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Estrada v Arroyo ISSUE(S):

1. WoN the petition presents a justiciable controversy.

2. WoN Estrada resigned as President.
It began in October 2000 when allegations of wrong doings involving bribe-
taking, illegal gambling, and other forms of corruption were made against 3. WoN Arroyo is only an acting President.
Estrada before the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee. On November 13,
2000, Estrada was impeached by the Hor and, on December 7, 4. WoN the President enjoys immunity from suit.
impeachment proceedings were begun in the Senate during which more
5. WoN the prosecution of Estrada should be enjoined due to prejudicial
serious allegations of graft and corruption against Estrada were made and
were only stopped on January 16, 2001 when 11 senators, sympathetic to
the President, succeeded in suppressing damaging evidence against RULING:
Estrada. As a result, the impeachment trial was thrown into an uproar as
the entire prosecution panel walked out and Senate President Pimentel 1. Political questions- "to those questions which, under the Constitution,
resigned after casting his vote against Estrada. are to be decided by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to
which full discretionary authority has been delegated to the legislative or
On January 19, PNP and the AFP also withdrew their support for Estrada executive branch of the government. It is concerned with issues dependent
and joined the crowd at EDSA Shrine. Estrada called for a snap presidential upon the wisdom, not legality of a particular measure."
election to be held concurrently with congressional and local elections on
May 14, 2001. He added that he will not run in this election. On January Legal distinction between EDSA People Power I EDSA People Power II:
20, SC declared that the seat of presidency was vacant, saying that Estrada
constructively resigned his post. At noon, Arroyo took her oath of office
in the presence of the crowd at EDSA as the 14th President. Estrada and
exercise of people power of freedom of
his family later left Malacaang Palace. Erap, after his fall, filed petition for
speech and freedom of assemblyto
prohibition with prayer for WPI. It sought to enjoin the respondent
exercise of the people power of petition the government for redress of
Ombudsman from conducting any further proceedings in cases filed
revolution which overthrew the whole grievances which only affected the office
against him not until his term as president ends. He also prayed for
government. of the President.
judgment confirming Estrada to be the lawful and incumbent President of
the Republic of the Philippines temporarily unable to discharge the duties extra constitutional and the legitimacy of
of his office. the new government that resulted from it intra constitutional and the resignation of
cannot be the subject of judicial review the sitting President that it caused and the
succession of the Vice President as
President are subject to judicial review.

presented a political question; involves legal questions. 5. He called on his supporters to join him in promotion of a constructive
national spirit of reconciliation and solidarity.
The cases at bar pose legal and not political questions. The principal issues
for resolution require the proper interpretation of certain provisions in the Intent to resignmust be accompanied by act of relinquishmentact or
1987 Constitution: Sec 1 of Art II, and Sec 8 of Art VII, and the allocation of omission before, during and after January 20, 2001.
governmental powers under Sec 11 of Art VII. The issues likewise call for a
ruling on the scope of presidential immunity from suit. They also involve
the correct calibration of the right of petitioner against prejudicial 3. The Congress passed House Resolution No. 176 expressly stating its
publicity. support to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as President of the Republic of the
Philippines and subsequently passed H.R. 178 confirms the nomination of
Teofisto T. Guingona Jr. As Vice President. Senate passed HR No. 83
2. Elements of valid resignation: (a)an intent to resign and (b) acts of declaring the Impeachment Courts as Functius Officio and has been
relinquishment. Both were present when President Estrada left the Palace. terminated. It is clear is that both houses of Congress recognized Arroyo as
the President. Implicitly clear in that recognition is the premise that the
Totality of prior contemporaneous posterior facts and circumstantial inability of Estrada is no longer temporary as the Congress has clearly
evidence bearing material relevant issuesPresident Estrada is deemed rejected his claim of inability.
to have resigned constructive resignation.
The Court therefore cannot exercise its judicial power for this is political in
SC declared that the resignation of President Estrada could not be doubted nature and addressed solely to Congress by constitutional fiat. In fine,
as confirmed by his leaving Malacaan Palace. In the press release even if Estrada can prove that he did not resign, still, he cannot
containing his final statement: successfully claim that he is a President on leave on the ground that he is
merely unable to govern temporarily. That claim has been laid to rest by
1. He acknowledged the oath-taking of the respondent as President;
Congress and the decision that Arroyo is the de jure, president made by a
2. He emphasized he was leaving the Palace for the sake of peace and in co-equal branch of government cannot be reviewed by this Court.
order to begin the healing process (he did not say that he was leaving due
to any kind of disability and that he was going to reassume the Presidency
as soon as the disability disappears); 4. The cases filed against Estrada are criminal in character. They involve
plunder, bribery and graft and corruption. By no stretch of the imagination
3. He expressed his gratitude to the people for the opportunity to serve
can these crimes, especially plunder which carries the death penalty, be
them as President (without doubt referring to the past opportunity);
covered by the alleged mantle of immunity of a non-sitting president. He
4. He assured that he will not shirk from any future challenge that may cannot cite any decision of this Court licensing the President to commit
come in the same service of the country; criminal acts and wrapping him with post-tenure immunity from liability.
The rule is that unlawful acts of public officials are not acts of the State and

