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Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

Modelling of energy and carbon budgets of

wood fuel coppice systems
R.W. Matthews
Mensuration Branch, Forest Research, Alice Holt Research Station, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4LH, UK

Received 28 May 1999; received in revised form 22 February 2001; accepted 8 April 2001

The development and application of a standard methodology for evaluating the energy and carbon budgets of biofuel
production systems is described, with emphasis on wood fuel production from short rotation coppice. Five major tasks were
involved: de+nition of the system boundary; estimation of energy bene+ts; estimation of carbon sequestration; estimation of
energy costs; estimation of carbon emissions. Calculation of overall energy and carbon budgets required a set of standard
assumptions about practices and resultant energy inputs to be made. These standard assumptions accounted for all activities
involved in production and delivery of biofuel within the immediate vicinity of the farm (3:2 km). The energy ratio, that
is the ratio of energy produced to energy consumed by the biofuel producing system, was estimated to be much greater
than 1, typically around 30. This energy ratio proved to be very sensitive to assumptions about crop management and wood
processing, as well as associated energy inputs, varying from 20 to 64 when model input assumptions were varied between
extremes. The carbon emissions coe4cient exhibited similar sensitivity to input assumptions. The gross non-renewable energy
requirement, that is the total consumption of non-renewable energy associated with the direct consumption of 1 MJ of energy
in the form of wood fuel, was estimated to be 0:035 MJ MJ1 . The carbon emissions coe4cient, that is the carbon emitted in
producing 1 MJ of energy in the form of wood from short rotation coppice, was estimated to be 0:0013 kgC MJ1 . Further
research is needed to validate input assumptions and to estimate budgets for complete, practical, energy generation systems.
Crown Copyright  c 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Carbon budget; Short rotation coppice; Bioenergy farming; Energy budget; Wood fuel

1. Introduction increasing attention. Wood is still the dominant

source of fuel in many developing countries. It has
1.1. Background been suggested that the sustainable production and
conversion of plants and plant residues into fuel of-
Among the many methods of potentially sustain-
fers signi+cant potential for alleviating pressures for
able energy generation, wood fuel has been receiving
use of forests and woodlands as fuels [1]. Bioenergy
farming is proposed in the developed countries of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-01420-22255; fax:
+44-01420-23450. the European Community, not only as a means of
E-mail address: securing sustainable supplies of energy, but also as
(R.W. Matthews). a means of diversifying arable land use, thus solving

c 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

0961-9534/01/$ - see front matter Crown Copyright 
PII: S 0 9 6 1 - 9 5 3 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 1 6 - 2
2 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

to some extent the problem of food overproduc- ful de+nition of the physical boundary which con-
tion [2]. tains the system of interest is important as this
Over the last 25 years, biomass fuel farming has boundary determines the energy inputs and out-
been proposed as a cheap, low-technology means of puts. The system boundary adopted in this study
producing renewable energy [35]. Commercial scale is indicated by the shaded area in Fig. 1. The
systems based on fast growing coppiced tree species system is taken to consist of the site of biomass
such as willow and poplar are being operated in production, typically a farm. This study consid-
Sweden [6]. In Britain, the potential of such systems ers energy Hows associated with operations that
has been investigated by the Energy Technology Sup- are necessary to grow a short rotation coppice
port Unit (ETSU) for the Department of Trade and crop and turn harvested biomass into utilizable
Industry and pre-commercial large-scale trials have biofuel. The harvested wood is considered utiliz-
been established [7]. able once processed into manageable chips. In-
stallations for complicated post-processing and=or
1.2. The need for energy and carbon budgets combustion of woodchips are excluded from the
A basic requirement for any bioenergy generation Commercial production of plant biomass involves
system is that the energy produced must be greater inputs of energy in +ve forms:
than the inputs of non-renewable energy required to solar energy
establish and operate the scheme. Moreover, estab- fossil fuel energy
lishment and operation of the bioenergy generation energy embodied in materials consumed
system must cause negligible emissions to the atmo- energy embodied in machinery used
sphere of greenhouse gases, principally carbon-based human labour.
compounds such as carbon dioxide. In order to con- Solar energy may be regarded as renewable. The re-
+rm that a bioenergy generation scheme meets these mainder involve direct and=or indirect consumption
criteria, it is necessary to evaluate the energy and of non-renewable fossil fuel, for example the fuel re-
carbon budgets of the proposed system. quirements of tractors, implied energy inputs when
Currently, only limited data are available on en- fertilizer or herbicides are applied, and in principle the
ergy and carbon budgets for energy generation from daily living requirements of the workforce tending the
woody plants that may be applicable to systems of crop. All energy inputs related to human labour are
management in Britain (see for example [4,810]), ignored in this study, on the basis that the marginal
and the conclusions reached by these studies disagree costs attributable to the biomass production process
markedly. The causes of this disagreement need to be are negligible. Exclusion of such inputs is also con-
identi+ed, and a de+nitive budget calculated, if wood sistent with the established conventions of industrial
fuel farming schemes are to proceed beyond the trial energy analysis [8].
stage in Britain. The Hows of carbon associated with a typical biofuel
This paper reports work carried out by UK Forest system are shown in Fig. 2. The direct consumption
Research to develop and apply a standard methodol- of biofuels involves associated emissions due to:
ogy for evaluating the energy and carbon budgets of direct fossil fuel combustion
biofuel production systems, with particular emphasis manufacture of materials consumed
on wood fuel production from short rotation coppiced manufacture of machinery used
trees. sustaining lives of the workforce (e.g. food,
2. Methods These represent the carbon outputs of the system and
are eJectively irreversible. In accord with the energy
2.1. De1nition of system boundary budgeting conventions, emissions of carbon associated
with human labour are ignored.
The Hows of energy associated with a typical Carbon inputs to the system are in the form of living,
biofuel producing system are shown in Fig. 1. Care- growing biomass and for biofuel crops three principal
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 3

