
10. On which of the following rivers is Ukai dam located?

a. Chenab b. Narmada c. Beas d. Tapti

Answer (d).

11. Which of the following cities is not located on the banks of Ganga ?

a. Kanpur b. Patna c. Agra d. Varanasi

Answer (c).

12. Which of the following dams is located on the river Ravi?

a. Pong b. Thein c. Ukai d. Baglihar

Answer (b).

13. Consider the following statements:

1. Ranjit Sagar Dam is on the river Beas.

2. Hirakud Dam is on the river Damodar.
3. The reservoir Gandhi Sagar is on the river Chambal.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

a. 1 and 2 b. 3 only c. 2 and 3 d. 1 and 3

Answer (b).

14. Which of the following rivers does not flow into the Arabian Sea?

a. Narmada b. Kaveri c. Tapti d. Periyar

Answer (b).

15. Hirakud dam, one of the longest dams (length 25.8 km) in the world is located on river -

a. Godavari b. Tungabhadra c. Mahanadi d. Brahmaputra

Answer (c).

16. Which of the following is wrongly matched?

a. Hirakud : Mahanadi
b. Nagarjuna Sagar : Cauvery
c. Bhakra Nangal :Sutlej
d. Pochamped : Godavari

Answer (b).

17. Which of the following dams is also known as Maharana Pratap Sagar?

a. Ukai Dam b. Pong Dam c. Thein Dam d. Koyna Dam

Answer (b).
18. Raighat dam is situated on river :

a. Nanmada b. Sutlej c. Betwa d. Chambal

Answer (c).

19. On which of the following rivers is Gandhisagar Dam located?

a. Son b. Betwa c. Chambal d. Sabarmati

Answer (c).

20. On which river is the Bhakra Nangal Dam located

a. Sutlej b. Ravi c. Chenab d. Beas

Answer (a).

21. Which of the following cities is located on the banks of the River Saryu?

a. Varanasi b. Ayodhya c. Kanpur d. Allahabad

Answer (b).

22. On which river has Naranarayan Setu been built?

a. Ganga b. Brahmaputra c. Mahanadi d. Godavari

Answer (b).

23. Match List 1 with List 2 and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists :

List 1 List 2
Town Nearby river
A. Betul 1. Indravati
B. Jagdalpur 2. Narmada
C. Jabalpur 3. Shipra
D. Ujjain 4. Tapti

a. A - 1; B - 4; C - 2; D - 3
b. A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3
c. A - 4; B - 1; C - 3; D - 2
d. A - 1; B - 4; C - 3; D - 2

Answer (b).

GK Questions : Rivers - Ancient Names, Disputes etc.

1. Battle of Hydaspes between Alexander and King porous was fought on the banks of River
Hydaspes which is now known as -

1. Jhelum
2. Indus
3. Sutlej
4. Ravi
Answer (a).

2. Which state along with Andhra Pradesh is involved in the Vansadhara Water dispute?

1. Karnataka
2. Tamilnadu
3. Odisha
4. Maharashtra

Answer (c).

3. Mullaperiyar Dam is a matter of dispute between Tamilnadu and -?

1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Kerala
3. Karnataka
4. Puducherry

Answer (b).

4. Which one of the following rivers flows towards the north?

1. Krishna
2. Chambal
3. Narmada
4. Tapti

Answer (b).

5. Babhali barrage issue is a matter of dispute between Maharashtra and

1. Karnataka
2. Andhra Pradesh
3. Goa
4. Madhya Pradesh

Answer (b).

6. Which of the following rivers was known as Parusni in ancient times?

1. Sutlej
2. Beas
3. Ravi
4. Jhelum

Answer (c).

7. Which of the following rivers was known as Vipasa in the ancient times?

1. Chenab
2. Narmada
3. Jhelum
4. Beas

Answer (d).
8. The states through which the Cauvery river flows is

1. Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu

2. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
3. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
4. Kerala and Tamil Nadu

Answer (c).

9. Which of the following river is known as Sorrow of Bengal?

1. Damodar
2. Gandak
3. Kosi
4. Sone

Answer (a).

10. An Indian river that does not form any delta is :

1. the Krishna
2. the Sindh
3. the Narmada
4. the Cauvery

Answer (c).

11. Which one of the following rivers has the largest river basin in India?

1. The Indus
2. The Ganga
3. The Brahmaputra
4. the Mahanadi

Answer (b).

12. Which one of the following rivers is not included in Panchnad?

1. The Ravi
2. The Indus
3. The Chenab
4. The Jhelum

Answer (b).

13. Which one of the following rivers is notorious for changing its course frequently?

1. Ghaghara
2. The Kosi
3. The Gandak
4. The Ken

Answer (b).

<<< Rivers: Dams & Cities

Rivers - Origins & Tributaries >>>>

14. Which one of the following is the largest river of the peninsular India?

1. Mahanadi
2. Krishna
3. Godavari
4. Kaveri

Answer (c).

15. This of the following rivers of the peninsular India receives rainfall both by the southwest
monsoon and northeast monsoon and carries water throughout the year with comparatively less

1. The Narmada
2. The Kaveri
3. The Tapi
4. The Krishna

Answer (b).

16. Which one of the following rivers flows in a rift valley?

1. The Chambal
2. The Sone
3. The Narmada
4. The Luni

Answer (c).

17. Which one of the following rivers forms estuary in place of delta?

1. The Narmada
2. The Kaveri
3. The Mahanadi
4. The Godavari

Answer (a).

18. Which of the following is not a Trans-Himalayan river?

1. Indus
2. Ganges
3. Sutlej
4. Brahmaputra

Answer (b).

19. Which of the following is not a river of inland water drainage?

1. Chambal
2. Luni
3. Rupen
4. Ghaggar

Answer (a).

20. Which of the following rivers is known as Singi Khamban in Tibet?

1. Sutlej
2. Brahmaputra
3. Jhelum
4. Indus

Answer (d).

21. The river with the highest tidal bore in India is -

1. Cauvery
2. Mahanadi
3. Hoogli
4. Krishna

Answer (c).

22. The river Rangit flows through which of the following states?

1. Sikkim
2. Nagaland
3. Manipur
4. Tripura

Answer (a).

23. Which of the follwing rivers does not flow into Pakistan?

1. Jhelum
2. Beas
3. Sutlej
4. Chenab

Answer (b)

GK Questions : Rivers - Origins and Tributaries.

1. Which of the following is not a tributary of the River Ganga?

1. Gomati
2. Betwa
3. Ghaghra
4. Gandak

Answer (b).

2. Which of the following rivers has its origin in the Rohtang Pass, Himachal Pradesh?

1. Ravi
2. Sutlej
3. Beas
4. Jhelum

Answer (c).

3. Tungabhadra, a river formed by the confluence of Tunga and Bhadra rivers is the chief tributary
of -

1. River Kaveri
2. River Godavari
3. River Periyar
4. River Krishna

Answer (d).

4. Which of the following rivers originates at the hill station Mahabaleswar in Maharashtra?

1. Godavari
2. Krishna
3. Kaveri
4. Tapti

Answer (b).

5. Which of the following rivers originates in Chhattisgarh?

1. Mahanadi
2. Narmada
3. Tapti
4. Chambal

Answer (a).

6. Hemavathi, Simsha and Arkavati are the tributaries of which of the following rivers?

1. Tungabhadra
2. Godavari
3. Kaveri
4. Krishna

Answer (c).

7. Which of the following rivers has its origin in the Aravalli hills in Rajasthan?

1. Chambal
2. Sabarmathi
3. Sutlej
4. Tapti

Answer (b).

8. From which of the following places does the River Narmada originate?

1. Amarkantak
2. Mahabaleswar
3. Betul
4. Nasik

Answer (a).

9. Which of the following rivers originates from Brahmagiri Hills in Karnataka?

1. Pennar
2. Kaveri
3. Krishna
4. Tunga

Answer (b).

10. Sutlej, Dras and Zanskar are the tributaries of -

1. Ravi
2. Yamuna
3. Indus
4. Jhelum

Answer (c).

11. What is popular name of the river formed by the confluence of Chandra and Bhagha rivers?

1. Ganga
2. Chenab
3. Yamuna
4. Jhelum

Answer (b).

12. Which of the following is not a tributary of river Yamuna?

1. Tons
2. Kosi
3. Ken
4. Hindon

Answer (b).

13. Kameng is a tributary of -

1. Padma
2. Meghna
3. Subansiri
4. Brahmaputra

Answer (d).

14. Which of the following rivers is not a tributary of the River Godavari?

1. Bhima
2. Manjira
3. Bindusara
4. Penganga

Answer (a).
15. The place of confluence of the rivers Alaknanda and Bhagirathi is known as

1. Rudraprayag
2. Devaprayag
3. Haridwar
4. Kedarnath

Answer (b).

16. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

Rivers Major Tributaries

Godavari Pairi, Hasdo, Tel
Mahanadi Purna, Penganga, Wainganga
Krishna Manjra, Dudhana, Indravati
Cauvery Kabani, Hemavati, Amaravati

17. Which one of the following rivers originates at Amarkantak?

1. Damodar
2. Mahanadi
3. Narmada
4. Tapti

Answer (c).

18. The river Damodar rises in the

1. Rajasthan State
2. Gujarat State
3. Chhotanagpur Plateau
4. Arunachal Pradesh hills

Answer (c).

19. Where does Chambal river originate from?

1. Bhind
2. Ratlam
3. Mhow
4. Ujjain

Answer (c).

20. Which one of the following Indian rivers does not have its source in Tibet?

1. Indus
2. Ganga
3. Sutlej
4. Brahmaputra

Answer (b).

GK Questions : Bones and Joints.

1. Number of vertebrae in human is

1. 33
2. 32
3. 22
4. 26

Answer (d).

2. The longest bone in the human body is

1. stapes
2. humerus
3. ulna
4. femur

Answer (d).

3. Which of the following connects the Sternum to the ribs?

1. Bony matter
2. White fibrous cartilage
3. Hyaline cartilage
4. Aerolar tissue

Answer (c).

4. Which of the following is generally called a Sprain?

1. Hairline fracture
2. Pulling of the ligament
3. Greenstick fracture
4. Muscle tear

Answer (b).

5. The number of saddle joints in human body is

1. 10
2. 8
3. 4
4. 2

Answer (d).

6. What is the total number of bones found in right upper limb?

1. 30
2. 24
3. 26
4. 60

Answer (a).

7. How many bones are present in human skull?

1. 42
2. 32
3. 12
4. 22

Answer (d).

8. What is the total number of bones in the both the lower limbs of a man?

1. 58
2. 56
3. 60
4. 54

Answer (c).

9. What is the number of floating ribs in humans?

1. 3 pairs
2. 2 pairs
3. 4 pairs
4. 12 pairs

Answer (b).

10. What type of joint is found in wrist?

1. Saddle joint
2. Gliding joint
3. Pivot joint
4. Hinge joint

Answer (b).

11. Which of the following is a Ball and Socket joint

1. Ankle joint
2. Elbow joint
3. Shoulder joint
4. Thumb joint

Answer (c).

12. The branch of medical science which deals with the prevention or correction of the
musculoskeletal system is called

1. Orthopaedics
2. Odinthology
3. Gerontology
4. Oncology

Answer (a).

13. Which of the following is a part of the pectoral girdle?

1. Sternum
2. Clavicle
3. Pelvic bone
4. Hyoid bone

Answer (b).

14. What are bone forming cells called?

1. Osteocytes
2. Osteoblasts
3. Osteoclasts
4. Osteons

Answer (b).

15. How many bones does the axial skeleton have?

1. 72
2. 48
3. 126
4. 80

Answer (d).

16. Which of the following is sesamoid bone?

1. Scapula
2. Patella
3. Sternum
4. Tibia

Answer (b).

17. At which place in the human body would you find the hyoid bone?

1. Hips
2. Chest
3. Neck
4. Knee

Answer (c).

18. Which of the following is associated with pain in the lower back in a person?

1. Thoracic vertebrae
2. Cervical vertebrae
3. Coccygeal vertebrae
4. Lumbar vertebrae

Answer (d).

19. Which of the following is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?

1. Sternum
2. Vertebral column
3. Scapula
4. Skull
Answer (c).

20. Which of the following bones of the skull is movable?

1. Nasal bone
2. Temporal bone
3. Maxilla
4. Mandible

Answer (d).

21. Which of the following bones is associated with hip replacement surgery?

1. Patella
2. Sternum
3. Femur
4. Fibula

Answer (c).

22. The total number of facial bones is

1. 12
2. 16
3. 14
4. 18

Answer (c).

23. Which of the following is not associated with the bones in human body?

1. Production of red blood cells

2. Control of blood sugar
3. Protection of internal organs
4. Storage of minerals

Answer (b).

24. Which of the following joints can move in only direction?

1. Hinge joint
2. Ball and Socket joint
3. Gliding joint
4. Pivot joint

Answer (a).

25. The bones of cranium are joined by

1. Ligaments
2. Tendons
3. Sutures
4. Cartilages

Answer (c).

Multiple Choice Questions - Space

1. Which of the following phenomena cannot be observed on the surface of the Moon?

1. Rising and setting of the Sun

2. Solar eclipse
3. Motion of comets
4. Twinkling of stars

Answer (d).

2. Which of the following planets has a revolution time which is shorter than its rotation time?

1. Jupiter
2. Venus
3. Mars
4. Uranus

Answer (b).

3. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?

1. Jupiter
2. Saturn
3. Mars
4. Mercury

Answer (c).

4. Which female astronaut spent the maximum time in space?

1. Lisa Norwak
2. Kalpana Chawla
3. Sunita Williams
4. None of these

Answer (c).

5. Which planet has the fastest revolution time?

1. Mercury
2. Uranus
3. Neptune
4. Jupiter

Answer (a).

6. An astronaut in outer space will observe sky as

1. White
2. Black
3. Blue
4. Red

Answer (b).

7. Which of the following planets rotates in a direction opposite to the direction of earth's
1. Mars
2. Jupiter
3. Venus
4. Mercury

Answer (c).

8. What is the average distance (approximate) between the Sun and the Earth?

1. 70 x 105 km
2. 100 x 105 km
3. 110 x 106 km
4. 150 x 106 km

Answer (d).

9. NASA's Deep Impact space mission was employed to take detailed pictures of which comet

1. Halley's Comet
2. Hale-Bopp
3. Hyakutake
4. Tempel 1

Answer (d).

10. Which of the following planets has a lesser rotation time than the Earth?

1. Jupiter
2. Mars
3. Mercury
4. Venus

Answer (a).

11. What is the name of the first woman space tourist?

1. Jullian Moore
2. Anousheh Ansari
3. Paula Radcliffe
4. Namira Salim

Answer (b).

12. Storms of gases are visible in the chromospheres of the Sun during

1. Cyclones
2. Anticyclones
3. Lunar eclipse
4. Solar eclipse

Answer (d).

13. The name of the world's first black spaceman is

1. Prensa Latina.
2. Arnaldo Tamayo Mendez.
3. Yury Rumanenko.
4. Robert Mendereze.

Answer (b).

14. The first person to enter into space was

1. Valentina Tereshkova
2. Edward H. White
3. Yuri Gagarin
4. Alan Shepard

Answer (c).

15. How much time does light require to travel distance of 150,000,000 kilometers from the Sun
to the earth?

1. 8 1/3 minutes
2. 8 1/2 minutes
3. 8 1/4 minutes
4. 9 minutes

Answer (a).

16. The name of the galaxy in which the earth is a planet is

1. Andromeda
2. Ursa Major
3. Ursa Minor
4. Milky Way

Answer (d).

17. The asteroid belt is located between which two planets in the solar system?

1. Earth and Mars

2. Mars and Jupiter
3. Jupiter and Saturn
4. Saturn and Uranus

Answer (b).

18. The planet that lies at the outermost orbit of the solar system is :

1. Saturn
2. Neptune
3. Mercury
4. Uranus

Answer (b).

19. Which of the following planets is named after a Greek God, unlike others which are named
after Roman Gods?

1. Uranus
2. Neptune
3. Jupiter
4. Mercury

Answer (a).
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20. The planet nearest to the sun is :

1. Saturn
2. Jupiter
3. Mars
4. Mercury

Answer (d).

21. A star of which colour can be said to be the coolest?

1. Yellow
2. Blue
3. Red
4. Black

Answer (c).

22. In order to know the time, the astronauts orbiting in an earth satellite should use :

1. a watch having mainspring to keep it going

2. a pendulum clock
3. either a pendulum clock or a watch
4. an alarm clock

Answer (a).

23. The planets on either side of the earth are :

1. Mercury and Venus

2. Mars and Jupiter
3. Mars and Venus
4. Venus and Saturn

Answer (c).

24. Which of the following Planets have no moons?

1. Pluto and Mercury

2. Mars and Venus
3. Mercury and Venus
4. Pluto and Mars

Answer (c).

25. Black hole is :

1. A dark hollow cavity

2. A massive collapsing star
3. The other side on the moon
4. The other side of sun

Answer (b).

26. How old is the solar system (approximately)?

1. 5 billion years
2. 50 billion years
3. 500 billion years
4. 5 million years

Answer (a).

27. Which of the following planets/celestial bodies is nearest to the Sun?

1. Saturn
2. Uranus
3. Neptune
4. Pluto

Answer (a).

28. According to International Astronomical Union which one of the following has lost its status
as a planet?

1. Jupiter
2. Uranus
3. Neptune
4. Pluto

Answer (d).

29. New Horizons spacecraft was launched by NASA to study which of the following planet?

1. Mars
2. Pluto
3. Jupiter
4. Mercury

Answer (b).

30. The coldest planet in the solar system is :

1. Pluto
2. Venus
3. Uranus
4. Jupiter

Answer (c).

31. Which of the following is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way?

1. Andromeda
2. Cartwheel galaxy
3. Pinwheel galaxy
4. Whirlpool galazy

Answer (a).

32. Which planet has the solar system's highest mountain Olympus Mons?

1. Jupiter
2. Uranus
3. Venus
4. Mars

Answer (d).

33. Which of the following is not a gas planet?

1. Jupiter
2. Uranus
3. Venus
4. Neptune

Answer (c).

Multiple Choice Questions - UNO

1. What is the term of United Nations Secretary General?

1. 3 years
2. 6 years
3. 4 years
4. 5 years

Answer (d).

2. Who was the only Secretary General of the UNO to have died while in office?

1. U Thant
2. Dag Hammarskjld
3. Trygve Lie
4. Kurt Waldhiem

Answer (b).

3. In which year was the UNO awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

1. 1975
2. 1999
3. 2001
4. 2006
Answer (c).

4. How many member countries did the UNO have on its formation in 1945?

1. 45
2. 48
3. 51
4. 54

Answer (c).

5. Which organ of the United Nations has suspended its operations since 1994?

1. Trusteeship Council
2. Economic and Social Council
3. Secretariat
4. International Court of Justice

Answer (a).

6. How many official languages does the United Nations have?

1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 4

Answer (b).

7. What is the term of the President of the UN General Assembly?

1. 4 years
2. 2 years
3. 1 year
4. 5 years

Answer (c).

8. UN Secretary General heads which principal organ of the United Nations Organisation?

1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3. Economic and Social Council
4. The Secretariat

Answer (d).

9. Which organ of the UNO functions from Peace Palace in The Hague, The Netherlands?

1. Security Council
2. General Assembly
3. Economic and Social Council
4. International Court of Justice

Answer (d).
10. How many non-permanent members are there in the Security Council?

1. 10
2. 12
3. 15
4. 8

Answer (a).

11. What is the term of a non-permanent member of the Security Council?

1. 1 year
2. 2 years
3. 3 years
4. 4 years

Answer (b).

12. What is the term of a judge of the International Court of Justice?

1. 5 years
2. 7 years
3. 8 years
4. 9 years

Answer (d).

13. Which organ of the United Nations Organisation is responsible for coordinating the work of
its specialised agencies?

1. General Assembly
2. Economic and Social Council
3. Security Council
4. Secretariat

Answer (b).

14. When was the United Nations Organisation founded?

1. August 9, 1945
2. October 24, 1944
3. October 24, 1945
4. December 10, 1945

Answer (c).

15. Which of the following is NOT a specialized agency of the United Nations Organisation?

1. World Trade Organisation

2. World Health Organisation
3. World Meteorological Organisation
4. World Intellectual Property Organisation

Answer (a).

16. How many members does the Economic and Social Council have?
1. 15
2. 22
3. 36
4. 54

Answer (d).

17. How many countries are the members of the U. N. O. at present? (as of Jan 2016)

1. 196
2. 189
3. 193
4. 169

Answer (c).

18. The United Nations agency concerned with the improvement of standards of education and
strengthening international co-operation in this field is :

1. U. N. E. F.
2. U. N. E. S. C. O.
3. U. N. I. C. E. F.
4. U. N. E. D. O.

Answer (b).

Also see G.K. Questions on International Organisations

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19. Which of the following is not the main organ of the U. N. O. ?

1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3. Trusteeship Council
4. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Answer (d).

20. How many permanent members are there in the Security Council?

1. Three
2. Five
3. Six
4. Four

Answer (b).

21. How many Judges are there in the International Court of Justice ?

1. 9
2. 10
3. 11
4. 15

Answer (d).

22. The first Secretary General of the United Nations was :

1. Mrs. Vijai Lakshmi Pandit

2. Trygve Lie
3. Dag hammarskjoeld
4. U. Thant

Answer (b).

23. Who was the first Indian to be the President of U. N. General Assembly ?

1. Natwar Singh
2. V. K. Krishna Menon
3. Smt. Vijay Laxmi Pandit
4. Romesh Bhandari

Answer (c).

24. Which of the following countries is not a permanent member of the UN Security Council ?

1. USA
2. UK
3. France
4. Spain

Answer (d).

25. The non-permanent members of the Security Council are elected for a period of :

1. two years
2. one year
3. three years
4. four years

Answer (a).

26. General Assembly of the United Nations meets in a regular session -

1. once a year
2. twice a year
3. once in two years
4. occasionally

Answer (a).

27. Which of the following is not one of the official languages of the U.N.O.?

1. French
2. Spanish
3. Arabic
4. Italian
Answer (d).

28. On what date did the U. N. O. adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

1. 20th October, 1945

2. 24th October, 1945
3. 26th June, 1945
4. 10th December, 1948

Answer (d).

29. Which specialized agency of UNO lists World Heritage Sites?

4. WWF

Answer (a).

30. Who of the following was the U.N.O.'s first Secretary General from the African continent?

1. Kofi Anan
2. Boutros Boutros-Ghali
3. Javier Perez de Cuellar
4. Ban Ki-moon

Answer (b).

31. Who coined the term United Nations?

1. Franklin D Roosevelt
2. Harry Truman
3. Winston Churchill
4. Joseph Stalin

Answer (a).

Multiple Choice Questions - Freedom Fighters

1. Who of the following was considered by the British to be The Father of Indian Unrest?

1. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

2. Lokmanya Tilak
3. Lala Lajpat Rai
4. Madan Mohan Malaviya

Answer (b).

2. Who succeeded Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as the 2nd Home minister of India?

1. Abul Kalam Azad

2. Madan Mohan Malaviya
3. C Rajagopalachari
4. None of the above
Answer (c).

3. Gyan Prasarak Mandali, an organization dedicated to the education of the adult was formed by

1. G K Gokhale
2. M M Malviya
3. Dadabhai Naoroji
4. Lokmanya Tilak

Answer (c).

4. In which language was Kesari, a newspaper started by Bal Gangadhar Tilak published?

1. Marathi
2. Hindi
3. English
4. Both (B) and (C)

Answer (a).

5. Hitavada, the newspaper started by Gopal Krishna Gokhale in 1911 was initially published

1. Mumbai
2. Pune
3. Sholapur
4. Nagpur

Answer (d).

6. Do or Die was one of the most powerful slogans of Indias freedom struggle. Who gave it?

1. Gandhiji
2. J. L. Nehru
3. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
4. Subhash Chandra Bose

Answer (a).

7. Dadabhai Naoroji was the first Indian to be appointed as a Professor at Elphinstone College in

1. Mumbai
2. London
3. Delhi
4. Stuttgart

Answer (a).

8. Who founded the Deccan Education Society to impart teachings about India culture to Indias

1. Dadabhai Naoroji
2. Lokmanya Tilak
3. Motilal Nehru
4. C Rajagopalachari
Answer (b).

9. Which of the following newspapers was started by Motilal Nehru in 1919?

1. Voice of India
2. The Leader
3. Young India
4. Independent

Answer (d).

10. Three of the following were awarded the Bharat Ratna in the same year. Who was awarded
much later?

1. C Rajagopalachari
2. S Radhakrishnan
3. Abul Kalam Azad
4. CV Raman

Answer (c).

11. In which year was the Banaras Hindu University established by Pt Madan Mohan Malviya?

1. 1914
2. 1916
3. 1919
4. 1920

Answer (b).

12. Who was the chairman of All Parties Conference which put up a draft constitution
recommending full dominion status for India?

1. Motilal Nehru
2. Dadabhai Naoroji
3. Lala Lajpat Rai
4. Rajagopalachari

Answer (a).

13. In 1923, who of the following became the youngest person to be elected the President of the
Indian National Congress?

1. Motilal Nehru
2. Abul Kalam Azad
3. Lala Lajpat Rai
4. M M Malaviya

Answer (b).

14. Who was elected the first President of All India Trade Union Congress in 1920?

1. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
3. Lala Lajpat Rai
4. Dadabhai Naoroji
Answer (c).

15. In 1905, who founded the Servants of India Society, aimed at promoting education, sanitation,
health care as well as fighting social evils?

1. Lokmanya Tilak
2. G K Gokhale
3. Frontier Gandhi
4. Lala Lajpat Rai

Answer (b).

16. Lala Lajpat Rai died as a result of injuries during the protest against the visit of

1. King George V
2. Simon Commission
3. Cripps Mission
4. Queen Victoria

Answer (b).

17. Match the parties with their founders

Party Founder
1. Swatantra Party a. Lala Lajpat Rai
2. Congress Independence Party b. Motilal Nehru
3. Swaraj Party c. C Rajagopalachari

1. 1-c; 2-b; 3-c

2. 1-b; 2-a; 3-c
3. 1-a; 2-c; 3-b
4. 1-c; 2-a; 3-b

Answer (d).

18. Who was one of the main organizers of the Dharasana Satyagraha in 1931, which was a non-
violent raid on Dharasana Salt Works?

1. Madan M Malaviya
2. Lokmanya Tilak
3. Abul Kalam Azad
4. C Rajagopalachari

Answer (c).

19. From which place did Madan Mohan Malaviya publish his famous newspaper The Leader?

1. Allahabad
2. Banaras
3. Aligarh
4. Delhi

Answer (a).
20. Whose death coincided with the launch of the Non-cooperation Movement in 1920?

1. Dadabhai Naoroji
2. Lokmanya Tilak
3. GK Gokhale
4. Motilal Nehru

Answer (b).

21. After the Bardoli Satyagraha, the title of Sardar to Vallabhbhai Patel was given by

1. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Motilal Nehru
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Answer (c).

22. With which of the following leaders is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel equated?

1. Martin Luther
2. Bismarck
3. Cavour
4. Garibaldi

Answer (b).

23. Aruna Asaf Ali was associated with which one of the following?

1. Bardoli Satyagraha
2. Civil Disobedience Movement
3. Khilafat Movement
4. Quit India Movement

Answer (d).

24. The Home Rule League was started by

1. M. K. Gandhi
2. B. G. Tilak
3. Ranade
4. Veer Savarkar

Answer (b).

Topicwise Questions - Gandhiji

1. Gandhis inspiration for civil disobedience came from the writings of

1. Henry David Thoreau

2. David Ricardo
3. Leo Tolstoy
4. Bertrand Russell

Answer (a).

2. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was called as Mahatma by

1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Motilal Nehru
3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Rabindra Nath Tagore

Answer (d).

3. During the Non-Cooperation Movement, which award did Gandhiji return?

1. Knighthood
2. Rai Bahadur
3. Kaiser-e-Hind
4. Hind Kesari

Answer (c).

4. When was Mahatma Gandhi arrested during the Quit India Movement of 1942?

1. 7th August 1942

2. 30th April 1942
3. 9th August 1942
4. 5th July 1942

Answer (c).

5. Gandhiji believed that

1. End justifies means

2. Means justify end
3. Neither end justifies means nor means justify end
4. End and means both should be justified

Answer (d).

6. At which one of the following places did Mahatma Gandhi first start his Satyagraha in India?

1. Ahmedabad
2. Bardoli
3. Champaran
4. Kheda

Answer (c).

7. Who is the author of Gandhijis favourite Bhajan Vaishnava jana to tene kahiye?

1. Purandar Das
2. Shyamal Bhatt
3. Narsi Mehta
4. Sant Gyaneshwar

Answer (c).

8. In Gandhian Socialism

1. State is required
2. State is not required
3. State is sometimes required and sometimes not required
4. State is neither required nor not required

Answer (a).

9. October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi is internationally observed as -

1. Non-violence Day
2. Vegetarians Day
3. Martyrs' Day
4. Communal Harmony Day

Answer (a).

10. At which of the following sessions of the Indian National Congress, did Gandhiji preside as
the President?

1. Lucknow, 1916
2. Lahore, 1929
3. Calcutta, 1917
4. Belgaum, 1924

Answer (d).

11. Which of the following Round Table Conferences was attended by Mahatma Gandhi?

1. First
2. Second
3. Third
4. Both First and Second

Answer (b).

12. Who said about Gandhiji "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this
walked the earth in flesh and blood?

1. Winston Churchill
2. Lord Mountbatten
3. Albert Einstein
4. Jawaharlal Nehru

Answer (c).

13. Who led the salt Satyagraha Movement with Gandhi?

1. Annie Besant
2. Mridula Sarabhai
3. Muthu Lakshmi
4. Sarojini Naidu

Answer (d).

14. In which of the following movements did Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of hunger Strike
as a weapon?

1. non-Cooperation Movement, 1920-22

2. Rowlatt Satyagraha, 1919
3. Ahmedabad Strike, 1918
4. Bardoli Satyagraha

Answer (c).

15. Gandhiji organized Dandi March in 1930 against :

1. Atrocities on Harijans
2. Repression of the Congress
3. Imposition of tax on salt
4. The Communal Award

Answer (c).

16. Who led the extremists before the arrival of Gandhi on the political scene for Indias freedom

1. Dadabhai Naoroji
2. Surendranath Banerjee
3. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
4. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Answer (c).

17. Which of these slogans is associated with Gandhiji?

1. Freedom is my Birthright
2. Inquilab Zindabad
3. Do or die
4. Delhi chalo

Answer (c).

18. Who of the following is considered the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi?

1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

2. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
3. Motilal Nehru
4. C Rajagopalachari

Answer (b).

19. Which of the following newspapers was NOT published by Mahatma Gandhi?

1. Navjeevan
2. Harijan
3. Vande Mataram
4. Young India

Answer (c).

20. Which of the following books has NOT been written by Mahatma Gandhi?

1. Hindu View of Life

2. My Experiments with Truth
3. Key to Health
4. Hind Swaraj

Answer (a).

21. In which year did Mahatma Gandhi finally return to India from South Africa?

1. 1915
2. 1909
3. 1917
4. 1905

Answer (a).

22. To how many years of imprisonment was Mahatma Gandhi sentenced for the first time in

1. Three
2. Six
3. Two
4. Seven

Answer (b).

23. Which of the following movements was NOT started by Gandhiji?

1. Non-cooperation Movement
2. Civil Disobedience Movement
3. Quit India Movement
4. Swadeshi Movement

Answer (d).

24. In relation to which of the following did Gandhiji use the phrase "Post-dated cheque on a
crashing bank"?

1. Cabinet Mission
2. Simon Commission
3. Cripps Mission
4. Montague-Chelmsford Reforsm

Answer (c).

25. Which of the following is not correct about Mahatma Gandhi?

a. Gandhi believed in the sanctity of means

b. Gandhi supported close relation between religion and politics
c. Gandhi advocated complete separation of politics from religion
d. Gandhi believed in non-violence

Answer (c).
Dt. 10.03.2017

G.K. Multiple Choice Questions on Soils and Crops

1. Jute cultivation in India is concentrated in the delta area of which of the following rivers?

1. Ganga
2. Mahanadi
3. Brahamputra
4. Godavari

Answer (a).

2. Which of the following is the largest irrigation canal in India?

1. Buckingham Canal
2. Sirhind Canal
3. Indira Gandhi Canal
4. Sutlej Yamuna Link Canal

Answer (c).

3. Which one of the following is the correct sequence in the decreasing order of production (in
million tonnes) of the given foodgrains in India?

1. Wheat - Rice - Pulses - Coarse cereals

2. Rice - Wheat - Pulses - Coarse cereals
3. Wheat - Rice - Coarse cereals - Pulses
4. Rice - Wheat - Coarse cereals - Pulses

Answer (d). For 2011-12, the production for rice, wheat, coarse cereals and pulses has been 105.31,
94.88, 42.04 and 17.09 million tonnes respectively.

4. The eyes of potato are useful for

1. Nutrition
2. Respiration
3. Vegetative Propagation
4. Protection from predators

Answer (c).

5. What is Slash and Burn Agriculture?

1. method of sugarcane cultivation

2. process of deforestation
3. agriculture without irrigation
4. jhum cultivation

Answer (d).

6. Rotation of crops means

1. growing of different crops in the same area in sequential seasons.
2. shifting of area of same crops.
3. growing two or more crops simultaneously to increase productivity.
4. alternating crops with fruits over a period of years.

Answer (a).

7. The nitrogen present in the atmosphere is

1. of no use to plants
2. injurious to plants
3. directly utilized by plants
4. utilized through micro-organisms

Answer (d).

8. Which is the largest cotton growing State in India?

1. Maharashtra
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Gujarat

Answer (d).

9. The variety of coffee largely grown in India is -

1. Old Chicks
2. Coorgs
3. Arabica
4. Kents

Answer (c).

10. Under which plan did the Government introduce an agricultural strategy which gave rise to
Green Revolution?

1. Third Five-Year Plan (FYP)

2. Fourth FYP
3. Fifth FYP
4. Second FYP

Answer (b).

11. Laterite soil develops as a result of-

1. Deposits of alluvial
2. Deposition of loess
3. Leaching of sedimentary rocks
4. Wind-blown dust

Answer (c).

12. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping?

1. Aluvial
2. Acidic
3. Water-logged
4. Soil with excessive clay content

Answer (d).

13. The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2013 as the International Year of ____

1. Quinoa
2. Buckwheat
3. Rice
4. Jatropha

Answer (a).

14. Which one of the following is known as a pseudocereal?

1. Wheat
2. Quinoa
3. Horse gram
4. Barley

Answer (b).

15. Besides Rabi and Kharif, which is the third crop season in India?

1. Zaid
2. Barsati
3. Sharad
4. Jhum

Answer (a).

16. Kharif crops are harvested in -

1. June - July
2. October - November
3. May - June
4. March - April

Answer (b).

17. Coating urea with which of the following has been found to increase the yield of crops?

1. Lime
2. Ash
3. Neem oil
4. Eucalyptus oil

Answer (c).

18. Which one among the following agricultural crops/groups of crops may be grown in abundant
in lowlands and river deltas of fertile alluvial soil where there is high summer temperature and
rainfall varies from 180 cm to 250 cm?

1. Wheat and sugarcane

2. Cotton
3. Maize and coarse crops
4. Rice, jute and tea

Answer (d).

19. Which of the following crops would be preferred for sowing in order to enrich the soil with

1. Wheat
2. Mustard
3. Sunflower
4. Gram

Answer (d). Legume roots produce their own nitrogen, which is a major fertilizer nutrient needed by all
plants for growth.

20. For which of the following is black soil not very suitable?

1. Cotton
2. Wheat
3. Ground nut
4. Potato

Answer (c).

21. Extensive areas of grape cultivation in France are especially called

1. Wine cellars
2. Grape fields
3. Grape farms
4. Vineyards

Answer (d).

22. To which group does the black cotton soil of India belong?

1. Laterite
2. Podzol
3. Chernozem
4. Sierozem

Answer (c).

23. Which of the following is a cash crop in India?

1. Rice
2. Wheat
3. Sugarcane
4. Jowar

Answer (c).

24. Which of the following is a salt tolerant rice variety grown in water-logged coastal regions of
1. Navara
2. Pokkali
3. Ponni
4. Samba

Answer (b).

25. Which of the following is grown mainly on mountain slopes ?

1. Paddy
2. Tea
3. Groundnut
4. Potato

Answer (b).

26. Which one of the following is not a nitrogenous fertilizer ?

1. KCl
2. CaCN2
3. NH4NO3
4. Urea

Answer (a).

Multiple Choice G.K. Questions - Ancient Indian History

1. The Mathura school of art flourished during the reign of

1. Kanishka
2. Kadphises-1
3. Vasudeva
4. Kushanas

Answer (d).

2. Which one of the following travelers visited India during the Gupta period?

1. Hiuen-Tsang
2. Fa- Hien
3. Marco Polo
4. Nicolo Conti

Answer (b).

3. Hathigumpha inscription is attributed to which of the following emperors?

1. Ashoka
2. Chandragupta II
3. Samudragupta
4. Kharavela

Answer (d).

4. The illustrious names of Aryabhatta and Varahamihir are associated with the age of the

1. Guptas
2. Kushanas
3. Mauryas
4. Palas

Answer (a).

5. Gupta empire declined in the fifth century A. D. as a consequence of

1. Chalukya raids
2. Greek invasion
3. Hun invasion
4. Pallava raids

Answer (c).

6. During whose reign did the Gandhara School of art blossom?

1. Harsha
2. Ashok
3. Kanishka
4. Chandragupta 2

Answer (c).

7. The capital of Kosala kingdom was -

1. Ujjain
2. Kasi
3. Kausambi
4. Ayodhya

Answer (d).

8. Bimbisara belonged to which of the following dynasties?

1. Mauryan
2. Haryanka
3. Nanda
4. Kushan

Answer (b).

9. Who among the following foreigners was the first to visit India?

1. Hiuen-Tsang
2. Megasthenese
3. I Ching
4. Fahien

Answer (b).

10. The Ajanta painting belongs to the

1. Harappan period
2. Mauryan period
3. Buddhist period
4. Gupta period

Answer (d).

11. Which one of the following schools of sculpture thrived during the post-Ashokan period?

1. Gandhara
2. Sarnath
3. Mathura
4. All of the above

Answer (d).

12. The Saka Era commenced in

1. 50 BC
2. 28 AD
3. 78 AD
4. 129 AD

Answer (c).

13. Who of the following was a contemporary of Alexander the Great?

1. Bimbisara
2. Chandragupta Maurya
3. Ashoka
4. Pushyamitra Sunga

Answer (b).

14. Whose achievements are recorded in the Allahabad Pillar inscription?

1. Chandragupta Maurya
2. Samudra Gupta
3. Vikramaditya
4. Skand Gupta

Answer (b).

15. Which one of the following was an important port of the eastern coast during Gupta period?

1. Kalyan
2. Tamralipti
3. Sopara
4. Baroch

Answer (b).

16. The temple of Konark was built by Narasimha of the

1. Maratha Administration
2. Chola Administration
3. Ganga Administration
4. Vijayanagar Administration

Answer (c).

17. Alexander, the Great invaded India during the rule of -

1. Ajatshatru
2. Bimbisara
3. Dhana Nanda
4. Mahapadma Nanda

Answer (c).

18. Alexander defeated Porus in 326 B. C. at the battle of :

1. Thaneshwar
2. Tarain
3. Peshawar
4. Hydaspes

Answer (d).

19. Which among the following is the oldest dynasty?

1. Maurya
2. Gupta
3. Kushan
4. Kanva

Answer (a).

20. Which rulers built the Ellora temples?

1. Chalukya
2. Sunga
3. Rashtrakuta
4. Pallava

Answer (c).

21. Who started the Saka Era which is still used by the Government of India?

1. Kanishka
2. Vikramaditya
3. Samudra Gupta
4. Asoka

Answer (a).

22. The great silk-route to the Indians was opened by -

1. Kanishka
2. Ashoka
3. Harsha
4. Fa-Hien
Answer (a).

23. Aryabhatta, believed to have been born in the 5th century AD, was a most renowned scholar

1. Astronomy
2. Biology
3. Medicine
4. Physiology

Answer (a).

24. The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli in Delhi is believed to record the achievements of

1. Ashoka
2. Chandragupta Maurya
3. Samudragupta
4. Chandragupta 2

Answer (d).

25. The capital of Kalinga was

1. Taxila
2. Suvarnagiri
3. Ujjain
4. Toshali

Answer (d).

Multiple Choice Questions - Ancient Scholars and their Works

1. Amuktamalayada is a book written by

1. Harshavardhana
2. Sri Krishna Deva Raya
3. Bana Bhatta
4. Rajendra Chola

Answer (b).

2. The book which gives an account of how Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the power of the
Nandas with the help of Kautilya.

1. Arthashastra
2. Rajataringini
3. Amuktamalayada
4. Mudra Rakshasa

Answer (d).

3. The book which deals with the history of Kashmir from the earliest times to 1150 A.D.

1. Rajataringini
2. Ratnavali
3. Mrichchakatikam
4. Kumar Sambhava
Answer (a).

4. Prashnottar Ratna Malika, a treatise on eternal values of life in Hinduism has been authored by

1. Adi Shankaracharya
2. Manu
3. Bhrigu Samhita
4. Rajatarangini

Answer (a).

5. Who of the ancient Indian scholars calculated the exact value of pi?

1. Varahamira
2. Bhaskaracharya
3. Brahmagupta
4. Aryabhatta

Answer (c).

6. The famed Betal Pachisi is a part of which of the following books?

1. Panchatantra
2. Kathasaritsagar
3. Mudra Rakshsasha
4. Hitopadesha

Answer (b).

7. Which of the following books is based on a story appearing in the beginning of Mahabharata?

1. Mudra Rakshasha
2. Malvikagnimitra
3. Geet Govinda
4. Abhigyan Shakuntalam

Answer (d).

8. Padmavat, the book on the life of Padmini, Queen of Chittor, is written by

1. Vishnu Sharma
2. Chand Bardai
3. Kalhana
4. Malik Mohd Jaysi

Answer (d).

9. The book which deals with the love plays of the Dark Lord Krishna and his fair beloved Radha.

1. Geet Govinda
2. Meghdoot
3. Padmavat
4. Raghuvamsa

Answer (a).
10. Which of the following books has not been written by a king?

1. Amuktamalayada
2. Babar-Namah
3. Ratnavali
4. Harsha Charita

Answer (d).

11. Which of the following books is a treatise on economics and politics written by Chanakya?

1. Natyashastra
2. Arthashastra
3. Ashtadhyayi
4. Aryabhatiya

Answer (b).

12. Who among the following was a Sanskrit grammarian and author of Ashtadhyayi?

1. Patanjali
2. Panini
3. Manu
4. Kalidasa

Answer (b).

13. Malavikagnimitra, a book based on the life of Agnimitra son of Pushyamitra Sunga, is written

1. Kalidasa
2. Visakha Dutta
3. Jaidev
4. Chanakya

Answer (a).

14. Who among the following is known as the Father of Indian Medicine?

1. Charaka
2. Sushruta
3. Patanjali
4. Panini

Answer (a).

15. Which of the following books is the foundational book of Sanskrit grammar?

1. Mahabhasya
2. Ashtadhyayi
3. Meghdootam
4. Bhrigu Samhita

Answer (b).

16. He was an ancient Indian surgeon, also known as the Father of Surgery.
1. Charaka
2. Sushruta
3. Patanjali
4. Vatsayana

Answer (b).

17. Which of the following books dwells upon various surgeries and surgical instruments?

1. Charaka Samhita
2. Bhrigu Samhita
3. Sushruta Samhita
4. Rajatarangini

Answer (c).

18. Which of the author-book combination is not correct?

1. Rajtaringini Kalhana
2. Mudra Rakshasha Vishakha Datta
3. Panchatantra Shudraka
4. Buddha Charitam Ashwaghosha

1. a and b only
2. a, b and c
3. c only
4. None of the above

Answer (c).

19. Who of the following is credited with the introduction of decimal system?

1. Aryabhatta
2. Bhaskaracharya
3. Varahamira
4. Kautilya

Answer (b).

20. Which of the following is a collection of fables explaining the principles of life?

1. Panchatantra
2. Kathasaritsagar
3. Jataka tales
4. Arthashastra

Answer (a).

21. Which of the following books has not been written by Kalidasa?

1. Raghuvamsa
2. Meghdoot
3. Kumar Sambhava
4. Geet Govinda

Answer (d).
22. Who among the following wrote Mahabhashya a comment on Sanskrit book Ashtadhyayi?

1. Patanjali
2. Kalidasa
3. Kalahana
4. Chanakya

Answer (a).

23. Who among the following is the author of the book Prithviraj Raso?

1. Bana Bhatt
2. Chand Bardai
3. Todar Mal
4. Mirabai

Answer (b).

24. Kamandaka's Nitisara is a contribution to:

1. Logic and Philosophy

2. Mathematics
3. Political morality
4. Grammar

Answer (c).

25. The Lilavati of Bhaskara is a standard text on:

1. Mathematics
2. Surgery
3. Poetics
4. Linguistics

Answer (a).

Multiple Choice G.K. Questions - Animals and Birds

1. Which is the largest living bird on Earth?

1. Emu
2. Ostrich
3. Albatross
4. Siberian Crane

Answer (b).

2. For how many years have the dinosaurs been extinct?

1. About 25 million years

2. About 65 milion years
3. About 100 million years
4. About 135 million years

Answer (b).

3. Darwin finches refers to a group of

1. Fishes
2. Lizards
3. Birds
4. Amphibians

Answer (c).

4. Which amongst the following is the largest mammal?

1. Elephant
2. Whale
3. Dinosaur
4. Rhinoceros

Answer (b).

5. Which part becomes modified as the tusk of elephant?

1. Canine
2. Premolar
3. Second Incisor
4. Molar

Answer (c).

6. Which of the following are warm-blooded animals?

1. Whales
2. Whale sharks
3. Alytes
4. Draco

Answer (a).

7. Syrinx is the voice box in

1. Amphibians
2. Reptiles
3. Birds
4. Mammals

Answer (c).

8. Which phenomenon do bats or dolphins use to find prey, predators or obstacles?

1. Refraction of sound
2. Formation of beats
3. Scattering
4. Echo location

Answer (d).

9. Which of the following is the smallest bird?

1. Pigeon
2. Parrot
3. Humming bird
4. House sparrow

Answer (c).

10. The project snow Leopard to conserve the endangered species, launched by the union
ministry of environment and forests covers the states of

1. Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh only

2. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand only
3. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh only
4. Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim

Answer (d).

