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Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 1 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained

HEA section beam exposed to the standard
temperature time curve
This example illustrates the fire design of a simply supported beam with
partial lateral restraint. Transfer of heat into the section is calculated with
the equation given in EN1993-1-2, which is evaluated using an incremental
calculation procedure. The structural resistance is evaluated using the
simple calculation model for beams subject to LTB given in EN1993-1-2.

A hot-rolled HEA section has forming part of floor structure of an office

building supports a concentrated load. The beam is restrained at the ends and
at the point of load application. The beam is required to achieve R30 fire
resistance and is to be fire protected with sprayed vermiculite cement.
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HE 280 A
c = 4,6 m d = 3,0 m
l = 7,6 m
Figure 1: Static system

Basic data
Material properties
Steel grade: S 235
Yield stress: fy = 235 N/mm
Density: a = 7850 kg/m

Permanent action:
Gk = 35 kN
Variable action:
Qk = 43 kN

Partial safety factors

G = 1,35
Created on Friday, September 05, 2008

Q = 1,50
M0 = 1,00
M,fi = 1,00
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 2 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

Data for fire calculation

Properties of fire protection material sprayed vermiculite cement SD005
thickness dp = 10 mm
density p = 550 kgm-3
specific heat cp = 1100 Jkg-1K-1
thermal conductivity p = 0,12 Wm-1K-1

Mechanical actions at normal temperature EN 1991-1-1

The characteristic value of the load is

Pk = Gk + Qk = 35 + 43 = 78,0 kN

The design value of the load is

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FPd = G k G + Q k Q = 35 1,35 + 43 1,5 = 111 ,7 kN

The applied bending moment and shear force are given by:
FEd c d 111,7 4,6 3,0
M Ed = = = 202,8 kNm
l 7,6
c 4,6
VEd = FEd = 111,7 = 67,6 kN
l 7,6

Design at normal temperature

Section HE 280 A is designed to resist the applied loads. EN 1993-1-1

It is classified as Class 1 section.

r =24
tw =8,0
h =270
Created on Friday, September 05, 2008

tf =13,0
b =280
Figure 2: Cross-section
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 3 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

The section is checked at the Ultimate Limit State. The lateral supports are EN 1993-1-1
located at the point of load application and at the supports, see Figure 1. The 6.3.2
effect of lateral-torsional instability is critical in the left part of the beam
where the distance between the lateral supports is equal to 4,6 m.
The following boundary conditions are assumed: free rotation in the
horizontal plane (k = 1) and free warp (kw = 1). Assuming that the load is
applied at the shear centre of the beam, the critical moment is given by:

(kL )2 G I t
2 E Iz Iw k
M cr = C1 + 2
(kL )2 Iz kw E Iz SN003

Here L = c = 4,6 m and C1 = 1,77

2 210 000 4763 10 4

M cr = 1, 77
(1 4 600 )2
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0 , 7854 10 12 1 (1 4 600 )2 80 700 635 , 0 10 3

4763 10 4 1 2 210 000 4763 10 4
= 1362 , 7 kNm
The relative slenderness is given by:
Wpl,y f y 1112 10 3 235
LT = = = 0,438
M cr 1362,7 10 6
The buckling reduction factor for hot-rolled I sections with h/b ratio < 2 is EN 1993-1-1
evaluated on curve a (the imperfection factor LT = 0,21).

LT = 0,5 1 + LT LT 0,2 + LT =

= 0,5 1 + 0,21 (0,438 0,2 ) + 0,438 2 = 0,621 )
1 1
LT = = = 0,931
2 2 2
LT + 2LT LT 0,621 + 0,621 0,438
Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 4 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

At the Ultimate Limit State the bending moment resistance is given by:
Wpl, y f y
M pl,Rd = LT =
M0 EN 1993-1-1
1112 10 3 235
= 0,931 = 243,3 kNm > 202,8 kNm = M Sd
The shear resistance:
EN 1993-1-1
AV,z f y 3174 235 6.2.6
Vpl,Rd = = = 430,6 kN > 67,6 kN = VSd OK
3 M0 3 1,0

The sections is checked at the Serviceability Limit State for a deflection limit
of l / 250(the following formula is valid for c > d):

Pk d 3 l 2 4 d 2
) (
78,0 3 000 3 7 600 2 4 3 000 2
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48 E I y 48 210 000 136,7 10 6 OK

= 23,3 mm < 30,4 mm =
(Deflection limits are given either in a national annex or in other national
documents. This limit is a typical value)

The section is satisfactory at normal temperature.

