Structure, Properties, Process, and Aplications of Gold

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1. Definition of Gold
(Sanskrit: Jval; Anglo-Saxon gold; Latin: aurum). Gold has been known
and valued very highly since ancient times immemorial. Gold is a chemical
element dlm periodic table that has the symbol Au (Latin: 'aurum') and atomic
number 79. A transition metal (trivalent and univalent) soft, shiny, yellow,
heavy, "malleable" and "ductile". Gold is found in nature generally in the form
of fine granules together with copper, silver and sometimes together with
platinum group metals. It is possible resemblance properties of these elements.
In addition gold is often obtained in the form of compounds as mineral
Telluride, AuTe2 and silvanit, AuAgTe4. Gold does not react with other
chemicals but is attacked by chlorine, fluorine and aqua regia. This metal is
widely available in gold nuggets or dust on the rocks and in alluvial deposits and
one of the coinage metals. Standard ISO code is XAU. Gold melted into liquid
form at a temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius.

2. Atomic Structure of Gold

Understand more about the unique chemical and physical properties of
gold that enable it to be utilised in a diverse range of practical applications.
Gold, (symbol Au) has an atomic number of 79 i.e. each gold atom has 79
protons in its nucleus. The atomic mass of the gold atom is 196.967 and the
atomic radius is 0.1442nm. Interestingly this is smaller than would be predicted
by theory.
Number of Energy Levels: 6
First Energy Level: 2
Second Energy Level: 8
Third Energy Level: 18
Fourth Energy Level: 32
Fifth Energy Level: 18
Level Energ Sixth: 1
Gold : [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1
Image Atomic Structure of Gold

3. Properties of Gold
Gold is a metal that is soft and malleable, hardness range between 2.5 - 3
(Mohs scale), as well as its density depends on the type and content of other
metals which harmonizes with it. Gold carrier minerals are usually associated
with the associated minerals (gangue minerals). Generally associated minerals
such as quartz, carbonate, tourmaline, flourpar, and a small amount of non-
metallic minerals. Mineral carrier of gold is also associated with sulphide
deposits that have been oxidized. Mineral carrier nativ gold consists of gold,
electrum, gold Telluride, a number of alloys and gold compounds with the
elements sulfur, antimony, and selenium. Electrum is actually another kind of
gold native, only the silver content in which> 20%.
Below are the properties of gold, among others :
a. Origin of Colour
The arrangement of outer electrons around the gold nucleus is related to
gold's characteristic yellow colour. The colour of a metal is based on transitions
of electrons between energy bands. The conditions for the intense absorption of
light at the wave lengths necessary to produce the typical gold colour are
fulfilled by a transition from the d band to unoccupied positions in the
conduction band. Gold's attractive warm colour has led to its widespread use in
b. Isotopes of Gold
Whilst the number of protons in a gold nucleus is fixed at 79, the number
of neutrons can vary from one atom to another giving a number of isotopes of
gold. However, there is only one stable non-radioactive isotope accounting for
all naturally found gold.
c. Crystal Structure of Gold
The crystal structure for metallic gold is face centred cubic FCC (see
image). This crystal structure contributes to gold's very high ductility since FCC
lattices are particularly suitable for allowing the movement of dislocations in the
lattice. Such dislocation movement is essential for achieving high ductility.

d. Density of Gold
The density of gold (19.3 gcm-3) depends on both its atomic mass and the
crystal structure. This makes gold rather heavy compared to some other common
materials. For example, aluminium has a density of 2.7 gcm-3 and even steel's
density is only 7.87 gcm-3.
e. Melting and Boiling Points of Gold
The melting point of pure gold is 1064C, although when alloyed with
other elements such as silver or copper the gold alloy will melt over a range of
temperatures. The boiling point of gold, when gold transforms from the liquid to
gaseous state, is 2860C.
f. Conductivity of Heat and Electricity
The ability of gold to efficiently transfer heat and electricity is bettered
only by copper and silver, but unlike these metals gold does not tarnish, making
it indispensable in electronics.
The electrical resistivity of gold is 0.022 micro-ohm m at 20 C. The
thermal conductivity is 310 W m-1 K-1at the same temperature. The corrosion
resistance of gold is perhaps one its most useful properties. Electrode potentials
are a useful method for representing the tendency of a metal to corrode.
Electrode potentials are measured with reference to hydrogen and an
electrochemical series can be prepared for metals as indicated below. Not
surprisingly, gold is at the top of the series indicating its high corrosion
resistance. In practice, it is corroded only by a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric
acid (aqua regia). In everyday use gold does not tarnish.

Table 1. Electrode potential of gold and related elements.

