Big Data in Critical Infrastructures Security Monitoring: Challenges and Opportunities

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Big Data in Critical Infrastructures Security

Monitoring: Challenges and Opportunities

L. Aniello2 , A. Bondavalli3 , A. Ceccarelli3 , C. Ciccotelli2 , M. Cinque1 , F. Frattini1 ,
A. Guzzo4 , A. Pecchia1 , A. Pugliese4 , L. Querzoni2 , S. Russo1

(1) DIETI, Univ. of Naples Federico II, Via Claudio 21, Naples, Itlay
(2) Univ. of Rome La Sapienza, Cyber Intelligence and Information Security Res. Center, Via Ariosto 25, Rome, Italy
(3) Univ. of Florence, Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, Viale Morgagni 65, Florence, Italy
(4) DIMES, Univ. of Calabria, Via Bucci, Rende, Italy {guzzo,apugliese}
arXiv:1405.0325v2 [cs.SE] 7 May 2014

AbstractCritical Infrastructures (CIs), such as smart power For example, Stuxnet was able to fool the supervisory control
grids, transport systems, and financial infrastructures, are more and data acquisition (SCADA) system by altering the reading
and more vulnerable to cyber threats, due to the adoption of sensors deployed on the centrifuge engines, and it went
of commodity computing facilities. Despite the use of several
monitoring tools, recent attacks have proven that current de- undetected for months.
fensive mechanisms for CIs are not effective enough against Among the possible countermeasures that could be adopted,
most advanced threats. In this paper we explore the idea the idea of leveraging distinct and heterogeneous data sources
of a framework leveraging multiple data sources to improve can help to draw a clearer picture of the system to protect.
protection capabilities of CIs. Challenges and opportunities are Indeed, by correlating diverse information flows coming from
discussed along three main research directions: i) use of distinct
and heterogeneous data sources, ii) monitoring with adaptive multiple origins not always collected by current CI monitors,
granularity, and iii) attack modeling and runtime combination it can be possible to extract additional insights on potentially
of multiple data analysis techniques. threatening activities that are being carried out. For instance,
the presence of Stuxnet could possibly have been detected
by monitoring several other operational and environmental
Over the past years attackers community has developed parameters, like the centrifuge energy consumption, and by
smarter worms and rootkits to achieve a variety of objectives, correlating their readings to infer possible anomalies in the
which range from credentials compromise to sabotage of status [2] (e.g., fluctuating power consumption in a centrifuge,
physical devices. Cyber threats are targeting extremely diverse correlated with a stable rotational speed can be considered as
critical application domains including e-commerce systems, an anomalous state). In addition, according to a CyberArks re-
corporate networks, datacenter facilities and industrial sys- port [3], several successful attacks including the ones reported
tems. For example, on July 2010, the well known Stuxnet [1] above exploited privileged accounts to achieve their objectives,
cyber attack was launched to damage gas centrifuges located and the same report states that 86% of large enterprises
at the Natanz fuel enrichment plant in Iran by modifying their (across North America and EMEA) either do not know, or
speed very quickly and sharply. On August 2012, the Saudi have grossly underestimated the magnitude of their privileged
oil giant Aramco was subjected to a large cyber attack1 that account security problem. A possible solution could consist
affected about 30000 workstations. On April 2012, the big in leveraging the monitoring of the activities of such privileged
payment processing provider Global Payments confirmed a accounts to pinpoint ongoing suspicious activity.
massive breach2 that compromised about 1.5 million cards. On The use of multiple and diverse sources producing huge
January 2013, the U.S. Department of Energy underwent an amounts of data calls for the research of new solutions
intrusion3 to 14 of its servers and many workstations located at for monitoring and analysis, able to timely and efficiently
the Departments headquarters, aimed at exfiltrating personal recognize ongoing malicious activities in CIs. This paper
information about its employees. introduces the basic notions of a framework for data-driven
Analysis of data collected under real workload conditions security monitoring and protection of CIs. Our proposal stems
plays a key role to monitor system activities and to detect from needs and challenges for effective security monitoring
ongoing anomalies. CIs are currently equipped with a variety and describes an architectural solution to them, moving along
of monitoring tools, such as system and application logs, the following research directions: i) the use of large amount of
intrusion detection systems (IDS), and network monitors. How- data collected from distinct and heterogeneous data sources; ii)
ever, recent cyber attacks have proven that todays defensive the adoption of monitoring strategies with an adaptable level
mechanisms are not effective against most advanced threats. of granularity, to face the issue of big data volumes; iii) the
1 formalization of attack models and the combination of diverse
2 state-of-art data analysis techniques to improve the capability
3 of detecting threats and triggering protection actions.
