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Describe your understanding of values and its importance, do values differ across
generations and cultures and how does it have implication on behavior of people in

Do not lie, do not kill, do not steal, do not misuse sex, and do not use alcohol and other
drugs were some of the values that my family taught me in my childhood. We being
Buddhist follower, I thought this was my core values then and till today, I try to follow
all of these. This value particularly helped me not to involve in bad habit during my
teenage days. Being fair, honest and ethical is what I understand value today and I am
doubtful with any individual or an organization that does not have these values in them
would be successful in the future.

As said earlier, most of our values start developing from our early age via parents,
teachers, friends and our surrounding. All these learning help us to distinguish among
what is right and what is wrong. It helps influence our perception of the world around us.
Furthermore, it provides the understanding of the attitudes and behaviors. Our values are
important because they help us grow and develop and to create the future which we want
to experience.

Each and every individual as well as organizations are involved in making numerous
decisions in day to day basis. Those decisions are a reflection of our values and beliefs,
and they are always directed towards a specific goal. That goal is the satisfaction of our
individual or organizational needs. When we use our values to make decisions, we make
a deliberate choice to focus on what is important to us. When values are shared, they
build internal cohesion in a group.

Priorities such as: money, friend circle, work changes but the core values such as family
and love will never change. Value does change across the generations and cultures. The
value that our ancestors had differs in various levels as compared to today. If we talk
about the current generation which are born since 2000 and our generation from 1985 to
1999, we see a lot of differences. Those children who were born after 2000 are very
savvy which automatically generates high values than the one who were born before that
for example confident, self-reliant, team oriented. Today in this competitive era and the
new generation of resourceful humans, the value is differs among different individuals
and the organization. A value differs in cultures as well. In Nepali culture is relationship
focused specially on the family which is strong and has clearly defined roles. Social
norms and obligations are the base of such relationships among seniors and juniors,
fathers and sons. The seniors are shown respect by the juniors. Were as, in western
countries, people are self-centric and have less of family values. The system of letting
ones child pursue their own future by themselves makes that child more independent and
creates the environment where he/she alone has to thrive for his/her better future.

One of the most widely referenced approaches for analyzing variations among cultures
was done in the late 1970s by Geert Hofstede. He found that managers and employees
vary on five value dimensions of national culture:

I. Power distance- degree to which people accept that power in institutions and
organizations is distributed unequally.
II. Individualism versus collectivism- individualism is the degree to which people prefer
to act as individuals rather than as members of groups. Collectivism emphasizes a
tight social framework in which people expect others in to look after and protect
III. Masculinity versus femininity- degree to which the culture favors traditional
masculine roles such as opposed to viewing men and women as equals.
IV. Uncertainty avoidance- degree to which people in a country prefer structured over
unstructured situations.
V. Long-term versus short-term orientation- measures a societys devotion to traditional
values. People in a culture with long-term orientation look to the future and value

The changes in value that we see have had a great implication on the behavior of the
people in the organization. The value of collectivism helped people within an
organization in which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look
after them and protect them. Females these days are not differentiated. They are
treated as the equals of men in all aspects of the society. As the old generation come
up and has to work with the new ones with different school of thoughts, they work
with harmony and proper values which has made the experience of old ones, the
dreams of old ones with a proper blend of the energy and enthusiasm of new
generation. As a result, a perfect scotch.
2. Describe perception and factors involved in how we form impressions of people? How
could we attempt to overcome these biases?

When an individual goes to a Royal Palace Museum, she/he sees the extravagance of that
palace and a normal human makes oneself into the environment and think for a while and
thinks if I lived here. She/he perceives it is the best place to live in. So, perception is a
process by which an individual organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order
to give meaning to their environment. There is lot of factors involved in how the
impressions are formed.

Factors that influences perception:

a) Factors in the perceiver- attitudes, motives, interests, experience, and expectations.

b) Factors in the situation- time, work setting and social setting.

c) Factors in the target- novelty, motions, sounds, size, background, proximity.

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