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Periodontal Therapy:

Manual Scaling and Root planing

Erry Mochamad Arief
Senior Lecturer in Periodontics
After periodontal instrumentation session, student should be able to demonstrate
y Proper position of the patient and the operator (Accessibility)
y Visibility, illumination and retraction
y Condition of instruments (sharpness)
y Maintaining a clean field
y Instrument stabilization: Instrument grasp, Fulcrum or Finger rest
y Instrument activation: Adaptation, Angulation, Lateral pressure, and Stroke
y Selection of the proper instrumen
y Technique for periodontal probing, determining attachment loss, using dental explorer,
furcation detection
y Technique for tooth mobility quantification
y Technique for using Chisel, Sickle and Wing shaped, Curette
y Manual Scaling and root planing technique in different areas of the mouth

2 30/10/08
y Phase I therapy
y Started after E&D and treatment planning
y Removal bacterial plaque and all irritants (periodontal instrumentation)
y OH Instruction

y Maintenance phase
y All patients that undergo periodontal therapy
y Patients return to clinic for evaluation, periodontal instrumentation, and
reinforcement of OH techniques.

y Phase II therapy
y Surgical (periodontal instrumentation)

All phases need periodontal instrumentation

3 30/10/08
Periodontal Instrumentation
y Scaling: to remove plaque and calculus
y Root planing: to remove plaque, calculus,
y Stain removal
y Surgery

4 30/10/08
Principles of Instrumentation
1. Accessibility (positioning of patient and operator)
2. Visibility, illumination and retraction
3. Condition of instruments (sharpness)
4. Maintaining a clean field
5. Instrument stabilization
6. Instrument activation
7. Selection of the proper instrument

5 30/10/08
1. Positioning

y prevent clinician and patient from discomfort and


y permit a clear view, the best is direct vision

y allow easy access to the teeth

y efficient: time and energy

6 30/10/08
Clinical/Operator position
Neutral position

7 30/10/08
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Patient Head Position

15 30/10/08
Adjust his/her head to provide
best view: chin up/down,
toward/straight/ away

Supine patient position: The patients heels should be

slightly higher than the tip of his or her nose
16 30/10/08
Visibility, illumination and retraction
y Direct vision with direct illumination
y Indirect vision by using mouth mirror
y Indirect illumination by using mouth mirror
y Retraction provides visibility, accessibility and
illumination by using mirror or fingers
y Softening the lips with petroleum jelly/vaseline to
prevent cracking and bleeding

17 30/10/08

Dental light position
18 30/10/08
y When the instrument is
sharp, the cutting edge is
a fine line
y Light reflected from the
rounded cutting edge of
a dull instrument appears
as a bright line.

19 30/10/08
Maintaining a clean field
y From saliva, blood, and debris
y Pooling saliva interferes: visibility, firm finger rest
cannot be established
y Blood and debris can be removed by wiping with
y Operative field should be flushed occasionally with

20 30/10/08
Instrument stabilization
y Instrument grasp
y Finger rest

21 30/10/08
Fulcrum (finger rest)
y Stabilizes the clinicians hand during instrumentation
y Intraoral and extraoral fulcrum

22 30/10/08
Instrument activation
yLateral pressure

23 30/10/08
y Is placing the first one or two millimeters of the side of
the working end in contact with the tooth surface

Adapted Not-adapted
24 30/10/08
Adapted Not-adapted 30/10/08
y Is the angle formed between the face of instrument and
the tooth surfaces

26 30/10/08

27 30/10/08
Subgingival scaling procedure.
A, Curette inserted with the face of the blade flush against the tooth.
B, Working angulation (45 to 90 degrees) is established at the base of the pocket.
C, Lateral pressure is applied, and the scaling stroke is activated in the coronal direction.

28 30/10/08
Lateral pressure
y Is the act of using the thumb and index finger to
engage (press) the cutting edge against the tooth
surface or calculus deposit
y The amount of pressure must be varied according to
the nature of the calculus and according to whether the
stroke is intended to remove calculus or to smooth the
root surface.
y Lateral pressure may be firm, moderate, or light
y The careful application of lateral pressure during
instrumentation is important

29 30/10/08
Wrist motion activation
y Is the act of rotating the hand and wrist as a unit
y Similar with turning a doorknob
y Recommended for calculus removal with hand activated
y More powerful and less fatigue than digital motion

30 30/10/08
Digital motion activation
y Is moving the instrument by flexing the fingers
y It may be used with periodontal probes, explorers, and
ultrasonic instruments or where movement is very
restricted, such as in furcation areas

31 30/10/08
Instrumentation Strokes
y Strokes Direction

32 30/10/08
Instrumentation for calculus
y A, Calculus is removed by engaging the
apical or lateral edge of the deposit with
the cutting edge of a scaler; vertical
movement of the instrument will remove
the fragment of calculus engaged by the
y B, The instrument is moved laterally and
again engages the edge of the calculus,
overlapping the previous stroke to some
y C, The final portion of the deposit is
engaged and removed. Note how the
procedure is performed in an interdental
space by entering facially and lingually.