II. N EEDS AND C HALLENGES used, still without decreasing the efficacy of the monitor, e.g.,
A. Multiple Data Sources adopting different monitoring granularities depending on the
current alert level of the system and of its components. This
The idea of using distinct and heterogeneous data sources calls for the definition of new solutions able to find the right
available in todays CIs can help to draw a clearer picture of compromise in terms of the monitoring grain without having a
the system to protect and of the threatening activities being negative impact on the monitoring accuracy as well as without
carried out. The aim is to improve the protection of future CIs depleting the resources devoted to monitoring.
exploiting the (hidden) value of data: they are already available
but not fully exploited in today CIs. C. On-Line Big Data Processing
However, as the size and complexity of systems increase, The large number of collected data also implies difficulties
the amount of information that can be collected by data in the data processing phase. Several techniques and tools
sources skyrockets. For example, in the 1300-nodes data center have been proposed to analyze raw data with the objective of
we target as case study (see Section III-D) the monitoring detecting on-going attacks. However, the performance of the
system produces about 16.6 GB of data per day, with observed detection, in terms of coverage and false alarm rate, strictly
traffic peaks of about 240000 pkt/s. This is a consequence of depends on the adopted technique. Solutions which encompass
multiple factors: (i) the increasing availability of cheap HW the (on-line) combination of multiple analysis techniques need
probes, (ii) the ubiquitousness of communication infrastruc- to be investigated, in order to improve the capability of
tures (either wired or wireless) and the Internet, and (iii) the detecting potential threats and triggering protection actions
novel algorithmic approaches that todays make handling huge on the CI. Recent studies have also proven the usefulness
amounts of data practical. A further important aspect is that of (temporal and/or typed) graph-based attack models [6]
the heterogeneity of collected data is going to increase as [12]. If we assume that the input log is a sequence of events
well: new data sources are connected to monitoring systems having a type and a timestamp, a graph-based attack model
to collect and analyze different kinds of data as this could has event types as vertices and is defined in such a way that
potentially provide useful insights on current system statuses. the paths from start to terminal vertices in the model represent
This mix of factors marks the shift from a mostly human- a critical event/attack when they correspond to subsequences
controlled distributed monitoring model (think, for example, of the log. Such subsequences are also called instances of the
about how railway companies in the past controlled the status attack model. However, finding correlations among data by
of their infrastructures through hundreds of people deployed comparing analyzed data with attack models and producing
on the territory along their tracks to locally monitor and then alerts in an on-line fashion may become extremely difficult
report to their bosses) to fully automated IT infrastructure when the number of attack models at hand and the size of
for monitoring that tries to relieve as much as possible from the input log increase. It is therefore important to ensure the
humans the burden of analyzing data to infer high-level scalability of the algorithms and data structures used when
information. Making this new model practical in scenarios performing the conformance checking task.
where huge amounts of heterogeneous data are available calls
for the research of new algorithmic and architectural solutions
able to withstand these new challenges. Figure 1 proposes an architectural solution to the discussed
challenges. The key idea is to combine several data sources
B. Monitoring with different granularity and different data analysis techniques to improve the capability
An accurate tuning of the amount of variables to be moni- of detecting potential threats and triggering protection actions
tored and the frequency of data collected from system probes on the CI. The results of the analysis are also useful to assess
appears fundamental to study and plan at design time the the current alert level of the CIs components and to adapt the
computational load on the monitoring infrastructure. grain of monitoring through the Monitoring Adapter, e.g., to
First, it is necessary to select what sources are worth intensify the monitoring of components deemed of suspicious
monitoring amongst the many available, considering the target activity and reduce the monitoring of the other ones. The main
system and also the expected workload. For example in [4] blocks of the framework are described in the following.
sources at the OS level, such as amount of free memory, A. Raw Data Collection
disk throughput, or network throughput, are selected out of As the name suggests, the Raw Data Collection block is
hundreds of possible indicators; their relevance for anomaly responsible for gathering raw data from the monitored CIs,
detection is further explored and confirmed in [5]. exploiting available data monitoring technologies and/or logs
Appropriate selection of data sources is relevant but un- produced by diverse software layers or hardware controllers.
fortunately may not be sufficient. In large-scale critical infras- Many technologies for data monitoring have been developed
tructures, given the number of components, we can reasonably over the past thirty years, ranging from relatively simple data
consider that monitoring each parameter using the best possi- collection tools (such as Unix syslog4 ) to more sophisticated
ble resolution system is unfeasible. Thus it may be required to data analysis systems.
define monitoring strategies that minimize the amount of data
to analyze and consequently the monitoring resources to be 4
DATA ANALYSIS traffic. Environment data are rarely exploited, even if they
could be very useful to detect ongoing cyber physical attacks.
