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the Second elastically, the second one similarly with the @ik@-wuy () 5M} -¥3) third andso on. The velocity of the last ballis [UP SEE] 2 2 (@) 04 ms! (b) 02 ms? © fae a (a) MQ? ~¥3) (©) 0.1 ms (4) 0.05 ms 31. Consider elastic collision of a particle of mass m moving with a velocity « with another particle of the same Pass at rest. After the collision the projectile and 38. When U?* nucleus originally at rest, decays 4 emitting an alpha particle having 2 speed 1 the rea) speed of the residual nucleus is the struck particle move in directions making angles, (ey ee oe and 0, respectively with the initial direetion of motion. 238 ‘The sum of the angles 0, +02 is TUP SEE] au , +82 apne (@) 45° () 90° © 334 © (co) 135° (d) 180° 39. A space craft of mass M and moving with velociy 32, A 2 ke ball moving at 24ms”’ undergoes inelastic suddenly breaks in two pieces of same mass m. After head-on collision with a 4 kg ball moving in the explosion one of the mass m becomes stationary, Wh opposite diretion at 48m! If the coefficient of isthe velocity ofthe other part af crat? ie restitution is 2/3, their velocities in ms! after impact fa) Toa (by are [BAMCET ‘ (a) -56,-8 (b) 28,4 yes oe (co) —14,-2 (@) -7,-1 a oe 43. A body at rest explodes into two equal parts. Then, #0 Ared AB of mass M, length © is lying on a horizoy tard frictionless surface. A particle of mass. m travell (a) they move with different speeds in’ differents along the surface hits the end A of the rod with dreeneee velocity’ vy in a direction perpendicular to AB. (b) they move with different speeds in same direction Set Soa gti AOL EO ee eee a (c) they move with same speeds in same direction De TUPst (4) they move with same speed in opposite directions we ae 34. A body of mass mis at rest. Another body of same mass oo () 5, moving with velocity v makes head on elastic collision © fe with the first body. Afier collision the first body starts to. © BN © ob move with velocity [OSE] ol vg ay (b) remain at rest 41. An o-particle of mass m suffers one dimensional el) (¢) 2v (qd) not predictable collision with a nucleus of unknown mass, Aftet 35. A body of mass M moves with velocity v and collides collision the ceparticle is scattered directly back) elastically with another body of mass m (M >>m) at losing 75% of its kinetic energy. Then the mass.0 rest, then the velocity ofbody ofmass mis [BCECE} nucleusis [Kerala @y (b) 2, @m (b) 2m (©) v2 (4) zero (an @on 36. Ifa shell fired froma cannon, explodes in midair, then ; 2 [Guj CET) corse (a) its total kinetic energy increases 42. An elastic ball is dropped: from a height 4 @ (b) its total momentum increases rebounds many times from the floor, Ifthe eaeffici ts total momentum decreases SS Sau etticswsbeetg==t nese) (ae the third impact, (Kerala! (d) None of the above ate Gyevle 2003 oe (2) ® ei?) 47, Two spherical bodies of the same mass M are moving "with velocities v, and y,. These collide perfectly oe (*) ‘inelastically, then the loss in kinetic energy is. (ATEEE) g 1, Consider the following starements A and Etand identify thecorrectanswer given below IBAMCED| A. A body initially at rest is acted upon by a constant force. The rate of change ofits kinetic energy varies linearly with time Ih 2011 1, Attime + =0s particle staris moving along the axis. I its kinetic eneray inereases imiformly with time ¢ the [AIEEE] (a) vi on dt must be p oportional () constant L ve er @) A box is mowed alo | delivering constant power, The distanee moved by the | body in time ris proportional to (WB JE) @ it Or oF? @e i | 2010 { 3. A body of mass ‘with a uniform speed of 10 m'son. fictionless surface under the influence of two forces F; and