the officer who acts illegally is not acting as such but stands in the same lower court decided in favor of the Respondent. Petitioner appealed
footing as any trespasser. thedecision of the lower courts and claimed that it has the authority
to openNeptune Street to public traffic because it is an agent of the State
that can practice police power in the delivery of basic services in Metro
5. No. Case law will tell us that a right to a fair trial and the free press are
incompatible. Also, since our justice system does not use the jury system,
the judge, who is a learned and legally enlightened individual, cannot be
Issue: Whether or not the MMDA has the mandate to open Neptune Street
easily manipulated by mere publicity. The Court also said that Estrada did
to public traffic pursuant to its regulatory and police powers.
not present enough evidence to show that the publicity given the trial has
influenced the judge so as to render the judge unable to perform. Finally,
the Court said that the cases against Estrada were still undergoing
Held: The Court held that the MMDA does not have
preliminary investigation, so the publicity of the case would really have no
the capacity toexercise police power. Police power is primarily lodged in
permanent effect on the judge and that the prosecutor should be more
the National Legislature. However, police power may be delegated to
concerned with justice and less with prosecution.
government units. Petitioner herein is a development authority and not a
political government unit. Therefore, the MMDA cannot exercise police
power because it cannot be delegated to them. It is not a legislative unit of
MMDA Vs. Bel-Air Village [328 SCRA 836; G.R. No. 135962; 27 Mar 2000] the government. Republic Act No. 7924 does not empower the MMDA to
enact ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the
Facts: Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), petitioner
general welfare of the inhabitants of Manila. There is no syllable in the said
herein, is a Government Agency tasked with the delivery of basic servicesin
act that grants MMDA police power.
Metro Manila. Bel-Air Village Association (BAVA), respondent herein,
received a letter of request from the petitioner to open Neptune Street of
It is an agency created for the purpose of laying down policies and
Bel-Air Village for the use of the public. The said opening of Neptune Street
coordinating with various national government agencies, peoples
will be for the safe and convenient movement of persons and to regulate
organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector for
the flow of traffic in Makati City. This was pursuant to MMDA law or
the efficient and expeditious delivery of basic services in the vast
Republic Act No. 7924. On the same day, the respondent was appraised
metropolitan area.
that the perimeter wall separating the subdivision and
Kalayaan Avenuewould be demolished.

The respondent, to stop the opening of the said street and demolition of
the wall, filed a preliminary injunction and a temporary restraining order.
Respondent claimed that the MMDA had no authority to do so and the

FACTS: exercise of police power by the state particularly when their conduct
afffects either the execution of a legitimate governmental functions, the
The Federation of Entertainment Talent Managers of the Philippines preservation of the State, the public health and welfare and public morals.
(FETMOP for brevity) filed a class suit on January 27, 1995 assailing that According to the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas (use your
the Department Order No. 3 which establishes various procedures and property in such a fashion so as to not disturb others) it must of course be
requirements for screening performing artists under a new system of within the legitimate range of legislative action to define the mode and
training, testing, certification and deployment of the former and other manner in which every one may so use his own property so as not to pose
related issuance, principally contending that the said orders, 1.)violated injury to himself or others.
the constitutional right to travel; 2.) abridged existing contracts for
employment; and 3.) deprived individual artists of their licenses without
due process of law. FETMOP also averred that the issuance of the Artist
Record Book (ARB) was discriminatory and illegal and in gross violation of In any case, where the liberty curtailed affects at most the right
the constitutional right to life liberty and property. FETMOP prayed for the of property, the permissible scope of regulatory measures is certainly
issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction against the orders. much wider. To pretend that licensing or accreditation requirements
violates due process clause is to ignore the settled practice, under the
JMM Promotion and Management, Inc. (JMM for brevity) and Kary mantle of the police power, of regulating entry to the practice of various
International, Inc. (Kary for brevity) filed a motion for intervention in the trades or profession. Professional leaving for abroad are required to pass
civil case which was granted by the trial court on February 15, 1995. rigid written and practical exams before they are deemed fit to practice
However, on February 21, 1995, the trial court issued an order denying their trade. It is not claimed that these requirements pose an unwarranted
petitioner's prayer for writ of preliminary injunction and dismissed the deprivation of a property right under the due process clause. So long as
compliant. An appeal was made to the trial court regarding its decision but professionals and other workers meet reasonable regulatory standards no
it was also however, dismissed. As a consequences, ARB requirement was such deprivation exists.
issed. The Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's decision and concluded
that the said issuance constituted a valid exercise of Police power. City of Manila vs Laguio

ISSUE FACTS: Private respondent Malate Tourist Development Corporation

(MTDC) is a corporation engaged in the business of operating hotels,
Whether or not the the said issuance is a valid exercise of Police Power motels, hostels and lodging houses. It built and opened Victoria Court in
Malate which was licensed as a motel although duly accredited with the
RULING DOT as a hotel. On 28 June 1993, MTDC filed a Petition for Declaratory
Relief with Prayer for a Writ of Preliminary Injunction and/or Temporary
Yes, the ARB requirement and questioned Department Order related to its
Restraining Order7 with the lower court impleading as defendants, herein
issuance were issued by the Secretary of Labor pursuant to a valid exercise
petitioners City of Manila, Hon. Alfredo S. Lim (Lim), Hon. Joselito L.
of Police Power by the State. The proper regulation of a profession, calling,
Atienza, and the members of the City Council of Manila (City Council).
business or trade has always been upheld as a legitimate subject of a valid