MODELING BASED CHEKING LOGIC INFERENCE They describe the status of the environment in which the sys-
MINING tem is placed and nodes parameters not related to performed
DATA PROCESSING activities. In this category fall temperature, humidity, the status
of cooling systems, if any, etc. The monitoring of the energy
consumption is also in this category. Finally, Operational
MONITORING RAW DATA KNOWLEDGE data encompass all the information achieved by collecting,
and presumably parsing and filtering, logs from the various
software layers of the system, including event logs produced
by applications, the OS and IDSes, if present.
B. Adaptive Monitoring
As shown in Figure 1, the main idea is to adapt the
FROM/TO DATA RAW DATA MONITORING monitoring by dynamically changing what raw data to collect
and analyze, thus shaping at run time the resource utilization
Fig. 1: The Framework for Data-Driven Security Monitoring and of the monitoring framework.
Protection of CIs All the monitoring systems described in the previous Sec-
tion III-A have been designed so as to allow users to plug-in
Ganglia5 is a scalable distributed monitoring system. Its hi- custom modules, in order to extend their functionalities such
erarchical design is primarily targeted at federation of clusters to fit application-specific needs. The plug-in modules can be
and grid computing systems. Each monitored node multicasts implemented so as to receive external commands that dynami-
its monitored metrics to all nodes in its cluster, enabling cally adapt their monitoring capabilities. An initial proposal to
automatic discovery of nodes. Nagios6 is one of the most reduce the complexity (i.e. the quantity of collected data, hence
used open source monitoring systems. It offers an advanced required storage space and processing resources) is to define
notification system and is extensible through plug-ins. Its two different monitoring layers. By default, the monitoring
functioning is based on both active and passive checks of system operates in a coarse-grained layer collecting a limited
services, hosts and network state. Splunk7 is a commercial number of variables, causing a high False Alarm Rate, but
monitoring system that allows search, filtering and analysis also a low Missed Detection Rate. In this configuration, the
of structured and unstructured textual logs through indexing. system acts as a very suspicious monitor which observes a
Artemis [13] is a monitoring system primarily designed for reduced set of indicators and that easily raises alarms. When
analyzing large-scale distributed logs. It has a modular design, the coarse-grained layer detects an alarm in a specific area
separating data collection from data analysis. The log collec- of the system, it triggers a fine-grained layer for monitoring
tion module supports heterogeneous data sources and types that specific area through an enlarged set of indicators, a finer
(e.g. text, binary, XML). Collection and analysis modules are granularity of data, possibly reducing the False Alarm Rate.
extensible through plugins and application-specific functions. The two-layers approach may lead to two different design
Chukwa8 is a MapReduce-based log collection and monitoring solutions to be explored:
system. It uses the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) The monitoring infrastructure is created with sufficient
as a store and analyzes collected logs through MapReduce spare resources that are used to activate the fine-grained
jobs. It is designed to collect data from hundreds of sources layer (we call this overprovisioning approach).
reducing the number of required HDFS files. Logbus9 is a The monitored system is created such that it does not
framework for the collection and analysis of rule-based logs, have spare resources, or with a very limited number of
i.e., logs produced according to formal rules in the source code spare resource. The activation of the fine-grained layer
and designed to improve the detection of runtime problems in in a certain area of the critical infrastructure requires to
terms of detection rate and false alarms [14]. reduce the monitoring activity in some other areas (we
Data collectable through these monitoring systems can be call this the downgrade approach).
classified in three broad categories: performance, environment, The first approach leads to unused resources and the number
and operational data. Performance data are among the most of possible concurrent activations of the fine-grained layers is
monitored, and are related to the use of system resources. Main limited by the amount of spare resources. The second approach
examples are the usage of CPU or memory. Other sources are has no spare resources, but the downgrade of the monitoring
about the use of the network, such as inbound and outbound activity risks to expose the system, leading to a not sufficient
level of protection and/or to an unacceptable rate of False
Alarm Rate. Also, the two approaches could be merged trying
7 to take advantage of both of them.