11. Which of the following is the National Aquatic Animal of India?

1. Salt Water Crocodile

2. Sea Turtle
3. Dugong
4. Dolphin

Answer (d).

12. Among the following animals, the figures of which are found in the state emblem of India?

1. Bull, deer and eagle

2. Deer and elephant
3. Elephant, tiger and bull
4. Horse and bull

Answer (d). Refer National Symbols

13. In which one of the following animals do distinct black stripes extend from the inner corners
of the eyes to the mouth?

1. Cheetah
2. Jaguar
3. Leopard
4. Panther

Answer (a). The stripes are called tear lines and distinguish a cheetah from a leopard. There are other
differences for the layman like a leopard has rosette shaped spots while a cheetah has round or oval

14. Consider the following pairs

Ape Natural habitat

Orang-utan Malaysia

Mountain Gorilla Rwanda

Chimpanzee Morocco

Which of the above pairs is/are correctly matched?


1. 1 only
2. 1 and 2 only
3. 2 and 3 only
4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer (b).

15. Asiatic wild ass is naturally found in :

1. Rann of Kutch
2. Baghelkhand
3. Sunderbans
4. Shivaliks

Answer (a).

16. Pashmina shawl is made from the hair of :

1. Sheep
2. Goat
3. Rabbit
4. Yak

Answer (b).

17. Which one among the following enzymes is unique in the alimentary canal of cattle?

1. Cellulase
2. Amylase
3. Pectinase
4. Driselase

Answer (a). Cellulase is produced mainly by symbiotic bacteria in the ruminating chambers of cattle to
help in digestion of cellulose. Other animals (including humans) do not produce cellulase in their bodies
and can only partially break down cellulose through fermentation.

18. This animal fasts for about 8 months in a year and yet is active, gives birth, and nurses its
young while fasting. Name the animal.

1. Polar Bear
2. Frog
3. Reindeer
4. Lion

Answer (a).

19. Which of the following birds is the state bird of three Indian states?

1. Hill Mynah
2. Blue Jay (Indian Roller)
3. Greater Flamingo
4. Great Hornbill

Answer (b). The 3 states are Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Odisha.

20. In which of the following species does the male have mammary glands to feed milk to its

1. Sunda flying lemur

2. Blue Whale
3. Polar bear
4. Dayak fruit bat

Answer (d).

21. For which one of the following snakes is the diet mainly composed of other snakes?

1. Krait
2. Russel's viper
3. Rattlesnake
4. King Cobra

Answer (d).

22. In which on of the following kinds of organism is the phenomenon found wherein the female
kills the male after copulation?

1. Dragonfly
2. Honeybee
3. Spider
4. Pit viper

Answer (b).

23. Which one among the following lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly?

1. Echidna
2. Kangaroo
3. Porcupine
4. Whale

Answer (a).

24. The release of which one of the following into ponds and wells helps in controlling the

1. Crab
2. Dogfish
3. Gambusia fish
4. Snail

Answer (c).

25. Which one among the following is not an ape?

1. Gibbon
2. Gorilla
3. Langur
4. Orangutan

Answer (c).

26. What was the name of the first cloned sheep?

1. Jolly
2. Dolly
3. Molly
4. Polly

Answer (b).

27. Which one of the following groups of animals are primates?

1. Giraffes and Zebras

2. Kangaroos and Koalas
3. Lemurs and Lorises
4. Rabbits and Hares

Answer (c).

28. In which of the following groups animals bear no teeth?

1. Alligator, Turtle and Tortoise

2. Peacock, Ostrich and Tortoise
3. Owl, Loris and Crow
4. Turtle, Kiwi and Cow

Answer (b).

29. In which of the following animals is respiration done by skin?

1. Flying fish
2. Sea horse
3. Frog
4. Chameleon

Answer (c).

30. Which of the following is the world's largest rodent?

1. porcupine
2. beaver
3. capybara
4. guinea pig

Answer (c).

31. Niligiri Tahr is the state animal of which of the following states?

1. Karnataka
2. Kerala
3. Tamil Nadu
4. Maharashtra
Answer (c).

32. Sangai is the state animal of which of the following states?

1. West Bengal
2. Manipur
3. Bihar
4. Jharkhand

Answer (b).

Multiple Choice Questions - Fairs, Festivals, Theatre, Painting etc.

1. In which State is the religious festival Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated with gusto?

1. Rajasthan
2. Gujarat
3. Maharashtra
4. Madhya Pradesh

Answer (c).

2. Madhubani a style of folk paintings, is popular in which of the following states in India?

1. Bihar
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. West Bengal
4. Rajasthan

Answer (a).

3. Which of the following combinations of the States and the festivals mainly celebrated there is
not correct?

1. Rajasthan - Gangaur
2. Gujarat - Durga Puja
3. Maharashtra - Ganesh Chaturthi
4. Uttar Pradesh - Krishna Janmashtami

Answer (b).

4. Nand Lal Bose, Manjit Bawa, Tyeb Mehta are

1. Classical Singers
2. English Poets
3. Photographers
4. Painters

Answer (d).

5. The Desert Festival, an annual event in Rajasthan that displays local folk arts and culture,
aerobatics, camel races, is held at

1. Jodhpur
2. Jaisalmer
3. Barmer
4. Bikaner

Answer (b).

6. Raja Harishchandra, an early Indian film was produced by

1. Dada Saheb Phalke

2. Ashok Kumar
3. Ardeshir Irani
4. Gurudatt

Answer (a).

7. Yavanika or curtain was introduced in Indian theatre by which of the following?

1. Shakas
2. Greeks
3. Huns
4. Persians

Answer (b).

8. Who among the following is a distinguished actor as well as recipient of Jnanpith Award (the
highest literary award in India)?

1. Vijay Tendulkar
2. Kaifi Azmi
3. Javed Akhtar
4. Girish Karnad

Answer (d).

9. Homi Vyarawalla is acclaimed as India's first -

1. Lady Painter
2. Lady Photojournalist
3. Lady Kathak Dancer
4. Lady Playback singer

Answer (b).

10. Ikebana is Japanese art of :

1. paper craft
2. dress designing
3. miniature tree farming
4. flower arrangement

Answer (d).

11. Who is the voice behind the audio book "Wings of Fire" written by former President APJ
Abdul Kalam?

1. Om Puri
2. Amitabh Bachchan
3. Girish Karnad
4. Harish Bhimani

Answer (c).

12. Where is Pushkar Fair held?

1. Jodhpur
2. Ajmer
3. Jaipur
4. Udaipur

Answer (b).

13. Ramkinker Baij was a well known

1. dancer
2. theatre personality
3. violinist
4. sculptor

Answer (d).

14. Losoong festival is celebrated in which of the following states?

1. Tibet
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Sikkim
4. Kerala

Answer (c).

15. The technique of mural painting executed upon freshly laid lime plaster is known as -

1. Fresco
2. Gouache
3. Tempera
4. Cubism

Answer (a).

16. In which of the following states is the Hornbill Festival held annually?

1. Mizoram
2. Assam
3. Sikkim
4. Nagaland

Answer (d).

17. Sonepur, the venue of one of the largest cattle fairs is located in which of the following states?

1. Gujarat
2. Rajasthan
3. Bihar
4. Uttarakhand

Answer (c).

18. With which of the following festivals is Jallikattu associated?

1. Onam
2. Pongal
3. Vishu
4. Shivarathri
Answer (b).

19. In which field of Art did Jamini Roy make his name?

1. Sculpture
2. Music
3. Painting
4. Drama

Answer (c).

20. With which form of performing art is Teejan Bai associated?

1. Burra Katha
2. Pandavani
3. Lavani
4. Nautanki

Answer (b).

21. Who amidst the following great music composers was the ruler of a state?

1. Tyagaraja
2. Shyama Shastri
3. Muthuswami Dikshitar
4. Swathi Tirunal Rama Varma

Answer (d).

22. Who wrote the lyrics of the song Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo?

1. Manoj Kumar
2. Pradeep
3. Shailendra
4. Raghupati Sahay Firaq

Answer (b).

23. Which one of the following festivals is not celebrated almost simultaneously in the month of
January each year?

1. Makar Sankranti
2. Pongal
3. Gudi Padwa
4. Lohri

Answer (c).

24. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.

List I (Form of Painting) List II (State)

A. Madhubani 1. Kerala
B. Kalamezhuthu 2. Odisha
C. Warli 3. Maharastra
D. Pattachitra 4. Bihar


1. A - 2; B - 1; C - 3; D - 4
2. A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2
3. A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 3
4. A - 4; B - 1; C - 3; D - 2

Answer (d).

25. In which country is the Salzburg Festival held every year?

1. Germany
2. Austria
3. Switzerland
4. France

Answer (b).
Dt. 15.03.2017

Topicwise Question Paper - Awards

1. The Arjuna Awards were instituted in the year

1. 1963
2. 1965
3. 1961
4. 1957

Answer (c).

2. The Dronacharya Award is associated with

1. Eminent Surgeons
2. Famous Artists
3. Sport Coaches
4. Expert Engineers

Answer (c).

3. Nobel Prizes are not given for which of the following fields ?

1. Physics
2. Chemistry
3. Peace
4. Music

Answer (d).

4. The Pulitzer Prize is associated with which one of the following ?

1. Environmental protection
2. Olympic Games
3. Journalism
4. Civil Aviation

Answer (c).

5. To encourage increase in the quality, quantity and availibility of food in the world, the World
Food Prize was founded by

1. Prof. M.S. Swaminathan

3. Prof. Norman Borlaug
4. WHO

Answer (c).

6. For outstanding contribution to which one of the following fields is Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar
Prize given?

1. Literature
2. Science
3. Performing Arts
4. Social Service

Answer (b).

7. Which of the following organisations gives the Kalinga Prize for popularising science?

3. UGC
4. Ministry of Science and Technology

Answer (a).

8. Ramon Magsaysay awards are given in honour of former President of

1. Indonesia
2. Thailand
3. New Zealand
4. Philippines

Answer (d).

9. Which of the following awards is also known as Alternative Nobel Prize?

1. Pulitzer Prize
2. Right Livelihood Award
3. Booker Prize
4. Ramon Magsaysay Award

Answer (b).

10. Which is highest gallantry award for the personnel of armed forces in India?

1. Ashoka Chakra
2. Maha Vir Chakra
3. Param Vir Chakra
4. Kirti Chakra

Answer (c).

11. Which of the following States confers the Kabir Samman, Kalidas Samman and Tansen

1. Rajasthan
2. Uttar Pradesh
3. Bihar
4. Madhya Pradesh

Answer (d).

12. Which of the following is NOT an award in the field of literature?

1. Sahitya Akademi Award

2. Jnanpith Award
3. Jamnalal Bajaj Award
4. Saraswati Samman
Answer (c).

13. In whose memory have Manav Sewa Awards for Service to Children instituted by
Government of India?

1. Indira Gandhi
2. Rajiv Gandhi
3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Mahatma Gandhi

Answer (b).

14. The reputed Man Booker Prize is awarded every year to the

1. Best novel in English by a citizen of U.K., the Commonwealth or Ireland

2. Best novel in English by anyone in the world
3. Best novel in English by a citizen of U.K., the U.S.A or Canada
4. Best novel in English by a citizen of any country of Europe or Asia

Answer (a).

15. Nirmal Gram Puraskars are awards given to villages which

1. are 100% open defecation free

2. provide clean drinking water to villagers
3. are free from communal distinction
4. abolish untouchability

Answer (a).

16. Which of the following awards is given to journalists?

1. Dadasaheb Phalke Award

2. Meghdoot Award
3. Jamnalal Bajaj Award
4. Chameli Devi Jain Award

Answer (d).

17. Which of the following awards is known as Mathematicians' Nobel Prize?

1. Turing Award
2. Abel Prize
3. Rolf Nevanlinna Prize
4. Wolf Prize

Answer (b).

18. Which of the following is the highest gallantry award in India given for bravery NOT in the
face of enemy?

1. Ashoka Chakra
2. Kirti Chakra
3. Mahavir Chakra
4. Shaurya Chakra
Answer (a).

19. In which of the following years was the first Bharat Ratna awarded?

1. 1953
2. 1954
3. 1955
4. 1951

Answer (b).

20. Which of the following awards is given by World Economic Forum to artists who have used
their art to improve the state of the world?

1. Neumann Award
2. Grammy Award
3. Emmy Award
4. Crystal Award

Answer (d).

21. Which of the following following awards is NOT associated with films?

1. Academy Award
2. BAFTA Award
3. Emmy Award
4. Golden Globe Award

Answer (c).

22. In which of the following fields is the Dhanvantari Award given?

1. Literature
2. Medicine
3. Social work
4. Journalism

Answer (b).

23. Which of the following awards is USUALLY given to only one person in a year?

1. Sahitya Akademi Award

2. Sangeet Natak Akademi Award
3. Padma Award
4. Jnanpith Award

Answer (d).

24. At which of the following film festivals is the Golden Peacock award given to the best film?

1. International Film Festival of India

2. Cannes Film Festival
3. Venice Film Festival
4. Childrens' Film Festival of India
Answer (a).

25. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Arjuna Awards and other sports awards are given to
sportspersons on August 29 every year which is the birthday of -

1. K.D. Jadhav
2. Polly Umrigar
3. Rajiv Gandhi
4. Major Dhyanchand

Answer (d).

26. Which of the following prizes is given to a person who has "made an exceptional contribution
to affirming life's spiritual dimension"?

1. Pulitzer Prize
2. Templeton Prize
3. Turing Award
4. Gandhi Peace Prize

Answer (b).

27. Which of the following organisations/states awards the Vyas Samman and Saraswati Samman
in the field of literature?

1. Madhya Pradesh
2. KK Birla Foundation
3. Tata Education and Development Trust
4. Uttar Pradesh

Answer (b).

28. Booker Prize is given in the field of -

1. Medicine
2. Adventure
3. Fiction writing
4. Science

Answer (c).

29. Sabin Award is given for the conservation of

1. snakes
2. amphibians
3. arctic animals
4. insects

Answer (b).

30. The highest Indian decoration for showing valour and gallantry in the war is ::

1. Param Vishistha Seva Medal

2. Ashoka Chakra
3. Param Vir Chakra
4. Mahavir Chakra
Answer (c).

31. Who among the following non-Indians was conferred Indias highest national award Bharat
Ratna ?

1. Sam Nujoma
2. Martin Luther King
3. Zubin Mehta
4. Nelson Mandela

Answer (d).

32. Which of the following awards is instituted by the UNESCO ?

1. Nehru Award for international understanding

2. Kalinga Prize
3. Arjuna Award
4. Dronacharya Award

Answer (b).

33. The Bharatendu Harishchandra awards have been instituted by the :

1. Hindi Sahatiya Sammelan

2. Government of Uttar Pradesh
3. Government of Madhya Pradesh
4. Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Answer (d).

34. Mahathir Award for Global Peace instituted in 2013 has been named after a former Prime
Minister of

1. Indonesia
2. Philippines
3. Malaysia
4. Thailand

Answer (c).

35. The name Savitri Khanolkar is associated with design of which of the following awards?

1. Param Vir Chakra

2. Bharat Ratna
3. Padma Vibhushan
4. Ashok chakra

Answer (a).

Topicwise Questions - Banking and RBI related Questions

1. Which of the following public sector banks has the largest number of branches in foreign

1. Bank of India
2. Bank of Baroda
3. Punjab National Bank
4. Corporation Bank

Answer (b).

2. The only merger of two public sector banks took place between -

1. Bank of India and New Bank of India

2. Punjab National Bank and New Bank of India
3. Allahabad Bank and United Bank of India
4. Punjab National Bank and Bank of Rajasthan

Answer (b).

3. Which of the following banks was inaugurated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1919?

1. Bank of Maharashtra
2. Bank of Baroda
3. State Bank of Saurashtra
4. Union Bank of India

Answer (d).

4. After State Bank of India, which of the following banks has the largest number of offices?

1. Punjab National Bank

2. Bank of India
3. Andhra Bank
4. Canara Bank

Answer (a).

5. Which of the following rates are reviewed by the RBI at the time of periodical review of the

1. Bank rate
2. Repo rate
3. Savings bank rate

1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Both 1 and 2
4. All the three

Answer (d).

6. What are teaser loan rates charged by banks?

1. Rate of interest which is competitively changed in relation to other banks

2. Floating rate of interest charged by banks
3. Low rate of interest in the initial period which goes up subsequently
4. Higher rate of interest in the initial period which goes down subsequently

Answer (c).

7. Which of the following terms is used in banking field?

1. Interest rate swap

2. Input devices
3. Sedimentary
4. Zero Hour

Answer (a).

8. Expand the term EMI as used in banking/finance sector?

1. Easy Monthly Instalment

2. Equal Monthly Investment
3. Equated Monthly Instalment
4. Equated Mortgage Investment

Answer (c).

9. Bank rate is decided by which of the following?

1. Reserve Bank of India

2. Government Of India
3. State Bank of India
4. Securities and Exchange Board of India

Answer (a).

10. With which of following types of loans are teaser rates related?

1. Home loans
2. Personal loans
3. Auto loans
4. Reverse mortgage loans

Answer (a).

11. What does M in M-Banking Facility being offered by banks to their customers, stand for?

1. Money
2. Marginal
3. Message
4. Mobile Phone

Answer (d).

12. Which of the following is/are true about the Sub-Prime Crisis?

1. It is a mortgage crisis referring to credit default by the borrowers.

2. Sub-Prime borrowers were those borrowers who were rated low and were high risk
3. This crisis originated because of negligence in credit rating of the borrowers.

1. Only 1
2. Only 2
3. Only 3
4. All 1, 2, and 3

Answer (d).

13. Match the following mergers of banks

List I List II
A. Centurion Bank of Punjab 1. ICICI Bank
B. Bank of Rajasthan 2. Punjab National Bank
C. Global Trust Bank 3. HDFC Bank
D. Nedungadi Bank 4. Oriental Bank of Commerce

1. A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3
2. A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2
3. A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3
4. A - 3; B - 1; C - 4; D - 2

Answer (d).

14. At which of the following cities is the Head Office of Reserve Bank of India located?

1. Mumbai
2. New Delhi
3. Kolkata
4. Dehradun

Answer (a).

15. The reserves held by Commercial Banks over and above the statutory minimum, with the RBI
are called

1. Cash reserves
2. Deposit reserves
3. Excess reserves
4. Momentary reserves

Answer (c).

16. In which year was the Imperial Bank of India rechristened as State Bank of India?

1. 1955
2. 1955
3. 1962
4. 1965

Answer (a).

17. Banking in India is controlled by :

1. Reserve Bank of India

2. Union Finance Commission
3. Union Ministry of Finance
4. Union Ministry of Commerce

Answer (a).

18. The Imperial Bank of India, after its nationalization came to be known as

1. Reserve Bank of India

2. State Bank of India
3. United Bank of India
4. Indian Overseas Bank

Answer (b).

19. Regional Rural Banks are sponsored by

1. Nationalised Commercial Bank

2. Reserve Bank of India
3. State Bank of India
4. Government of India

Answer (a).

20. Which is the countrys third largest private sector lender whose name has been officially
changed to the Axis Bank ltd. ?

1. HDFC Bank
2. Lord Krishna Bank
3. Centurion Bank
4. UTI Bank

Answer (d).

21.In which year was the Reserve Bank of India established ?

1. 1935
2. 1947
3. 1949
4. 1952

Answer (a).

22. Expand the term LIBOR as used in financial banking sectors?

1. Local Indian Bank Offered Rate

2. London-India Bureau Of Regulations
3. Liberal International Bank Official Ratio
4. London Inter Bank Offered Rate

Answer (d).

23. Which of the following is the apex institution which handles refinance for agriculture and
rural development in India?

1. RBI

Answer (c).

24. In which denomination were India's first bimetallic coins issued in the year 2009?

1. Rs. 100
2. Rs. 5
3. Rs. 10
4. Re. 1
Answer (c).

25. Which of the following is not the function of the Reserve Bank of India ?

1. Acting as banker to the Government

2. Keeping of Foreign Exchange Reserve
3. Issuing of one rupee notes and coins
4. Regulating credit in the country

Answer (c).

26. With which of the following is SARFAESI Act 2002 related?

1. Recovery of bad loans

2. Regulation of Foreign Exchange
3. Fixation of interest rates
4. Acquisition of small banks

Answer (a).

Topicwise Question Paper - British Governor Generals in India

1. Who was the Governor-General of India during the launch of Civil Disobedience Movement?

1. Lord Chelmsford
2. Lord Reading
3. Lord Irwin
4. Lord Wavell

Answer (c).

2. Consider the following statements :

1. Robert Clive was the first Governor-General of Bengal.

2. William Bentinck was the first Governor-General of India.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (b).

3. Sati was abolished by

1. Lord Ripon
2. Warren Hastings
3. Lord Cornwallis
4. William Bentinck

Answer (d).

4. The Treaty of Sreerangapattam was between Tipu Sultan and

1. Cornwallis
2. Clive
3. Hardinge
4. Warren Hastings

Answer (a).

5. Under whose administration did the Archaeological Survey of India start functioning?

1. Warren Hastings
2. Curzon
3. Canning
4. Ripon

Answer (c).

6. Which one of the following universities was not established by Lord Dalhousie?

1. Bombay
2. Madras
3. Delhi
4. Calcutta

Answer (c). Three Universities, at Bombay, Madras and Calcutta were established in accordance
with Wood's Despatch of 1854.

7. Who was the British Governor General in India in whose reign a part of Charter Act read like
this, "No native of India nor natural born subject of His Majesty, should be disabled from holding
any place, office of employment by reason of his religion, place of birth, descent or colour. "

1. Lord Cornwallis
2. Lord Hastings
3. Lord William Bentinck
4. Lord Dalhousie

Answer (c).

8. The partition of Bengal in 1905 was effected by :

1. Lord Linlithgow
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Minto
4. Lord Curzon

Answer (d).

9. Who was the last British Viceroy of India?

1. Lord Linlithgow
2. Lord Wavell
3. Lord Mountbatten
4. Lord Irwin

Answer (c).

10. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

1. Lord Dalhousie - Doctrine of Lapse

2. Lord Minto - Indian Councils Act, 1909
3. Lord Wellesley - Subsidiary Alliance
4. Lord Curzon - Vernacular Press Act, 1878

Answer (d).

11. With which of the following did Mahatma Gandhi sign a pact to suspend the Civil
Disobedience Movement and take part in the Round Table Conference?

1. Lord Wavell
2. Lord Lytton
3. Lord Irwin
4. Lord Canning

Answer (c).

12. Indian Railways and telegraph services were started during the reign of :

1. Lord Cornwallis
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Canning
4. Lord Dalhousie

Answer (d).

13. Who among the following was associated with the Permanent Settlement of Bengal?

1. William Bentinck
2. Lord Cornwallis
3. Lord Curzon
4. Lord Dalhousie

Answer (b).

14. Who among the following is known as the Maker of Modern India?

1. William Bentinck
2. Lord Cornwallis
3. Lord Curzon
4. Lord Dalhousie

Answer (d).

15. Who among the following Governor-Generals formed the Triple Alliance against Tipu Sultan?

1. Warren Hastings
2. Lord Cornwallis
3. Lord Wellesley
4. Lord William Bentick

Answer (b).

16. Who of the following took keen interest in the construction of Viceregal Lodge in Shimla and
also became its first occupant in 1888?

1. Lord Dufferin
2. Lord Lytton
3. Lord Ripon
4. Lord Dalhousie

Answer (a).

17. Dalhousie has been regarded as the maker of modern India because he brought about reforms
and made a beginning in many fields. Which one among the following was not one of his schemes
of reforms?

1. Educational reforms
2. Construction of railways and introduction of telegraphs and postal services
3. Establishment of a public works department
4. Factories Act to improve the condition of Indian Labour

Answer (d).

18. Who among the following is known as the Father of Local Self Government in India?

1. Lord Dalhousie
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Minto
4. Lord Reading

Answer (b).

19. Under whose Governor Generalship was the hated Vernacular Press Act passed in 1878?

1. Lord Canning
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Lytton
4. Lord Minto

Answer (c).

20. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

List I List-II
Building Associated with
A. Viceregal Lodge 1. Lord Curzon
B. Victoria Memorial 2. Lord Ripon
C. Bombay Municipal Corporation 3. Lord Dufferin

1. A - 3; B - 1; C - 2
2. A - 2; B - 1; C - 3
3. A - 3; B - 2; C - 1
4. A - 1; B - 2; C - 3

Answer (a).

21. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below:

List I List-II
Visit of Associated with
A. King George V 1. Lord Wavell
B. Cripps Mission 2. Lord Hardinge
C. Cabinet Mission 3. Lord Irwin
D. Simon Commission 4. Lord Linlithgow

1. A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 2
2. A - 2; B - 4; C - 1; D - 3
3. A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3
4. A - 3; B - 1; C - 4; D - 2

Answer (b).

22. Who of the following was the target of an assassination attempt in the Delhi conspiracy case
headed by Rash Bihari Bose in 1911?

1. Lord Chelmsford
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Hardinge
4. Lord Minto

Answer (c).

23. Rowlatt Act which authorised the Government to detain people without trial for an indefinite
period was passed during the tenure of -

1. Lord Chelmsford
2. Lord Irwin
3. Lord Hardinge
4. Lord Reading

Answer (a).

24. When Gandhiji was imprisoned for the first time in India, the Governor General of India was -

1. Lord Chelmsford
2. Lord Irwin
3. Lord Hardinge
4. Lord Reading

Answer (d).

25. The Vernacular Press Act, 1878 was repealed under the Governor-Generalship of -

1. Lord Minto
2. Lord Ripon
3. Lord Lytton
4. Lord Reading

Answer (b).

Multiple Choice Questions - Buddhism

1. The largest Buddhist temple in the world is located in

1. India
2. Indonesia
3. Japan
4. China

Answer (b).

2. The earliest Buddhist literature which deal with the stories of the various births of Buddha are

1. Venaya pitakas
2. Sutta pitakas
3. Abhidhamma pitakas
4. Jatakas

Answer (d).

3. Among the following who was the personal physician of Gautam Buddha?

1. Sushruta
2. Charak
3. Jeevaka
4. Nagarjuna

Answer (c).

4. The Buddha delivered his first sermon, known as 'Turning of the wheel of law' at?

1. Sanchi
2. Sarnath
3. Sravasti
4. Bodh Gaya

Answer (b).

5. In Buddhism, what does Patimokkha stand for?

1. A description of Mahayana
2. A description of Hinayana
3. The rules of the Sangha
4. The questions of King Menander

Answer (c).

6. Where is Lumbini, the birth place of Gautama Buddha located?

1. Nepal
2. Bihar
3. Bhutan
4. Sikkim

Answer (a).

7. Who among the following was contemporary of Gautam Buddha?

1. Nagarjuna
2. Kanishka
3. Kautilya
4. Mahavir

Answer (d).
8. Where did Buddha attain Parinirvana?

1. Bodh Gaya
2. Kushinagara
3. Rajgriha
4. Vaishali

Answer (b).

9. The monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism was

1. Vishnu Gupta
2. Upa Gupta
3. Brahma Gupta
4. Brihadratha

Answer (b).

10. Mention the place where Buddha attained enlightment

1. Sarnath
2. Bodhgaya
3. Kapilvastu
4. Rajgriha

Answer (b).

11. In which of the following countries were Buddha's idols disfigured and removed a few years

1. Pakistan
2. Turkey
3. Afghanistan
4. Iran

Answer (c).

12. What was the Kutagarashala - literally, a hut with a pointed roof?

1. A place where intellectual debates among Buddhist mendicants took place

2. A place where animals were kept
3. A place where weapons were stored
4. A place to sleep

Answer (a).

13. Lord Buddha's image is sometimes shown with the hand gesture called Bhumisparsha Mudra.
It symbolizes

1. Buddha's calling of the Earth to watch over Mara and to prevent Mara from disturbing his
2. Buddha's calling fo the Earth to witness his purity and chastity despite the temptations of
3. Buddha's reminder to his followers that they all arise from the Earth and finally dissolve
into the Earth, and thus this life is transitory
4. Both the statements (a) and (b) are correct in this context
Answer (b).

14. With reference to the history of ancient India, which of the following was/were common to
both Buddhism and Jainism?

1. Avoidance of extremities of penance and enjoyment

2. Indifference to the authority of the Vedas
3. Denial of efficacy of rituals

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

1. 1 only
2. 2 and 3 only
3. 1 and 3 only
4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer (b).

15. In which State is the Buddhist site Tabo Monastery located?

1. Arunachal Pradesh
2. Sikkim
3. Uttarakhand
4. Himachal Pradesh

Answer (d).

16. Who was the teacher of Gautama Buddha?

1. Panini
2. Alara Kalama
3. Kapila
4. Patanjali

Answer (b).

17. What are the places which contain the relics of Buddha known as?

1. Viharas
2. Pitakas
3. Stupas
4. Chaityas

Answer (c).

18. In which language were Buddhist literatures written?

1. Sanskrit
2. Prakrit
3. Hindi
4. Pali

Answer (d).

19. Which country has the highest number of Buddhists in the world?
1. India
2. Japan
3. China
4. Indonesia

Answer (c).

20. Vaishak Purnima or Buddha Purnima is celebrated every year to mark which of the following
events of Buddha's life?

1. Birth
2. Nirvana (Enlightment)
3. Parinirvana (Death)
4. All of the above

Answer (d).

21. Buddha Vihars were used for :

1. Education.
2. Residence of Budha Bhikshus.
3. Residence of worshippers of Budha.
4. Religious expansion.

1. 2 is correct
2. 1 and 3 are correct
3. 1, 2 and 4 are correct
4. 1 and 4 are correct

Answer (c).

22. Mahayan sect of Budhism emerged during the reign of :

1. Ashoka
2. Kanishka
3. Samudra Gupta
4. Harsha

Answer (c).

23. In which country is the statue of 'Leshan Giant Buddha' located?

1. Thailand
2. China
3. Japan
4. Indonesia

Answer (b).

24. At which of the following places is the Dhamekh Stupa located?

1. Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh

2. Sanchi, Madhya Pradesh
3. Gangtok, Sikkim
4. Gaya, Bihar

Answer (a).
25. Which state in India has the largest number of Buddhists?

1. Himachal Pradesh
2. Jammu and Kashmir
3. Maharashtra
4. Bihar

Answer (c).

26. During whose reign was the third Buddhist Council held?

1. Ashoka
2. Kanishka
3. Harsha
4. Samudragupta

Answer (a).

27. Which of the following contain Buddhist teachings?

1. Chaityas
2. Jatakas
3. Purvas
4. Tripitakas

Answer (d).

28. In May 2014, ASI (Archeological Survey of India) team visited which country to examine the
authencity of Buddha's begging bowl (bhikshapatra) kept in a museum?

1. China
2. Afghanistan
3. Bhutan
4. Japan

Answer (b).

Multiple Choice Questions - Chemicals

1. Which of the following acids is contained in the sting of bees and wasps

1. formic acid
2. acetic acid
3. oxalic acid
4. hydrochloric acid

Answer (a).

2. The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is -

1. Invertase
2. Maltase
3. Zymase
4. Diastase

Answer (c).

3. A breath test used by traffic police to check drunken driving uses ----

1. Potassium dichromatic-sulphuric acid

2. potassium permanganate-sulphuric acid
3. Turmeric on filter paper
4. Silica gel coated with silver nitrate

Answer (a).

4. Which of the following is the chief constituent of vinegar?

1. oxalic acid
2. formic acid
3. citric acid
4. acetic acid

Answer (d).

5. Which of the following acids is used in a car battery?

1. hydrochloric acid
2. sulphuric acid
3. nitric acid
4. carbonic acid

Answer (b).

6. Leakage of which of the following gases caused the Bhopal gas tragedy?

1. Carbon monoxide
2. Methyl isocyanate
3. Hydrogen sulphide
4. Nitrous oxide
Answer (b).

7. Formalin is generally used as an

1. antiseptic
2. anaesthetic
3. stimulant
4. preservative

Answer (d).

8. Which of the following chemicals is added to LPG to give out a strong smell?

1. Ethyl mercaptan
2. Dichloro diflouro methane
3. Hydrogen sulphide
4. Ammonia

Answer (a).

9. The sour taste of curd is due to the presence of which of the following constituents?

1. acetic acid
2. lactic acid
3. formic acid
4. citric acid

Answer (b).

10. Which of the following chemicals used in photography is also known as hypo?

1. silver bromide
2. silver iodide
3. sodium thiosulphate
4. silver nitrate

Answer (c).

11. Phenyl, commonly used in toilets is closely related to -

1. Benzene
2. Sulphuric Acid
3. Sodium Thiosulphate
4. Tetrachloroethylene

Answer (a).

12. The natural dye present in turmeric is known as

1. Curcumin
2. Cinnamin
3. Phenolphthalein
4. Methyl Orange

Answer (a).
13. Which one of the following elements is used in the manufacture of fertilizers?

1. Flourine
2. Lead
3. Potassium
4. Aluminium

Answer (c).

14. Which one of the following is used to induce artificial rain?

1. Ammonium chloride
2. Calcium carbonate
3. Silver lodide
4. Potassium Nitrate

Answer (c).

15. Nail polish remover contains

1. benzene
2. acetone
3. petroleum
4. acetic acid

Answer (b).

16. By what name is Acetylsalicylic Acid better known?

1. Vinegar
2. Brine
3. Saltpeter
4. Aspirin

Answer (d).

17. What is the role of catalyst in a chemical reaction?

1. It increases the rate of reaction

2. It decreases the rate of reaction
3. It increases the yield of products
4. It provides better purity of products

Answer (a).

18. What is the mixture of potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal and sulphur called?

1. glass
2. cement
3. paint
4. gun powder

Answer (d).

19. When iron is left exposed in open air, it gets rusted. Which constituents(s) of air is/are
responsible for rusting iron?
1. Oxygen gas present in air
2. Moisture present in air
3. Carbon dioxide gas present in air

Select the correct answer using the code given below

1. 1 and 2 only
2. 1 only
3. 2 and 3 only
4. 2 only

Answer (a).

20. Which one of the following is extensively used for sterilizing water?

1. Bleaching powder
2. Alum
3. Borax powder
4. Soda powder

Answer (a).

21. Which one among the following substances evolves heat when dissolved in water?

1. Potassium nitrate
2. Calcium oxide
3. Glucose
4. Sodium chloride

Answer (b).

22. Heavy Water implies

1. Carbonated water
2. Sea water
3. Mineral water
4. Deutrated water

Answer (d).

23. When water itself combines chemically with some element of mineral it is called

1. Carbonation
2. Desilication
3. Hydration
4. Oxidation

Answer (c).

24. KMnO4 can be used as a/an

1. Disinfectant
2. Insecticide
3. Fertilizer
4. Pesticide

Answer (a).
25. Which chemical was an important symbol in India's struggle for freedom?

1. Acetic acid
2. Ammonium Nitrate
3. Silver Iodide
4. Sodium Chloride

Answer (d).

26. Dead organs are generally stored in formalin. Formalin is

1. aqueous ferrous sulphate

2. aqueous formic acid
3. aqueous ferric alum
4. aqueous formaldehyde

Answer (d).

27. Contact lenses are made from

1. polyvinyl chloride
2. Lucite
3. polystyrene
4. Teflon

Answer (b).

28. Which one of the following chemicals is used in beauty parlours for hair-setting ?

1. Phosphorous based
2. Silicon based
3. Iron based
4. Sulphur based

Answer (d).

29. Alum is used as

1. an analgesic
2. a water purifier
3. a fertilizer
4. a disinfectant

Answer (b).

30. The rancid smell of spoilt dairy products is due to the liberation of

1. acetic acid
2. sulphuric acid
3. butyric acid
4. stearic acid

Answer (c).

31. Which of the following was known as Aqua Fortis in ancient times?

1. nitric acid
2. sulphuric acid
3. butyric acid
4. hydrochloric acid

Answer (a).

32. Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine is popularly known as -

1. TNT
2. RDX
3. HTD

Answer (b).

33. Which was the first organic compound to be synthesised from inorganic ingredients?

1. Urea
2. Acetic Acid
3. Sucrose
4. Methane

Answer (a).

34. Which of the following has been found to contain anandamide a neurotransmitter molecule
(also known as molecule of extreme pleasure)?

1. alcohol
2. tobacco
3. coffee
4. chocolate

Answer (d).

35. Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because

1. It causes lysis of red blood cells

2. It breaks the electron transport chain
3. It denatures enzymes of the heart muscle
4. It causes cardiac arrest

Answer (b).

36. Photochemical Smog is a resultant of the reaction among

1. High concentration of NO2, O3 and CO in the evening

2. CO, O2 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence of sunlight
3. NO2, O3 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence of sunlight
4. CO, CO2 and NO2 at low temperature

Answer (c).

37. The soft silvery metallic element which ionizes easily when heated or exposed to light and is
present in atomic clocks is :

1. cesium
2. cerium
3. calcium
4. californium

Answer (a).

Multiple Choice Questions - Questions related to Heart and Blood

1. Which of the following are the possible blood groups of the offspring of the parents with blood
group O and AB?

1. O, A, B and AB
2. A and B
3. A, B and AB
4. O and AB

Answer (b).

2. White blood cells act

1. as a defence against infection

2. as source of energy
3. for clotting blood
4. as a medium for oxygen transport from lung to tissues

Answer (a).

3. In which one of the following is extra blood stored and is released when shortage occurs?

1. Adrenal gland
2. Pancreas
3. Spleen
4. Thyroid gland

Answer (c).

4. The average life span of red blood corpuscles is about

1. 100 - 200 days

2. 100 - 120 days
3. 160 - 180 days
4. 150 - 200 days

Answer (b).

5. From which one of the following chambers of human heart is the oxygenated blood pumped
into aorta?

1. Right atrium
2. Right ventricle
3. Left atrium
4. Left ventricle

Answer (d).

6. If the radius of blood vessels of a person decreases his/her blood pressure will

1. increase
2. decrease
3. remain unaffected
4. increase for males and decrease for females

Answer (a).

7. Insufficient blood supply in human body is referred as

1. Ischemia
2. Hyperemia
3. Hemostasis
4. Hemorrhage

Answer (a).

8. Mineral impurities in blood are removed by

1. Lungs
2. Kidney
3. Spleen
4. Liver

Answer (b).

9. Between which one of the following sets of blood groups, is the blood transfussion possible?

1. A and O (A donor)
2. B and A (B donor)
3. A and AB (A donor)
4. AB and O (AB donor)

Answer (c).

10. The pH of Human Blood is ___?

1. 7.4
2. 7.2
3. 7.8
4. 6.6

Answer (a).

11. In the human body, red blood cells are produced in

1. liver
2. voluntary muscles
3. pancreas
4. bone marrow

Answer (d).

12. Which is the anti-coagulant substance in blood?

1. Fibrinogen
2. Thrombin
3. Globin
4. Heparin

Answer (d).

13. What vessel carries the venous blood to the lungs for oxygenation?

1. Pulmonary arteries
2. Pulmonary veins
3. Pulmonary arterio-venous shunt
4. Right ventricle

Answer (a).

14. When a child is born, what happens to its blood circulation?

1. Its blood flows for the first time

2. Its blood reverses its flow through the heart
3. Its blood ceases to pass from one atrium to the other
4. Its blood carries wastes for the first time

Answer (d).

15. What is the approximate time required for a heart-beat ?

1. 0.5 second
2. 0.8 second
3. 0.5 minute
4. 1.0 minute

Answer (b).

16. Ventricles are related to

1. heart only
2. brain only
3. both a and b
4. none of these

Answer (c).

17. Universal receivers can receive blood from

1. Group AB only
2. Group O only
3. Groups A, AB
4. Groups O, A, B, AB

Answer (d).

18. Pulmonary artery carries

1. pure blood from lungs

2. pure blood to lungs
3. impure blood to lungs
4. impure blood from lungs
Answer (c).

19. Ions of which of the following minerals play an important role in blood clotting?

1. Mg
2. Na
3. Ca
4. K

Answer (c).

20. What is the condition in which heart is not pumping the blood effectively to meet the
requirements of the body called?

1. stroke
2. hypertension
3. myocardial infarction
4. heart failure

Answer (d).

21. At which part of the intestines is the digested food absorbed by the blood?

1. Ileum
2. Colon
3. Jejenum
4. Caecum

Answer (c).

22. Fastest distribution of some injectible material/medicine and with no risk of any kind can be
achieved by injecting it into the

1. muscles
2. veins
3. arteries
4. lymph vessels

Answer (b).

23. Where does the impulse of heart beat originate?

1. S.A. node
2. A.V. node
3. vagus nerve
4. cardiac nerve

Answer (a).

24. Which of the following veins does not carry deoxygenated blood?

1. hepatic vein
2. hepatic portal vein
3. renal vein
4. pulmonary vein

Answer (d).
25. What is instrument for measuring blood pressure called?

1. electrocardiogram
2. anemometer
3. stethoscope
4. sphygmanometer

Answer (d).

26. What is the percentage of water in blood plasma?

1. 90
2. 80
3. 98
4. 60

Answer (a).

27. Cheeks of the people in hilly areas are more red in colour due to

1. increase in production of W.B.C

2. lesser quantity of plasma
3. increase in production of R.B.C
4. decreased production of platelets

Answer (c).

Multiple Choice Questions - Climate and Weather Related

1. The main cause of global climatic change is

1. Increase in the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

2. Emissions of industrial gases
3. Adding of dust
4. Changes in plant cover

Answer (a).

2. If there is no carbon dioxide in the earths atmosphere, the temperature of earths surface would

1. Dependent on the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere

2. Higher than the present
3. Less than the present
4. The same

Answer (c).

3. High pressure sub-tropical calm belts known as Horse Latitudes lie between

1. 0 and 10
2. 15 and 25
3. 20 and 25
4. 30 and 35

Answer (d).
4. Which from the following can cause a tsunami?

1. Volcano
2. Avalanche
3. Tornado
4. Earthquake

Answer (d).

5. The direction to which wind blows is known as

1. Windward
2. Leeward
3. Eleaving side
4. None of these

Answer (b).

6. Consider the following statements :

1. All cyclones develop an eye at the centre.

2. The temperature inside the eye is nearly 10 C lesser than that of the surroundings.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (a).

7. Which one of the following is a low cloud?

1. Cirrocumulus
2. Cirrostratus
3. Altocumulus
4. Nimbostratus

Answer (d).

8. Which region of the Earths surface is called doldrums?

1. Equatorial low pressure belt

2. Sub-tropical high pressure belt
3. Between 10 to 23 North and South Latitudes
4. Sub-polar low pressure belt

Answer (a).

9. Which one of the following pairs of oceans and currents is not correctly matched?

1. North Atlantic Ocean : Canaries current

2. Eastern Pacific Ocean : Kuroshio current
3. South Atlantic Ocean : Falkland current
4. Indian Ocean : Agulhas current
Answer (b).

10. Savanna natural region is characterized by which one of the following?

1. A distinct wet and dry season with annual range of temperature between 3 C 8 C.
2. Broad-leaf evergreen forests and grasses
3. Uniformly high temperature throughout the year
4. No spatial variation in mean annual rainfall

Answer (c).

11. Name the continent where Tundra type of climate is not found

1. Europe
2. Asia
3. Africa
4. North America

Answer (c).

12. If the temperature of a place increases suddenly the relative humidity

1. Increases
2. Decreases
3. Remains constant
4. Fluctuates

Answer (b).

13. Which one of the following is the example of planetary winds?

1. Monsoon
2. Trade wind
3. Land and sea breezes
4. Chinook

Answer (b).

14. The dew point is the temperature at which -

1. water in the liquid state changes to vapour

2. the dew begins to evaporate
3. water vapour condenses to a liquid
4. hailstones are formed

Answer (c).

15. Threat of global warming is increasing due to increasing concentration of

1. Nitrous oxide
2. Ozone
3. Sulphur dioxide
4. Carbon dioxide

Answer (d).
16. EI Nino is

1. A sea storm
2. A warm ocean current
3. A tropical disturbance
4. Another name of typhoon

Answer (b).

17. The earth revolves round the sun. This causes :

1. Formation of day and night

2. Deflection of winds and currents
3. Change of seasons
4. Differences in longitude and time

Answer (c).

18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists:

List-I (Instrument) List II (Used to measure)

A. Udometer 1. Atmospheric pressure
B. Barometer 2. Rainfall
C. Anemometer 3. Humidity
D. Hygrometer 4. Wind speed


1. A - 2; B - 3; C - 1; D - 4
2. A - 2; B - 1; C - 4; D - 3
3. A - 4; B - 1; C - 3; D - 2
4. A - 4; B - 3; C - 1; D - 2

Answer (b).

19. Monsoon is caused by

1. Impact of summer temperatures on the seas.

2. Movement of clouds
3. Seasonal reversal of winds
4. Rise in temperature

Answer (c).

20. Consider the following statements :

1. Either of the two belts over the oceans at about 30 to 35 N and S Latitudes is known as
Horse Latitude.
2. Horse latitudes are low pressure belts.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (a).

21. The snow on the mountains does NOT melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because

1. It becomes very hard

2. It reflects most of the heat from the sun
3. It has a low specific heat capacity
4. It has a high latent heat of fusion

Answer (d).

22. Extensive deserts occur in the western tropical regions of continents because -

1. of easterly trade winds

2. cold ocean currents flow along the western coasts
3. of the effect of both the off shore easterly trade winds and cold ocean currents
4. the rate of evaporation is greater along the western margin areas

Answer (b).

23. Seasons occur because :

1. The rotation of earth

2. The earths revolution around the sun
3. The earths axis is inclined by 66
4. Combined effect of (b) and (c) above

Answer (d).

24. The standard sea level in millibars is

1. 1013 mb
2. 1060 mb
3. 960 mb
4. 990 mb

Answer (a).

25. A huge mass of snow moving slowly down the valley and slopes of mountains till it melts
after passing the snow line is called :

1. Iceberg
2. Glacier
3. Avalanche
4. Typhoon

Answer (c).

26. Isotherms are :

1. contour lines showing equal amount of sunshine

2. lines on a map joining places which have the same mean temperature
3. contour lines of equal rainfall
4. contour lines of equal air pressure
Answer (b).

27. What is a tornado?

1. A very high pressure centre

2. A very low pressure centre
3. A very high ocean wave
4. A planetary wind

Answer (b).

28. Consider the following statements:

1. The approach of a cyclone is characterized by a rise in barometric reading.

2. In the cyclones of the northern hemisphere, the winds circulate in anti-clockwise direction.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (c).

29. The fraction of solar energy reflected from Earth into space is known as

1. insolation
2. albedo
3. irradiation
4. heat loss

Answer (b).