MTDC prayed that the Ordinance, insofar as it includes motels and inns as (1) must not contravene the Constitution or any statute;
among its prohibited establishments, be declared invalid and (2) must not be unfair or oppressive;
unconstitutional. (3) must not be partial or discriminatory;
(4) must not prohibit but may regulate trade;
Enacted by the City Council and approved by petitioner City Mayor, the (5) must be general and consistent with public policy; and
said Ordinance is entitled (6) must not be unreasonable.
The Ordinance was passed by the City Council in the exercise of its police
power, an enactment of the City Council acting as agent of Congress. This
delegated police power is found in Section 16 of the LGC, known as the
general welfare clause.
The inquiry in this Petition is concerned with the validity of the exercise of
such delegated power.
Judge Laguio rendered the assailed Decision (in favour of respondent).
A. The Ordinance contravenes
On 11 January 1995, petitioners filed the present Petition, alleging that the
the Constitution
following errors were committed by the lower court in its ruling:
The enactment of the Ordinance was an invalid exercise of delegated
(1) It erred in concluding that the subject ordinance is ultra vires, or
power as it is unconstitutional and repugnant to general laws.
otherwise, unfair, unreasonable and oppressive exercise of police power;
The police power granted to LGUs must always be exercised with utmost
(2) It erred in holding that the questioned Ordinance contravenes P.D. 499
observance of the rights of the people to due process and equal protection
which allows operators of all kinds of commercial establishments, except
of the law. Due process requires the intrinsic validity of the law in
those specified therein; and
interfering with the rights of the person to his life, liberty and property.
(3) It erred in declaring the Ordinance void and unconstitutional.
Requisites for the valid exercise
ISSUE: WON the ordinance is unconstitutional.
of Police Power are not met
HELD: The Court is of the opinion, and so holds, that the lower court did
To successfully invoke the exercise of police power as the rationale for the
not err in declaring the Ordinance, as it did, ultra vires and therefore null
enactment of the Ordinance, and to free it from the imputation of
and void.
constitutional infirmity, not only must it appear that the interests of the
The tests of a valid ordinance are well established. A long line of decisions public generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class, require
has held that for an ordinance to be valid, it must not only be within the an interference with private rights, but the means adopted must be
corporate powers of the local government unit to enact and must be reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose and not
passed according to the procedure prescribed by law, it must also conform unduly oppressive upon individuals.60 It must be evident that no other
to the following substantive requirements: alternative for the accomplishment of the purpose less intrusive of private

rights can work. A reasonable relation must exist between the purposes of If the City of Manila so desires to put an end to prostitution, fornication
the police measure and the means employed for its accomplishment, for and other social ills, it can instead impose reasonable regulations such as
even under the guise of protecting the public interest, personal rights and daily inspections of the establishments for any violation of the conditions
those pertaining to private property will not be permitted to be arbitrarily of their licenses or permits; it may exercise its authority to suspend or
invaded. revoke their licenses for these violations; and it may even impose
increased license fees. In other words, there are other means to
Lacking a concurrence of these two requisites, the police measure shall be reasonably accomplish the desired end.
struck down as an arbitrary intrusion into private rights a violation of the
due process clause. It is readily apparent that the means employed by the Ordinance for the
achievement of its purposes, the governmental interference itself,
The object of the Ordinance was, accordingly, the promotion and infringes on the constitutional guarantees of a persons fundamental right
protection of the social and moral values of the community. Granting for to liberty and property.
the sake of argument that the objectives of the Ordinance are within the
scope of the City Councils police powers, the means employed for the Modality employed is
accomplishment thereof were unreasonable and unduly oppressive. unlawful taking

The worthy aim of fostering public morals and the eradication of the It is an ordinance which permanently restricts the use of property that it
communitys social ills can be achieved through means less restrictive of can not be used for any reasonable purpose goes beyond regulation and
private rights; it can be attained by reasonable restrictions rather than by must be recognized as a taking of the property without
an absolute prohibition. The closing down and transfer of businesses or just compensation.78 It is intrusive and violative of the private property
their conversion into businesses allowed under the Ordinance have no rights of individuals.
reasonable relation to the accomplishment of its purposes. Otherwise
stated, the prohibition of the enumerated establishments will not per se There are two different types of taking that can be identified. A
protect and promote the social and moral welfare of the community; it will possessory taking occurs when the government confiscates or physically
not in itself eradicate the alluded social ills of prostitution, adultery, occupies property. A regulatory taking occurs when the governments
fornication nor will it arrest the spread of sexual disease in Manila. regulation leaves no reasonable economically viable use of the property.

The enumerated establishments are lawful pursuits which are not per se What is crucial in judicial consideration of regulatory takings is that
offensive to the moral welfare of the community. While a motel may be government regulation is a taking if it leaves no reasonable economically
used as a venue for immoral sexual activity, it cannot for that reason alone viable use of property in a manner that interferes with reasonable
be punished. It cannot be classified as a house of ill-repute or as a nuisance expectations for use. When the owner of real property has been called
per se on a mere likelihood or a naked assumption. upon to sacrifice all economically beneficial uses in the name of the
common good, that is, to leave his property economically idle, he has
suffered a taking.

