Reloj Atomico

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1 2
Such a circuit includes a main frequency-modulated
FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER HAVING A VERY oscillator and a voltage-controlled auxiliary oscillator,
HIGH SPECTRAL PURITY each controlled by a phase-locking loop and is charac
terized in that the control loop of each of these two
This application is a continuation-in-part of applica oscillators has its origin at the output of the other oscil
tion Ser. No. 913,726 ?led June 7, 1978. lator (such a circuit arrangement will be termed an
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION overlapping loop circuit). The mixer of the loop
which controls the auxiliary oscillator receives an inter
In some ?elds of application, frequency synthesizers mediate frequency.
are not known for quality of their spectrum, especially It constitutes the only known way of obtaining a
as regards the spectral noise components situated more frequency-modulated synthesizer having high resolu
than a few kHz from the carrier. tion and in which the noise which affects the auxiliary
Because of this, they are barred from a certain num oscillator and the intermediate frequency is ?ltered by
ber of applications, such as measurement of the signal/ the pass-band of the main oscillators control loop.
noise ratio on receivers, the control of UHF transmit 5 By virtue of the peculiarities listed above, taken to
ters and the use of the synthesizer as a local oscillator gether, the invention makes it possible to obtain a fre
for a spectrum analyser with a high dynamic character quency synthesizer having, in addition to the advan
istic. tages inherent in any synthesizer (high stability, pro
It would be desirable, for such applications, to be able gramming possibility) a spectral purity comparable to
to make a synthesizer covering a range of high frequen that of generators which use a pot oscillator with very
cies going up to several hundrer MHz with a noise high Q factor.
level, at 12.5 kHz from the carrier, equal to 140
Now the synthesis of high frequencies is generally A better understanding of the invention will be ob
effected by comparison of the frequency of an harmonic 25 tained from the following description.
component having a standard frequency of the order of
10 MHz with the output frequency of a voltage-con In the attached drawings:
FIG. 1 shows a preferred form of embodiment of a
trolled oscillator (VC0), and by tuning the latter. While
it is known how to make a crystal master oscillator synthesizing circuit in 1 kHz steps associated with an
which generates the standard frequency with the de interpolation circuit;
sired spectral purity, multiplication of this standard FIG. 2 shows a preferred variant of the main oscilla
frequency by factors of several tens multiplies the noise tor circuit comprised in the circuit of FIG. 1;
in the same ratio and makes it quite incompatible with FIG. 3 shows a preferred form of embodiment of a
the application envisaged. synthesizing circuit in 10 MHz steps, a circuit inserting
35 the 1 kHz steps and a circuit de?ning the output sub
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ranges of a synthesizing circuit;
The present invention solves this problem by means FIG. 4 shows a preferred embodiment of part B of
of a synthesizing device mainly characterized in that it block 352 illustrated in FIG. 3; and
uses the multiplication of the standard frequency by a FIG. 5 shows a preferred embodiment of part C of
factor equal to ten at the most; the mixing, in a sampler, 40 block 352 illustrated in FIG. 3.
of the beat obtained between the output frequency of DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
the oscillator and the harmonic component of the stan~ EMBODIMENT
dard frequency resulting from said multiplication, with
a frequency obtained by dividing said standard fre The synthesizing circuit illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 3
quency by a whole number lower than 10. 45 taken together is designed to cover the range from 300
According to a preferred form of embodiment, the kHz to 640 MHz in steps of 1 kHz, with frequency
standard frequency is taken equal to 80 MHz and the modulation (including transmission of the DC. compo
division factor is taken equal to 8. nent) and amplitude modulation functions.
Under these conditions, the device will cover an FIG. 1 shows, inside a rectangle 1, a synthesizing
octave starting from a frequency of the order of 300 50 device with a frequency comprised between 20 and 30
MHz, with standard frequency multiplication factors MHz in steps of 1 kHz. This device is of the type de
not exceeding 7 or 8, and, consequently, not leading to scribed in the above-mentioned copending patent appli
any considerable multiplication of the master oscilla cation.
tors own noise, and the sampler will operate on an It includes a voltage~controlled oscillator 2 covering
harmonic component equal in rank to 5 at most of the 55 the range from 20 to 30 MHz, followed by a mixer 3.
