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International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

Peptide Therapeutics Versus Superbugs: Highlight onCurrent

Research andAdvancements
KrishnanandNagarajan1 SathishKumarMarimuthu1 SelvamaniPalanisamy1 LathaSubbiah1

Accepted: 13 November 2017

Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2017

Antibiotics have saved several millions of lives, but its persistent use of antibiotics in the treatment of various infections,
whether bacterial, fungal, viral or parasitic has lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. The rapid emergence of
antibiotic resistant strains poses a serious challenge to existing antimicrobial therapies. Due to the increase in drug-resistant
pathogens and failure of antibiotics the urgent need for the discovery of novel antimicrobials has been continuously empha-
sized in the global forum. Here we review about antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), their structural insights and recent develop-
ments. We had summarized the major classes, mechanism of action and biophysical parameters that modulate therapeutic
potency of AMPs. Also, we had briefed the challenges involved in developing therapeutic peptides and the global market
potential for peptide therapeutics.

Keywords Antimicrobial peptide Therapeutic Resistance Mechanism Biophysical parameters Global market

Introduction bacteria. The threat levels were categorized based on spe-

cies and the type of resistance: critical, high and medium.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most serious Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseu-
health threats emerging globally. This poses the greatest domonas aeruginosa and carbapenem cum 3rd generation
challenge in treating common infectious diseases; endanger cephalosporin resistant Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella
public health and efficacy of antibiotics, which results in pneumonia, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter sp., Serratia
patient morbidity, mortality and increased health care costs sp., Proteus spp., and Providencia sp., Morganella sp.)
(Izadpanah and Khalili 2015; Long etal. 2017; Elliott etal. respectively were stacked in the critical tire. It should also
2017). This escalating threat to global public health requires be noted that in a similar kind of report published by CDC,
immediate attention and action across all parts of the world. USA in 2013, Clostridium difficile, Carbapenem-resistant
An ever-increasing rate in the degree of resistance and com- Enterobacteriaceae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae were listed
plexity of infections today has questioned the credibility and in the urgent category, requiring more attention, monitoring
effectiveness of current antibiotics in treating severe infec- and prevention activities (Antibiotic/Antimicrobial 2017). A
tions (Ventola 2015; Harten etal. 2017). very recent research has discovered that Klebsiella species
In the early of 2017, WHO has published a global prior- is a major causative in most morbidity and mortality cases
ity pathogen list containing 12 drug-resistant bacteria, for in a global scale and is a potent threat to public health. It has
which new antibiotics are urgently required. This report has been noticed that many strains of this bacteria are increas-
insisted the importance and pressing need for developing ingly gaining resistance, thus making infections much harder
new antibiotics against multi-drug resistant gram-negative to treat (Antibiotic/Antimicrobial 2017; Long etal. 2017).
Randomized and improper administration of antibiotics
is the primary cause for the development of drug-resistance
* Krishnanand Nagarajan pattern in bacteria. Overusing or misusing antimicrobial
drugs make resistance to develop at a faster pace. Patient
Department ofPharmaceutical Technology, University non-adherence to prescribed medications, non-therapeutic
College ofEngineering, Anna University, Bharathidasan use of antibiotics in livestock, poultry and agricultural
Institute of Technology Campus, Tiruchirappalli, operations adds as an additional reason for the development
TamilNadu620024, India

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

of resistant to antibiotics (Elliott et al. 2017). Thus the

growing antibiotic resistance and the decline in the rates of
novel drug discovery, drive the researchers to investigate on
new non-chemical antibacterial drugs to combat infectious
diseases, especially those caused by multidrug-resistant
(MDR) bacterias (Hoagland etal. 2016). It is definite that
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) will emerge as promising
alternatives to conventional antibiotics, owing to their rela-
tively simple methods of synthesis and modification. Recent
advancements in biotechnology have enabled synthesis of
precise AMPs (Elliott etal. 2017; Hoagland etal. 2016).
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) play a vital role in the Fig.2Structural diversification of 2818 AMPs in the APD database,
defense mechanisms of most organisms. They were also Source: Antimicrobial Peptide DatabaseUNMC, (http://aps.unmc.
referred to as host defense peptides in higher eukary-
otes (vertebrates, invertebrates, and plants). Antimicrobial
peptides contribute to the innate immunity. These peptides antimicrobial peptides can be categorized into cationic (e.g.:
were usually constituted with 540 amino acids and have defensins, cathelicidins, cecropins, thionins) and anionic
molecular weight of less than 10kDa (Hoagland etal. 2016; (Maximin, dermcidin) peptides.
Patel and Akhtar 2017). They function as natural antibiotics
and evade the infectious pathogens. Currently, many stud- Type I (Helical Peptides)
ies have reported novel functions such as skin regeneration,
antineoplastic effects, anti-tumor, wound healing, and others. Alpha-helical peptides are the abundant and widespread
This review will provide a brief overview on current updates class of cytolytic AMPs with amphipathic and alpha-helical
regarding AMPs as therapeutics (Figs.1, 2, 3 and 4). domains that enable efficient interactions with the biologi-
cal membrane. Cecropin B, Cap11, Melittin, Cecropin P1,
Cap18, and magainins are some of the well-known peptides
Structural Insight andAMPs Classes of this class (Ebbensgaard etal. 2015). The membrane-bind-
ing motif of an amphipathic helix is formed by a sequence
AMPs universally display similar fundamental properties of linear amino acid chains with a recurrence of polar and
such as cationic nature, amphipathicity, and hydrophobicity; apolar residues for every three to four residues along the
thus its possible to classify them only based on their second- structure. This structure, with the polar side chains aligned
ary structure. Based on the types of secondary structures and along one side and the hydrophobic residues along the oppo-
Bomans classification AMPs are grouped into four families: site side of the helical coat, allows an optimal interaction of
, , , and non- respectively. Further, the Eukaryotic these peptides with the amphiphilic structure of the biologi-
cal membrane. The majority of the AMPs characterized so
far belong to this group of -helical peptides. Hydrophobic-
ity and helicity are critical parameters that govern the bio-
logical activities of -helical peptides. The hydrophobicity
and helicity of a peptide can be modulated by d-amino acid
substitution approach to form d- and l-diastereomeric pep-
tides, which in turn exhibit an increased peptide specificity,
stability, stronger antimicrobial activity and lower cytotoxic-
ity against healthy cells (Huang etal. 2014).