F The not power of the system is (@) 10M (©) + Ayu moving Imp Pet (b) 1005, + F)Mt (@) ze 2009 4. Acconstant power P is applied to a car starting from rest Ifvis the velocity of the car attime t, then [UP SEE] 1 tb) vee @) ver 1 @ y= (©) vevi Vi 5. Acar of mass mis driven with an acceleration «along 8 straight level road against a constant external resistive fore R. When the velocity of the car is ¥, the rate at which engine of the car is doing work, will be (BVP) (a) Rev (b) mary (©) (R+ma)-v (a) (ma=R)-v 2008 6. The height of the dam, in a hydroelectric power station is 10 m. In order to generate | MW of electric power Topic 3 Power B. When (a) A and B are correct (6) And B are wrong (©) Ais conrect and B is wrong (Ais wrong and B is correct body is at est, ft must be in equilbriun, the mass of water (in kg) that most fall pee second on iy Kerala CEE) (@) 108 blades of the turbines is (a) 10°) 10° (@) 10° (10° 7. Anenzine pumps up 100 kg of water through aheightop 10m in'5 s, Given that the efficiency of engine is 60% Itg tneEdK) 10ms *,thepowerof the engineis @) 33k (b) 0.33 kW (6) 0.033 bow (a) 33 kW 2007 8. An clectric pump is used t0 fill an overhead tank of icity 9m Keptat aheight of £0 mabove the ground. IF the pump takes 5 min to fll the tank by constming 10 KW power the efficiency oF the pump should be (Takeg =10ms*) [Kerala CEE} (a) 60% — (by 40% (ey 20% (a) 30% (e) 509 2006 9. An engineer claims to have made an engine delivering 10-KW power with fuel consumption of Tes, The calorific value of fuel is2 kealg~. This claim is (a) valid mart cer) (b) invalia (6) dependent on engine desir (@) dependent on load 10. A body of mass? kg is projected at 20 ms 60 van angle ove the horizontal. Power due to the gravitational forceatits highest points _ B&KCET) (a) 200.W (b) 1003 W (©) 50 (@) zero 2005, 11. A motor isused to deliver water ata certain rate through a given horizontal pipe, To deliver rtines the watee through the same pipe in the same time the power ofthe (BAMCETI motor must be mereased as follows (b) 1 tienes nf mes (ities 1. the machine-gun fires 240 bates per 12 Tossofeach bulletis 10 gandthe velocity ofthe bulteg is 600 ms locity ofthe bullets the power (in KW) of the gun is IHAMCE @ 72 ifthe heart pushes 1 ce of blood in 1 s under pressure 20000 Nm Ny [aK cE iw 1) 43200 (0) 432) 72 the power of heartis (b) 400. (@) 0.2 \ man does a given amount of work in 10 5. Ai in 10 s. Another ‘man does the same amount of work in 20 s. The ratio of ut power of first man to the second man is aK CET) (b) 12 (@) None of these 2004 18, A body ofmass m accelerates uniformly from nest to ¥ The instantaneous power delivered to the body as a function of ime ris 1p a train-moving at a [UP SEE 16. IPF is the forge required to kc ‘constant speed x the power required is oA @in © @ Fy 17. A bouly is initially at rest. It undergoes one-dimensional motion sith eonstant acceleration. The power delivered to itat timer is proportional to [AMU} @ (oy ¢ Or @e 18, A force 5=(3] +5k)min 2s, Power generated will be =(2i44)) N displaces the body by {(daemin Millia Tela (h) 6W (@) 2W (a) 1 (¢) 22 Collisions 2010 L.A point mass of 1 kg collides lastically. with’ a nary point mass of 5 kg. After their collision the | kgmass reverses its direction and moves with a speed of 2 ms. Which of the following statement(s) isare comect for the system of these two masses? (1IT JEE] (a) Total momentum of the system is 3 kg-ms | (b) Momentuam of kgmass after collision is 4 ke-ms 1 (c) Kinetic energy of the centre of mass is 0.75 J (W) Total kinetic energy of the system is 4) Statement 1 Two particles moying in th direction do not lose all their energy in a completely. inclasti¢ collision Statement Principle