frequency of 10 MHz resulting from the division, there The latter is moreover driven by a voltage-controlled
fore it will not introduce any considerable noise. oscillator 4 covering the range from 10 to 26 MHz, itself
Such a synthesizing circuit makes it possible to vary followed by a programmable divider 5 whose division
the output frequency in steps of 10 MHz. factor D may vary between 16,000 and 26,000. This
According to an important feature of the invention, 60 divider drives a mixer 6, moreover driven by a standard
when, on basis of such a circuit, it is wished to obtain a frequency of 1 kHz supplied by a source 7. The output
generator which can be frequency-modulated, a synthe from mixer 6 controls the frequency of oscillator 2. The
sizing circuit in 1 kHz steps made in accordance with output from mixer 3, after passing through a pass-band
US. Pat. No. 4,186,356 ?led on Apr. 18th, 1978 in the ?lter 8 which only allows the subtractive beat to pass
name of Joel Remy for Phase locked loop frequency 65 between the frequencies of oscillators 2 and 4, i.e. 4
synthesizer and frequency modulator, is associated MHziE, 2 being a small frequency value, drives a
with the synthesizing circuit in 10 MHz steps de?ned mixer 9, which moreover receives, at its terminal 91, a
above. frequency of 4 MHziA, A being a frequency variation
U.S. Patent May 25, 1982 Sheet 1 of4 4,331,933


US. Patent May 25, 1982 Sheet 3 of4 4,331,933

US. Patent May 25, 1982 Sheet 4 of4 4,331,933

1 2
CIRCUIT FOR CESIUM BEAM FREQUENCY The invention is directed to a microwave power
STANDARDS control servo system for an atomic beam frequency
standard. The microwave power level of a Ramsey type
STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT INTEREST microwave cavity employed in a cesium beam fre
quency standard is stabilized in order to eliminate fre
The invention described herein may be manufactured quency error in the perceived atomic resonance. The
and used by or for the Government for governmental invention comprehends a servo that controls the micro
purposes without the payment of any royalty thereon. wave power by constraining the sidelobe of the atomic
This is a continuation-in-part of co-pending patent beam spectrum to a ?xed offset frequency with respect
Application Ser. No. 926,059 entitled MIROWAVE to the central peak. The servo comprises a time shared
POWER LEVEL STABILIZATING CIRCUIT demodulator and frequency comparator for alternate
FOR CESIUM BEAM FREQUENCY STAN_ interrogation of the central atomic peak and a sidelobe
DARDS ?led by David W. Allan et al, July 19, 1978, of the atomic frequency spectrum produced by the
now abandoned. cesium beam tube. The central peak frequency is used as
a reference to control a locked oscillator and provide a
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION working frequency reference which is supplied to a
This invention relates to atomic clocks and in particu frequency multiplier and modulator. Frequency shifts in
lar to cesium beam frequency standards and to means the sidelobe indicate a shift in a microwave power level
for eliminating microwave power ?uctuation induced and are used to make power level corrections to elimi
frequency errors in such devices. nate for changes in the frequency of the central peak. =
An atomic clock is an electronic clock whose fre It is a principle object of the invention to provide a
quency is supplied or governed by the natural reso new and improved atomic clock. 1
nance frequencies of atoms or molecules of suitable It is another object of the invention to provide a
substances. It is the most precise of all clocks. US. Pat. method for effecting microwave power level stability in
No. 3,076,942 entitled Molecular Beam Frequency Stan a cesium beam frequency standard.
dard issued to J. H. Holloway et al, Feb. 5, 1963 as well It is another object of the invention to provide means
as other publications describe these devices in detail. for reducing the environmental sensitivity of an atomic
They are commonly used in navigation systems such as
beam frequency standard.
It is another object of the invention to provide a
Loran C; deep space communications and Doppler cesium beam frequency standard having better long
navigation; and collision avoidance systems for aircraft. term frequency stability than can be achieved with
All of these and other applications require extremely currently available atomic clocks.
precise time measurements. It has been observed, how 35 Thesetogether with other objects, features and ad
ever, that frequency drift of the order of several parts in vantages of the invention will become more readily.
