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Congress simulation

Congratulations Senators! Youve been elected to office and are now trying to pass a bill through
Congress. Use this worksheet to help you plan your strategy for passing your bill in Congress.

Please fill out the following:

Senator name (your name):______________________________________
Senator platform: (what are the issues that are important to you. Ex. Education, Healthcare, Armed forces,

District you are representing:____________________________________________________

Top Issues in your district:( What are the major issues in your district. As a senator you are representing
the entire state. If you need help check

CVLCCHS Senator Oath

Oath required by the constitution and by Chula Vista Learning Community Charter High School law to be
taken by student Senators

I, (insert name), do solemnly swear, that I have come to class prepared; that I will treat my fellow
Senators and President with respect; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that
I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and
faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." (5 U.S.C.
3331. Modified)

Majority leader- Chief spokesperson for the majority party, spokesperson for entire Senate
Minority leader- Chief spokesperson for the minority party
Whip(s)- officials of a political party whose task is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. Whips are
the party's "enforcers"; they invite their fellow legislators to vote according to the official party policy
Tabled bills- to postpone or suspend consideration of a pending motion or bill. To fail the bill.

Procedure for Congress Simulation

1. Senators will sit according to party affiliation and submit their bills to their party leader.
2. Party leaders will read the one sentence summary of the bills and choose the appropriate
committee to submit the bills. (10 minutes)
3. Senators will then split into their separate committees. Once in committees, members must fulfill
the following roles: Chair, Secretary, Time keeper.
a. Chair- This person is considered the President and speaker of the committee. They
choose the priority of the passed bills and keep everyone on task.
b. Secretary- This person keeps a written record of why the bill passed or failed to pass
through committee.
c. Time keeper- This person is in charge of keeping track of time.
4. Senators will only be given 20 minutes to read the bills, discuss, and pass or fail each bill. Senators
must submit all bills before the 20 minutes is up, otherwise all bills within that committee fail.
5. Senators must then take the passed bills and submit them to the Committee on Appropriations. This
committee has a total of 5 members: the Majority leader, the minority leader, both whips and an
additional member chosen by the majority leader.
All submitted bills will be read, discussed and voted on.
6. The remaining bills will then be discussed and debated on the Senate floor.
7. Senators must then introduce their bill to the Senate floor. During their speech they must discuss the
a. Introduce themselves to the Senate.
b. State Bill name. What does your bill do? Who does it affect? How much does it cost? How will
this bill be paid?
8. The remaining senators have 5 minutes to then ask clarifying questions, offer criticisms, offer support,
offer potential amendments, propose a vote (if you think there needs to be no further discussion and
would rather just have a vote). Remember: Be respectful. Be courteous. Be kind.
9. After debates and discussion- the floor opens to a vote. Senators that agree to the bill will raise their
hands and say aye.
10. Any passed legislation will then be submitted to the president- She will either pass or deny legislation.

Strategies for passing bills

1. Appeal to the President. Try and get your bill to be a part of her platform.
2. Appeal to your party leader. Try and get your party leader to make your bill a priority bill. Offer
to support and help their bill pass through legislation.
3. Appeal to other Senators with like-minded legislation or with districts that would be helped by
your bill.
4. Try to form a caucus (informal grouping) Ex. If your bill affects womens health, try and speak to
all of the female Senators.
5. Try to vote along party lines. Or threaten to not vote along party lines (and risk getting whipped
by your partys whip)
6. Filibuster. (and if youre sick of their talking request a cloture vote)

Happy Congress simulation and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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