Design for the fire situation

Mechanical actions for fire design situation

Using the simplified rule in EN 1991-2, actions in the fire situation may be EN1991-1-2
determined from actions in normal design. 4.3.2

The accidental situation is used for the combination of mechanical actions

during fire exposure, where the factor is taken as 2,1 = 0,3 for office
buildings. The reduction factor for the design load level is equal to
g k + qk 35 + 0 ,3 43
fi = = = 0,429 EN1993-1-2
g k G + q k Q 35 1,35 + 43 1,5
Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 5 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

The design bending moment and shear force are calculated to:
M fi,Ed = fi M Ed = 0,429 202,8 = 87,0 kNm

Vfi,Ed = fi VEd = 0,429 67,6 = 29,0 kN

Evaluation of gas temperature

The standard temperature-time curve is used for the gas temperature.
g = 20 + 345 log 10 (8 t + 1) 3.2.1

Evaluation of beam temperature

The section factor can be calculated as follows (see Figure 3, where the dotted
line indicates the section perimeter exposed to fire):
Ap 4 b + 2 (h t w 4 r ) + 2 r
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= =
4 280 + 2 (270 8,0 4 24) + 2 24
= = 0,165 mm 1 = 165 m 1
9 726

Figure 3: Evaluation of the section parameter Ap/V

The increase in steel temperature is calculated incrementally using the
following equation:
p Ap / V g, t a, t
a, t = t (e 10 1) g, t but a, t 0
d p ca a (1 + 3) EN 1993-1-2
cp p Ap
= dp
ca a V

Time interval t = 30 sec is used in the temperature calculation.

Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 6 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

The steel and gas temperatures calculated are shown in Figure 4 and Table1.
Table 1: Calculation of steel temperature
t g ca a,t a,t
-1 -1
min sec min C Jkg C C C
0 0 20,0 440 20,0
30 0,500 261,1 440 0,289 0,0 20,0
1 00 1,000 349,2 440 0,289 0,0 20,0
1 30 1,500 404,3 440 0,289 2,6 22,6
2 00 2,000 444,5 442 0,288 4,4 26,9
2 30 2,500 476,2 454 0,286 5,3 32,3
3 00 3,000 502,3 448 0,284 5,9 38,2

27 30 27,500 828,8 587 0,217 5.6 369,4

28 00 28,000 831,5 590 0,216 5,5 374,8
28 30 28,500 834,1 592 0,215 5,5 380,2
29 00 29,000 836,7 594 0,214 5,4 385,5
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29 30 29,500 839,3 597 0,213 5,3 390,7

30 00 30,000 841,8 599 0,212 5,3 396,0
30 30 30,500 844,3 602 0,211 5,2 401,1

a,t [C]








0 t [min]
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Figure 4: Steel and gas temperature-time curves

The temperature at time t = 30 minutes is a = 396C.

Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 7 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

The temperature of the steel beam can be evaluated from SD005. Taking into
account the section factor Ap/V = 165 m-1 and the properties of the fire SD005
protection material
Ap p 0,1
= 165 = 1650 WK 1m 3
V dp 0,01

For t = 30 minutes.the temperature is a = 396C

Verification in the resistance domain

Classification of the section at elevated temperature

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r =24
tw =8,0

tf =13,0
b =280
Figure 5: Classification of the cross-section

The slenderness of the flange in compression is

c 112
= = 8,6
t f 13,0
The limit for Class 2 is 10. For the fire design situation is taken as 0,85 of
that used for normal design. Thus the limit for S235 is:
0 ,85 10 = 0 ,85 10 1,000 = 8,5
Thus the limit is exceeded but the limit for Class 3 is:
0 ,85 14 = 0 ,85 14 1,000 = 11,9
is not exceeded therefore the flange is classified as Class 3.
Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 8 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

The slenderness of the web in bending is

d 196,0
= = 24,5
tw 8,0
and the limit for Class 1 is:
0 ,85 72 = 0 ,85 72 1,000 = 61,2
is not exceeded therefore the web is classified as Class 1.
The section is classified as Class 3 at elevated temperature.
The reduction factors ky, and kE, for the temperature a = 396C are:
EN 1993-1-2
ky, = 1,000 3.2.1
kE, = 0,704 SD003

The slenderness for lateral-torsional instability is

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k y, 1,000
LT, = LT = 0,438 = 0,522
k E, 0,704

The factor is equal to EN 1993-1-2

235 235
= 0,65 = 0,65 = 0,65
fy 235
and the buckling reduction factor is
( ) (
LT, = 0,5 1 + LT, + LT, 2 = 0,5 1 + 0,65 0,522 + 0,522 2 = 0,806 )
1 1
LT,fi = = = 0,704
LT, + LT, 2 LT, 2 0,806 + 0,806 2 0,522 2

The design moment resistance at temperature a = 396C is calculated EN1993-1-2

according to:
Wel,y k y, f y 3
1013 10 1,000 235
M fi,t,Rd = LT,fi = 0,704
M,fi 1,0

= 167,6 kNm > 87,0 kNm = M fi,Ed OK

Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

CALCULATION SHEET Document Ref: SX048a-EN-EU Sheet 9 of 9

Title Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section
beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve
Eurocode Ref
Made by Z. Sokol Date Jan 2006
Checked by F. Wald Date Jan 2006

The design shear resistance is given by:

AV,z f y 3174 235
Vfi,t,Rd = k y, = 1,000 = 430,6 kN > 29,0 kN = Vfi,Sd OK
3 M,fi 3 1,0

The section is satisfactory at fire design situation.

Comparison with design for standard fire resistance

For 30 minutes exposure to the standard time temperature curve, the thickness
of protection required can be determined using manufacturers design tables
for vermiculite spray, published in Fire protection for structural steel in
buildings.. These design tables are based on the assumption that the critical
temperature is not less than 550oC.
Section Factor = 165 m-1
Protection Thickness = 10 mm
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(10 mm is the minimum thickness recommended by the manufacturers data)

Comparison between methods

Evaluation method Degree of Utilisation, 0 Fire unity factor

Parametric fire curve and Efi,d 87,0 M fi,Ed

simplified calculation model in = = 0.52 = 0.52
Rfi,d,0 167,6 M fi, t,Rd
EN 1993-1-2
Manufacturers' data 0.6 (nominal) 1.0 (nominal)

Manufacturers data does not recommend the use of thicknesses less than
10 mm, to ensure that the protection maintains its integrity during a fire. The
example shows that this is more than required for insulation purposes.
Created on Friday, September 05, 2008
Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to the standard temperature time curve

Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam exposed to

the standard temperature time curve

Quality Record

RESOURCE TITLE Example: Fire design of a protected unrestrained HEA section beam
exposed to the standard temperature time curve



Name Company Date

Created by Z. Sokol CTU in Prague

Technical content checked by F. Wald CTU in Prague

Editorial content checked by

Technical content endorsed by the

following STEEL Partners:

1. UK G W Owens SCI 30/6/08

2. France A Bureau CTICM 30/6/08

3. Sweden B Uppfeldt SBI 30/6/08

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4. Germany C Mller RWTH 30/6/08

5. Spain J Chica Labein 30/6/08

6. Luxembourg M Haller PARE 30/6/08

Resource approved by Technical G W Owens SCI 18/9/06

Created on Friday, September 05, 2008

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