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of Hows of energy associated with a typical biofuel producing system.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of Hows of carbon associated with a typical biofuel producing system.
4 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

stores may be identi+ed: content (J. Alexander, pers. comm.; [12]):

utilized biomass 
Cwood = FCwood 0:206FH2
unutilized biomass
soil organic matter. 0:023(Wwood + 0:1FA); (2)
The processes of carbon sequestration are reversible,

for example the accumulation of utilizable biomass in- where Cwood is the net calori+c value of wood at
creases the store of carbon, but carbon is returned to moisture content Wwood wet basis, hydrogen content
the atmosphere when the harvested biomass is burned. H2 and ash content A oven-dry basis (MJ wkg1 );

Similarly, carbon stocks in the soil may increase or Cwood is the gross calori+c value of oven-dry
decrease depending on the intensity of cultivation. wood = 20 MJ odkg1 ; F is the oven-dry mass of
The carbon Hows associated with biofuel production the wet wood expressed as a fraction of the wet
are thus a combination of reversible exchanges be- mass = (100 Wwood )=100 odkg wkg1 ; H2 is the
tween the atmosphere, biomass and soil, and irre- average percentage hydrogen content of oven-dry
versible emissions due to burning of fossil fuels. wood (taken to be 6.5% for cases considered), A is
the average percentage ash content of oven-dry wood
(taken to be 1% for cases considered), Wwood is the
2.2. Estimation of energy bene1ts
percentage moisture content of the wood, wet basis.
The estimates for H2 and A quoted above are due to
The energy released by combustion of wood can be
J. Alexander (pers. comm.). The value for ash content
calculated if the calori+c value and the mass of the
of wood assumes that the wood is not contaminated
wood are known:
with mineral material when harvested. Such contami-
Eoutput = Cwood Mwood ; (1) nation is common during the harvesting of lop and top
from a conventional harvesting site, and in such cases
where Eoutput is the energy released by burning a given ash content is more commonly 3% (J. Alexander, pers.
quantity of wood (MJ), Cwood is the calori+c value of comm.). Using Eq. (2), oven-dry wood is estimated
wood (MJ kg1 ) and Mwood is the mass of wood fuel to have a net calori+c value of 18:7 MJ odkg1 , after
burnt (kg). allowance for hydrogen and ash content. The reduc-
The gross calori+c value of oven-dry wood has been tion in calori+c value with moisture content is con-
reported by many authors (see for example [11,12]) siderable: at 50% moisture content, wet basis, the net
and estimates typically lie close to 20 MJ odkg1 (MJ calori+c value is only 8:2 MJ wkg1 . In this study, all
per oven-dry kg). However, a complication arises be- estimates of wood mass are quoted in odkg, regardless
cause wood can contain a varying amount of moisture. of moisture content. The following equation may be
For example, freshly harvested, green wood might used to transform the calori+c value computed above
typically contain 50 60% moisture, wet basis, while such that it takes units of MJ odkg1 , regardless of
air-dried wood typically contains 20 30% moisture, moisture content:
wet basis. The presence of such excess moisture ef-  100
fectively reduces the calori+c value of wood in two Cwood = C ; (3)
100 Wwood wood
1. Taking, for example, wood at 50% moisture, wet where Cwood is the oven-dry-basis net calori+c value
basis, 1 wkg (wet kg) of wood only contains of wet wood expressed in MJ odkg1 with wet-basis
1 moisture content Wwood . At 50% moisture content,
2 odkg of wood, thus there is eJectively less wood
to burn in 1 wkg compared to 1 odkg.

Cwood takes the value 16:4 MJ odkg1 .
2. Some energy released on combustion is dissipated
in evaporating moisture. 2.3. Estimation of carbon sequestration
Further adjustments must be made to allow for the
hydrogen and ash content of wood. The following re- Harvested wood fuel is removed and burned so it
lationship has been established between the calori+c does not store carbon in the long term, but the woody
value of wood, net of moisture, hydrogen and ash materials that remain in the stump and roots constitute
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 5

Table 1
Biomass of components of poplar and willow coppice stools growing at three sites in England: Ingerthorpe, West Yorkshire; Tilford,
Surrey; Long Ashton, Avona

Biomass (odkg stool1 )

Roots Above ground

Planting spacing (m) Age (yr) Fine Coarse Stump Detritus Shoots Foliage
Location Species Between Between Stool Shoots Number dead stem
rows stools of cuts wood

Ingerthorpe Poplar, R.A.P. 1.0 1.0 11 2 4 0.07 0.53 0.79 0.48 2.54 0.55
Ingerthorpe Willow, 1.0 1.0 11 2 4 0.15 0.53 0.63 0.24 2.69 0.20
Bowles hybrid
Ingerthorpe Willow, 0.8 0.7 6 3 2 0.06 0.27 0.13 0.15 1.73 0.04
Bowles hybrid
Ingerthorpe Willow, 0.8 0.7 4 1 3 0.06 0.13 0.23 0.10 0.75 0.12
Bowles hybrid
Ingerthorpe Willow, 0.8 0.7 4 2 2 0.07 0.22 0.18 0.09 1.73 0.10
Bowles hybrid
Ingerthorpe Poplar, BeauprPe 0.8 1.0 2 1 1 0.07 0.12 0.06 0.02 0.41 0.19
Ingerthorpe Poplar, Boelare 0.8 1.0 2 1 1 0.09 0.12 0.07 0.08 0.32 0.32
Tilford Poplar, BeauprPe 1.3 1.3 4 1 3 0.22 0.70 1.09 0.71 2.00 0.18
Tilford Poplar, Boelare 1.3 1.3 2 1 1 0.11 0.35 0.26 0.35 0.84 0.09
Tilford Poplar, BeauprPe 1.3 1.3 2 1 1 0.10 0.34 0.17 0.114 0.50 0.01
Long Ashton Willow, Gigantea 1.0 1.0 22 1 21 0.35 1.68 1.41 1.15
a Note: Number of cuts indicates number of times coppice has been cut back.