8 Clearly, the selection of the right approach and its tuning
9 require to understand the distribution and temporal persistence
of anomalies in the system. This is relevant to understand the
expected frequency of fine-grained layer activations, and the
extent to which it is possible to reduce the monitoring resolu-
tion without significantly affecting the detection of threats.
On the other side of the spectrum, general purpose data
analysis systems, which include a large family of tools like
rule engines (e.g. Drools10 ), map reduce frameworks (e.g.
Hadoop11 ) and complex event processing systems (e.g. Es-
per12 and Storm13 ) can be integrated with data gathering and
diffusion platforms (e.g. multicast and publish/subscribe mid-
dleware) to create ad-hoc monitoring solutions. Nevertheless,
the flexibility of this approach comes at a cost: most of these
Fig. 2: Example graph-based attack model
solutions must be designed and developed from scratch since
often strictly tied to their initial target environment.
A possible solution we foresee for the Monitoring Adapter corresponding to types of possible security exploits such logs
block is represented by an hybrid approach, where existing can be built on-line from operational data. Actions are depicted
monitoring systems and general purpose data analysis tools with plain circles (vi ), while (hyper-)edges are depicted with
are mixed and deployed in such a way to maximize their effec- dotted circles (hi ). As an instance, according to the semantics
tiveness in reaching the desired adaptability goals. Monitoring given in [9], h1 is a start hyperedge (indicated with a white
systems could locally analyze and observe specific subsystems arrow) so an attack can begin with it. The vertex labeled Local
to provide more high level information to data analysis tools Access requires the presence of a group of log tuples with one
for correlation with information provided by other different ore more tuples of type Local Access (cardinality constraint
sources. The complexity involved in mixing these approaches +); the same applies to the Directory Traversal vertex. The
together, however, remains to be studied. hyperedge itself represents an association between the two
vertices, with a temporal constraint of (3, 10) time points for
C. Data Analysis the log segment. Hyperedge h3 requires, in any order: (i)
This component analyzes the data and provides as outputs one or more Directory Traversal tuples; (ii) between 2 and 5
information about (i) how to adapt the grain of the monitoring, SQL Injection tuples; (iii) one or more Buffer Overflow tuples.
(ii) what protection actions should be performed on the CI. The same applies to other hyperedges, such as h4 and h7 . In
Starting from our past experiences on attack modeling and particular, since h7 is a terminal hyperedge (indicated with a
data analysis, we consider the following functional blocks. black arrow), an attack can end with it.
Data Processing. Collected raw data typically contain use- Conformance Checking. The main purpose of this func-
less or redundant information that can undermine the goodness tional block is that of detecting attack instances in sequences of
of performed analysis [15]. The first analysis step to be logged events by checking the conformance of logged behavior
performed is thus to polish raw data, adopting filtering or event with the given set of attack models. The main requirement
coalescence techniques, such as the ones analyzed in [16]. of this block is obviously scalability. In real-world critical
Attack Modeling. This functional block provides tools to infrastructure protection scenarios, in fact, logged events are
define and statically analyze attack models. The attack model streamed into the system on-line and, ideally, we would like
used in this block must be capable of: (i) providing a high to raise an alert as soon as an event with a criticality
degree of flexibility in representing many different security above the threshold is logged. It is therefore important to
scenarios in a compact way; (ii) allowing the specification define appropriate data structures that ensure fast access to
of various kinds of constraints (e.g., temporal) on possible at- the relevant information, as well as suitable algorithms that
tacks; (iii) representing attack scenarios at different abstraction are tightly coupled with such structures in order to ensure the
levels, allowing to focus the conformance checking task in fast detection of an attack [6], [10]. Moreover, it is important
various ways. Typed temporal graph-based attack models [9] to identify conditions that make the problem tractable from a
appear to be good options for the above requirements. They theoretical point of view. One possibility is that of imposing
are rich in terms of temporal constraints that can be expressed. specific limitations to the structure of the allowed models.
