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Second speaker:

Good morning the ladies and gentlemen, first, let me introduce myself. my name is ..... im
the second speaker of the affirmative team, i will give the fact that will support the reason
why we agree with the motion that This house support junkies should be expelled from the

First, based on indonesian constitution number 22 about drugs regulation:

Using the first category narcotics for himself (in this case is heroin, cocain, marijuana,
extacy, LSD, and opium) shall be punished for a maximum of 4 years in prison.

Allright, let me explain the meaning of this constitusion. the key word is in the last 4 words.
4 years in prison. well, based on that constitusion, that junkies should be in prison and
clearly, the school is not a place for junkies.

Second, we refuse junkies in this scool because we worry the can affect any other students,
this is how drug network working. if every single junkie can affect 2 peoples to be a junkies,
imagine if we had 50 junkies in this school, can you imagine whats gonna happen?? Thats
why we agree to expelled junkies from the school. Because our social life at school can be the
most easiest way to distributing drugs to students like all of us.

I think thats enough for me, and finally let me to say that we are totally agree with this
motion. Thank you.

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