a potential long-term carbon store. The establishment ear regression. These functions must be regarded as
of a coppice plantation on an arable site may also have provisional, but they represent the best information
a positive impact on soil carbon content. available at the time of the study.
By combining the curves for the various biomass
2.3.1. Unutilized biomass components, curves describing the accumulation of
Few data were available from previous studies on total unutilized coppice biomass may be constructed,
coppice stump and root biomass, so a limited +eld and these are shown in Fig. 3. The curves suggest
study was carried out on six poplar and +ve willow that the total biomass in unutilized parts of a cop-
coppice stools at three sites in England. The biomass pice crop rises to between 10 and 25 odt ha1 over
of foliage, stem wood, coarse woody debris, coarse 25 years. This implies the sequestration of between 5
and +ne root components per stool were measured de- and 12 tC ha1 over this period.
structively. The per-stool data were adjusted, allow-
ing for planting density and mortality, to estimate the 2.3.2. Carbon in soil organic matter
biomass of each component on a per-hectare basis. Many environmental and management factors
The data are summarized in Table 1. The limited data are responsible for determining soil carbon content.
and their heterogeneity precluded full statistical anal- Among these, intensive soil cultivation has long been
ysis, therefore the accumulation of each biomass com- known to cause signi+cant losses (see for example
ponent with time was estimated by graphical analysis [13]). Arable soils in Britain usually contain relatively
of the per-hectare results. Simple hand-drawn curves low quantities of carbon, say 560 tC ha1 ; depend-
were constructed to represent the range of accumula- ing on soil type and management regime. Jenkinson
tion rates for each component. Mathematical functions [13,14] has discussed how arable land, left to lie
were then +tted to the hand-drawn curves by nonlin- fallow for several decades, will accumulate carbon.
6 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

Fig. 3. Curves for predicting lower, mid-range and upper estimates of total unutilizable coppice biomass, given stool age.

Soil carbon under undisturbed grassland and forest 2.3.3. Combining estimates of utilized and
can vary greatly but, in accord with Jenkinsons ob- unutilized biomass
servations, it is generally higher than for comparable The mathematical functions for estimating unuti-
arable land. A review and analysis of world forest lized biomass were incorporated into a computer pro-
soils by Bouwman [15] suggests a range from 50 to gram for generating biomass and carbon yield tables
350 tC ha1 for typical British soil types. The high- for plantations of short rotation coppice. An example
est soil carbon contents are reported for peat bogs, of output from this program is illustrated graphically
which can contain well in excess of 500 tC ha1 in Fig. 4, for a short rotation coppice crop cut back on
[16]. a 3 year cycle, maintained for 16 years. The biomass
Short rotation coppice requires less frequent soil of the crop is observed to rise and fall with succes-
cultivation than most agricultural crops, but is more sive cutting cycles. Superimposed on these cycles is
intensive than conventional forestry practice. In the a monotonic accumulation of biomass in unutilized
long term, therefore, soil carbon content under short components. The likely error associated with these
rotation coppice might be expected to take values be- latter estimates is indicated by the shaded areas in
tween those quoted above for arable land and forest Fig. 4. The utilized biomass is assumed to accumulate
soils, ranging from, say, 40200 tC ha1 . The follow- at a constant rate within each cutting cycle, as speci-
ing changes in carbon content might then be expected +ed by the program user.
as a result of a change of land use to short rotation The program was used extensively in this study to
coppice: generate input data for calculation of energy bene+ts
a rise in carbon content on ex-arable land; and carbon sequestration as part of energy and carbon
a possible reduction in carbon content on land pre- budgets.
viously under grass or forest;
a potentially substantial reduction in carbon content 2.4. Estimation of energy inputs
on converted peat bogs.
Without further research, it is not possible to reach any Energy is consumed during biofuel production in
+rm conclusions about the dynamics of soil carbon three ways: directly through the burning of fossil fuel
under coppice, so this element of the carbon budget and indirectly, either through the use of materials
had to be ignored in this study. or chemicals (that in turn depend on direct energy
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 7

Fig. 4. Example of output from computer program showing development of total harvested and unharvested coppice biomass with crop
age. Dashed lines show upper and lower estimates of unharvested biomass to which projections of harvested biomass have been added.

inputs), or through the implied use of materials used Farm, Ripon, Yorkshire, UK, pers. comm.;
in the construction of machinery, D. Culshaw and C. Butler, ETSU, Harwell, UK, pers.
comm.). Eq. (5) was used to estimate fuel consump-
Eoperation = Efuel + Ematerial + Emachinery ; (4) tion by diesel and motor spirit powered machinery:

where Eoperation is the total energy input to an operation Efuel = Ecombustion + Esupply ; (5)
(MJ), Efuel is the energy input due to fuel consump-
tion to carry out the operation (MJ), Ematerial is the en- where Efuel is the total energy input due to fuels con-
ergy input due to consumption of materials during the sumed to carry out an operation (MJ), Ecombustion is the
operation (MJ) and Emachinery is the energy input due energy released by fuel combustion (MJ) and Esupply
to use of machinery during the operation (MJ). is the total energy required to supply the fuel to the
In order to quantify all direct and indirect inputs of point of use (MJ).
energy, it was necessary to describe all the activities This general equation had to be modi+ed on oc-
involved in coppice plantation management and wood casion, depending on the detail of the activity being
chip production. The resultant activities inventory considered. Estimates of fuel consumption were con-
is shown in Table 2. The activities can be grouped verted to energy inputs using typical calori+c values
into four broad categories: site treatments, crop treat- for the appropriate fuels [20,21]:
ments, wood fuel handling and processing, and farm 
overheads. Each activity was described in terms of the Ecombustion = Cfuel Mfuel ; (6)
fuel, materials and machinery used. fuel

where Cfuel is the calori+c value of a given fuel

2.4.1. Energy inputs due to fuel use (MJ kg1 ) and Mfuel is the mass of fuel consumed
Data on fuel consumption during farm operations (kg).
were not directly available, but could be inferred When estimates of fuel consumption were available
from information on farm machinery working rates by volume only, these were converted to mass using
and engine power ratings ([18,19]; M. Buckland, an estimate of density for the given fuel. In most cases,
ADAS, New Marston, Oxford, UK, pers. comm.; data on fuel consumption were not available directly
M. Carter, MC Horticulture Ltd, Ingerthorpe Hall in any form and had to be estimated from information
8 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

