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Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan

Name : Elena Check

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
B. ObjectiveThe student will be able to chart weather data and present it.

C. Standard(s):
2.ESS.1 Record detailed weather observations, including cloud cover, cloud type, and type of
precipitation on a daily basis over a period of weeks and correlate observations to the time of year. Chart
and graph collected data.
Creative Communicator; s.6.ccommunicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations,
models or simulations

3rd grade, Science, Weather, Different types of Weather, Weather patterns (s.6.c/2.ess.1)

II. Home Based Study DAY 1

Students view and/or interact with content via one or more of the following items: video clips, text
selections, comic strips, podcasts, images, etc. Teacher provides direction for the student about how to
utilize the upload resources.


Today we will be learning about different weather patterns! This will expand our knowledge on what
goes on around us outside. Lets watch this video.

-Discuss the video and provide 3 questions for the class to answer.
- review how to use website

So now we will go over how we are going to learn about weather the next couple of days. You are going
to use a website to be able to watch these videos at home by yourself. First open up your computers,
turn them on and login. Go to
*Go around and check to see if everyone has it pulled up
now hit FC Lesson
*Go around and check to see if everyone has it pulled up
this is where everything you will need will be. Click on the video and watch it silently with your
headphones on. Play around with it for a minute when you are done.


III. In-Class Lesson Study DAY 2

Anticipatory Set
Teacher checks that student have viewed/ interacted with the content provided (5
Students will work in groups and discuss what they have learned.
Teacher leads a short discussion about the video content. Students ask Questions about
aspects of the video or content they did not understand (5-10 minutes)

IV. Purpose:

We want to learn about the weather because it effects our day to day lives. Making sure we know how
to check if it is supposed to snow will help us decide if we need a coat or not. We deal with the weather
every day, so we must learn about it!

V.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) (40 minutes)

Activity: The class will create their own powerpoint with 7 slides. Each slide will be a day of the week
and what the weather was like that day. They will work on this in partners and this will take 7 days to
Good strategies to include to any activity:
Include: active participation and questions to be asked
Include: technology and adaptations for students with special needsextended time,
Include: modeling/monitoringcreate my own alongside them
Checking for understanding. walking around making sure everyone is on task and
Reteach go over the weather patterns every day.
Guided practicehave an exit slip and ask a question with circumstances like:
What would be the weather in winter?

VII. Closure/ Conclusion/Review Learning Outcomes

PLAN FOR ASSESSMENT Develop a plan for assessing the degree to which your students have mastered
the learning outcomes from this lesson. Your plan should include formative assessments at a minimum, and
may also include summative and/or authentic assessments depending on the nature of the learning outcomes
and the placement of the lesson within the context of the unit.
Formative: Go over the videos in class and do a worksheet with them to check for understanding.

Summative: Creating and presenting a powerpoint of the weather patterns for that week.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?

3. How should I alter this lesson?

4. How would I pace it differently?

5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?

6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences

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