Target Employees Visit Rough Riders at PCMS: Commander's Corner

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Serving the Soldiers, Civilians and Families of 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div.

Issue 23 Aug 26, 2010

Target employees visit Rough Riders at PCMS

Story and photos by 2nd Lt. Meghan Housel positions held by the battalion staff
204th Brigade Support Battalion members. Both groups found that
Employees from the Pueblo Target Distri- their positions had a lot in common.
bution Center visited Soldiers from 204th Bri- After the brief, Lt. Col Todd Bertu-
gade Support Battalion, 2nd Brigade Combat lis, commander for 204th BSB, guided
team, 4th Infantry Division, at the Pinon the employees around the battalion
Canyon Maneuver Site, Aug 4. field training site. They received the
The Target Distribution team consisted opportunity to learn about military
of Anna Recksiek, logistics group leader field medical capabilities and pro-
from Salt Lake City Utah, Bridgett Johnson, cedures, communications, vehicle
warehouse group leader from Pueblo Colo., repair, maintenance and logistics dis-
Ron Bader, group leader facility operations tribution. During the tour, employees
from Colorado Springs, Colo., Carlos Lucero, frequently stated how similar their
assest protection group leader from Pueblo, work structure was to the Army’s
Colo., and Jake Fox, senior group leader from with safety processes and procedures
Colorado Springs, Colo. as well as their warehouse distribu-
A medic from Company C, 204th Brigade Support Battalion,
Soldiers from 204th BSB accepted the em- tion and accountability procedures. 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, explains the
ployees with a warm welcoming brief in their Fox, who has served eight years in inner workings of a Field Litter Ambulance to Ron Bader, Carlos
Battalion Tactical Operation Center. the military noted all the significant Lucero, Jake Fox, Bridget Johnson, and Anna Recksiek, who are
During the brief, the battalion staff intro- changes and the vast capabilities that employees of the Pueblo Target Distribution Center.
duced themselves and related their positions have evolved from weapons systems, field ra- extraordinary capabilities to move containers
to the employees’ positions. In return, the tions and overall electronic connectivity. and pallets in austere environments; and the
employees compared their positions to the Target members also took note of the discipline of the Rough Rider Soldiers.

Commander’s Corner Clothing & Individual Equip-

ment inventory records to
property accountability. As a
aimed at teaching and coach-
ing young leaders to operate in
a garrison environment. Both
Greetings from 204th Brigade result, 204th BSB was recently our Soldiers and our leaders
Support Battalion. On behalf of recognized as the winner of the demonstrate every day that
Command Sgt. Maj. Scott Dugan FORSCOM Supply Excellence they are committed to making
and all our great Rough Rider Award for Battalion-level units. the Rough Rider Battalion a
Soldiers, I want to take a moment Our Company B maintenance better organization.
to highlight some of the upcom- team is working feverishly to Soldier and Family resilien-
ing events within the 204th and improve maintenance systems cy continue to be a main focus
discuss the outstanding things across the battalion, as they of our Army. To that end, we
that our Soldiers have accom- prepare to compete in the Army continue our Family strong
plished recently. Maintenance Excellence pro- education. In September, we
During the past several gram. Both of these programs will look at Family budget-
months, our Rough Rider Sol- assist commanders to validate ing and money management,
diers have been very busy. They current garrison systems. Other with an additional focus on
Lt. Col. Todd Bertulis, commander worked tirelessly to refine supply activities, such as the 2nd Brigade investment education. We
204th Brigade Support Battalion systems, from Organizational Combat Team Leader Course, are continued on page 2
page 2 Warhorse Pride Issue 23 Aug 26, 2010