Electrode Potential (V) Element

+1.5 Gold
+0.8 Silver
-0.4 Iron
-0.8 Zinc
-1.66 Aluminium
g. Malleability
The metal gold is extremely malleable (the extent to which a material can
undergo deformation in compression before failure). In the annealed state it can
be hammered cold into a translucent wafer 0.000013 cm thick. One ounce of
gold can be beaten into a sheet covering over 9 square metres and 0.000018 cm
h. Ductility
Gold is also ductile (degree of extension which takes place before failure
of a material in tension) and one ounce can be drawn into 80 km (50 miles) of
thin gold wire (5 microns diameter) to make electrical contacts and bonding
i. Young's Modulus
The Young's modulus of elasticity of a material is related to rigidity or
stiffness and is defined as the ratio between the stress applied and the elastic
strain it produces. Gold has a Young's modulus of 79 GPa which is very similar
to silver, but significantly lower than iron or steel.
j. Hardness of Gold
Hardness is defined as the ability of a material to resist surface abrasion.
The relative hardness of materials were historically assessed using a list of
materials arranged in such order that any material in the list will scratch any one
below it. Thus, diamond the hardest substance known, heads the list with a
hardness index of 10 whilst talc is at the bottom with a hardness index of 1. On
this scale, gold has a value of 2.5 to 3 i.e. it is a soft metal. For more accurate
measurements the Vickers hardness measurement is used and gold has a value of
approximately 25Hv in the annealed condition.
k. Biocompatibility
Gold demonstrates excellent biocompatibility within the human body
(the main reason for its use as a dental alloy), and as a result there are a number
of direct applications of gold as a medical material. Gold also possesses a high
degree of resistance to bacterial colonisation and because of this it is the material
of choice for implants that are at risk of infection, such as the inner ear.
l. Oxidation States
Gold forms a number of interesting compounds based on the familiar
oxidation states +1 and +3. Gold-based chemicals include halides, cyanides, and
Table 2. Summary of properties of gold.

Atomic weight 196.97
Atomic number 79
Number of naturally occuring isotopes 1
Melting point C 1064
Crystal structure FCC
Density gcm-3 19.3
Thermal conductivity W m-1 K-1 310
Electrical resistivity micro-ohm m at 20C 0.022
Young's modulus E Gpa 79
Hardness Hv 25
Tensile stress Mpa 124
0.2% proof stress Mpa 30
Poissons ratio 0.42