1013 per year commonly occur in some atomic clocks apparent from the following detailed description when
such as the commercial cesium beam frequency stan taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
dard. Accordingly, there is an important need to obtain
clocks with better long term stability than is now avail 40 DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
able. Such a need is evidenced by the Department of FIG. 1a illustrates the atomic frequency spectrum of
Defenses Global Positioning System, a multi-billion an atomic clock whose microwave power exceeds its
dollar navigation system to be in operation in the next optimum level;
decade. FIG. 1b illustrates the atomic frequency spectrum of
Dispersion between various national time scales, such 45 an atomic clock having an optimum microwave power
as USNO and NBS is also significantly affected by long level;
term instabilities in cesium beam frequency standards. A FIG. 1c illustrates the atomic frequency spectrum of '
signi?cant cost savings can be achieved as a result of the an atomic clock whose microwave power is less than its
present invention due to a much less frequent need to optimum level;
carry portable clocks as it is now needed for synchroni FIG. 2 is a generalized block diagram of an atomic=
zation of Loran C and Omega navigation systems, and clock incorporating the microwave power level control
of various satellite tracking stations. Heretofore, a mini circuit of the invention;
mum of two portable atomic clock trips has been neces FIG. 3 is a detailed block diagram of the servo system.
sary to transfer frequency with the necessary accuracy. of the invention; and
It is anticipated that improvements in atomic clocks FIG. 4 is a block diagram showing phase lock of the
provided by the present invention will provide accurate system Gunn oscillator to nv0+ v.
frequency transfer from only one trip; a very important DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
consideration for remote tracking sites. Such improve PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
ments reduce the environmental sensitivity of atomic A cesium beam frequency standard of the type that
beam frequency standards thereby improving signi? can be adapted to the present invention is described in.
cantly the stability of a portable clock subject to envi detail in the publication entitled Recent Progress on the
ronmental ?uctuations far in excess of ideal laboratory NBS Primary Frequency Standard by D. J. Glaze et al,
conditions. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Symposium on Fre
The present invention is also directed toward allow 65 quency Control, Atlantic City,N.J., 1973. The publica
ing a reduction in the degree of environmental stability tion entitled Some Causes and Cures 0f Frequency Insta- .
required for laboratory clock ensembles, such as NBS bilities In Cesium Beam Frequency Standards by David
and USNO, for example. W. Allan et al, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Sympo
3 4
sium on Frequency Control, Atlantic City, N.J., 1977 constraining the sidelobe 12 to a ?xed offset frequency
describes research conjoint with the subject matter and with respect to the central peak 11. This can be done
conception of the invention. - straightforwardly to a resolution of 0.01 Hz in Au
The basic principles to be culled from the above which can potentially improve the stability of cesium
references and other sources relating to the present atomic clocks by more than 2 orders of magnitude as it
invention are as follows: cesium beam frequency stan is presently limited in commercial devices by micro
dards employ a Ramsey type microwave cavity to inter wave power instabilities and by any other mechanism
rogate the cesium resonance; an oscillator is locked to which transduces in a way to cause a change in Au.
that resonance to provide a working frequency, 110; Mechanization of the foregoing concepts of the in
atomic frequency standards depend upon the existance O vention can be realized using conventional components
of resonance phenomena in atomic systems; application and circuits arranged as indicated in the block diagrams
of electromagnetic radiation at a speci?c frequency of FIGS. 2, 3 and 4. FIG. 2 is a generalized block dia
induces transitions between atomic energy levels; and, a gram of the microwave power servo concept compre
method of probing this resonance is required that is hended herein. It comprises atomic beam tube and de
capable of perturbing the atomic system as little as prac tector 7, demodulator and frequency comparator circuit
ticable while yielding maximum accuracy and stability 8, frequency multiplier 9, locked oscillator 16 and atten
for the frequency standard. uator l9. Execution of the concept requires interroga
Asymmetries in the dimensions of the Ramsey cavity tion of the central atomic peak and of the sidelobe.
produce so~called cavity phase shifts which in turn There are physical reasons why it may be disadvanta
produce a frequency error in the perceived atomic reso
geous to interrogate these two peaks simultaneously.
nance, a frequency error which is dependent upon the
level of microwave power in the cavity. As explained in Accordingly, a time-shared interrogation scheme is
the above cited reference a cavity phase shift (1) pro employed to allow long-term control of the oscillator
duces a shift in the resonance of an atomic transition by
by the central atomic peak with brief periods of sidelobe
approximately /T where T is the average transit time 25 interrogation. The duration and rate of occurrence of
of the detected atoms through the device. This not only these sidelobe interrogations are such as to preserve the
produces an error, which if (it were zero would be ab short-and medium-term stability of the oscillator while
sent, but translates a power ?uctuation into a frequency allowing power corrections which would enhance the
?uctuation. This is a result of the fact that T depends long-term stability of the device.
