UnderPressure Troubleshoot

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The following steps are to resolve the error message Run-time error 339: Component GRID32.

OCX or
one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

1. Go to C:\Programfiles x86\Under Pressure

2. Copy the file GRID32.OCX

3. Paste GRID32.OCX in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

4. Start a command prompt as an administrator*.

5. Enter the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 directory by copying and pasting cd Windows\SysWOW64
into the command prompt:
(If the command prompt directory is on C:\Windows by default, copy and paste cd SysWOW64
into the command prompt.)
6. Type regsvr32 GRID32.OCX and hit enter.
*To run a command prompt as an administrator, go into the Start Menu>All Programs>Accessories to
access Command Prompt. Right click on the Command Prompt program and choose Run as

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