Table 2
Activities inventory for production of wood fuel from short rotation coppice plantations. Sources: M. Carter, D. Clay, D. Culshaw, all
personal communications; ETSU [17]. Note that there is no activity in missing years

Growing Activity name Machinery Materials Fuel

season and

Year 1
1 Spray for couch control Tractor sprayer Glyphosate Diesel oil
Water Lubricating oil
2 Subsoil Tractor Diesel oil
subsoiler Lubricating oil
3 Plough Tractor Diesel oil
plough Lubricating oil
4 Fence Support posts
Straining wire
Fencing wire
Nails, staples
5 Power harrow Tractor Diesel oil
power harrow Lubricating oil
6 Plant Tractor Cuttings Diesel oil
planter Lubricating oil
7 Fertilizer Tractor N fertilizer Diesel oil
broadcaster P fertilizer Lubricating oil
K fertilizer
8 Lime Tractor Lime Diesel oil
broadcaster Lubricating oil
9 Residual weed control Tractor Simazine Diesel oil
sprayer Pendimethalin Lubricating oil
10 Follow-up weed control Tractor Clopyralid Diesel oil
sprayer Water Lubricating oil

Year 2
11 Cut back Brushcutter Motor spirit
Lubricating oil
12 Beat up Cuttings
13 Weed control Tractor Amitrole Diesel oil
sprayer Simazine Lubricating oil

Year 4
14 Harvest Harvester Diesel oil
Tractor(s) Lubricating oil
15 Chip Chipper Diesel oil
Lubricating oil
16 Store and dry Tractor Barn Diesel oil
Lubricating oil
17 Transport Bulk carrier Diesel oil
Lubricating oil
18 Burn Furnace
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 9

Table 2 (continued)

Growing Activity name Machinery Materials Fuel

season and

Year 5
7; 10 Fertilize, follow-up
weedcontrol } As for year 1

Year 7
14; 15; 16; 17; 18 Harvest, chip, store and
dry, transport, burn } As for year 4

Year 10
14; 15; 16; 17; 18 Harvest, chip, store and
dry, transport, burn } As for year 4

Year 13
14; 15; 16; 17; 18 Harvest, chip, store and
dry, transport, burn } As for year 4

Year 16
14; 15; 16; 17; 18 Harvest, chip, store and
dry, transport, burn } As for year 4
19 Grub up Tractor Glyphosate Diesel oil
Rotovator Water Lubricating oil

on machinery used, engine size and time taken to carry to simplify the analysis, energy inputs attributable
out an operation (Eq. (7); [19]; M. Buckland, pers. to the relatively small amounts of lubricating oils
comm.). were assumed to be the same as if the oils had been
Vfuel = Pt; (7)

where Vfuel is the volume of fuel consumed by a ma- 2.4.2. Energy inputs due to consumption of
chine in carrying out a speci+ed operation (dm3 ), P materials
is the power the machine has to generate in order to Materials (such as fertilizers, herbicides and fence
carry out the operation (W), t is the time taken to posts) used in production of wood fuel require en-
carry out the operation (s) and is an empirical con- ergy for their manufacture and supply. The quanti-
stant expressing the quantity of fuel required by the ties of materials used in coppice management and
machine to carry out a unit of work (dm3 J1 ). wood chip production were estimated from personal
The energy consumption associated with fuel sup- records of experts and farmers already involved in
ply was estimated using growing coppice (M. Carter, pers. comm.; D. Clay,
 pers. comm.). However, having obtained data on ma-
Esupply = fuel Mfuel ; (8)
terials consumed, considerable time and expense were
necessary to trace all the energy pathways in order
where fuel is an empirical constant estimating the en- to estimate energy costs. Such detailed analysis was
ergy required to supply a unit of a given fuel to the not possible as part of this study. An alternative ap-
point of use (MJ kg1 ). proach adopted by energy analysts involves the use of
Similar methods were adopted for quantifying con- energy requirements for the calculation of the energy
sumption of electricity and lubricating oils. In order costs of materials (see for example [22]). An energy
10 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

requirement is the total energy required to make a unit 2.5. Estimation of carbon emissions
mass of a given material. Thus, if the energy require-
ments and masses of materials consumed are known, Procedures similar to those described above for en-
then the total energy input can be calculated: ergy inputs were used to estimate the quantities of
 carbon emitted to the atmosphere as a result of fuel
Ematerial = material Mmaterial ; (9) consumption and material and machinery use (J. Pen-
material man, pers. comm.; Department of Trade and Industry
where Ematerial is the total energy consumed in manu- [20,25,26]; Matthews, unpublished results).
facturing and supplying materials used in the process
being considered (MJ), material is the net energy re-
quirement of a given material (MJ kg1 ) and Mmaterial 2.6. Calculation of energy and carbon budgets
is the mass of material used (kg).
The energy analysis literature was reviewed, and A computer model was developed that drew on
published estimates of the energy requirements of ma- three bodies of data:
terials collated and used in this study for the estimation coppice yield data
of energy costs of materials ([22,23]; N. Mortimer, activities inventory data
pers. comm.; Matthews, unpublished results). energy consumption and carbon emission data.
The data described above were synthesized by the
computer model into complete primary energy and
2.4.3. Energy inputs due to machine construction
carbon budgets.
and use
Having calculated the total primary energy and
If machines such as tractors, ploughs and wood
associated carbon costs and bene+ts of wood fuel
chippers are regarded as very complicated materials,
production, the program +nally computed the follow-
then the energy inputs due to machine use can be cal-
ing statistics which summarize the energy and carbon
culated in a similar manner to that used for materials.
It is incorrect to attribute the full energy input of the
machine to an individual activity, therefore the frac-
tion of the full energy input to manufacture of the ma- 2.6.1. Energy ratio
chine that is attributable to the particular operation is The energy ratio is the bene+t : cost ratio in energy
calculated, terms for the biofuel producing system.
Emachinery = machinery Mmachinery ; (10) Total energy produced
machinery Energy ratio = : (11)
machinery Total primary energy input
where Emachinery is the fraction of the energy required
It represents the number of joules of primary energy
to manufacture and supply machinery attributable to
produced per joule of energy expended. The energy
the process being considered (MJ), machinery is the net
ratio needs to be greater than 1 if the system is to
energy requirement of a given machine (MJ kg1 ); produce more energy than it consumes.
Mmachinery is the mass of the machine (kg), t is the time
for which the machine is applied to a given operation
(s) and machinery is the total working time available 2.6.2. Energy requirement
(i.e. the working lifespan) of the machine (s). This is the cost : bene+t ratio for the biofuel pro-
Estimated energy requirements for machines were ducing system:
obtained from the energy analysis literature, and
estimates of working lifespans of machines were sug- Total primary energy input
Energy requirement =
gested by experts on farm practice and vehicle use Total energy produced
([22,24]; N. Mortimer, pers. comm.; D. Culshaw, pers. (12)
comm.; P. Hutchinson, pers. comm.; Commercial 1
= : (13)
Motor, pers. comm.). Energy ratio
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 11