The Ordinance gives the owners and operators of the prohibited city authorities as the touchstone by which its validity is to be tested, are
establishments three (3) months from its approval within which to wind unreasonable and invalid. The Ordinance should have established a rule by
up business operations or to transfer to any place outside of the Ermita- which its impartial enforcement could be secured. Similarly, the Ordinance
Malate area or convert said businesses to other kinds of business allowable does not specify the standards to ascertain which establishments tend to
within the area. The directive to wind up business operations amounts disturb the community, annoy the inhabitants, and adversely affect
to a closure of the establishment, a permanent deprivation of property, the social and moral welfare of the community.
and is practically confiscatory. Unless the owner converts his
establishment to accommodate an allowed business, the structure which The cited case supports the nullification of the Ordinance for lack of
housed the previous business will be left empty and gathering dust. It is comprehensible standards to guide the law enforcers in carrying out its
apparent that the Ordinance leaves no reasonable economically viable use provisions.
of property in a manner that interferes with reasonable expectations for
Petitioners cannot therefore order the closure of the enumerated
establishments without infringing the due process clause. These lawful
The second and third options to transfer to any place outside of the
establishments may be regulated, but not prevented from carrying on their
Ermita-Malate area or to convert into allowed businessesare business.
confiscatory as well. The penalty of permanent closure in cases of
subsequent violations found in Section 4 of the Ordinance is also B. The Ordinance violates Equal
equivalent to a taking of private property. Protection Clause

Petitioners cannot take refuge in classifying the measure as a zoning In the Courts view, there are no substantial distinctions between motels,
ordinance. A zoning ordinance, although a valid exercise of police power, inns, pension houses, hotels, lodging houses or other similar
which limits a wholesome property to a use which can not reasonably be establishments. By definition, all are commercial establishments providing
made of it constitutes the taking of such property without just lodging and usually meals and other services for the public. No reason
compensation. Private property which is not noxious nor intended for exists for prohibiting motels and inns but not pension houses, hotels,
noxious purposes may not, by zoning, be destroyed without compensation. lodging houses or other similar establishments. The classification in the
Such principle finds no support in the principles of justice as we know instant case is invalid as similar subjects are not similarly treated, both as
them. The police powers of local government units which have always to rights conferred and obligations imposed. It is arbitrary as it does not
received broad and liberal interpretation cannot be stretched to cover this rest on substantial distinctions bearing a just and fair relation to the
particular taking. purpose of the Ordinance.

Further, The Ordinance confers upon the mayor arbitrary and unrestricted The Court likewise cannot see the logic for prohibiting the business and
power to close down establishments. Ordinances such as this, which make operation of motels in the Ermita-Malate area but not outside of this area.
possible abuses in its execution, depending upon no conditions or A noxious establishment does not become any less noxious if located
qualifications whatsoever other than the unregulated arbitrary will of the outside the area.

The standard where women are used as tools for entertainment is also area. The decree allowed the establishment and operation of all kinds of
discriminatory as prostitutionone of the hinted ills the Ordinance aims commercial establishments except warehouse or open storage depot,
to banishis not a profession exclusive to women. Both men and women dump or yard, motor repair shop, gasoline service station, light industry
have an equal propensity to engage in prostitution. Thus, the with any machinery or funeral establishment. The rule is that for an
discrimination is invalid. ordinance to be valid and to have force and effect, it must not only be
within the powers of the council to enact but the same must not be in
C. The Ordinance is repugnant conflict with or repugnant to the general law.
to general laws; it is ultra vires
The Ordinance is in contravention of the Code (Sec 458) as the latter All considered, the Ordinance invades fundamental personal and property
merely empowers local government units to regulate, and not prohibit, the rights and impairs personal privileges. It is constitutionally infirm. The
establishments enumerated in Section 1 thereof. Ordinance contravenes statutes; it is discriminatory and unreasonable in
its operation; it is not sufficiently detailed and explicit that abuses may
With respect to cafes, restaurants, beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns,
attend the enforcement of its sanctions. And not to be forgotten, the City
pension houses, lodging houses, and other similar establishments, the only
Council under the Code had no power to enact the Ordinance and is
power of the City Council to legislate relative thereto is to regulate them to
therefore ultra vires, null and void.
promote the general welfare. The Code still withholds from cities the
power to suppress and prohibit altogether the establishment, operation Petition Denied.
and maintenance of such establishments.
It is well to point out that petitioners also cannot seek cover under the
general welfare clause authorizing the abatement of nuisances without Facts: The issue arose from an incident involving the respondent Dante O.
judicial proceedings. That tenet applies to a nuisance per se, or one which Garin, a lawyer, who was issued a traffic violation receipt (TVR) by MMDA
affects the immediate safety of persons and property and may be and his driver's license confiscated for parking illegally along Gandara
summarily abated under the undefined law of necessity. It can not be said Street, Binondo, Manila, on August 1995.
that motels are injurious to the rights of property, health or comfort of the
Shortly before the expiration of the TVR's validity, the respondent
community. It is a legitimate business. If it be a nuisance per accidens it
addressed a letter to then MMDA Chairman Prospero Oreta requesting the
may be so proven in a hearing conducted for that purpose. A motel is not
return of his driver's license, and expressing his preference for his case to
per se a nuisance warranting its summary abatement without judicial
be filed in court.
Receiving no immediate reply, Garin filed the original complaint with
Not only does the Ordinance contravene the Code, it likewise runs counter
application for preliminary injunction, contending that, in the absence of
to the provisions of P.D. 499. As correctly argued by MTDC, the statute had
any implementing rules and regulations, Sec. 5(f) of Rep. Act No. 7924
already converted the residential Ermita-Malate area into a commercial
grants the MMDA unbridled discretion to deprive erring motorists of their