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Maxillary right posterior sextant: facial aspect

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct (indirect for
distal surfaces of molars).
y Retraction: Mirror or index
finger of the non-operating
y Finger rest: Extraoral, palm
up. Backs of the middle and
fourth fingers on the lateral
aspect of the mandible on the
right side of the face.
36 30/10/08
Maxillary right posterior sextant: lingual

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct and
y Visibility: Direct or indirect.
y Retraction: None.
y Finger rest: Extraoral, palm
up. Backs of the middle and
fourth fingers on the lateral
aspect of the mandible on the
37 right side of the face. 30/10/08
Maxillary anterior sextant: facial aspect, surfaces
away from the operator

y Operator: Back position (12

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: Index finger of the
non-operating hand.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm up.
Fourth finger on the incisal
edges or occlusal surfaces of
adjacent maxillary teeth
38 30/10/08
Maxillary anterior sextant: facial aspect, surfaces
toward the operator

y Operator: Front position (8

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: Index finger of the
nonoperating hand.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal or
facial surfaces of adjacent
39 maxillary teeth. 30/10/08
Maxillary anterior sextant: lingual aspect, surfaces away from the
operator (surfaces toward the operator are scaled from a front position).

y Operator: Back position (12

y Illumination: Indirect.
y Visibility: Indirect.
y Retraction: None.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm up.
Fourth finger on the incisal
edges or the occlusal surfaces of
adjacent maxillary teeth

40 30/10/08
Maxillary left posterior sextant: facial aspect

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct or
y Visibility: Direct or indirect.
y Retraction: Mirror.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
up. Fourth finger on the incisal
edges or the occlusal surfaces
of adjacent maxillary teeth.
41 30/10/08
Maxillary left posterior sextant: lingual aspect

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: None.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm up.
Fourth finger on the occlusal
surfaces of adjacent maxillary

42 30/10/08
Mandibular left posterior sextant: facial

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct or indirect.
y Retraction: Index finger or
mirror of the nonoperating
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal or
43 facial surfaces of adjacent 30/10/08
mandibular teeth
Mandibular left posterior sextant: lingual aspect

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct and
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: Mirror retracts
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
44 surfaces of adjacent 30/10/08
mandibular teeth.
Mandibular anterior sextant: facial aspect, surfaces
toward the operator

y Operator: Front position (8

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: Index finger of the
nonoperating hand.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
surfaces of adjacent mandibular
45 teeth 30/10/08
Mandibular anterior sextant: facial aspect, surfaces
away from the operator

y Operator: Back position (12

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: Index finger or
thumb of the nonoperating
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
46 surfaces of adjacent mandibular 30/10/08
Mandibular anterior sextant: lingual aspect,
surfaces away from the operator

y Operator: Back position (12

y Illumination: Direct and
y Visibility: Direct and indirect.
y Retraction: Mirror retracts
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
47 surfaces of adjacent mandibular 30/10/08
Mandibular anterior sextant: lingual aspect,
surfaces toward the operator

y Operator: Front position (8

y Illumination: Direct and
y Visibility: Direct and indirect.
y Retraction: Mirror retracts
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
48 surfaces of adjacent mandibular 30/10/08
Mandibular right posterior sextant: facial aspect

y Operator Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct.
y Visibility: Direct.
y Retraction: Mirror or index
finger of the nonoperating hand.
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
surfaces of adjacent mandibular
49 teeth 30/10/08
Mandibular right posterior sextant: lingual aspect

y Operator: Side position (9

y Illumination: Direct and
y Visibility: Direct and indirect.
y Retraction: Mirror retracts
y Finger rest: Intraoral, palm
down. Fourth finger on the
incisal edges or the occlusal
50 surfaces of adjacent mandibular 30/10/08
Instruments for scaling and root planing
y Universal curettes
y Gracey curettes

51 30/10/08
Universal Curettes
y A, Columbia #4R-4L
universal curette.
y B, Younger-Good #7-8,
McCall's #17-18, and
Indiana University #17-
18 universal curettes.