The energy requirement of a biofuel producing system sequester carbon, thus,

thus needs to be signi+cantly less than 1 if the system Net carbon emitted
is to produce more energy than it consumes. Several
diJerent versions of the energy requirement of a fuel = Carbon released Carbon sequestered: (17)
may be de+ned. Biofuel producing systems may thus have very low
carbon emissions coe4cientsperhaps even negative
2.6.3. Gross energy requirement carbon emission coe4cients if the carbon sequestered
The variant of the energy ratio de+ned by Eqs. (12) is great enough.
and (13) is known as the net energy requirement. An
alternative expression is the gross energy requirement
3. Results
of a fuel,
Gross energy requirement 3.1. The standard run
Total energy produced+Total primary energy input
= Energy and carbon budgets were computed, based
Total energy produced
on a standard set of assumptions which reHect con-
ditions under which wood fuel production systems
= 1 + Net energy requirement; (15) are most likely to be operated in the UK. The stan-
dard run was based on the following standard set of
which represents the total energy released, directly assumptions:
and indirectly, when energy is generated by burning a +eld area 5 ha
given fuel. planting density 10 000 coppice stools ha1
cutting cycle 3 years
2.6.4. Gross non-renewable energy requirement rotation (coppice life) 16 years
It is possible to de+ne another type of energy re- biomass productivity 8 oven dry tonnes (odt)
quirement, similar to the gross energy requirement ha1 yr 1 in +rst productive cycle, 12 odt ha1 yr 1
speci+ed in Eqs. (14) and (15) but including only in subsequent cycles
non-renewable primary energy in the numerator. management of crop according to prescription in
Such an expression may be referred to as the gross Table 2
non-renewable energy requirement. For fossil fuels, local transport of harvested chips by tractor only
the gross energy requirement and gross non-renewable 3:2 km (2 miles).
energy requirement are likely to be identical. How- The resultant energy and carbon budgets for the
ever, for biofuels, the gross non-renewable energy so-called standard run are presented in summary
requirement is in fact the same as the net energy form in Table 3(a) and (b). A full breakdown of the
requirement, as the renewable energy bene+t is not energy and carbon budgets can be found in Matthews
counted in the numerator. The gross non-renewable et al. [27]. The total input to the system was estimated
energy requirement is a useful indicator of the total to be 524 GJ of which 183 GJ were due to direct
dependence of an energy source on non-renewable energy consumption.
energy. The energy output in terms of chipped wood fuel
was estimated to be 15 029 GJ, giving an energy ratio
2.6.5. Carbon emission coe;cient of 28.68. This implies that about 29 units of energy are
This may be de+ned in the following way: produced by the coppice crop for every unit of energy
Carbon emission coe4cient consumed in the production process. The carbon emis-
sions coe4cient was estimated to range from 0.0012
Net carbon emitted
= : (16) to 0:0014 kgC MJ1 depending on assumptions about
Total energy produced individual carbon emissions coe4cients for materials
This represents the carbon emitted for a unit of en- and machinery construction, and was negative if car-
ergy supplied to the end user. A complication arises bon sequestration in unutilized biomass was taken into
because the plant tissues of biofuel systems also account.
12 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

Table 3
Statement of energy inputs and carbon emissions and bene+ts of wood fuel production from short rotation coppicea

Type of activity

Year of activity Herbicide Ground Fence Crop Harvesting= Storage=drying Transport Total
pesticide preparation erection= establishment= chipping
application maintenance maintenance

(a) Non-renewable energy inputs (GJ)

1 12 20 65 17 0 0 0 113
2 9 0 0 6 0 0 0 15
4 0 0 0 0 32 30 3 64
7 onwards 0 10 0 0 126 180 15 332

Total 20 30 65 23 158 210 18 524

(b) Irreversible carbon emissions (tonnes carbon)

1 0.5 0.4 3.4 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9
2 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 1.7 0.1 2.4
7 onwards 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 2.7 9.9 0.4 13.2

Total 0.8 0.7 3.4 0.7 3.3 11.6 0.4 21.0

a Totals
in some columns=rows do not agree due to rounding. Total energy bene+t = 15 029 GJ. Energy ratio = 15 029=524 = 28:68.
Carbon emissions coe4cient = 21=15 029 = 0:0014 kgC MJ1 (carbon sequestered in unutilized biomass ignored).

3.2. Distribution of energy inputs

The direct inputs of fuel accounted for 40% of the

total inputs, whereas the indirect inputs from materi-
als, machinery and fuel accounted for 60%. This is
a surprising result as indirect inputs of energy may
usually be assumed to be small compared to direct
inputs [8]. The distribution of energy inputs for dif-
ferent activities is illustrated in Fig. 5. On an activ-
ity basis, storage and drying (involving the building
and use of a barn) accounted for approximately 40%
of total energy inputs, with harvesting and chipping
30% and fencing 13%. The remaining 17% covered
crop establishment, ground preparation, transport and
grubbing up. The relatively high energy consumption Fig. 5. Breakdown of total energy costs of wood fuel production
by short rotation coppice by activity type.
due to storage and drying reHects the standard run
assumption that harvesting and chipping are done si-
multaneously, with wood chips needing to be stored
in dry conditions until time of use. Health and safety ing of bundles and chipping of relatively dry coppice
considerations may favour the harvesting of coppice shoots.
as whole shoots which are left to dry as sheltered bun-
dles in the +eld. Chipping is then carried out as a 3.3. Distribution of carbon emissions
separate operation when the wood chips are needed.
Potentially this option requires less energy for stor- Fig. 6 shows the relative magnitudes of the total
age, but more energy for the relative slow harvest- carbon emissions due to diJerent activities. As can
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 13

