II yr/III Sem/Mech/EEE 2 Marks With Answers Unit-V

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II yr/III Sem/Mech/EEE 2 Marks with Answers Unit-V

Unit V
1. Which circuits are called multivibrators?
1. The electronic circuits which are used to generate nonsinusoidal waveforms are called
2. They are two stage switching circuits in which the output of the first stage is fed to the input of the
second stage and vice-versa.
2. Which are the various types of multivibrators?
1. Astable multivibrator
2. Bistable multivibrator
3. Monostable multivibrator
3. What is astable multivibrator?
1. A multivibrator which generates square wave without any external triggering pulse is
called astable multivibrator.
2. It has both the states as quasi-stable states. None of the states is stable.
3. Due to this, the multivibrator automatically makes the successive transitions from one quasi-
stable state to other, without any external triggering pulse. So it called Free-running multivibrator.
4. The rate of transition from one quasi-stable state to other is determined by the discharging of a
capacitive circuit.
4. List the applications of Astable multivibrator?
1. Used as square wave generator, voltage to frequency convertor and in pulse synchronization, as
clock for binary logic signals, and so on.
2. Since it produces square waves, it is a source of production of harmonic frequencies of higher
3. It is used in the construction of digital voltmeter and SMPS.
4. It can be operated as an oscillator over a wide range of audio and radio frequencies.
5. State the basic action of monostable multivibrator.
1. It has only one stable state. The other state is unstable referred as quasi-stable state.
2. It is also known as one-short multivibrator or univibrator.
3. When an external trigger pulse is applied to the circuit, the circuit goes into the quasi-stable
state from its normal stable state.
4. After some time interval, the circuit automatically returns to its stable state.
5. The circuit does not require any external pulse to change from quasi-stable state.
6. The time interval for which the circuit remains in the quasi-stable state is determined by the
circuit components and can be designed as per the requirement.
6. Mention the applications of one short multivibrator?
7. It is used to function as an adjustable pulse width generator.
8. It is used to generate uniform width pulses from a variable width pulse train.
9. It is used to generate clean and sharp pulses from the distorted pulses.
10. It is used as a time delay unit since it produces a transition at a fixed time after the trigger
7. Which multivibrator would function as a time delay unit? Why?
Monostable multivibrator would function as a time delay unit since it produces a transition
at a fixed time after the trigger signal.
8. What is Bistable multivibrator?
1. The Bistable multivibrator has two stable states.
2. The multivibrator can exist indefinitely in either of the two stable states.
3. It requires an external trigger pulse to change from one stable state to another.
4. The circuit remains in one stable state unless an external trigger pulse is applied.
9. List the applications of bistable multivibrator?
5. It is used as memory elements in shift registers, counters, and so on.
6. It is used to generate square waves of symmetrical shape by sending regular triggering pulse
to the input. By adjusting the frequency of the trigger pulse, the width of the square wave can be
7. It can also be used as a frequency divider.

Prepared by Dr.G.Renuka Devi,AP/EEE,MVIT, Puducherry 1

II yr/III Sem/Mech/EEE 2 Marks with Answers Unit-V

10. What are the two methods of triggering for bistable multivibrators?
8. Unsymmetrical triggering
9. Symmetrical triggering
11. How many stable states do bistable Multivibrator have?
Two stable states.
12. When will the circuit change from stable state in bistable Multivibrator? When an external trigger
pulse is applied, the circuit changes from one stable state to another.
13. What are the different names of bistable Multivibrator?
Eccles Jordan circuit, trigger circuit, scale-of-2 toggle circuit, flip-flop and binary.
14. What are the other names of monostable Multivibrator?
One-shot, Single-shot, a single-cycle, a single swing, a single step Multivibrator,

15. Why is monostable Multivibrator called gating circuit?

The circuit is used to generate the rectangular waveform and hence can be used to gate other
Circuits hence called gating circuit.
16. What are the main characteristics of Astable Multivibrator?
The Astable Multivibrator automatically makes the successive transitions from one quasi- stable
State to other without any external triggering pulse.
17. What is the other name of Astable Multivibrator- why is it called so? As it does not require any
external pulse for transition, it is called free running Multivibrator.
18. What are the two types of transistor bistable Multivibrator?
a. Fixed bias transistor circuit
b. Self bias transistor circuit.
19. Why does one of the transistor start conducting ahead of other?
The characteristic of both the transistors are never identical hence after giving supplies one of
the Transistors start conducting ahead of the other.
20. What are the two stable states of bistable Multivibrator? i. Q1 OFF (cut off) and Q2
ON (Saturation)
ii. Q2 OFF (Cut off) and Q1 On (Saturation)
21. What finally decides the shape of the waveform for bistable multivibrator?
The spacing of the triggering pulses.
22. How are the values R1, R2 and VBB chosen in bistable Multivibrator?
It is chosen in such a way that in one state the base current is large enough to drive the transistor
into saturation while in other state the emitter junctions is well below off.
23. What is the self biased Multivibrator?
The need for the negative power supply in fixed bias bistable Multivibrator can be eliminated
by raising a common emitter resistance RE. The resistance provides the necessary bias to keep
one transistor ON and the other OFF in the stable state. Such type of biasing is called self
biasing and the circuit is called self biased bistable Multivibrator.
24. What are the other names of speed up capacitors?
a. Commutating Capacitors
b. Transpose capacitors
25. Define transition time?
It is defined as the time interval during which conduction transfers from one transistor to
26. Steps or Design procedure for Synchronous Counter.
1. State Diagram.
2. State Table.
3. State Assignment.
4. Excitation Table (Consider which Memory Unit Using)
5. K-Map
6. Circuit Diagram.

