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Abstract Final Activity

Gabriel Arriagada Astudillo


Gentrifications psychosocial consequences in communities from

Valparaso, Chile.

Gentrification is a process of renovation of deteriorated urban neighborhoods by

means of the influx of more affluent residents. This study aims to study diverse
changes or variations in the mental and psychosocial processes from a part of a
migratory affected by this global process of changes means the gentrification. The
object of study was a community from Valparaso, Chile that had to move from their
neighborhoods to near cities where their development means a rough new start.
Through a mixed methodological approach the study was based and argued by
methodologies as interviews, surveys, field investigations and theoretical resources.
Across this study we identifies the community displacement caused by gentrification
affects mainly to lower-income families, where these must face unique challenges in
new contexts as community resentment, conflicts in the new neighborhoods, get on
uncertainty future in addition to psychological cost for the displacement.

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