licenses, pre-empting a judicial determination of the validity of the services affecting the region placed under "a development authority"
deprivation, thereby violating the due process clause of the Constitution. referred to as the MMDA. Thus: The MMDA is, as termed in the charter
itself, a "development authority." It is an agency created for the purpose of
The respondent further contended that the provision violates the laying down policies and coordinating with the various national
constitutional prohibition against undue delegation of legislative authority, government agencies, people's organizations, non-governmental
allowing as it does the MMDA to fix and impose unspecified and organizations and the private sector for the efficient and expeditious
therefore unlimited fines and other penalties on erring motorists. delivery of basic services in the vast metropolitan area. All its functions are
administrative in nature and these are actually summed up in the charter
The trial court rendered the assailed decision in favor of herein
* Section 5 of Rep. Act No. 7924 enumerates the "Functions and Powers of
the Metro Manila Development Authority." The contested clause in Sec.
1. WON MMDA, through Sec. 5(f) of Rep. Act No. 7924 could validly 5(f) states that the petitioner shall "install and administer a single ticketing
exercise police power. system, fix, impose and collect fines and penalties for all kinds of violations
of traffic rules and regulations, whether moving or non-moving in nature,
HELD: Police Power, having been lodged primarily in the National and confiscate and suspend or revoke drivers' licenses in the enforcement
Legislature, cannot be exercised by any group or body of individuals not of such traffic laws and regulations, the provisions of Rep. Act No. 4136
possessing legislative power. The National Legislature, however, may and P.D. No. 1605 to the contrary notwithstanding," and that "(f)or this
delegate this power to the president and administrative boards as well as purpose, the Authority shall enforce all traffic laws and regulations in
the lawmaking bodies of municipal corporations or local government units Metro Manila, through its traffic operation center, and may deputize
(LGUs). Once delegated, the agents can exercise only such legislative members of the PNP, traffic enforcers of local government units, duly
powers as are conferred on them by the national lawmaking body. licensed security guards, or members of non-governmental organizations
to whom may be delegated certain authority, subject to such conditions
Our Congress delegated police power to the LGUs in the Local Government
and requirements as the Authority may impose."
Code of 1991. 15 A local government is a "political subdivision of a nation
or state which is constituted by law and has substantial control of local White Light Corp Vs City of Manila
affairs." 16 Local government units are the provinces, cities, municipalities
and barangays, which exercise police power through their respective Facts:
legislative bodies.
On December 3, 1992, City Mayor Alfredo S. Lim signed into law Manila
Metropolitan or Metro Manila is a body composed of several local City Ordinance No. 7774 entitled An Ordinance Prohibiting Short-Time
government units. With the passage of Rep. Act No. 7924 in 1995, Admission, Short-Time Admission Rates, and Wash-Up Rate Schemes in
Metropolitan Manila was declared as a "special development and Hotels, Motels, Inns, Lodging Houses, Pension Houses, and Similar
administrative region" and the administration of "metro-wide" basic Establishments in the City of Manila (the Ordinance). The ordinance

sanctions any person or corporation who will allow the admission and exercise of police power; and it is unreasonable and oppressive
charging of room rates for less than 12 hours or the renting of rooms more interference in their business.
than twice a day. CA, in turn, reversed the decision of RTC and affirmed the constitutionality
of the ordinance. First, it held that the ordinance did not violate the right
The petitioners White Light Corporation (WLC), Titanium Corporation (TC), to privacy or the freedom of movement, as it only penalizes the owners or
and Sta. Mesa Tourist and Development Corporation (STDC), who own and operators of establishments that admit individuals for short time stays.
operate several hotels and motels in Metro Manila, filed a motion to Second, the virtually limitless reach of police power is only constrained by
intervene and to admit attached complaint-in-intervention on the ground having a lawful object obtained through a lawful method. The lawful
that the ordinance will affect their business interests as operators. The objective of the ordinance is satisfied since it aims to curb immoral
respondents, in turn, alleged that the ordinance is a legitimate exercise of activities. There is a lawful method since the establishments are still
police power. allowed to operate. Third, the adverse effect on the establishments is
justified by the well-being of its constituents in general.
RTC declared Ordinance No. 7774 null and void as it strikes at the
personal liberty of the individual guaranteed and jealously guarded by the Hence, the petitioners appeared before the SC.
Constitution. Reference was made to the provisions of the Constitution
encouraging private enterprises and the incentive to needed investment, Issue:
as well as the right to operate economic enterprises. Finally, from the
observation that the illicit relationships the Ordinance sought to dissuade Whether Ordinance No. 7774 is a valid exercise of police power of the
could nonetheless be consummated by simply paying for a 12-hour stay, State.
When elevated to CA, the respondents asserted that the ordinance is a
valid exercise of police power pursuant to Section 458 (4)(iv) of the Local
Government Code which confers on cities the power to regulate the No. Ordinance No. 7774 cannot be considered as a valid exercise of police
establishment, operation and maintenance of cafes, restaurants, power, and as such, it is unconstitutional.
beerhouses, hotels, motels, inns, pension houses, lodging houses and
other similar establishments, including tourist guides and transports. Also, The facts of this case will recall to mind not only the recent City of Manila v
they contended that under Art III Sec 18 of Revised Manila Charter, they Laguio Jr ruling, but the 1967 decision in Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel
have the power to enact all ordinances it may deem necessary and proper Operations Association, Inc., v. Hon. City Mayor of Manila. The common
for the sanitation and safety, the furtherance of the prosperity and the thread that runs through those decisions and the case at bar goes beyond
promotion of the morality, peace, good order, comfort, convenience and the singularity of the localities covered under the respective ordinances.
general welfare of the city and its inhabitants and to fix penalties for the All three ordinances were enacted with a view of regulating public morals
violation of ordinances. including particular illicit activity in transient lodging establishments. This
could be described as the middle case, wherein there is no wholesale ban
Petitioners argued that the ordinance is unconstitutional and void since it on motels and hotels but the services offered by these establishments
violates the right to privacy and freedom of movement; it is an invalid have been severely restricted. At its core, this is another case about the