30. What kind of deserts are the Atacama desert and Gobi desert?

1. trade wind deserts

2. subtropical deserts
3. rainshadow deserts
4. monsoon deserts

Answer (c).
Dt. 17.03.2017

Multiple Choice Questions - Army, Air Force, Navy

1. From which of the following countries has India purchased the Pilatus PC-7 trainer aircraft

1. United States of America

2. France
3. Switzerland
4. Germany

Answer (c).

2. Admiral Gorshkov, the Soviet aircraft carrier imported by India is now named -

1. INS Vikrant
2. INS Vikramaditya
3. INS Virat
4. INS Vishaal

Answer (b).

3. Which of the following organizations has Sarvatra Sarvottam Suraksha as its slogan?

1. Border Security Forece

2. Sikh Light Infantry
3. Indian Air Force
4. National Security Guard

Answer (d).

4. At which of the following places is the Heavy Vehicles Factory located?

1. Kanpur
2. Khadki
3. Avadi
4. 24 Paraganas

Answer (c).

5. At which of the following places was a new officers Training Academy for training Army
officers established in 2011?

1. Pune
2. Jabalpur
3. Secunderabad
4. Gaya

Answer (d).

6. Which of the following aircraft is the air-to-air refueller of the Indian Air Force?

1. C 17 Globemaster
2. IIyushin - 76
3. IIyushin - 78
4. C 130J Hercules
Answer (c).

7. Which of the following is Indias first indigenously developed nuclear powered submarine?

1. INS Vikrant
2. INS Trikhand
3. INS Arihant
4. INS Sindhurakshak

Answer (c).

8. Who of the following is the only Chief of Air Staff to be given the rank of Marshall of the
Indian Air Force?

1. Arjan Singh
2. Subroto Mukherjee
3. P.C. Lal
4. O.P. Mehra

Answer (a).

9. Indra series of exercises are jointly held biennially in the Indian Ocean by India and -

1. Russia
2. France
3. Singapore
4. Israel

Answer (a).

10. Which of the following corps deals with the supply of weaponry and ammunition to the Indian

1. Army Ordnance Corps

2. Armoured Corps
3. Army Supply Corps
4. Corps of EME

Answer (a).

11. Which of the following is home base of the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya?

1. Visakhapatnam
2. Cochin
3. Karwar
4. Jamnagar

Answer (c).

12. At which of the following places is the Headquarters of South Western Air Command located?

1. Vadodara
2. Jodhpur
3. Pune
4. Gandhinagar

Answer (d).
13. Which of the following is the equivalent rank in Army of the Naval rank of Captain?

1. Colonel
2. Brigadier
3. Major
4. Captain

Answer (a).

14. Who of the following was the Chief of Army at the time of Indo-Pak war of 1971?

1. General PP Kumaramangalam
2. Field Marshall SHFJ Manekshaw
3. General JN Chaudhari
4. General KS Thimayya

Answer (b).

15. Which of the following was the first aircraft inducted by the Indian Air Force (then Royal
Indian Air Force) in 1932?

1. de Havilland Tiger Moth

2. Westland Wapiti
3. Supermarine Spitfire
4. Fairchild Packet

Answer (b).

16. The biennial joint multi-nation Naval exercise held in the Indian Ocean is named (The
exercise was recently held in February 2014)

1. Yudh Abhyas
2. Malabar
3. Milan
4. Shoorveer

Answer (c).

17. Who of the following was the first recipient of the Param Vir Chakra, gallantry award?

1. Lance Naik Albert Ekka

2. Havildar Abdul Hamid
3. Major Shaitan Singh
4. Major Somnath Sharma

Answer (d).

18. Daulat Beg Oldie, a well-known airstrip for supply of provisions to the armed forces is located
in -

1. Ladakh
2. Arunachal Pradesh
3. Andaman Islands
4. Sikkim

Answer (a).
19. Lt Commander Abhilash Tomy of the Indian Navy became the first Indian to complete a solo,
unassisted, non-stop circumnavigation of the world in 2013. What was the name of the vessel used
by him?

1. INSV Mandovi
2. INSV Mhadei
3. INS Abhimanyu
4. INS Abhay

Answer (b).

20. At which of the following places is the Indian National Defence University being set up?

1. Medak, Andhra Pradesh

2. Amethi, Uttar Pradesh
3. Gurgaon, Haryana
4. Kasargod, Kerala

Answer (c).

21. At which of the following places is the College of Defence Management located?

1. Dehradun
2. Pune
3. Secunderabad
4. Chennai

Answer (c).

22. What was the name given to the operation conducted by National Security Guard in 2008
against terrorist attack in Taj hotel, Mumbai?

1. Operation Black Tornado

2. Operation Black Thunder
3. Operation Safed Sagar
4. Operation Vijay

Answer (a).

23. At which of the following places is the headquarters of a Naval Command NOT located?

1. Mumbai
2. Goa
3. Kochi
4. Visakhapatnam

Answer (b).

24. On which of the following dates is the Navy Day celebrated in India?

1. January 15
2. October 8
3. December 4
4. February 1
Answer (c).

25. In 2013, the Indian Navy inducted the Boeing P-8I Aircraft at Naval Station, Rajali. To serve
what purpose the aircraft has been inducted?

1. Long Range Maritime Reconnaissance

2. Transport of troops from ships to bases and vice versa
3. VIP movements of President and other dignitaries
4. Training of Naval pilots

Answer (a).

26. Which one among the following is the unit raised to protect the naval assets?

1. Sagar Rakshak Bal

2. Sagar Suraksha Bal
3. Sagar Prahari Bal
4. Sagar Nigrani Bal

Answer (c).

27. Indian Military Training Team (IMTRAT) imparts training to army officers of

1. Nepal
2. Bangladesh
3. Maldives
4. Bhutan

Answer (d).

28. Indian Armys counter-insurgency school is situated in

1. Kanker
2. Srinagar
3. Tezpur
4. Vairengte

Answer (d).

29. Dhanush, a missile inducted into the Indian Navy

1. is a customized and naval variant of Prithvi missile

2. has a range of 700 km
3. can be launched from an aircraft
4. cannot carry nuclear warheads

Answer (a).

30. The commando unit of the Indian Air Force is named

1. Baaz
2. Garud
4. Ghatak

Answer (b).
1. Due to contraction of eyeball, a long-sighted eye can see only

1. farther objects which is corrected by using convex lens

2. farther objects which is corrected by using concave lens
3. nearer objects which is corrected by using convex lens
4. nearer objects which is corrected by using concave lens

Answer (a).

2. Which one among the following is not correct about Downs syndrome?

1. It is a genetic disorder
2. Effected individual has early ageing
3. Effected person has mental retardation
4. Effected person has furrowed tongue with open mouth

Answer (b).

3. Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as

1. carriers
2. reservoirs
3. vectors
4. incubators

Answer (c).

4. Which of the following diseases are transmitted from one person to another?

2. Cirrhosis
3. Hepatitis B
4. Syphilis

Select the correct answer using the code given below:


1. 1, 2, 3 and 4
2. 1, 3 and 4 only
3. 1 and 2 only
4. 2, 3 and 4 only

Answer (b).

5. One of the occupational health hazards commonly faced by the workers of ceramics, pottery
and glass industry is

1. stone formation in gall bladder

2. melanoma
3. silicosis
4. stone formation in kidney

Answer (c).

6. The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. The plant is

1. Neem
2. Eucalyptus
3. Cinnamon
4. Cinchona

Answer (d).

7. To suspect HIV/AIDS in a young individual, which one among the following symptoms is
mostly associated with?

1. Long standing jaundice and chronic liver disease

2. Sever anaemia
3. Chronic diarrhoea
4. Severe persistent headache

Answer (c).

8. Hypertension is the term used for

1. Increase in heart rate

2. Decrease in heart rate
3. Decrease in blood pressure
4. Increase in blood pressure

Answer (d).

9. Acute lead poisoning is also known as

1. Itai- Itai
2. Plumbism
3. Neuralgia
4. Byssinosis

Answer (b).

10. Oral Rehydration Therapy is recommended for

1. Tuberculosis
2. Typhoid
3. Tetanus
4. Cholera

Answer (d).

11. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists

List I List II
(Disease) (Diagnosis)

A. AIDS 1. Widal test

B. Plague 2. Wayson stain test

C. Typhoid 3. ELISA test

4. Mantoux test


1. A - 4; B - 3; C - 2;
2. A - 3; B - 2; C - 1;
3. A - 1; B - 2; C - 3;
4. A - 3; B - 2; C - 4;

Answer (b). Mantoux test is used to diagnose Tuberculosis.

12. In the context of genetic disorders, consider the following:

A woman suffers from colour blindness while her husband does not suffer from it. They have a
son and a daughter. In this context, which one of the following statements is most probably

1. Both children suffer from colour blindness

2. Daughter suffers from the colour blindness while the son does not suffer from it.
3. Both children do not suffer from colour blindness.
4. Son suffers from the colour blindness while daughter does not suffer from it.

Answer (d).

13. Which one of the following diseases is caused by a protozoan?

1. Cholera
2. Malaria
3. Tuberculosis
4. Typhoid

Answer (b). Sleeping sickness, kala azar are other diseases caused by protozoans.

14. Which of the following disease is not transmitted by Aedes aegypti?

1. Chikungunya
2. Dengue
3. Chicken-pox
4. Yellow fever

Answer (c).

15. The first effective vaccine against polio was prepared by

1. JH Gibbon
2. Jonas E Salk
3. Robert Edwards
4. James Simpson

Answer (b).

16. Minamata disease was caused by

1. Mercury
2. Lead
3. Cadmium
4. Zinc

Answer (a).

17. Which one of the following kinds of organims causes malaria?

1. Bacterium
2. Fungus
3. Protozoan
4. Virus

Answer (c).

18. Which of the following diseases is not caused by viruses?

1. Cholera
2. Chickenpox
3. Hepatitis
4. Measles

Answer (a).

19. If the lens in eye becomes opaque, the disease is called :

1. Myopia
2. Astigmatism
3. Glaucoma
4. Cataract

Answer (d).

20. The toxicity of which of the following heavy metals leads to liver cirrhosis?

1. Copper
2. Lead
3. Mercury
4. Zinc

Answer (a).

21. Typhoid is caused by

1. Pseudomonas sp.
2. Staphylococcus
3. Bacillus
4. Salmonella typhi

Answer (d).

22. BCG immunization is for

1. Measles
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diphtheria
4. Leprosy

Answer (b).
23. Which one of the following diseases is caused by virus?

1. Tuberculosis
2. Typhoid
3. Influenza
4. Diphtheria

Answer (c).

24. Malaria in human body is caused by which one of the following organisms?

1. Bacteria
2. Virus
3. Mosquito
4. Protozoan

Answer (d). The list of various viral, bacterial, protozoan, fungal, deficiency diseases is given here.

25. Ringworm is a ......... disease.

1. Bacterial
2. Protozoan
3. Viral
4. Fungal

Answer (d).

MCQs - Diseases

26. A person suffering from Halitosis is suffering from -

1. obesity
2. bad breath
3. dark skin
4. short height

Answer (b).

27. Chickenpox is caused by

1. Varicella zoster Virus

2. Variola Virus
3. Streptococcus
4. Vibrio Cholera

Answer (a).

28. The infective stage of Malaria is:

1. Gametocyte
2. Ring state
3. Sporozoite
4. Merozoite

Answer (c).
29. The disease that kills more people than lung cancer as a consequences of air pollution is:

1. chronic bronchitis
2. asthma
3. emphesema
4. heart attack

Answer (a).

30. The deficiency of Iron in man may result in

1. Anaemia
2. Night blindness
3. Scurvy
4. Rickets

Answer (a).

31. Cancer is a disease where we find uncontrolled

1. Cell division
2. Cell swelling
3. Cell inflammation
4. Cell deformity

Answer (a).

32. What is ALZHEIMERS disease?

1. It is a disorder of the brain

2. It affects liver
3. It affects Kidney
4. It affects human immune system

Answer (a).

33. The causative agent of Tuberculosis is

1. Mycobacterium
2. Aspergillus
3. Rhabdovirus
4. HIV

Answer (a).

34. Contaminated water can cause the following diseases except which one of the following?

1. Hepatitis A
2. Typhoid
3. Measles
4. Cholera

Answer (c).

35. Which one of the following diseases is caused by bacteria and spreads through faecal matter
by houseflies?
1. Pertussis
2. Typhoid
3. Diphtheria
4. Chickenpox

Answer (b).

36. The medical term used for the sleeplessness is

1. Somnambulism
2. Insomnia
3. Hallucination
4. Nyctinuria

Answer (b).

37. Blood cancer is otherwise called as

1. Anaemia
2. Polycythemia
3. Leucopenia
4. Leukaemia

Answer (d).

38. The disease in which the sugar level of blood increases is known as

1. Diabetes mellitus
2. Diabetes insipidus
3. Diabetes imperfectus
4. Diabetes sugarensis

Answer (a).

39. Which one of the following lenses should be used to correct the defect of astigmatism?

1. Cylindrical lens
2. Concave lens
3. Convex lens
4. Bifocal lens

Answer (a).

40. AIDS virus has -

1. Single-stranded RNA
2. Double-stranded RNA
3. Single-stranded DNA
4. Double-stranded DNA

Answer (a).

41. Trachoma is a disease of :

1. throat
2. lings
3. eyes
4. liver

Answer (c).

42. Thrombosis is a disorder related to the :

1. lungs
2. blood
3. thyroid
4. nervous system

Answer (b).

43. Which of the following diseases is not caused by bacteria?

1. Tuberculosis
2. Typhoid
3. Measles
4. Leprosy

Answer (c).

44. Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?

1. Diphtheria
2. Tetanus
3. Syphilis
4. Influenza

Answer (d).

45. Which of the following disorders of the eye is also known as the lazy eye?

1. Amblyopia
2. Myopia
3. Amenopia
4. Presbyopia

Answer (a).

46. Ebola, a disease which has recently been responsible for thousands of deaths in West Africa is
named after a -

1. village
2. tribe
3. river
4. mountain

Answer (c).

47. Which of the following diseases is associated with Zooplankton, tiny animals found in a
marine ecosystem?

1. dengue
2. cholera
3. chikungunya
4. swine flue
Answer (b).

48. Inability of the brain to produce which of the following is said to cause Parkinson's disease?

1. thyroid-stimulating hormone
2. cortisol
3. prolactin
4. dopamine

Answer (d).

49. Which one of following painful conditions is caused by elevated levels of uric acid in blood?

1. goitre
2. gout
3. frozen shoulder
4. rickets

Answer (b).

50. Which one of following diseases has been reportedly eradicated from North and South
America in April 2015?

1. leprosy
2. polio
3. rubella
4. diabetes

Answer (c).

51. Which one of following diseases is caused by the same virus that causes Chicken Pox?

1. Shingles
2. Chikungunya
3. Influenza
4. Pertussis

Answer (a).
Current Affairs- Latest

1. The Bharat Bill Payment System(BBPS) is a centralised system created by the

National Payments Corporation
2. Which of the following countries recently introduce Right to Information (RTI)
Act Sri Lanka
3. Winner of best actress in 62nd Hindi Filmfare Awards 2017 Alia Bhatt
4. Best actor in 62nd Hindi Filmfare Awards 2017 Amir Khan
5. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan was the chief guest of 68th Republic
Day celebration. He was the Crown Prince of UAE
6. A major international index of corruption and transparency has placed India on
the watch list for its inability to curb mega corruption scandals and petty bribery.
The annual index of Transparency International issued on Wednesday for 2016
placed India with Brazil and China in the 40th position.
7. National Payments Corporation of India, the umbrella organisation for all digital
payments in the country has launched new mobile aap for digital payment called
- BHIM (Bharat Interface for Money)
8. 14th Edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas Convention was held at (9th
January, 2017) Bengaluru
9. Vice-Chairman of the NITI Ayog of India - Arvind Panagariya
10. Due to the outbreak of which virus did the WHO declare a Public Health
Emergency of International Concern in February 2016 Zika
11. The Central Goverment's 'Stand up India' scheme to promote entrepreneurship -
SC/ STs and Women
12. India's first Bullet Train run (upto 2024) proposed route - Ahmedabad - Mumbai
13. The year 2016-17 will be observed by SAARC nations as - Year of Cultural
14. Viral V. Acharya, Professor of Economics at the New York University (NYU)
recently was in news. He has appointed as - Deputy Governor of the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI)
15. The first Indian Non-banking company to become a full-fledged member of Visa
payment network - Itz Cash
16. The World Radio Day (WRD) is observed every year on February 13 to
celebrate radio as the medium for entertainment, information and the mode for
17. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is observed every year on
February 11 to promote gender equality and encourage girls and women to get
involved in science and research.
18. Which state is hosting the 2nd edition of International Spice Conference
Kovalam, Kerala
19. 1th International Aerospace and Defence Exhibition Aero India 2017
20. New chief of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Ajay Tyagi
21. The National Deworming Day (NDD) is celebrated on which date in India 10th
22. The 16th edition of the IAAF World Championships will be held in August 2017
in London, United Kingdom (UK).
23. Official mascot for FIFA U-17 World Cup India 2017 Kheleo
24. Mohit Ahlawat (21) from Delhi has become the first batsman in the world to
score a triple century in a T20 match at a level.
25. First Indian State to establish cashless system for distribution of food grains
26. The book Veerappan: Chasing the Brigand has been authored by K. Vijay
Kumar, the Senior Security Adviser in the Ministry of Home Affairs.
27. Dr P Raghu Ram, President of Association of Breast Surgeons of India (ABSI),
has been selected for the prestigious 2016 Dr B C Roy National award for
outstanding service in the field of socio-medical relief. This is the highest award
that is bestowed upon a Medical person practicing in India & would be conferred
by Honble President of India on July 1, 2017 on Doctors Day.
28. The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation is
observed on which date 6th February
29. Rajeev Singh, Member (Finance) in Prasar Bharati Board, has taken charge as
acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the public service broadcaster Prasar
30. The book A Great Reckoning A Chief Inspector Gamache Thriller has been
authored by Louise Penny.
31. As per Union Budget 2017-18, the Payments Regulatory Board (PRB) will be set
up under the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Who will be chairman of the
proposed board? Governor of RBI.
32. The Bihar government has recently introduced third gender category in school
exams after the Supreme Court recognised transgender people as a third gender
in 2014.
33. The Union Government will launch a new and restructured central scheme
Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES) in 2017-18 to create
infrastructure for exports.
34. As per Union Budget 2017-18, the National Pension System (NPS) subscribers
can prematurely withdraw how much percentage of corpus tax-free? 25%
35. The Swiss professional tennis player, Roger Federer has won his 18th Grand
Slam trophy by winning the 2017 Mens singles Australian Open tennis
tournament in Melbourne by defeating Rafael Nadal of Spain by 6-4, 3-6, 6-1, 3-
6, 6-3.
36. Serena Williams, an American professional tennis player, has won the 2017
Womens singles Australian Open tennis tournament by defeating her sister
Venus Williams in the final by 6-4, 6-4 to win her 23rd Grand Slam singles title.
With this win, Serena stands just one Slam away from matching Margaret
Courts record of 24 Slams while eclipsing the record of Steffi Graf with 22.
37. The 2017 National Immunization Day (NID) is celebrated on which date in
India? 29th January
38. A P Singh, a 1986 batch Indian Postal Service officer, has been appointed the
interim Managing Director and CEO of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB).
39. The worlds first-ever digital ambassador has been created by which country? -
40. Iris Mittenaere, a dental student from France, has been crowned the new Miss
Universe 2016 at the annual pageant at the Mall of Asia Arena in Metro Manila,
Philippines on January 30, 2017. She is the 2nd Miss Universe from France after
Christiane Martel, who won elected Miss Universe 1953.
41. Miss World 2016 Stephanie del Valle Diaz is handling her education pretty well.
Amidst the hustle, she is a Puerto Rican musician, model and student. She is also
multi-cultural, she speaks three languages - English, Spanish and French.
42. The book Mother Teresa: The Final Verdict has been authored by Aroup
Chatterjee, a British Indian author and physician.
43. Amulya Kumar Patnaik, the 1985 batch of IPS officer, has been appointed as the
new Commissioner of Delhi Police.
44. Vinod Rai, the former Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), has
been appointed as the new chief of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)
by the Supreme Court of India (SCI).
45. The Income Tax Department (ITD) has recently launched Operation Clean
Money to track deposits post demonetisation. The initial phase of the operation
involves e-verification of large cash deposits made during 9th November to 30th
December 2016.
46. Vijay Pandurang Bhatkar, a technocrat who is considered the father of the Indian
Supercomputer, has been appointed the new Vice-Chancellor of Nalanda
University, Rajgir, in Bihar.
47. Indias first Post Office Passport Seva Kendra (POPSK) has been inaugurated on
January 25, 2017 at the Mysuru Head Post office in Karnataka to offer all
passport related services on the lines of PSKs.
48. India has been ranked 79th out of 176 nations by the Berlin-based corruption
watchdog Transparency International (TI) in its latest Corruption Perception
Index (CPI) for the year 2016.
49. The official name of GST Bill is The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill
50. The proposed date of implementing GST is - July 1, 2017
51. Dr. Urjit Patel has been appointed the new Governor of RBI. He is 24th Govornor
of RBI.

Konkani writer Mahabaleshwar Sail gets Saraswati Samman:- Eminent Konkani writer
Mahabaleshwar Sail has been honoured with the Saraswati Samman 2016 for his novel Hawthan .
The 74-year-olds novel was shortlisted out of 22 books written in as many languages. The award
carries a cash prize of Rs. 15 lakh and a citation. Mr. Sail is a bilingual writer who has four
Marathi dramas and seven Konkani novels to his credit. He has also written five short stories and
a novel in Marathi.

PAU develops countrys first BT cotton varieties:- Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana
has successfully developed the countrys first BT cotton varieties. The ICAR has identified three
varieties, namely PAU BT 1, F1861 and RS 2013, for cultivation in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan.
It is a cheaper alternative to BT cotton hybrid seed.

DMRC enters Limca Book of Records [03 Mar 2017]:-The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
(DMRC) has entered the Limca Book of World Records for erecting 200 U-shaped girders, the
maximum to be launched on any metro corridor in the country within a month.

Jitu Rai wins air pistol bronze [01 Mar 2017]:-Jitu Rai clinch the bronze medal in air pistol in
the shooting World Cup at the Dr. Karni Singh Range, Tughlakabad, New Delhi.

Edappadi Palaniswami sworn in as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister [17 Feb 2017]:-Tamil Nadu,
Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao on 16th February evening administered the oath of office to
Edappadi K. Palaniswami as the 13th Chief Minister along with a Council of 30 Ministers.
Government gives green signal to merger of SBI and its five associate banks [16 Feb 2017]:-
The Cabinet has given the go-ahead to the merger plan of SBI and its five associates, a step aimed
at strengthening the banking sector through consolidation of public banks. The associate banks
which will be merged with SBI are State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Mysore
(SBM), State Bank of Travancore (SBT), State Bank of Patiala (SBP) and State Bank of
Hyderabad (SBH).

ISRO launches a record 104 Satellites into Earth's Orbit [15 Feb 2017]:-Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO) scripted history by successfully launching a record 104 satellites,
including India's earth observation satellite, on a single rocket from the spaceport in Sriharikota.
This is the highest number of satellites ever launched in a single mission. The space agency's
trusted workhorse Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C37, on its 39th mission, took off from
Sriharikota space centre with the 104 satel with the 104 satellites, of which 101 belongs to
international customers.

Government appoints IAS officer Ajay Tyagi as Sebi chief for 5 years [11 Feb 2017]:-The
government has appointed Ajay Tyagi, a senior bureaucrat in the finance ministry to head the
Securities and Exchange Board of India, the countrys capital markets watchdog. Mr Tyagi will
replace UK Sinha who will finish his term on March 1, 2017.

15-year-old Indian boy Lakshya Sen is world's no 1 badminton player [06 Feb 2017]:-The 15-
year-old shuttler from Almora, Lakshya Sen, created history after he became the number one
junior singles badminton player in the world in the latest rankings of the Badminton World
Federation (BWF).

LT Gen Sk Shrivastava Takes Over As DG BRO [01 Feb 2017]:-Lieutenant General Sanjeev
Kumar Shrivastava has taken over as the 25th Director General Border Roads (DGBR).

Dushyant Chautala is new TTFI chief [31 Jan 2017]:-Dushyant Chautala was elected as
president of the Table Tennis Federation of India (TTFI) at the annual general body meeting held
at Gurugram. M. P. Singh and Arun Kumar Banerjee will be the new secretary general and
treasurer respectively, according to a release from TTFI.

Miss France Iris Mittenaere wins Miss Universe 2016 [30 Jan 2017]:-Miss France, Iris
Mittenaere has been selected as Miss Universe 2016. Twenty-three years of age, Mittenaere is
currently pursuing a degree in dental surgery. Haiti's Raquel Pelissier was placed the first runner-
up, while Colombia's Andrea Tovar finished as the second runner-up.

Shri Amulya Kumar Patnaik appointed as Commissioner of Police, Delhi [30 Jan 2017]:-Shri
Amulya Kumar Patnaik, has been appointed to the post of Commissioner of Police, Delhi from the
date of actual assumption of the charge, in place of Shri Alok Kumar, who has been appointed as
Director, CBI, till further orders.

Federer grabs 18th Grand Slam title [29 Jan 2017]:-Roger Federer of Spain has won his fifth
Australian Open and clinch a first Grand Slam title in four and a half years in mens single event
by defeating Rafael Nadal of Switzerland.

Serena goes past Steffi Graf's Open Era record [29 Jan 2017]:-Serena Williams defeated her
sister Venus Williams to clinch her seventh Australian Open womens single title. She now holds
23 Grand Slam titles - an Open era record.

The annual index of Transparency International 2016 [25 Jan 2017]:-A major international
index of corruption and transparency has placed India on the watch list for its inability to curb
mega corruption scandals and petty bribery. The annual index of Transparency International
issued for 2016 placed India with Brazil and China in the 40th position.
104th Indian Science Congress-2017 in Tirupati [07 Jan 2017]:-The five-day event has been
organized as part of 104th Indian Science Congress (ISC-2017) inaugurated by the Prime Minister
Shri Narendra Modi. The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is
participating in Pride of India-Science Expo-2017 being held from 3-7 January at the Sri
Venkateswara University Campus, Tirupati.

Delhi Police chief Alok Verma appointed new CBI Director [20 Jan 2017]:-The Appointments
Committee of the Cabinet has approved the appointment of Shri Alok Kumar Verma as the new
CBI Director. His appointment will be for a period of two years from the date of assumption of
charge of his office. Shri Alok Kumar Verma, currently Delhi Police commissioner, is a 1979
batch Indian Police Service officer of the Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram and Union Territory
(AGMUT) cadre.
Dt. 20.03.2017

Multiple Choice Questions - Information Technology Related Questions

1. A computer virus normally attaches itself to another computer programme known as a

1. Backdoor programme
2. Target programme
3. Trojan horse
4. Host programme

Answer (c).

2. One byte consists of

1. four bits
2. one bit
3. ten bit
4. eight bits

Answer (d).

3. The amount of time required by a storage device to retrieve data and programmes is its

1. Retrieval speed
2. Capacity
3. Memory
4. Access speed

Answer (d).

4. ENIAC was

1. an electronic computer
2. an engine
3. a memory device
4. an electronic calculator

Answer (a).

5. Which of these describes attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from a

computer user by falsifying their identity?

1. Fishing
2. Computer viruses
3. Spyware
4. Phishing

Answer (d).

6. The first computer made available for commercial use was

Answer (c).

7. A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to other people's computers to get
information illegally or do damage can be called a

1. Hacker
2. Spammer
3. Analyst
4. Programmer

Answer (a).

8. A 32-bit word computer can access _____ bytes at a time.

1. 4
2. 8
3. 16
4. 32

Answer (a).

9. The process of transferring files from the Internet to your computer is called

1. Downloading
2. Uploading
3. File Transfer Protocol
4. Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Answer (a).

10. The ____ shows all the web sites any pages that you have visited one a period of time.

1. Status bar
2. Task bar
3. History list
4. Tool bar

Answer (c).

11. The language which provides basic building blocks for web pages is known as

2. C language
3. Java
4. Javascript

Answer (a).

12. In the URL, http//, the portion labelled http is the ____

1. Host
2. Domain name
3. Protocol
4. Top-level domain

Answer (c).
13. Which of the following is a read only memory storage device?

1. Floppy Disk
2. Hard Disk
4. Flash Drive

Answer (c).

14. A repair for a known software bug usually available at no charge on the internet is called a

1. Patch
2. Version
3. Tutorial
4. FAQ

Answer (a).

15. Which of the following connects the computer to a telephone line?

1. Processor
2. Modem
3. USB Drive
4. Multiplexer

Answer (b).

16. What is an e-mail attachment?

1. A receipt sent by the recipient

2. A separate document from another programme sent along with an e-mail message
3. A malicious parasite that feeds off of your message and destroys the contents
4. A list of GC, or BCC, recipients

Answer (b).

17. If a file has a '.bak' extension it refers usually to -

1. Backup file
2. Audio file
3. Temporary file
4. Deleted file

Answer (a).

18. The window which shows icons for things like the mouse, sound, and display is called

1. My Computer
2. Explorer
3. Control Panel
4. Taskbar

Answer (c).

19. What kind of file has an extension '.mpg'?

1. Word Document file

2. Spreadsheet document
3. Movie file
4. Image file

Answer (c).

20. Which of the following is not real security and privacy risks?

1. Hackers
2. Spam
3. Viruses
4. Identity theft

Answer (b).

21. Which of the following defines the ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a
criminals computer?

1. Robotics
2. Simulation
3. Computer forensics
4. Animation

Answer (c).

22. The difference between people with internet access and those without it is known as the

1. Digital divide
2. Internet divide
3. Web divide
4. Broadband divide

Answer (a).

23. The smallest unit in a digital system is a

1. byte
2. bit
3. word
4. character

Answer (b).

24. Which of the following is a web browser?

1. Macromedia Flash
2. Microsoft Powerpoint
3. Netscape Navigator
4. Adobe Dreamweaver

Answer (c).

25. Junk e-mail is also called ____

1. Spam
2. Spoof
3. Sniffer script
4. Spool

Answer (a).

26. Who of the following is the founder of Facebook?

1. Tim Berners Lee

2. Jimmy Wales
3. Julian Assange
4. Mark Zuckerburg

Answer (d).

27. In which of the following areas, spreadsheet software is more useful?

1. Psychology
2. Publishing
3. Statistics
4. Message sending

Answer (c).

28. What is windows explorer?

1. A drive
2. APC
3. A web browser
4. A file manager

Answer (d).

29. Which of the following terms refers to unwanted and unsolicited e-mails received by us?

1. spam
2. subscriptions
3. rubbish
4. trash

Answer (a).

30. A Groupware is a

1. Hardware
2. Software
3. Network
4. Firmware

Answer (b).

31. A DVD is An example of a/an

1. Hard disk
2. Optical disk
3. Output device
4. Solid state storage device
Answer (b).

32. A word in a web page that, when clicked opens another document is called

1. Anchor
2. Hyperlink
3. Preference
4. URL

Answer (b).

33. Which of the following is the most commonly used operating system?

1. Windows
3. Mac OS
4. Linux

Answer (a).

34. Windows 7, the operating system from Microsoft Corporation has ________ Indian languages

1. 14
2. 26
3. 37
4. 49

Answer (d).

35. A megabyte is actually equal to ______ kilobytes

1. 100
2. 1000
3. 1024
4. 1028

Answer (c).

36. Which of the following is an Indian social networking site launched by Patna-based brothers
Nilay and Ankur Singh?

1. Indiabook
2. Jumpbook
3. Kitabi Chehra
4. Desibook

Answer (b).

37. Which of the following was referred to as a 'three-finger salute' by Microsoft founder Mr. Bill

1. control - alt - delete buttons

2. stand-by - turn-off - start options
3. scroll-lock - num lock and print screen buttons
4. control - shift - alt buttons
Answer (a).

38. What is the full form of GUI?

1. Graphics User Instruction

2. Graphical User Interface
3. General User Intruction
4. General User Interaction

Answer (b).

39. Which command allows you to reduce fragments of file and optimize the performance of

1. Scandisk
2. Diskcomp
3. Chkdsk
4. Defrag

Answer (d).

40. A communication processor that connects dissimilar networks by providing the translation
from one set of protocol to another is

1. Bridge
2. Gateway
3. Router
4. Modem

Answer (b).

41. What is a fraudulent practice of extracting details of someone's bank card or account illegally
via phone known as?

1. phising
2. spamming
3. vishing
4. bombing

Answer (c).

42. In a Database Management System (DBMS), the content and the location of the data is
defined by the -

1. metadata
2. subdata
3. sequence data
4. multi dimensional data

Answer (a).

43. Which of the following is the ascending order of data hierarchy?

1. Bit - Byte - Record - Field - Database - File

2. Byte - Bit - File - Record - Database - Field
3. Bit - Byte - Field - Record - File - Database
4. Field - Byte - Bit - Record - File - Database
Answer (c).

44. A Computer executes Programs in the sequence of:

1. Decode, Fetch, Execute

2. Execute, Fetch, Decode
3. Fetch, Decode, Execute
4. Store, Fetch, Execute

Answer (c).

45. The part of a computer system containing the circuitry that does the adding, subtracting,
multiplying, dividing and comparing is called as

1. Arithmetic-logic unit
2. Control
3. Memory
4. CPU

Answer (a).

Multiple Choice Questions - Gases

1. Carbon dioxide is called a greenhouse gas because

1. Its concentration remains always higher than other gases

2. It is used in photosynthesis
3. It absorbs infrared radiation
4. It emits visible radiation

Answer (c).

2. What is the major role of a greenhouse gas that contributes to temperature rise of the earths

1. Transparent to both incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation

2. Stops both incoming sunlight and outgoing infrared radiation
3. Lets outgoing infrared radiation pass through but stops incoming sunlight
4. Lets incoming sunlight pass through but stops outgoing infrared radiation

Answer (d).

3. Consider the following statements:

1. Ozone is mostly found in the stratosphere.

2. Ozone layer lies 55-75 km above the surface of the Earth.
3. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
4. Ozone layer has no significance for life on the Earth.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

1. 1 and 2
2. 1 and 3
3. 2 and 3
4. 3 and 4

Answer (b).
4. Which among the following nontoxic gases helps in formation of enzymes which ripen fruit?

1. Acetylene
2. Ethane
3. Methane
4. Carbon dioxide

Answer (a).

5. Which one among the following is strong smelling agent added to LPG cylinder to help in the
detection of gas leakage?

1. Ethanol
2. Thioethanol
3. Methane
4. Chloroform

Answer (b). IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name for the chemical is
Ethanethiol. Alternate name for the substance is Ethyl Mercaptan. Refer Chemicals Page on this site

6. Which of the following statements regarding ozone layer within the atmosphere is/are correct?

1. It absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation found in the Sun's rays.

2. Chloroflourocarbons are serious threat to the ozone layer.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (c).

7. The major component in LPG is

1. Methane
2. butane
3. ethane
4. propane

Answer (d).

8. The vertical movement of air is termed as

1. wind
2. Air Current
3. Air turbulence
4. Air mobility

Answer (b).

9. Which of the following is not a method of preparing oxygen?

1. Electrolysis of water
2. Fractional distillation of liquid air
3. Decomposition of potassium permanganate
4. Decomposition of manganese dioxide

Answer (d).

10. Oxygen and ozone are

1. allotropes
2. isomers
3. isotopes
4. isobars

Answer (a).

11. Ozone layer is present in

1. Troposphere
2. Ionosphere
3. Stratosphere
4. Exosphere

Answer (c).

12. Which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere ?

1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Thermosphere

Answer (a).

13. Which one of the following is a major constituent of Biogas?

1. Carbon dioxide
2. Methane
3. Hydrogen
4. Nitrogen Dioxide

Answer (b).

14. Sea breeze is formed during

1. Day time
2. Night time
3. Both
4. Seasonal

Answer (a). During daytime land heats up more quickly than water and the air above it rises allowing for
air above the sea to blow towards the land. This is known as sea breeze. After sunset land cools down
more quickly than water and hence land breeze blows during the night.

15. The Refrigerant 'FREON' is

1. Calcium Tetra Flouride

2. Diflouro Dichloro Methane
3. Flourspar and Felspar
4. Hydrofluosilicic Acid

Answer (b).

16. Now a days, Yellow lamps are frequently used as street lights. Which among the following
gases, is used in these lamps?

1. Sodium
2. Neon
3. Hydrogen
4. Nitrogen

Answer (a).

17. The atmospheric air is held to the earth by

1. Gravity
2. Winds
3. Clouds
4. Rotation of the earth

Answer (a).

18. The Noble Gas used for the treatment of cancer is ___?

1. Helium
2. Argon
3. Krypton
4. Radon

Answer (d).

19. The optimum dissolved oxygen level (in mg/litre) required for survival of aquatic organisms is

1. 4-6
2. 2-4
3. 8 - 10
4. 12 - 16

Answer (a).

20. Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because

1. it is closest to the Sun

2. there are charged particles in it
3. it is heated by the Earths surface
4. heat is generated in it

Answer (c). Troposphere gets heated by the Earth's surface because it is the lowest portion of Earth's

21. The gas which turns limewater milky is

1. carbon dioxide
2. carbon monoxide
3. ammonia
4. nitrogen dioxide

Answer (a).

22. Which of the following is the lightest gas?

1. hydrogen
2. helium
3. xenon
4. radon

Answer (a).

23. Hydrogen is not found in atmosphere because

1. It is highly inflammable
2. It is the lightest gas
3. It is absorbed by plants
4. It immediately combines with oxygen to form water

Answer (b).

24. The gas used for filling weather balloons is

1. Helium
2. Hydrogen
3. Air
4. Nitrogen

Answer (b).

25. What is the chemical name of Laughing Gas?

1. Silver nitrate
2. Sodium carbonate
3. Calcium sulphate
4. Nitrous oxide

Answer (d).

26. The coloured discharge tubes for advertisement mainly contain

1. Xenon
2. Argon
3. Helium
4. Neon

Answer (d).

27. Which one of the following noble gases is not found in the atmosphere (negligible quantity)?

1. Argon
2. Krypton
3. Radon
4. Xenon
Answer (c).

28. For respiration in deep sea, divers use mixture of

1. Oxygen and helium

2. Oxygen and hydrogen
3. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
4. Oxygen and nitrogen

Answer (a).

29. Gases used to prepare Ammonia gas are

1. Nitrogen and Oxygen

2. Nitrogen and Oxide
3. Nitrogen and Hydrogen
4. Nitrogen and Carbon

Answer (c).

30. Which one of the following gases is opaque to outgoing terrestial radiation but transparent to
incoming solar radiation?

1. Oxygen
2. Carbondioxide
3. Nitrogen
4. Helium

Answer (b).

31. In oxygen, things :

1. burn dimly
2. burn brightly
3. do not burn at all
4. burn rapidly and are immediately reduced to ashes

Answer (d).

32. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) consists of mainly :

1. methane, ethane and hexane

2. ethane, butane and propane
3. ethane, hexane and nonane
4. nonane, ethane and hexane

Answer (b).

33. The gas produced by pouring water on calcium carbide is :

1. Pentane
2. Methane
3. Ethane
4. Acetylene

Answer (d).
34. Which of the following gases is considered a better substitute to air in car tyres?

1. Hydrogen
2. Nitrogen
3. Helium
4. Oxygen

Answer (b).

35. Which of the following noble gases is most abundant in Earth's atmosphere?

1. Argon
2. Xenon
3. Helium
4. Neon

Answer (a).
Dt. 21.03.2017

Multiple Choice Questions - Heat and Temperature related Questions

1. Which of the following is the fastest process of heat transfer?

1. conduction
2. convection
3. radiation
4. insolation

Answer (c).

2. The factors directly proportional to the amount of heat conducted through a metal rod are -

1. Time of flow of Heat

2. Area of cross section
3. Temperature gradient
4. All the above

Answer (d).

3. 1 gm of ice at 0 C is mixed with 1 gm of steam at 100 C. After thermal equilibrium, the

temperature of the mixture is

1. 0 C
2. 50 C
3. 80 C
4. 100 C

Answer (a).

4. What would be the thermal resistance of an ideal conductor?

1. Zero
2. One
3. Infinity
4. Ten

Answer (a).

5. Why does the bottom of a lake not freeze in severe winter even when the surface is all frozen?

1. The water has large specific heat

2. The conductivity of ice is low
3. The water has large latent heat of fusion
4. The temperature of the earth at the bottom of the lake is high.

Answer (b).

6. A cooking pot is coated black because -

1. black substances absorb more heat

2. black substances reflect more heat
3. black surfaces are easier to clean
4. the material of the pot would not be damaged

Answer (a).

7. Specific heat is -

1. the specific temperature at which the substance is in solid state.

2. the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.
3. the amount of heat conducted in 1 minute.
4. the heat needed to increase the temperature of 1 gallon of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit.

Answer (b).

8. How will a metal container full of hot water in vaccum lose heat?

1. by conduction
2. by convection
3. by radiation
4. will stay hot for ever

Answer (c).

9. A block of ice

1. cannot radiate heat

2. can radiate heat but cannot absorb heat
3. can absorb heat but cannot radiate heat
4. can radiate as well as absorb heat

Answer (d).

10. As a solid undergoes a phase change to a liquid state, it

1. releases heat while remaining at a constant temperature.

2. absorbs heat while remaining at a constant temperature.
3. releases heat as the temperature decreases.
4. absorbs heat as the temperature increases.

Answer (b).

11. A cup of hot tea on a metal table in a room loses heat by

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
4. All the above

Answer (d).

12. Which among the following is true of a sphere, a cube and circular plate of same material and
same mass heated to same temperature?

1. Sphere cools the slowest

2. Circular plate cools the fastest
3. Cube cools the fastest
4. Circular plate cools the slowest
Answer (b).

13. At what temperature are the Celsius and Fahrenheit equal?

1. + 40o
2. - 40o
3. - 0o
4. + 100o

Answer (b).

14. What would happen to a hole in a metal sheet when the sheet is heated?

1. It decreases in size
2. It increases in size
3. No change is seen
4. First increases and then decreases

Answer (b).

15. Which of the following is equivalent of a calorie?

1. the specific heat of water.

2. the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
3. equivalent to a little over 4 joules of mechanical work.
4. all of the above.

Answer (d).

16. In which of the following processes of heat transfer no medium is required?

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
4. All

Answer (c).

17. In which of the following processes is heat transferred directly from molecule to molecule?

1. conduction
2. convection
3. radiation
4. all of the above

Answer (a).

18. When a solid, liquid, or a gas changes from one physical state to another, the change is called

1. melting
2. enthalpy
3. a phase change
4. sublimation

Answer (c).
19. The surface which radiates more heat at a given temperature is

1. Black and Polished

2. White and polished
3. White and Rough
4. Black and Rough

Answer (d).

20. Compared to warm air, cool air can hold

1. more water vapour

2. less water vapour
3. the same amount of water vapour
4. temperature is unimportant here

Answer (b).

21. The change of state directly from solid to gas is called

1. evaporation
2. sublimation
3. condensation
4. deposition

Answer (b).

<<< Gases

Human Anatomy >>>

22. Which of the following is used for measurement of high temperatures?

1. vapour thermometer
2. energy meter
3. resistance thermometer
4. pyrometer

Answer (d).

23. If boiling water is taken to the dark side of the moon it will

1. immediately vaporize
2. immediately freeze
3. continue to boil
4. stop boiling but remain hot

Answer (b).

24. Which two liquids are used in the construction of minimum and maximum thermometers?

1. mercury and water

2. water and alcohol
3. mercury and alcohol
4. mercury and bromine

Answer (c).

25. Which one among the following statements about thermal conductivity is correct?

1. Steel > Wood > Water

2. Steel > Water > Wood
3. Water > Steel > Wood
4. Water > Wood > Steel

Answer (b).

26. A hot object loses heat to its surroundings in the form of heat radiation. The rate of loss of
heat depends on the

1. temperature of the object

2. temperature of the surroundings
3. temperature difference between the object and its surroundings
4. average temperature of the object and its surroundings

Answer (c).

27. Body A of mass 2 kg and another body B of mass 4 kg and of same material are kept in the
same sunshine for some interval of time. If the rise in temperature is equal for both the bodies,
then which one among the following in this regard is correct?

1. Heat absorbed by B is double because its mass is double

2. Heat absorbed by A is double because its mass is half
3. Heat absorbed by Both A and B is equal because the quantity of heat absorbed does not depend
upon mass
4. Heat absorbed by B is four times than the heat absorbed by A because the quantity of heat
absorbed is proportional to square of the mass

Answer (a).

28. A glass of water does not turn into ice as it reaches 0 C. It is because

1. water does not solidify at 0 C

2. a certain amount of heat must be supplied to the glass of water so as to solidify
3. a certain amount of heat must be taken out from the glass of water so as to solidify
4. water solidifies at 0 K only

Answer (c).

29. Thermometer A and B have ice points marked at 15 and 25 and steam points at 75 and 125
respectively. When thermometer A measures the temperature of a bath as 60 the reading of B for
the same bath is

1. 60
2. 75
3. 90
4. 100

Answer (d). 60 15/60 = B 25/100 B = 100

30. Which one among the following waves are called waves of heat energy?

1. Radio waves
2. Infrared waves
3. Ultraviolet waves
4. Microwaves

Answer (b).

31. In a pressure cooker cooking is faster because the increase in vapour pressure

1. increases the specific heat

2. decreases the specific heat
3. decreases the boiling point
4. increases the boiling point

Answer (d).

32. If a heater coil is cut into two equal parts and only one part is used in the heater, the heat
generated will be:

1. doubled
2. four times
3. one-fourth
4. halved

Answer (a).

33. The best and the poorest conductors of heat are respectively

1. silver (Ag) and lead (Pb)

2. copper (Cu) and aluminium (Al)
3. silver (Ag) and gold (Au)
4. copper (cu) and gold (Au)

Answer (a).

34. Which one of the following is the mode of heat transfer in which warm material is transported
so as to displace a cooler material?

1. Conduction only
2. Convection only
3. Radiation
4. Both conduction and convection

Answer (b).

35. Which one among the following denotes the smallest temperature?

1. 1 on the Celsius scale

2. 1 on the Kelvin scale
3. 1 on the Fahrenheit scale
4. 1 on the Reaumur scale

Answer (b).
36. Which among the following thermometers is preferred for measuring temperature around
1250 C?

1. Mercury thermometer
2. Constant volume gas thermometer
3. Optical pyrometer
4. Platinum resistance thermometer

Answer (c).