for example, +eld area, planting spacing, cutting

cycle, rotation, application of fertilizers and agro-
chemicals, type of harvesting machine used and
biomass productivity.
The quantities described by the +rst two categories
cannot be controlled, hence the resultant variability
may be regarded as eJectively random. In order to
explore the eJects of variation in these quantities on
the energy and carbon budgets, three values, indicating
the range (lower and upper values) and most likely
(mid-range) estimate, were identi+ed.
The energy and carbon budget results presented
above were computed using the mid-range estimates
for all input quantities. The computer model was
re-run, setting the estimates for all uncertain quan-
Fig. 6. Breakdown of total carbon costs of wood fuel production tities to the high input=low bene+t value. This pro-
from short rotation coppice by activity type.
cedure was then repeated using the low input=high
bene+t estimates. The estimated energy ratio ranged
from 20 to 64 MJ MJ1 , and the carbon emissions
be seen by comparison with Fig. 5, there is a similar factor (ignoring sequestration in unutilized biomass)
pattern to the distribution of total energy inputs but ranged from 0.0005 to 0:002 kgC MJ1 . A more de-
an even greater proportion (70%) is attributable to tailed account of the sensitivity analysis is presented
storage and fencing. in Matthews et al. [27].
Matthews et al. [27] also considered the inHuence of
3.4. Sensitivity analysis silvicultural practice, harvesting and processing meth-
ods on the energy and carbon budget. A full account
It is rarely possible to make de+nitive statements cannot be presented here, but an important example,
about biomass productivity, management methods, the dependence of the energy ratio on biomass produc-
rates of work or quantities of materials used in grow- tivity, is described. A prospective grower will make
ing wood fuel from coppice crops. It was therefore a prediction of yield which is likely to be achieved
essential to explore the eJects on the energy and on a potential planting site, and on that basis will
carbon budgets of changes in the assumptions made make an assessment of the viability of establishing a
about the production process. wood fuel plantation. One consideration will be the
The causes of uncertainty and variability in the en- energy ratio of the proposed wood fuel producing sys-
ergy and carbon budgets can be grouped into three tem, given the expected biomass productivity of the
categories: crop.
1. Uncertainty in estimates of certain quantities used Fig. 7 shows the relationship between biomass pro-
in the calculation of energy and carbon budgets, ductivity and the energy ratio. The energy ratio rises
for example, the energy requirements and carbon steadily as biomass productivity increases, although a
emissions factors of materials and machines, and law of diminishing returns is observed. This reHects
the working lives of machines. the concomitant rise in energy inputs due to wood
2. Local variations in methods of wood fuel produc- processing and storing as biomass productivity rises.
tion over which there is little or no control, for ex- Above a biomass productivity of 20 odt ha1 yr 1 ,
ample, farm-to-farm variation in the work periods the lines on the graph in Fig. 7 are dashed. This is
for particular activities, and local variation in the because harvesting machines currently available (ver-
materials and methods used in barn construction. sions of so-called forage harvesters) were not origi-
3. Local variations in methods of wood fuel pro- nally designed to cope with the quantities of biomass
duction over which there is complete control, and large diameter material produced at such high
14 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

Fig. 7. Relationship between predicted energy ratio and utilizable biomass productivity for wood fuel production from short rotation
coppice. Dashed lines: extrapolations based on data for harvesting machines which cannot cope with high biomass yields. Large dot and
vertical line: estimate and range for energy ratio given 30 odt ha1 yr 1 , assuming conventional harvesting methods.

productivities. The dashed lines are thus an opti- budgets of bioenergy production systems. The authors
mistic extrapolation. Currently, conventional forestry compare alternative practical situations, for example
harvesting techniques, involving chainsaw felling, re- where the market for biomass is limited, or where
moval of material in trailers and subsequent chipping, the land resource for growing biomass is limited,
would have to be used at high biomass productivities. and suggest that inputoutput ratios will not always
To illustrate the likely consequences for the energy be the most useful summary statistics for compar-
budget, alternative energy ratios were estimated for a ing and optimizing production strategies or systems
biomass yield of 30 odt ha1 yr 1 , based on a set of of management. In some circumstances the authors
assumed energy costs likely to be associated with con- recommend the use of net energy yield as the most
ventional harvesting methods, and subsequent chip- useful optimization variable. This statistic is similar to
ping operations. The vertical line in Fig. 7 shows the the percentage energy pro+t described by Matthews
estimated range of this alternative energy ratio, and et al. [27] and to the net-to-gross ratio used by Heren-
the dot shows the mid-range estimate. The estimated deen and Brown [29], who also considered the merits
energy ratio is signi+cantly lower than the energy ra- of this ratio compared to the simple energy ratio.
tio achieved using a forage harvester at lower biomass In the search for viable renewable bioenergy
productivities. generation systems, minimizing dependence on
non-renewable energy inputs and minimizing fossil
greenhouse gas emissions within the bioenergy sys-
4. Discussion tem itself will always be important considerations.
In this context the energy ratio and carbon emissions
4.1. Limitations of energy and carbon budget coe4cient are likely to remain the principal summary
summary statistics statistics, however, no evaluation of energy and emis-
sions budgets of candidate bioenergy systems should
Schlamadinger et al. [28], although strictly dis- rely on summary results alone. Schlamadinger et al.
cussing greenhouse-gas balances, comment on the [28] advocate that full and detailed evaluation should
usefulness and general validity of inputoutput also be done in comparison to a fossil fuel reference
ratios (including energy ratios and carbon emissions system in order to account fairly for potential fossil
coe4cients) for summarizing the energy and carbon fuel substitution.
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 15

