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Jade Topp

Daniel MacDevitt

Projects 10

5 Dec. 2017

Time-Traveling Scientist

Nikola Tesla lived a quiet life. He kept to himself and ran experiments in his New York

laboratory. He was currently trying to think up a way to use the flow of water and his signature

alternating currents to create electricity. Lost in thought, Nikola heard a faint crackling. He

disregarded it, the sound similar to the snapping and popping of one of his many electrical

projects. Slowly but surely, it grew louder until it became concerningly noisy. Nikola jumped up

from his seat and ran over to one of his large windows overlooking the city streets. He saw a

large ball of lightning manifesting in a crosswalk. Believing this to be an experiment of his gone

wrong, he dashed down to the ground floor right as the lightning dissipated. Out camea

vehicle? It was like a car, the new-fangled things, but it was so sleek. It was smaller, shinier,

with a minimalist design and it was quieter. No rumbling engine and no sputtering of smog from

the back side. What kind of car was this? It didnt have a logo hed ever seen before. It was

silver, shaped like a T, but it tapered at the bottom to a point. As he was inspecting this new

car, someone opened the door and stepped out of the drivers side.

Mister Tesla? A man with a sharp face addressed the scientist.

That would be me, whos asking? Tesla replied.

My name is Elon Musk, and Im here from the future. I need your help. Cmon, Ill

explain on the way. He waved Nikola over and ushered him into the passenger seat.

After settling in, Nikola looked over the interior of the car in awe. The seats were

smooth, black leather and there were colorful lights blinking all over the dashboard. The most

remarkable detail, though, was the large screen in the place of the radio in a traditional car. Of

course, Tesla wouldnt know about car radios yet, so the discovery was even more astounding.

What is this? Who are you? Where did you come from? Where are you taking me?

Nikola couldnt help but to hurl question after question at Elon.

This, Elon gestured to the steering wheel, is the Model S. I own Tesla, an electric car

company from the 21st century, and this is one of our vehicles. Like I said before, my name is

Elon Musk. Im secretly a time-traveling alien, here to protect Earth from its own destruction.

Im here to take you to the modern day Maui.

Tesla was touched that this man had named his futuristic company after him. So, if you

own an electric car company, I assume the future is running on renewable energies?

Unfortunately, no. The opportunities for inexhaustible energy have increased tenfold,

and the technology has advanced, but people are resistant and money is a big issue. Im taking

you to Maui because its a small island with a need for renewable power. Thats why Im

recruiting you to help the people of Hawaii. Elon started the car and it began to hum. The same
electricity crackles and within seconds, the pair were teleported to the Maui Arts and Cultural

Center parking lot. As Nikola slid out of his seat and into the sunlight, large banner hanging

above the building caught his eye. Billionaire and CEO Elon Musk as guest speaker--this

Friday! Elons large, high-definition face was next to the advertisement.

Im presenting a speech on energy on Maui in two days, and I need a viable option to

present to the audience, Elon explained from the drivers side window, Normally, Id do it

myself, but I need to visit my home planet for a while for a family emergency. I need you to

think something up so I can announce it on Friday. Youre one of the greatest scientific minds to

ever exist, Nikola. I believe in you. And like that, the car disappeared once again.

Tesla didnt know how to handle this kind of responsibility. How was he supposed to

come up with an energy solution for the future? He wandered the streets of Kahului searching for

an answer. As the sun began to lower in the sky, he came upon Kahului Beach road, and watched

the ocean in awe. He watched the water ebb and flow, the white capped waves dissipate into the

sea. And in that moment, he knew exactly what to do.

Hydroelectric power. Tesla told Musk. We capture the power of the ocean--the

waves!--and we turn it into electricity. The islands surrounded by water. This method could

power Maui for decades to come.

How do you propose we capture the power? Elon asked.

We make machines and put them on the ocean floor all around the island. Theyll take

the mechanical energy from the waves and turn them into electricity, and then theyll transport

the electricity to storage units back on-island. Then you can use the power for whatever you like.

Itll be enough to power every building, home, and institution three times over.

Thisis incredible, Nikola. This is doable. Ill present this and see how it goes.

And so Elon proposed the hydroelectric plan to the public. There were all kinds of CEOs,

investors, and millionaires in the audience who were invested in bringing Maui into the clean

energy age. After he stepped offstage, he was accosted by dozens of people wanting to put their

money into this project.

The presentation was a success! Elon announced to Nikola. The plans are being drawn

up now, and everything should be finished and executed by 2019! Of course, Tesla was happy

to help, but he was starting to miss his laboratory back home in New York, 6,000 miles and

decades away.

Oh, how could I forget? We need to take you home. Elon and Nikola piled back into

the Model S and went back to the late 1800s.

Thank you again, Tesla. Elon was extremely grateful to the scientist.

Always happy to help, Musk.

Tesla went back upstairs to his laboratory where he spent all his time. He looked over his

papers, circuits, and plans. He realized he hadnt completed his plans to capture the power from

the water of Niagara Falls, but now, he thinks, it wont be too hard.

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