1. RTI Act 2005 came into force on

(a) 12 October 2005 (b) 15 August 2005 (c) 15 June 2005 (d) 1 November 2005

Ans. 12 October, 2005

2. Which of the following is not come under the definition of 'information' under
RTI Act 2005?

(a) Log books (b) File notings (c) Data material held in any electronic form
(d) Circulars

Ans. File Noting

3. The officer designated by the public authorities in all administrative units or

offices under it to provide information to the citizens requesting for information
under the Act is know as

(a) Appellate Authority (b) Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)

(c) Public Information Officer (PIO) (d) Assistant Public Information Officer

Ans. Public Information Officer (PIO)

4.What is the time limit to get the information under RTI Act 2005?

(a) 15 days (b) 45 days (c) 60 days (d) 30 days

Ans . 30 days

5.What is the time limit to get the information concerning the life and liberty of a

(a) 48 hours (b) 24 hours (c) 5 days (d) 10 days

Ans.48 hours

6. If the interests of a third party are involved in information sought for, the
maximum time limit to get the information will be
(a) 30 days (b) 40 days (c) 45 days (d) 60 days

Ans. 40 dyas

7.If information sought has been supplied by third party or is treated as confidential
by that third party, the third party must be given a representation before the PIO in
reply to the notice issued to him within ------ days from the date of receipt of such

(a) 5 days (b) 15 days (c) 10 days (d) 7 days

Ans. 10 days
8.What is the fee for getting information under RTI Act

(a) Rs.20/- (b) Rs.50/- (c) Rs.100/- (d) Rs.10/-

Ans. Rs.10/-

9. First appeal to the first appellate authority can be preferred by the applicant
within -------- days from the expiry of the prescribed time limit or from the receipt
of the decision from the PIO
(a) 30 days (b) 45 dyas (c) 60 days (d) 90 days

Ans.30 days

10.First Appeal shall be disposed of by the first appellate authority within ------ days
from the date of its receipt.

(a) 40 days (b) 30 days (c) 60 days (d) 50 days

Ans. 30 days
11. Period for disposing first appeal can be expand by ------ days from 30 days if

(a) 10 days (b) 30 days (c) 15 days (d) 25 days

Ans. 15 days

12. The long title of the RTI Act seeks to promote the following qualities in the
working of every public authority:

(a) Transparency (b) Punctuality (c) Efficiency (d) Reputation

Ans. Transparency

13. Second appeal to the Central Information Commission/ the State Information
Commission can be preferred by the applicant within ------ days from the date on
which the decision was given or should have been made by the First Appellate

(a) 30 days (b) 45 days (c) 60 days (d) 90 days

Ans.90 days

14. Appointment Committee of Central Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)


(a) Prime Minister (b) Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha
(c) One Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by the Prime Minister
(d) All the above
Ans. All the above

15. Consider the following statements about the right to information (RTI) Act,
2005 and select one which is not provided for or specially exempted

(a) It is not applicable in the state of Jammu and Kashmir

(b) An applicant making request for information will have to give reasons for
seeking information
(c) Removal of chief information officer
(d) Every information commissioner shall hold office for a term of 5 years or till the
age of 65 years whichever is earlier.

Ans. C - Removal of chief information officer

16. The RTI Act gives right to seek information from the following:

(a) private companies (b) MNCs (c) public authorities (d) associations
Ans.(C) Public Authorities

17. Central Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) is appointed by

(a) President (b) Vice President (c) Prime Minister (d) Home Minister

Ans. (A) President

18. Under RTI Act, the grounds for a complaint could be
(i) being asked to pay an unreasonable amount of fee.
(ii) being given incomplete or false information.
(iii) any matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records.

Select the correct code

(a) All (i), (ii) & (iii)(b) Only (i) & (iii)(c) Only (ii) & (iii)(d) Only (iii)
Ans. (A)

19. Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) shall be appointed for a term of ------
years from date on which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of -------
- years, whichever is earlier

(a) 6 yeras / 66 yeras (b) 5 yeras/ 70 yeras (c) 5 years / 65 years

(d) 5 years /60 years

Ans. (C) 5 years / 65 years

20. Section 4 (1) (b) (xi) of RTI Act states that a public authority should publish:

(a) The budget allocated to each of its agency (b) Proposed expenditures
(c) Reports on disbursements made (d) All the above

Ans. (d) All the above

21. RTI Act 2005 comes into force after ---------- day of its enactment

(a) 120 (b) 75 (c) 100 (d) 125

Ans. (a) 120

22. RTI Act 2005 enacted on

(a) 2nd October 2005 (b) 15th June, 2005 (c) 15th August 2005
(d) 26th January 2005
Ans. (b) 15th June, 2005

23. Which section of RTI Act 2005 deals with 'obligations of public authorities'
(a) Section 6 (b) Section 7 (c) Section 4(1) (d) Section 8

Ans. (C) Section 4(1)

24. Which section of RTI Act 2005 deals with 'constitution of Central Information

(a) Section 11 (b) Section 16(c) Section 14 and 15(d) Section 12 and 13

Ans. (d) Section 12 and 13

25.The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of

(a) Jammu and Kashmir (b) Sikkim (c) North Eastern area (d) Andaman &
Nicobar island

Ans. (a) Jammu and Kashmir

26. "How much time does an APIO, at the most, have to forward an RTI
application/appeal to the Public Information Officer/First Appellate Authority "

(a) 30 days (b) 5 days (c) 35 days (d) 48 hours.

Ans. (b) 5 days

27. "There is an upper limit for the number of PIOs and APIOs to be appointed by a
Public Authority (PA) as per the `RTI Act, 2005`."
(a) Yes. (b) "No. There is no such limit, whatsoever, as per the `RTI Act, 2005`"
(c) "Yes, but only for State PAs."(d) "Yes, because, the number of PIOs should be
in a definite proportion to the total number of APIOs."
Ans. "No. There is no such limit, whatsoever, as per the `RTI Act, 2005`"
28. Right to information includes the right to obtaining information in the form of:

(a) Diskettes (b) Floppies (c) Tapes (d) All the above

Ans. (d) All the above

29. The Preamble argues that revelation of information in actual practice is likely to
conflict with:

(a) Other private interests (b) Other financial interests

(c) Other public interests (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) Other public interests

30. The Preamble to the RTI Act states that transparency of information is vital to:

(a) Eradicate corruption (b) Contain corruption

(c) Promote corruption (d) Measure corruption
Ans. (a) Eradicate Corruption
31. Right to Information includes the right to

(i) inspect works, documents, records(ii) take notes, extracts or certified copies of
documents or records(iii) take certified samples of material
(iv) obtain information in form of printouts, diskettes, floppies, tapes, video
cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts

Chose the correct answer from the codes given below

(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, ii & iv (c) i, iii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv

Ans. (d) i, ii, iii & iv

32. The obligations of public authorities under RTI Act 2005 includes?

(i) It shall publish the powers and duties of its officers and employees
(ii) It shall publish the procedure followed in its decision making process, including
channels of supervision and accountability
(iii) It shall publish the norms set by it for the discharge of its functions
(iv) It shall publish the rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records used by
its employees for discharging its functions
(v) It shall not publish the statement of the categories of the documents held by it or
under its control;

Chose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) i, ii, iii & v (b) i, iii, iv & v (c) i, ii, iii & iv (d) i, ii, iii, iv & v

Ans. (c) i, ii, iii & iv

33. What are the information not open to disclosure under RTI Act 2005 ?
(i) disclosure of which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity
of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation
with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offence

(ii) information which has been expressly forbidden to be published by any court of
law or tribunal or the disclosure of which may constitute contempt of court

(iii) information, the disclosure of which would cause a breach of privilege of

Parliament or the State Legislature

(iv) information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual

property, the disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of a third
party, unless the competent authority is satisfied that larger public interest warrants
the disclosure of such information

Chose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, ii & iv (c) i, iii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv

34. Which Section of RTI Act deals with 'exemption from disclosure of

(a) Section 8 (b) Section 9 (c) Section 11 (d) Section 7

Ans. (a) Section 8

35. Under which Section, a Central/State Public Information Officer may reject a
request for information where such a request for providing access would involve an
infringement of copyright subsisting in a person other than the State.

(a) Section 8 (b) Section 9 (c) Section 10 (d) Section 11

Ans. (b) Section 9

36. "The definition of "information" under Section 2 (f) includes:"

(a) Records (b) Opinions (c) Documents (d) All the above
Ans. (d) All the above

37. Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO) has to forward first appeals to:

(a) Public Information Officer (PIO) (b) The head of the authority
(c) First Appellate Authority (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) First Appellate Authority

38. "The `RTI Act, 2005` stipulates that a Public Authority should transfer an RTI
application or a part thereof to another Public Authority if the application or a part
of it pertains to information"

(a) held by another Public Authority (b) the subject matter of which is more
closely connected with the functions of another Public Authority (c) Both (a)
and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
Ans. (c) Both (a) and (b)

39. Time limit for disposal of first appeal by the first appellate authority:

(a) 10 - 15 days (b) 30 - 45 days (c) 50 - 65 days (d) 70 - 90 days

Ans. (b) 30 - 45 days

40. Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO) has to receive the following from the

(a) Applications for information (b) First appeals (c) Second appeals (d) All
the above
Ans. (a) Applications for information

41. Which section deals with Severability of the RTI Act

(a) Section 11 (b) Section 9 (c) Section 10 (d) Section 12

Ans. Section 10
42. As per Section 2(h) "public authority" means any authority or body or
institution of self-government established or constituted
(i) by or under the Constitution;(ii) by any other law made by Parliament;(iii) by
any other law made by State Legislature;
(iv) by notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government,

Chose the correct answer from the codes given below

(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, ii & iv (c) i, iii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv

Ans. (d) i, ii, iii & iv

43. RTI Act is not applicable to

(a) All non-Government organisation substantially financed by political parties

(b) All body owned, controlled or substantially financed by the appropriate
(c) All non-Government organisation substantially financed by the appropriate
(d) All the above

Ans. (a) All non-Government organisation substantially financed by political parties

44. As per Section 2(i) "record" includes

(a) any document, manuscript and file;
(b) any microfilm, microfiche and facsimile copy of a document;
(c) any reproduction of image or images embodied in such microfilm
(d) any other material produced by a computer or any other device

Chose the correct answer from the codes given below

(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, ii & iv (c) i, iii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv

Ans. (d) i, ii, iii & iv

45. Which of the following are true about an inquiry carried out by an Information

(i) It may examine any record to which the `RTI Act, 2005` applies.
(ii) No such record can be withheld from it (irrespective of any provision of any Act
passed by the Parliament or the State Legislature).
(iii) IC has the powers of a Civil Court trying a suit under the Code of Civil
Chose the correct answer from the codes given below

(a) Only (ii) & (i) (b) Only (i) & (iii) (c) Only (iii) & (ii)(d) All (i), (ii) & (iii)

Ans. (d) All (i), (ii) & (iii)

46. The `RTI Act, 2005` stipulates that a Public Authority should transfer an RTI
application or a part thereof to another Public Authority if the application or a part
of it pertains to information"
(a) held by another Public Authority (b) the subject matter of which is more
closely connected with the functions of another Public Authority (c) Both (a)
and (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)

Ans. (c) Both (a) and (b)

47. How many countries in the world have Freedom of Information or Right to
Information legislations / regimes?

(a) None (b) All (c) Less than a dozen (d) Over 80

Ans. (d) Over 80

48. "Who receives applications under the `RTI Act, 2005`?"

(a) Public Information Officer at the administrative unit level.

(b) Assistant Public Information Officer at the sub-district, sub-divisional levels
(c) Any officer of a Public Authority who is available in the Authority`s office when
the application is made. (d) Only (a) and (b)

Ans. (d) Only (a) and(b)

49. An applicant making request for information

(a) shall be given the reason why the information sought for
(b) shall be given the personal details of the applicant
(c) shall not be given any reason for requesting the information or any other
personal details except those that may be necessary for contacting him.
(d) None of these

Ans. (C)
50. Under RTI Act, the language of an application may be in
(a) English (b) Hindi (c) Regional language (d) All the above

Ans. (d) All the above

51.Which was the first country in the World to have enacted a legislation for
providing for citizens` RTI?
(a) Sweden (b) Norway (c) England (d) France

Ans. (a) Sweden

52. The first Indian state that introduce the a law on RTI was
(a) Tamilnadu (b) U.P (c) Maharastra (d) Gujarat

Ans. (a) Tamilnadu

53. How many types of 'Public Authorities' are there?

(a) Central Public Authorities (b) State Public Authorities (c) Both
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Both

54. The time limit specified in the `RTI Act, 2005` for the Central / State
Information Commissions to decide on complaints is

(a) 15 days (b) One Month (c) Two Months (d) No such time limit has been

Ans. (d) No such time limit has been specified.

55. How could a Public Information Officer receive applications?

(i) Those submitted by a requester in hand.

(ii) Those sent by an applicant by E-Mail.
(iii) Transferred by another Public Authority.
(iv) Forwarded by an Assistant Public Information Officer.

Choose the correct answer from the following codes:

(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, iii & iv (c) i, ii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv
Ans. (d) i, ii, iii & iv

56. A first appeal against the decision of a PIO can be preferred by

(a) An Applicant (b) A person from within the Public Authority. (c) A person
outside the Public Authority to whom the information pertains (d) All

Ans. (d) All

57. A Public Information Officer will be liable to be imposed a monetary penalty


(a) refusal to receive an information application. (b) not providing information

within specified time limits (c) destroying information. (d) All of them

Ans. (d) All of them

58. "While inquiring into a complaint, Information Commissions have the power to
i) summon and enforce attendance of persons. ii) compel them to give evidence on
oath and produce documents or things. iii) Require discovery and inspection of

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) Only i) (b) Only ii) (c) All i), ii) & iii) (d) Only iii).

Ans. (b) Only ii)

59. Which of the following are true?

(a) A PIO has to offer reasonable assistance to an applicant to reduce an oral
application into writing
(b) A PIO is under no obligation to provide requested information to non-BPL
category persons without the payment of application / initial fees.
(c) A PIO is under no obligation to provide the requested information to non-BPL
category persons without the payment of further fees as specified by her / him.
(d) All are true.

Ans. (d) All are true.

60. Time limit for filing first appeal by a requester under sub-section (1) of Section
19 is:

(a) 10 days from the receipt of PIOs decision(b) 30 days from the receipt of PIOs
(c) 40 days from the receipt of PIOs decision(d) 45 days from the receipt of PIOs

Ans. (b) 30 days from the receipt of PIOs decision

61. How many schedules does the `RTI Act, 2005` have?

(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 2 (d) 8

Ans. (c) 2

62. The Second Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 lists

(a) The intelligence and security organizations established by the Central
Government that are exempted from the purview of the `RTI Act, 2005
(b) All the Govt. organitions come under the purview of RTI Act
(c) All Departmental information of Central and State
(d) None of the above

Ans.(a) The intelligence and security organizations established by the Central

Government that are exempted from the purview of the `RTI Act, 2005

63. The Second Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 can be amended by
(a) Central Govt (b) State Govt (c) Both (d) None
Ans. (a) Central Govt
64. According to the `RTI Act, 2005`, as far as exempted organizations are
concerned, the exemption applies to

(a) Certain organizations of the Central Government as listed in the 2nd Schedule
and to the information submitted by these organizations to this Government.
(b) Certain organizations of the State Governments as may be notified by them in
the Official Gazette, but NOT to the information furnished by these organisations to
the respective State Governments.(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) Both (a) & (b)

65. While inquiring into a complaint, Information Commissions have the power to
(a) Receive evidence on affidavit.
(b) Requisition record or copies thereof from any court or office.
(c) Issue summons for examination of witnesses or documents.
(d) All of them

Ans. (d) All of them

66. Indian citizens have the right to information because of

(a) Judgment of Supreme Court
(b) Implementation of International Laws by Indian Government
(c) All states adopted agree to implement the Act
(d) A law passed by the Parliament of India.

Ans. (d) A law passed by the Parliament of India.

67. Rules can be made by Appropriate Governments or Competent Authorities by

notifying the rules:
(a) in the Official Gazette(b) by publishing them on the website of the Appropriate
Government.(c) by publishing them on the websites of Information Commissions -
as applicable(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) in the Official Gazette

68. If a Public Information Officer (PIO) reasonably severs non-exempted portions

of a record from exempted portions, and partially provides information to an
applicant, he/she has to

i) Give the name and designation of the person giving the decision.
ii) Reasons for the decision.
iii) Details of fees the applicant may have to pay
iv) applicants rights for a review of the decision.
Choose the correct answer from the following codes:
(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, iii & iv (c) i, ii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv
Ans.(d) i, ii, iii & iv

69. What is the time span mentioned in the `RTI Act, 2005` for making orders for
removing difficulties in giving effect to the provisions of the `RTI Act, 2005`?

(a) 2 years from the commencement of the Act.

(b) 1 years from the commencement of the Act
(c)3 years from the commencement of the Act
(d) 4 years from the commencement of the Act

Ans. (a) 2 years from the commencement of the Act.

70. For the PIO to disclose certain information, the Competent Authority should be
satisfied that larger public interest warrants its disclosure. This information pertains
(i) commercial confidence. (ii) trade secrets. (iii) intellectual property.
(iv) information available to a person in his fiduciary relationship
Choose the correct answer from the following codes:
(a) i, ii & iii (b) i, iii & iv (c) i, ii & iv (d) i, ii, iii & iv

Ans.(d) i, ii, iii & iv
Dt. 05.04.2017

Multiple Choice Questions - Places during Freedom Struggle

1. The violent incident at Chauri Chaura in Uttar Pradesh occurred during which of the following

1. Civil disobedience
2. Non-cooperation
3. Quit India
4. Poorna Swaraj

Answer (b).

2. Satyagraha at which of the following places earned Vallabhbhai Patel the title of Sardar

1. Kheda
2. Ahmedabad
3. Bardoli
4. Dandi

Answer (c).

3. At which of the following places did Mahatma Gandhi launch a Satyagraha to help the
oppressed indigo farmers?

1. Kheda
2. Bardoli
3. Champaran
4. Dandi

Answer (c).

4. Satyagraha at which of the following places was NOT related to the problems of farmers?

1. Ahmedabad
2. Kheda
3. Bardoli
4. Champaran

Answer (a).

5. Which of the following figured in the TIME magazines Top 10 Most Influential Protests of all
time recently?

1. Quit India Movement

2. Champaran Satyagraha
3. Bardoli Satyagraha
4. Salt Satyagraha

Answer (d).

6. Who of the following was sent to the dreaded Cellular Jail in Port Blair for his involvement in
Kakori train robbery
1. Ramprasad Bismil
2. Sachindranath Sanyal
3. Vinayak Savarkar
4. Rash Behari Bose

Answer (b).

7. Which of the following was not a fall out of the Jallianwala Bagh incident?

1. Non-cooperation movement was withdrawn.

2. Rabindranath Tagore returned his knighthood.
3. Lt.Gen ODwyer was shot dead by Udham Singh in 1940.

1. A only
2. B only
3. A and B
4. B and C

Answer (a).

8. At which of the following places was the Flag Satyagraha successfully led by Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel?

1. Poona
2. Nagpur
3. Bardoli
4. Bombay

Answer (b).

9. Moirang, the place at which Indian National Army hoisted the national Flag during world War
II is located in

1. Tripura
2. Andaman islands
3. Bangladesh
4. Manipur

Answer (d).

10. Stuttgart, the place at which Madame Bhikaji Cama unfurled the Indian Flag is located in

1. France
2. Japan
3. Germany
4. USA

Answer (c).

11. Who of the following carried out the Salt Satyagraha at Vedaranyam in Tamilnadu?

1. Dr. Radhakrishnan
2. C Rajagopalachari
3. P Sitarammaiah
4. Maulana Azad

Answer (b).
12. Which of these incidents is not associated with lahore

1. Launch of Quit India movement

2. Fasting of Jatin Das
3. Execution of Bhagat Singh
4. Poorna Swaraj resolution

Answer (a).

13. Gowalia Tank Maidan, at which Aruna Asaf Ali hoisted the Indian Tricolour is located in

1. Port Blair
2. Bombay
3. Lahore
4. Chittagong

Answer (b).

14. Satyagraha at which of the following places was NOT directed against the British?

1. Champaran
2. Bardoli
3. Vaikom
4. Kheda

Answer (c).

15. Match the following

Place Flag unfurled by

A. Chittagong 1. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Stuttgart 2. Aruna Asaf Ali
C. Gowalia Tank 3. Madame Bhikaji Cama
D. Lahore 4. Surya Sen

1. A-4; B-2; C-3; D-1

2. A-4; B-3; C-2; D-1
3. A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4
4. A-1; B-3; C-2; D-4

Answer (b).

16. Arrange the following in the correct chronological order as they occurred during the freedom

A. Champaran Satyagraha B. Dandi March C. Nagpur Flag Satyagraha D. Kheda Satyagraha

1. ABC-D
2. ADC-B
3. DAC-B
4. CDB-A

Answer (b).
17. Match the following

1. Vaikom a. Mahatma Gandhi

2. Nagpur b. T. K. Madhavan
3. Champaran c. Sardar Patel

1. 1 - c; 2 - b; 3 - c
2. 1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - c
3. 1 - a; 2 - c; 3 - b
4. 1 - b; 2 - c; 3 - a

Answer (d).

18. Aga Khan Palace, where Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned and where Kasturba Gandhi
breathed her last is located in

1. Nagpur
2. Lahore
3. Pune
4. Hyderabad

Answer (c).

19. From which place did Mahatma Gandhi commence his historic march to Dandi?

1. Sabarmati
2. Sewagram
3. Wardha
4. Surat

Answer (a).

20. Match the following

1. Kot Lakhpat Jail a. Pune

2. Cellular Jail b. Lahore
3. Yerawada Jail c. Port Blair

1. 1 c; 2 - a; 3 - b
2. 1 b; 2 - c; 3 - a
3. 1 a; 2 b; 3 - c
4. 1 c; 2 - b; 3 - a

Answer (b).

21. In which district is Kakori, the place famous for train dacoity by Indian revolutionaries

1. Gorakhpur
2. Allahabad
3. Moradabad
4. Lucknow

Answer (d).
22. At which of the following places was a pledge taken at the session of Congress to celebrate
January 26 as independence?

1. Lahore
2. Calcutta
3. Bombay
4. Lucknow

Answer (a).

Geographical Data
India, with an area of 32,87,263 is the seventh largest country in the world.
The countries which are larger than India (in area) are Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil and
India has a land frontier of about 15,200 km and a coastline of 7516.6 km. A ratio of
approximately 2 : 1
Among the Indian states, Gujarat has the longest coastline of approximately 1600 km.
The southernmost point of Indian mainland is Kanyakumari. Indira Point which is the
southernmost point of India was submerged in the 2004 Tsunami.
The countries which have a common border with India are Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal,
Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh.
India shares the longest border with Bangladesh (4,000 km appx).
The nearest country with which India does not share a border is Sri Lanka which is separated
from India by a narrow channel of sea formed by Palk Strait on one side and Gulf of Mannar on
the other.
Demographic Data
Indias population as on 1 March 2011 stood at 1,21,05,69,573 (62,31,21,843 males and
58,74,47,730 females).
India accounts for a meagre 2.4 per cent of the world surface area of 135.79 million sq km. Yet, it
supports and sustains a whopping 16.7 per cent of the world population..
The sex ratio is 943 females per 1000 males.
The overall literacy rate is 74.04% (82.14 for males and 65.46 for females).
Three most populous countries of the world viz. China (1.34 billion), India (1.21 billion) and USA
(308.7 million) account for 40% population of the world.
The census moment, the referral time at which the snapshot of the population is taken was 00.00
hours of 1 March 2001. Until the 1991 Census, the sunrise of 1 March was taken to be the census
Agricultural Production
Largest producer of milk.
Largest producer of millets in the world
Largest producer of jute.
Largest producer of ginger.
Largest producer of bananas.
Largest producer of castor oil seeds.
Largest producer of mangoes.
Largest producer of safflower oil seeds.
Largest producer of papayas.
Largest producer of cottonseed (As per International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) report
for the month of March 2017)
Second largest producer of tea, the first position being held by China.
Second largest producer of sugarcane, the first position being held by Brazil.
Second largest producer of wheat, the first position being held by China.
Second largest producer of onions, the first position being held by China.
Second largest producer of potatoes, the first position being held by China.
Second largest producer of garlic, the first position being held by China.
Second largest producer of rice, the first position being held by China.
Second largest producer of cement., next to China.
Geographical Data
NOTE: The agricultural information is as per latest data available on the website of Food and
Agricultural Organisation.
1st to introduce government supported family planning in the world.
Largest postal network in the world.
Largest livestock population.
Largest consumer of gold jewellery.
India has the second largest arable land in the world. The USA has the largest arable land in the
India is the third largest producer and second largest consumer of fertiliser in the world.
India has the largest deposits of Thorium in the world most of which is found in Kerala.
National Emblem

The National Emblem is an adaptation from the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.

The four smaller animals at the bottom of national emblem are horse and bull (visible) and lion and
elephant (not visible).

The National Emblem was adopted by the Government of India on 26 January 1950.

'Satyameva Jayate' inscribed below has been taken from the Mundaka Upanishad.

National Anthem

The national anthem 'Jana Gana Mana' was first sung at Calcutta session of Indian National Congress
in 1911, 27 Dec.

It was adopted by the Indian constitution on 24 Jan 1950.

Its English rendering has been given by Tagore himself.

The song was composed originally in Bengali by Rabindranath Tagore, the National Anthem is its Hindi

The complete song consists of five stanzas. The first stanza contains the full version of the National

The playing time for full version of the song is 52 seconds.

National Song

The national song Vande Mataram has been taken from Bankim Chandra Chatterjis Anand Math.

It was first sung at 1896 session of INC.

Its English rendering has been given by Shri Aurobindo.

National Calendar

The national calendar based on the Saka Era was adopted on 22 Mar 1957.

Chaitra is the first month of the year whose 1st day falls on 22 March normally and on 21 March in a leap
Geographical Data
The national calendar also has 365/366 days

Chaitra has 30 days normally and 31 days in a leap year.

National Flag

The design of the national flag was adopted on 22 July 1947.

The ratio of width of the flag to its length is two to three.

The design of the wheel at the centre is taken from the abacus of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka.

The 'Dharmachakra' (wheel) at the centre has 24 spokes.

The display of the National Flag is governed by Flag Code of India, 2002, which took effect on 26 Jan

As per the provisions of the Flag Code of India, 2002, there shall be no restriction on the display of the
National Flag by members of general public, private organisations, educational institutions, etc.,except to
the extent provided in the Emblems and Names (Prevention of Improper Use) Act, 1950 and the
Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971 and any other law enacted on the subject.

Other National Symbols

The national bird is Peacock (Pavo cristatus)

The national fruit is Mango (Magnifera indica)

The national flower is Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera)

The national tree is Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)

The national animal is Tiger (Panthera tigris)

The national aquatic animal is River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica)

The national river is the Ganges

Comparison - National Anthem and National Song

National Anthem National Song

Name Jana Gana Mana Vande Mataram

Author Rabindranath Tagore Bankim Chandra Chatterji

Originally written in Bengali Sanskrit

1st sung in 1911, Kolkata 1896, Kolkata

English rendering by Tagore Shri Aurobindo

General Points
As per Census 2011, India's population stood at 1,21,05,69,573.
The census moment, the referral time at which the snapshot of the population is taken was 00.00
hours of 1 March 2001. Until the 1991 Census, the sunrise of 1 March was taken to be the census
Indias population as on 1 March 2001 stood at 1,028 million (532.1 million males and 496.4
million females).
India's population grew by 18,14,55,986 (17.64%) at the rate of 1.64% per annum in the decade
India accounts for a meagre 2.4 per cent of the world surface area of 135.79 million sq km. Yet, it
supports and sustains a whopping 17.5 per cent of the world population.
India in relation to other countries
The growth in India's population during the decade 2001-11 is slightly lower than the population
of Brazil, the fifth most populated country in the world.
China's decadal growth is 0.53% against India's 1.64%. At the present rates India is likely to
overtake China as the most populous country of world by 2030.
Three most populous countries of the world viz. China (1.34 billion), India (1.21 billion) and
USA (308.7 million) account for 40% population of the world.
The population of India is almost equal to the combined population of U.S.A., Indonesia, Brazil,
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Japan.
Population Growth - 1901-2011
The population of India in 1901 was 23,83,96,327. It increased more than four times by 2011.
The population of India in grew by just one and half times in the first half of twentieth century,
while it recorded a three fold growth in the latter half of the century.
The population of India saw a negative growth during 1911-1921 when its population decreased
from 25,20,93,390 to 25,13,21,213.
The population of India in 1951, just four years after independence was 36,10,88,090.
Density of Population
The population density of India is 382 persons per square kilometre while it was 325 persons in
India had a population density of just 77 persons per sq. km in 1901.
Gender Composition
Out of the total population, the number of males in India is 62,37,34,248 and number of females is
The above figures give a sex ratio of 943 females per 1000 males which is an improvement of 10
points over the 2001 sex ratio of 933.
India had the highest sex ratio in 1901 when it was 972 and worst in 1991 when it was 927.
India has poorer sex ratio when compared to its neighbours - Pakistan (943), Sri Lanka (1034),
Nepal (1014), Myanmar (1048) and Bangladesh (978) while it is better than China (926),
Afghanistan (931) and Bhutan (897).
For the purposes of Census, a person aged 7 and above who can both read and write with
understanding in any language is treated as literate. A person who can only read but cannot write
is not literate. In the census prior to 1991, children below five years of age were necessarily
treated as illiterates.
The overall literacy rate as per 2011 census is 74.04%. The literacy rate in 2001 was 65%.
The literacy rate is 82.14% for males and 65.46% for females.
Miscellaneous Information on Languages in India
The number of languages recognised by the Indian Constitution

As per Article 343(1) of the Indian Constitution, the official

Hindi in Devanagari script
language of India is

At the inception of Indian constitution in 1950, the number of

recognised languages was

Sindhi, Konkani, Nepali, Manipuri,

The languages which were added to the Eighth Schedule are
Maithili, Dogri, Bodo and Santhali.

Number of identifiable mother tongues as per Ministry of

Statistics and Programme Implementation report of 2011

The first language to be conferred the status of a Classical


Other languages which have been conferred the status of a Sanskrit, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu
Classical Language and Odia

The official language of Nagaland is English

The official language of Jammu and Kashmir Urdu

The official language of Goa Konkani

The official language of the Supreme Court and High Court as

prescribed by the Constitution of India is

The principal languages of Lakshdweep are Jeseri (Dweep Bhasha) and Mahal

Foreign language commonly spoken in Puducherry (formerly

Pondicherry) is

The only State which has Sanskrit as one of its official


The Indian language known as the 'Italian of the East' is Telugu

Hindi, Nicobarese, Bengali, Tamil,

The principal languages of the Andaman & Nicobar islands are
Malayalam and Telugu.

English is not in the list of recognised languages

Institutions for promotion of Languages in India

Institution Location

Central Institute of Indian Languages Mysore, Karnataka

Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya Wardha, Maharashtra

English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad, A.P.

Institution Location

Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan New Delhi

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth New Delhi

Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth Tirupathi

Maulana Azad National Urdu University Hyderabad

Central Institute of Classical Tamil Chennai

List of Languages in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution

Language Predominantly spoken in Recognised

1. Assamese Assam 1950

2. Bengali West Bengal 1950

3. Bodo Assam, West Bengal 2003

4. Dogri Jammu, Himachal Pradesh 2003

5. Gujarati Gujarat 1950

6. Hindi Most parts of Northern States 1950

7. Kashmiri Jammu and Kashmir 1950

8. Kannada Karnataka 1950

9. Konkani Goa and parts of Karnataka 1992

10. Malayalam Kerala 1950

11. Manipuri Manipur 1992

12. Marathi Maharashtra 1950

13. Maithili Parts of Bihar 2003

14. Nepali Sikkim and parts of West Bengal 1992

15. Odia Odisha 1950

16. Punjabi Punjab, Chandigarh 1950

17. Sanskrit - 1950

18. Sindhi Scattered in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashtra 1967

19. Santhali Spoken by Santhal tribe in Jharkhand, Bihar, W.B. 2003

20. Tamil Tamilnadu, Puducherry 1950

21. Telugu Andhra Pradesh, Telangana 1950

22. Urdu Northern India 1950

High Courts with jurisdiction in more than 1 state/UT

High Court Jurisdiction

Guwahati Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram

Bombay Maharashtra, Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu

Calcutta West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Kerala Kerala, Lakshadweep

Madras Tamil Nadu, Puducherry

Punjab and Haryana Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh

High Courts and Benches

High Court Bench

Allahabad High Court Lucknow

Bombay High Court Nagpur, Panaji, Aurangabad

Calcutta High Court Port Blair

Gauhati High Court Kohima, Aizwal, Itanagar

Madhya Pradesh High Court Gwalior, Indore

Madras High Court Madurai

Rajasthan High Court Jaipur

High Courts not in State Capitals

High Court Location

Chattisgarh Bilaspur

Gujarat Ahmedabad

Kerala Kochi

Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur

Odisha Cuttack

Rajasthan Jodhpur

Uttarakhand Nainital

Uttar Pradesh Allahabad

Union Territories - High Courts
Union Territory High Court

Andaman and Nicobar islands Calcutta High Court

Lakshadweep Kerala High Court

Puducherry Madras High Court

Dadra and Nagar Haveli Bombay High Court

Daman and Diu Bombay High Court

Chandigarh Punjab and Haryana High Court

Delhi Delhi High Court

Points to remember
The Supreme Court of India came into existence on 28 Jan 1950 replacing Federal Court of India which
had functioned from 1937 to 1950.

The number of Judges in the Supreme Court is Chief Justice and 30 other judges. A judge of the Supreme
Court of India can hold office upto the maximum age of sixty-five years.

The total number of High courts in India is 24*.

*Three High Courts were inaugurated in March 2013 - Meghalaya and Manipur High Courts (March 25)
and Tripura High Court (March 26) in their respective state capitals.

The oldest High Court in India is the Calcutta High Court which was set up on 01 Jul 1862. It is one of
the three Chartered High Courts to be set up in India, along with the High Courts of Bombay, Madras.

The upper age limit for appointment as a judge of High court is sixty-two years.

Tribunals in India
Central Administrative Tribunal: Purpose: For adjudication of disputes with respect to recruitment and
conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the
Union or other local authorities within the territory of India or under the control of Government of India
and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This was done in pursuance of the amendment of
Constitution of India by Articles 323A.

Principal Bench - New DelhiBenchesat: Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bengaluru, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur,
Kolkata, Chandigarh, Cuttack, Cochin, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Indore, JOdhpur, Jaipur,
Chennai, Patna and Ranchi

Armed Forces Tribunal

Purpose: For adjudication by the tribunal of disputes and complaints about commission, appointments,
enrolment and service conditions in respect of those covered by the Three Services Act, and hearing of
appeals arising out of orders, findings or sentences of court martial. The tribunal will have original
jurisdiction in service matters and appellate jurisdiction in court martial matters.

Principal Bench - New Delhi

Central Administrative Tribunal: Purpose: For adjudication of disputes with respect to recruitment and
conditions of service of persons appointed to public services and posts in connection with the affairs of the
Union or other local authorities within the territory of India or under the control of Government of India
and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This was done in pursuance of the amendment of
Constitution of India by Articles 323A.

Benches at: Kochi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Guwahati, Chandigarh

National Green Tribunal:- Purpose: For the effective and expeditious disposal cases relating to
environmental protection and conservation of forests and other natural resources including enforcement of
any legal right relating to environment and giving relief and compensation of damages to persons and
property and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Principal Bench - New DelhiBenches at: Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai

Railway Claims Tribunal: Purpose: For speedy adjudication, providing relief to rail users by way of
expeditious payment of compensation to the victims of rail accident or untoward incident, refund of fare
and freight and compensation to those whose good are lost while with railways.

Principal Bench - New DelhiBenches at: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Calcutta,
Chandigarh, Chennai, Ernakulam, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Ghaziabad, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur,
Patna and Secunderabad

Important General Information on States of India

First Ranked States

Feature State

Largest state (in terms of area) Rajasthan

Smallest state Goa

Most populous state Uttar Pradesh

Least populous state Sikkim

Most populous union territory (not incl Delhi) Puducherry

Least populous union territory Lakshadweep

Most densely populated state Bihar

Least densely populated state Arunachal Pradesh

First state to be formed on linguistic basis Andhra Pradesh

Most literate state Kerala

Least literate state Bihar

The state with the longest coastline Gujarat

The state having boundaries with seven states and two countries Assam
First Ranked States

Feature State

The state surrounded on three sides by Bangladesh Tripura

The state surrounded by three countries and one state Sikkim

The number of states which have a coastline Nine

The number of Union Territories which have a coastline Four

The states which have neither an international boundary nor a M.P., Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,
coastline Haryana

Neighbouring Countries and Indian States

Country Indian States which have boundary with it

Pakistan Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir

China Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh

Nepal Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and Sikkim

Bhutan Sikkim, West Bengal, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh

Myanmar Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram

Bangladesh West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram

States and Capitals

North-Eastern States

State Capital

Assam Dispur

Arunachal Pradesh Itanagar

Manipur Imphal

Meghalaya Shillong

Mizoram Aizwal

Nagaland Kohima

Tripura Agartala

Newly Formed States

Chattisgarh Raipur

Jharkhand Ranchi
North-Eastern States

State Capital

Uttarakhand Dehradun

Telangana Hyderabad

Union Territories

Andaman & Nicobar Port Blair

Dadra and Nagar Haveli Silvassa

Lakshadweep Kavaratti

Daman & Diu Daman

Capitals of all the other States

State Capital

Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad*

Bihar Patna

Goa Panaji

Gujarat Gandhinagar

Haryana Chandigarh

Himachal Pradesh Shimla

Jammu and Kashmir Srinagar and Jammu

Karnataka Bengaluru

Kerala Thiruvananthapuram

Maharashtra Mumbai

Madhya Pradesh Bhopal

Odisha Bhubaneshwar

Punjab Chandigarh

Rajasthan Jaipur

Sikkim Gangtok

Tamilnadu Chennai

Uttar Pradesh Lucknow

West Bengal Kolkata

State Capital


Jammu and Kashmir has two capitals Jammu for winter and Srinagar for summer.
Guwahati and Ahmedabad are not capital cities.
Capital of Pakistan occupied Kashmir is Muzaffarabad
*Hyderabad will be the joint capital of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana for 10 years, after which
Amravati will be the capital of Andhra Pradesh.

States - MPs, MLAs and MLCs

The following is the State-wise list of Lok Sabha MPs, Rajya Sabha MPs, Members of Legislative
Assembly and Members of Legislative Council.

# State LS MPs RS MPs MLAs MLCs

1. Uttar Pradesh 80 31 404* 100

2. Maharashtra 48 19 289* 78

3. West Bengal 42 16 295* --

4. Bihar 40 16 243 75

5. Tamil Nadu 39 18 235* --

6. Madhya Pradesh 29 11 231* --

7. Karnataka 28 12 225* 75

8. Gujarat 26 11 182 --

9. Rajasthan 25 10 200 --

10. Andhra Pradesh 25 11 175 56

11. Odisha 21 10 147 --

12. Kerala 20 9 141* --

13. Telangana 17 7 120 34

14. Assam 14 7 126 --

15. Jharkhand 14 6 81 --

16. Punjab 13 7 117 --

17. Chhattisgarh 11 5 91* --

18. Haryana 10 5 90 --

19. Jammu & Kashmir 6 4 89 36

20. Uttarakhand 5 3 70 --
# State LS MPs RS MPs MLAs MLCs

21. Himachal Pradesh 4 3 68 --

22. Arunachal Pradesh 2 1 60 --

23. Goa 2 1 40 --

24. Manipur 2 1 60 --

25. Meghalaya 2 1 60 --

26. Tripura 2 1 60 --

27. Mizoram 1 1 40 --

28. Nagaland 1 1 60 --

29. Sikkim 1 1 32 --

1. Delhi 7 3 70 --

2. Puducherry 1 1 30 --

3. Andaman & Nicobar Is. 1 -- -- --

4. Chandigarh 1 -- -- --

5. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1 -- -- --

6. Daman & Diu 1 -- -- --

7. Lakshadweep 1 -- -- --

8. Nominated 2 12 -- --

Total 545 245 -- --

* These states have 1 MLA from the Anglo-Indian community nominated by the Governor.

Tribes of India and States

Name of the
States in which they reside

Tripura, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,

Maharashtra, Karnataka.

Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka.

SANTAL Bihar, Tripura, West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand.

MINA Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh.

NAIKDA Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Maharashtra,

ORAON Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra.

SUGALIS Andhra Pradesh.

MUNDA Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura, Odisha.

NAGA Nagaland.

KHOND Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha.

BORO Assam.


KHASI Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam.

KOL Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra.

VARLI Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa.

KOKNA Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka.

KAWAR Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra .

GUJJAR Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh.

BHUMIJ West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha.

GARO Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, Tripura.

KOYA Odisha, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka.

Important Days of the Year

Date Day Remarks

Jan 12 National Youth Day Birthday of Swami Vivekananda

Field Marshall K.M. Cariappa took over the

Jan 15 Army Day command of Army on this day in 1949 from the

The largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau,

Jan 27 International Holocaust Day
was liberated by Soviet troops on Jan 27, 1945.

Jan 30 Martyr's Day Martyrdom day of Mahatma Gandhi

Feb 14 St. Valentine's Day -

Marks the discovery of Raman Effect in 1928 by

Feb 28 National Science Day
C.V. Raman

Mar 8 International Women's Day -

Date Day Remarks

President John F Kennedy formally addressed the

Mar 15 World Consumer Day
issue of consumer rights on this day in 1963.

WHO was formed on this day in 1948, but the first

Apr 7 World Health Day
World Health Day was observed in 1950.

May 1 International Worker's Day -

JH Dunant, the man behind Red Cross was born on

May 8 International Red Cross Day
this day in 1828.

Nuclear tests at Pokhran carried out in 1998 on this

May 11 National Technology Day

Former PM Shri Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on

May 21 Anti-terrorism Day
this day in 1991.

Jun 5 World Environment Day -

Jun 21 International Yoga Day -

Jul 11 World Population Day Inspired by 5 Billion Day in 1987

Jul 12 Malala Day Birthday of Malala Yousafzai

Aug 6 Hiroshima Day Bombing of Hiroshima on 6 Aug, 1945

Aug 9 August Kranti Diwas Launch of Quit India Movement in 1942

Commemorates the day when 22 aid workers were

Aug 19 World Humanitarian Day killed in a bombing at the UN headquarters in
Baghdad in 2003

Aug 20 Sadbhawna Diwas Birthday of Shri Rajiv Gandhi (1944)

Aug 29 National Sports Day Birthday of Shri Dhyanchand (1905)

Sep 5 Teacher's Day Birthday of Dr. Radhakrishanan (1888)

Sep 8 International Literacy Day -

Hindi accorded the Official language status by the

Sep 14 Hindi Diwas
Constituent Assembly on this day in 1949.

Statutes of United Nations World Tourism

Sep 27 World Tourism Day
Organisation adopted on this day in 1980.

Oct 2 International Non-violence Day Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi (1869)

Oct 8 Indian Air Force Day IAF was officially established on this day in 1932.

Food and Agricultural Organisation was founded on

Oct 16 World Food Day
this day in 1945.
Date Day Remarks

Charter of the United Nations came into force on this

Oct 24 United Nations Day
day in 1945.

Oct 31 Rashtriya Ekta Diwas Birth Anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Birthday of Shri Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888),

Nov 11 National Education Day
the first Education Minister of India.

Nov 14 Children's Day Birthday of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru (1889)

Nov 19 National Integration Day Martyrdom of Smt Indira Gandhi (1984)

Nov 26 Constitution Day (India) Constitution of India was adopted on this day (1949)

Dec 1 World AIDS Day -

Commemorates the courageous attack on the Karachi

Dec 4 Navy Day harbour during the Indo-Pakistan war of 1971 in
Operation Trident.

Dec 7 Armed Forces Flag Day -

Universal Declaration of Human Rights was

Dec 10 Human Rights' Day
proclaimed and adopted on this day in 1948.

Marks India's victory over Pakistan in the Indo-Pak

Dec 16 Vijay Diwas
war in 1971.

United Nations adopted and promulgated the

Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to
Dec 18 Minorities Rights Day
National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic
Minorities on this day in 1992.

Dec 24 National Consumers' Day -

Jan 25 National Voters' Day With effect from 2011

Important Years in World History

Event Year

Birth of Jesus Christ 4 B.C.

Death of Jesus Christ 29 A.D.

Birth of Prophet Mohammed 570

Emigration of Mohammed to Madina, Beginning of Hijri era 622

Death of Prophet Mohammed 632

Magna Carta, first document limiting the powers of KIng of Enland was signed 1215

Black Death, most devastating pandemic in Europe killed over 100 million 1348-50
Event Year


100 years war between England and France 1337-1453

Christopher Columbus discovers the New World 1492

Vasco da Gama discovers the sea route from Europe to India 1497-98

Defeat of Spanish Armada also known as Invincible Fleet by England 1588

Great Plague of London which killed about 1 million people in the city 1665-66

Great fire of London which destroyed about 70000 homes in the city 1666 (2 - 5 Sep)

7 years war involving the great powers of the time 1757-1763

Declaration of independence of United States of America 1776

Beginning of the French Revolution 1789

Battle of Waterloo in which Napolean was defeated 1815

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published 1848

On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin published 1859

Slavery is abolished by the 13th Amendment in the United States of America 1865

First modern Olympic Games held at Athens 1896

Robert Peary reached the North Pole 1909

Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole 1911

Republic of China is established, Titanic sinks 1912

1st World War 1914-1918

Russian Revolution ending the Tsarist autocracy 1917

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) came into existence 1922

Beginning of the Great Depression 1929

2nd World War 1939-1945

Dropping of Atom Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945

Launch of Sputnik 1, marking the beginning of space age 1957

Landing of Apollo 11 with Neil Armstrong on the surface of moon 1969

Chernobyl disaster 1986

Event Year

World Wide Web invented 1990

Dissolution of USSR 1991

End of apartheid in South Africa 1994

9/11 attack on World Trade Center 2001

Tsunami in Indian Ocean 2004

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster 2011

Important Years in Indian History

Important Years in Indian History 1851 to 2013
Year Event

1851 First telegraph line in India is operational between Calcutta and Diamond Harbour.

1853 First train in India runs from Bombay to Thane.

1857 First war of Indian independence also called the Sepoy Mutiny by the British.

1881 The first complete census of population conducted on a uniform basis throughout India.

Formation of Indian National Congress by A.O. Hume, Dadabhai Naoroji, Dinshaw Wacha, W.C.
Bonnerjee and others.

