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The hook and line was used to catch me-

dium-sized fish as well as sharks, squid,

and octopus. They were made out of tur-
tle shell, whale ivory, and wood.

Spears were used to fish in shallow and

rocky ledges. Hawaiians used kukui-nut
torches to attract fish in shallow waters.
Hawaiian spears were made out of a spe-
cial type of wood called kauila.

63% of seafood
Ancient Hawaiians used fishing nets more consumed in Hawaii is
than any other method. They allowed fish-
erman to catch many fish at once from the
shore or a canoe. These nets were made
90% of adults con-
out of strong plant fibers called Olona.
sume fish in Hawaii.

Later in Hawaiian history, Hawaiians

came up with this great idea to make fish
ponds! Fish ponds guaranteed a food Great source of protein
supply for everyone which is why there
so useful. Massive stone walls enclosed
bays and inlets and the walls curved so Rich in calcium
and phosphorus
that currents pushed sand and debris
around the water rather than collecting Great for your
it at one side. Hawaiians did have to bodies organs Filled with
omega-3 fatty
take on the responsibility of cleaning and
harvesting the fish pond but it was work
it for the guarantee of recourses.


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