Type II (Beta Sheet Containing Peptides)

The beta pleated peptide family usually contains small,

cysteine-rich -strands containing peptides and are widely
distributed in the animal kingdom. AMPs with beta-strands
are semi or cyclic molecules whose structures are stabilized
by one to three intramolecular cysteine disulfide bridges.
Fig.1Briefing, the timeline of antibiotic deployment and resistance,
observed. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Molecules of the -sheet peptide families include defensins,
Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA, 2015 tachyplesins, protegrins, bactenecin, dodecapeptides and

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

Fig.3Modes of action of antimicrobial peptides. AMPs exert direct immunity (neutrophils, t-cells, macrophages) to regulate inflam-
neutralizing effects on bacterial pathogens which result in membrane mation and increase bacterial clearance. Adapted from Jirku et al.
disruption or act upon internal targets of bacterial cells. In addition (2015). Antimicrobial peptides in human sepsis
to the direct mode of action, AMPs also mediate cells for acquired

reported in oysters, this includes the Cysteine-stabilized

defensin and big defensin AMP families (Schmitt etal.
2016). Structurefunction relationship studies in defensins
have revealed that the number of disulfide bridges and the
cysteine spacing has a significant effect on the antimicrobial
efficacy (Sharma and Nagaraj 2015).

Type III (Peptides withOverrepresentation

ofCertain Amino Acids)

A limited number of AMPs fall under this class of peptides

Fig.4Distribution of FDA approved therapeutic peptides and pro- and usually differ from other classes due to lack of classical
teins based on routes of administration. Source: THPdb database secondary structure. These peptides distinguish itself with
an unusually high content of a specific amino acid, often
proline, tryptophan, histidine, and arginine. The conforma-
others (Miyasaki and Lehrer 1998). These peptides range tions of these peptides are characterized by having minimal
between 16 and 18 residues in length and exhibit broad spec- structural constraints and adapt more extended structures.
trum antimicrobial activity and appear to function by mem- Penaeidins, crustacean antimicrobial peptide with molecular
brane disruption. They were also found to possess antiviral masses ranging from 5.5 to 6.6kDa, is characterized by an
activity against HIV-1 (Sitaram and Nagaraj 1999). Mol- over-representation of proline residues in their NH2-terminal
luscan defensins have initially been characterized in mussel domain and by six cysteine residues in their COOH-terminal
species, and a variety of different defensins were also then domain (Destoumieux etal. 1997). Mytimacin-AF is another

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

such kind of peptide characterized from a land-living mol- staves spanning the membrane. The hydrophobic surface of
lusk A. fulica, a novel cysteine-rich, cationic peptide com- AMPs binds with the membrane lipid core, pointing out-
posed of 80 amino acid residues which include ten cysteines wards towards the acyl chains of the membrane whereas
(Zhong etal. 2013). The unusual amino acid composition the hydrophilic surfaces pointing inward thus creating a
of these AMPs has directed the researchers to set down the transmembrane pore. This model has been suggested e.g.
role of multiple tryptophan residues in its biological activity for dermcidin.
as well as its interactions with model biological membranes In the toroidal pore model, the AMP inserts maintain a
(Pasupuleti 2009). parallel orientation to the bilayer normal and interact with
the membrane lipids to form a toroidal pore or worm-hole
Type IV (Peptides withLooped Structure andSingle channels (Pushpanathan etal. 2013; Li etal. 2017). The
Bond) membrane-spanning pore was estimated to be in size range
of 23nm (20.5nm as internal diameter and 31nm at
This class of peptides is characterized by their looped struc- the rim) (Leontiadou etal. 2006). The typical AMPs such as
ture imparted by the presence of a single bond (disulfide magainins, melittin and protegrins identified from an Afri-
or amide or isopeptide bond). This class of peptides differs can clawed frog, bee venom and porcine leukocytes respec-
from the Type II peptides in having only single disulfide tively were found to adapt this mode of action (Rashid etal.
bond and antiparallel -sheet orientation. Lantibiotics 2016; Li etal. 2017).
belonging to this class are extensively studied due to their Carpet model stands last in the transmembrane pore-
unique biochemistry, genetic regulation, and a variety of bio- forming mechanisms of antimicrobial peptides. They act
logical functions (Pasupuleti 2009). The loop AMPs (e.g., by accumulating on the bilayer surface in a monomeric/oli-
bactenecin), adopt a loop formation with one disulfide bridge gomeric forms and reorient themselves in a manner, their
(Seo etal. 2012). Thanatin, a 21-residue antimicrobial pep- hydrophobic surface of the peptides face toward the lipid
tide, similar to brevinin family contain C-terminal disulfide side and the hydrophilic surface toward the phospholipid
loop exhibit broad range of activity against bacteria. This head groups. On attaining a threshold concentration, sur-
class of peptides holds considerable potential to combating face-oriented peptides permeate/disintegrate the bilayer in
existing and emerging infectious diseases because they are a detergent-like manner and disrupting the bilayer curvature.
short in size, easy to synthesize and proteolytically stable This model explains the activity of antimicrobial peptides
(Pasupuleti 2009; Seo etal. 2012). such as dermaseptin, cecropin, ovispirin and aurein 1.2
(Wang etal. 2015; Shahmiri etal. 2015; Li etal. 2017).
Apart from these models, molecular electroporation, sink-
Mechanisms ofAction: How Do They Do It? ing raft, interfacial activity and lipocentric pore formation
models do exist, providing insight about interaction of small,
At Present several models are accounting for the antimicro- unstructured and compact peptides with lipid bilayer, which
bial peptide-induced killing of microbial cells. The widely lack membrane spanning capacity to form a pore directly
proposed and well-established mechanism of action for the (Hamoen and Wenzel 2017). Latest reports of hexapeptide
destruction of microorganisms by antimicrobial peptides rely (RWRWRW-NH2) and lipopeptide antibiotic daptomycin
on membrane destabilization and disruption. Till date, three have strengthened the fact that many lytic AMPs are non
models of membrane permeabilization have been proposed pore formers; rather induce bacterial lysis by inhibiting cell
in favor of: the BarrelStave, Toroidal and Carpet mod- wall synthesis and interacting with fluid membrane micro-
els. Most of these are thought to exert bactericidal effects domains thus delocalizing phospholipid architecture (Hen-
by forming pores in bacterial membranes, but their exact derson etal. 2016; Schmitt etal. 2016a, b).
molecular mechanism of action remains unclear. Moreover, In order to thoroughly understand the mode of action
non-membrane or non-lytic AMPs in support with experi- of AMPs and subsequent cellular events, characterization
mental evidence have also been described which operate of these molecular processes is very important (Lee etal.
through interacting with specific molecular targets (Scocchi 2015). AMPs -membrane interaction, destabilization and
etal. 2016). damage is the crucial play in the destruction of microbes.
Optical biosensor technology has enabled characterizing
Membrane Permeabilization Mechanism membrane interactions by quantitation of binding events
(Hirst etal. 2016). Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is
The BarrelStave Model was the first proposed one, describ- the most commonly used optical biosensor technology
ing a device in which antimicrobial peptides form a barrel- employed vastly for investigating membrane-mediated
like pore in the cell membrane via inserting themselves into events. At present, a number of advanced and promising
membrane as an individual or their complexes being the biosensors such as dual polarisation interferometry (DPI),