upon the power employed to interrogate the atoms. FIG. 3 shows a more detailed circuitarrangement
Some experiments have been conducted on a commer and includes mixer 17, ?lter 18, programmable attenua
cial cesium frequency standard and typical of most of tor19, switch 20, sidelobe integrator 21, main peak
these standards and consistent with the manufacturers integrator 22, programmable synthesizer 23, controller
speci?cation the frequency v0 changes with tempera 24 and buffer 25.
ture. For this particular unit the frequency change is 1 35 FIG. 4 shows circuits for phase lock of the systems
part in 10+13 per C. Further experiments showed a Gunn oscillator to nv0+v and includes Gunn oscillator
near unity correlation coef?cient between the fre 27, integrator 26 and mixers 28 and 29. Phase lock is
quency changes and the microwave power changes. achieved when the integrator 26 output is zero. In order
Understanding of the power stabilization concepts of for that to occur the two inputs to mixer 28 must be
the invention proceeds from an examination of the spec equal, that is; v0urnv0=v. By adding nvo to both sides
trum produced by an atomic beam interrogated in a of the equation v0m=nv0+ v is obtained.
Ramsey cavity. FIGS. 1a, 1b, and 1c illustrate such a In operation, locked oscillator 16 is servoed to the
spectrum for three different microwave powers. center of atomic resonance reference and its frequency
As shown in FIG. 1a the spectrum consists of a cen is chosen with consideration of the availability of preci
tral peak 11 with symmetric sidelobes 12 of decreased 45 sion oscillators and the needs of the user. The oscillator
intensity. The central peak 11 serves as the precise ref frequency is multiplied and offset, to attain atomic reso
erence to which the frequency standard oscillator is nance frequency 111. Many schemes are available to
locked. As described above, the frequency of this cen accomplish this including those depicted in FIGS. 3 and
tral peak changes with the microwave power level of 4.
the signal used to interrogate the atomic beam. The Programmable synthesizer 23 provides a frequency
sidelobes 12 also suffer a frequency shift associated with upon command from another device (system controller
a power level shift but the physical mechanism of the 24 for example) to; provide v to attain w, the main peak
sidelobe shift is such that the effect is much larger. The frequency nvo+v'=v1; provide v" to attain 112, the
sidelobe frequency thus serves as a very sensitive indi ' sidelobe frequency nv0+v=v2; and modulate v and
cator of microwave power level. This fact has been v to permit phase sensitive demodulation of detected
veri?ed experimentally, and theoretically. The curves beam tube signal. As a practical matter there is no one
supporting these arguments are shown in the above superior modulation - demodulation scheme. Speci?c
cited references. For the commercial tube examined in system requirements determine to a large extent which
these experiments, the offset (Av) of the sidelobe fre scheme is most advantageous. Several alternatives are:
quency changed with respect to the central peak by square wave vs sine wave modulation; frequency vs
approximately 4 parts in 10+10 for a 10% microwave phase modulation; and digital vs analog demodulation.
power change. The perceived atomic reference fre A system atomic beam resonator is the source of a
quency changed by 3 parts in 10+ 13. There is thereby signal to which the frequency standard may be locked.
gained almost a factor of 1000 in the ability to sense and Electromagnetic radiation is applied to a beam of atoms
to eliminate to a large degree frequency errors pro and transitions are induced between selected energy
duced by microwave power changes. levels. When frequency of applied radiation is at center
The basic idea precipitating from the above is to of atomic resonance, transition probability is a maxi
construct a servo to control the microwave power by mum and the detected signal may be processed in such
5 6
a fashion as to indicate this maximum. Locked oscillator that serves to extract amplitude and phase information
16 is locked to this atomic transition. from a modulated signal. Such devices are routinely
Having reference to demodulator 14, frequency or used in all present day frequency standards. They are
phase modulation (of the applied radiation) about the commercially available in a variety of levels of sophisti
center of resonance produces no detected signal compo cation. Generally they are phase sensitive demodulators
nent at the modulation frequency. Phase sensitive de and are commonly called lock-ins. A typical example is
modulation in demodulator 14 of the detected signal the model 840 AUTOLOC lock-in ampli?er produced
yields a voltage whose sign and magnitude indicate the and sold by Keithly Corporation.
deviation of the applied radiation frequency from the Filter 18 serves to remove unwanted signals provided
center of the resonance feature. This voltage may be by the mixing action of nvo with 11.