4.2. Comparison of estimated energy ratios with of the table, while systems which do not include these
summary statistics from other studies treatments appear at the top. Reported results that can-
not be classi+ed according to this system [35,36] are
The production of energy from woody biomass presented at the foot of the table.
has been the subject of much discussion for about In general, the magnitude of the energy ratios are
25 years. Systems based on traditional, long rota- observed to be highest at the top of Table 4, getting
tion silvicultural techniques have been considered as progressively smaller the further down the table the
well as biomass fuel farms based on novel methods ratios appear. When the various energy ratios are strat-
for growing high yielding species on short rotations. i+ed in this way, the results from diJerent studies ex-
A number of attempts have been made to evaluate the hibit a remarkable consistency, and the results of the
energy budgets of the various systems. standard run presented above are also seen to be con-
Table 4 presents a summary of the energy ratios sistent with the estimates reported in previous studies.
for wood fuel production reported in the literature, Variability from the descending pattern is within the
and compares these with the results of the standard range that would be expected from the results of the
run described above. However, it is di4cult to com- sensitivity analysis for systems using diJerent crop
pare energy ratios from diJerent studies, as the meth- management and harvesting methods based on diJer-
ods used to grow, harvest and process wood fuel vary ent types of equipment. The types and quantities of
from study to study. The sensitivity analysis presented fertilizer applied, for example, vary between studies,
above demonstrates how these operational and com- and Fig. 7 also demonstrates that the choice of har-
putational details can have a dramatic eJect on the vesting machine and methods could have a dramatic
estimated energy ratio. Researchers also adopt diJer- eJect on energy inputs.
ent approaches to the assessment of the energy bud-
get, and there is sometimes disagreement over which 4.3. Inclusion of energy inputs to combustion units
energy inputs need to be included in the budget.
In order to assist interpretation, the reported energy It is di4cult to assess the energy inputs due to the
ratios in Table 4 have been grouped qualitatively as construction of stoves, furnaces and boilers for the
follows. Firstly, the results have been divided into two combustion of biofuel, and these costs are ignored in
sub-groups, depending on whether or not energy in- the calculations presented in Section 3. A specula-
puts due to active drying of wood fuel were included tive calculation, assuming that wood fuel is burned in
in the calculation of the energy ratio. Those energy domestic stoves, suggests that energy consumption
ratios which fall into this category are denoted by a due to the manufacture of stoves makes a relatively
tick in the Active drying column of Table 4. Each small contribution (about 4%) to the total energy costs
sub-group has then been further subdivided accord- of wood fuel production and utilization (standard run
ing to whether or not fertilizer was applied to the assumptions).
crop. Application of fertilizer is indicated by a tick in The energy inputs to construct large scale wood
the Fertilization column of Table 4. Finally, further fuel-using units, for example, a wood-+red electrical
sub-groups have been formed according to whether or power station, may be diJerent to domestic appliances
not irrigation was carried out. A tick in the Irrigation using the same amount of wood. However, such large
column of Table 4 indicates that the crop was irrigated. scale systems are likely to burn wood more e4ciently.
A tick in the Chipping column of the table indicates The estimation of these energy inputs is beyond the
that the energy inputs due to chipping of the wood scope of this paper, but it has been the subject of very
were included in the calculation of the energy ratio. recent research in Britain [37].
Only one study [3] omits costs due to chipping. The
various groups and sub-groups in Table 4 have been 4.4. Comparisons with fossil fuels
ranked according to the intensity of the wood fuel
production system. For example, production systems Estimated gross non-renewable energy require-
which involve fertilizer application, irrigation and ac- ments for wood fuel (standard run, this study) and
tive drying of wood fuel appear towards the bottom the main types of fossil fuel [8,22] are listed in
Table 4
Comparison of estimated energy ratios with values reported in the literature

Species Biomass Rotation Total Inclusion of energy inputs due to: Energy ratioa Source
productivity (yr) production
(odt ha1 yr 1 ) (odt ha1 ) Fertilization Irrigation Chipping Active

Loblolly pine, mixed 4 9 30 60 240 270 42 46 Herendeen and Brown [29]

R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119


Poplar, willow 14 22 18 252396 14 19 Turhollow and Perlack [30]

Poplar, willow 8 then 12 16b 168 29 This study

Spruce Pole stage 85 4157 Gingerich and Hendrickson [31]
Poplar 10 15 23 235 345 2226 Dubuisson and SintzoJ [32]c

Willow 9 24 216 25 BTorjesson [33]

Poplar, willow 8 then 12 16 168 24 This study

Loblolly pine, mixed 818 5 15 55 120 9 17 Herendeen and Brown [29]

Alder, eucalyptus, 1230 1116 Fege et al. [3]
poplar, plane

Poplar, willow 12 16b 180 25 Matthews [10]d

Various 4 9 2 60 16 270 4 7 Herendeen and Brown [29]e

Various 817 215 16 240 39 Herendeen and Brown [29]e

Jack pine 3 Hannon [34]
Willow Unknown Short Unknown 26 Gustavsson et al. [35]
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 22 Smith and Johnson [36]
a Energy inputs due to transportation to point of consumption not included. Where necessary this has required recalculation of energy ratios based on data reported in original
b One year to establish, cutting cycle 3 yr, +ve productive cycles.
c Although the research of Dubuisson and SintzoJ included options involving active drying of chips in storage, these involved relatively small inputs of energy compared to

other studies in the table marked as including active drying.

d Previously unpublished results produced by model used by Matthews [10].
e Includes estimates from other studies reviewed by Herendeen and Brown [29].
R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119 17

Table 5
Estimated gross non-renewable energy requirements and carbon emissions factors for wood fuel and fossil fuels (sources: Matthews et al.
[27]; Mortimer [22]; DTI [20]; J. Penman, pers. comm.)

Fuel type Gross non-renewable Direct carbon Total carbon

energy requirement emissions factor emissions factor
(MJ MJ1 ) (kgC MJ1 ) (kgC MJ1 )

Coal 1.071 0.0260 0.0291

Coke 1.132 0.0284 0.0318
Gas oil 1.128 0.0189 0.0211
Fuel oil 1.128 0.0199 0.0221
Diesel oil 1.128 0.0189 0.0211
Motor spirit 1.128 0.0182 0.0204
LPG 1.128 0.0178 0.0200
Natural gas 1.138 0.0143 0.0180
Electricity 3.783 0.0 0.0928
Wooda 0.036 0.0 0.0013
a Standard run.