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

plasmon waveguide resonance spectroscopy (PWR) and with worsening of clinical prognosis and cause of death in
optical waveguide light mode spectroscopy (OWLS)have CF patients (Limoli etal. 2014). Similarly, LBP6A dem-
been developed, which provides an advantage of simultane- onstrated interactions with DNA and DNA polymerase
ous measurement of structural changes and mass binding invitro and was proven effective against many Gram-neg-
thus facilitating to observe membrane structure changes dur- ative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria, and the yeast Can-
ing peptide and protein binding (Lee etal. 2015; Hirst etal. dida albicans (Nam etal. 2014). Like defensins, fungal
2016; Jirku etal. 2015). plectasin, eurocin, and copsin inhibit cell wall synthesis
A recent study using DPI have provide a new insight into by binding to lipid II (Wang etal. 2015; Nam etal. 2014).
the membrane-penetrating property of penetratin and R8K-
biotin on membrane bilayer structure during binding and
insertion. Three distinct states namely a labile surface-bound
state, securely bound intermediate and membrane disrup- Biophysical Parameters Capable
tion following translocation were observed and the kinetic ofModulating Therapeutic Potency ofAMPs
parameters were also investigated (Jirku etal. 2015). In a
similar study the correlation between structural domain/ While thinking about therapeutic peptides, the fundamen-
motif and membrane-binding characteristics of maculatin- tal issues that need to be addressed are peptide potency,
related peptides was seen (Sani etal. 2015). Thus helping stability, selectivity, sustainability, and targetability (de
to develop deeper understanding about mechanisms of anti- Oliveira Dias and Franco 2015; Lomakin etal. 2015). It
microbial peptides (AMPs) and design of novel and highly has now been recognized that biophysical properties such
selective antibacterial drugs (Sani etal. 2015; Choi etal. as amino acid composition, amphipathicity, hydrophobic-
2016). ity, charge, peptide sequence, pI, net charge at physiologi-
cal pH, polar angles and post-translational modifications
Nonmembrane Permeabilizing Modes ofAction contribute significantly to the interaction and insertion of
AMPs with the target cells (Wang 2012).
There are widespread shreds of evidence indicate that anti-
microbial peptides, apart from their membrane-permeabi-
lizing mode of action, also operate through interacting with Peptide Sequence andAmino Acid Composition
intracellular targets. Examples of the intracellular activity
include, inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis, interfer- The sequence length and composition are most important
ing with protein folding and key metabolic enzymes, and parameters determining the activity of an AMP because
inhibition of cell wall synthesis and septum formation. The a minimum of 78 amino acids are required to form an
non-lytic and non-membrane permeabilizing peptides with amphipathic structure of a peptide molecule. The size of at
specificity over molecular targets have attracted substantial least 22 amino acids is necessary for an alpha-helical AMP
attention as promising antibiotics for therapeutic applica- to adapt a BarrelStave model of bacterial membrane per-
tions and disease control (Bechinger and Gorr 2016). Repre- meabilization, while it is eight amino acids for -sheet
sentative examples include Polyphemusin (horseshoe crab), AMPs (Deslouches etal. 2005; Bahar and Ren 2013a, b).
Pleurocidin (winter flounder) and Tritrpticin (mammalian Berthony and his coworkers engineered LBU (12 residue
bone marrow). The following will brief on less documented peptide) by increasing its peptide length beyond two LBUs
internally acting AMPs (Tables1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). (WLBU2 peptide 24 residue peptide) and substituted Trp
In 2016, Mario etal. reported on the killing mechanism residues in the hydrophobic domains displayed elevated
of Bac7135, a novel proline-rich AMP of cathelicidin fam- antibacterial selectivity and saline tolerance (Deslouches
ily found to selectively and comprehensively inhibiting etal. 2005; Bahar and Ren 2013a, b). 18-mer peptide RI18
protein synthesis by interacting with 70s ribosome and which is an analogue of PMAP-36 exhibited excellent
chaperone proteins (Mardirossian etal. 2014). Further, activity against both bacteria and fungi, and a reduced
insect-derived Drosocin, Oncocin, Pyrrhocoricin, Apidae- hemolytic activity was observed in comparison to parental
cin and the cathelicidin-like Bactenecin and PR-39 from peptide PMAP-36 and melittin. The selectivity indexes of
mammals follow the same mechanism to inhibit bacte- RI18 peptide against fungi and bacteria were improved
rial protein synthesis (Mardirossian etal. 2014; Limoli 108 and 19-fold, respectively, compared to PMAP-36 (Lyu
etal. 2014). Further, were A human cathelicidin LL-37 etal. 2016). The majority of the AMPs analyzed contain
was found to interact with DNA and disrupts normal DNA the highest content of Lys, Gly, Arg and Leu, and least
replication thereby inducing mucA mutations in P. aerugi- of Met, Trp, His, Asp, Glu, and Tyr (Dziuba and Dziuba
nosa, which is a key for phenotypic change from a non- 2014).
mucoid to a mucoid appearance, which directly correlates

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

Table1A brief on structural and functional aspects of recently published peptides