Signal specialist exemplifies continued from page 1

look to implement Rough Rider Resil-

core value of selfless service

iency Weeks slated for October. The
focus is resiliency training, garrison
systems, and an opportunity for Soldiers
By Staff Sgt. William Bowen and prisons around Colorado and applies and Families to participate in a variety
2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment his wealth of knowledge that he has of activities designed to provide a time
Selfless service is larger than just one gained during his years in the service and to have fun and serve our neighbors:
person. Sgt. Richard Graham, a signal multiple deployments to help reach out family outings to local zoos and muse-
support systems specialist for to inmates. He assists inmates to ums, paintball, golf, and opportunities
Company B, 2nd Battalion, 8th overcome their personal struggles to volunteer in the local community. We
Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade and helps them to get on the right remain committed to providing oppor-
Combat Team, 4th Infantry path with their life. tunities for our Soldiers and Families to
Division, has taken selfless service In addition to the prison learn and grow, both as an organization
into his personal life. ministry, Graham assists seniors, and as a family.
In the Army, selfless service can single mothers and spouses of Our Soldiers performed magnificently
be defined as serving your country deployed Soldiers once each during the brigade field training exercise
by doing your duty loyally, without Sgt. Richard Graham quarter, as part of a Car Care at Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site in Trini-
thought of recognition or gain. Saturday Ministry with the Underground dad, Colo. As a battalion, we took the
One of the basic building blocks of selfless Church. This program provides vehicle opportunity to refine our marksmanship
service is the commitment of each team safety checks and oil and filter changes for skills, train on MEDEVAC operations,
member to go a little further, to endure a little these people. execute sling load resupply operations,
longer, and to peer a little harder to see how he On the first and third Sunday of each and improve our ability to conduct base
or she can add to the effort. month, Graham also participates in the defense operations. We conducted our
Graham has been working in outreach Church in the Park Ministry to serve the sling load training with the Marine
ministries for the Underground Church of hungry and homeless in our community Corps, hosted leaders from the Target
Colorado Springs. He became a licensed at Dorchester Park. Church in the Park Distribution Center in Pueblo, and
Chaplain for the Underground Church as part provides meals, clothing, blankets and conducted leader engagements with local
of their Prisoner Outreach Ministry. other basic items to those in need. Trinidad officials. All the while, our
Graham completed more than 50 hours Graham’s service to the community Soldiers continued to provide world-
of classroom training before receiving his exemplifies the Army values that all class, seamless support to the Warhorse
Chaplain’s license. He travels to local jails Soldiers should strive to uphold. Brigade--both at Pinon Canyon and at
Fort Carson.
A memorial ceremony was held on

Death Dealers train at Red Devil Aug 18 to pay tribute to our two fallen
Soldiers whose lives were cut tragically
Story and Photo by Staff Sgt. Wallace Bonner
short. Both Families were extremely
2nd Brigade Combat Team PAO grateful to have the opportunity to at-
Soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, tend the memorial, and Soldiers from
67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat both battalions had an opportunity to
Team, 4th Infantry Division conducted a pay their respects during a truly memo-
company hasty attack and raid at the Red rable ceremony. I want to send a sincere
Devil Training Ahrea, August 18. thank you for the leadership provided
“The training out here is designed to rein- by 2nd Special Troops Battalion during
force competencies as tankers that are lost this joint memorial ceremony, and for
over multiple deployments where we gener- the continued support from across the
ally perform as infantrymen,” said Capt. An M1A2 Abrams tank from Company C, 1st Battalion, 67th brigade during this difficult time for our
Justin Edgar, commander of Company C Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Rough Riders.
Division, plows a mine field as part of a training exercise at
“Today’s training is a culminating event for the Red Devil training area, Aug. 18.
Dugan and I are proud and humbled
a week of platoon lanes, in which we imple- communications with and managing three to lead the magnificent Rough Rider Bat-
ment everything we trained on for the last platoons on the ground,” said Edgar. “Right talion. We stand in awe of all that our
week,” said Edgar. now we are focusing on the high intensity Soldiers and Families accomplish every
The Soldiers performed M1A2 Abrams fight.” day, and remain committed to support-
Tank and Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle Currently the company is focusing on phase ing our Rough Rider Family.
maneuvers, cordon and searches, key leader one training for deployment, which is train-
engagements, react to contact and the clear- ing as a tank company team, while concen-
ing of a minefield during the operation. trating on tasks that carry over to phase two
“The emphasis was to strain the tactical op- training, said Edgar. Phase two training is
erations center and our executive officer back theater specific training, such as tactical ma-
in the operational center, while maintaining continued on page 3
page 3 Warhorse Pride Issue 23 Aug 26, 2010