extent to which the State can intrude into and regulate the lives of its petitioners. Yet, they also recognized the capacity of the petitioners to
citizens invoke as well the constitutional rights of their patrons those persons
who would be deprived of availing short time access or wash-up rates to
The test of a valid ordinance is well established. A long line of decisions the lodging establishments in question. The rights at stake herein fell
including City of Manila has held that for an ordinance to be valid, it must within the same fundamental rights to liberty. Liberty as guaranteed by the
not only be within the corporate powers of the local government unit to Constitution was defined by Justice Malcolm to include the right to exist
enact and pass according to the procedure prescribed by law, it must also and the right to be free from arbitrary restraint or servitude. The term
conform to the following substantive requirements: (1) must not cannot be dwarfed into mere freedom from physical restraint of the
contravene the Constitution or any statute; (2) must not be unfair or person of the citizen, but is deemed to embrace the right of man to enjoy
oppressive; (3) must not be partial or discriminatory; (4) must not prohibit the facilities with which he has been endowed by his Creator, subject only
but may regulate trade; (5) must be general and consistent with public to such restraint as are necessary for the common welfare,
policy; and (6) must not be unreasonable.
Indeed, the right to privacy as a constitutional right must be recognized
The ordinance in this case prohibits two specific and distinct business and the invasion of it should be justified by a compelling state interest.
practices, namely wash rate admissions and renting out a room more than Jurisprudence accorded recognition to the right to privacy independently
twice a day. The ban is evidently sought to be rooted in the police power of its identification with liberty; in itself it is fully deserving of
as conferred on local government units by the Local Government Code constitutional protection. Governmental powers should stop short of
through such implements as the general welfare clause. certain intrusions into the personal life of the citizen.

Police power is based upon the concept of necessity of the State and its An ordinance which prevents the lawful uses of a wash rate depriving
corresponding right to protect itself and its people. Police power has been patrons of a product and the petitioners of lucrative business ties in with
used as justification for numerous and varied actions by the State. another constitutional requisite for the legitimacy of the ordinance as a
police power measure. It must appear that the interests of the public
The apparent goal of the ordinance is to minimize if not eliminate the use
generally, as distinguished from those of a particular class, require an
of the covered establishments for illicit sex, prostitution, drug use and
interference with private rights and the means must be reasonably
alike. These goals, by themselves, are unimpeachable and certainly fall
necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose and not unduly
within the ambit of the police power of the State. Yet the desirability of
oppressive of private rights. It must also be evident that no other
these ends do not sanctify any and all means for their achievement. Those
alternative for the accomplishment of the purpose less intrusive of private
means must align with the Constitution.
rights can work. More importantly, a reasonable relation must exist
SC contended that if they were to take the myopic view that an ordinance between the purposes of the measure and the means employed for its
should be analyzed strictly as to its effect only on the petitioners at bar, accomplishment, for even under the guise of protecting the public interest,
then it would seem that the only restraint imposed by the law that they personal rights and those pertaining to private property will not be
were capacitated to act upon is the injury to property sustained by the permitted to be arbitrarily invaded.

Lacking a concurrence of these requisites, the police measure shall be Republic vs Castellvi
struck down as an arbitrary intrusion into private rights.
The behavior which the ordinance seeks to curtail is in fact already Facts: In 1947, the republic, through the Armed Forces of the Philippines
prohibited and could in fact be diminished simply by applying existing laws. (AFP), entered into a lease agreement with Castelvi on a year-to-year basis.
Less intrusive measures such as curbing the proliferation of prostitutes and When Castelvi gave notice to terminate the lease in 1956, the AFP refused.
drug dealers through active police work would be more effective in easing She then instituted an ejectment proceeding against the AFP. In 1959,
the situation. So would the strict enforcement of existing laws and however, the republic commenced the expropriation proceedings for the
regulations penalizing prostitution and drug use. These measures would land in question.
have minimal intrusion on the businesses of the petitioners and other
legitimate merchants. Further, it is apparent that the ordinance can easily Issue: Whether or Not the compensation should be determined as of 1947
be circumvented by merely paying the whole day rate without any or 1959.
hindrance to those engaged in illicit activities. Moreover, drug dealers and
prostitutes can in fact collect wash rates from their clientele by charging Held: The Supreme Court ruled that the taking should not be reckoned as
their customers a portion of the rent for motel rooms and even of 1947, and that just compensation should not be determined on the
apartments. basis of the value of the property as of that year.

SC reiterated that individual rights may be adversely affected only to the The requisites for taking are: 1) the expropriator must enter a private
extent that may fairly be required by the legitimate demands of public property, 2) the entry must be for more than a momentary period, 3) it
interest or public welfare. The State is a leviathan that must be restrained must be under warrant or color of authorities, 4) the property must be
from needlessly intruding into the lives of its citizens. However well- devoted for public use or otherwise informally appropriated or injuriously
intentioned the ordinance may be, it is in effect an arbitrary and whimsical affected, and 5) the utilization of the property for public use must be such
intrusion into the rights of the establishments as well as their patrons. The a way as to oust the owner and deprive him of beneficial enjoyment of the
ordinance needlessly restrains the operation of the businesses of the property. Under Sec. 4 Rule 67 of the Rules of Court, just compensation
petitioners as well as restricting the rights of their patrons without is to be determined as of the date of the filing of the complaint. The
sufficient justification. The ordinance rashly equates wash rates and Supreme Court has ruled that when the taking of the property sought to be
renting out a room more than twice a day with immorality without expropriated coincides with the commencement of the expropriation
accommodating innocuous intentions. proceedings, or takes place subsequent to the filing of the complaint
foreminent domain, the just compensation should be determined as of the
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of date of the filing of the complaint. In the instant case, it is undisputed that
Appeals is REVERSED, and the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of the Republic was placed in possession of the Castelvi property, by
Manila, Branch 9, is REINSTATED. Ordinance No. 7774 is hereby declared authority of court, on August 10, 1959. The taking of the Castelvi
UNCONSTITUTIONAL. No pronouncement as to costs. property for the purposes of determining the just compensation to be paid
must, therefore, be reckoned as of June 26, 1959 when the complaint