Table 3. Gold
Characteristics 79Au

Electron configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s1

Electronegativity 2,4
The radius of the metallic / pm 144
(coordination 12)
Ionic radius / pm 137 (+1)
The first ionization energy / kJ.mol-1 889,9
The melting point / 0C 1064
Boiling point / 0C 2808
Density (20 0C) / g cm-3 19,32
4. Process of Gold
The processing of gold from the ore is commonly known in two ways:
- Chemical way. How the chemical is divided into five main sections,
namely downsizing, milling, amalgamation, cyanidation and purification. But
for the gold obtained by panning generally directly enter the cyanidation stage
is then purified.
- How mechanics. How this is done without chemicals. This is due to the
gold acquired was in a pure state with a large grain.
Gold ore obtained in the form of rock so big that needs to be done
downsizing. After gold ore milling diminished continued on stage. At this stage
is usually done with a tool called ballmill. Ballmill is a grinder with iron balls of
a certain size. gold ore obtained later included finely ground so that the gold
regardless of the ground. After gold regardless of the bond followed by sieving
process. Sieving process is based on differences in density. Where gold has a
density greater than is beneath the soil, while the soil is at the top so it can be
Results sifting plus water then flowed over the copper sheet whose upper
part has been given Hg. The flow of water causes the granules of gold and silver
or other metals mercury while attached to water, soil and other impurities kept
flowing. A mixture of gold, silver and other metals are called amalgams.
Amalgam formed distillation process is then performed. The aim of this
distillation process to separate gold, silver or other metals of mercury. Mercury
is volatile with a boiling point of 37 C while the amalgam has a very high
boiling point of around 1000 C.
Principles Purification
Cyanidation process performed using aqueous NaCN solution. The
material to be processed can be either gold ore has been milled or Hg from the
amalgamation process. The process is based on the nature of the gold and silver
soluble cyanide salt in the presence of oxygen. The solution formed was then
added zinc powder to precipitate gold and silver. The process of adding zinc is
called Merrill Crowe process.
Au (s) + 8NaCN (aq) + O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) 4NaAu (CN) 2 (aq) + 4NaOH (aq)
4AG (s) + 8NaCN (ag) + O2 (g)+2H2O (l) 4NaAg (CN) 2 (aq) + 4NaOH (aq)
NaAg (CN) 2 (aq) + Zn (s) - 2NaCN (aq) + Zn (CN) 2 (aq) + 2AG (s)
NaAu (CN) 2 (aq) + Zn (s) - 2NaCN (aq) + Zn (CN) 2 (aq) + 2AU (s)
Gold gained through amalgasi or cyanidation process is not in a pure
state because it was mixed with other metals. Generally, silver, arsenic, copper
and possibly other metals that can be reduced by zinc in order of reactivity of
metal. To obtain pure gold is generally done by electrolysis.
At this stage the gold obtained was dissolved again in NaCN then electrolyzed,
reactions that occur at the stage of dissolution are as follows:
Au (s) + 8NaCN (aq) + O2 (g) + 2H2O (l) 4NaAu (CN) 2 (aq) + 4NaOH (aq)
4AG (s) + 8NaCN (ag) + O2(g)+ 2H2O (l) 4NaAg (CN) 2 (aq) + 4NaOH (aq)
In the process of electrolysis is used pure gold as the anode and a cathode
dirty gold. During the electrolysis process takes place gold ions will move
towards the anode then deposited in pure gold bullion partially used anodes. The
reaction that occurs in the electrolysis stage are as follows:
Cathode: Au3 + (aq) + 3e - Au (s) + 3e
Anode: 2H2O (l) - O2 (g) + 4H + (aq) + 4e
The product obtained from the process of electrolysis, gold and silver are
still united so we need to continue electrolysis to separate gold and silver.
Separation of gold and silver can be done in three stages.
The first phase: a mixture of gold and silver incorporated into the
canvas. This canvas fabric acts as a wrapper as well as the anode in the
electrolysis process. Cathode used pure silver while silver nitrate aqueous
electrolyte is used that has been acidified with nitric acid. During the electrolysis
process takes place at the silver anode dissolves in the electrolyte and move
toward the cathode. Ag2 + ions.
At the cathode is reduced to solids Ag which will be attached to the
cathode. Silver solids formed can be taken periodically, washed and then
printed. Silver obtained in this way has a purity of 99.9%. Here are reactions that
occur in the cathode and anode:
Cathode: Ag2 + + 2e - Ag
Anode: 2H2O (l) - O2 (l) + 4H + (l) + 4e
The second stage: in this stage the gold obtained from the process of
electrolysis of silver above serve as an anode, a cathode using pure gold, while
acting as an electrolyte is aurik chloride solution (AuCl3) which has been
acidified with hydrochloric acid. During the electrolysis process takes place gold
from the anode, dissolves in the electrolyte to form Au3 + ions move toward the
cathode. Au3 + ions at the cathode is reduced to solid gold to be attached to the
cathode. Gold formed drawn periodically, washed and then printed. Gold
obtained in this way has a purity of 99.95%.
The following reaction that occurs in the cathode and anode:
Cathode: Au3 + (aq) + 3e - Au (s) + 3e
Anode: 2H2O (l) - O2 (g) + 4H + (aq) + 4e
In the process of electrolysis of silver that is still contained in gold is also
dissolved in the electrolyte but will immediately react with chloride from the
electrolyte to form solid AgCl that can be used for further processing.

5. The Nature and Aplications of Gold

Gold since known until today always rated as valuables. Based on
government regulation of gold mining materials including metal bracket along
with the silver and platinum. Gold vital in a pure state is a very soft metal. To
overcome this, the gold is mixed with other metals. Generally, the metal is
copper and silver added. Gold red while white gold containing copper-
containing palladium and nickel. Alloy between a metal with a metal or
nonmetal elements called alloi.
The purity of gold is expressed in carats. Numbers indicate karat gold
section contained in a metal alloy. 24 karat gold is 100% pure gold without
additives. While the 18-carat gold means that the gold contained in the 18/24
pure gold or gold is present in 75% pure gold. The rest of 75% is the amount of
material added.
Gold is commonly sold in the market is very dependent on the quality of the
producing company. Especially for gold-gold that is obtained by coating or so-
called plating. It is often found in everyday life where a ring or bracelet gold
luster faded. To overcome this you should buy gold or bracelet from a trust or
company, even though it costs a bit more expensive.
Here are some of the properties and the use of gold:
1. An element that has electrical conductivity and good heat.
2. The yellow color is very attractive, very tough, easily forged into very
thin sheets and can be drawn into wires with very small diameters.
3. Has properties very chemically reactive. Due to the nature of the non-
reactive and have attractive colors, lots of gold used for jewelry making,
manufacture of dentures and manufacture of reactor corrosion-resistant
chemical industry, for example in the rayon used industrial metal alloy of
70% gold and 30% palladium.
4. Now that produce the radioactive gold used to treat cancer. 198 Au with
part-time for 2.7 days and is used for the treatment of cancer and other
5. With high levels of pure gold (24 carat) is used to remove dead skin cells
so that cells that have been damaged will be refurbished. (beauty care)
6. Used for currency
7. Used for Jewelry
8. Gold compounds most many are auric chloride and chlorauric acid, the
latter is widely used in the field of photography to make ink and silver

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