In addition, it is relatively easy to handle the definition of In fact, recent work on the detection instances of temporal
generalization/specialization hierarchies among event types. automaton-like models in sequences of logged events [7],
By way of temporal graph-based model example, consider [8], [10] has shown that acceptable detection times in real-
the hypergraph shown in Fig. 2. Here it is assumed that the world cases can be obtained by limiting the number of
log is a sequence of tuples that represent high-level actions partial solutions through a form of early filtering based on
temporal constraints. Finally, the parallelization of both the
11 data structures and the conformance checking algorithms (see,
12 e.g., [11]) appears mandatory when we target big data for
13 security protection.
Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica Mining Invariant Relationships for Failure Analysis of Batch Software Systems

and abnormality [22]. Anomalous events can be described by

15! 0.25! means of linguistic variables characterized by linguistic terms
! !
ani . The degree of truth of an expression is not crisp (i.e. of the
type eventj is anomaly ai or eventj is not anomaly ai ),
Memory [KB]!


CPU [%]!
! 0.15! and the use of fuzzy linguistic variables allows one to express
! 0.1!
vagueness in measurements. In some applications, 99.95% for
5! ! attack detection accuracy has been reached [21].
! 0.05!
! ! D. Case Studies
0! 0!
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000! In the framework of the Research Project of National
Interest (PRIN) TENACE - Protecting National Critical In-
Memory CPU! frastructures from Cyber Threats, we plan to experiment the
PC d na yromerelationship
Invariant M neewteb between pihsnoitaMemory ler tnairaand vnI CPU Figure
giF 5.8:flow
:8.5 erpercentage
u Invariant
in- relationship between Memory and CPU percentage
framework 2on data extracted from two real-world systems.
ities, with a R value of 0.99 99.0 fo eulav R a htiw ,seititensities,
Fig. 2 3: Invariant relationship between Memory 2 and CPU snet
percentage with a R value of 0.99
The first is the data center of the Italian Ministry of
in a supercomputer.
Economic and Finance (MEF), which represents an important
erugiF nusage
memory i oslInvariant-based
a and
nwothehs sCPU
a ,egausage,sMining.
u UPCaseInvariants ht dna also
shown egare
asin romemthe
u properties
yFigure htmemory
5.8. The
a CI trendsusage
becauseof and the CPU
it manages usage,
a wide as shown
range also inspanning
of software, Figure 5.8. The
system that are guaranteed to hold for all of its executions. from very large applications with millions of end-users, such
two tingaseries
mIffo those
edroveryeht similar,
tub ,rare
properties alibutmfoundis the
yrevto erbe
order a seof iremagnitude tthe
ehttwo time
s emit(orowbroken)
violated difference series
as isthose
10 8 forare
. thevery similar,
consumer butsupport,
credit the orderup ofto magnitude
small and difference
while monitoring the execution of the system, it is possible very mission critical applications, such as those for managing
to trigger alarms useful to undertake immediate protection the auctions of Italian Government Bonds and Treasury bills,
2.2 Detected As an example,sn
actions.Violations figureoital3oshows
iV deatcrelationship
eteD 2.between
.2.5 andDetected
those for Violations
monitoring the government securities market
the memory and CPU usage discovered from workload traces (MTS). In its architecture each rack is organized in up to
of the data 5.8:center
Invariant discussed relationship
in Sectionbetween Memory
III-D. Several and CPU
studies percentage Eachflow in- can include up to sixteen blade
t neeb evacapabilities
detection hhave
2ed i epossible
ht fofoinvariants
bapahave c noinvariants
ibeen The
tcetedtested, T detection
ehfrom as in capabilities
five sub-racks.
Section ofsub-rack
the identified invariants have been tested, as in
tensities, isvalue servers and is connected to the datacenter network through
real-world complex systems [17], [18]. However, in our case on foura switches.
portion of A available logs different
probe is connected to eachfrom the in
switch oneor-used for th
u eon
2.2, no aehportion
t morf tof neravailable
effid sgollogs elbadifferent
liava fo nfrom oitropthea n o ,2used
one .1.5for the mining
the challenge is to discover invariant relationships in the der to monitor flowing network traffic. Two smart PDUs
the memory usagefrom and theCI. CPU usage, as shownMining also ininFigure 5.8. The to trends of
e, in.sorder
tnairabig vnievaluate
to nekocollected
data rb fthe
o renumber
bmun the ehoft ebroken
taThe ot redro ni ,esphase,
invariants. ahp order
are to evaluate
connected each thesub-rack
broken invariants.