foreminent domain was filed. There is no basis to the contention of the the exercise of this power, of utilities and other private enterprise to the
Republic that a lease on a year-to-year basis can give rise to permanent government. It is accurate to state then that at present whatever may be
right to occupy since by express provision a lease made for a determinate beneficially employed for the general welfare satisfies the requirement of
time, as was the lease of Castelvi land in the instant case, ceases upon the public use.
day fixed, without need of a demand (Art. 1669, New Civil Code). The
Supreme Court, however, did not apply Art. 1250 of the New Civil Code for REPUBLIC VS GINGOYON (481 SCRA 457)
the adjustment of the peso rate in times of extraordinary inflation or
Facts: The Ninoy Aquino International Airport Passenger Terminal III (NAIA
deflation because in eminent domain cases the obligation to pay arises
3) was conceived, designed and constructed to serve as the countrys show
from law independent of contract.
window to the world. Regrettably, it has spawned controversies.
Manosca vs. CA Regrettably too, despite the apparent completion of the terminal complex
way back it has not yet been operated. This has caused immeasurable
Facts: Petitioners inherited a piece of land when the parcel was economic damage to the country, not to mention its deplorable discredit in
ascertained by the NHI to have been the birth site of Felix Y. Manalo, the the international community. In the first case that reached this Court, Agan
founder of Iglesia Ni Cristo, it passed Resolution No. 1, declaring the land v. PIATCO,the contracts which the Government had with the contractor
to be a national historical landmark. Petitioners moved to dismiss the were voided for being contrary to law and public policy. The second case
complaint on the main thesis that the intended expropriation was not for a now before the Court involves the matter of just compensation due the
public purpose and, incidentally, that the act would constitute an contractor for the terminal complex it built. We decide the case on the
application of public funds, directly or indirectly, for the use, benefit, or basis of fairness, the same norm that pervades both the Courts 2004
support of Iglesia ni Cristo, a religious entity, contrary to the provision of Resolution in the first case and the latest expropriation law. The present
Section 29(2), Article VI, of the 1987 Constitution. controversy has its roots with the promulgation of the Courts decision in
Agan v. PIATCO,promulgated in 2003 (2003 Decision). This decision
Issue: Whether or not the expropriation of the land whereat Manalo was nullified the Concession Agreement for the Build-Operate-and-Transfer
born is valid and constitutional. Arrangement of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Passenger Terminal
III entered into between the Philippine Government (Government) and
Held: Yes. The taking to be valid must be for public use. There was a time the Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc. (PIATCO), as well as the
when it was felt that a literal meaning should be attached to such a amendments and supplements thereto. The agreement had authorized
requirement. Whatever project is undertaken must be for the public to PIATCO to build a new international airport terminal (NAIA 3), as well as a
enjoy, as in the case of streets or parks. Otherwise, expropriation is not franchise to operate and maintain the said terminal during the concession
allowable. It is not so any more. As long as the purpose of the taking is period of 25 years. The contracts were nullified, among others, that
public, then the power of eminent domain comes into play. As just noted, Paircargo Consortium, predecessor of PIATCO, did not possess the
the constitution in at least two cases, to remove any doubt, determines requisite financial capacity when it was awarded the NAIA 3 contract and
what public use is. One is the expropriation of lands to be subdivided into that the agreement was contrary to public policy. At the time of the
small lots for resale at cost to individuals. The other is the transfer, through promulgation of the 2003 Decision, the NAIA 3 facilities had already been