Structural Class PDB/APD ID Name Peptide sequence Activity Reference

Alpha-helix 5MMK HYL-20 GILSSLWKKLKKIIAK Antibacterial and Neuta etal. (2017)

5MML HYL-20k GIMSSLMKKLAAHIAK Antibacterial and Neuta etal. (2017)
2N1C PvHCt FEDLPNFGHIQVKVFNHGEHIHH Antifungal Petit etal. (2016)
AP02895 Natto peptide SMATPHVAGAAALILSKHPTWTNAQVRDRLES- Anti-Gram positive Kitagawa etal. (2017)
AP02891 Dendropsophin 1 NLLNDALGTVNGLLGS Anti-Gram positive Triana-Vidal etal.
and anti-Gram (2017)
AP02883 Codesane GMASLLAKVLPHVVKLIK Anti-Gram positive, ujov (2014)
anti-Gram negative
and antifungal
Beta sheet containing AP02728 Sviceucin CVWGGDCTDFLGCGTAWICV Anti-Gram positive Li etal. (2015]
peptides AP02627 Ep-AMP1 CVLIGQRCDNDRGPRCCSGQGNCVPLPFLGGVCAV Anti-Gram positive, Aboye (2015)
anti-Gram negative
Peptides with over- AP02854 SpPR-AMP1 GYFPGRPPFPRPFPRPPSRPFPRPPFPGPFPRPYPWR Anti-Gram positive, Imjongjirak etal.
representation of anti-Gram negative (2017)
certain amino acids AP02742 ArmadillidinQ GHLGRPYIGGGGGFN- Anti-Gram positive, Verdon etal. (2016)
FGYR and antifungal
AP02626 C. livia Cathelici- LIQRGRFGRFLGRIRRFRPRINFDIRARGSIRLG Anti-Gram positive, Yu etal. (2015)
din 2 anti-Gram negative
and antifungal
AP02601 BnPRP1 Pro-rich PPIQNPSMAPPTQNPYGQPMTPPTQNPYGQPMAPP Anti-Gram+ and Cao etal. (2015)
Gram, antifungal
Peptides with looped AP02731 Panusin SYVGDCGSNGGSCVSSYCPYGNRLNYFCPLGRTC- Anti-Gram positive, Montero-Alejo etal.
structure and CRRSY anti-Gram negative (2017)
single bond and antifungal
AP02605 Defensin-TK SPAIWGCDSFLGYCRLACFAHEASVGQKECAEGMLC- Anti-Gram positive, Shen etal. (2014)
CIPNV anti-Gram negative
and antifungal
AP02852 OsDEF7 RHCLSQSHRFKGMCVSSNNCANVCRTESFPDGECK- Anti-Gram Positive, Tantong etal. (2016)
SHGLERKCFCKKVC anti-Gram negative
and antifungal
AP02853 OsDEF8 RTCESQSHRFKGPCARKANCASVCNTEGFPDGYCHG- Anti-Gram positive, Tantong etal. (2016)
VRRRCMCTKPCP anti-Gram negative
and antifungal

Hydrophobicity andAmphipathicity charged amino-acid on the hydrophobic surface, signifi-

cantly improved binding capacity and selectively in killing
Hydrophobicity and amphipathicity are the two inevita- T67 cancer cells without affecting healthy normal cells.(Liu
ble structural features that determine the overall activity etal. 2016; Dalzini etal. 2016)Many structurefunction
of an antimicrobial peptide and contribute for the degree relationship studies have revealed that more the peptide
of peptide partitioning and self-promoting uptake across being amphipathic, more the hemolytic index. Hence, the
the lipid bilayer membranes respectively. Hydrophobic critical parameter for all therapeutic AMPs, to maintain the
moment (MH) is a quantitative measure of amphipathic- hydrophobichydrophilic balance for an enhanced potency
ity and usually calculated as the vector sum of individual and better selectivity (Liu etal. 2016; Hollmann etal. 2016;
amino acid hydrophobicities, normalized to an ideal helix. Dalzini etal. 2016).
An increase in hydrophobic moment correlates to increased On the other hand, AMPs with extreme hydrophobicity
permeabilization of the target cell membrane. The correla- exhibit poorer antimicrobial activity and higher hemolytic
tion between antimicrobial activity and toxicity resides in toxicity in mammals have also been reported. Basically a
cell selectivity. The cationic property of most AMPs con- lytic AMP must fulfill two major criterias in terms of hydro-
tributes to cell selectivity because the bacterial membrane phobicity; (i) The peptide must remain soluble in water and
is more negatively charged than that of a mammalian cell biological fluids to enable rapid transport and accessibility
membrane.(Edwards etal. 2016; Liu etal. 2016; Hollmann to the target microbes (low hydrophobicity is required) and
etal. 2016) Trichogin, a short peptaibol on modifying its (ii) Simultaneously the peptide should be able to interact
hydrophobicity and amphipathicity by introducing positively with the hydrophobic region of the lipid bilayer in order to

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

Table2Summary of cationic antimicrobial peptides and their mechanisms of action

Presumed activity Peptide Mechanism of action References

Membrane-disruptive Nisin, daptomycin Pore former Brogden (2005), Le etal. (2015)

Alamethicin BarrelStave (Helical-Bundle) AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Magainin, mellitin, MSI-78 model Brogden (2005), AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Cecropin, dermaseptin, Toroidal pore (Wormhole, disk) model Brogden (2005), AlKhatib etal. (2014)
caerin, ovispirin
Indolicidin Carpet model AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Human AMP LL-37 Aggregate model
carpet/toroidal pore
Membrane nondisruptive Buforin II DNA synthesis AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Indolicidin, PR39, HNP-1 DNA synthesis, cell division AlKhatib etal. (2014), Ingham and Moore
Pleurocidin derivative RNA, Protein Synthesis AlKhatib etal. (2014)
PR39, dermaseptin Protein synthesis, cell septum AlKhatib etal. (2014)
CP10A formation Friedrich etal. (2001), Le etal. (2016]
Dermaseptin RNA, protein Synthesis Boman etal. (1993)
Pyrrhocoricin, drosocin Protein synthesis Brogden (2005), AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Apidaecin Disruption of DnaK (chaperone) AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Pep5, daptomycin activity Le etal. (2015)
Mutacin 1140 Cell wall lytic enzyme release Mller etal. (2016)
Microcin 25, PR-39, PR-26 Lipid II sequestion AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Histatins Cell septum formation AlKhatib etal. (2014)
Coprisin Inhibits enzymatic activity Mller etal. (2016)
Magainin 2 Apoptosis-induction Mller etal. (2016)
Papiliocin RecA activation in E. coli Mller etal. (2016)