1905 Partition of Bengal by Lord Curzon. Swadeshi Movement launched.

Indian Council Act popularly known as Minto Morley reforms allowing a limited increase in the
involvement of Indians in governance passed.

Visit of King George V to India, Shifting of capital from Calcutta to Delhi. Jana Gana Mana first
1911 sung at Calcutta session of INC. Launch of first air mail in India & World from Bumraulli to

1919 Government of India Act, 1919 introducing dyarchy, Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh tragedy.

1920 Khilafat movement, Launch of Non-cooperation movement.

1922 Chauri Chaura outrage in UP, Suspension of Non-cooperation movement.

1928 Visit of Simon Commission to India, Death of Lala Lajpat Rai

1929 Resolution of complete independence at Lahore session of Indian National Congress.

1930 Dandi March, Launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement.

1931 Gandhi Irwin pact, execution of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.

1935 Government of India Act.

Year Event

1942 Quit India movement, Formation of Azad Hind Fauz.

1943 Visit of Cripps Commission to India.

1946 British Cabinet mission visited India.

1947 Independence and partition of India.

1948 Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, 1st Pak aggression

1950 India became republic

1951 1st Five year plan and 1st Asian Games in Delhi

1952 1st General elections

1954 Panchasheel signed by India and China

1956 Reorganisation of Indian states on linguistic basis

1957 Introduction of decimal system in currency

1959 First television service started in India in New Delhi.

1961 Liberation of Goa from the Portuguese

1962 Chinese aggression

1964 Death of Jawaharlal Nehru

1965 Indo-Pak war

1966 Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri

Split in Indian National Congress and nationalisation of 14 banks. India's first Atomic Power Station
Tarapur commences commercial operation.

1971 Indo-Pak war

1972 Simla agreement signed between India and Pakistan

1974 First nuclear test codenamed Smiling Buddha carried out at Pokhran (Rajasthan)(May 18).

1975 First Indian satellite Aryabhatta launched, Imposition of Emergency in the country.

1977 Congress loses power for the first time at the centre

1980 Return of Congress to power, nationalisation of six more banks.

1982 Colour television comes to India. IX Asian Games held in Delhi.

1984 Death of Indira Gandhi.

1991 Death of Rajiv Gandhi. Commencement of economic liberalisation in India.

Year Event

1992 Demolition of Babri Masjid.

1995 Internet comes to India.

1998 Indias second nuclear test codenamed Operation Shakti.

1999 Kargil invasion by Pakistani troops.

2000 India's population reaches 1 billion mark.

2001 Earthquake in Gujarat (January), Attack on Indian Parliament (December).

2002 Godhra incident.

2004 Tsunami in Indian Ocean.

2008 Launch of India's first lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1.

2013 Launch of Mars Orbiter Mission.

Facts to Remember on Indian Rivers

General Facts on Indian Rivers

The river system of India can be classified into four groups - 1. Himalayan rivers 2. Deccan (Peninsular)
rivers 3. Coastal rivers and 4. Rivers of inland water drainage.

Luni, Machhu, Banas, Rupen, Saraswati and Ghagghar are examples of rivers with inland water
drainage, i.e. they do not empty into the ocean but get lost into the sand.

Subarnarekha, Vamsadhara, Nagavali, Vaigai, Netravati and Sharavati are examples of coastal rivers.

The longest flowing river in India is the Ganges or Ganga followed by Godavari, Yamuna, Krishna and

The longest river which flows through India is the Indus which originates in Tibet and enters Pakistan
before flowing into the Arabian Sea.

The Ganges is also known as the Bhagirathi since King Bhagirath was responsible for bringing it from the
heavens to the earth. The part of the River Ganga which flows into Bangladesh is known as Padma.

Most of the Indian rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal but some like Narmada,Tapti and Periyar flow into
the Arabian Sea.

Five rivers of erstwhile Punjab are Sutlej, Ravi, Beas, Jhelum and Chenab

The river also known as Dakshin Ganga is Godavari

The Brahmaputra is known as Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet and as Dihang in Arunachal Pradesh. The
Brahmaputra river is known as Jomuna in Bangladesh.

The river known as Singi Khamban (Lion's mouth) in Tibet River Indus

The river known as Bengals sorrow is River Damodar

General Facts on Indian Rivers

Prayag or Allahabad is believed to be the confluence (sangam) of these rivers Ganga, Yamuna and the
mythical Saraswati

The number of Indian rivers which have been classified as major rivers by the Government is Twelve.

There are three Trans-Himalayan rivers which originate in the high Tibetan Plateau and cut across the
mighty Himalayan ranges. Indus, Brahmaputra, and Sutlej.

Dams and Rivers

Dam River State

Nagarjunasagar Krishna Telangana

Pochampad (Sri Ramasagar) Godavari Telangana

Srisailam Krishna A.P.

Sardar Sarovar Narmada Gujarat

Ukai Tapi Gujarat

Hirakud Mahanadi Orissa

Bhakra Nangal Sutlej Himachal Pradesh

Pong (Maharana Pratap Sagar) Beas Himachal Pradesh

Thein (Ranjit Sagar) Ravi Punjab

Baglihar Chenab Jammu & Kashmir

Chutak Suru Jammu & Kashmir

Panchet Damodar Jharkhand

Maithon Barakar Jharkhand

Tehri Bhagirathi Uttarakhand

Koyna Koyna Maharashtra

Mettur Kaveri Tamilnadu

Krishnaraja Sagar Kaveri Karnataka

Alamatti Krishna Karnataka

Mullaperiyar Periyar Kerala

Gandhisagar Chambal Madhya Pradesh

Nimoo Bazgo Indus Jammu & Kashmir

Dams of the World and Rivers
Dam River Country

Aswan Dam Nile Egypt

Jinping-I dam Yalong China

Three Gorges dam Yangtse China

Nurek dam Vakhsh Tajikistan

Itaipu dam Parana Brazil and Paraguay

Hoover dam Colorado U.S.A.

Types of Diseases
Type of Disease Examples

Congenital diseases Hare lip, club foot, mongolism, spastic paraplegia

Hereditary diseases Haemophilia, albinism

Dietary deficiency diseases Scurvy, rickets, beri-beri, anaemia

Hormonal diseases Goitre, diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, dwarfism

Infectious diseases AIDS, chicken pox, common cold, german measles, influenza, jaundice,
(VIRAL) measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, rabies, dengue fever, lassa fever

Infectious diseases cholera, whooping cough, diptheria, gonorrhoea, leprosy, pneumonia, syphilis,
(BACTERIAL) tetanus, typhoid, tuberculosis, plague

Infectious diseases
ringworm, atheletes foot, thrush

Infectious diseases
malaria, amoebic dysentery, sleeping sickness, kala-azar

Infectious diseases
filaria, tapeworm, pinworm

graying of hair, baldness, presbyopia, cataract, osteoarthritis, Parkinsons

Degenerative diseases
disease, arteriosclerosis

Immunological diseases hay fever, asthma, rheumatoid, arthritis, nettle rash

Neoplastic diseases warts, moles, cancer

Organisms causing Diseases

Organism Disease caused

Vibrio cholerae Cholera

Salmonella typhi Typhoid

Salmonella paratyphi Paratyphoid

Organism Disease caused

Plasmodium Malaria

Varicella zoster Chicken Pox

Rubeola (virus) Measles

Rubella (virus) German Measles

Bordetella pertussis Whooping Cough

Cornebacterium diphtheriae Diphtheria

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Gonorrhea

Mycobacterium leprae Leprosy

Treponema pallidum Syphillis

Clostridium tetani Tetanus

Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuberculosis

Yersinia Pestis Plague

Trychophyton rubrum Ringworm, Athlete's foot

Trypanosoma brucei Sleeping sickness

Leishmania Kala Azar

Leptospira Leptospirosis

H1N1 Swine Flu

H5N1 Avian Influenza (Bird flu)

Deficiency Diseases/Conditions
Name of the disease Linked with the deficiency of

Night Blindness Vitamin A

Beri Beri Vitamin B

Scurvy Vitamin C

Rickets Vitamin D

Sterility Vitamin E

Impaired blood clotting Vitamin K

Anaemia Iron
Name of the disease Linked with the deficiency of

Osteoporosis Calcium

Goitre Iodine

Kwashiorkor Protein

Xeropthlamia Vitamin A

Hypokalemia Potassium

Hyponatremia Sodium

Hypomagnesemia Magnesium

Pellagra Niacin

Common and Scientific Names of Vitamins

Form/Scientific Name Common Name

Retinol Vitamin A

Thiamine Vitamin B1

Riboflavine Vitamin B2

Pantothenic Acid Vitamin B5

Pyridoxine Vitamin B6

Niacin or Nicotinic Acid Vitamin B3

Biotin Vitamin B7

Folic Acid Vitamin B9

Cobalamin Vitamin B12

Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C

Calciferol Vitamin D

Tocopherol Vitamin E

Phytomenadione Vitamin K

NOTE: Tocopherol is a form of Vitamin E, retinol is a form of Vitamin A.

Important Standards of Human Health

Phenomenon Standard Range

Pulse rate 72 pulses/min

Systolic <120 mmHg

Blood Pressure
Diastolic <80 mmHg
Phenomenon Standard Range

20 to 25
Body Mass Index (BMI) or Quetelet index below 20 underweight
above 25 overweight

Body temperature 37C (98.6F)

pH level of human blood 7.35 to 7.45

Eyesight 6/6

Normal Cholesterol level below 200mg/dL

Males 13.8 to 17.2 gms/dL

Normal Haemoglobin level Females 12 to 15 gm/dL

Constituent Assembly
Facts to remember - Constituent Assembly
Facts to remember

The constituent assembly was formed on the recommendation of the Cabinet Mission which visited India
in 1946.

The Constituent Assembly met for the first time in New Delhi on 9 December, 1946 in the Constitution
Hall which is now known as the Central Hall of Parliament House.

Mr. Sachchidanand Sinha was elected provisional chairman of the assembly.

Dr Rajendra Prasad later became the permanent chairman of the constituent assembly.

On 13 December, 1946, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru moved the Objectives Resolution which resolved to
proclaim India as an Independent Sovereign Republic and to draw up for her future governance a

The Constituent Assembly took almost three years (two years, eleven months and seventeen days to be
precise) to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India.

The Constituent Assembly held eleven sessions covering a total of 165 days.

India is governed in terms of the Constitution, which was adopted on 26 November, 1949, which was the
last day of the Eleventh session of the Constituent Assembly.

This date finds mention in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution thus IN OUR
CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY
The honourable members appended their signatures to the constitution on 24 January, 1950.

The Constitution of India came into force on 26 January, 1950. On that day, the Constituent Assembly
ceased to exist, transforming itself into the Provisional Parliament of India until a new Parliament was
constituted in 1952

Important Dates - Constituent Assembly to Constitution

Constituent Assembly Objectives Constitution Signed by Constitution came into force and
Important Dates - Constituent Assembly to Constitution

met for the first time Resolution adopted members Constituent Assembly ceased to
moved exist

09 Dec 1946 13 Dec 1946 26 Nov 1949 24 Jan 1950 26 Jan 1950

Chairmen of various committees in the Constituent Assembly

Committee Chairman

Committee on the Rules of Procedure Rajendra Prasad

Steering Committee Rajendra Prasad

Finance and Staff Committee Rajendra Prasad

Alladi Krishnaswami
Credential Committee

House Committee B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya

Order of Business Committee K.M. Munsi

Ad hoc Committee on the National Flag Rajendra Prasad

Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly G.V. Mavalankar

States Committee Jawaharlal Nehru

Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights, Minorities and Tribal and

Vallabhbhai Patel
Excluded Areas

Minorities Sub-Committee H.C. Mookherjee

Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee J.B. Kripalani

North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam Exluded & Partially Excluded
Gopinath Bardoloi
Areas Sub-Committee

Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Other than those in Assam) Sub-
A.V. Thakkar

Union Powers Committee Jawaharlal Nehru

Union Constitution Committee Jawaharlal Nehru

Drafting Committee B.R. Ambedkar

Indian Constitution

Indian constitution contains 395 articles in Parts I to XXII and 12 schedules.

Parts of Indian Constitution

Part Subject Articles
Part Subject Articles

Part I The Union and its territory Art. 1 to 4

Part II Citizenship Art. 5 to 11

Part III Fundamental Rights Art. 12 to 35

Part IV Directive Principles Art. 36 to 51

Part IVA Fundamental Duties Art. 51A

Part V The Union Art. 52 to 151

Part VI The States Art. 152 to 237

Part VII Repealed by Const. (7th Amendment) Act, 1956

Part VIII The Union Territories Art. 239 to 242

Part IX The Panchayats Art. 243 to 243O

Part IXA The Muncipalities Art. 243P to 243ZG

Part IXB The Co-operative Societies Art. 243ZH to 243ZT

Part X The Scheduled and Tribal Areas Art. 244 to 244A

Part XI Relations between the Union and the States Art. 245 to 263

Part XII Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits Art. 264 to 300A

Part XIII Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India Art. 301 to 307

Part XIV Services under the Union and the States Art. 308 to 323

Part XIVA Tribunals Art. 323A to 323B

Part XV Elections Art. 324 to 329A

Part XVI Special provisions relating to certain classes Art. 330 to 342

Part XVII Official Language Art. 343 to 351

Part XVIII Emergency Provisions Art. 352 to 360

Part XIX Miscellaneous Art. 361 to 367

Part XX Amendment of the Constitution Art. 368

Part XXI Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions Art. 369 to 392

Part XXII Short title, commencement, authoritative text in Hindi and repeals Art. 393 to 395
Important Articles of Indian Constitution
Article Importance

Article 12 35 Specify the Fundamental Rights available

Article 36-51 Specify the Directive Principles of state policy

Article 51A Specifies the Fundamental Duties of every citizen

Article 80 Specifies the number of seats for the Rajya Sabha

Article 81 Specifies the number of seats for the Lok Sabha

Article 343 Hindi as official language

Article 356 Imposition of Presidents Rule in states

Article 368 Amendment to the Constitution

Article 370 Special status to Kashmir

Article 395 Repeals India Independence Act and Government of India Act, 1935

Schedules to Indian Constitution

Schedules 1 to 12

First schedule contains the list of states and union territories and their territories

Second schedule contains provisions as to the President, Governors of States, Speaker and the Deputy
Speaker of the House of the People and the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Council of States
and the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the Chairman and the Deputy
Chairman of the Legislative Council of a State, the Judges of the Supreme Court and of the High Courts
and the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.

Third Schedule contains the Forms of Oaths or Affirmations.

Fourth Schedule contains provisions as to the allocation of seats in the Council of States.

Fifth Schedule contains provisions as to the Administration and Control of Scheduled Areas and
Scheduled Tribes.

Sixth Schedule contains provisions as to the Administration of Tribal Areas in the States of Assam,
Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram.

Seventh Schedule contains the Union list, State list and the concurrent list.

Eighth Schedule contains the list of recognised languages.

Ninth Schedule contains provisions as to validation of certain Acts and Regulations.

Tenth Schedule contains provisions as to disqualification on ground of defection.

Eleventh Schedule contains the powers, authority and responsibilities of Panchayats.

Twelfth Schedule contains the powers, authority and responsibilities of Municipalities.

Articles related to MPs, MLAs and MLCs
Article 80

1. The maximum strength of Rajya Sabha to be 250

2. Out of 250, 12 members are nominated by the President and 238 are representatives of the States
and of the two Union Territories.
3. The members nominated by the President are persons having special knowledge or practical
experience in respect of such matters as literature, science, art and social service.

Article 81

1. Limits the maximum strength of the House of the People or the Lok Sabha to 552.
2. Out of 552, 530 members are elected to represent the States.
3. Upto 20 members are elected to represent the Union Territories and

Article 331

1. Not more than 2 members of the Anglo-Indian Community to be nominated by the Hon'ble
President to the House of People, if, in his/her opinion, that community is not adequately
represented in the House.

Article 170

1. The number of seats in the Legislative Assembly of each State to consist of not more than 500 and.
2. Not less than 60, members chosen by direct election from territorial constituencies in the State.

Article 171

1. The total number of members in the Legislative Council of a State shall not exceed one-third of the
total number of members in the Legislative Assembly of that State.
2. The total number of members in the Legislative Council of a State shall in no case be less than 40.

Article 333

Empowers the Governor to nominate one member of the Anglo-Indian community to the
Legislative Assembly of the State if in his opinion the community is not adequately represented
Fourth Schedule

The distribution of seats of the Rajya Sabha among the States and Union Territories is detailed in
the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution of India.

Important Age Limits in Indian Constitution.

Description Age Limit Article

Minimum age for election to the post of President 35 years Article 58 (1) (b)

Minimum age for election to the post of Vice-President 35 years Article 66 (3)(b)

Minimum age for election to the post of Governor 35 years Article 157

Minimum age for election as MP (Lok Sabha) 25 years Article 84(b)

Minimum age for election as MLA 25 years Article 173(b)

Description Age Limit Article

Minimum age for election as MP (Rajya Sabha) 30 years Article 84(b)

Minimum age for election as MLC 30 years Article 173(b)

Upper age limit for appointment as a judge of Supreme Court 65 years 124(2)

Upper age limit for appointment as a member of a Union

65 years 316(2)

Upper age limit for appointment as a judge of High court 62 years Article 217(1)

Upper age limit for appointment as a member of State Commission 62 years 316(2)

Minimum age for election as a member of a Panchayat 21 years 243F (1)(a)

Minimum age for election as a member of a Municipality 21 years 243V (1)(a)

Minimum age limit for employment in a factory 14 years Article 24

Minimum age for registration as a voter 18 years Article 326

Age between which education has been made a fundamental right 6 to 14 years Article 21A

Age limit definitions of Child/Juvenile/Minor under different Acts in India

Child/Minor Act Definitions

A male below sixteen years of age and a female below

Minor Indian Penal Code, 1860
eighteen years of age for the purpose of section 363A.

Juvenile Justice (Care and

Child and
Protection of Children) Act, A person who has not completed eighteen years of age.

A person who, if a male, has not completed twenty one

Child Marriage Restraint Act,
Child years of age, and if a female, has not completed eighteen
years of age.

Child Labour (Prohibition and

Child A person who has not completed fourteenth year of age.
Regulation) Act, 1986

Age limit definitions of Senior Citizen under different Acts/Rules in India

60 years for men and 58 years for
Railway Rules

The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act,

60 years
Important Time Limits in Indian Constitution
Condition Duration

Maximum interval between two sessions of Parliament/State Assembly Six months

Six months + Six

Maximum life of Presidential Ordinance

Maximum period within which an election is to be held to fill a vacancy created by

Six months
the death, resignation or removal, or otherwise of a President

Six months
extendable upto a
Maximum duration for which Presidents rule can be imposed in a state
maximum of three

Time after which money bill passed by Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by
14 days
Rajya Sabha when no action is taken by it

Maximum duration for which a President/Vice-President/Governor may hold his

5 years
office from the date on which he enters his office

Maximum duration for which a Lok Sabha/State Legislature may function from the
5 years
date appointed for its first meeting

Maximum period for which the term of a Lok Sabha/State Legislature may be
1 year at a time
extended while a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation

Where the term of a Lok Sabha/State Legislature has been extended while a
Proclamation of Emergency is in operation, the maximum period for which he Lok
Six months
Sabha/State Legislature may continue to function after the Proclamation of
Emergency has ceased to operate

Maximum duration for which a Union Minister/State Minister may hold his office
Six months
without being a member of either of the houses of the Parliament/State Legislature

Maximum duration for which a member of either House of Parliament may be

60 days
absent without permission, before his seat is declared is vacant

Maximum period within which a person who is arrested and detained in custody
24 hours
shall be produced before the nearest magistrate

Maximum duration for which a Panchayat/Municipality shall function from the date
5 years
appointed for its first meeting

Maximum duration for which a member of a Union Commission may hold his office
6 years
subject to his not attaining the age of sixty-five years

Maximum duration for which a member of a State Commission may hold his office
6 years
subject to his not attaining the age of sixty-two years

Time within which a candidate elected from more than one seat in Lok Sabha or
Rajya Sabha or either House of the Legislature of a State must resign from all but 10 days
one of such seats

* Six months being the maximum interval between two sessions of the Parliament and six weeks being the
Condition Duration

time allowed for the Parliament to approve/disapprove the ordinance after its reassembly.

Oaths of Office
Administration of Oath of Office
S.No. Appointments Administered Oath of Office by

Chief Justice of India or in his absence the seniormost Judge of

1. President
Supreme Court.

President or some person appointed in that behalf by the

2. Vice President

President or some person appointed in that behalf by the

3. Judge of Supreme Court

Chief Justice of High Court or in his absence senior most Judge

4. Governor
of that court.

Minister in Union Council of

5. President

President or some person appointed in that behalf by the

6. Comptroller & Auditor General

President or some person appointed in that behalf by the

7. Member of Parliament

Governor or some person appointed in that behalf by the

8. Member of Legislature of State

Minister in State Council of

9. Governor

10. Judge of High Court Governor or some person appointed by in that behalf by him.

Submission of Resignations
S.No. Appointment Submits Resignation to

1. President Vice President

2. Vice President President

3. Prime Minister President

4. Judge of Supreme Court President

5. Governor President

6. Judge of High Court President

7. Speaker of Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

S.No. Appointment Submits Resignation to

8. Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha Speaker of Lok Sabha

9. Deputy Chairman of Council of States Chairman

Chairman of upper house or the Speaker

10. Member of house of Parliament
of Lower House.

11. Speaker of Assembly Deputy Speaker of Assembly

12. Deputy Speaker of Assembly Speaker of Assembly

13. Chairman of Legislative Council of States Deputy Chairman

14. Deputy Chairman of Legislative Council of States Chairman

A member of Public Service Commission (Union

15. President
Commission or Joint Commission)

A member of Public Service Commission (State

16. Governor of the State

Important Amendments to Indian Constitution.

Amendment Year Importance

Reorganisation of states on linguistic basis and abolition of Class

7 1956
A, B, C and D states and introduction of Union Territories.

Adjustments to Indian territory as a result of agreement with

9 1960

Dadra, Nagar and Haveli included in Indian Union as a Union

10 1961
Territory on acquisition from Portugal.

Goa, Daman and Diu included in Indian Union as a Union

12 1961
Territory on acquisition from Portugal.

The state of Nagaland formed with special protection under Article

13 1963

Pondicherry incorporated into Indian Union after transfer by

14 1962

21 1967 Sindhi added as language in the 8th schedule.

26 1971 Privy purse paid to former rulers of princely states abolished.

36 1975 Sikim included as an Indian state.

Fundamental Duties prescribed, India became Socialist Secular

42 1976

44 1978 Right to Property deleted from the list of fundamental rights.

Amendment Year Importance

52 1985 Defection to another party after election made illegal.

61 1989 Voting age reduced from 21 to 18.

Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali added as languages in the Eighth

71 1992

Introduction of Panchayati Raj, addition of Part IX to the

73 1993

74 1993 Introduction of Nagarpalikas and Municipalities.

Free and compulsory education to children between 6 and 14

86 2002

Bodo, Dogri, Santhali and Maithli added to the list of recognised

92 2003
languages. Service Tax introduced.

8,23,45,62, 79 1960, 1970, 1980, Extension of reservation of seats for SC/ST and nomination of
and 95 1989, 2000 and 2010 Anglo-Indian members in Parliament and State Assemblies.

Substituted Odia for Oriya in the Eighth Schedule to the

96 2011

Introduction of Part IXB in the Constitution pertaining to Co-

97 2012
operative Societies

101 2016 Introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST)

The 42nd amendment was the most comprehensive amendment which had 59 clauses and carried out so
many changes that it has been described as a "Mini Constitution".

The 52nd amendment was the only amendment to be unanimously adopted by the Parliament.

Parliamentary Terms
Basic Definitions
Definition Term

The draft of a legislative proposal Bill

Bill passed by both the Houses of Parliament and assented to by the President Act

A member of the House of the People (Lok Sabha) Member

A member other than a Minister

Termination of a sitting of a House without any definite date being fixed for the next sitting
sine die

The termination of a session of the House by an order made by the President under article Prorogation
Definition Term

85(2) (a) of the Constitution.

The first hour of a sitting of the House normally allotted for asking and answering of
Question Hour

The minimum number of members required to be present at a sitting of the House or the
Committee for valid transaction of its business. The quorum to constitute a sitting of the
House is one-tenth of the total number of members of the House and in respect of a
Committee it is one-third of the total number of members of the Committee

A self-contained independent proposal submitted for the approval of the House and drafted
in such a way as to be capable of expressing a decision of the House.

The vote cast by the Speaker or the Chairman in the case of an equality of votes on a
Casting vote

Deletion of words, phrases of expression for the proceedings or records of the House (for
being defamatory or indecent or unparliamentary or undignified)

Parliamentary Terms
Finance Related Parliamentary Terms
Definition Term

Annual Financial statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government of
India for a financial year

The estimate of expenditure in respect of a Ministry/Department not charged upon the

Demand for
Consolidated Fund of India, placed for approval before the House on the recommendations
of the President

A Bill ordinarily introduced each year to give effect to the financial proposals of the
Finance Bill
Government for the following financial year

A bill containing only provisions dealing with all or any of the matters specified in sub-
clauses (a) to (g) of Clause (1) of Articel 110 of the Constitution. (Such a bill cannot be
Money Bill
introduced without the recommendation of the President and it also cannot be introduced in
the Rajya Sabha

A Bill passed annually (or at various times of the year) providing for the withdrawal or
appropriation from and out of the Consolidated Fund of India of moneys by Lok Sabha and Appropriation
moneys charged on the Consolidated Fund for the services of a financial year or a part Bill

A motion for reduction of a demand for grant by or to a specified amount Cut motion

Cut motion can be of three types - Disapproval of policy cut, Economy cut and Token cut

A grant made by Lok Sabha in advance in respect of the estimated expenditure of the
Government of India for a part of a financial year pending the voting of Demands for Vote on
Grants for the financial year. A Motion for Vote on Account is dealt with in the same way Account
as if it were a demand for grant.
Questions and Motions in Parliament
Question Related Terms
Definition Term

A question relating to a matter of public importance of an urgent character asked with Short Notice
notice shorter than ten clear days Question

A question to which a member wishes to have an oral answer on the floor of the House Starred
and which is distinguished by an asterisk. Question

A question placed on the List of Questions for written answer. The written answer to such Unstarred
a question is deemed to have been laid on the Table at the end of the Question Hour. Question

Motion Related Terms

Definition Term

A formal proposal by a member that the House do something, order something to be done or
express an opinion with regard to some matter. When adopted it expresses the judgement or Motion
will of the House.

Motions are of three types - Substantive Motion, Substitutive Motion and Subsidiary Motion

A self-contained independent proposal submitted for the approval of the House and drafted Substantive
in such a way as to be capable of expressing a decision of the House, e.g., a Resolutions Motion

Motions moved in substitution of the original motion for taking into consideration a policy Substitute
or situation or statement or any other matter. Motion

A motion which depends upon or relates to another motion or follows upon some
proceedings in the House. By itself it has no meaning and is not capable of stating the
decision of the House without reference to the original motion or proceedings of the House.

Subsidiary Motions are of three types - Ancillary Motion, Superseding Motion and Amendment

Motion for the adjournment of the debate on Bills, motions or resolutions etc. or motion to Dilatory
retard or to delay the progress of a business under consideration of the House. Motion

A formal motion moved in the House expressing its gratitude for the Address delivered by
Motion of
the President under article 87(1) of the Constitution to both Houses of Parliament assembled
International Organisations and their Headquarters
Organisation Headquarters

United Nations Organisation New York, USA 24.10.1945

United Nations Childrens' Fund (UNICEF) New York, USA 11.12.1945

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) New York, USA 1969

UN Women New York, USA 2010

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural

Paris, France 16.11.1945
Organisation (UNESCO)

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

Paris, France 30.09.1961

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Vienna, Austria 1966

International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria 29.07.1957

Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Vienna, Austria Sep 1960

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Washington DC, USA 27.12.1945

World Bank Washington DC, USA July 1944

Amnesty International London July 1961

International Maritime Organisation London 1954

Consumers International London 1960

Commonwealth of Nations London -

The Hague, The

International Court Of Justice 1945

Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) Rome 16.10.1945

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Brussels, Belgium 04.04.1949

Transparency International Berlin, Germany 1993

International Renewable Energy Agency Abu Dhabi (UAE) 26.01.2009

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Kathmandu, Nepal 08.12.1985

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Jakarta, Indonesia 08.08.1967

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Singapore 1989

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 25.09.1969

Organisation Headquarters

Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation Ebene, Mauritius 06.03.1997

The Hague, The

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 29.04.1997

International Hydrographic Organization Monaco 21.06.1921

International Chamber of Commerce Paris, France 1919

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Los Angeles, USA 18.09.1998

International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) Paris, France 1965

Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) Washington D.C., USA 1993

South Asian Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN) Kathmandu, Nepal Jan 2011

International Organisations in Switzerland

Organisation Headquarters

United Nations Conference on Trade and

Geneva, Switzerland 1964
Development (UNCTAD)

World Health Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 07.04.1948

International Labour Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 1919

International Committee of the Red Cross Geneva, Switzerland 1863

World Trade Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 01.01.1995

World Meteorological Organisation Geneva, Switzerland 1950

World Intellectual Property Organization Geneva, Switzerland 14.07.1967

International Organization for Standardization Geneva, Switzerland 23.02.1947

World Economic Forum Geneva, Switzerland 1971

Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) or Doctors

Geneva, Switzerland 20.12.1971
without Borders

International Organization of Migration (IOM) Geneva, Switzerland 1951

International Union of Pure and Applied

Zurich, Switzerland 1919

Worldwide Fund for Nature Gland, Switzerland 29.04.1961

Organisation Headquarters

International Union for Conservation of Nature

Gland, Switzerland 05.10.1948

Universal Postal Union Berne, Switzerland 09.10.1874

Social Movements and their founders

Movement/Organisation Founder

Saryodaya, Bhoodan Acharya Vinobha Bhave

Servants of India Society GK Gokhale

Servants of People Society Lala Lajpat Rai

Servants of God or Khudai Khidmatgar Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

Gyan Prasarak Mandali Dadabhai Naoroji

Shuddhi Movement Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Theosophical Society Madame H. P. Blavatsky

Missionaries of Charity Mother Teresa

Home Rule Movement Annie Besant and Bal Gangadhar

Prarthana Samaj RG Bhandarkar & MG Ranade

Arya Samaj Dayanand Saraswati (Guj)

Brahmo Samaj Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Self-respect Movement EV Ramaswamy Naicker

Tattvabodhini Sabha Debendranath Tagore

Sadbhavna ke Sipahi Sunil Datt

Satyasodhak Samaj Jyotiba Phule (Mah)

Shree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam Shri Narayaana Guru

Bahiskrit Hitkarni Sabha Dr BR Ambedkar

Dev Samaj (an atheistic movement) Swami Satyanand Agnihotri

Aligarh movement Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh Dr Baliram Hedgewar

Abhinav Bharat Vir Savarkar

Vanmahotsav KM Munshi
Movement/Organisation Founder

Chipko Sunderlal Bahaguna

Narmada Bachao Medha Patkar

Sulabh International Dr Bindeshwar Pathak

Vanarai Dr. Mohan Dharia

Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan Kanhaiyalal Maneklal Munshi

Super 30 Anand Kumar

International Movements/Organisations and their founders

Movement/Organisation Founder

Red Cross JH Dunant

Scouts Baden Powell

Guides Lady Agnes Baden Powell

Amnesty International Peter Benenson

Transparency International Peter Eigen

Lions Club Melvin Jones

Famous Slogans and Authors

Slogan Given by

Inquilab Zindabad Bhagat Singh

Vande Mataram Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay

Quit India Mahatma Gandhi

Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it Balgangadhar Tilak

Give me blood and I shall give you freedom Subhas Chandra Bose

Jai Hind Subhas Chandra Bose

Do or die Mahatma Gandhi

Aaram haram hai Jawaharlal Nehru

Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Lal Bahadur Shastri

Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Back to the Vedas Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Slogan Given by

One religion, one caste and one God for mankind Narayan Guru

Famous Songs
Patriotic/Motivational Song Author

Vande Mataram Bankim chandra Chatterjee

Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna ab hamare dil mein hain Ram Prasad Bismil

Ekla chalo re Rabindranath Tagore

Sare jahan se achcha Hindustan hamara Mohammad Iqbal

Aye mere watan ke logon Kavi Pradeep

Newspapers and their founders

Newspaper/Periodical Started by

Bengal Gazette (1780) (Indias first


Maharatta, Kesari Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Hitavada Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Voice of India Dadabhai Naoroji

Amrita Bazar Patrika Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh

Vande Mataram Bipin Chandra Pal

Statesman Robert Knight

The Hindu Kasturi Ranga Iyengar

Bhupendranath Datta, Abhinash Bhattacharya and Barinder

Kumar Ghosh

Mooknayak BR Ambedkar

Independent Motilal Nehru

Punjabi Lala Lajpat Rai

The Leader Madan Mohan Malviya

New India and Commonweal Annie Besant

Esays in Indian Economics MG Ranade

Mirat-ul-Akbar (1st Persian Newspaper) Ram Mohan Roy

Sambad Kaumudi Ram Mohan Roy

Newspaper/Periodical Started by

Samachar Chandrika Bhabani Charan Bandopadhyay

Navjeevan, Young India, Harijan MK Gandhi

Indian Opinion (in South Africa) MK Gandhi

Prabudha Bharat Swami Vivekanand

Hindustan Times K.M.Pannikar

Bombay Chronicle Ferozshah Mehta

Swadeshabhimani Vakkom Moulavi

Din Mitra Mukundrao Patil

The Tribune Sardar Dyal Singh Majithia

Bengalee Surendranath Banerjee

The Socialist S.A. Dange

Navayug Muzaffar Ahmed

Inquilab Ghulam Hussain

Free Hindusthan Taraknath Das

Landmarks of the World Statues

Statues and Sculptures

Year built: 1886

Material: copper
Designed by Frdric Auguste Bartholdi, a French
Statue of Liberty
Liberty Island, New York sculptor.
(Libertas, the
(U.S.A.) It was a gift to the United States from the people of
Roman goddess)
The date inscribed on the tablet is the date of the
American Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

Christ the Year built: 1931

Corcovado mountain, Rio
Redeemer (Jesus Material: Soapstone
de Janeiro (Brazil)
Christ) Designed by: French sculptor Paul Landowski

Year unveiled: 1913

Langeline Promenade,
Little Mermaid Material: Bronze
Copenhagen (Denmark)
Created by Edvard Eriksen

Installed: 1919
Manneken Pis
Brussels (Germany) Material: Bronze
(Little man pee)
Designed by: Hironymus Duquesnoy the Elder
Established: 1925
Material: Carved on the granite of the mountain
Mt Rushmore, Black Hills,
Mount Rushmore Sculpted by: Gutzon Borglum & Lincoln Borglum
Keystone, South Dakota
National Memorial The faces of 4 US Presidents, George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham
Lincoln are sculpted on the mountain.

Statue of Amida Kotoku-in Temple, Built: 1252

Buddha Kamakura (Japan) Material: Bronze

Built: 803
It is carved on the hillside of Xijuo Peak
Leshan Giant
Sichuan (China) The statue overlooks the confluence of three rivers, the
Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi.
It is the largest Buddha statue in the world.

British Governor Generals/Viceroys in India

Period Points to remember

First Governor General in India. (He was the appointed as the Governor
General of Fort William, but he exercised control over East India Company
1774 -
Warren Hastings officials all over India.) He was impeached in England for his wrong-doings,
namely The Rohilla War, Trial and execution of Nand Kumar, Case of Raja
Chait Singh and Begums of Oudh.

Permanent Settlement, an agreement between the East India Company and

1786 -
Lord Cornwallis Bengali landlords to fix revenues to be raised from land was introduced
during his period.

He introduced the Subsidiary Alliance, under which the Indian ruler agreed to
1798 -
Lord Wellesley keep British forces in his territory. The first state to accept the Subsidiary
Alliance was the State of Hyderabad.

Lord William 1828 - First to be designated as the Governor General of India in 1828. He outlawed
Bentick 1835 the practice of Sati and also introduced English education in India.

1848 - He introduced the infamous 'Doctrine of Lapse'. He also brought Railways

Lord Dalhousie
1856 and Telegraph to India. He is also known as the maker of modern India.

1856 - He was the Governor General during the mutiny of 1857. He was appointed
Lord Canning
1862 the first Viceroy after the war.

He was the Viceroy of India, who was killed by a convict in the Andaman
1869 -
Lord Mayo Islands. The first census of India was conducted which did not however
include some territories in India.

The Delhi durbar or the Imperial Durbar in which Queen Victoria was
1876 - proclaimed Kaisar-i-Hind was held during his period on 01 Jan 1877.
Lord Lytton
1880 Vernacular Press Act, 1878, for better control of Indian newspapers was
passed during his tenure.
Period Points to remember

He introduced the dual system of governance. The first complete and

synchronous census of British Territories in India was conducted in 1881
1880 -
Lord Rippon during his period. He was also associated with Ilbert Bill which sought to
allow Indian judges to try British offenders. He is hailed as the Father of
Local Self Government in India.

1884 -
Lord Dufferin The Indian National Congress was formed during his period.

1899 -
Lord Curzon Partition of Bengal and launch of Swadeshi Movement.

The Capital of India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi during his tenure in
1910 - 1911. George V, the King of England visited India to attend the Delhi durbar
Lord Hardinge
1916 in 1911. An assassination attempt was made on his life by Rash Bihari Bose
and others.

The Jallianwala Bagh tragedy of 1919 occured during his period. Montague
1916 -
Lord Chelmsford Chelmsford reforms, Rowlatt Act, Khilafat movement are other events
associated with his period.

1921 - Chauri Chaura incident occurred during his period. Mahatma Gandhi was
Lord Reading
1926 imprisoned for the first time in India.

1926 - His period is associated with First Round Table Conference, Simon
Lord Irwin
1931 Commission, Gandhi Irwin pact and the famous Dandi March.

Second and Third Round Table Conferences were held during his period.
1931 - Communal award was given by British PM Ramsay Macdonald and the
Lord Willingdon
1936 Poona Pact between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar was signed during
his period.

1936 - Cripps Mission visited India and the Quit India resolution was passed during
Lord Linlithgow
1943 his tenure.

1943 -
Lord Wavell Simla conference and Cabinet mission are associated with his period.

Foreign Invaders and points to remember

Invader Points to remember

He was the first to invade India in 326 B.C. He defeated King Porus on the banks of River
Jhelum. The battle is known as the Battle of Hydaspes. Dhana Nanda of the Nanda dynasty
Alexander was in power in northern and eastern India at the time of his invasion. Alexander's army
mutinied, possibly at the prospect of facing a strong army of the Nandas and Alexander
decided to return to Macedonia.

He was a Mongolian who conquered some kingdoms on the banks of River Indus in 1221
Chengiz Khan
A.D. The ruler of Delhi at that time was Iltutmish.

Mohammed He was first muslim to invade India in 712 A.D. He conquered Sindh and Punjab regions
Bin Qasim along the Indus river but did not advance further.
Invader Points to remember

Timur Lang or Timur the Lame, was a muslim conqueror who invaded India in 1398. The
ruler of Delhi at the time was Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah.

He was the ruler of Iran who invaded India in 1738. He defeated the Mughal Emperor
Nadir Shah
Muhammed Shah and carried with him the Peacock throne and the Kohinoor diamond.

He was the ruler of Afghanistan who invaded India several times between 1747 & 1767, the
Ahmed Shah
most famous being the invasion of 1761 when he defeated the Marathas in the 3rd battle of

Prominent Mughal Emperors.

Better known as Original name Rule

Babur Zaheeruddin Mohammed 1526 to 1530

1530 to 1540
Humayun Naseeruddin Mohammed
1555 to 1556

Akbar Jalaluddin Mohammed 1556 to 1605

Jahangir Nooruddin Salim 1605 to 1627

Shahjahan Shahbuddin Muhammed Khurram 1627 to 1658

Aurangzeb Muhiuddin Mohammed 1658 to 1707

Women of the Mughal Family.

Name Other Name(s) Remarks

Gulbadan She was the sister of Humayun. She is best known as the author of
Begum Humayun Namah.

She was the third wife of Akbar and the mother of Jahangir. She was the
Maraiam-uz- Harkha Bai,
daughter of Raja Bharmal of Amber. Raja Bhagwan Das, Akbar's
Zamani Hira Kunwari
companion was her brother.

Wife of Jahangir, daughter of Ghiyas Beg (Idmat-ud-daula), she enjoyed

Noor Jahan Meher-un-nisa
power which no other Mughal lady ever enjoyed.

Wife of Shah Jahan, mother of 14 children including Aurangzeb, Dara

Mumtaj Anjumand Banu
Shikoh and Jahanara Begum. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in her
Mahal Begum

Daughter of Shah Jahan, she is well-known for looking after her father
Jahan Ara -
during his confinement by Aurangzeb.

Rabia-ul- Dilras Banu She was the first wife of Aurangzeb. The famous Bibi ka Maqbara at
Daurani Begum Aurangabad was constructed by her son Prince Azam Shah in her memory
Canals and Straits
Strait/Canal Land masses divided Water Bodies joined

Suez Canal Runs through Egypt Mediterranean and Red Sea

Kiel Canal Runs through Germany North Sea and Baltic Sea

Bering Strait Alaska and Siberia Pacific and Arctic

Bay of Bengal and Gulf of

Palk Strait India and Sri Lanka

Atlantic Ocean and

Strait of Gibraltar Africa and Europe
Mediterranean Sea

Pacific Ocean and Indian

Strait of Malacca Indonesia (Sumatra) and Malaysia (Malay)

Panama Canal Runs through Republic of Panama Pacific and Atlantic Oceans

North Sea and Atlantic

English Channel England and France

St. George's Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean

Ireland and Wales
Channel (Celtic Sea)

Tasman Sea and South Pacific

Cook Strait North and South Islands of New Zealand

Ten Degree
Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands -

Runs through Istanbul (Turkey) separating Asian part of Black Sea and Sea of
Bosphorus Strait
Turkey from its European part Marmara

Important information on Reserve Bank of India

RBI and Currency related information

The Reserve Bank of India was set up on the basis of the recommendations of Hilton Young
the Commission

Reserve Bank of India started its operations on 01 Apr 1935

Reserve Bank was nationalised in 1949

The first Governor of Reserve Bank of India was Sir Osborne Smith

The first Indian Governor of Reserve Bank of India was Shri CD Deshmukh

The term of office of Governor of Reserve Bank of India is 5 years

The two Governors who have later held the post of the finance minister of India Shri CD Deshmukh & Dr.
are Manmohan Singh
RBI and Currency related information

The maximum number of Deputy Governors RBI can have 4

Number of regional offices of RBI 28

RBI can issue notes upto the value of Rs. 10,000/-

The logo of RBI has A palm tree and a tiger

The H.O. of the RBI is in Mumbai

The maximum amount for which customer's deposit is insured in a bank (by the
Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary Rs. 1,00,000
of RBI)

Regional Offices of RBI

1. Srinagar 2. Jammu 3. Shimla 4. Chandigarh

5. Dehradun 6. New Delhi 7. Jaipur 8. Lucknow

9. Kanpur 10. Patna 11. Gangtok 12. Guwahati

13. Agartala 14. Ranchi 15. Kolkata 16. Bhubaneswar

17. Raipur 18. Bhopal 19. Nagpur 20. Hyderabad

21. Chennai 22. Kochi 23. Bangalore 24. Panaji

25. Belapur 26. Mumbai 27. Ahmedabad 28. Thiruvananthapuram

Functions of the RBI

Primary Functions of the Reserve Bank of India

1. Monetary Authority of India

2. Issuer of Currency

3. Banker and Debt Manager to the Government

4. Banker to the banks

5. Regulator of the Banking System

6. Manager of Foreign Exchange

7. Regulator and Supervisor of the payment and settlement system

8. Developmental role

Institutions established by RBI

Institution Head Office
Institution Head Office

Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Mumbai

National Housing Bank New Delhi

National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development Mumbai

Industrial and Development Bank of India

Securities Trading Corporation of India Mumbai

Discount and Finance House of India

Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited Bangalore

Organisations which make coins and currency notes

Organisation Established Remarks

Security Printing and Minting Corporation of Wholly owned Company of

2006 New Delhi
India Limited (SPMCIL) Government of India

Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private

1995 Bengaluru Wholly owned subsidiary of RBI
Limited (BRBNMPL)

Coins Minting and Currency Printing Units

Units under BRBNMPL

Unit Location Manufactured items

Note Press Mysore, Karnataka Currency Notes

Note Press Salboni, West Bengal Currency Notes

Units under SPMICL

Mumbai, Kolkata,
Government Coins of all denominations
Hyderabad, Noida

Currency Note
Nashik Currency Notes

Bank Note Press Dewas Currency Notes

India Security Judicial/non-judicial stamp papers, postal & non postal stamps
Press & stationery, passports etc.

Postal Stationery items, Central Excise Stamps, Non-Judicial

Security Printing
Hyderabad Stamps, Court Fee Stamps, Indian Postal Orders and Saving

Security Paper Hoshangabad Different types of Security Papers


State Bank of India

Brief History of State Bank of India

Associate Banks of State Bank of India

# Associate Head Office

1. State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur Jaipur, Rajasthan

2. State Bank of Hyderabad Hyderabad, Telangana

3. State Bank of Mysore Bangalore, Karnataka

4. State Bank of Patiala Patiala, Punjab

5. State Bank of Travancore Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

All the 5 associate banks have been merged with SBI wef 01 April 2017

Associate Banks merged with State Bank of India

# Associate Merger Year

1. State Bank of Saurashtra 2008

2. State Bank of Indore 2010

Dynasties in India
Dynasties/Kings and their Capitals
Dynasty/King Capital

Cholas Thanjavur and Gangaikonda Cholapuram

Mauryan Patliputra

Pallavas Kanchi

Pandyas Madurai

Chalukyas Vatapi or Badami

Later Chalukyas Kalyani

Kakatiyas Warangal

Satvahanas Pratisthana (modern day Paithan in Maharashtra)

Bahmani Gulbarga (Ahsanabad) and later Bidar (Muhammadabad)

Shivaji Raigarh

Tipu Sultan Srirengapatnam

Ranjit Singh Lahore

Harshavardhana Thanesar and later Kanauj

Dynasties - Founders and Last Kings

Dynasty Founder Last King/Last Great Ruler

Nanda Mahapadma or Ugrasena Dhana Nanda

Maurya Chandragupta Maurya Brihadratha

Gupta Chandragupta I Skandagupta (last great ruler)

Sunga Pushyamitra Devbhumi (last great ruler)

Satvahana Simuka Yajna Satkarni (last great ruler)

Chalukya (of Vatapi) Pulakesin I Kirtivarman Chalukya

Chola Vijayalaya Athirajendra

Rashtrakuta Danti Durga Indra IV

Slave Qutubuddin Aibak Muizuddin Qaiqabad

Khilji Jalal-ud-din Khusro Khan

Dynasty Founder Last King/Last Great Ruler

Tughlak Ghias-ud-din Feroz Shah

Lodhi Bahlol Ibrahim

Moghul Babur Bahadur Shah II

Temples - Associated Dynasties and Locations

Temples Associated Dynasty Location

Khajuraho Bundelas or Chandelas Chattarpur, M.P.

