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Crace 1

Taylor-Jo M. Crace

Miss Cook


5 December 2017

Cardiothoracic Surgery

I dont dawdle, Im a surgeon. I make an incision, do what needs to be done and sew up

the wound. There is beginning, a middle, and an end.

-Richard Selzer

For my career research paper, I chose to write about cardiothoracic surgery. The work

of a surgeon is so much more than just making an incision and stitching it up. When a surgeon

makes that first cut there is a life on the line and they must do everything possible to fix the

problem and end the procedure with a heartbeat remaining on that monitor. I would like to be a Commented [1]: Awesome hook!

heart surgeon because of my family history. I would like to reach the point in my career when I

will be eligible for research money and grants. I would like to achieve this because I want to find

out more about what has been going on in my familys heart health history and possibly find a

treatment or even a cure for it. I am very passionate about pursuing this career. I think that

becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon would suit me very well because I am a very determined and

driven person.

Many people think that cardiothoracic surgeons only deal with the heart, but this

common belief is untrue. Cardiothoracic surgeons specialize in the pharmacology and the

anatomy of the lungs and the heart; they also study medical ethics (Cardiac Surgeons: Career

Information for Becoming a Cardiac Surgeon.). They can perform repairs for heart conditions,

valve replacements, and bypass surgeries, as well as many other things (The Road to Becoming
Crace 2

a Cardiothoracic Surgeon.). Most would agree that summed up, the job of a surgeon is to save

lives. Although there are many positives to this career, there are still drawbacks. The biggest

would be losing a patient. You cannot save every patient that lays on your operating table. You

must come to terms with the fact that your losses may be greater than the lives you save, but at

least you saved a life. Another drawback would be your social life. When you become a surgeon,

surgery must be your top priority. When in school you will have to have extreme focus and study

for long hours. When you are finally working in the hospital you will have to work long hours

and sometimes remain as an on-call surgeon in case something goes wrong.

The typical day of my future job will consist of many things. Some of those things may

be check-ups, charting, follow-up exams, and scheduled surgeries as well as emergency ones too.

Check-ups and follow-ups consist of making sure that everything is okay with your patient pre

and post-op. Charting contains records of a patient's medical history and treatments given, the

surgeon will need to keep this up-to-date.The most incontestable thing that this job contains

would be surgery.

There are many qualities that you must have in order to attain this career. In order to

even become a surgeon, you must be highly motivated and always search for every possible

solution. In order to keep your patients in good spirits, you should be a very optimistic person

with a very good attitude. You must be able to keep excellent focus for some surgeries may take

an extended period of time. It would be very hard for a doctor to get attached to a patient when

there is always a chance that they will not subsist the surgery. To prevent any attachment to

patients, minimal conversation is made unless to provide comfort about an upcoming procedure.

Many different surgeons receive different pay; it always varies. The average

cardiothoracic surgeon in Chillicothe, Ohio as of October 30, 2017 was about $410,598 yearly Commented [2]: Wow!
Crace 3

(Ohio Surgeon - Cardiothoracic Salaries.). It is predetermined that jobs in this field will

increase during 2014-2024 by twenty percent (Cardiac Surgeons: Career Information for

Becoming a Cardiac Surgeon.). The pay can be very well, but it should be expected that their

schedule is very grueling. The average workweek of a surgeon is about 55 hours, but it may go

all the way up to 80 hours a week. There are times when a patient is in critical condition or other

reasons, during these times a surgeon may be labeled as on-call and can be paged into the

hospital at any time. The schedule of a surgeon can be very demanding, this may cause an

overload of stress and cause them prostration over time.

