A Perspective in Accelerated Orthodontics With Aligner Treatment 2017 Seminars in Orthodontics

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A perspective in accelerated

orthodontics with aligner treatment

Kenji Ojima, and Chung How Kau

Aligner therapy is now a mainstay treatment alternative in Orthodontics.

Many patients specically request for aligner treatment at an Orthodontic
practice. One drawback to the treatment is the time for each aligner sequence
to be worn. This is normally about two weeks for each sequence for each
patient. This article describes two adjunctive therapies to be used with
Aligner treatment and describes the general modes of action. (Semin Orthod
2017; 23:7682.) & 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction treatment.9,10 The most notable orthodontic

advance in the last decade has been the intro-
rthodontic treatment is in much demand
O globally, and is practiced in just about every
country, developed or developing. To move the
duction of digitally fabricated aligners to move the
teeth in small, progressive sequences.
All these optimizations, innovations, and
teeth, the highly trained orthodontists employ
advances share one common goalreduction in
the aid of a variety of carefully prescribed bio-
treatment time.11 A signicant capability of the
mechanical forces systems. In the United States
digital revolution is creation of a virtual roadmap to
alone, 2.5 million children receive orthodontic
the desired outcome.1 It is a highly sophisticated
treatment annually, and the demand by adults is
process where they aid the clinician by simulating
still on the increase.
tooth movements or alerting pitfalls. Despite their
As the understanding of orthodontists become
excellent software, algorithms, and visual impact,
better and the appliances more precise invariably,
they are criticized for not taking into consideration
the focus of the clinician has shifted to improve-
the biological determinants of tooth movement.
ments in treatment efciency.1 Over the last
The second approach to improve treatment
25 years, main innovations were in the
efciency utilizes the biological response of teeth
biomaterial and biomechanical characteristics at
to mechanical stimuli. A number of possible
the level of wire and bracket interface.2 Newer
methods have been suggested and some early
systems have made signicant improvements in
research haveyielded much promise.12
the bracket technologies. Some principal
examples of these newer systems are friction
free self-ligating brackets and temporary anchor-
age devices.3,4 Additional advances are in the Clear aligners
initial alignment wire properties5,6 and in the
robotic wire systems.7,8 It will stand to reason to Currently, the largest provider of aligners is
argue these most excellent innovations have Invisalign (Align Technology, Inc., Santa Clara,
reached their peak and any further advancement CA). It is the rst mass produced custom-made
can result only in minimal impact in the length of healthcare product. It has proven to be a good
product of a good business idea and model, and
customer support. It has shocked the system, as
Smile Innovation Orthodontics, Tokyo, Japan; Japan Academy of
Aligner Orthodontics, Japan; Department of Orthodontics, School of
the orthodontist had to retool and broaden his
Dentistry, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL. ways of thinking and knowing more about the
Address correspondence to Chung How Kau, BDS, MScD, MBA, periodontal tissues of moving teeth. The intro-
PhD, MOrthEdin, FDSGlas, FAMS(Ortho), FFDIre, FDSEdin, ABO, duction of the Invisalign appliance is said to have
Cert (Ortho), Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry,
instigated its population among the adults, with
University of Alabama Birmingham, Suite 305, 1919 7th Avenue
South, Birmingham, AL 35294. E-mail: ckau@uab.edu consequent increase in the number of adult
& 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
patients. Lately, it has also become a popular
1073-8746/12/1801-$30.00/0 choice of appliance among the older teenagers.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.sodo.2016.10.002 To many patients, clear aligners are perceived as

Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 23, No 1, 2017: pp 7682 76

Accelerated orthodontics with aligner treatment 77

more tolerable than ceramic brackets and metal in the periodontal ligament (PDL) differentiate
brackets. into compression-associated osteoclasts and
Clear aligners have many advantages; a few tension-associated osteoblasts.17
practical ones are esthetics, hygiene, and time Once tooth movement is initiated, genes
management in the orthodontic ofce. Yet, the controlling osteogenesis are upregulated. Many
aligner treatment took some time to be widely genes act to release proteins that create a cascade
accepted mostly due to uncertainties of its of events. Some of these proteins include TF
potential to perform. It was an unknown entity, Cbfa1, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs),18
and 2005 systematic review of clear aligners, the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-), and
authors were not able to nd enough evidence to growth factors. These series of events lead to
issue precise guidelines regarding Invisalign resorption and deposition of bone, which ulti-
treatment because of the lack of published mately lead to tooth movement. Obviously, all
clinical trials.13,14 Today, aligners account for this is consequent to force delivery to the tooth.
about 1520% of the global orthodontic market
share. In an ever-evolving world where the con-
sumers of orthodontic treatment dictate a lot Methods to enhance tooth movement
more than ever, led to a changing orthodontic
Clinically, three main methods of enhancing
specialty that continues to adapt itself.
tooth movement (ETM) proposed: chemical-led
There are some drawbacks to aligner use. One
interactions, surgery, and device-assisted thera-
of these is the appliance's efciency. Many
pies.11 The chemical-led interventions have been
orthodontists believe that the rate-limiting step is
proposed as a mechanism and fall into four
the aligner change regime (currently 14 days)
major groups.15 The rst group involves
and therefore if methods could be used to
endothelial growth factors and VEGF for
accelerate the biology it would enhance the rate
regulating angiogenesis. The second involves
of tooth movement and shorten the aligner
osteoclast precursors, such as osteocalcin. And
change intervals.
the third group engages bone resorptive factors
like RANKL, leukotrienes, and macrophage
Biology of tooth movement colony-stimulating factors. Studies in these
areas are limited and varied; it makes the
The biology of tooth movement is a very complex
understanding of these mechanisms difcult.
process and not fully understood.15 Indeed
A number of surgical techniques have been
numerous biological mechanisms must kick-in
describedtraditional osteotomies (for patients
before tooth movement can occur. It has been
with dentofacial deformities) and corticotomies.
suggested that ve microenvironments are
In this group, corticotomy may be the most
altered by orthodontic force: extracellular
popular procedure.19,20 It is a procedure where
matrix, cell membrane, cytoskeleton, nuclear
protein, and the genome.16 Additionally
suggested that gene activation (or suppression)
is the point at which input becomes output,
leading to the necessary changes in the ve
There are four schools of thought of tooth
movement: pressure/tension, biomechanical,
piezoelectric, and hydrodynamic theories. It is
difcult here to go into a detailed account of
each theory, but it is important to note that there
is no single unifying theory for tooth movement.
Some have postulated that within the rst second
of orthodontic treatment, some bone bending
occurs which leads to a piezoelectric phenom-
enon.2 As the duration of the applied force
increases, the force-subjected progenitor cells Figure 1. OrthoPulse I/O device.
78 Ojima and Kau

Figure 2. (A) With Class I malocclusion with anterior crossbite. (B) Completion of orthodontic treatment with
aligners and OrthoPulse device.

surgical aps are reected around the dentoal- reports, surgery, though briey effective, needs
veolar complex to selectively perform buccal and to be carefully planned with the orthodontic
lingual decortications. The wound sites are often protocol and precisely timed for maximum
packed with new bone or bony substitutes. effect. It should be noted that these surgical
Without waiting for complete healing, active techniques have never been studied in the
orthodontic forces are applied immediately. randomized clinical trial format.
Published reports, however, have been equivocal The third category of biologically enhanced
in success and lesser outcomes.21 The only orthodontic tooth movement requires device-
positive nding in these reports was that right assisted therapy (DAT).12 The suggested DAT
after the surgical intervention, teeth did move systems are low-level light therapy (LLLT),
faster for a brief moment, and returned to electrical currents, cyclic forces, and resonance
normal tooth movement rate.22 Based on these vibration.12 We present here, two methods of
Accelerated orthodontics with aligner treatment 79

DAT. One method uses photobiomodulation equipment need to be altered to accommodate