Table 5. It must be emphasized that the values of fos- However, for any fuel, further emissions of carbon
sil fuels include all energy inputs up to the point of will occur during mining, or production, and supply to
fuel consumption including transport but do not in- the point of consumption. The total carbon emissions
clude any costs due to secondary processing. Table 5 coe4cient accounts for both carbon emitted directly
permits comparison of diJerent fuels when consumed on combustion, and indirectly during the supply pro-
as a direct energy source on the understanding that cess. As can be seen in Table 5 the estimated value of
long distance transport to point of consumption has this factor for wood fuel is non-zero, but is less than
not been assumed for wood fuel. The numbers do not one-tenth of the value estimated for any of the fossil
indicate relative performance when used to generate fuels, and less than one-seventieth of the total carbon
and supply electricity. For biofuels, the net energy re- emissions factor for electricity.
quirement is equivalent to the gross non-renewable
energy requirement, since the 1 MJ released on com- 4.5. Sustainability of short rotation coppice
bustion of the biofuel is renewable and therefore not management
included in the calculation. The gross non-renewable
energy requirement of a biofuel may therefore be less The sensitivity analysis revealed the strong depen-
than one. Based on the standard run, the value for dence of the energy ratio on many assumptions about
wood fuel is estimated to be 0:035 MJ MJ1 . farm practices, fuel processing methods and energy
Table 5 also shows two carbon emission coe4cients costs. Perhaps the critical assumption in this study is
for the various fuels. The direct carbon emissions that biofuel production from short rotation coppice
coe4cient is the carbon irreversibly released to the is sustainable. Herendeen and Brown [31] have ex-
atmosphere in kgC, directly due to the consumption pressed doubt as to whether the systems for growing
of 1 MJ of fuel energy. For fossil fuels, this value is wood for fuel developed so far are truly sustainable,
the carbon content of the fuel expressed in kgC MJ1 . and suggest that energy inputs may need to be in-
The direct carbon emissions coe4cient for electricity creased in order to sustain productivity in the long
is zero, as electricity has no carbon content, and there term. In this study, the standard run assumed, perhaps
are no emissions of carbon directly associated with optimistically, a sustained yield of 12 odt ha1 yr 1 .
its consumption. The factor also takes the value zero The consequences of a reduction in productivity
for wood, reHecting the fact that combustion of wood in the medium to long term may be inferred from
does not irreversibly emit carbon, rather it returns to Fig. 7. For example, if productivity was to drop to
the atmosphere carbon which was absorbed during the 5 odt ha1 yr 1 , the mid-range estimate of the energy
growth of the crop. ratio would fall below 20. In Britain, some authors
18 R.W. Matthews / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 119

have proposed disposing of sewage sludge on short to the atmosphere as a result of using wood fuel.
rotation coppice crops, thereby solving simultane- This estimate does not include any allowance for car-
ously a waste disposal problem and the possible fer- bon sequestered in unutilized components of coppice
tilizer requirements of coppice crops [38 40]. At this which may rise to between 5 and 12 tC ha1 over 25
stage, the long-term impact of such activities is a mat- years. However, the long-term fate of the stump and
ter for speculation. In general, it is impossible, based coarse root material is uncertain. Insu4cient informa-
on current understanding, to predict the wider envi- tion is available for predicting the impact of coppice
ronmental impacts of establishing purpose-designed, crop establishment on soil carbon content.
high yield, wood fuel plantations on agricultural The estimated energy ratio and carbon emissions co-
land. These impacts may have direct and indirect e4cient are extremely sensitive to assumptions about
consequences which compromise long-term produc- management methods, including the planting spac-
tivity. It is therefore essential that the energy and ing, cutting cycle and rotation of the crop, fertilizer
carbon analyses carried out in this study are extended treatments, +eld area, biomass productivity, harvesting
to an assessment of the full environmental impact of and chipping machinery and fuel storage system em-
short rotation coppice crops, through the development ployed. Further research is needed to re+ne the model
of an appropriate method of life cycle analysis. described in this study, and to validate estimates of en-
ergy inputs and carbon emissions. There is still a need
to standardize conventions for the estimation of the
5. Conclusions energy and carbon budgets of biofuels, covering mat-
ters such as the de+nition of the system boundary, and
Despite uncertainties in the estimation of certain fuels for the inclusion or exclusion of energy Hows.
energy inputs and carbon emissions, and the wide Minimum standards for the measurement or estima-
variation in techniques of crop management, wood tion of energy and carbon bene+ts and costs should be
harvesting and fuel processing, it is possible to make de+ned [28].
useful statements about the energy and carbon bud- Research is needed to establish that production of
gets of short rotation coppice crops for the production wood fuel from short rotation coppice is truly sustain-
of wood fuel. By making a set of standard assump- able. Major progress towards this goal would be to
tions about practices and resultant energy inputs that begin research on a full Life Cycle Analysis at several
are likely to occur, the energy ratio is estimated to sites in Britain. To achieve this it will be necessary to
be signi+cantly greater than 1, typically 30. The gross develop models for predicting coppice yield that are
non-renewable energy requirement, the total consump- capable of responding dynamically to perturbations in
tion of non-renewable energy associated with the con- climate and soil nutrient status as well as management.
sumption of 1 MJ of energy in the form of wood fuel, This task alone represents a major research challenge.
is 0:035 MJ MJ1 . The estimated energy ratios are
consistent with those reported in previous studies of
short rotation methods and traditional, long rotation Acknowledgements
methods of wood fuel production, provided that the
details of the bioenergy system and budgeting method- Andy MoJat and Alan Armstrong made helpful
ology speci+c to each study are considered. Indirect comments on an earlier draft. John Williams produced
inputs of energy due to the consumption of materials the graphics. Jenny Claridge coordinated and edited
are estimated to account for nearly 60% of total en- the original paper.
ergy costs, based on the standard set of assumptions.
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