Prepared by Dr.G.Renuka Devi,AP/EEE,MVIT, Puducherry 2

II yr/III Sem/Mech/EEE 2 Marks with Answers Unit-V

27. Define rise time.

The time required to change the voltage level from 10% to 90% is known as rise time(tr).

28. Define fall time.

The time required to change the voltage level from 90% to 10% is known as fall time(tf).

29. Define skew and clock skew.

The phase shift between the rectangular clock waveforms is referred to as skew and the time
delay between the two clock pulses is called clock skew.

30. Define setup time.

The setup time is the minimum time required to maintain a constant voltage levels at the excitation
inputs of the flip-flop device prior to the triggering edge of the clock pulse in order for the levels to be
reliably clocked into the flip flop. It is denoted as

31. Define hold time.

The hold time is the minimum time for which the voltage levels at the excitation inputs must remain
constant after the triggering edge of the clock pulse in order for the
levels to be reliably clocked into the flip flop. It is denoted as thold .

32. Define propagation delay.

A propagation delay is the time required to change the output after the application of the input.

33. Give the comparison between synchronous & Asynchronous counters.

S.No Asynchronous counters Synchronous counters

1 In this type of counter flip-flops are In this type there is no connection between
connected in such a way that output output of first flip-flop and clock input of
of 1st flip-flop drives the clock for the next flip - flop
the next flip - flop.
2 All the flip-flops are Not clocked All the flip-flops are clocked
simultaneously simultaneously
3 Logic circuit is very simple even for Design involves complex logic circuit as
more number of states. number of states increases.
4 Counter are low speed Counter are high speed

34. What are the two types of shift register counters?

There are 2 types of shift Register counters are:
i). Ring counter: A ring counter is a circular shift register with only one flip flop being set, at any
particular time, all others are cleared.
ii). Johnson counter: The Johnson counter is a K-bit switch-tail ring counter with 2k decoding gates to
provides outputs for 2k timing signals.

35. What is a multiplexer(MUX)?

A multiplexer or data selector is a logic circuit that accepts several data inputs
and allows only one of them at a time to get through to the outputs. It is a N:1 device.
36. What is multiplexing?
Multiplexing means sharing. Selecting 1-out-of-N input data sources and
transmitting the selected data to single output channel is called multiplexing.

Prepared by Dr.G.Renuka Devi,AP/EEE,MVIT, Puducherry 3

II yr/III Sem/Mech/EEE 2 Marks with Answers Unit-V

37.How many types of multiplexing are there? Name them.

There are two types of multiplexing. They are time division multiplexing and
frequency division multiplexing.
38. Why is a multiplexer called a data selector?
A multiplexer is called a data selector because it accepts several data inputs and
allows only one of them at a time to get through to the output.
39. What are the applications of multiplexers?
Multiplexers are used for data selection, data routing, operation sequencing,
parallel-to serial conversion, waveform generation, logic function generation, etc.
40. Can a multiplexer be used to realize a logic function?
This realization is better in the following ways.
(a) Simplification of logic function is not required.
(b) IC package count is reduced.
(c) Reliability of the system is improved because of external wired connections.
(d) It is very easy to change the logic function implemented if and when redesign of a system becomes
41. What is the minimum number of selection lines required for selecting one out of
n inputs lines?
The minimum number of selection lines required for selecting one out of n inputs
lines is m=log n/ log 2.
42. Can strobe or enable input of a multiplexer be used to increase it size ?
Yes. A strobe or enable input of a multiplexer be used to increase it size .
42. Why is time multiplexing used display system?
Time multiplexing is used in display systems mainly to conserve power.
43. What is a demultiplexer (DMUX)?
A demultiplexer is a logic circuit that depending on the status of its select inputs, channels its data input to
one of the several data outputs.
44. Why is a demultiplexer called distributor?
A demultiplexer can be thought of as a distributor since it takes a single input and distributes it over several
45. Compare a decoder with a demultiplexer.
A demultiplexer has one data input, m select lines , and output lines. A decoder, on the other hand, does not
have the data input, but the select lines are used as input lines.
46. Can a demultiplxer be used as a logic element? If yes, what are its advantages
over realization using gates?
Yes. A demultiplexer can be used as logic element. Its advantages over realization
using gates are as follows.
(a) Simplification of logic function is not required.
(b) IC package count is reduced especially in multi-output circuits.
(c) Reliability of the system is improved.

47. List out the differences between DEMUX and MUX.

Parameter Multiplexer Demultiplexer

Prepared by Dr.G.Renuka Devi,AP/EEE,MVIT, Puducherry 4

II yr/III Sem/Mech/EEE 2 Marks with Answers Unit-V

Definition Multiplexer is a digital switch Demultiplexer is a circuit that

which allows digital receives information on a
information from several single line and transmits this
sources to be routed on to a information on one of 2n
single output line. possible output lines.
Number of data inputs 2n 1
No of data outputs 1 2n
Relationship of input and Many to one One to many
Applications 1. Used as a data selector. 1. Used as a data distributor.
2. In time division in 2. In time division
multiplexing at the multiplexing at the receiving
transmitting end. end.

48. What are the applications of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer?

The application of Multiplexer are:
i. They are used in time multiplexing systems.

ii. They are used in frequency multiplexing systems.

iii. They are used in data acquisition systems.

The applications of Demultiplexer are:

i. It can be used as a decoder.

ii. It can be used as a data distributer.

iii. It can be used to implement Boolean expressions

49. What is the type of display used in calculators?
The type of display used in calculators is 7-segment LED/LCD.
50. Is the display used in a digital wristwatch LED or LCD? Why?
The display used in digital wristwatches is usually LCD. It is because LCD requires significantly less power
than LED.

Prepared by Dr.G.Renuka Devi,AP/EEE,MVIT, Puducherry 5

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