and the other cyclical forces. the application. The device is designed to comply
with the lamp safety standard (IEC 62471:2006),
Photobiomodulation or light-accelerated and with the general medical electrical family of
orthodontics (LAO) standards (60601-1, 3rd ed.). The OrthoPulse
device has FDA clearance in the United States
Light-accelerated orthodontics is an inter- and Europe.
vention technique that falls within the scope of The OrthoPulse iO LED is designed as an
photobiomodulation or low-level light therapy intraoral appliance, similar to a plastic sports
(LLLT). The term photobiomodulation or LAO mouthguard, with LED technology embedded
is favored in this publication as the specic into the mouthguard on a exible circuit. Light is
wavelength range, intensity, and light pene- directed toward the alveolar surface when the
tration are very specic.12 appliance is in the mouth. It facilitates light
Photobiomodulation is an emerging area of treatment of the anterior segment during ortho-
science that shows promise to produce a non- dontic treatment. The intraoral appliance is
invasive stimulation of cellular activity in the designed to treat one arch (upper or lower),
dentoalveolar complex.23 It has been postulated and is reversible by the patient to treat the other
that photobiomodulation may affect the cytochrome arch. The device is worn for 5 min in each arch
oxidase-c activity in ATP production by the and has shown much potential to affect the rate
mitochondria. This enzyme is responsive to light. of tooth movement.27
Its function is upregulated by the right wavelength This 26-year-old male with the chief complaint
of light, most commonly in the infrared of anterior crowding, requested to be treated
spectrum.24 Oron et al. reported a two-fold with aligners. The patient was diagnosed with
increase in ATP production with LLLT treat- a Class I malocclusion and anterior crossbite
ment. Increased ATP production may be assumed on the lateral incisors (Fig. 2A). Routine
to increase intracellular metabolic activity and aligner records were obtained and treatment
remodeling of periodontal tissues. During tooth was planned with the ClinCheck software.
movement, an increase in ATP may help cells to Altogether, 31 aligners were planned and
complete their tasks more rapidly or turnover issued. In a usual protocol, aligner trays would
more efciently, which could lead to an increased have been changed every 2 weeks resulting in 62
remodeling processaccelerated tooth move-
ment. It may also be postulated that LAO increases
the vascular activity in the targeted site. Vascular
activity is a determinant of tissue remodeling.
A number of clinical case series have showed an
enhanced effect with photobiomodulation.12 In
canine retraction studies, Youssef et al.25 and also
Cruz et al.26 have shown the effects of laser
treatment as increased velocity and decreased pain.

Device description. The OrthoPulse intraoral

(iO) LED device is a low-level laser phototherapy
device intended to provide stimulation to accel-
erate orthodontic tooth movement of teeth and
to reduce the overall treatment timeline (Fig. 1).
The OrthoPulse iO LED employs a near-infrared
wavelength of 850 nm, which is safe for tissue
contact and very low-level power (less than
50 mW/cm2). All light treatment is administered
intraorally, and other than potentially accelerat-
ing the treatment time, at no point are the
normal orthodontic treatments, procedures, or Figure 3. Acceledent Aura device.
80 Ojima and Kau

Figure 4. (A) Patient with Class IID1 Malocclusion. (B) Series of pictures showing distal movement of the buccal
segment and anterior correction. (C) Completion of orthodontic treatment with aligners and Accelerant device.
Accelerated orthodontics with aligner treatment 81

weeks or 16 months of treatment. The patient was Compliance was high for both the Acceledent
offered the aid of Photobiomodulation, and and Invisalign Appliance. As a result, the aligners
he accepted. OrthoPulse I/O device was were changed every 4 days. The total treatment
dispensed with the instructions, which were to time was 13 months or 52 weeks.
use the device in conjunction with the Invisalign
appliances. The protocol was 5-min applications
in each arch throughout the treatment. Com- Discussion
pliance was high for both the OrthoPulse and The two cases presented in this article may not be
Invisalign. As a result, the aligners were changed representative of all things possible and certainly
every 3 days. The total treatment time was does not qualify for an evidence based study.
4 months or 16 weeks (Fig. 2B). Notwithstanding these meager numbers, the
ability to change the aligner trays at such a high
frequency represented in some ways, the ability
Cyclical forces to create tooth movement at a rate not seen
before. At present, it seems like the photo-
Device description. AcceleDents Aura, devel- biomodulation device has a slight advantage over
oped by OrthoAccel Technologies, Inc. the cyclical force device. The rate of change of
(OrthoAccel), consists of a mouthpiece and tray was improved by 1 or 2 days.
activator assembly that provides a light vibration The case selection between a cyclical force
to the teeth (Fig. 3). Combined with the doctor's device versus photobiomodulation device was made
diagnosis and prescription for orthodontic care, purely on the need to distalize the buccal segments.
AcceleDents Aura claims to make orthodontic At present, only the Acceledent device has the
treatment progress faster. ability to incorporate beyond the rst molars.
The exact mechanism of how it affects biology
is not fully understood. However, it has been
reported that the device generates small vibra- Conclusion
tions called micropulses, which perturb the Biological therapies are constantly being devel-
periodontal tissues for accelerated tooth move- oped in orthodontics. These two methods repre-
ment. The device is used by inserting the sent some of the many types of biology-modifying
mouthpiece around the existing orthodontic devices that may be used in orthodontics. Much
appliances and turning on the activator for more research and innovation is still required to
20 min or less every day. AcceleDents Aura has fully comprehend the biological mechanism for
been proven safe in clinical trials and is cleared these types of devices.
by the FDA as a Class II medical device.
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