used to steer the slave oscillator 16 (or programmable While the invention has been described in its pre
attenuator 19) and thus maintain the frequency (or ap ferred embodiment it is understood that the words
plied power) constant. which have been used are words of description rather
Integrators 21 and 22 are standard components of a than words of limitation and that changes within the
servo loop. They serve to insure long term accuracy purview of the appended claims may be made without
and stability of the lock loop. departing from the spirit and scope of the invention in
Switch 20 directs demodulator 14 output to the ap its broader aspects. ,
propriate integrator; to the main integrator while main What is claimed is:
peak is interrogated at 111 and to the sidelobe integrator 1. The method of reducing frequency error in an
while the sidelobe is interrogated at 11;. The integrator 20 atomic clock having an atomic beam frequency spec
inputs are zeroed while idling, i.e. when the sidelobe is trum with a central atomic peak and symmetric side
interrogated, the main peak integrator input is held at lobes comprising the steps .of -
zero and vice versa. This insures that each integrator monitoring the frequencies of the central atomic peak
holds its most current value until new information is and a sidelobe peak of the clock frequency spec
available to it. It is also necessary to zero both integra 25 trum, and
tor inputs during switching functions to avoid signal varying applied clock microwave power to maintain
contamination by transients. The system controller a substantially ?xed frequency difference between
commands the switch. the central atomic peak frequency and the sidelobe
Controller 24 performs modulation and switching peak frequency.
command functions and provides interface to user for ' 2. The method of reducing frequency error in an
selection of modulation frequency, duty cycle, and de atomic clock as de?ned in claim 1 wherein the frequen
sired sidelobe frequency. Optimum values of these pa cies of the central atomic peak and the sidelobe peak are
rameters may vary with speci?c applications or with monitored on a time sharing basis.
environmental conditions. 3. In a cesium beam frequency standard having an
The system controller 24 can be any commercially atomic beam tube and microwave power source that
available computer or processor capable of being pro generates an atomic beam frequency spectrum with a
grammed to perform the system tasks described and as central atomic peak and symmetric sidelobes and in
required by the frequency standard. Such devices tyi which a frequency standard oscillator is normally
cally have internal clocks and can time share various locked to the central atomic peak frequency of said
operations such as interrogating the sidelobe or interro spectrum, the improvement residing in a microwave
gating the central peak as described above. By way of power source control circuit said microwave power
example, the controller may initiate the following se source control circuit comprising
quence of events. The controller, monitoring its clock microwave power source control means;
in accordance with its programmed commands initiates interrogating means for detecting and monitoring the
a sequence of events which serve to verify correct mi 45 frequencies of the central atomic peak and a side
crowave power level and allow for power level correc lobe peak of the atomic beam frequency spectrum,
tions as necessary. The sequence involves disabling the and
main peak integrator 22 by zeroing or switching off its comparator means responsive to said interrogating
input via switch 20. The synthesizer 23 is programmed means for comparing the central atomic peak fre
by the controller 24 to provide an interrogating signal at quency and the sidelobe peak frequency and for
the frequency at which the sidelobe is to be constrained generating a feedback control signal in response to
by the sidelobe integrator 21. The switch 20 is com frequency differences therebetween that substan
manded by the controller 24 to direct the demodulator tially deviate from a ?xed difference frequency,
14 output to the sidelobe integrator 21. At the end of the said feedback control signal being connected to
sidelobe interrogation the input to the sidelobe integra 55 actuate said microwave power source control
tor 21 is zeroed by the switch 20 and the synthesizer 23 means.
is reprogrammed to provide an interrogating signal at 4. The microwave power source control circuit de
the frequency of the main peak and the demodulator ?ned in claim 3 wherein said interrogating means moni
output is directed to the main peak integrator 22. This tors said central atomic peak and sidelobe frequencies
sequence of actions constitutes time-shared interroga on a time sharing basis.
tion of the sidelobe and of the central peak. The fre 5. The microwave power source control circuit de
quency of the sidelobe with respect to the main peak ?ned in claim 4 including means for disengaging said
need not be measured per se. The sidelobe is con frequency standard oscillator from said locked condi
strained to remain a ?xed frequency away from the tion during period of sidelobe peak frequency monitor
main peak by its integrator and by the programmed mg.
settings of the synthesizer. Demodulator 14 is a device * * 1k * *

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