information about
block intends to face this issue, performing two tasks: i) energy consumption. This configuration allows to enforce non-
the two time series are very similar,collected but the data order ofWith
themodel difference
threshold = is 0.1
108 . proportional to the expected output of th
o detthe
With cepthreshold
t ot lan= oit0.1
y, ,invariants
y 1.0 = from dto
lohtheserh t eht htiW
expected output
streams of the
intrusive monitoring and toy,consider the system as a blackbox.
using autoregressive models, and ii) to detect at runtime The second is the S.Co.P.E. supercomputer, a scientific data
s hcae t3.4),
Section som laallroinvariant
when f nekinvariants
the orbrelationships
era stare nairbroken
ni ebroken,
htfor llaalmost
3 neach (see
ees( Section
eSsample. With
center 3.4),
at all
these the the invariants
University are broken
of Naples for almost
Federico each sample. W
II and Italian Detected Violations
action. A preliminary application of the approach on real data Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN). It is equipped with a
es r ot , sMinerVa
er lufeissufromediable
not vaoproduction
rp to ot provide
elbacloud tonuseful
i aVrresults sevalues
M , tofohas
enisystem ulavtheofnumber
, MinerVa
is not able to provide useful results to reduce the nu
of system that collects data similar - for type and
The detectionand capabilities
usefulness of to the identified invariants have been tested, as in Section
iatniam eht yb desylana eb otlogs sgol to beS.Co.P.E.
analysed by the maintainers.
its feasibility discover execution deviations amount - to those collected by data centers of real CIs.
to be analysed and SLA by the .sren[19].
violations mainly runs scientific batch jobs and also acts as,
Bayesian on aInference.
portion of available
Security logs different
monitors fromResults
usually produce the
a aone usedresource
Tier-2 forwith
the ofmining
the threshold
the Worldwidedescribed in SectionGrid
LHC Computing 3.4.1, which t
.4.3 noachieved
Results itceSlarge
ni dwith
ht described
iw din eveSection
ca stlu sapproach
eR which
3.4.1, takes into
number (WLCG)14 . It is composed of 512 servers, each equipped with
phase, in order to evaluate the
CIi number of broken invariants.
unt htiprediction
w tcan
uptbe uo used
etceonpxethe ofehthe
t foof
top lavthe
expected ntooitcorrelate
output ciderwith
p eh trespect
alerts occtoa thethe prediction
quad core CPUs interval
and 32ofGB theofexpected
memory. output
For jobs with respect to the
from different sources and to filter out false notifications. and scheduling and resource management, S.Co.P.E. uses
ThisWith the threshold
approach has been successfully = 0.1 y, proportional
used to detecttocreden- the expected output of the model
Maui/TORQUE. The monitoring system collects performance
tial stealing attacks [20]. Raw alerts generated during the and environment
(see Section 3.4), all the invariants are broken for almost each 78
sample. With these
data (adopting Ganglia extended with created
progression of an attack, such as user-profile violations and additional scripts), and logs, producing about 0.7 GB of data
values of , MinerVa
IDS notifications, is not able
are correlated to provide
trough a Bayesian useful results per
network to reduce
day. Logs thefrom
number Torqueof Resource Manager are used for
to pinpoint misuse performed by compromised users. The collecting jobs related data. Logs from the operating systems
logs to bewas
approach analysed
able toby remove the maintainers.
around 80% of false positives can be used for collecting anomaly related data.
(i.e., not compromised user being declared compromised)
without achieved
missing with the threshold
any compromised user. described in Section 3.4.1,IV. which takes R
Fuzzy Logic. Statistical methods cause a lot of false alarms. Field data represent a rich source of information for improv-
This is due thetoprediction
the difficulty interval of theexact
in defining expected output
and crisp ruleswithingrespect to themonitoring
the security provided and protection of future critical
describing when an event is an anomaly or not. Boundaries infrastructures. Existing monitoring technologies already offer
between the normal and the anomaly behavior of a system the possibility of collecting different types of data, such as
are not clear and deciding the degree of intrusion at which performance, environmental and operational data. The idea of
an alarm is to be raised may vary in different situations collecting these types of heterogenous data, and analyze them
[21]. Fuzzy logic is derived from fuzzy set theory to deal trough a combination os state-of-art attack modeling and data
with approximate reasoning rather than precise data, and
efficiently helps to smooth the abrupt separation of normality 14 The Large Hadron Collider computing grid,
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