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formulate the Law of Mass Action, which was later limed ellect ol all chemical reactions that are tak-
derived from the principles ol thermodynamic, ing place simultaneously.
Chemical reactions in the natural environ- Some bases arc insolubk and actually 01X11f
ment may fail to reach equilibrium because the as minerals in nature. For example. Mg(04
products escape from the site of the reaction or forms the mineral Much: Ale solubility of such
because reactions involving the transfounation of insoluble bases can be calculated by Swing a set
one solid into another are very slow. In addition. of simultaneous equations derived front the Law
some natural reactions are irreversible. of Mass Action and from the requirement of con-
Acids and bases are defined as compounds servation of mass, and electrical charge.
that release H' sir 0H' ions in aqueous solutions, Weak acids play an important role in
respectively. 'the bases of some elements are chemistry because the abundances of the ions
amphoteric and act like bases in acidic environ- they form by dissociation are controlled by the pit
ments and like ands in basic environments. Weak of the environment. Ibis phenomenon ;Meets the
acids and bases dissociate only partially depend. solubility of amorphous silica, which increases
ing on the p11 of the environment. In general. the rapidly at

[di of

natural environments results from the corn-

pH > 8 because of the dissociation of Aux acid.

I. II the concept:awn of an ion in a 5011111011 is (Answer: 12.0)
5.0 x 10 1 mol/L at 25 `C, what IS Its concentration
4. Cakulate the normality ol sulfuric acid (11,S0,)
based tin the niloimation provided by the label on the
tie same W1U1100 at 45 'CI Use the data 111 Table 9.1.
(Answer: 196 X Ill mul/11

2. Derive a relationship between the mainly (MI.

the formality (F). and the density (J) ol a solution.

3. Calculate the normality of hydrochloric acid

(11('1) Isom the following informattun provided by
the lapel on the book. Assay: 37%: net weight,
2.72 kg in:sterol:a weight: 3646: specific gravity:
bottle Assay 98.0%. net weight: 408 kg: molecular 7. Calculate the activities ol all ions and the p11 ol
weight 9808: specific gravity. 1.84 (Answer 368) solunon containing 0 I intil of phosphoric acid per liter
of solution. Find the equilitmiUM constants111 Table 9.3 -
S. What volume of 35 N (normal) It o , is required
to make 250 nil. of 1.5 N ILSO,? S. Cakulate the solubility of grbbsitc (A1(011 II) al pl I
= 5.0 Find the dissociation constants in Table 9.3
6. Cakulate the pH of hydiolluone acid containing
0.I mol of HF per Ines of solution Find the dissociation
constant in table 9.3.

C a m a y . . E i t . IC Nurukunal sheets b c d s m e n t . II 1 - 14 K K. 1979 IA. (lienuary Sawa Wdcy. New York.
Cliapia T. 1-23 Ili M Mencius ebb pp K a s v i t k . I I I b K e n . a n d I A t C am as.
( E d ) , M e o f &relents:Ty. US Geol Sun 1977 Direcnent of wIncuin cote.-1 Chemical
paper 4101 cunuole me the rile ul opal A and opal CI
USEVLII.1 I.. 1048 She Geochenstury of MIMI al Wan, hid nans1onnanon an open mental Audy O;relson (
al Itentice-Hall Upper saddle RiverN1 435 pp ozonochon A. Id. 411041-1060
Gooses. K M.. and C. Oman. 1%5 MT:weals
Soledion. owl Lqualabna Ha pes S Row. New Toi1.456 pp

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