Table3Antimicrobial peptides launched against infectious diseases. Source: THPdb database (
Name Peptide sequence Category Company

Aldesleukin MAPTSSSTKKTQLQLEHLLL Antineoplastic agents, Anti-HIV agents Chiron Corp

Drotrecogin alfa Heavy chain: LIDGKMT Antisepsis Eli Lilly and Company
Enfuvirtide YTSLIHSLIEESQNQQEKNE HIV fusion inhibitors Trimeris, Roche
Gramicidin D VGALAVVVWLWLWLWX Anti-bacterial agents, anti-infective, topical, Sanofi
Interferon alfa-n1 CDLPQTHSLGSRRTLMLLAQ Antiviral agents, immunologic factors, GlaxoSmithKline
immunosuppressive agents
OspA lipoprotein MKKYLLGIGLILALIACKQN Vaccine targeting toll-like receptor 2 SmithKline Beecham
Teicoplanin Anti-bacterial agents NPS Pharmaceuticals
Thymalfasin SDAAVDTSSEITTKDLKEKK SciClone Pharmaceuticals (SCLN)

perturbate and delocalize the membrane architecture high parent AMP LysAB2 (net charge: +4, hydrophobic ratio:
hydrophobicity is required (Farkas etal. 2017). 45%). Hence it can be speculated that optimized peptide
Peng etal. (2017), synthesized four AMPs based on the hydrophobicity and charge distribution promotes efficient
sequence of aa 113145 of LysAB2 and investigated the antimicrobial activity. Apart from hydrophobicity, the net
modulations in antimicrobial potency while varying hydro- positive charge of an AMP is also essential for binding with
phobicity level and cationic charge distribution. A peptide microbial membranes, thereby initiating peptide-membrane
variant, LysAB2 P3 (net charge: +6.0, hydrophobic ratio: interactions.
42%) displayed 16 folds higher antibacterial activity against In a similar study by Yin etal. the authors detail that the
A. baumannii with very little haemolytic and no cytotoxic phenomenal difference in antimicrobial activity and toxic-
activity against normal eukaryotic cells as compared to the ity while altering hydrophobicity might be due to charge

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

Table4Status of recently designed peptidomimetic molecules. Source: Data obtained from DRAMP database
Peptide Name Sequence Stage of Development Description

RDP58 (delmitide) H2N-D-Arg-D-Nle-D-Nle-D-Nle-D- Phase II (completed) Semisynthetic D-amino acid decapeptide derived
Arg-D-Nle-D-Nle-D-Nle-Gly-D- from HLA class I B2702
PMX-30063 (brilacidin) Phase II Defensin structural mimetic, non-peptide, small
Pexiganan acetate [MSI-78] GIGKFLKKAKKFGKAFVKILKK Phase III (faliure) Synthetic cationic host defense peptide(22-mer),
magainin derivative
Omiganan (CLS001) ILRWPWWPWRRK Phase II Synthetic 12-mer cationic peptide derived from
OP-145 (24-mer peptide) IGKEFKRIVERIKRFLRELVRPLR Phase II (completed) Synthetic 24-mer peptide derived from LL-37 for
binding to lipopolysaccharides or lipoteichoic
BL2060 Lead optimization Synthetic compound comprising fatty acid and
lysine copolymers
AP-214 Phase II (completed) Synthetic derivative from HDP -melanocyte-
stimulating hormone
CD-NP Phase II Synthetic chimeric 37-mer derived from combi-
nation of two natriuretic peptides
IMX942 KSRIVPAIPVSLL Phase II Derivative of IDR-1 and indolicidin
Opebacan Phase I/II Derivative of bactericidal/permeability-increasing
XOMA-629 Phase IIA 9-amino-acid peptide derivative of bactericidal/
permeability-increasing protein
DiaPep277 Phase III HSP60 derivative (24-mer peptide) that induces T
regulatory cells

neutralization effect. This happens because of dehydration and Gram-negative bacterial membrane, contribute for an
experienced by the membrane bound AMP, which results additional negative charge. This results in nearly 50% greater
in formation of -type aggregates at the membrane surface transmembrane electrical potential in prokaryotes in com-
and possibly leading to precipitation - thereby limiting the parison with most mammalian cells (Wang etal. 2015; Liu
peptide concentration impacting on the bacterial membrane, etal. 2015; Yeaman and Yount 2003).
and consequently reducing antimicrobial activity (Yin etal. The above-mentioned facts define the strong correlation
2012). Besides Hydrophobicity and cationic charge, the pep- between peptide cationicity and antimicrobial activity, and
tide length is another critical factor determining the efficacy. this has been validated in many studies. Studies with cati-
According to the BarrelStave model the AMPs penetrate onicity enhanced analogues of the antimicrobial peptides
perpendicular into the membrane. Hence the length of an (AcrAP1 and AcrAP2), from the scorpion venom, exhib-
AMP must be greater than or equivalent to the thickness ited a broader spectrum of antimicrobial activity with an
of the targets membrane (Yin etal. 2012; Yu etal. 2017). enhanced potency. In contrast, the native peptides expressed
a narrow spectrum of activity with moderate potency. The
Charge (Q) andPolar Angle () peptide analogues modified to improve biological potency
and spectrum of action surprisingly displayed growth modu-
Despite the structural and compositional diversity, most of lation effects on a variety of human cancer cell lines (Liu
the AMPs characterized till date possess an overall positive etal. 2015; Yeaman and Yount 2003).
charge ranging from +2 to +9 along with highly defined Polar angle is a measure of the relative proportion of
cationic domain(s). Cationicity is certainly an important the polar and nonpolar facets present in an amphipathic
factor for an initial electrostatic attraction of AMPs towards -helical peptide. This parameter enables to understand
the negatively charged head groups of the bacterial phos- the distribution of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino
pholipid bilayer and other microorganisms. In bacteria, the acid in a helical peptide. As an example, consider a
presence of acidic phospholipids (PG, PS, and CL) in the -helical peptide, which is exclusively composed of
cell membrane contributes for its net negative charge. Fur- hydrophobic amino acid residues on one side and the
ther, the LPS and teichoic acid present in Gram-positive other side solely composed of charged amino acids, then