2nd STB Raven gives birds eye view to brigade continued from page 2
neuvers and react to contact drills.
HHC’s UAV platform, the Raven, is a proven combat over watch on all of the training scenarios that the “The training is good, it’s very realistic,”
multiplier by providing the commander with a bird’s eye ECP at FOB Lone Star encountered. Just days prior to said Cpl. Isaiah Oneil, an infantry fire team
view of the surrounding terrain. 2-8IN’s battalion attack, McLane assisted B CO, 2-8IN leader for 2nd Platoon, Company A, 1st Bn.,
It is equipped with optics that are capable of day in ensuring that they would be able to make their 67th Armor Reg., 2nd BCT, 4th Inf. Div., who
and night operations. The pilot can watch the flight in first Raven flight of the deployment. The Raven flew a is currently attached to Company C to serve as
real time through a hand-held remote control station combined total of over 20 hours of flight time during just dismounted infantry. “We had role players out
that also allows him to take snapshots during the flight. eight days. here from Afghanistan, and they really acted
These snapshots are then saved to a file folder for later like the local nationals.”
viewing and analysis. Oneil said it was his first time working with
For the PCMS exercise, Spc. McLane (HHC 2STB tanks and their mobility was a big asset.
Raven Pilot) conducted reconnaissance of FOB Lone Oneil said his favorite thing was how
Star’s perimeter at an average height of 6300 feet or 200 realistic the training was.
feet above ground, which allowed the BDOC to adjust Normally movement in the lanes is
their perimeter based on obvious gaps noticed from restricted, and safety is the primary focus, said
above. Oneil. The training is usually just performing
Additionally, McLane was able to provide real-time one battle drill repetitively.
In this event the leadership removed the

Chaplain’s Corner sickness, we tend to focus our prayers on the movement restrictions, and troops could react
symptoms rather than on the cause. In every to events as they happened, said Oneil.
“For this training, we’d go do a raid for a
the key to prayer problem situation we are in, we need to ask
God to show us the real cause of our difficulty, high value target, set up a landing zone for a
helicopter and react to contact with a battle
In my experience, I have found that God to face us with the truth so that we see how we
answers some prayers very quickly; others are contributing to the problem and give us the drill all at the same time.”
quite slowly. Some prayers seem to not get courage to do what we need to do to help solve Edgar said his favorite thing was seeing the
answered at all and some don’t seem to rise it. platoons execute an operation simultaneously.
above the ceiling. Pray honestly. If we pray that God will “They exceeded my expectations,” Edgar
Effective prayer is not a lucky charm to gain bless our neighbor, but in our heart we hate said.
special favors. Neither is it a pain-killer like a that neighbor, which prayer will God hear?
giant aspirin: “Take God three times a day and Obviously, what my heart is saying. The only
you will not fell in pain.” way God will bless our neighbor in answer to
Prayer can be effective. The key is learning our prayer is if we admit our hate for him and
to pray the right prayer. As the Bible says, “You ask God to help us love him.
do not have, because you do not ask God. And Pray believing. Faith too is essential for
when you do ask, you don’t receive because you effective prayer. As the Bible says, “All things,
ask wrongly, with wrong motives, for selfish whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will
reasons.” receive” and according to your faith will it be
How then, do we pray the right prayers? done for you.”
First, pray responsibly. God will not do Meaningless repetition doesn’t mean a
for us what we need to for ourselves. Take thing to God. The prayer he hears and answers
responsibility for your normal everyday is the ones that come from the heart. As the
taskings and ask God for help with the major Bible says, “The Lord is near to all who call on
items. Don’t expect God to do what you have Him, to all who will call on Him in truth.”
the capability and responsibility to do. Blessings
Pray Realistically. When we have a problem, Chaplain (Maj.) Ricky Way
a habit that has us beaten, a conflict, or even a 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Inf. Div.

The Warhorse Pride is produced in the approved by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team
interest of the Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade Public Affairs Office.
Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. The The Warhorse Pride welcomes articles,
Pride Warhorse Pride is an Army-funded newsletter commentary, and photos from readers. The
authorized under provision of AR 360-1. Warhorse Pride reserves the right to edit
Col. John S. Kolasheski..................2nd BCT Commander Contents of The Warhorse Pride are submissions selected for the publication.
Command Sgt. Maj. Ralph Delosa............2nd BCT CSM not necessarily the views of, nor endorsed by All issues of the Warhorse Pride can be
the, U.S. government, Department of Defense, viewed online from your home computer at
Department of the Army or the 4th Infantry
Spc. April York........................................Layout and Design
Sgt. Seth Barham............................................................Editor Division. All editorial content of The War- Submissions should be emailed to the
Sgt. Ruth Pagan...............................................................Editor horse Pride is prepared, edited, provided and editor:

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