Kailash temples Rashtrakutas Ellora, Maharashtra

Thousand Pillared Temple Kakatiyas Warangal (AP)

Ramappa Temple Kakatiyas Warangal (AP)

Brihadeswara Temple Cholas Tanjavur, Tamilnadu

Seven Ratha temple Pallavas Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu

Kailashnath temple Pallavas Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu

Shore temple Pallavas Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu

Dilwara temple Solankies Mt Abu, Rajasthan

Hazara temple Vijayanagar Hampi, Karnataka

Women Rulers in the History of India

Woman Points to remember

Rani Rudrama Devi belonged to the Kakatiya dynasty on the Deccan Plateau.
She was the daughter of King Ganapathideva who formally designated her as a
son through the ancient Putrika ceremony and named her Rudradeva.
Rani Rudramma
She succeeded her father when she was only fourteen years old.
1259 - 1289
She was married to Veerabhadra, Eastern Chalukyan prince of Nidadavolu.
A.D. She completed the Warangal Fort, begun by her father.
Marcopolo, the Venetian traveller who paid a visit during her rule writes that
she was a lover of justice, of equity and peace.

Rani Durgawati ruled over Gondwana from 1548 to 1564 on behalf of her son Bir
Rani Durgawati Narayan after the death of Dalpat Shah the ruler of Gondwana.
1524 - 1564 Mughal Emperor Akbar attacked Gondwana in 1564.
A.D. Rani Durgawati led the battle against the invading army but ultimately when her
defeat became imminent she killed herself choosing death to dishonour.

Also known as Chand Khatun or Chand Sultana.

Chand Bibi
She was the daughter of Hussain Nizam Shah I of Ahmednagar.
1550 - 1599
She was married to Sultan Adil Shah of Bijapur, who was murdered by his own
A.D. men.
She acted as the Regent of Bijapur (158090) and Regent of Ahmednagar (1596
Woman Points to remember

When Ahmednagar was invaded by the Mughals in 1595, she defended it
In 1599, the forces of Akbar once again laid siege to the Ahmednagar fort. But
when she tried to negotiate terms with the Mughals, Chand Bibi was killed by
her own troops who misunderstood her.

Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar ruled over Ahmednagar from 1766 to 1795.
Devi Ahilya Bai She was the daughter of Manakoji Shinde.
Holkar In 1733 she was married to Khande Rao, who died in the battle of Kumbher in
1725 - 1795 1754.
A.D. Her father-in-law Malhar Rao Holkar guided her in ruling the state till his death
in 1766.

Rani Chennamma was married to Raja Mullasarja of Kittur, a princely state of

Kittur Rani Belgaum in Karnataka.
Her husband died in 1816 leaving behind a son.
When Rani Chennamma adopted Shivalingappa as her son and made him heir to
1778 - 1829 the throne, the British did not accept it.
A.D. Following a battle to defend her kingdom, she was taken captive and lodged in
Bailhongal Fort where she breathed her last in 1829.

Rani Laxmibai was born in Varanasi and named Manu.

She was married to Gangadhar, the ruler of Jhansi in 1842.
Rani Lakshmi When both her husband and her son died she adopted a child to make him the
Bai heir to the throne.
1835 - 1858 The then British Governor General Lord Dalhousie refused to recognise the
A.D. adoption and ordered annexation of Jhansi.
Rani Laxmibai joined other rulers who were rebelling against British rule.
She was mortally wounded at Gwalior and died in June 1858.

She was married to Vikramaditya Singh, the ruler of Ramgarh State.

Vikramaditya Singh died leaving behind his wife Avantibai and no heir to the
When the British annexed her kingdom, Avantibai vowed to win back her land
Rani Avantibai
from the British.
- 1858 A.D. She raised an army of four thousand men and led it herself against the British in
She killed herself at the end of a fierce battle when she could no longer hold out
against the British.

Delhi Sultanate
Dynasties of Delhi Sultanate.
Dynasty Period of Rule Prominent rulers

Mamluk or Slave dynasty 1206 - 1290 Qutubuddin Aibak, Iltutmish, Razia Sultan, Ghiyasuddin Balban

Khilji dynasty 1290 - 1320 Alauddin Khilji

Tughlaq dynasty 1321 - 1413 Muhammad Bin Tughlaq, Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Sayyid dynasty 1414 - 1450 Khizr Khan

Dynasty Period of Rule Prominent rulers

Lodhi dynasty 1451 - 1526 Ibrahim Lodhi

Important Rulers and Points to Remember

Ruler Points to remember

He was a slave of Mohammad Ghori.

He was the first Sultan of Delhi and founder of the Ghulam dynasty (Mamluk
Sultanate) of India.
He ruled for only four years, from 1206 to 1210 AD. He died while playing polo in
Qutubuddin Lahore.
Aibak He built the Quwwat Al Islam mosque in Delhi and the Adhai-din-ka-Jhonpra
mosque in Ajmer.
He started the construction of Qutb Minar in Delhi, which is dedicated to a
famous Sufi Saint of the time, Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki.
He is also remembered as lakhbaksh or giver of lakhs, because of his generosity.

He was the first to issue regular currency and declare Delhi as the capital of his
He introduced the silver tanka and the copper jital - the two basic coins of the
Sultanate period, with a standard weight of 175 grains.
He introduced Iqtadari system: division of empire into Iqtas, which were assigned
to the nobles and officers in lieu of salary.
Iltutmish He built the Hauz-i-Shamsi reservoir in Mehrauli in 1230.
He completed the Qutub Minar started by Qutubuddin Aibak.
Sultan Ghari which is considered the first Islamic Mausoleum in Delhi, was
constructed by him in memory of his eldest son, Prince Nasiru'd-Din Mahmud.
Genghis Khan, the Mongolian invader appeared for the first time on the banks of
river Indus, during his reign.
He was the longest serving Slave ruler who ruled for 25 years.

Nine Gems (Navratna) of Akbar's Court

Name Points to remember

He was the chronicler of Akbar's rule. He authored Akbar's biography - Akbarnama.

Abul Fazl
Abul Fazl documented the history meticulously over a period of seven years.

Faizi Faizi translated the Panchatantra, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata into Persian.

Todar Mal was the revenue minister of Sher Shah Suri who continued in the position
Todar Mal in the court of Akbar. He introduced standard weights and measurements, revenue
districts and officers.

Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khanan was the son of Akbars general Bairam Khan, the person
Abdul Rahim Khan-i-
who looked after him after the death of Humayun. Rahim is known for his couplets
or Dohe.

Tansen (original name Ramtanu Pandey) was a great musician who is credited with
innovation of Raagas such as Mian ki Malhar, Mian ki Todi and Darbari Kanada.

Raja Man Singh Raja Man Singh, a trusted lieutenant of Akbar was the grandson of Akbars father-in-
law. Raja Man Singh assisted Akbar in many fronts including holding off advancing
Name Points to remember

Hakim (Akbars half-brother) in Lahore. He also led campaigns in Orissa.

Faqir Aziao Din He was mystic and advisor whose advice Akbar regarded respectfully.

Mullah Do Piaza He was also an advisor in the court of Akbar known for his intelligence.

Birbal His original name was Maheshdas. He was a well known court jester.

Monuments built during Mughal Rule

Monument Location Built by

Humayun's Tomb Delhi Akbar

Buland Darwaza Fatehpur Sikri Akbar

Shalimar Bagh Srinagar Jahangir

Akbar's Tomb Sikandara, Agra Began by Akbar and finished by Jahangir

Tomb of Itmad-ud-daula Agra Nur Jahan

Tomb of Jahangir Shahdara Bagh, Lahore Shah Jahan

Taj Mahal Agra Shah Jahan

Red Fort Delhi Shah Jahan

Shalimar Gardens Lahore Shah Jahan

Bibi ka Maqbara Aurangabad Azam Shah

Salim Chisti's Tomb Fatehpur Sikri Akbar

Books written during Mughal rule.

Name of the Book Author Language

Chagatai (Turki), later translated to Persian by Abdul

Tuzk-i-Babari Babar
Rahim Khan-I-Khana

Humayun-Namah Gulbadan Begum Persian

Akbarnama, Ain-i-Akbari Abul Fazl Persian

Tuzk-i-Jahangiri Jahangir Persian

Shah Jahan-Namah Inayat Khan Persian

Padshah-Namah (about Shah

Abdul Hamid Lahori Persian
Name of the Book Author Language

Alamgirnama (about Mirza Muhammad

Aurangzeb) Kazim

Important Treaties in the History of India

Name of the
Year Importance

Treaty of Asurar The treaty established the boundary between the Mughal empire and the Ahom
Ali kingdom ending the Mughal's efforts to conquer Ahom.

Signed between Rajput ruler and commander of Mughal Empire Jai Singh I, and
Treaty of
1665 Maratha Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji was forced to sign the agreement
after Jai Singh besieged Purandar fort.

Signed between Siraj-ud-dwala and Robert Clive allowing the British to fortify
Treaty of Alinagar 1757
Calcutta and also allow British goods to pass through Bengal without duties.

Signed between Robert Clive and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II allowing the
Treaty of
1765 British Diwani Rights or the right to collect taxes on behalf of the Emperor from
the eastern province of Bengal-Bihar-Orissa.

The Treaty of Madras was signed between the British and Hyder Ali of Mysore to
bring to and end the first Mysore War. Under the treaty, both the parties agreed
Treaty of Madras 1769
to return the areas won the each and to support each other in case of a thrid
party invasion.

Treaty of Signed between the British and the Marathas bringing the first phase of the First
Purandar Anglo-Maratha War to an end.

Treaty of Signed between the British and the Marathas bringing the second phase of the
Wadgaon First Anglo-Maratha War to an end.

Signed between the British and the Marathas bringing the First Anglo-Maratha
Treaty of Salbai 1782
War to an end.

Signed between the British (Lord Cornwallis), the Marathas, Hyderabad and Tipu
Treaty of Sultan. This ended the Third Anglo-Mysore War allowing the Marathas, the
Seringapatam Nizam of Hyderabad and the British to annex almost half of Tipu Sultan's

Signed between Governor General Air Henry Hardinge for the British and
Treaty of Lahore 1846 members of Lahore darbar representing the young Maharaja Duleep Singh
Bahadur. The treaty marked the end of the First Anglo-Sikh War.

The Treaty of Amritsar followed the Treaty of Lahore. By this treaty the British
Treaty of Amritsar 1846 East India Company sold Kashmir to Maharaja Gulab Singh, whose dynasty ruled
till 1947, when Maharaja Hari Singh acceded Kashmir to India.
Railways Zones and Headquarters
Zone Headquarters

1. Central Mumbai

2. Western Mumbai

3. Northern Delhi

4. Eastern Kolkata

5. Southern Chennai

6. East Central Hajipur

7. East Coast Bhubaneshwar

8. North Central Allahabad

9. North Eastern Gorakhpur

10. North East Frontier Guwahati

11. North Western Jaipur

12. South Central Secunderabad

13. South East Central Bilaspur

14. South Eastern Kolkata

15. South Western Hubli

16. West Central Jabalpur

17. Kolkata Metro Kolkata

Indian Railways - Important Facts

Indian Railways
First in Indian Railways

The first train was run in 1853(16 April) 21 miles from Bombay (Boribandar) to Thane.

The first passenger train steamed out of Howrah station destined for Hooghly, a distance of 24 miles, on
15th August, 1854.

The first electric train in 1925 was run by Great Indian Peninsular Railway at Bombay.

First Rajdhani Express (between Howrah and Delhi ) started on 01 Mar 1969.

The first under ground railway in India started in Kolkata in 1984.

Computerised Passenger Reservation system was introduced in Indian Railways in 1986.

The computerised passenger reservation system (PRS) of Indian Railways is the largest passenger
First in Indian Railways

reservation network in the world,available at 2,222 locations with more than 8074 terminals.

The First Duronto Express train (point-to-point train) started in September 2009 from Sealdah to New

Longest in Indian Railways

The longest platform in the world now is in Gorakhpur (4482 ft) overtaking Kharagpur (2733 ft).

The longest rail journey is between Dibrugarh and Kanniya Kumari (4286 km) performed by Vivek Express,
introduced in 2011. Prior to this, Himsagar Express covered the longest distance from Jammu Tawi to
Kanniya Kumari (3751 km).

The longest rail journey by Rajdhani Express is between Hazrat Nizamuddin and Thiruvananthapuram
covering 3149 km.

Vembanad Railway Bridge connecting Edappally and Vallarpadam with a length of 4.62 km is the longest
rly bridge in India.

The longest railway tunnel, the Pir Panjal Railway Tunnel (between Qazigund and Banihal) has a length of
10.96 km. The work on the tunnel was completed in October 2011. Prior to this the longest railway tunnel
was the Karbude Tunnel of length 6.5 km in Maharashtra and a part of the Konkan railways.

Miscellaneous Information

Konkan railway passes through Sahyadari mountains in the western ghats. It connects Mumbai and

India with railroad network of 66,687 km (as on 31.03.2016) ranks fourth in the world after the US, Russia
and China.

The total electrified route of Indian Railways is 21,614 kms (as on 31.03.2014).

The state with the longest railroad network is Uttar Pradesh with 9077.45 km (as on 31.03.2016)

The state with no railroad network is Sikkim.

The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, the Nilgiri Mountain Railway, The Kalka Shimla Railway collectively
known as Mountain Railways of India are classified as a world heritage site by UNESCO.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, formerly known as Victoria Terminus Station, in Mumbai is also a World
Heritage Site.

Bholu, an elephant is the mascot of Indian Railways.

Fairy Queen is the worlds oldest working steam locomotive plying from New Delhi to Alwar.

World's first railway timetables were designed by George Bradshaw.

The Nilgiri Mountain Railway has a rack section of the line, from Kallar to Coonoor (elevation 1,712 m).
This is the only place where rack system is used in Indian Railways.
First in Indian Railways

The station which has all the three gauges viz narrow, metre and broad is Siliguri station.

Indian Railways - Training Institutes and Manufacturing Units

Railway Training Institutes
Name of the Institute Location

1. National Academy of Indian Railways (Railway Staff College) Vadodara

2. Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering Pune

3. Indian Railway Institute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications Secunderabad

4. Indian Railway Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Jamalpur

5. Indian Railway Institute of Electrical Engineering Nasik

6. Indian Railway Institute of Transport Management Lucknow

7. Indian Railway Institute of Financial Management Secunderabad

Railway Manufacturing Units

Name of the Unit Location

1. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works Chittaranjan, West Bengal

2. Central Organisation for Railway Electrification Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh

3. Diesel Locomotive Works Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

4. Diesel Loco Modernisation Works Patiala, Punjab

5. Integral Coach Factory Chennai, Tamil Nadu

6. Rail Coach Factory Kapurthala, Punjab

7. Rail Wheel Factory (Wheel and Axle Plant) Bangalore, Karnataka

8. Modern Coach Factory Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh

9. Rail Wheel Plant Chhapra, Bihar

10. Diesel Component Factory Dankuni, West Bengal
Dated 29.04.2017

Battles during Mughal Rule

Battle Year Remarks

1st Battle of
1526 Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi establishing the Mughal Empire in India.

Battle of
1527 Babur defeated Rana Sunga of Mewar and his allies.

Battle of
1529 Babur defeated the joint forces of the Afghans and Sultan of Bengal

Battle of
1539 Sher Shah Suri defeated Humayun

2nd Battle of
1556 Akbar defeated Hindu king Hemu

Battle of
1567 Akbar defeated two rival groups of Sanyasis

Battle of
1575 Akbar defeated Sultanatte of Bangala and Bihar

Battle of Undecisive battle between Raja Man Singh of the Mughal army and Rana Pratap of
Haldighati Mewar

Battle of
1658 Aurangzeb and Murad Baksh defeated Dara Shikoh

Battle of
1659 Aurangzeb defeated his brother Shah Shuja

Nadir Shah defeated Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah and looted the Mughal
Battle of Karnal 1739
treasury including Peacock throne and the Kohinoor diamond

Ancient Texts and Authors

Ancient Indian Books
Books written by Kings

Ratnavali Harshavardhana

Priyadarsika Harshavardhana

Nagananda Harshavardhana

Amuktamalayada Sri Krishna Deva Raya

Tuzk-I-Jahangir Jahangir

Babar Namah or Tuzk-e-Babari Babar

Biographies of Kings

Harsha Charita Bana Bhatt

Akbar-Nama Abul Fazl

Prithviraj Raso Chand Bardai

Humayun Namah Gulbadan Begum

Shah Namah Firdausi

Other books

Buddha Charitam Ashwaghosha

Geet Govinda Jaya Deva

Kumar Sambhava Kalidasa

Meghdoot Kalidasa

Malavikagnimitra Kalidasa

Raghuvansha Kalidasa

Mudra Rakshasa Vishakha Datta

Panchatantra Vishnu Sharma

Rajtarangini Kalhana

Arthashastra Kautilya

Padmavat Malik Mohd Jayasi

Kamasutra Vatsyayana

Mudra Rakshasa Vishakha Datta

Mrichchakatikam Shudraka

Facts to remember on Ancient Indian Books

Book and its Author Facts to remember

Mudra Rakshasa by The book which gives an account of how Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the
Vishakha Datta. power of the Nandas with the help of Kautilya.

The book based on the life of Padmini, Queen of Chittor. Allauddin Khilji, the
Padmavat by Malik ruler of Delhi, laid siege to the fort of Chittor in order to take Padmini as his
Mohd Jayasi wife. When the soldiers died fighting, Queen Padmini committed Jauhar
alongwith other women of the fort.
Book and its Author Facts to remember

The book which is based on the life of Agnimitra son of Pushyamitra Sunga. The
Malavikagnimitra by
latter founded the Sunga dynasty after killing the last Mauryan King

The ancient Indian treatise on Economics as well as politics written by Kautilya

Arthashastra by Kautilya
(Chanakya) who had helped Chandragupta overthrow the power of the Nandas.

A collection of Sanskrit fables which seeks to illustrate the principles of Politics

Panchatantra by Vishnu
(Rajneeti) through animal stories. It is considered a Nitishastra or a book on
conduct of life.

The book which deals with the love plays of the Dark Lord Krishna and his fair
Geet Govinda by Jaidev
beloved Radha.

The play based on the story of King Dushyant and Shakuntala as it appears in
Kalidasas Abhigyan
the beginning of the Mahabharata. King Dushyant and Shakuntala had a son
name Bharat after whose name the country is named.

The book which deals with the history of Kashmir from the earliest times to
Kalhanas Rajtarangini
1150 A.D.

It is highly systemised and complete book of Sanskrit grammar divided into

Ashtadhyayi by Panini
eight chapters consisting of 3,995 sutras or rules.

The book is a commentary on Panini's Ashtadhyayi in an effort to make

Mahabhasya by Patanjali
Ashtadhyayi easily accessible to the average reader.

Prashnottar Ratna
The book is in the form of questions and answers of eternal values as preached
Malika by Adi
by Sanatana Dharma.

The book is a collection of folk tales written for the entertainment of Queen
Kathasaritsagar by
Suryamati, wife of King Anantadeva of Kashmir. The famous Betal Pachisi is a
part of this book.

The book was authored by Charaka, known as the "Father of Indian Medicine".
Charaka Samhita by The book contains the fundamentals of Ayurveda including between its covers
Charaka root causes of diseases, their treatment and also guidelines for a clean and
healthy life.

Sushruta Samhita by The book was authored by Sushruta, known as the "Father of Indian Surgery".
Sushruta In the books he explains various types of surgeries and surgical instruments.

The book authored by famed Indian astronomer and mathematician is one of

Aryabhatiya by
the most important ancient Indian books. The book explains the causes of
eclipses and also the value of pi equivalent to 3.1416.

Bhrigu Samhita by
The book in dialogue form is an ancient treatise on astrology (jyotish shastra).
Maharishi Bhrigu

Buddha-charitam by The first complete biography of the Buddha written by Ashwaghosha who was
Book and its Author Facts to remember

Ashwaghosha patronised by Emperor Kanishka. It is considered a masterpiece of Sanskrit


Foreign Visitors and points to remember

Visitor Points to remember

He was the ambassador of Seleucus in the court of Chandragupta Maurya known to the
Greek as Sandrocottus. He was also the author of a book 'Indica'.

He was a Chinese Buddhist monk who visited India during the reign of Vikramaditya
Fahien (Chandragupta II). He is known for his visit to Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha. His
journey is described in his travelogue "Record of Buddhist Kingdoms ...".

He was a Chinese traveller who visited India during the time of Harsha Vardhana. His book
Huien Tsang
is called Si-yu-ki or 'The Records of the Western World'.

A persian scholar, he accompanied Mohammed of Ghazni and wrote a book titled 'Tahqiq-
Alberuni i-hind'. He was the first mulsim scholar to study India. He is regarded as the father of

He was a well known European traveller who visited many Eastern countries, including
Marco Polo
India. He visited Southern India where Rudramma Devi of the Kakatiyas was in power.

Ibn Batuta was a Moroccon traveller who visited India during the time of Mohammed Bin
Ibn Batuta
Tughlaq. His account of travels is known as the Rihla.

Sir Thomas Roe was an English diplomat who visited the court of Jahangir in 1615 to seek
Thomas Roe protection for an English factory at Surat. His Journal of the mission to the Mogul Empire is
a valuable contribution to the history of India of the time.

Captain William Hawkins led the first voyage of the English East India Company to India in
1609 when Jahangir was in power. He had a personal letter from King James I of England
1609, but did not succeed in seeking Jahangir's permission to establish a factory.

Nicolo Conti Italian merchant who visited India during the period of Deva Raya I of Vijayanagar (1420)

He was a Persian Scholar and ambassador of the ruler of Persia to Calicut who visited India
Abdul Razak
during the rule of Deva Raya II of Vijayanagar during 1442 to 1445.

St Thomas He is believed to be the first Christian saint to visit India in 52 A.D..

He was a French physician and traveller who visited India during 1658 and 1671. He was
Francois the personal physician of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb for around 12 years during his
Bernier stay in India. He wrote Travels in the Mughal Empire, which is mainly about the reigns of
Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb.
Court Poets of India
Court Poet In the Court of Well-known works

Kalidasa Vikramaditya Shakuntalam, Meghdoot

Bana Bhatt or Bana Harshavardhana Harsha Charita, Kadambari

Chand Bardai Prithviraj Chauhan Prithviraj Raso

Mahaviracharita, Malatimadhava,
Bhavabhuti King Yashovarman of Kannauj

mainly Allauddin Khilji but associated with

Amir Khusro Tuhfatus-Sighr, Qiranus-Sa'dain
7 rulers of Delhi Sultannate

Shantipurana, Bhuvanaika-
Sri Ponna Rashtrakuta King Krishna III

Parmanand Shivaji Shivbharat

Pandit Gangadhar
Sambalpur King Baliar Singh Kosalananda Mahakavya

Hema Saraswati Kamtapur King Durlabh Narayan Prahalad Charita

Balabharata, Karpuramanjari,
Rajashekhara Gurjara Pratiharas
Balaramayana, Kavyamimamsa

King Serfoji II of Tanjore Bethlehem Kuravanji, Gnanakummi

Raghavanka Hoysala kings Harishchandra Kayva

Adikavi Pampa Chalukya King Arikesari II Vikramrjuna Vijaya or Pampa Bharata

Tirumalarya King Wodeyar Karna Vrittanta Kathe

Allasani Peddana Sri Krishna Deva Raya Swaarochisha Manu Sambhavam

Nandi Thimmana Sri Krishna Deva Raya Parijathapaharanam, Vanivilasam

Agha Hasan
Wajid Ali Shah Inder Sabha

Ramprasad Sen Krishna Chandra of Nadia Vidyasundar, Shaktigiti.

Jayamkondkar Kulottunga Chola I Kalingattu parani

Important Military Operations

Operation Brief Details

The operation was launched after the 13 December 2001 attack on the Indian
Parliament. Thousands of Indian troops were deployed along the Indo-Pakistan border.
The operation was the largest military exercise carried out by any Asian country
Operation Brief Details

The operation was launched in Nov 1988 on call of Maldives President MA Gayoom, who
was under threat of a coup from mercenaries. The three services of India launched the
operation and captured the mercenaries.

This was a naval offensive operation launched on Pakistan's port city of Karachi by the
Indian Navy during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. India celebrates its Navy Day
Trident (1971)
annually on 4 December to mark this operation.

Operation Vijay
Launched in 1961 to liberate Goa from Portuguses control.

Operation Vijay
Indian operation to push back the infiltrators from the Kargil Sector.

Operation Vajra Launched in Sep 2002 to evacuate Akshardham Temple in Gandhinagar, Gujarat of
Shakti terrorists.

Operation Black
Launched by DGP KPS Gill in 1988 to rid the Golden Temple of militants.

Operation Blue Launched during the reign of Mrs Indira Gandhi in Jun 1984 against the Sikh militants
Star operating from Golden Temple.

Operation Black An action by National Security Guards against the 26 Nov 2008 terrorists attacks in
Tornado Mumbai.

Operation The name given to Government's paramilitary offensive against the naxals in the 'Red
Green Hunt Corridor'.

Operation The operation was launched by the Indian Army in November 1986 to simulate a full-
Brasstacks scale war on the western border.

An operation launched by the Indian Military to capture the Siachen Glacier in the
disputed Kashmir region in April 1984. The Indian troops finally gained control of the
entire Siachen Glacier.

Operation It was the codename given to the operations by the Indian Peace Keeping Force to take
Pawan control of Jaffna from the LTTE in late 1987.

Operation It was the codename assigned to the Indian Air Force's strike to support the Ground
Safed Sagar troops during Operation Vijay Kargil.

Operation This refers to the deployment of Naval Fleets in the North Arabian Sea during the 1999
Talwar Kargil conflict between India and Pakistan.

This refers to the operation launched in Jan 2016 to neutralise terrorists who attacked
Pathankot air base in Punjab.

Non-Military Operations
Operation Brief Details
Operation Brief Details

Operation Smiling It was codename given to India's first nuclear test explosion that took place at
Buddha Pokhran on 18 May 1974.

This refers to test explosions of five nuclear devices, three on 11 May and two on 13
Operation Shakti
May 1998, conducted by India at the Pokhran test range.

Operation The scheme launched in 1987 to provide minimum essential facilities to all primary
Blackboard schools in the country.

A rural development programme started by India's National Dairy Development

Operation Flood
Board (NDDB) in 1970 to create a nationwide milk grid.

Operation launched by Special Task Force, Tamil Nadu led by Shri K Vijay Kumar, IPS
Operation Cocoon
Officer in 2004 to nab the dreaded forest brigand Veerappan.

Important points to remember on Sikhism

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism was born at Talwandi in Lahore district of Pakistan, He is credited
with starting the Langar (the system of providing food to all visitors in Gurudwaras).

Guru Angad invented the Gurumukhi script

Guru Ramdas is credited with the establishment of the city of Amritsar.

Guru Arjun Dev is considered the author of the sacred text Guru Granth Sahib He is also credited with
the construction of the Golden Temple at Amritsar. Guru Arjun Dev was tortured to death by the then
Mughal Emperor Jahangir.

Guru Hargovind called himself the Sachcha Badshah (True Emperor).

Guru Tegh Bahadur was executed by Aurangzeb and Gurudwara Shish Ganj in Delhi stands at the place
where he was executed.

Guru Gobind Singh, the last guru founded the Khalsa Sect making it mandatory for all Sikhs to possess
five Ks

Kripan (a sword),
Kachcha (shorts),
Kesh (long hair),
Kada (bangle)
Kangha (Comb).

Guru Gobind Singh was born in Patna in Bihar.

The ten Sikh Gurus in the order of succession are Guru Nanak (1469 to 1539), Guru Angad (1504 to 1552),
Guru Amardas (1479 to 1574), Guru Ramdas (1534 to 1581), Guru Arjun (1563 to 1606), Guru Hargovind
(1595 to 1644), Guru Har Rai (1630 to 1661), Guru Har Kishan (1656 to 1664), Guru Teg Bahadur (1621 to
1675) and Guru Gobind Singh (1666 to 1708).

Sacred Texts of Hinduism

Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagvat Gita - Important Points
The Ramayana consisting of 24,000 verses was written by sage Valmiki in Sanskrit. It is divided into 6
kandas namely Bala Kanda, Ayodhya Kanda, Aranya Kanda, Kiskindha Kanda, Sundara Kanda and Yudh
Kanda. The 7th kanda, the Uttara Kanda is generally regarded as a later addition to Valmiki's Ramayana.

Kamban is the author of the Tamil version of Ramayana - Iramavataram (The Avatar of Rama).

The Telugu version of Ramayana, Ranganatha Ramayanam was written by Gona Budda Reddy.

Krittvasi Ramayana is the Bengali version of Ramayana written by Krittibas Ojha.

Ramcharit Manas was written by Tulsidas in Awadhi (a Hindi dialect).

The Mahabharata written by Ved Vyas in Sanskrit is the world's largest epic with around 1,00,000 verses
divided into 18 parvas.

The Bhagavad Gita with 700 verses is a part of the Mahabharata.

Important points to remember on Vedas

The Vedas are believed to have been complied by Krishna Dwipayana also known as Ved Vyasa.

The Vedas have been written in Vedic Sanskrit.

There are four Vedas, Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda.

The Rig Veda is the oldest and also the largest of all the Vedas.

The Rig Veda contains hymns of praise to several deities. Most of the hymns are devoted to Indra and

Gayatri Mantra is contained in the Rig Veda. It is an invocation to the Sun God.

Sama Veda is almost entirely based on the Rig Veda.

The origins of Indian classical music are attributed to Sama Veda.

The Yajur Veda has two branches - the black (Krishna) and the white (Shukla).

The Yajur Veda contains chants which accompany ancient rites.

The Atharva Veda primarily consists of spells and charms to ward off diseases and to influence events.

Ayurveda has its origins in Atharva Veda.

The four Upvedas are Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharvaveda (music), and Shilpaveda (art and

Principal Upanishads 13
Upanishad Part of Upanishad Part of

Aitareya Upanishad Rig Veda Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Yajur Veda

Kaushitaki Upanishad Rig Veda Taittiriya Upanishad Yajur Veda

Chandogya Upanishad Sama Veda Katha Upanishad Yajur Veda

Kena Upanishad Sama Veda Mundaka Upanishad Atharva Veda

Maitri Upanishad Yajur Veda Mandukya Upanishad Atharva Veda

Isavasya Upanishad Yajur Veda Prasna Upanishad Atharva Veda

Svetasvatara Upanishad Yajur Veda

Schools of Vedic Philosophy

Philosophy Founded by

Sankhya or the Cosmic principle school Kapila

Yoga Patanjali

Nyaya or the Logical school Gautama

Vaisheshak or the Atomic school Kanad

Purva Mimansa or the Ritualistic school Jamini

Uttara Mimansa or the Theological school Vyasa

NOTE: Kanad who founded the Atomic School, is believed to have propounded the theory of matter being
indestructible and consisting of tiny indivisible particles called parmanus. Each parmanu consists of many
'anus' (atoms) which are the smallest particles of a substance.

Important Pilgrimage Centres of Hinduism

Four venues of Kumbh Mela
Place On the banks of State

Nasik Godavari Maharashtra

Ujjain Shipra Madhya Pradesh

Prayag Confluence of the Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati Uttar Pradesh

Haridwar Ganga Uttarakhand

Four Dhams of Hinduism

Dham (Pilgrimage Place) Devoted to State

Puri Lord Jagannath Orissa

Badrinath Sri Badrinarayana Uttarakhand

Dwaraka Sri Krishna Gujarat

Rameswaram Lord Shiva Tamilnadu

Dham (Pilgrimage Place) Devoted to State

NOTE:The four dhams were defined by Adi Sankaracharya. The Char Dham are often considered the most
revered sites for Hindus that have to be visited in one's lifetime.

The 12 Jyotirlingas
Name of the Jyotirlinga Place State

1. Somnath Saurashtra Gujarat

2. Mallikarjun Srisailam Andhra Pradesh

3. Mahakaleshwar Ujjain Madhya Pradesh

4. Omkareshwar Mammaleshwaram Madhya Pradesh

5. Parli Vaijnath Deogarh Jharkhand

6. Bhima Shankar Dakini Maharashtra

7. Rameshwaram Setubandha Tamilnadu

8. Nageshwar Darukavana Maharashtra

9. Vishweshwar Varanasi Uttar Pradesh

10. Trimbakeshwar Nasik Maharashtra

11. Kedareshwar Kedarnath Uttarkhand

12. Ghurmeshwar Visalakam Maharashtra

Important points to remember on Islam

The Islamic calendar is known as the Hijri. It starts from 622 A.D. the year in which Prophet Mohammed
from Mecca to Madina.

The Hijri has 12 lunar months and the year consists of 354 or 355 days.

The month of Ramadan (9th month) is the holiest of the 12 months in which eating and drinking during
daylight hours is prohibited. It is believed that in this month the first verses of the Quran were revealed to
the Prophet.

Ramzan-Id or Id-ul-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of Islamic calendar.

Id-e-Milad is the festival which celebrates the birth of Prophet Mohammed.

Moharrum is the mourning day for the Shias who mourn the death of Ali, 4th Caliph of Islam.

Moharrum is also the first month of the Islamic calendar. The day of mourning, Moharrum falls on the
10th day of the month.

Id-u-zuha or Bakr-I-d, the story behind the celebration of the festival is that Abraham on being ordered
by God to sacrifice his son Ismael blindfolded himself before killing. When he removed the blindfold he
found his son safe and ram slain on the altar.
Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca is performed during the month of Dhu al-Hijja, the last month of the Islamic
Calender. Bakr-I-d is celebrated on the 10th day of the same month.

The five important tenets of Islam which every devout Muslim is bound to follow are

1. Offer Namaz five times a day

2. Believe that there is no God but Allah
3. Visit Mecca at least once in his life time i.e. perform Haz
4. Give alms to the poor
5. Fast in the month of Ramadan.

Famous Dargahs of India

Dargah Location

Dargah of Sheikh Salim Chisti Fatehpur Sikri, near Agra in Uttar Pradesh

Dargah of Haji Ali Worli, Mumbai

Dargah of Moinuddin Chisti Ajmer in Rajasthan

Dargah of Khwaja Nizamuddin Awliya Delhi

Important points to remember on Christianity

The birth place of Jesus Christ is Bethlehum. Its present day location is in West Bank in Palestine.

The forty days period of fasting before Good Friday is called Lent.

Good Friday is the day of Jesus Christ death while Easter, the Sunday which follows Good Friday is the
day of his resurrection.

Judas Iscariot was, according to the New Testament, one of the twelve original apostles of Jesus, and the
one who betrayed him.

The first Christian saint to visit India was St Thomas in 52 A.D.

The country with the highest number of Christians in the world is the United States of America.

The first authorized version of the Bible also known as King James version was published in 1611.

The Ten Commandments were brought to the people from God by Moses

Gregorian Calendar (Christian Era) came into being from 1582. Introduced by Pope Gregory XIII to provide
corrections in the Julian Calendar.

Pope, the head of Roman Catholic Church resides in Vatican City, a landlocked country in Italy, also the
smallest country in the world.

All Saints Day is the day for all saints who have no special day of their own. It is celebrated on 1 Nov every
year. It is immediately followed by All Souls Day on 2 Nov.

Important points to remember on Buddhism

The founder of Buddhism, Gautama Buddha was born at Lumbini located in present day Nepal.
Gautama Buddha's original name was Siddhartha and he was the son of King Suddodhana of Kapilvastu.

He attained enlightenment at Bodhgaya and gave his first sermon at Sarnath. Bodhgaya is located in
Bihar, while Sarnath is in Uttar Pradesh.

The state of Bihar is named after Buddhist 'Vihara' - the residential quarters of Buddhist monks.

The first day of the Buddhist calendar is Vaishakhi Purnima

Vesak or Buddha Purnima is the day which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away of Buddha.

The Indian state with the maximum number of Buddhists is Maharashtra.

The country with the largest Buddhist population is China

Six Buddhist councils have been held so far as follows

Immediately after the death of Gautama Buddha.

After about 100 years after his death.
During the reign of Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century BC.
During the reign of King Kanishka around 100 AD
From 1888 to 1871 in Mandalay, Burma
From 1954 to 1956 at Rangoon, Burma.

The Leshan Giant Buddha in China is the tallest stone Buddha statue in the world.

The Borobudur Temple in Java, Indonesia is the largest Buddhist temple in the world.

Jataka tales are about the Buddhas previous lives in various forms before he was born as a human being.

Mahayana and Hinayana are the two sects in Buddhism.

Important points to remember on Jainism

The founder of Jainism, Vardhamana Mahavira was born at Vaisali located in Bihar.

His father's name was King Siddhartha and mother was Queen Trishala.

Thirthankara is a saviour who has succeeded in crossing over lifes stream of rebirths and has made a path
for others to follow, in short, a path maker. Jainism had 24 thirthankaras.

The first thirthankara was named Rishab who is also regarded as the real founder of Jainism.

Mahavira was the 24th Thirthankara, while Parshava was the 23rd thirthankara.

Jain comes from the word Jina which means 'the conqueror'.

Mahavira gave his 1st sermon called Divya Dhwani at Mt Vipul in Rajgriha.

Chandragupta Maurya embraced Jainism before his death.

Shwetamber and Digamber are the two main sects of Jainism. The followers of Shwetamber sect wear
white clothes (Shwet for white and amber for clothes) while the followers of Digamber sect do not wear
any clothes (Dig for sky and amber for clothes).

First Jain Council was held at Patliputra under the chairmanship of Sthulabhadra in 300 B.C. It resulted in
the compilation of 12 Angas replacing the lost 14 Purvas.

Second Jain Council was held at Vallabhi under the chairmainship of Devardhi in 521 A.D. It resulted in
the final compilation of 12 Angas and 12 Upangas.

Buddha and Mahavira - A comparison

Buddha Mahavira

Place of birth Lumbini Vaisali

Year of birth 567 BC 599 BC

Original name Siddhartha Vardhamana

Teachings contained in Tripitakas 14 Purvas

Father's name Suddhodhana Siddhartha

Wife's name Yasodhara Yasoda

Place of death Kushinagar, Gorakhpur Rajgir, Bihar

Other Religions and Faiths - Important Points

Baha'I Faith

Baha'I Faith originated in Iran

The founder of the faith was Baha-u-llah.

The Lotus temple at New Delhi belongs to the Baha'I faith.


The religion followed by Jews is known as Judaism.

Judaism was founded by Moses.

The sacred text of the Jews is the Torah.

The Jews place of worship is called the Synagogue.


The founder of Zoroastrianism is Zoroaster or Zarusthar.

It was formed around 6 B.C. in Iran.

Zoroastrians are also called Parsees.

The sacred book of the Parsees is Zend Avesta and their place of worship is the Fire Temple

Parsee new year is called the Navroze.

Baha'I Faith

The Tower of Silence or Dakhma is the place where Parsees dispose off their dead.


The founder of Confucianism is Confucius, a Chinese teacher who lived during 599 - 479 BC.

The Analects are the sacred texts of Confucianism.

Types of Medicines
Medicine Use

Anti-pyretic Medicine to reduce the body temperature

Anti-histamine Medicine to provide relief in certain allergies and coughs

Anti-flatulence Medicine to reduce intestinal gas

Anti-spasmodic Medicine to reduce muscular contractions usually in stomach

Antacid Medicine to counteract stomach acidity

Antihelmenthic Medicine used to expel parasitic worms from the body

Aphetamine Medicine used to increase energy and reduce appetite

Anabolic steroid Medicine used to increase muscles to improve performance in sports etc.

Antibiotic Medicine used to cure bacterial infections

Beta-blocker Medicine used to make the heart work more slowly

Decongestant Medicine that helps one to breathe more easily during lung infections

Diuretics Medicine to increase the discharge of urine

Expectorant Medicine which helps in expulsion of mucus from the lungs

Laxative Medicine to provide relief in constipation

Statin Medicine used to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood

Tranquiliser Medicine to reduce anxiety and bring about calmness

Important Personalities
Great Personalities - Brief details
Personality Brief details

She was an Irish lady who came to India to attend the Annual Convention of the
Annie Besant Theosophical Society at Adyar in Madras in 1893. She became the President of Indian
National Congress in 1917. She is well known for her Home Rule movement. She also
established the Central Hindu College in 1898, which later formed the nucleus of the
Personality Brief details

Benares Hindu University.

Poet, playwright, novelist, short story writer, musician, artist, actor, director philosopher
Rabindranath was born on May 7, 1861. Won the Nobel prize for literature in 1913 for his collection of
Tagore verses Geetanjali. He was awarded the knighthood in 1915 but returned it in 1919 as a
protest against the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

A true Gandhian, he was arrested for participating in the Dandi march in 1930. He was
Acharya Vinoba
one of the moving spirits behind the Nagpur Flag Satyagraha. He is well known for his
Bhoodan and Sarvodaya Movement.

Born on August 15, 1872 in Kolkata he embarked himself in the freedom movement
Aurobindo from 1902 1910, later took refuge in Pondicherry devoting his life to the development
Ghosh of unique philosophy. He was a poet, philosopher and a politician. His most famous
work is Life Divine. He passed away on December 5, 1950.

He was the pioneer of Muslim education in India. His efforts ensured the laying of the
Sir Syed Ahmed
foundation stone of Mohammaden Anglo Oriental College by Lord Lytton on Jan 8,
1877 at Aligarh which in 1920 became Aligarh Muslim University.

He was the founder of the Bhartiya Jan Sangh in October 1951. He represented North
Dr. Shyama Calcutta in the first Lok Sabha. As the leader of opposition he earned the title Lion of
Prasad Mukherji Parliament. Earlier when he was in the cabinet of Nehru he quit in protest over
according special status to Jammu & Kashmir.

Her original name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhin. She was born in Skopje, then in Albania,
now the capital of Macedonia on 26 Aug 1910. She founded the Missionaries of Charity
Mother Teresa
and Nirmal Hriday a home for the dying destitutes. Won Padma Shri in 1961, Nobel
Peace Prize in 1979 and the Bharat Ratna in 1980.

He joined the Civil disobedience movement of 1930s. He organized the All India
Jai Prakash Congress Socialist Party along with Acharya Narendra Dev. On 26 Jun 1975 he launched
Narayan Bhrashtachar Mitao Andolan, a movement against corruption which brought down the
congress government in 1977.

Nicknames of Important Personalities

Personality Nickname

Mahatma Gandhi Bapu, Father of the Nation

Dadabhai Naoroji Grand Old Man of India

Bal Gangadhar Tilak Lokmanya

Rabindranath Tagore Gurudev

Pt Madan Mohan Malviya Mahamana

Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Frontier Gandhi, Badshah Khan

Vallabhbhai Patel Iron Man of India

Personality Nickname

Lala Lajpat Rai Lion of Punjab (Punjab Kesari)

Chittaranjan Das Deshbandhu

C.F. Andrews Deenbandhu

Subhash Chandra Bose Netaji

C. Rajagopalachari Rajaji, C.R.

Sarojini Naidu Nightingale of India

C.N. Annadurai Anna

Jayaprakash Narayan Loknayak

Purushottam Das Tandon Rajarshi

Jawaharlal Nehru Panditji, Chacha

Raja Rammohan Roy Morning Star of Indian Renaissance

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Ajatshatru

Sheikh Abdullah Sher-e-kashmir

Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bipin Chandra Pal Lal, Bal, Pal

Milkha Singh Flying Sikh

P.T. Usha Payolli Express

Sunil Gavaskar Little Master

M.A.K. Pataudi Tiger

Real Names of Important Personalities

Well Known as Real Name

Valmiki Ratnakar

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Visvambhar

Guru Angad Dev Bhai Lehna

Ramakrishna Paramhansa Gadadhar Chattopadhyay

Swami Vivekananda Narendra Nath Datta

Nana Phadanvis Balaji Janardan Bhanu

Tatiya Tope Ramachandra Pandurang Tope

Well Known as Real Name

Rani Lakshmibai Manikarnika (Manu)

Tansen Ramtanu Pandey

Birbal Maheshdas

Mother Teresa Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu

Sister Nivedita Margaret Elizabeth Noble

Mirabehn Madeleine Slade

Munshi Premchand Dhanpat Rai

Swami Agnivesh Shyam Vepa Rao

Satya Sai Baba Satyanarayana Raju

Baba Amte Murlidhar Devidas Amte

Mirza Ghalib Mirza Asadullah Baig Khan

Vinoba Bhave Vinayak Narahari Bhave

Amir Khusro Ab'ul Hasan Yamn ud-Dn Khusrow

Firaq Gorakhpuri Raghupati Sahay

Gulzar Sampooran Singh Kalra

Ravi Shankar Robindro Shaunkor Chowdhury

Mauland Abul Kalam Azad Muhiyuddin Ahmed

Naqsh Lyallpuri Jaswant Rai Sharma

Important Personalities
Important Persons - Birth and Death dates
Person Date of birth Date of death

Mahatma Gandhi 02 Oct 1869 30 Jan 1948

Jawaharlal Nehru 14 Nov 1889 27 May 1964

Lal Bahadur Shastri 02 Oct 1904 11 Jan 1966

Indira Gandhi 19 Nov 1917 31 Oct 1984

Bhagat Singh 27 Sep 1907 23 Mar 1931

Person Date of birth Date of death

Vivekananda 12 Jan 1863 04 Jul 1902

Rabindranath Tagore 07 May 1861 07 Aug 1941

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 14 Apr 1891 06 Dec 1956

Rajiv Gandhi 20 Aug 1944 21 May 1991

Memorials of Leaders
Leader Memorial

Mahatma Gandhi Raj Ghat

Jawaharlal Nehru Shanti Van

Lal Bahadur Shastri Vijay Ghat

Indira Gandhi Shakti Sthal

Charan Singh Kisan Ghat

Rajiv Gandhi Veer Bhumi

Jagjivan Ram Samta Sthal

Giani Zail Singh Ekta Sthal

P.V. Narsimha Rao P.V. Gyan Bhoomi

Gulzarilal Nanda Narayan Ghat

Morarjee Desai Abhay Ghat

B.R. Ambedkar Chaitya Bhoomi

Shankar Dayal Sharma Karma Bhoomi

Important Industrial Towns of India

Small and Medium Scale Industries
# City/Town State Well Known for

1. Adoni Andhra Pradesh Cotton Textile

2. Agra Uttar Pradesh Leather goods

3. Aligarh Uttar Pradesh Locks

4. Anand Gujarat Dairy products

5. Firozabad Uttar Pradesh Glass

# City/Town State Well Known for

6. Kanpur Uttar Pradesh Leather

7. Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu Silk sarees

8. Ludhiana Punjab Bicycle parts, sewing machines, hosiery.

9. Jalandhar Punjab Sports goods

10. Moradabad Uttar Pradesh Brass works

11. Mysore Karnataka Silk

12. Surat Gujarat Diamonds, textiles

13. Sivakasi Tamilnadu Fireworks, matches

14. Nepanagar Madhya Pradesh Newsprint

15. Gadwal Andhra Pradesh Sarees

Cities - Founders/Designers
# City Founder/Designer

1. Bhopal Raja Bhoj

2. Chandigarh Le Corbusier - Designer

3. Hyderabad Quli Qutub Shah

4. New Delhi Edward Lutyens - Designer

5. Jaipur Sawai Jai Singh

6. Bhubhaneswar Dr. Otto Kolenigs Berger - Designer

7. Fatehpur Sikri Akbar

8. Agra Badal Singh

9. Nagpur Bhakt Buland

10. Jaunpur Feroz Shah Tughlaq (named after his father Mohd bin Tughlaq or Jauna Khan)

Old and New Names of Cities in India

# New Name Old Name

1. Chennai Madras

2. Kolkata Calcutta

3. Mumbai Bombay
# New Name Old Name

4. Vadodara Baroda

5. Kozhikode Calicut

6. Kochi Cochin

7. Varanasi Benares

8. Thoothukudi Tuticorin

9. Kanya Kumari Cape Comorin

10. Kalaburagi Gulbarga

11. Belagavi Belgaum

12. Jamshedpur Sakchi

13. Gurugram Gurgaon

# Modern Name Ancient Name

14. Allahabad Prayag

15. Peshawar Purushapura

16. Patna Patliputra

17. Hyderabad Bhagyanagar

18. Guwahati Pragjyotishpura

19. Bidar Muhammadabad

20. Kalaburagi (Gulbarga) Ahsanabad

Nicknames of Indian Cities

City Nickname

Jaisalmer Golden City

Jaipur Pink City

Jodhpur Sun City

Bengaluru Garden City

Lucknow City of Nawabs

Kutch Flamingo City

City Nickname

Udaipur Lake City

Kolkata City of Palaces

Bidar City of Whispering Monuments

Indian National Congress

Indian National Congress - Points to remember
The first president of Indian National Congress was Womesh Chandra Banerji

The first session of the INC was held in Dec 1885 in Mumbai.