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

Table5List of latest peptides with their medical application. Source: Data obtained from DRAMP database
Peptide Name Sequence Developmental stage Medical Use

Colicin E1 (bacteriocin) Preclinical Gastrointestinal tract infections; Stomach

and intestine infections
Lactocin 160 (bacteriocin) Preclinical Urogenital tract infections; Bacterial
Bacteriocin OR-7 KTYYGTNGVHCTKNSLWGKVR- Preclinical Gastrointestinal tract infections; Campy-
Pediocin PA-1 (bacteriocin) KYYGNGVTCGKHSCSVDWG- Preclinical Gastrointestinal tract infections; Stomach
KATTCIINNGAMAWATGGHQGN- and intestine infections
Nisin A (Type A LANTIBIOTIC) ITSISLCTPGCKTGALMGCNMK- Preclinical Urogenital tract infections; Spermicidal
Bac8c RIWVIWRR Preclinical Staphylococus aureusanti-infectives
Temporin10a FLPLASLFSRLL Preclinical Staphylococus aureusanti-infectives
Syphaxin(SPX1-22) GVLDILKGAAKDLAGHVATKVINKI Phase I Staphylococus aureusanti-infectives
IDR-1002 VQRWLIVWRIRK Preclinical Staphylococus aureusanti-infectives
Buforin II TRSSRAGLQWPVGRVHRLLRK Preclinical Staphylococus aureusanti-infectives
SB006 (M6) QKKIRVRLSA Preclinical Gram-negative infections
IMX942 KSRIVPAIPVSLL Phase II Nosocomial infections, febrile, neutro-
Ruminococcin C (bacteriocin) Preclinical Gastrointestinal tract infections; Stomach
and intestine infections (Rat model;
Planosporicin (bacteriocin) Preclinical Hospital-acquired infections; Multi-drug
resistant strain (Murine model; Invivo)
ESL5 Preclinical Gastrointestinal tract infections; Stomach
and intestine infections (Human model;

the polar angle will be 180 (Tseng etal. 2016). Further, Challenges Involved inUse ofAMPs
an imbalance between these proportions or a decrease asTherapeutics
in the hydrophobic ratio in helix composition will pro-
portionately increase the polar angle and vice versa. Pharmaceutical and healthcare industries today, view
There is an inverse correlation between the polar angle AMPs as a promising class of therapeutic molecules to
and membrane permeabilization capacity of the peptide combat antimicrobial-resistant bacterial pathogens. The
(Tseng etal. 2016; Duong etal. 2016). Usually, peptides remarkable development of peptide therapeutics in the last
with narrow polar angles (having greater hydropho- decade led to a surprising number of marketing approv-
bic surface) can easily destabilize cell membrane lipid als in the year 2012 and has been reported that more than
structure and often require a smaller quantity of peptide 100 peptide drug candidates were still in the pipeline
molecules and a large number of lipid molecules as com- for approval. Peptides offer certain advantages as drugs;
pared with peptides having a wide polar angle. The cor- which include high biological activity, specificity and low
relation among polar angle, peptide stability and half-life levels of toxicity. However, challenges also exist for the
of peptide-induced membrane destabilization have also development and use of the peptide as therapeutics. Some
been investigated and reported in many studies (Tian etal. notable obstacles are; systemic route for administration,
2016; Polanco 2013; Ebenhan etal. 2014). However, the stability, invivo kinetic parameters, toxicity, permeability
transmembrane pores induced by the smaller polar angles and so on (Hutchings etal. 2017).
peptides were less stable compared to those formed by
peptides with a wider polar angle (Kumar etal. 2016).