built by PIATCO and were nearing completion. However, the ponencia was possession upon the filing of a complaint for expropriation sufficient in
silent as to the legal status of the NAIA 3 facilities following the form and substance, and upon deposit made by the government of the
nullification of the contracts, as well as whatever rights of PIATCO for amount equivalent to the assessed value of the property subject to
reimbursement for its expenses in the construction of the facilities. PIATCO expropriation. The RTC found these requisites present, particularly noting
and several respondents-intervenors filed their respective motions for the that [t]he case record shows that [the Government has] deposited the
reconsideration of the 2003 Decision. These motions were denied by the assessed value of the [NAIA 3 facilities] in the Land Bank of the Philippines,
Court in its Resolution dated 21 January 2004 (2004 Resolution). However, an authorized depositary, as shown by the certification attached to their
the Court this time squarely addressed the issue of the rights of PIATCO to complaint. Also on the same day, the RTC issued a Writ of Possession.
refund, compensation or reimbursement for its expenses in the According to PIATCO, the Government was able to take possession over
construction of the NAIA 3 facilities. After the promulgation of the rulings the NAIA 3 facilities immediately after the Writ of Possession was issued.
in Agan, the NAIA 3 facilities have remained in the possession of PIATCO, However, on 4 January 2005, the RTC issued another Order designed to
despite the avowed intent of the Government to put the airport terminal supplement its 21 December 2004 Order and the Writ of Possession. In the
into immediate operation. The Government and PIATCO conducted several 4 January 2005 Order, now assailed in the present petition, the RTC noted
rounds of negotiation regarding the NAIA 3 facilities. It also appears that that its earlier issuance of its writ of possession was pursuant to Section 2,
arbitral proceedings were commenced before the International Chamber Rule 67 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. However, it was observed
of Commerce International Court of Arbitration and the International that Republic Act No. 8974 (Rep. Act No. 8974), otherwise known as An
Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes, although the Act to Facilitate the Acquisition of Right-of-Way, Site or Location for
Government has raised jurisdictional questions before those two bodies. National Government Infrastructure Projects and For Other Purposes and
Then, on 21 December 2004, the Government11 filed a Complaint for its Implementing Rules and Regulations (Implementing Rules) had
expropriation with the Pasay City Regional Trial Court (RTC), together with amended Rule 67 in many respects.
an Application for Special Raffle seeking the immediate holding of a special
raffle. The Government sought upon the filing of the complaint the Issue: Whether or not RA 8794 should be applied in the instant
issuance of a writ of possession authorizing it to take immediate expropriation case and not Rule 67.
possession and control over the NAIA 3 facilities. The Government also
Held: Yes. At the very least, Rule 67 cannot apply in this case without
declared that it had deposited the amount of P3,002,125,000.0012 (3
violating the 2004 Resolution. Even assuming that Rep. Act No. 8974 does
Billion) in Cash with the Land Bank of the Philippines, representing the
not govern in this case, it does not necessarily follow that Rule 67 should
NAIA 3 terminals assessed value for taxation purposes. The case was
then apply. After all, adherence to the letter of Section 2, Rule 67 would in
raffled to Branch 117 of the Pasay City RTC, presided by respondent judge
turn violate the Courts requirement in the 2004 Resolution that there
Hon. Henrick F. Gingoyon (Hon. Gingoyon). On the same day that the
must first be payment of just compensation to PIATCO before the
Complaint was filed, the RTC issued an Order directing the issuance of a
Government may take over the property.
writ of possession to the Government, authorizing it to take or enter upon
the possession of the NAIA 3 facilities. Citing the case of City of Manila v.
Serrano, the RTC noted that it had the ministerial duty to issue the writ of

It is the plain intent of Rep. Act No. 8974 to supersede the system of independent of each other, capable of pecuniary estimation, and if taken
deposit under Rule 67 with the scheme of immediate payment in cases from the owner, considered as a deprivation of property. The owner of
involving national government infrastructure projects. improvements seized through expropriation suffers the same degree of
loss as the owner of land seized through similar means. Equal protection
As acknowledged in the 2003 Decision, the development of NAIA 3 was demands that all persons or things similarly situated should be treated
made pursuant to a build-operate-and-transfer arrangement pursuant to alike, both as to rights conferred and responsibilities imposed. For
Republic Act No. 6957, as amended,which pertains to infrastructure or purposes of expropriation, parcels of land are similarly situated as the
development projects normally financed by the public sector but which are buildings or improvements constructed thereon, and a disparate treatment
now wholly or partly implemented by the private sector. Under the build- between those two classes of real property infringes the equal protection
operate-and-transfer scheme, it is the project proponent which undertakes clause.
the construction, including the financing, of a given infrastructure facility.
Even as the provisions of Rep. Act No. 8974 call for that laws application in
There can be no doubt that PIATCO has ownership rights over the facilities this case, the threshold test must still be met whether its implementation
which it had financed and constructed. The 2004 Resolution squarely would conform to the dictates of the Court in the 2004 Resolution. Unlike
recognized that right when it mandated the payment of just compensation in the case of Rule 67, the application of Rep. Act No. 8974 will not
to PIATCO prior to the takeover by the Government of NAIA 3. The fact contravene the 2004 Resolution, which requires the payment of just
that the Government resorted to eminent domain proceedings in the first compensation before any takeover of the NAIA 3 facilities by the
place is a concession on its part of PIATCOs ownership. Indeed, if no such Government. The 2004 Resolution does not particularize the extent such
right is recognized, then there should be no impediment for the payment must be effected before the takeover, but it unquestionably
Government to seize control of NAIA 3 through ordinary ejectment requires at least some degree of payment to the private property owner
proceedings. before a writ of possession may issue. The utilization of Rep. Act No. 8974
guarantees compliance with this bare minimum requirement, as it assures
Since the rights of PIATCO over the NAIA 3 facilities are established, the
the private property owner the payment of, at the very least, the proffered
nature of these facilities should now be determined.
value of the property to be seized. Such payment of the proffered value to
The law classifies the NAIA 3 facilities as real properties just like the soil to the owner, followed by the issuance of the writ of possession in favor of
which they are adhered. Any sub-classifications of real property and the Government, is precisely the schematic under Rep. Act No. 8974, one
divergent treatment based thereupon for purposes of expropriation must which facially complies with the prescription laid down in the 2004
be based on substantial distinctions, otherwise the equal protection clause Resolution.
of the Constitution is violated. There may be perhaps a molecular
Clearly then, we see no error on the part of the RTC when it ruled that Rep.
distinction between soil and the inorganic improvements adhered thereto,
Act No. 8974 governs the instant expropriation proceedings.
yet there are no purposive distinctions that would justify a variant
treatment for purposes of expropriation. Both the land itself and the
improvements thereupon are susceptible to private ownership


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