Mahatma Gandhi presided over the Belgaum session of INC in 1924.

The first woman president of INC was Mrs Annie Besant.

The first Indian woman president of the INC was Mrs Sarojini Naidu

The first Englishman to become the president of INC was George Yule

The first Muslim president of the INC was Badruddin Tayabji.

The president of INC at the time of India's independence was Acharya JB Kriplani.

Important sessions of Indian National Congress

Year Place President Importance

1887 Madras First session to be presided by a Muslim.

1888 Allahabad George Yule First session to be presided by an Englishman.

Rahimtulla M
1896 Kolkata The National Song, Vande Mataram was sung for the first time.

Rashbihari The INC split into two, one consisting of Moderates, led by Gokhale and
1907 Surat
Ghosh the other consisting of Extremists, led by Tilak.

Pandit Bishan
1911 Kolkata The National Anthem, Jana Gana Mana was sung for the first time.
Narayan Dar

Ambica Charan Joint session with Muslim league in which the historic Lucknow pact
1916 Lucknow
Mazumdar was signed.

Mrs Annie
1917 Kolkata First session to be presided by a Lady.

Mrs Sarojini
1925 Kanpur First session to be presided by an Indian lady.
Year Place President Importance

The decision to launch a civil disobedience movement to achieve

Pt Jawaharlal
1929 Lahore complete independence and to observe 26 Jan as Independence Day
was taken. Nehru became the president for the first time.

Acharya JB
1946 Meerut Last pre-independence session of the INC.

Dr Pattabhi
1948 Jaipur First session after Independence.

Important Freedom Fighters of India

Dadabhai Naoroji
Brief biography

1. Well-known as the Grand Old Man of India.

2. He was the first Asian to be elected to the British House of Commons in 1892.
3. Author of book Poverty and Un-British Rule in India.
4. He prepared the first estimates of National income in 1876.
5. He was also the first Indian to be appointed as a Professor at the Elphinstone College, Bombay.
6. He was elected as the President of the Indian National Congress thrice in 1886, 1893 and 1906.
7. He started the newspaper Voice of India in 1883.
8. He was also the founder of Gyan Prasarak Mandali, an organistaion dedicated to spreading
education among the adult.

Brief biography

1. Also known as Rajaji and CR, he was a laywer and a freedom fighter.
2. Rajagopalachari was the first and last Indian Governor-General of India.
3. In 1930 he led the salt march to Vedaranyam in Madras State.
4. He was one of first recipients of the Bharat Ratna in 1954 alongwith Dr. S Radhakrishnan and C.V.
5. He was the Home Minister from 1951 to 1952, Chief Minister of Madras from 1952 to 1954.
6. Rajaji founded the Swatantra Party in 1959 after breaking away from the Congress.
7. Rajaji was one of the favourites of Gandhi who described him as the "keeper of my conscience".

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Brief biography

1. Also known as Lokmanya Tilak, he was a scholar of Indian History, astronomy and Sanskrit.
2. He is well-known for his quote Swaraj is my birthright, and I shall have it.
3. He was considered by the British to be the Father of Indian Unrest.
4. Tilak along with Vishnushastry founded the Deccan Education Society to impart teachings about
India culture to India's youth.
5. Tilak was also the founder of two weeklies, Kesari (in Marathi) and Maratha (in English) to
highlight plight of Indians.
6. He also started the celebrations of Ganapati Festival and Shivaji Jayanti to bring people close
together and join the nationalist movement against British.
7. He was one of the chief architects of the Swadeshi Movement alongwith Bipin Chandra Pal and
Lala Lajpat Rai, launched with the partition of Bengal. The three were fondly called Lal-Bal-Pal.
8. With the goal of Swaraj, he also built Home Rule League.
9. He was the author of the book Gita Rahasya and The Arctic Home in the Vedas.
10. He breathed his last on August 1, 1920, the day on which Non-cooperation Movement was
Brief biography

launched by Mahatma Gandhi.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Brief biography

1. He is widely known as the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi.

2. He was the founder of Servants of India Society, in 1905, an organisation which worked for
promoting education, sanitation, health care and fighting the social evils of untouchability and
discrimination, alcoholism, poverty etc.
3. He started his career as an Assistant Master in a school in Pune.
4. He was the leader of Soft Faction of the Congress party (Naram Dal), while Tilak led the Garam
Dal (Hot Faction) of the party, when it split in 1907.
5. He was also the founder of leading daily from Nagpur, The Hitavada in 1911 (completing 100
years this year).

Important Revolutionaries of India

Bhagat Singh
Important Points to Remember

1. He helped organise Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1926 and became its founding secretary.
2. He was the involved in the murder of Mr. Saunders in order to avenge the death of Lala Lajpat
3. He re-organised Hindustan Republic Association under the leadership of Chandershekhar Azad
and renamed it Hindustan Socialist Republican Association.
4. He was the author of the famous pamphlet Why I am Atheist.
5. He once declared before the Lahore High Court "The sword of revolution is sharpened on the
whetting stone of ideas."
6. He alongwith Batukeshwar Dutt threw two bombs in the Legislative Assembly chamber in Delhi
against the passage of Public Safety Bill and Trade Disputes Bill.
7. He was hanged alongwith Rajguru and Sukhdev on Mar 23, 1931 in Lahore Jail.

Chandershekhar Azad
Important Points to Remember

1. Born Chandershekhar Tiwari, he adopted the surname Azad which means free.
2. He had vowed never to be caught alive by the British.
3. He was the chief re-organiser of the Hindustan Republican Socialist Association after the death
of its founder Ram Prasad Bismil.
4. He was involved in the Kakori Train Dacoity but managed to evade arrest.
5. He shot himself dead at the end of an encounter in Alfred Park, Allahabad on 27 Feb 1931.

Ram Prasad Bismil

Important Points to Remember

1. Author of the famous poem Sarfaroshi Ki Tamanna.

2. He masterminded the Kakori Train Dacoity alongwith Ashfaqullah Khan.
3. He was a co-founder of Hindustan Republican Association alongwith Sachindranath Sanyal.
4. He was hanged by the British on 19 Dec 1927 in Gorakhpur Jail.

Sachindranath Sanyal
Important Points to Remember

1. He was the founder of Hindustan Republican Association alongwith Ram Prasad Bismil.
2. Author of the famous book Bandi Jeevan.
Important Points to Remember

3. He was sentenced to life in the Kakori Train Dacoity and sent to Cellular Jail in the Andamans.
4. He was also involved in the Ghadar Conspiracy case.

Ashfaqulla Khan
Important Points to Remember

1. One of the members of the Hindustan Republican Association.

2. He was actively involved in the Kakori Train Dacoity, alongwith Ramprasad Bismil.
3. He was sentenced to death and hanged by the British on 19 Dec 1927 at Faizabad Jail.
4. At his gallows he said My hands are not soiled with the murder of man, God will give me justice.
Sl. No. Question Answer
1. The disqualification of the Members of Parliament and state Tenth schedule of
legislatures on the ground of defection has been provided in the Constitution
2. A National
Article 359 of the Constitution authorizes the president of Emergency
India to suspend the right to move any court for the
enforcement of Fundamental Rights during
3. Nagaland Haryana-
The correct chronological order of the formation of Sikkim-Arunaachal
Haryana, Sikkim, Arunanchal Pradesh and Nagaland as full Pradesh
states of Indian Union is
4. Yielding the floor
The speaker of the Lok Sabha can ask a member of the
house to stop speaking and let another member speak. This
phenomenon is known as
5. Thirty-first
By which Constitutional Amendment Act was the number Constitutional
of Lok sabha seats increased from 525 to 545 ? Amendment Act,
6. Kaka Kalelkar
The first Backward Class commission was appointed in
1953 under the chairmanship of
7. Australian
The provisions of Concurrent List, freedom of trade, Constitution
commerce and intercourse and joint sitting of two Houses of
Parliament are borrowed from
8. Legislative Councils
Article 169 of the Constitution makes the provision for the in States
abolition or creation of
9. Part 16 (Article 330
Which part of the Constitution of India deals with special to 342)
provisions to SCs, STs, OBCs and Anglo-Indians ?
10. Sarkaria
The Inter State Council was established in 1990 in Commission (1983-
pursuance of the recommendation made by 87)
11. Supreme Court
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India can be Judge
removed from office in like manner and on like grounds as
12. Referendum
A procedure whereby a proposed legislation is referred to
the electorates for settlement by their direct votes is called
13. The 86th
By which Constitutional Amendment Act was the Constitutional
elementary education made a fundamental right under Amendment Act
Article 21-A? 2002
14. The Aliens
Under the Chapter Fundamental Rights, rights under Article
15, 16, 19, 29 And 30 have been denies the same to :
15. Article 26
Which Article of the Constitution provides freedom to
manage religious affairs ?
16. The 36th
Sikkim was made the full fledged state of Union of India by constitutional
: Amendment Act
17. Language as the
Fazl Ali Commission appointed in December 1953 to basis of
consider the question of state reorganization accepted : reorganization of
18. The year 1972
The states of Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya were formed
in :
19. The year 1979
When was the second Backward Class Commission under
the Chairmanship of B.P. Mandal appointed ?
20. In the year 1990
When was reservation of 27% government jobs for other
Backward Classes declared for the first time in Independent
21. Adjournment Sine
When any House of Parliament (Lok Sabha or Rajya Sabha) die
is adjourned without naming a day for reassembly it is
known as :
22. State Legislature
A governor, though he remains in office at the pleasure of
the President is an integral part of :
23. Article 13 and
Which articles of the Constitution of India explicitly confer Article 226
the power of judicial review on a High Court ?
24. Advocate General
The highest law officer in the state is :
25. Article 164
Which article of Constitution declares that the council of
ministers is collectively responsible to state legislative
26. The office of Vice-
The Chairman of Rajya sabha can be removed from his Presiden
office only if he is removed from :
27. The Legislative and
The parliamentary form of government as prevalent in India Executive Organs
emphasizes the interdependence between :
28. Article 79 to 122 in
The constitution of India deals with the organization, Part V
composition, duration, officers, procedures, privileges,
power of the parliament under:
29. Lame Duck Session
The last session of the existing Lok Sabha after a new Lok
Sabha has been elected is called is :
30. To administer oath
The main duty of the Speaker Pro-tem of Lok Sabha is : to the new members
31. Article 21 of the
Right to Life and Liberty is ensured under: constitution of Indi
32. Fazl Ali
The state Reorganization commission was appointed in
1953 under the chairmanship of :
33. One
How many times has the Preamble to the constitution of
India been amended ?
34. Kesavananda Bharti
In which historic case did the supreme court of India hold Vs. State of Kerala
that the preamble to the constitution of India is a part of the (1973)
constitution and hence can be amended ?
35. Article 167
The duties of chief minister of a state with regard to
furnishing of information to the Governor is enshrined in:
36. Article 161
The governor of a state is empowered to grant pardons etc.
and to suspend, remit or commute sentences in certain cases
37. Scheduled areas and
The fifth schedule to the constitution of India deals with Scheduled Tribes
administration and control of :
38. Financial
Article 360 to constitution of India deals with the provisions Emergency.
as to :
39. French constitution
The idea of Republic and the ideals of liberty, equality and
fraternity as laid down in the preamble to the constitution of
India have been borrowed from :
40. Official Language
The provisions as covered by Article 343 to 351 under Part
XVII of the constitution of India deals with
41. Twelfth schedule
Which schedule of the constitution of India deals with
powers, authority and responsibilities of municipalities?
42. Article 262
The provision of adjudication of disputes relating to waters
of inter-state rivers or river valleys is laid down in
43. The head of state in
India is a republic, that means: India is indirectly
elected for a fixed
44. The French
The ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity as enshrined in Revolution, 1789
the Preamble to the constitution of India have been taken
45. K.M. Munshi
Whose remarks are these the Preamble is the horoscope of
our sovereign democratic republic?
46. Part III containing
Which part of Indian constitution is described the Magna Fundamental Rights
Carta of India? (Article 12 to 35)
47. Article 12
Which Article of the constitution defines the term state in
Indian context?
48. 44th constitutional
The right to property was deleted from the list of Act
fundamental Rights by
49. Jammu & Kashmir
The only state in the Indian union which has its own
separate state constitution is
50. 35 years of age
A person to be eligible for election as president of India
should have completed
51. Article 12
Which Article of the Constitution of India has defined the
term State?
52. The conscience of
Granville Austin has described the Directive principles and the Constitution
the fundamental Rights as
53. Administrative
The Linguistic Provinces commission appointed under the convenience rather
Chairmanship of S.K. Dhar in 1948 recommended the than linguistic factor
reorganization of states on the basis of
54. Secular state
The state which is neutral in matter of religion and dies not
uphold any particular religion as the state religion is called
55. Articles 3
Which article authorizes the Parliament to form a new state
by separation of territory from any state?
56. By birth and by
Under the citizenship Act of 1955 the ways prescribed for descent, By
acquiring citizenship are registration and by
naturalization, by
incorporation of
57. Article 13
Which article declares that all laws that are inconsistent with
or in derogation of any of the fundamental rights shall be
58. The Irish
The idea of Directive Principles of state policy in the constitution
constitution of India has been borrowed from
59. The Representation
Which act provides for the disqualification of members of of People Act 1951
the Parliament or State Legislature for indulging in corrupt
60. Article 368
The procedure for the amendment of the Constitution is laid
down in:
61. The President, and
The Union Executive consists of the Council of
Ministers, The Prime
Minister, Attorney
General of India
62. Article 360
The provisions of financial emergency have been laid down
63. Cabinet Secretary
The Administrative Head of the Cabinet Secretariat is
64. Article 29
Which Article of the Constitution of India lays down that
any section of the citizens shall have the right to conserve its
distinct language, script or culture?
65. Renunciation,
The citizenship Act 1955 prescribes way of losing Termination,
citizenship whether acquired under the Act or prior to it Deprivation
under the Constitution, viz :
66. Quo Warranto
The write which literally means by what authority or
warrant and is issued by the court to enquire the legality of
a claim of a person to public office is called
67. The English
The concept of martial law has been borrowed in India from Common Law
68. Article 23
Prohibitation of traffic in human being and forced labour is
laid down in:
69. Part IV of the
The Directive Principles of State Policy are enshrined in Constitution
70. The Legal Services
By which act a nation wince network to provide free and Authorities Act
competent legal aid to the poor and to organize lok adalats (1987)
for promoting equal justice has been established
71. Bimbisar
Who is the founder of Haryak Dynasty?
72. The Kakori
The revolutionary like Ashfaqullah Khan, Chandra Shekhar Conspircy case
Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil, Roshan Singh and Rajendra (1925)
Lahiri were all associated with :
73. Hindu Land Holders
The Moplah Rebellion in 1921 in Malabar was Muslim
Peasants Rabellion against :
74. 1919
The Rowlatt Act was passed in :
75. The peasants
Mahatma Gandhi launched Kheda Satyagrah on Gujrat in
1918 to support the cause of :
76. 1866
The East India Association was set up in :
77. Damodar and
Who established the Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha in Balkrishana
the year 1907 by : Chapekar
78. Sri Auronbindo
Bande Matram was a series of articles published in the year Ghosh
1907 by :
79. Swami Vivekanand
Who was admired as tempestuous Hindu in 1883 in the
World Parliament of Religious in Chicago ?
80. Sisir Kumar Ghosh
Who were associated with Indian league established in 1875 and Kali Mohan Das
in Calcutta (now Kolkata) ?
81. Rabindranath Tagore
Who called Subhash Chandra Bose as Desh Nayak ?
82. Anand Mohan Bose
The prominent leaders of Indian Association which was and Surrendranath
established in Bengal in July 26, 1876 were : Bannerjee
83. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
Who called Government India Act 1935 a Charter of
Slavery ?
84. Wardha Session,
The Indian National Congress passed Quit India Resolution 1942
at :
85. 1945
Wavell Plan- essentially dealing with Indian demand of self-
rule and reconstitution of Viceroy's Council was put forth
by Lord Wavell in:
86. Brahma Dutt
The third person who presented himself for individual
Satyagrah launched by Mahatma Gandhi in October 1940
87. Shaheed Island and
When Japan handed over Andaman Nicobar islands to Swaraj Island
Subhash Chandra Bose in Nov. 1943, he named these respectively
islands as :
88. 1943
Subhash Chandra Bose became the Supreme Commander of
Indian National Army in :
89. On June 3, 1947
Lord Mountbatten put forth the plan proposing the partition
of India and the creation of Pakistan :
90. Lord Linlithgow
When quit India Resolution was passed in 1942, the Viceroy
of India was :
91. Barinder Ghosh and
Who founded Anushulin Samiti in 1907 in Dhaka ? Bhupendra Nath
92. Kanpur Session
Sarojini Naidu was elected Congress President at : ,1925
93. Mahatma Gandhi
In 1918 who founded Ahmedabad Textile Labour
Association ?
94. Cripps Mission to
In 1942, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill sent : India
95. August Offer of
The demand officially made by the Congress for a 1940
Constituent Assembly to frame the Constitution of India
was accepted in principal by the British government in what
is known as :
96. Indian Councils Act,
By which act of British India, was the Governor General 1861
empowered to issue ordinance ?
97. Annie Besant and
In 1915-16 the Home Rule League movement was launched Bal Gangadhar Tilak
under the leadership of :
98. Gandhiji and Dr. B.
In 1932, Poona Pact was signed between: R. Ambedkar
99. Montague-
Indian Dyarchy was started by : Chelmsford
Reforms, 1919
100. Civil Disobedience
Which movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi on Movement
March 12, 1930?
101. Sardar Vallabhbhai
Who presided over the Karachi session of Indian National Patel
Congress in 1931 ?
102. Madan Mohan
The congress nationalist party was formed to act as a Malviya and M.S.
powerful pressure group within the congress by: Aney
103. Manipur
Rani Gaidilehu was a rebel leader against the Britishers
104. September 1946
An interim cabinet headed by Jawaharlal Nehru was formed
by the congress in :
105. Rash Bihari Bose
The revolutionary who was associated with the Indian
Independence League was :
106. Lucknow session in
In which session of the Indian National congress did the 1916
historic union of congress and Muslim League take place?
107. Lahore session in
The Muslim League demanded a separate homeland for 1940
Indian Muslims for the first time at its :
108. V.D. Savarkar
Indian War of independence 1857 was written by :
109. Governors
Under the Government of India act 1935 it was decided to provinces and
establish a federation consisting of : princely states
110. Mohammad Ali
Who called Government of India Act 1935 as thoroughly Jinnah
rotten, fundamentally bad and totally unacceptable?
111. Madanlal Dhingra
Which revolutionary was sentenced to death on August 16,
112. Maharishi
Who founded Tattvabodhini sabha in 1839 ? Devendranath
113. Bankim Chandra
The eminent Bengali novelist and composer of national Chattopashyay
song Vande Mataram who aroused a new consciousness in
the 19th century Bengal Society was :
114. In 1897
Vivekanand established Ramakrishna Mission :
115. Swabhasha and
For the cause of national liberation Swami Dayananda Swarajya,
stressed on : Swadharma,
116. Jyotiba Phule
Who founded Satya Shodhak Samaj in 1873 ?
117. Sir Wyomesh
The first President of Indian Narional congress was Chandra Banerjee
118. Annie Besant
Who conveyed to the Indians "I am with you
wholeheartedly and in terms of culture I am one of you ?
119. Anushilan Samiti (in
Aurobindo Ghose, Barindra kumar Ghose B.P. Mitra Bengal)
Abinash Bhattacharya and Bhupendranath Dutta were
associated with the revolutionary organization :
120. United States of
The main centre of Gadar Movement of 1915 was : America
121. Sir Sayyid Ahmad
Who brought out a paper with the title of the loyal Khan
Muhammadanans of India ?
122. October 17, 1940
Individual Satyagrah was started on:
123. In 1942
In order to secure co-operation of Indians the British
government in the midst of worsening wartime international
situation sent Cripps Mission to India:
124. February 1937
In accordance with provisions of the Government of India
Act 1935 elections to the Provincial Legislatures were held
in :
125. November 12, 1930
The First Round Table Conference was held on:
126. Motilal Nehru and
After the suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement, Chittranjan Das
who were called pro-changers in the Congress?
127. The Year 1939
Subhash Chandra Bose formed Forward Block in :
128. Dr. Amba Prasad
Who called the 1857 revolt as Student Farmer-Middle class
129. Lame Federation
Justice C. Y. Chintamani called Government of India Act
130. Follow truth and
Mahatma Gandhi considered preconditions as necessary for cultivate
a satyagrahi to fulfill namely : fearlessness, Prefect
Chastity and Adopts
131. 1924
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar organized a Bhishkrit Hitkari Sabha,
(The Depressed Classes Institute) in :
132. March 8, 1931
The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed on :
133. An Individual Civil
In July 1933 the Congress decided to launch: Disobedience
134. Lala Lajpat Rai
Who said Every blow on my body will prove a nail in the
coffin of the British Empire?
135. The Swaraj Party
In March 1923 Chittranjan Das along with Motilal Nehru
formed :
136. 1925
The Kakori Conspiracy took place in :
137. April 13, 1919
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in Amritsar took place on :
138. Gopal Krishna
Whom did Mahatma Gandhi consider his political guru? Gokhle
139. Under the leadership
The organization of Khudai Khidmatgar was established: of Khan Abdul
Gaffar Khan
140. 1906
Bal Gangadhar Tilak introduced the slogan Swaraj is my
birth right in :
141. Sher-e-Punjab
Lala Lajpat Rai was also known as :
142. 1872
Sri Aurobindo Ghosh was born in the year :
143. April 1907
Doctrine of Passive Resistance was published in the daily
Vande Mataram in:
144. Dr. S.Gopal
Who said Curzons partition of Bengal gave unwitting
initiative to events of such magnitude which returned many
years later to port with the cargo of freedom?
145. 1893
The Hindu Dharma Sangrakshini Sabha was formed in :
146. V.D.Savarkar
Who founded Abhinav Bharat ?
147. Barindra kumar
The two names which were associates with the publication Ghose and
of the paper Yugantar are: Bhupendranath
148. 1911
Delhi was formally declared the future capital of the British
India in :
149. 1915
The year which is associated with the Gadar movement is:
150. British parliament
The Queen Victoria assumed the title of the Empress of
India in 1876 by :
151. ` Samvad Kaumudi
In 1821 Raja Ram Mohan Roy started the Bengal quarterly:
152. Vasudeo Balwant
The first man after the revolt of 1857 who wanted to Phadke
overthrow the British regime by means of an armed
rebellion and establish self-government in India was:

153. Dadabhai Naoroji

Who established East India Association in London 1866?

154. Abdulla Seth

In 1893 mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa in
connection with the trial of a merchant:
155. Annie Besant
Which foreigner arrived in India on Nov. 16, 1893?
156. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Who said - Our Life and religion are useless without the
attainment of Swaraj ?
157. Lala Lajpat Rai
The newspapers The Punjabi and The pupil were
published by :
158. August 14, 1906
The national College in Calcutta had been established on :
159. The Calcutta Session
In 1906 Dadabhai Naoroji had passed a resolution of the Indian
approving the issues of swadeshi and national education in: National congress
160. Lala Hardayal
Who played an important role in the Gadar Movement in
161. Yugantar
Barindra Kumar Ghose and Bhupendranath Dutta started:
162. 16 October , 1905
Lord Curzon announced the partition of Bengal on :
163. Lala Lajpat Rai
Whose statement is this The Indians should no longer be
satisfied with mere mendicancy neither should they beg the
English for concessions?
164. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Which Indian revolutionary was called by the Britishers as
The Father of Indian Disaffection and biggest traitor?
165. Vinayak Damodar
Who was the founder of a society known as Abhinav Savarkar
Bharat ?
166. Deoband Movement
Maulana qasim Nanautavi, Rashid Ahmad Gangohi,
Sheikhul Hind Maulana- Mahmud-ul Hasan were the
prominent figures who represented?
167. 1855-56
In the history of Indian National Movement Santhal
Rebellin took place between :
168. Western India
The famine which killed nearly 8 lakh people during British
rule as per the report furnished by the Femine Commissioon
of 1660 had struck :
169. T. R. Holmes
Who called the revolt of 1857 as a war between barbarism
and civilization?
170. Ashok Mehta
Who is the author of the book The Great Rebellion?
171. Ashok Mehta
Who said, this (the revolt 1857) was an eruption of social
volcano, where many spent forces found vent. After the
eruption, the whole social topography had changed; the
scars if rebellion remained deep and shining?
172. Amrit Bazar Patrika
Sisir Kumar Ghosh, Shambhuchand Mukherhee, Kali
Mohan Das and Jogesh Chandra Dutt were editors of:
173. The Government of
Which of the British Acts provided for the establishment of India Act 1935
All India Federation at the centre ?
174. March 24, 1946
The Cabinet mission arrived in Delhi on:
175. 1934
The British government declared Communist Party of India
illegal in:
176. Communist Party of
The Indian People play peoples role in the peoples war India
was the slogan of:
177. Mahatma Gandhi
In 1942 who appealed the Britishers to leave India in Gods
178. October 17, 1940
Individual Satyagrah symbolic and non-violent in nature
was started on:
179. Na koi bhai, na koi
Which slogan was given by the Congress in opposition to pai
British Government involving India in Second World War
in 1939 without consulting the people of India ?
180. Seven States
In the elections held in 1937 under the provisions of the
Government of India Act of 1935 Congress Ministries were
formed in :
181. Government of India
Under which British Act was the provision to establish a Act 1935
Federation of India concession of Governors provinces and
Princely states made?
182. In 1932
When was Poona Pact between Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.
R. Ambedkar signed?
183. February 20, 1947
The British Prime Minister Atlee announced the withdrawal
of the Britishers in the House of Commons from India on
184. Dayanand Saraswati
Who said, India is for Indians?
185. V. D. Savarkar
Who said," One Country One God, One Caste, one Mind
brothers all of us Without Difference, without Doubt ?"
186. 1910
United India House organizes Unity among Indians in the
United states of America in
187. Madame Bhikaji
Who in the year 1907 unfurled the first national flag at the Cama
International socialist conference in Stuttgart (Germany)?
188. Satyagraha at
In 1906 to protest discrimination against Indians in S. Africa Johannesburg
Mahatma Gandhi started
189. Tripuri session, 1939
Subhash Chandra Bose was elected the president of the
Indian national congress :
190. The Maratha and
Bal Gangadhar Tilak began his drive for new awakening Kesari
among the Indians by publishing two newspapers in 1881
191. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Whom did the Britishers call the father of Indian
disaffection and the biggest traitor?
192. The Chapekar
Who established in 1893 the society for the removal of brothers
Obstacles to the Hindu Religion?
193. 20 August,1828
Raja Rammohan Roy founded Brahma samaj on
194. The year 1920
Gandhiji launched the Non-cooperation movement in:
195. All India Kisan
Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was the first president of Mahasabha
196. Lord Hardinge
Partition of Bengal was revoked in 1911 during the
Viceroyalty of
197. August 9, 1942
Quit India movement began on:
198. Morley Minto
Under which document was the separate electorate granted Reforms
for muslims ?
199. Indian Muslim
Lucknow pact of 1916 was between: League and Indian
National congress
200. Lord Irwin
During the tenure of which Governor general was the
resolution of total independence passed?
201. Bombay
From where did the quit India Movement begin?
202. A secret society of
Abhinav Bharat organized in 1904 was : revolutionary
203. The Jamiat-Ulema-
The major Muslim organizations which opposed the hind, Khudai
partition of India were Khidmatgar, Majlis-
e-Ahrar Hind
204. Vinoba Bhave
Who was the selected as first satyagrahi by Mahatma
Gandhi to begin individual satyagraha in 1940?
205. Rasbihari Bose
Who was the mastermind of bomb attack on Lord Hardinge
at chandani chowk in Delhi in 1912?
206. 1918
When did Mahatma Gandhi go on fast unto death for the
first time?
207. Dispatch of Charles
What is called the magna carta of Western Education system wood secretary of
in Indian? state 1854
208. Begum Hazrat
Who led the revolt of 1857 in Lucknow? Mahal
209. Narayan Guru
Who said one religion one caste and one God for
210. Montague
On what ground did the second split in the congress take Chelmsford
place in 1918? Declaration
211. Babar and Jahangir
Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories. There
212. Ashoka
To which king belongs the Lion capitol at Sarnath?
213. 14th Century AD
The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common
during the
214. Pali
The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was
215. Santhals
There were widespread risings against the British in the
1820s. Which one of the following did not revolt in the
216. Travancore
Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of
217. N.W.F.P and the
Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were Sylhet district of
given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they Assam
wished to join Pakistan or India.
218. I, II, V
Three major powers that emerged in southern India in the
7th century AD were

I. Cheras
II. Cholas
III. Chalukyas
IV. Pallavas
V. Pandyas

219. Pepper
The term 'Yavanapriya' mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts
220. Bernier
The Timariots Governors and the Revenue Contractors, on
their part reason in this manner: "Why should the neglected
state of this land create uneasiness in our minds and why
should we expend our money and time to render it fruitful?
We may be deprived of it in a single moment, and our
exertions would benefit neither ourselves nor our children."
This statement was made by
221. The king
The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta
period lay with
222. Sakyas
To which of the republic of Buddha belong?
223. Different types of
There was a sharp class division at Harappa and Mohen- dwellings excavated
jodaro. This is clear from the
224. Kaiser-e-Hind
The title given by the British Government to Mahatma
Gandhi which he surrendered during the non-cooperation
movement was
225. Mysore
Tipu sultan was the ruler of
226. Curtain
The term yavanika meant
227. land owned by the
The term Khalisa in Mughal administration signified the emperor himself
228. Mudrarakasam
Visakhadatta sketches the event after the death of
Samudragupta in his work
229. Clive
The system of Dual Government during the latter half of the
18th century AD is associated with the name of
230. Swami Dayananda
The Vedas contain all the truth was interpreted by
231. Neighbor
The term samanta, meaning a feudatory from the sixth
century AD, originally meant a
232. Burma (now
To evolve a peaceful settlement of the conflict between Myanmar),
India and China, which of the following non-aligned Afro- Combodia,
Asian nations participated in a conference held in December Indonesia and UAR
1962? Burma, Sri Lanka,
Combodia and
Burma, Indonesia,
Ghana and Sri Lanka
233. Abul Fazl's
The text of the document called Mahzar, by which Akbar Akbarnama
assumed the role of supreme arbiter in the matters of
religion is found in
234. Akbar
Tulsidas, the author of Ramcharitmanas, was a
contemporary of which of the following rulers?
235. Iltutmish
To meet the educational needs of the people, the Madarasa-I
Nasiri was built in the region of
236. Annie Besant
The weekly Commonweal was founded by
237. Jahangir
Ustad Mansur was a famous painter in the region of
238. Rain and thunder
The Vedic deity Indra was the Goddess of
239. second Sangam
Tolkappiyam is associated with the period
240. Chalukyas
Pulakesin II was the most famous ruler of
241. pre-Gupta
The term Brahmadeya occurs for the first time in inscriptions
242. Mohammed Ali
Under whose leadership was the all India Muslim League Jinnah Sayyid
set up? Ahmed Khan Aga
243. Tivara
Though Ashoka had many sons, the inscriptions mentioned
only one who is not mentioned in any other source. He is
244. the Rig Veda
We can know about early vedic period from
245. A source of Hindu
The Upanishads are philosophy
246. 1857
Universities in the Presidency towns in India were
established in
247. Devaraya I
The Vijayanagara king who employed skilled archers of the
Turkish clan and raised the fighting capacity of his bowmen
248. Vifhi
Under the Guptas in eastern India, there was probably an
intermediate level of administration between vishayas
(districts) and villages. Identify it.
249. Delhi
The two principles monuments of Alaud-din Khilji's reign -
the Jama at Kana Masjid and Alai Darwaza - were
constructed at
250. Jains
The term Nirgrantha is associated with
251. 261 BC
The Kalinga was fought in
252. Punjab
Under the Government of India, Provincial Legislatures
consisted of two chambers, except in the case of
253. Nicolo de Conti
The Venetian traveler who travelled with his wife and
reached Vijayanagar around 1420 was
254. Shankracharya was
The year 788 AD was a good one for Hinduism. Why? born that year.
255. V.D. Savakar
The Uprising of 1857 was described as the first Indian war
of Independence by
256. Brahmacharya or
The twenty-third Jaina teacher, Parsva, the immediate continence
predecessor of Mahavira enjoined on his disciples four great
vows. To these Mahavira addes which of the followings as
the fifth vow?
257. three centuries
The Turko-Afghan rule in India lasted for about
258. Islamic themes
Which of the following is not included in Mughal paintings?
259. Akbar
Against which Mughal Emperor was a FATWA issued from
260. Mahatma Gandhi
Who gave the slogan DO OR DIE during the quit India
movement in 1942?
261. Alauddin Khalji
Which Sultan of Delhi was the first to charge GHARI or
262. 1942
In which year was the quit India movement launched?
263. Lord Linlithgow
Which Viceroy of India had had largest tenure during
British rule:
264. Canning
Who was governor general when the 1857 revolt broke out?
265. Chandragupta II
The Title VIKRAMADITYA was assumed by:
266. Akbar
Zabti System of revenue was prevalent during the reign of
267. Question of
What was the major cause of discontent among soldiers promotion and pay
before the revolt of 1857?
268. Bankim Chandra
Banga Darshan a monthly magazine was started in 1872 Chattopadhyay
from Behrampur by:
269. Gopal Krishna
Who said about the British Government these words - You Gokhale
do not realize how strong the government is if the congress
challenges the government the government would finish it
in five minutes?
270. Aurobindo Ghosh
Which revolutionary said - freedom is objective of our life
and the Hindu religion would led us to the attainment of this
271. Ahmadullah
Who was the commander of 1857 revolt in Rohilkhand?
272. Patna
The main centre of Wahabi Movement during the freedom
movement was
273. Lahore
Swami Dayanand established the head quarters of Arya
Samaj in:
274. The Comrade
In 1912 Mohammad Ali started the paper
275. 1933
The Indian National congress decided to launch an
individual civil disobedience in place of Mass civil
Disobedience in:
276. The Government of
Which Act provided for the establishment of an All India India Act 1935
federation at the centre consisting of the provinces of British
India and the princely states?
277. November 12, 1930
The first Round Table conference was held on:
278. March 8, 1931
The Gandhi-Irvin pact under which Mahatma Gandhi agreed
to suspend the civil Disobedience Movement was signed on
279. The Bahishkrit
With the objective of raising the moral and material status Hitkari sabha
of the untouchables Dr. B.R. Ambedkar organized:
280. Simon
Which report became the basis for enacting the Government Commissions report
of India Act 1935?
281. Nehru Report
The committee headed by Motilal Nahru constituted to draw
up a blue print for the future constitution of India published
282. Pandit Ram Prasad
Which revolutionary wrote books Colour of Swadeshi and Bismil
Revolutionary Life?
283. Bhagat Singh.
Which revolutionary was associated with the foundation of
the Punjab Navjivan Bharat Sabha in 1926?
284. Tara Shankar
The novel Neel Darpan depicting the harassment and Bandhopadhyay
oppression of Indigo farmers by the Britishers was written
285. Kunwar Singh
Who led the revolt in 1857 in Bihar and defeated the British
Army near Aara?
286. V.D. Divekar
Who wrote famous thesis entitled South India in 1857: war
of Independence:
287. Ashok Mehta
Who has written about the revolt of 1857- this was an
eruption of social volcano where many spent forces found
vent. After the vent the whole social topography has
changed. The scars of rebellion remained deep and
288. The Indian councils
Which Act may be regarded as the beginning of Act 1861
representative system in modern India?
289. The Royal Titles Act
By which Act may be the British parliament did Queen 1876
Victoria assume the title of the Empress of India to
emphasize British sovereignty over the whole of British
provinces in India and Indian states?
290. March 14, 1878
The Vernacular press Act as a safety valve against
vernacular newspapers was passed by Lord Lytton on
291. V. D. Savarkar
Who was the first to call the revolt of 1857 as an organized
war for national Independence?
292. Raja Rammohan
Who founded Atmiya Sabha in 1815? Roy
293. Lord Curzon
Who wrote in 1900 to the Secretary of state for India-It is
my firm belief that the congress is staggering towards its
downfall and it is my great desire that during my stay in
India I should help in its peaceful demise?"
294. Ratnagiri
Bal Gangadhar Tilak popularly known as Lokamanya Tilak
was born in 1856 at
295. Bipin Chandra Pal
An English weekly called New India was started by;
296. Bankim Chandra
Bang Darshan was the main newspaper of Chattopadhyay
297. Phillip Uartog
In order to study the position of education Indian
constitutional commission was constituted in 1929 under the
chairmanship of
298. Bankim Chandra
Who said - patriotism is religion and religion is love for Chatterjee
299. B G Tilak
The congress policy of pry and petition ultimately came to
an end under the guidance of
300. Revolt of 1857
In this instance we could not play off the Mohammedans
against the Hindus. To which one of the following events
did this remark of Aitchison relate?
301. Abul Kalam Azad
While delivering the presidential address The Congress
president who advocated the introduction of Roman Script
for Hindi language was
302. Indian councils Act,
Montague - Chelmsford report was prepared on the basis of 1919
303. Lord Minto
The Governor General who came to be known as father of
communal electorate in India was
304. 1904
In order to restrict the freedom of the press, the British
government passed
305. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
The most outstanding representative of Militant Nationalist
School of thought was
306. Dadabhai Naoroji
The first economic thinker of India who showed through his
writings that the basic cause of Indias poverty lay in the
British exploitation and drain of wealth was
307. Indian National
About the formation of which organization A.O. Hume said Congress
A safety valve for the escape of great and growing forces
generated by our own action urgently needed.
308. Both Gopal Krishana
The demand for Swarajya or self- government within the Gokhle and
British empire was made from the Congress platform by Dadabhai Naoroji
309. Champaran
Mahatma Gandhis first great experiment in Satyagrah came
in 1917 in
310. Parsi religious
Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha started in 1851 by Naoroji Reform Association
Furdonji Dadabahi Naroji, S.S. Bengalee and other was a
311. The Bardoli
Mahatma Gandhi gave the title of Sardar to Vallabhbhai Satyagraha
Patel for his great organizational skill in:
312. M.N. Roy
The pioneer of Indian communism was
313. Gopal Krishana
Whom did B.G.Tilak call the "Diamond of India"? Gokhle
314. 1757
The Battle of Plassey was fought in
315. Jhelum and Chenab
The territory of Porus who offered strong resistance to
Alexander was situated between the rivers of
316. military affairs
Under Akbar, the Mir Bakshi was required to look after
317. Buddhists
Tripitakas are sacred books of
318. Nirvana
The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent
319. Dadabhai Naoroji
The theory of economic drain of India during British
imperialism was propounded by
320. Cornwallis
The treaty of Srirangapatna was signed between Tipu Sultan
321. 1853
The system of competitive examination for civil service was
accepted in principle in the year
322. Mahanayakacharya
Through which one of the following, the king exercised his
control over villages in the Vijayanagar Empire?
323. Telugu
The Vijayanagara ruler, Kirshnadev Raya's work
Amuktamalyada, was in
324. Japan
Under an agreement with which of the following countries
did Subhas Chandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, taken
as prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the Azad Hind Fauj?
325. Trajan
We hear of two envoys being sent to the Roman kings, one
in 27-28 AD to the court of Augustus and the other in 110-
20 AD to the court of
326. Greece
The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the
result of India's contact with
327. I, III, IV, V and VI
Vaikhanasa the five-fold conception of Vishnu consists of

I. brahman
II. purusha
III. prakriti
IV. satya
V. achyuta
VI. aniruddha

328. Dakhili
The troops raised by the emperor but not paid directly the
state and place under the charge of mansabadars were know
329. the English East
The treaty of Mangalore was signed between India Company and
Tipu Sultan
330. Hindushahis
To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of
Ghazni defeated
331. Teachers Teachers
To which professions earlier leaders who struggled for Journalists
freedom of India mainly belonged?
332. Pattinappalai
The victories of Karikala are well portrayed in
333. land revenue reforms
Todar Mal was associated with
334. 1858 AD
The title of 'Viceroy' was added to the office of the
Governor-General of India for the first time in
335. Paramara
To which of the following dynasties did King Bhoja, a great
patron of literature and art, belong?
336. Sakas
Vikramaditya, a king of Ujjain, started the Vikrama samvat
in 58 BC in commemoration of his victory over
Dated: 05.05.2017

Sl. No. Question Answer

1. October 2, 2007
Aam Admi Bima Yojana was launched on:
2. Raghuram G. Rajan
Planning commission constituted a high level committee for
financial sector reforms in August 2007 under the
Chairmanship of:
3. M. S. Swaminathan
Who gave the call for Evergreen Revolution?
4. Credit Policy
Open market operation is a part of:
5. August 15, 1995
The Mid Day Meal scheme was launched on
6. The Comptroller
Who is responsible for establishing and maintaining astound General of Accounts
and efficient accounting and financial reporting system in
7. Self-dependence in
In India the term Black Revolution is associated with: the production of
petroleum crude oil
8. 80%
The share of road transport in total transportation of the
country is:
9. Reserve Bank of
The central banking functions in India are performed by the: India
I=Central Bank of India, II=Reserve Bank of India, III=State
Bank of India, IV=Punjab National Bank

10. defence expenditure

Development expenditure of the Central government does
not include
11. financial institution
ICICI is the name of a
12. market of
Gilt-edged market means government
13. Telecommunication
In the last one decade, which one among the following
sectors has attracted the highest foreign direct investment
inflows into India?
14. reduction in the
Devaluation of a currency means value of a currency
vis-a-vis major
traded currencies
15. 6
In the second nationalization of commercial banks, ___
banks were nationalized.
16. I, II, III
Since independence, both development and non-
development expenditures have increased; the increase in the
former being a little more than in the other. Non-
development expenditure involves