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

The Right Peptide Form are quite expensive and significantly reduce yield (Mar-
tin etal. 2015). In contrast to fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl
The therapeutic efficacy of AMPs invivo is often over- (FMOC) and other chemical syntheses of peptides, which
shadowed by their inability to reach the targets in an active are complex and costly, recombinant platform offers cost-
form. The physicochemical properties of a peptide greatly effective approaches for the large-scale production. On the
influence its pharmacokinetic profile and metabolic fate other hand, the inherent complexity in using bacterial cell as
in the human system. Chemical degradation pathways for AMPs synthesizing factories has to be overcome (Zhao etal.
peptides and proteins such as deamidation, racemization, 2015, New antimicrobial peptide kills strains resistant
isomerization, hydrolysis, disulfide formation/exchange, to existing antibiotics 2016; Silva etal. 2016). Among the
-elimination, and oxidation are the hindrances to over- recombinant studies reported for the production of AMPs in
come (Manabe and Kawasaki 2017). Different strategies are microbial systems, E. coli host has been widely employed.
being developed and implemented to improve the stability The major difficulties involved in the production of AMPs
and functionality of peptide drugs. In specific, the suscep- in host systems include proteolytic degradation of peptides
tibility of AMPs to proteases invivo is a major challenge and intrinsic antimicrobial activity exerted to the host sys-
that limits their application in pharmaceutical industry. In tem by AMPs during its expression. At present, AMPs are
order to overcome this limitation, now the AMPs are being fused to protein carriers such as solubility enhancing carri-
synthesized as d-amino acids instead of l-amino acids, ers, aggregation-promoting carriers, self-cleavable proteins
which make the AMPs to withstand proteolytic degrada- and signal secretion proteins. Thioredoxin and glutathione
tion. Recently, Manabe and Kawasaki, have investigated transferase (GST), were the most frequently reported car-
the antimicrobial properties of d and l-forms of sapesin rier proteins which account for more than one-third of all
B (KLKLLLLLKLK-NH2). From the results, it has been reported fusion expressions. Whatever the technology might
observed that d-form expressed higher antimicrobial activ- be, all the methods need to rely on expensive chromatog-
ity against bacterial pathogens S. aureus and E. coli, relative raphy-based purification techniques to purify antimicrobial
to its l-form. Moreover, it has also been noticed that the peptides, which stands as a major setback in industrial scale
elevated antimicrobial effect of d-form was not because of its production of AMPs (Liu etal. 2017; Bommarius etal.
resistance against proteolytic degradation and instead due to 2010).
its membrane specific interactions made along with bacterial A number of researchers were attempting to address
cell surface components (Zhao etal. 2016). In another study these issues. Novozymes, a Danish biotech company, has
using Polybia-MPI a cationic peptide, the substitution with developed a novel antimicrobial peptide variant (Plectasin
d-lysines and the d-enantiomers for all of its l-lysines greatly NZ2114) which employs high-yield fungal expression sys-
improved its stability against protease and a significant anti- tem for large-scale production of this peptide in a highly pure
microbial activity was also observed in comparison to its state (Lee etal. 2016; Mathur etal. 2016). Recently, a mass
l-counterpart. Interestingly, the d-amino acid substitution production strategy involving fusion protein technology was
turned right-hand -helical conformation of the peptide to studied for high yield production of certain antimicrobial
left-hand conformation and also further decreased its hemo- and immunomodulatory peptides (IDRs) including LL37,
lytic activity (Afacan etal. 2012). CRAMP, and HHC-10. Here in this method, an intrinsic
cleavage system is utilized for freeing the pure peptide from
Manufacturing andCost Considerations its fusion partner and in a simple two-step process, high
level of purification is achieved. The peptide was cleaved
Though antimicrobial peptides are promising alternative to from its fusion partner using a unique enzyme sumoase
traditional antibiotics, their utility is greatly limited due to (Premdjee and Payne 2017). Unlike classical chemical cleav-
its high production costs involved, and thus the large-scale age approaches such as Cyanogen bromide, which cleaves
production remains a challenge. To overcome this impedi- C-terminally after methionine and hydrochloric acid based
ment, an effective strategy needs to be devised. The cost per cleavage of the acid-labile peptide bond between asparagi-
peptide could be minimized through adapting low-cost plat- nes and proline (Schneider etal. 2010; Arenas etal. 2016).
form technology and by bringing in improvements in process Sumoase protease Ulp1 follows a unique mechanism by rec-
strategies. Unfortunately, the current practice of solid-phase ognizing and specifically cleaving GlyGly residues after the
peptide synthesis is prohibitively expensive and requires C-terminal present within SUMO, thereby releasing AMP
expensive chemical precursor components during its large- sequence, leaving no unwanted amino acids at the N-ter-
scale production. Although several approaches have been minus of the peptide. This may be a promising technology
proposed for industrial production of AMPs, till date, scale- for cost-effective industrial-scale production of AMPs and
up has not been proven cost-effective. Even if production is IDRs (Bommarius etal. 2010; Premdjee and Payne 2017;
possible, further biochemical steps to facilitate purification Mathur etal. 2016).

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

In vivo Toxicity andStability Incorporation of unnaturalamino acids, peptide trunca-

tiona and inducing chemical modifications could be some
Therapeutic peptides are often characterized by their high of the possible ways to reduce invivo toxicity and improve
biological activity, high specificity and low toxicity (Less invivo peptide stability. Koh et al., has demonstrated
accumulation in organs, Low or no hemolysis and drugdrug enhanced antimicrobial activity and stability upon intro-
interaction) (Gentilucci et al. 2010). Despite numerous ducing lipid modification. It should also be noted that the
advantages, challenges include high production cost, low modification should not disturb the cationic and hydropho-
storage stability and suboptimal invivo half-life (Jenssen bic balance (Li etal. 2017; Koh etal. 2015). Recently a
and Aspmo 2008).Metabolic stability of peptides is the new class of peptidomimetics termed AApeptides, which
greatest obstacle faced on the way toward successful devel- are oligomers of N-Acylated-N-Aminoethyl amino acid has
opment of bioactive peptides into therapeutic drugs in the been developed which mimic the action of Host defense pep-
market. Methods are being developed to stabilize peptides tides capable of inhibiting the growth of multidrug resistant
without reducing their effectiveness and affinity towards Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These peptides
the target molecule. Macrocyclic peptides or polycyclic are protease resistant since it has been built on non-natural
peptides are classical approaches to protect the peptides structural backbone. -AApeptides and -AApeptides are
against metabolism or to prolong their half-life. A variety two major sub-types of AApeptides (Sang etal. 2017).
of other methods is still being explored and reported toward
protecting peptides against metabolism or to extend their Delivery Platforms: Barriers andChallenges
half-life. The approaches include derivatizing peptides with
carbohydrates (glycopeptides), incorporation of nonnatural Delivery systems play a vital role in the development of
amino acids, which are not easily recognized by hydrolytic potent and safe AMP-based therapeutic drugs. The major
enzymes and by introducing structural modifications to objectives of delivery systems designed for peptide thera-
sterically encumber the labile sites (Gentilucci etal. 2010; peutics include (i) Preservation of chemical or biological
Jenssen and Aspmo 2008). In recent days, a growing inter- activity of AMPs either in the formulation or after admin-
est in selective derivatizing of peptides with carbohydrates istration, (ii) Reduced toxicity and adverse side effects, (iii)
has been observed, since glycosylation can confer superior sustained and or controlled release rate of AMPs, (iv) pro-
therapeutic efficacy, increased stability, higher aqueous solu- mote biofilm penetration, or co-localization with intracel-
bility, better bioavailability, enhanced target resolution and lular pathogens (Kovalainen etal. 2015; Thota etal. 2016).
longer invivo half-lives. Since toxicity being one of the bot- In recent years, a variety of advancements has been made in
tlenecks in peptide-based therapy, at present in silico models peptide drug delivery through active or passive transporters,
are also being developed for predicting toxicity of peptides carriers, transdermal and nasal delivery systems. At present,
and proteins. peptides are parenterally delivered (via injection), since oral
A peptidomimetic is one of the leading and well-estab- administration leads to inactivation and degradation in the
lished approaches in biotechnology and nanotechnology digestive tract. The other obstacles include short half-life,
which could be adapted for developing novel, effective non- lower penetration capacity and targeted delivery (Elofsson
toxic therapeutic agents for performing specific operations etal. 2015). Various nanoformulation platforms for targeted
within a physiological environment (Gentilucci etal. 2010; peptide delivery, controlled and or sustained-release strate-
Ngambenjawong etal. 2016). Another major reason behind gies and technologies offering proteolytic stability are being
peptide stability is rapid renal clearance, and this is also due investigated (Lee and Lee 2015; Widenbring etal. 2014;
to protease degradation which results in low invivo bio- Muheem et al. 2016). Microgels and related polymeric
availability, short half-life and limited access to intracellular systems offer exciting opportunities for delivery of AMPs
space. In case of synthetic peptides, conformational stabil- and low-Mw drugs (Fosgerau and Hoffmann 2015). Fur-
ity is a debatable thing (Nordstrm and Malmsten 2017). thermore, from industrial perspective, design simplicity,
For successful development of peptide drugs, preliminary robustness, and scale-up approaches are likely to be the key
screening assays are most important and essential for the for any peptide delivery systems (Kovalainen etal. 2015;
elimination of unstable peptides entering into drug devel- Ghosh 2016).
opment pipeline, which considerably affects the production
cost and efficiency. Stability of peptide in serum can be
determined using techniques such as reverse phasehigh- Global Market forTherapeutic peptides
performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and mass
spectroscopy (MS) approach for both invitro and invivo Over the past decade, therapeutic peptides have gained a
(Ngambenjawong etal. 2016; Nordstrm and Malmsten wide range of applications in the fields of healthcare and
2017; Weinstock etal. 2012). Biopharmaceuticals. Furthermore, in recent days the