The lengthy road to becoming a surgeon is the longest of that in the medical field. In

order to achieve a medical degree, you must complete a four-year pre-medical degree, preferably

with a major in science. Next, you must take the MCAT which is the Medical College

Admissions Test. Scores for this test that are most commonly accepted are a 125 in each section

and a 500 overall score (Whats a Good MCAT Score?). A four year medical degree must be

obtained and you must be an intern for a hospital for at least a year. After this, you must

complete a residency and the length is dependant upon the program that you are in. Once you

have completed your residency, you must take your board exams to become certified by the

American Board of Medical Specialists. To go into this career you must be very competitive

because everything is a race and you have to do everything you can to stay on top and get ahead

because hospitals want to make sure that they are hiring only the best of the best. If you are

interested in pursuing this career, the mentorship program would be a great thing to get involved

in because if you can get time with a surgeon and sit in on surgeries to job shadow them it will

put you ahead of the others trying to get into this very competitive field. Another thing to get

involved in, that shows that you are interested in pursuing this career, would be the pre-med day
Crace 4

program that is hosted by/at Shawnee State University. The pre-med day provides a lot of

information and insight from current and former students on what to expect when going into a

medical program.

In conclusion, this career will take a lot of hard work and dedication. It will be a long

road to reach a very successful point in my career as a surgeon. I believe that any person that is

very motivated and driven has enough potential to do anything that they would like, even if

people try to tell them that they cannot-as people have told me that I will not make it to being a

surgeon. I will not let the long hours and lost patients get to me, the key is to focus on the

positive and remain optimistic. This job is suitable for me because I have a very vigorous

personality and a strong-willed soul. Money is a plus, but you should always do something you

love and not purely focus on the money. Not many people can handle this job, but I think it

would be very satisfying that you are saving lives daily.

Works Cited
Crace 5

Cardiac Surgeons: Career Information for Becoming a Cardiac Surgeon.

ac_Surgeon.html, Site Built by:.Ohio Surgeon - Cardiothoracic Salaries. Surgeon -

Cardiothoracic Salaries in Ohio and by Education, Experience, Location and more -

Shawnee State University. Pre-Profession Studies | Shawnee State University,

The Road to Becoming a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

What's a Good MCAT Score? Kaplan Test Prep, 31 July 2017,

Writer, Leaf Group. Environment for a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. 12 August


Rubric rating submitted on: 12/13/2017, 5:58:24 PM by

5 4 3 2 1 0

Introduction 5 = Fully and 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

W.2.a & creatively Demonstrated Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt made
Conclusion demonstrated Introduction demonstrate; demonstrate; demonstrate; Introduction
W.2.e Introduction W.2.a a couple a few errors several errors W.2.a
Your score: W.2.a -Intro errors exist exist exist -Intro
5 -Intro paragraph Introduction Introduction Introduction paragraph
paragraph captures the W.2.a W.2.a W.2.a captures the
captures the readers -Intro -Intro -Intro readers
readers attention. paragraph paragraph paragraph attention.
attention. -A brief captures the captures the captures the -A brief
-A brief summary of readers readers readers summary of
summary of the text(s) attention. attention. attention. the text(s)
the text(s) analyzed is -A brief -A brief -A brief analyzed is
Crace 6

analyzed is given to summary of summary of summary of given to

given to anticipate the the text(s) the text(s) the text(s) anticipate the
anticipate the readers analyzed is analyzed is analyzed is readers
readers knowledge given to given to given to knowledge
knowledge level--no anticipate the anticipate the anticipate the level--no
level--no more than a readers readers readers more than a
more than a couple knowledge knowledge knowledge couple
couple sentences. level--no level--no level--no sentences.
sentences. -Intro more than a more than a more than a -Intro
-Intro paragraph couple couple couple paragraph
paragraph clearly sentences. sentences. sentences. clearly
clearly introduces the -Intro -Intro -Intro introduces the
introduces the thesis and paragraph paragraph paragraph thesis and
thesis and topic of the clearly clearly clearly topic of the
topic of the body introduces the introduces the introduces the body
body paragraphs thesis and thesis and thesis and paragraphs
paragraphs that are clear, topic of the topic of the topic of the that are clear,
that are clear, sophisticated, body body body sophisticated,
sophisticated, and paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs and
and insightful. that are clear, that are clear, that are clear, insightful.
insightful. Conclusion sophisticated, sophisticated, sophisticated, Conclusion
Conclusion W.2.e and and and W.2.e
W.2.e -Conclusion insightful. insightful. insightful. -Conclusion
-Conclusion restates Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion restates
restates thesis, W.2.e W.2.e W.2.e thesis,
thesis, reviews the -Conclusion -Conclusion -Conclusion reviews the
reviews the topics/claims restates restates restates topics/claims
topics/claims in the body of thesis, thesis, thesis, in the body of
in the body of the essay, reviews the reviews the reviews the the essay,
the essay, offers closure topics/claims topics/claims topics/claims offers closure
offers closure and answers in the body of in the body of in the body of and answers
and answers the So the essay, the essay, the essay, the So
the So What? offers closure offers closure offers closure What?
What? question. and answers and answers and answers question.
question. the So the So the So
What? What? What?
question. question. question.