I. I=interest payments
II. II=subsidies
III. III=defence
IV. IV=irrigation

17. loss of equipment

Depreciation means over time due to
wear and tear
18. April 1957
India changed over to the decimal system of coinage in
19. net addition to stock
Gross domestic capital formation is defined as after depreciation
20. Revenue from sales
Which of the following items would not appear in a of the company's
company's balance sheet? products
21. 1894
The first wholly Indian Bank was set up in
22. commercial taxes
States earn maximum revenue through
23. production of goods
Excise duty is a tax levied on the
24. to govern entry of
In pursuance with the recommendations of Narsimhan new private sector
Committee, the RBI has framed new guidelines banks to make the
banking sector more
25. 86 percent
The condition of indirect taxes in the country's revenue is
26. RBI
Deficit financing means that the government borrows money
from the
27. three-tier structure
The co-operative credit societies have a
28. prices of exports
Devaluation of currency will be more beneficial if remain constant
29. 65 percent
Of the gross tax revenue of the Union Government the
indirect taxes account for nearly
30. Statutory Liquid
The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between Ratio (SLR)
their cash in the hand and totals assets. This is called
31. 1949
Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year
32. 1999
National Agricultural Insurance Scheme replacing
Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme was introduced in
the year
33. 14
How many banks were nationalized in 1969?
34. Oudh Commercial
In India, the first bank of limited liability manages by Bank
Indians and founded in 1881 was
35. Wholesale Price
In India, inflation measured by the Index number
36. Excise duties
The annual yield from which of the following Union
Government taxes is the highest?
37. 20 to 25 percent
The average rate of domestic savings (gross) for the Indian
economy is currently estimated to be in the range of
38. Indian Council of
The apex body for formulating plans and coordinating Agricultural
research work in agriculture and allied fields is Research
39. Australia
Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie - places famous for gold mines
are located in:
40. Chandrapur
Tadoba national park known for sheltering tiger panther and (Maharashtra)
bear is located in:
41. Arthur Holmes
In Geography who propounded the theory of convectional
current Hypothesis?
42. Arunachal Pradesh
Apatanis are the tribes found in:
43. Paris (France)
The headquarters of International Astronomical Union (IAU)
is located in:
44. Japan
With which country in the year 2010 did India propose to
develop a solar city in India?
45. Solarimeter
The instrument which measures the intensity of solar
radiation is called:
46. Kerala
Indian state known as garden spice is:
47. Contribution in the
Rajiv Gandhi Environment Award is given for outstanding development of Neat
contribution to: technology
48. Puducherry
Mahe and Yanam are the parts of the Union Territory of:
49. Merino
The most important breed of wool producing sheep in the
world is:
50. The Gulf of Mannar
India's first marine National Park is located in:
51. Godavari Valley
Singreni Coal fields is located in :
52. Baghdad
The place/city located at the confluence of river Euphrates
and Tigris is:
53. Gondwana
Which of the rock formations in India is the richest in fossil
54. Sedimentary Rocks
Sandstone, conglomerate, limestone, shalepotash, loess,
geyserites, chalk, coal, chert, halite are the examples of:
55. Sugar Industry
The second most important agro based industry of India after
textiles is:
56. Haryana
As per 2011 Census of India the state which registered
lowest sex ratio (female per thousand males) is:
57. Chotanagpur Region
The industrial region of India which has the predominance
of metal industries is:
58. 5 kilometer and 30
The mean thickness of oceanic crust and continental crust is kilometer
around: respectively
59. Insolation
The radiant energy received by the earth and its atmosphere
from the sun is called:
60. Thermocline
The layer of ocean water between the depth zone of 300 m-
1000 m characterized by sharp change of temperature in the
vertical section of sea water is called:
61. Kulti
The modern iron and steel industry in India had its beginning
in 1870 when Bengal Iron Works Company was established
62. Jupiter
The planet which has maximum number of satellites is:
63. Venus
Which planet is known as sister of earth?
64. Cosmology
The study of universe is called:
65. Biome
The large natural ecosystem comprised of abiotic (land, air ,
water and soils of the concerned habitat) and biotic (plants,
animals and micro-organisms) is called:
66. Devtal
The highest glacial lake of India located at the height of
17,745 feet in Garhwal Himalaya is:
67. April 1, 1973
Project Tiger, one of the premier conservation efforts in the
country was launched on:
68. Pali Language
"Milind Panho" explaining the Buddhist doctrines in the
form of a dialogue between Milind and his teacher Nagsena
(the great Buddhist philosopher ) is in :
69. Patanjali
Mahabhasya - an outstanding work in the fields of grammar
- is a composition by:
70. Nizam-ul-Mulk
In 1724 the state of Hyderabad was founded by : Asaf-Jah
71. 1993
Annie Besant arrived in India in:
72. Observe perfect
Mahatma Gandhi laid down four preconditions for a Chastity, Adopt
Satyagrahi (Passive Resistor) to fulfill - namely : Poverty, Follow
truth and Cultivated
73. The second Carnatic
Between 1749-1754, an important war fought between the War
forces of the British and the French is known as :
74. The year 1602
The Dutch East India Company was formed by merging
several small companies of Holland in :
75. R.D. Bnerhee and by
The Harappa Civilization was discovered in 1920-21 by the D.R. Sahni
excavations by :
76. Painted Pottery
The most distinguishing feature of various Chalcolithic
Cultures in ancient period is their :
77. Twelve Provinces
Mughal emperor Akbar divided his empire into : (Subas)
78. Christopher
In 1492, the Spanish navigator who set out on his voyage to Columbs
discover India but instead landed on the soil of America was
79. Third Battle of
Which of the battles was fought between the Marathas on the Panipat 1761
one side and the forces of Ahmed Shah Abdali on the other?
80. Mir Muhammad
The person who established the state of Awadh is : Amin alias Saadat
81. Nanda Dynasty
When Alexander the great invaded India, the dynasty which
was ruling over entire north India was :
82. Rectangular Blocks
The roads of cities in the Indus Valley Civilization generally
divided the city into :
83. Mohenjodaro
Where has the great Bath been excavated?
84. Jahndar Shah
Which Mughal ruler did away the Jaziya tax ?
85. Qutb- ub-din-Aibak
Which ruler of Sultanate period was also known as lakh
bakhsh (giver of lakhs) ?
86. Asoka the Great
The Indian ruler who spoke directly to the people through
his inscriptions was :
87. Rajukas
Asoka the great appointed a class of officers vested with
judicial power known as :
88. Sir William Jones
The Asiatic Society of Bengal was set up in 1784 in Calcutta
89. AD 1565
Mughal emperor Akbar the great established Manasab
system in the year:
90. Shahan-e-Mandi
Who was the in charge of Alauddin Khilji's market control
system ?
91. Muhammd Bin
The department named Diwan-e-Amir-Kohi related to Tughlaq
agriculture was established by :
92. The Artharvaveda
The Sabha and Samiti have been called two daughters of
Prajapati in :
93. Y. D. Sharma
The eastern most outpost of Indus Valley Civilization
(Akangirpur) was excavated by :
94. Swami Vivekananda
Who founded Ramkrishna Mission in 1896?
95. Madras and Bombay
The Ryatwari Settlement was primarily introduced by the
British Government in ?
96. Abul Fazal
Akbarnama and Ain-e-Akbari have been written by
97. 1954
Dadra and Nagar Haveli was liberated from Portuguese rule
in :
98. A code for moral
Dhamma which Ashoka the Great tried to instill as the and virtuous life
governing principle and enforced in every sphere of life was
99. Buddhist Concepts
Dharmakaya, Nirmanakaya and Sambhogakaya are:
100. Morocco
Ibn-e-Batuta was a traveler from :
101. Khudai Khidmatgar
Khan Abdul Ghaffar was the founder of: Orgnisation
102. Chisti Order
Which Sufi order (Silsila) laid great stress on practicing
mystic music ?
103. Lord Hardinge
Which Governor General is remembered for the annulment
of the partition of Bengal ?
104. Sultan Firoz Tuglaq
Which Delhi Sultan levied the irrigation tax on the farmers
for the first time ?
105. Kalhana
The writer of Rajatarangini is :
106. Achaemenid
Who first applied the name India to the region watered by Persians
the Sindhu ?
107. Mahendra, Malaya,
The Puranas define the term Bharatavarsha as the country Sabhya, Suktimat,
marked by seven main chains of mountains viz.: Riksha, Vindhya and
108. Lower Paleolithic,
The Paleolithic Age in India is divided into three phases Middle Paleolithic,
based on tools technology namely : Upper Paleolithic
109. The Atharvaveda
Among the four Vedas, which one is a collection of spells
and charms?
110. Four Vedas
The Brahmanas, the Arayakas and the Upanishads are
attached to one or the other of :
111. 1700AD
Murshid Quli Khan became the diwan of Bengal in :
112. Sabha and Samiti
The two popular assemblies which seem to have formed an
essential feature of the government during the Age of Rig
Veda are:
113. Yava and Dhanya
During the Age of Rig Veda, the grains are collectively
114. 1780 84 AD
The Second Anglo- Maysore War took place between :
115. Gupta Period
Which period is referred as the Classical Age or Golden Age
of Ancient India?
116. Chandragupta I
The first Gupta ruler to assume the title of Maharajadhiraja
was :
117. 1581
Akbar the great Mughal Emperor proclaimed a new religion
Din-e-Ilahi in:
118. Rishabhanath and
The two Jain Trithankars who find mention in Rig Veda are: Aristhanemia
119. Vardhamana
Who attained Kaivalya (i.e., the supreme knowledge and Mahavira
final deliverance from the bonds of pleasure and pain) at the
age of 42 ?
120. Dukkha, Dukkha
The fundamental principles of Buddha's teachings are Samuddaya, Dukkha
represented by the four Nobel Truths viz. : Nirodha and Dukkha
121. The Haryankas, the
The four important dynasties that stand out prominently in Ikshvakus, the
the sixth century B.C. are : Pauravas and
122. The Vajjis
The most important republican state during the period of
Buddha were :
123. Karnataka
Asoka's inscriptions have been found at Maski, Yerragudi
and Chitaldurga, These are in
124. Tamil
The oldest among the spoken literary languages of South
India is:
125. Harshavardhana
Who is known as Siladitya ?
126. Sakya
The Buddihst sources like Mahavamsa and Dipavamsa
describes Chandragupta Maurya as a scion of :
127. A moral Law, a
Dhamma as propounded by Ashoka the great is not a Common Code of
religion but: Conduct or an
Ethical Order
128. 1707 A.D.
Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb died in:
129. Vakpati Munja
The first notable Paramara ruler in medieval period of India
130. Chandelas
Khajuraho temples were built by:
131. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
The first Muslim ruler to impose the Jaziya on the Brahmins
was :
132. Muhammad Bin
The rise of two independent states in the South namely The Tughlaq
Vijyanagar (A. D. 1336) and Bahamani (A. D. 1347)
witnessed by:
133. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
The major towns namely Fatehabad, Hissar, Firozpur,
Jaunpur and Firozabad were founded by :
134. Kerala
During modern history Martanda Verma emerged as the
strong ruler of:
135. Durlabhvardhana
The founder of the Karkota dynasty in Kashmir was:
136. Kannauj
Under Harshvardhan in the seventh century A. D. the centre
of political gravity in north India shifted from Magadh to:
137. The year 950-1300
The Chalukyas or Solankis ruled over Gujrat for almost A. D.
three and a half centuries between:
138. The Khots and
During the Sultanate period the highest category of peasants Muqaddams
139. Tughlaqabad
Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq is credited with the foundation of the
third city of Delhi known as:
140. Manu Smriti,
The six famous Smiritis are : Yajnvalkya Smriti,
Narad Smriti,
Parashara Smriti,
Brihaspati Smiriti
Katyayana Smriti
141. The Kula (Family)
In Rig Vedic period, the basis of both social and political
organization was :
142. Niyoga
In Rig Vedic period, the type of marriage under which a
widow could marry the younger brother of her deceased
husband was known as:
143. Si-Yu-Ki
The famous book of Huin-Tsang which forms an invaluable
source to ancient Indian history is :
144. Fa-Hien, Huin-
The three great Chinese pilgrims who visited India in search Tsang, and I-Tsing
of knowledge, manuscripts and relics between the fifth and
seventh centuries A. D. are:
145. Pali
Katyayanaprakarna is book on grammar of:
146. 1746 and 1748
The first Carnatic War between the French and the English
took place between:
147. A. L. Bansal
Who wrote the book The Wonder that was India?
148. 1724
Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah founded the state of Hyderabad in:
149. 1782 1799
Tipu Sultan was the Sultan (ruler) of Mysore from:
150. Maharaja Ranjit
The Chief of Sukrchakiya Misl (a Sikh confederacy) was : Singh
151. V.A. Smith
"Early History of India" in 1904 was written by :
152. Harappa
The relics of Indus Valley (Harappa) civilization were first
noticed in:
153. Yahya Sirhindi
The author of Tarikh-i-Mubaraks Shahi is :
154. 1336 AD
The Vijayanagar Empire in the south came into existence in :
155. 1469
The founder of Sikh religion Guru Nanak Dev was born in:
156. Jainism
Anektavada is a core a theory and Philosophy of which
157. It authorized the
During the Indian Freedom Struggle why did Rowlatt Act government to
passed in 1919 arouse popular indignation? imprison people
without trial
158. Mahatma Gandhi
Who founded the Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association?
159. Bengal
Where did the Tebhaga peasant Movement occur in 1946?
160. Mohammad Bin
Which Sultan of Delhi established a separate agriculture Tuglaq
department which planned rotation of crops?
161. In the year 1961 (26
When were the High Courts in Calcutta, Madras and June 1862)
Bombay established?
162. Calcutta
The famous resolution on Non-Cooperation was adopted at a
special session (September 1920) held at:
163. 1955
The first official Language commission as required under
Article 344 of the constitution was constituted by the
164. Kathi
The unit of measurement of land in Maratha domination
165. The spy reporters
Who were called Barids in medieval period?
166. Horses
The single biggest item of import to the Vijaynagar empire
167. Zafar Khan
Who was the founder of independent kingdom of Gujatat?
168. Alauddin Khilji
Which Delhi Sultan styled himself Sikandare-Sani (the
second Alexander)
169. Alberuni
The Arab scholar/astronomer who studied Sanskrit and
Astronomy for a decade at Varanasi?
170. Kabir
Who said "God knows man's virtues and inquires not his
caste, in the next world there is no caste?"
171. Ibne-Batuta
The writer of Kitab-Ur-Rahela is :
172. 1027 AD
When did Mahmud of Ghazni attack last on India?
173. James Princep
Who was the first of decipher the inscriptions of Ashoka and
the Brahmi script?
174. V.A. Smith
Who wrote the book 'Early History of India' in 1904?
175. About 12,50,000 sq
The Indus Valley (Harappan) civilization covered an area of km
Books & Authors List for Bank Exams 2017
Book Name Author Name - Award Name

David Grossman - Man Booker

A Horse Walks Into a Bar
International Prize 2017

for having created new poetic expressions within the great

Bob Dylan - Nobel Prize in Literature 2016
American song tradition

Paul Beatty - Man Booker Prize 2016

The Sellout

Han Kang (Author), Deborah Smith

The Vegitarian (Translator) - Man Booker International
Prize 2016 Winners

Bengali poet and literary critic Shankha Ghosh was selected

Shankha Ghosh - Jnanpith Award 2016
for the Jnanpith Award 2016

Viet Thanh Nguyen - Pulitzer Prize for

The Sympathizer
Fiction 2016 Winner

Prof. Kalakaluri Enoch 2016 Moortidevi

Ananta Jeevanam (Novel)
Award Winner

"Chitt-Chete"(Autobiography) Padma Sachdev 2015 Saraswati Samman

Svetlana Alexievich (Belarus) - Nobel Prize

A monument to suffering and courage in our time
in Literature 2015

Gujarati litterateur Raghuveer Chaudhary was selected for the

Raghuveer Chaudhary - Jnanpith award
51st Jnanpith award 2015 for his contribution to the Indian

Marlon James (Jamaica) - Man Booker

A Brief History of Seven Killings
prize 2015 Winner

Saraswati Samman 2016 - Mahabaleshwar Sail (Konkani) - "Hawthan" (Novel)

Vyas Samman 2016 - Surinder Verma for poetry collection "Kaatna shami ka vriksha padma-
pankhuri ki dhar se"
Jnanpith Award 2016 - Shankha Ghosh (Baengali)
Moortidevi Award 2016 - MP Veerendrakumar (Malayalam - for his work Hymavathabhoovil)
Pulitzer Prize 2017 Winners (Category Book - Author)
o Fiction: The Underground Railroad - Colson Whitehead
o History: Blood in the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and Its Legacy - Heather
Ann Thompson
o Biography: The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between - Hisham Matar
o Poetry: Olio - Tyehimba Jess
Matoshree - Sumitra Mahajan (Lok Sabha Speaker)
The Flaming Tresses of Draupadi - M Veerappa Moily
Hope in a Challenged Democracy: An Indian Narrative - Ashwani Kumar
Gandhi in Champaran - Dinanath Gopal Tendulkar
Home of the Brave - Nitin A Gokhale & Brig S K Chatterji
1 . RTI Act 2005 came into force on

A. 12 October 2005 B. 15 August 2005

C. 15 June 2005 D. 1 November 2005

2 . Which of the following is not come under the definition of 'information' under RTI Act 2005?

A. Log books

B. File notings

C. Data material held in any electronic form


3 . The officer designated by the public authorities in all administrative units or offices under it to provide
information to the citizens requesting for information under the Act is know as

A. Appellate Authority

B. Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)

C. Public Information Officer (PIO)

D.Assistant Public Information Officer

4 . What is the time limit to get the information under RTI Act 2005?

A. 15 days B. 45 days

C. 60 days D. 30 days

5 . What is the time limit to get the information concerning the life and liberty of a person?

A. 48 hours B. 24 hours

C. 5 days D. 10 days

6 . If the interests of a third party are involved in information sought for, the maximum time limit to get
the information will be

A. 30 days B. 40 days

C. 45 days D. 60 days

7 . If information sought has been supplied by third party or is treated as confidential by that third party,
the third party must be given a representation before the PIO in reply to the notice issued to
A. 5 days B. 15 days

C. 10 days D. 7 days

8 . What is the fee for getting information under RTI Act

A. Rs. 20/- B. Rs. 50/-

C. Rs. 100/- D. Rs. 10/-

9 . First appeal to the first appellate authority can be preferred by the applicant within ______ days from
the expiry of the prescribed time limit or from the receipt of the decision from the PIO

A. 30 days B. 45 days

C. 60 days D. 90 days

10 . First Appeal shall be disposed of by the first appellate authority within _______ days from the date of
its receipt.

A. 40 days B. 30 days

C. 60 days D. 50 days

11 . Period for disposing first appeal can be expand by _____ days from 30 days if necessary

A. 10 days B. 30 days

C. 15 days D. 25 days

12 . The long title of the RTI Act seeks to promote the following qualities in the working of every public

A. Transparency B. Punctuality

C. Efficiency D. Reputation

13 . Second appeal to the Central Information Commission/ the State Information Commission can be
preferred by the applicant within _____ days from the date on which the decision was given or should
have b

A. 30 days B. 45 days

C. 60 days D. 90 days
14 . Appointment Committee of Central Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) includes

A. Prime Minister

B. Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha

C. One Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by the Prime Minister

D.All the above

15 . Consider the following statements about the right to information (RTI) Act, 2005 and select one
which is not provided for or specially exempted

A. It is not applicable in the state of Jammu and Kashmir

B. An applicant making request for information will have to give reasons for seeking information

C. Removal of chief information officer

Every information commissioner shall hold office for a term of 5 years or till the age of 65 years
whichever is earlier

16 . The RTI Act gives right to seek information from the following:

A. private companies B. MNCs

C. public authorities D. associations

17 . Central Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) is appointed by


B. Vice President

C. Prime Minister

D.Home Minister

18 . Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) shall be appointed for a term of _____years from date on
which he enters upon his office or till he attains the age of _____ years, whichever is earlier

A. 6 years / 66 years B. 5 years/ 70 years

C. 5 years / 65 years D. 5 years / 60 years

19 . Section 4 (1) (b) (xi) of RTI Act states that a public authority should publish:

A. The budget allocated to each of its agency

B. Proposed expenditures

C. Reports on disbursements made

D.All the above

20 . What is the time span mentioned in the `RTI Act, 2005` for making orders for removing difficulties in
giving effect to the provisions of the `RTI Act, 2005`?

A.2 years from the commencement of the Act

B. 1 years from the commencement of the Act

C. 3 years from the commencement of the Act

D.4 years from the commencement of the Act

21 . The Second Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 can be amended by

A. Central Govt B. State Govt

C. Both D. None

22 . RTI Act 2005 comes into force after ______ day of its enactment

A. 120 B. 75

C. 100 D. 125

23 . RTI Act 2005 enacted on

A. 2nd October,2005 B. 15th June,2005

C. 15th August,2005 D. 26th January,2005

24 . Which section of RTI Act 2005 deals with 'obligations of public authorities'

A. Section 6 B. Section 7

C. Section 4(1) D. Section 8

25 . Which section of RTI Act 2005 deals with 'constitution of Central Information Commission'

A. Section 11 B. Section 16

C. Section 14 and 15 D. Section 12 and 13

26 . The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of

A. Jammu and Kashmir

B. Sikkim

C. North Eastern area

D.Andaman & Nicobar island

27 . "How much time does an APIO, at the most , have to forward an RTI application/appeal to the Public
Information Officer/First Appellate Authority "

A. 30 days B. 5 days

C. 35 days D. 48 hours

28 . "There is an upper limit for the number of PIOs and APIOs to be appointed by a Public Authority (PA)
as per the `RTI Act, 2005`."

A. Yes

B. "No. There is no such limit, whatsoever, as per the `RTI Act, 2005`"

C. "Yes, but only for State PAs"

D."Yes, because, the number of PIOs should be in a definite proportion to the total number of APIOs."

29 . Right to information includes the right to obtaining information in the form of:

A. Diskettes

B. Floppies

C. Tapes

D.All of the above

30 . The Preamble argues that revelation of information in actual practice is likely to conflict with:

A. Other private interests

B. Other financial interests

C. Other public interests

D.None of the above

31 . The Preamble to the RTI Act states that transparency of information is vital to:

A. Eradicate corruption B. Contain corruption

C. Promote corruption D. Measure corruption

32 . Which Section of RTI Act deals with 'exemption from disclosure of information'.
A. Section 8 B. Section 9

C. Section 11 D. Section 7

33 . Under which Section, a Central/State Public Information Officer may reject a request for information
where such a request for providing access would involve an infringement of copyright sub

A. Section 8 B. Section 9

C. Section 10 D. Section 11

34 . "The definition of "information" under Section 2 (f) includes:"

A. Records B. Opinions

C. Documents D. All the above

35 . Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO) has to forward first appeals to:

A. Public Information Officer (PIO)

B. The head of the authority

C. First Appellate Authority

D.None of the above

36 . "The `RTI Act, 2005` stipulates that a Public Authority should transfer an RTI application or a part
thereof to another Public Authority if the application or a part of it pertains to information"

A. held by another Public Authority

B. the subject matter of which is more closely connected with the functions of another Public Authority

C. Both (a) and (b)

D.Neither (a) nor (b)

37 . Time limit for disposal of first appeal by the first appellate authority:

A. 10 - 15 days B. 30 - 45 days

C. 50 - 65 days D. 70 - 90 days

38 . Asst. Public Information Officer (APIO) has to receive the following from the citizens:

A.Applications for information

B. First appeals

C. Second appeals
D.All the above

39 . Which section deals with Severability of the RTI Act

A. Section 11 B. Section 9

C. Section 10 D. Section 12

40 . RTI Act is not applicable to

A.All non-Government organisation substantially financed by politicl parties

B. All body owned, controlled or substantially financed by the appropriate Government

C. All non-Government organisation substantially financed by the appropriate Government

D.All the above

41 . The `RTI Act, 2005` stipulates that a Public Authority should transfer an RTI application or a part there
of to another Public Authority if the application or a part of it pertains to information"

A. held by another Public Authority

B. the subject matter of which is more closely connected with the functions of another Public Authority

C. Both (a) and (b)

D.Neither (a) nor (b)

42 . How many countries in the world have Freedom of Information or Right to Information legislations /

A. None B. All

C. Less than a dozen D. Over 80

43 . "Who receives applications under the `RTI Act, 2005`?"

A. Public Information Officer at the administrative unit level

B. Assistant Public Information Officer at the sub-district, sub-divisional levels

C. Any officer of a Public Authority who is available in the Authority`s office when the application is made

D.Only (a) and (b)

44 . An applicant making request for information

A. shall be given the reason why the information sought for

B. shall be given the personal details of the applicant

shall not be given any reason for requesting the information or any other personal details except
those that may be necessary for contacting him

D.None of these

45 . Under RTI Act, the language of an application may be in

A. English B. Hindi

C. Regional language D. All the above

46 . Which was the first country in the World to have enacted a legislation for providing for citizens` RTI?

A. Sweden B. Norway

C. England D. France

47 . The first Indian state that introduce the a law on RTI was

A. Tamil Nadu B. U.P.

C. Maharashtra D. Gujarat

48 . How many types of 'Public Authorities' are there?

A. Central Public Authorities

B. State Public Authorities

C. Both

D.None of the above

49 . The time limit specified in the `RTI Act, 2005` for the Central / State Information Commissions to
decide on complaints is

A. 15 days

B. One Month

C. Two Months

D.No such time limit has been specified

50 . A first appeal against the decision of a PIO can be preferred by

A. An Applicant

B. A person from within the Public Authority

C. A person outside the Public Authority to whom the information pertains


51 . A Public Information Officer will be liable to be imposed a monetary penalty for

A. refusal to receive an information application

B. not providing information within specified time limits

C. destroying information

D.All of them

52 . Which of the following are true?

A. A PIO has to offer reasonable assistance to an applicant to reduce an oral application into writing

A PIO is under no obligation to provide requested information to non-BPL category persons without the
payment of application / initial fees

A PIO is under no obligation to provide the requested information to non-BPL category persons without
the payment of further fees as specified by her / him

D.All are true

View AnswerWorkspaceReport

53 . Time limit for filing first appeal by a requester under sub-section (1) of Section 19 is:

A. 10 days from the receipt of PIOs decision

B. 30 days from the receipt of PIOs decision

C. 40 days from the receipt of PIOs decision

D.45 days from the receipt of PIOs decision

54 . How many schedules does the `RTI Act, 2005` have?

A. 5 B. 10

C. 2 D. 8

55 . The Second Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 lists

The intelligence and security organizations established by the Central Government that are exempted
from the purview of the `RTI Act, 2005

B. All the Govt. organitions come under the purview of RTI Act

C. All Departmental information of Central and State

D.None of the above

56 . According to the `RTI Act, 2005`, as far as exempted organizations are concerned, the exemption
applies to

Certain organizations of the Central Government as listed in the 2nd Schedule and to the information
submitted by these organizations to this Government

Certain organizations of the State Governments as may be notified by them in the Official Gazette, but
NOT to the information furnished by these organisations to the respective State Governments

C. Both (a) & (b)

D.None of the above

57 . While inquiring into a complaint, Information Commissions have the power to

A. Receive evidence on affidavit

B. Requisition record or copies thereof from any court or office

C. Issue summons for examination of witnesses or documents

D.All of them

58 . Indian citizens have the right to information because of

A. Judgment of Supreme Court

B. Implementation of International Laws by Indian Government

C. All states adopted agree to implement the Act

D.A law passed by the Parliament of India

59 . Rules can be made by Appropriate Governments or Competent Authorities by notifying the rules: the Official Gazette

B. by publishing them on the website of the Appropriate Government

C. by publishing them on the websites of Information Commissions - as applicable

D.None of the above

General Knowledge

1. The Government today announced that Indias forest and tree cover has increased by 5, 081 sq km.
While the total forest cover of the country has increased by 3, 775 sq km, the tree cover has gone
up by 1, 306 sq km. According to the India State of Forest Report (ISFR) 2015 released here today,
the total forest and tree cover is 79.42 million hectare, which is 24.16 percent of the total
geographical area. 04.12.2015.
2. India's Oil bearing areas are mostly associated with the: Sedimentary rocks.
3. Bhubaneswar is on the river Daya on the south and Kuakhai river to the east.
4. Nagarjunasagar Project is situated on the river: Krishna.
5. Through which States does Cauvery River flow? Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
6. The world is divided into:24 time zones
7. The main proposal of Cripps mission was that: India would be a dominion associated with the
United kingdom.
8. The GOI Act 1919 had provided that a commission would be appointed after 10 years for
investigation into the progress of governance scheme of the act. The Simon Commission was
appointed in 1927 {Two years earlier} for the same purpose. This commission had made
recommendations for a change in the pattern of dyarchy introduced under Government of India
Act, 1919.
9. While Attorney General is highest law officer of India (Art. 76) , Advocate General is the highest law
officer of any state in India (Art.165). Both of these are constitutonal posts.
10. Congress party remained in power for thirty continuous years between independence in 1947 and
its first taste of electoral defeat (at the national level) in 1977.
11. Japan was the first Asian country to witness large scale industrialization.
12. Sarkaria Commission was set up in June 1983 by the central government to examine the
relationship and balance of power between state and central governments in the country and
suggest changes within the framework of Constitution of India. The Commission was so named as it
was headed by Justice Rajinder Singh Sarkaria, a retired judge of the Supreme Court of India. The
other two members of the committee were Shri B Sivaraman and Dr SR Sen.
13. Inter-State Council set up under Art. 263 on 28.05.1990 on the recommendations of Sarkaria
14. The Reports and Statements get by President to be laid before parliament are as follows: 1. Annual
Financial Statement 2. Reports of Auditor General 3. Annual report of UPSC 4. Reports of Finance
Commission 5. Reports of Special officers of SC & ST 6. Report of the Special officers of Linguistic
Minorities and Backward Classes. The report of NHRC is submitted to Central Government which in
turn submits to parliament.
15. Atmosphere exists because: The Gravitational force of the Earth.
16. The zone of excessively dry climate with very cold temperature throughout the year correspond
to: Arctic deserts
17. Tides in the oceans are caused by:Gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on the earth's surface
including the sea water
18. Which among the following authorities decides, how far the fundamental rights can apply to the
members of the armed forces in India?Its prerogative of parliament.
19. Rajya Sabha was duly constituted for the first time on April 3, 1952.
20. The Emergency Provisions of the Indian Constitution have been borrowed from Germany. The part
18 of Indian constitution deals with the emergency provisions.
21. Second schedule lists the emoluments for holders of constitutional offices such as salaries of
President, Vice President, Ministers, Judges and Comptroller and Auditor-General of India etc.
22. Sixth Schedule of Indian Constitution consists of provisions for administration of Tribal Area in
Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram & Arunachal Pradesh. District or the Regional Councils in
these states may after its first constitution make rules with the approval of the Governor.
23. About 97.5 per cent of the total volume of water available on the earth is salty. 80 per cent of the
water available to us for use comes in bursts as monsoons.
24. Different seasons are formed because earth is tilted when it revolves around sun.
25. Ozone is found mostly in the Stratosphere. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
26. The law was added via the 52nd Amendment Act, 1985. The Tenth Schedule, also known as the
Anti-Defection Act, was included in the Constitution in 1985 by the Rajiv Gandhi ministry and sets
the provisions for disqualification of elected members on the grounds of defection to another
political party.
27. Article 310 of the Indian constitution incorporates the common law doctrine of pleasure. It
expressly provides that all persons who are members of the defenses services or the civil services
of the union of the all-India services hold office during the pleasure of the governor.
28. Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai was built during the reign of the Pandyas. Rock cut and
structural temples are significant part of pandyan architecture. Vimana, mandapa and shikhara are
some of the features of the early Pandyan temples.
29. If PM is a member of Rajya Sabha, he can participate in procedures of both houses but can vote
only in Rajya Sabha. Vote of No Confidence can be moved only in Lok Sabha so PM will not vote in
30. Apart from N Sanjiva Reddy First President Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected unopposed for the
period 1950 to 1952; but he faced opposition in further elections.
31. Constitutional position of Indian President is closely similar to British Monarch.
32. Thar Desert is Worlds 10th largest desert and covers 61% of Geographical area of Rajasthan.
33. Ablation refers to loss of snow from glaciers by means of vaporization, melting, wind or other
34. Dampier-Hodges line is an imaginary line drawn in 1829-1830 to mark the northern boundary of
Sundarbans delta. It passes through 24 Parganas South and North districts of West Bengal.
35. Winter rains in Chennai are caused by north-east trade winds.
36. With around 160 Lakh tons of production, India is the third largest salt producing country in the
world. Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Tamilnadu are 4 largest salt producing states in
India. In Orissa too, salt is produced in coastal districts of Ganjam, Puri and Balasore and around 30
thousand tons of Salt is produced here.
37. The Almatti Dam is a dam project on the Krishna River in North Karnataka, India which was
completed in 2005.
38. Debi river/Devi river is the one of the main distributaries of Mahanadi River. It flows through
Odisha and joins Bay of Bengal. It also serves as nesting ground for Olive Ridley turtles.
39. India is located entirely north of the equator between 84 to 376 north latitude and 687 to
9725 east longitude.
40. Indias southern mainland and islands share a maritime border with Myanmar, Thailand and
41. Ganga River originates in India and is also longest river of India.
42. India shares a 1,643 km land border with Myanmar and the states that share this border include
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram.
43. The term 'Regur' refers to: Black Cotton soils
44. Where are most of the earth's active volcanoes concentrated? Pacific Ocean
45. India has 15106.7 Km of land border running through 92 districts in 17 States and a coastline of
7516.6 Km touching 13 States and Union Territories (UTs). India shares land borders with seven
neighbouring countries viz. Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan and Afghanistan.
46. In terms of area, India ranks seventh in the world after Russia, Canada, US, China, Australia and
47. The Bhutan-India Border is the international boundary between the Kingdom of Bhutan and
the Republic of India. The border is 699 km long, and adjoins the Indian states of Assam (267km),
Arunachal Pradesh (217km), West Bengal (183km), and Sikkim (32km).
48. Khardung La is a mountain pass in the Ladakh region of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.
49. The Survey of India is responsible for all topographic control, surveys and mapping of India.
50. Orissa is the largest bauxite producing state accounting for more than half of the total production
of India.
51. Jaduguda is first Uranium Mine in India located in Singhbhum district of Jharkhand.
52. Super Cabinet Yojna Ayog
53. All India Services Art. 312
54. The CVC was set np by the Govt. in February, 1964 on the recommendations of the Committee on
Prevention of Corruption, headed by Shri K. Santhanam, to advise and guide Central Govt. agencies
in the field of vigilance.
55. Consequnet upon promulgation of an Ordinance by the President, the CVC has been made a multi
member Commission with statutory status w.e.f. 25.08.1998.
56. The CVC Bill was passed by both the house of Parl. in 2003 and the President gave its assent on
11.09.2003. Thus the Central Vigilance Commission Act 2003 (No.45 of 2003) came into effect from
that date.
57. The Commission shall consist of: a Central Vigilance Commissioner Chairpersons; Not more than
two Vigilance Commissioners Members.
58. Establishment of First Supreme Court under Regulating Act, 1773.
59. The Central Information Commission (CIC) has been constituted w.e.f. 12.10.2005 under the RTI
Act, 2005. The CIC consists of the Chief Information Commissioner and such number of the Central
Information Commissioners not exceeding 10 as may be deemed necessary.
60. Process of appointment of CIC/IC:- Section 12(3) of the RTI Act, 2005 provedes as follows (i) The
Prime Minister, Chairperson of the Committee (ii) The Leader of Opposition in the LS and (iii) A
Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by PM.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
Rules and Bye-Laws

1. The Old name of Indian Council of Agricultural Research is Imperial Council of Agricultural
Research registered under the provisions of Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860.
2. Name of Imperial Council of Agricultural Research registered was changed to Indian Council of
Agricultural Research on 05.05.1976 by virtue of the resolution passed on 30.01.1976 and
3. The Members of the Socieity is given in Rule 4.
4. Minister-incharge of the portfolio of Agricuture in the Union Cabinet is the President of the
Society (Rule 4(i)), MOS is the vice-president (Rule 4(ii)) and Secretary, ICAR is the Member
Secretary (Rule 4(xxii).
5. A nominated member of the Socieity shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of
nomination Rule 9.
6. In order to fulfill the objects as contained in the Memorandum of Association of the Society, the
Council has Mandate under Rule 12-A.
7. Authorities of the Socieity under Rule 13 are (i) President (ii) Vice-President (iii) GB (iv) DG (V)
Secretary (vi) Chairman, ASRB (vii) Director (DARE) and (viii) Such other persons/ bodies,
committees or panels as may/ shall be constituted or appointed by GoI, the Society or the GB.
8. The DG shall be the Principal Executive Officer of the Society Rule 14.
9. Powers of the Society as indicated in Memorandum of Association of the Soceity Rule 16.
10. Powers of President & Delegation of Powers Rule 19 & 20.
11. Powers & Funcations of Vice President Rule 21.
12. Powers & Functionso fo DG Rule 22.
13. Powers & Functions of Secretary Rule 23 & 24.
15. Constitution of ASRB Rule 15 & Functions of ASRB Rule 26.
16. Annual General Meeting Rule 27 & Special General Meeting of Society Rule 28.
17. The President shall preside over all meeting of the Society and in his absence Vice-President will
preside Rule 32.
18. Fifteen memebrs of the Society present in person shall form a quorum at any meeting of the
19. Governing Body DG is Chairman and Secretary is Member Secretary Rule 35 (Rule 35 50)
20. Four Members of the GB present in person shall constitute the quorum for meeting of the GB
Rule 46.
21. Frequency of Meeting at least once in each quarter of the year, the year for this purpose being
the financial year commeing on the first day of April and ending on 31st day of March of the
following calender year Rule 41.
22. Meeting of the GB shall be presided over by the DG and in his absence the members present shall
choose a member to be the Chairman of the meeting Rule 45.
23. In the event of disagreement between the Member-Finance and the Chairman of the GB on any
financial matter beyond the delegated powers of the DG as Secretary to GoI, the matter may be
referred to M/o Agriculture and Finance for decision Rule 47(2).
24. Accreditation Board is a fairly strong body under the ICAR umbrella and have powers to control
implementation of the norms and standards agreed by the Board. DG is the Chairman of the
Accreditation Board.
25. ADG(Accreditation Board) is full-time Secretary of Accreditation Board.
26. One third of the nominated Member of Accreditation Board will retire every year in order to
provide continuity.
27. Regional Committees are constituted by GB on the basis of agro-climatic and other relevant
factors Rule 60(a).
28. The DG is the Chairman of these Regional Committees.
29. One Third of the members of the Regional Committee shall constitute the quorum for any
meeting of the committee Rule 63.
30. The meeting of the Regional Committee shall be called at least once in two years Rule 64.
31. Each Institute of the Council shall have a Management Committee and Director of the Institute is
the Chairman Rule 66(a).
32. Four Members of the Management Committee shall constitute the quorum Rule 69.
Central Information Commission

The Central Information Commission has been constituted with effect from 12-10-2005
under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The jurisdiction of the Commission extends over all
Central Public Authorities.The Commission has certain powers and functions mentioned in
sections 18, 19, 20 and 25 of the RTI Act, 2005.These broadly relate to adjudication in second
appeal for giving information; direction for record keeping, suo motu disclosures receiving and
enquiring into a complaint on inability to file RTI etc;imposition of penalties and Monitoring and
Reporting including preparation of an Annual Report. The decisions of the Commission are final
and binding.

How is Central Information Commission constituted?

Under the provision of Section-12 of RTI Act 2005 the Central Government shall, by notification
in the Official Gazette,constitute a body to be known as the Central Information Commission.

The Central Information Commission shall consist of the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC)
and such number of Central Information Commissioners not exceeding 10 as may be deemed

What is the eligibility criteria and what is the process of appointment of CIC/IC?

Section 12(3) of the RTI Act 2005 provides as follows. (i) The Prime Minister, who shall be the
Chairperson of the committee; (ii) The Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha ; and
(iii). A Union Cabinet Minister to be nominated by the Prime Minister.

Section 12(5) of the RTI Act 2005 provides that the Chief Information Commissioner and
Information Commissioners shall be persons of eminence in public life with wide knowledge and
experience in law, science and technology,social service, management, journalism, mass media or
administration and governance.
Section 12(6) of the RTI Act 2005 provides that Chief Information Commissioner or an
Information Commissioner shall not be a Member of Parliament or Member of the Legislature of
any State or Union Territory as the case may be , or hold any other office of profit or connected
with any political party or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession.

What is the term of office and other service conditions of CIC?

Section 13 of the RTI Act 2005 provides that the Chief Information Commissioner shall hold
office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office and shall not be
eligible for reappointment:

Section 13(5)(a) of the RTI Act 2005 provides that the salaries and allowances payable to and
other terms and conditions of service of the Chief Information Commissioner shall be the same as
that of the Chief Election Commissioner.

What is the term of office and other service conditions of IC?

Section 13(2) of the RTI Act 2005 provides that the Information Commissioner shall hold office
for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office and shall not be eligible
for reappointment as such Information Commissioners provided.

Provided that every Information Commissioner shall on vacating his office under this sub-section
be eligible for appointment as the Chief Information Commissioner in the manner specified in
sub-section (3) of section 12 of the RTI Act 2005:

Provided further that where the Information Commissioner is appointed as the Chief Information
Commissioner, his term of office shall not be more than five years in aggregate as the Information
Commissioner and the Chief Information Commissioner.

Section 13(5)(b) of the RTI Act 2005 provides that the salaries and allowances payable to and
other terms and conditions of service of an Information Commissioner shall be the same as that of
an Election Commissioner.

What are the powers and functions of Information Commissions?


Section-18. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Central Information
Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, to receive and inquire into a
complaint from any person,

(a) Who has been unable to submit a request to a Central Public Information Officer or State
Public Information Officer, as the case may be, either by reason that no such officer has been
appointed under this Act, or because the Central Assistant Public Information Officer or State
Assistant Public Information Officer, as the case may be, has refused to accept his or her
application for information or appeal under this Act for forwarding the same to the Central Public
Information Officer or State Public Information Officer or senior officer specified in sub-section
(1) of section 19 or the Central Information Commission or the State Information Commission, as
the case may be;

(b) Who has been refused access to any information requested under this Act;

(c)Who has not been given a response to a request for information or access to information within
the time limit specified under this Act;

(d) Who has been required to pay an amount of fee which he or she considers unreasonable;
(e) Who believes that he or she has been given incomplete, misleading or false information under
this Act; and

(f) In respect of any other matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records under this

(2) Where the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission,as the case may
be, is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to inquire into the matter, it may initiate an
inquiry in respect thereof.

(3) The Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be,
shall, while inquiring into any matter under this section, have the same powers as are vested in a
civil court while trying a suit under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, in respect of the following
matters, namely:

o (a) Summoning and enforcing the attendance of persons and compel them to give
oral or written evidence on oath and to produce the documents or things;
o (b) Requiring the discovery and inspection of documents;
o (c) Receiving evidence on affidavit;
o (d) Requisitioning any public record or copies thereof from any court or office;
o (e) Issuing summons for examination of witnesses or documents; and
o (f) Any other matter, which may be prescribed.

(4) Notwithstanding anything inconsistent contained in any other Act of Parliament or State
Legislature, as the case may be, the Central Information Commission or the State Information
Commission, as the case may be, may, during the inquiry of any complaint under this Act,
examine any record to which this Act applies which is under the control of the public authority,
and no such record may be withheld from it on any ground.

Section-19 -

(1) Any person who, does not receive a decision within the time specified
in sub-section (1) or clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 7, or is aggrieved by a
decision of the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer,
as the case may be, may within thirty days from the expiry of such period or from the
receipt of such a decision prefer an appeal to such officer who is senior in rank to the
Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer as the case may
be, in each public authority: Provided that such officer may admit the appeal after the expiry of
the period of thirty days if he or she is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient
cause from filing the appeal in time.

(2) Where an appeal is preferred against an order made by a Central Public

Information Officer or a State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, under
section 11 to disclose third party information, the appeal by the concerned third party
shall be made within thirty days from the date of the order.

(3) A second appeal against the decision under sub-section (1) shall lie within
ninety days from the date on which the decision should have been made or was
actually received, with the Central Information Commission or the State Information
Provided that the Central Information Commission or the State Information
Commission, as the case may be, may admit the appeal after the expiry of the period
of ninety days if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause
from filing the appeal in time.
(4) If the decision of the Central Public Information Officer or State Public
Information Officer, as the case may be, against which an appeal is preferred relates
to information of a third party, the Central Information Commission or State
Information Commission, as the case may be, shall give a reasonable opportunity of
being heard to that third party.

(5) In any appeal proceeding, the onus to prove that a denial of a request was
justified shall be on the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information
Officer, as the case may be, who denied the request.

(6) An appeal under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be disposed of within
thirty days of the receipt of the appeal or within such extended period not exceeding
a total of forty-five days from the date of filing thereof, as the case may be, for
reasons to be recorded in writing.

(7) The decision of the Central Information Commission or State Information

Commission, as the case may be, shall be binding.

(8) In its decision, the Central Information Commission or State Information

Commission, as the case may be, has the power to

(a) Require the public authority to take any such steps as may be necessary to
secure compliance with the provisions of this Act, including
(i) By providing access to information, if so requested, in a particular form;

(ii) By appointing a Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information

Officer, as the case may be;

(iii) By publishing certain information or categories of information;

(iv)By making necessary changes to its practices in relation to the maintenance,

management and destruction of records;

(v) By enhancing the provision of training on the right to information for its

(vi) By providing it with an annual report in compliance with clause (b) of subsection
(1) of section 4;

(b) Require the public authority to compensate the complainant for any loss or
other detriment suffered;

(c) Impose any of the penalties provided under this Act;

(d) Reject the application.

(9) The Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the

case may be, shall give notice of its decision, including any right of appeal, to
the complainant and the public authority.)

(10) The Central Information Commission or State Information

Commission, as the case may be, shall decide the appeal in accordance with
such procedure as may be prescribed.

Section-20 -
(1) Where the Central Information Commission or the State Information
Commission, as the case may be, at the time of deciding any complaint or appeal is of the opinion
that the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public Information Officer, as the case
may be, has, without any reasonable cause, refused to receive an application for information or
has not furnished information within the time specified under sub-section (1) of section 7 or
malafidely denied the request for information or knowingly given incorrect, incomplete or
misleading information or destroyed information which was the subject of the request or
obstructed in any manner in furnishing the information, it shall impose a penalty of two hundred
and fifty rupees each day till application is received or information is furnished, so however, the
total amount of such penalty shall not exceed twenty-five thousand rupees: Provided that the
Central Public Information Officer or the State Public
Information Officer, as the case may be, shall be given a reasonable opportunity of
being heard before any penalty is imposed on him
Provided further that the burden of proving that he acted reasonably and
diligently shall be on the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public
Information Officer.

(2) Where the Central Information Commission or the State Information

Commission, as the case may be, at the time of deciding any complaint or appeal is
of the opinion that the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public
Information Officer, as the case may be, has, without any reasonable cause and
persistently, failed to receive an application for information or has not furnished
information within the time specified under sub-section (1) of section 7 or malafidely
denied the request for information or knowingly given incorrect, incomplete or
misleading information or destroyed information which was the subject of the request
or obstructed in any manner in furnishing the information, it shall recommend for
disciplinary action against the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public
Information Officer, as the case may be, under the service rules applicable to him.

What is the reporting procedure?

Section 25 of the RTI Act 2005 provides that (1) the Central Information Commission or State
Information Commission ,as the case may be, shall ,as soon as practicable after the end of each
year, prepare a report on the implementation of the provisions of this Act during that year and
forward a copy thereof to the appropriate Government.

(2)Each Ministry or Department shall, in relation to the Public Authorities within their
jurisdiction, collect and provide such information to the Central Information Commission or State
Information Commission, as the case may be, as is required to prepare the report under this
section and comply with the requirements concerning the furnishing of that information and
keeping of records for the purposes of this section.

(3)Each report shall state in respect of the year to which the report relates-

(a)The number of request made to each public authority;

(b) The number of decisions where applicants were not entitled to access to the document
pursuant to the requests, the provision of this act under which these decisions were made and
number of times such provisions were invoked;

(c) The number of appeals referred to the the Central Information Commission or State
Information Commission ,as the case may be, for review, the nature of appeals and outcomes of
the appeals;
Particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of the administration of
this Act;
(e) The amount of charges collected by each public authority under this Act;
(f) Any facts which indicate an effort by the public authorities to administer and implement the
spirit and intention of this Act;

(g) Recommendations for reform, including recommendations in respect of particular public

authorities, for the development, improvement, modernization, reforms or amendments to this Act
or other legislation or common law or any other matter relevant for operationalising the right to
access information.

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