52 30/10/08
Graceys curettes

y Gracey #5-6 (Yellow): For Anterior teeth and premolars

y Gracey #7-8 (Green): For Posterior teeth: facial and lingual
y Gracey #11-12 (Orange): For Posterior teeth: mesial
y Gracey #13-14 (Blue): For Posterior teeth: distal

53 30/10/08
Chisel Wing-shaped Hygienist
54 30/10/08
y Push Scaler or Chisel.
y A pushing instrument used parallel to the occlusal plane. This
instrument can be used supra-gingivally especially in the
anterior. Great care need to be taken to avoid soft tissue
y Hygienist Sickle.
y Is a single-ended instrument can be used for mesial, distal,
facial, and lingual surfaces of supra and sub gingival calculus.
Adaptation of Sickle scaler is important to prevent damage to
the tissue
y Wing-shaped scaler
y This instrument has a wing blade shape and a sharply pointed
end. The mode of use is pull coronally for the supra and sub
gingival area of the tooth

55 30/10/08
Conclusion: Principles of scaling and
root planing
y Determine the correct cutting edge
y Finger rest
y Concentrate on using the lower third of the cutting
edge for calculus removal (adaptation)
y Allow the hand-forearm to carry the burden of the
stroke, rather than flexing the fingers (digital
motion activation)
y Modulate lateral pressure

56 30/10/08
Calculus detection
y Supragingival calculus can be detected visually or
by using compressed air and dental mirror
y Dry calculus has contrast visually with enamel
y Subgingival calculus are hidden beneath gingiva

57 30/10/08
technique to identify the presence of
supra and subgingival calculus

58 30/10/08
Furcation involvement
y Occurs when periodontal infection invades
the area between and around the roots of
bifurcated or trifurcated teeth
y Access to furcation area
y Mandibular molars (bifurcated)
examined from the facial and lingual

y Maxillary first premolar (bifurcated)

from the mesial and distal surfaces

y Maxillary first molars (trifurcated) from

the facial, mesial, distal surfaces
59 30/10/08
Year 3 2008/2009

Activities Venue(Supervisor)
8-9 am Lecture Periodontal Instrumentation DK 1 (ERRY)

30/10/08 MDL (HT, ERRY, WW,

9-10 am Putting Artificial Calculus on Frasaco model

8-9 am Demo Scaling and Root planning on real teeth

(All supervisor)
9-10 am
6/11/08 ERRY, WW, RARA, AKH,
Mounting 16 real teeth* on POP SLA)

13/11/08 KKKK

60 30/10/08
Activity: Supra and Subgingival scaling of artificial calculus on maxillary teeth,
Supra and Subgingival scaling of artificial calculus on mandibulary teeth,

Activity Grade* Signature

a. Tray set up and cleanliness
b. Identification of instruments

Probing and exploring technique

a. Correct probing technique
b. Correct exploring technique

Ergonomic position:
Appropriate positioning of dummy
Correct working position of operator

Scaling technique:
Use of appropriate instrument
Use appropriate technique

Calculus free: Teeth are free from calculus

*Grading: 1=poor, 2=average, 3=good

61 30/10/08
Week 5
Activity: Scaling and root planing on 16 real teeth, manually

Activity Grade* Signature

1.Scaling: Use of appropriate instrument and appropriate site

(anterior and posterior) and good finger rest (left and right)

1.Exploring technique

1.Ergonomic position:
a. Appropriate positioning of dummy
b. Correct working position of operator

1.Scaling technique:
a. Use of appropriate instrument
b. Use appropriate technique

1.Root Planing:
a. Use of appropriate instrument
b. Use appropriate technique

1.Removal of calculus: Teeth are free from calculus

*Grading: 1=poor, 2=average, 3=good

62 30/10/08
63 30/10/08
Positioning for the anterior sextant
Anterior surface toward

Turn slightly
toward the
clinician chin-
down position

Turn slightly
toward the
clinician chin-
up position

64 30/10/08


65 30/10/08
Positioning Turned
for the slightly
posterior away
sextant from the
from the
66 30/10/08
Positioning Posterior Turned
for the aspects slightly
posterior facing away from
sextant away the

away from
67 30/10/08
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