of conservation ofmomenturt lds true forall kinds of collisions [AIEEE] (@) Statement lis true, Statement I is true, Statement I isthe correct explanation of Statement | (b) Statement Lis true Statement IT is tue, Statement TT isnot the correct explanation of Statement | (6) Statement Tis fase, Statement 11 is true (4) Statement 1 is true, Statement IL is false he same 2009 43. Two small particles of equal masses start moving in opposite directions from a point 4 in a horizontal circular ‘orbit, Their tangential velocities are \vand: 2v respectively, as shown in the figure, Between collisions, the particles move with constant speeds. After making how rmany elastic collisions, other than that at 4, these two es will again reach the point 4? (UIT JEB} 3 (a1 4. A block of mass 0.50 kg is moving with a speed of 2,00 ms ! ona smooth surface, It strikes another mass (of 1.00 kg and then they move together asa single body. The energy loss during the collision is [AIBEE} (a) 0.16 (b) 1.005 (©) 9671 (@) 0343 For inelastié cotiston between two spherical rigid Ice} bodies (a) the total kinetic energy is conserved (b) the total mechanical energy is not conserved {(€) the linear momentum is not conserved (d) the linear momentum is conserved 6 A bail is dropped fiom a height A on a floor of «The total distance covered (aITSATI 1 before second hits (by W422) (a) (26?) (e) M46") 7. Two identical collide perfectly incl (a) he ass mimoving with veloci ally. Find the loss in energy (out (a) muy 18) (oy 2 (ey <1)? y i (eu — Ue) (a) may 5) ( 8. A body of mass 2 kg moving with a velocity of 3 ms! collides head on with a body of mass 1 kg moving in "After collision two bodies stick together and move with a to [Manipall (@) 3/4 opposite direetion with a velocity of 4 ms common velocity which in ms’ iseq (a) 4b) WB 6) 23 2007 9, Statement 1 bodies, the relative speed of the bodies after collision is, equal to the relative speed before the collision Statement 11 collision, the linear ‘momentum of the sysiem is conserved. {IIT JEE] (a) Statement I is true, statement Il is true; statement IT is correct explanation for statement I (b) Statement is true, statement II is true; statement I is nota correct explanation for statement 1 (€) Stalement 1 is true, statement Il is false (@) Statement | is false, statement ILis true In an elastic. collision between two Inan’ elastic 10, A ball is dropped from height 20 m. If coefficient of restitution is 0.9, what will be the height attained after first bounce (DCE (a) 162m (b) 16.2m (o) Bm (a) 4m In two separate collisions, the coefficient of restitutions © nde, are in the ratio 3: 1. In the first collision the “yelative velocity of approach is twice the relative “velocity of separation, then the ratio between relative 12 A 4 (a) 126 (b) 233 3 (@) 621 10 kg object collides with stationary 5 ke Objedt ay, der collision they stick together and move forwag swith velocity 4:ms~!, What is the velocity with whi the 10:kg object hit the second one? LW ae, () 6mst (@) 12s (@) 4m te) 10m Inclasticolision (Wo a (a) both momentum and kinetic energies are coserigj (by both momentum and kinetic energies are ny conserved (©) only energy is conserved (a) omly mechanical energy is conserved A body of mass mj collides elastically with anoths body of mass ms at rest. If the velocity. of ms, afte collision becomes 2/3 times its initial velocity, thera oftheirmasses, is (yaKcen @t:s 5:1 5:2 O28 A stationary bomb explodes inte two: parts of masses in 3. If the heavier mass moves with x "what is the velocity of lighter par? (W&K CET the ratio of 1 velocity 4 ms- (a) 12. ms“ opposite to heavier mass (b) 12 ms" in the direction of heavier mass (c) 6ms~! opposite to heavier mass (d) 6 ms"! in the direction of heavier mass ss m is moving with velocity vp and collides elastically with block A of mass m and connected to another block B of mass 2m through spring constant k. What is if x9 is compression of spring when velocity of 4 and Bis same? (UPSEE) E- BB w= " Xi 3 mvp 2 my ee: Ore 17. A bullet of mass 20 g and moving with 6008" collides with a block of mass 4 kg hanging with th string, What is velocity of bullet when it comes out ¢ block if block rises to height 0.2 maftercollision? (UR SB |4 20 kg. ball moying with a velocity 6 ms~ collides Pit «30 Be Gall Einadly ac ek 10 Wah ot oem lest, then the final velocity ofthe combined mass is (a) 6 ms Seo (c) 36m (@) 24s f(e) 1.2 mst Fora system to follow the law of conservati Ee cost CR RPEee ot, te ann we IRAMCE! (1) total external foree acting on the system is er (2) total external force acting on the systems finite and time of collision is negligible G) total internal force acting on the system is zero. (a) (1) only (b) @)only (e) @)only (@) ()or@) A neutron moving with velocity v collides with a Stationary d-particle. The yelocity of the neutron after thecollis [OJEE > 5 5 a) = es ‘A-bomb at rest explodes into 3 parts of the same mass parts is —2pi and pj. The (co) The momentum of the 2 momentum of the third part will havea magnitude of {Jamia Millia Islamia} (a) p () Bp (©) PNS Ga) 2080 Ina head on elastic collision of a very heavy body moving at v with a light body at rest, velocity of heavy, body after collision is [J&K CEN (@) (b) 2 (c) zer0 > 005 FA mass m moves with a velocity v and collides inelastically with another identical mass. After: collision the 1% mass moves with velocity in a direction perpendicular ttl speed of the second mass after collis fay (b) (= 3 ‘A body of mass mmoving with veloc. veollides head ‘a another body of mass 2m which is initially at Test. The ratio of KE of colliding body before and after {ATEEE] he intial direction of motion. Find the ' [AIEEE] @ 1st 21 (4t @ 9:1 25. Consider the following statements -t and B and identify the correct answer, ‘A. Iman elasti collision, if a body suffers a head on collision with another of same mass at rest, the first body comes to fest while the other starts moving ‘with the velocity of the first one B. Two bodies of equal mass suffering a head on clastic collision merely exchanges their velocities (EAMCET! (@) Both A and B are true (b) Both A and B are fals (©) Ais true and B i (@) Ais false but B is true 26. 1 kg body explodes into three fragments. The ratio of sis 1: 1:3. The fragments of same mass move ilar to each other with speeds 30 ms Y awhile: er part remains in the initial direction. The speed ofheavier partis (CECE 10 i @ =o. (b) Lov2 ms (©) 202 ms™ (@ 302 ms” 27. A body of mass 4 kg moving with velocity 12mst collides with another body of mass 6 kg at fest. If tw0 bodies stick together after collision, then the loss of kinetic energy of systems (J&KCET] (a) ze10 (b) 2884 © 17281 (4) 14a) 2004 28, A bomb is Kept stationary at 2 point, It suddenly explodes into two fragments of masses 18 and 3g. The total KE of the fragments is 64x 10" J. What is the KE of the smaller fragment? {DCE} (a) 2.5x104F (b) 3.5x10°3 (ce) 48109) (@) 52x10°S 39, A body moving with a velocity » breaks up into to ‘equal parts. One of the part retraces ‘back with velocity \. Then, the velocity of the other partis (cel (a) vin forward direction (b) 3 in forward direction (0) vin backward direction (@) 3v in backward direction 40. Four smooth stee! balls of equal mass attest are 6 reve alongta straight Tine without fetion, The frst bal is given a velocity ‘of 0.4 ms? It collides hheacl on swith

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