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6p—sleio, yy 35 = Report of Calibration —_gccamms ‘Seg The Sana Report No, 12201029 Rem Submitted Vernier Caliper Mitutoyo Model 8" (0-200 mm) Serial Number; 6339622 Submitted By Mohammad Al Moll Group Dammam , Saudi Arabia Date of Calibration 11 February 2013 ue Date 11 February 2014 Ambient wc 23° Relative Humidty: < 50% Guif Equipment Metrology Service (GEMS) certifies thatthe above sted instrument has been calbrated In accordance with a qualty system registered to [S0 $001:2008 an conform to ISOVIEC 17025;200 and [ANSI/NCSL 2540.1-1994 using GEMS applicable procedures. Measurement uncertainties if reported are calculated at 2 95% confidence level witha coverage factor equal to two (k=2). I the measurement uncertainty is not reported atest uncertainty ratio (TUR) of 4:1 ‘and k=2 was used, ‘cu Equipment Metrology Serace (GEMS) measurement standards ae traceable thru unbroken chain of comparison tothe United Stats’ National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) andjor to CIPM MRA signatory National Meology Institutes, orto natura physical constants, consensus standard rato ‘ype measurements. This calibration reprt contains the results of calbrtion andor ater relevant data about the calration. “Ths report apples only to the tem ilentied above and shall nat be reproduced except in ul without specie written aporoval by GEMS. Calibration Procedures: GEM-P-20-002, ‘As Received Conditions : In Tolerance ‘As Shipped Conditions : In Tolerance Calibrated By: Approved By: —— Ss Calibration Tech. (stamp) S. Esquer (date) Laboratory Ma es Fon rac . Page 1 of 3 ‘Gut Equipment Metrology Service (GEMS) Tome oan ona Ro Poor iter bat auton 368 Tevinbanieatniee ee Tarot es V587 50 syetentar ae No sossoeuor Member he Natal Conference of Stns Laoraties centric gan ahe GEMS Verrier Caliper Report No. 12201029 ittoyo Mec 8 (0-200 mm) 11 Febeusry 2073, Serial Number 6399622 Page 2013, LL Test Method: “The Unit Under Test (herein refered to 2s tho UUT), was castrated by applying, measuring and comparing Is indcatons wih GEMS's stancards. Resul of the calbation s given below Function Tested Nominal Measured ‘Tolerances ‘Values Values. 32 Preliminary Inspection ae Oot meay : exc) 323 SnodhOpoaon ES au) 326 en Panle aU) 44 Outside Dimension Seale tien) (et) ton) 412 Ur vanerzo0 ° 3 aes “a8 42 Outside Dimension Scale indication Test Eran see (en) Aety (ety 42g “UU See ntton % % cana “to ssi28 aap : : wrasse 4 4 3137/28 448 7 a 3 3 Tiai2s te BAN ves om (oe (ram (OT Se eon i270 1270 wes ta 1278 pogo 2540 2540 25352548 a ‘0160 0160 fos f018s ° a 20329 20520 2315 te 20025, 43 Inside Dimension Scale Indization Test Erte oa (neh) (hen toon) a5 "Use aenon i verns “to” tae 5 ts 8 a rian bane tse Sale (rm) (om (rm GT Se enon 2540 2540 2sas “25.45 a 20320 20320 2001820325 44 Depth Gauge Indication Test emis see (en) (ety (ie UOT See nseaton % % eanze “to” ps8 a ; t wn te T28 ; ‘ 4 aizmize te 428 a 8 Tranes te BAmN28 swe seo8 (om) (om (om 40 NlUrSeo oan S270 i270 wes “a! 1275 a eee 2540 25.40 2382548 orn 0160 woiss fates 2320 203.20 20018 205.25, Caitation Teebrician GEMS Verier Caliper FReport No. 12201028 Mitutoyo Mode 8 (0-200 mm) 41 February 2013 Serie Numbor 8330622 Page sot3 1. Remacks: 1. Traceabity documents may bo reviewed by authorize representative ofthe UUT owner by sppoiniment 2 Measurement Unceriany, 0.0046 inch Eni Ses]; 0.03 mm pate Som) (Kea CFB5H) 1. Reference Standards Equipment: MODEL NOUN IDNo. DUE DATE 4. SRTSCBBAAK Gage Block Set net 23 December 2014 3 SRT SSBATK Gage Block Set e074 11 danuary 2014 IV, Traceability of Standards Equipment Used: 1. Length - National Instiute of Standard & Technology (NIST) / LASER - Absolute Value of Natural Physical Constant; Federal Ofice of Metrology (METAS) Suitzerans, Cenicate of Calibration No, 111-06480.; Pratt & \Wmtney Cetitoate of Catbration No. LS-0045A-2011-01-19. \, Reference Standards Document: 1. Local Calibration Precedue: GEM-P-20-002 CCalbeation Technician

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