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

research on therapeutic peptide is undergoing a renaissance agent for most biofilm infections and often affect the lungs
for commercial reasons. Novel strategies in peptide design of cystic fibrosis patients (105, Silva etal. 2016). In order
have propelled a wave of peptide therapeutics in market and to design and develop novel antimicrobials with desired
research. Currently, an approximate of 140 therapeutic pep- potency and efficiency, a deeper understanding and knowl-
tides are in clinical trials, and over 500 were in preclinical edge over structure-activity-propertybehavior relationship
development (Fosgerau and Hoffmann 2015). The commer- and relating them all together is a critical requirement for
cial market for novel peptide therapeutics was estimated to development of novel therapeutics. Riduan and co has devel-
be $17.50billion in 2015. The healthcare expenditure in two oped a novel class of antimicrobial imidazolium oligomers
of the fastest growing economies namely Brazil and India capable of ultrafast killing (>99.7% killing within 30s), and
went up by 0.3 and 0.2% 2014 over 2013 respectively, which possess superior activity, excellent selectivity, self-gelling
is a key economic factor driving the global peptide thera- properties. The Molecular dynamic simulations studies have
peutics market (Bahar and Ren 2013). According to a recent reavealed that ultra fast killing is due to spontaneous pene-
report on worldwide peptide market Peptide Therapeutics tration and translocation across the microbial cell membrane
Market: Global Industry Analysis and Opportunity Assess- within a very short timescale of seconds to minutes (Riduan
ment, 20152025, published by Future Market Insights etal. 2016).
market intelligence and consulting firm, the global peptide Issues regarding manufacturing cost, peptide stability,
therapeutics market is projected to rise over 10% CAGR and toxicity were some of the major challenges not yet been
during 20152025. completely addressed. Although more work is needed, sub-
stantial strides have been made in the recent years to over-
come these setbacks, and the future looks promising for the
Conclusion development and widespread use of peptides as therapeutics
targeting MDR pathogens. More focus is to be made on syn-
The rapid emergence of MDR pathogens has necessitated an thetic or peptides mimicking natural antibiotics. Since they
urgent need to develop novel antimicrobials. As biological rarely develop resistance, this could be a possible way to
anti-infective agents, AMPs can be directly antimicrobial fight with multi-drug resistant organisms. Only when these
and immunomodulatory. It has been predicted that 10mil- aspects have been unraveled in greater detail, the AMP-
lion people per year will be killed by 2050 globally, causing based therapeutics can likely to be able to reach their full
$100 trillion loss to the global economy (Silva etal. 2016). potential. Above all, the best way to combat against anti-
AMPs are less likely to promote microbial resistance since microbial resistance (AMR) is by prevention. An holistic
they interfere with multiple biological processes in a patho- and collaborative approach towards prevention and contain-
gen or modulate the host immune system rather than target- ment of AMR across all nations, government and society is
ing the pathogen (Narayana and Chen 2015). Furthermore, required to minimize the emergence and spread of antimi-
AMPs are capable of suppressing harmful inflammatory crobial resistance. Further efforts for enhancing awareness,
responses associated with the infection caused. Peptides strengthening AMR surveillance, educating people about
hold high selectivity and efficiency and, at the same time, responsible use of antibiotics, reducing infections and pro-
relatively safe and well tolerated (Aoki and Ueda 2013). moting research globally is also required.
These properties make AMPs an attractive alternative in the
treatment of MDR infections. So far thousands of natural Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank SERB and UGC,
Government of India, for financial support through major project. A
and synthetic AMPs have been identified, reported and still special thanks to Prof. Dr. K. Ruckmani, Head and Director, Depart-
being developed, but only a few of them have reached clini- ment of Pharmaceutical Technology, Centre for. Excellence in Nanobio
cal trials successfully (Aoki and Ueda 2013). Recently, new Translational REsearch. (CENTRE), University College of Engineer-
antimicrobial peptide Clavanin-MO has been developed by ing, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Anna University,
Tiruchirappalli-620024, Tamil Nadu, India for her constant support.
a team of researchers at MIT, University of Brasilia, and the
University of British Columbia against multidrug resistant Funding This study was supported by Science and Engineering
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This peptide is research board, Department of Science and Technology under the
a synthetic derivative from parent peptide Clavanin-A with scheme of Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in
improved hydrophobicity. This novel peptide was found to Science. Sanction Order No: SB/EMEQ-034/2014 dated 06.07.2015.
University Grants Commission, National Fellowship for SC, Award
suppress sepsis by stimulating production of immune media- Letter No.: F1-17.1/2017-18/RGNF-2017-18-SC-TAM-45554. Dated:
tors GM-CSF, IFN- and MCP-1, thereby increasing anti- 16/08/2017.
inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) synthesis and repressing
the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine (IL-12 and TNF- Compliance with Ethical Standards
). This peptide also holdsa potentiant to cure infections
caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is a causative Conflict of interest Authors declare no conflict of interest.

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics

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