IATF Additional Requirement

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Of the 28 main sections of ISO 9001:2015, the IATF 16949 Standard adds requirem

The table shows where there are additional requirements and a short description

ISO 9001:2015 IATF 16949

Section Section Title Topic of Additional Requriements
Requirement Additions

4 Context of the organization

Understanding the organization and its
4.1 context
Understanding the needs and
4.2 expectations of interested parties
Determining the scope of the qualiity Determining the scope - Supplemental,
management system Customer specific requirements
Quality management system and its Conformance of products and processes
4.4 processes Product safety

5 Leadership
Leadership commitment Corporate responsibility,
Process effectiveness and efficiency,
5.1 Process owners, Customer focus

Organizational roles, responsibilites and Organizational roles - Supplemental,
authorities Responsibility and authority for product
5.3 requirements and corrective action

6 Planning
Actions to address risks and opportunities Risk analysis, Preventative action,
6.1 Contingency plans

Quality objectives and planning to achieve Quality objectives - Supplemental

6.2 them
6.3 Planning of changes
7 Support
Resources Plant, facility, and equipment planning,
Environment for the operation of
processes, Environment for the operati
of processes, Measurement systems
analysis, Measurement traceability,
7.1 Calibration/verification records,
Laboratory requirements
Competence Compentence - Supplemental, On-the jo
training, Internal auditor competency,
7.2 Second-party auditor compency

Awareness Awareness - Supplemental, Employee

7.3 motivation and empowerment
Documented Information Quality management system
documentation, Record retention,
7.5 Engineering specifications

8 Operation
Operational planning and control Operational planning - Supplemental,
8.1 Confidentiality

Requirements for products and services Customer communication - Supplement

Determining the requirements
-Supplemental, Customer - designated
special charateristics, Organization
8.2 manufacturing feasibility

Design and development of products and Design and development - Supplementa

services Design planning - Supplemental, Produc
design skills, Development of products
with embedded software, Product desig
input, Manufacturing process design
input, Special characteristics, Monitorin
Design and development validation,
Prototype program, Product approval
process, Design and development
8.3 outputs, Manufacturing process design
output, Design and development chang
- Supplemental

Control of externally provided processes, General - Supplemental, Supplier

products and services selection process, Customer-directed
sources, Control - Supplemental, Statuto
and regulatory requirements, Supplier
quality management system
development, Automotive product-
related software, Supplier monitoring,
8.4 Second-party audits, Supplier
development, External providers -
Production and service provision Control plan, Standardized work,
Verification of job set-up, Verification aft
shutdown, Total productive maintenanc
Management of production tooling,
Production scheduling, Identification an
traceability - Supplemental, Preservation
Supplemental, Feedback from service,
Service agreement with customer, Contr
8.5 of changes - Supplemental, Temporary
change of process controls

Release of products and services Release - Supplemental, Layout inspecti

and functional testing, Appearance item
Verification of conformity of externally
provided products and services, Statuto
8.6 and regulatory conformity, Acceptance

Control of nonconforming outputs Customer authorization for concession,

Customer specified process, Control of
suspect product, Control of reworked
product, Control of repaired product,
Customer notification, Nonconforming
8.7 product disposition

9 Performance evaluation
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and Monitoring and measurement of
evaluation manufacturing processes, Identification
statistical tools, Application of statistical
concepts, Customer satisfaction -
9.1 Supplemental, Prioritization

Internal audit Internal audit program, Quality

management system audit,
9.2 Manufacturing process audit, Product

Management review Management review - Supplemental,

Managemennt review inputs -
Suppliemental, Management review
9.3 outputs - Supplemental

10 Improvement
10.1 General
Nonconformity and corrective action Problem solving, Error-proofing, Warran
management systems, Customer
10.2 complaints and field failure test analysis

Continual improvement Continual improvement - Supplemental

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Standard adds requirements under 22 of them.
and a short description of the topic or header from IATF.

c of Additional Requriements

ing the scope - Supplemental,

specific requirements

nce of products and processes,


e responsibility,
ffectiveness and efficiency,
owners, Customer focus

tional roles - Supplemental,

bility and authority for product
ents and corrective action

sis, Preventative action,

ncy plans

bjectives - Supplemental

lity, and equipment planning,

ent for the operation of
, Environment for the operation
ses, Measurement systems
Measurement traceability,
n/verification records,
y requirements
ence - Supplemental, On-the job
nternal auditor competency,
arty auditor compency

s - Supplemental, Employee
n and empowerment

anagement system
tation, Record retention,
ng specifications

nal planning - Supplemental,


communication - Supplemental,
ing the requirements
ental, Customer - designated
arateristics, Organization
uring feasibility

d development - Supplemental,
anning - Supplemental, Product
lls, Development of products
edded software, Product design
nufacturing process design
ecial characteristics, Monitoring,
d development validation,
e program, Product approval
Design and development
Manufacturing process design
esign and development changes

Supplemental, Supplier
process, Customer-directed
Control - Supplemental, Statutory
atory requirements, Supplier
anagement system
ment, Automotive product-
ftware, Supplier monitoring,
arty audits, Supplier
ment, External providers -
an, Standardized work,
on of job set-up, Verification after
n, Total productive maintenance,
ment of production tooling,
n scheduling, Identification and
ty - Supplemental, Preservation -
ental, Feedback from service,
greement with customer, Control
s - Supplemental, Temporary
process controls

Supplemental, Layout inspection

tional testing, Appearance items,
on of conformity of externally
products and services, Statutory
atory conformity, Acceptance

authorization for concession,

specified process, Control of
roduct, Control of reworked
Control of repaired product,
notification, Nonconforming

ng and measurement of
uring processes, Identification of
tools, Application of statistical
Customer satisfaction -
ental, Prioritization

udit program, Quality

ment system audit,
uring process audit, Product

ment review - Supplemental,

mennt review inputs -
ental, Management review
solving, Error-proofing, Warranty
ment systems, Customer
ts and field failure test analysis

improvement - Supplemental

at would benefit.

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