Body W.2.b 5 = Fully and 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

Your score: creatively Demonstrated Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt made
5 demonstrated Body W.2.b demonstrate; demonstrate; demonstrate; Body W.2.b
Body W.2.b -Each body a couple a few errors several errors -Each body
-Each body paragraph errors exist exist exist paragraph
paragraph begins with a Body W.2.b Body W.2.b Body W.2.b begins with a
begins with a clear, -Each body -Each body -Each body clear,
clear, sophisticated, paragraph paragraph paragraph sophisticated,
sophisticated, insightful begins with a begins with a begins with a insightful
Crace 7

insightful topic clear, clear, clear, topic

topic sentence. sophisticated, sophisticated, sophisticated, sentence.
sentence. -Claims, insightful insightful insightful -Claims,
-Claims, reasons, and topic topic topic reasons, and
reasons, and evidence are sentence. sentence. sentence. evidence are
evidence are effectively -Claims, -Claims, -Claims, effectively
effectively structured reasons, and reasons, and reasons, and structured
structured and organized evidence are evidence are evidence are and organized
and organized in a logical effectively effectively effectively in a logical
in a logical sequence structured structured structured sequence
sequence with effective and organized and organized and organized with effective
with effective transitions. in a logical in a logical in a logical transitions.
transitions. -The sequence sequence sequence -The
-The significance with effective with effective with effective significance
significance of the claims transitions. transitions. transitions. of the claims
of the claims is clearly -The -The -The is clearly
is clearly established significance significance significance established
established for the of the claims of the claims of the claims for the
for the audience is clearly is clearly is clearly audience
audience throughout established established established throughout
throughout the body. for the for the for the the body.
the body. -Maintains a audience audience audience -Maintains a
-Maintains a consistent throughout throughout throughout consistent
consistent focus the body. the body. the body. focus
focus throughout. -Maintains a -Maintains a -Maintains a throughout.
throughout. Ideas always consistent consistent consistent Ideas always
Ideas always related back focus focus focus related back
related back to thesis in throughout. throughout. throughout. to thesis in
to thesis in order to prove Ideas always Ideas always Ideas always order to prove
order to prove the central related back related back related back the central
the central claim. to thesis in to thesis in to thesis in claim.
claim. order to prove order to prove order to prove
the central the central the central
claim. claim. claim.

Evidence & 5 = Fully and 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

Elaboration creatively Demonstrated Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt made
RL. 1 demonstrated Evidence & demonstrate; demonstrate; demonstrate; Evidence &
Your score: Evidence & Elaboration a couple a few errors several errors Elaboration
5 Elaboration RL. 1 errors exist exist exist RL. 1
RL. 1 -Contains Evidence & Evidence & Evidence & -Contains
-Contains effective, Elaboration Elaboration Elaboration effective,
effective, specific, RL. 1 RL. 1 RL. 1 specific,
specific, relevant -Contains -Contains -Contains relevant
relevant examples and effective, effective, effective, examples and
examples and details to specific, specific, specific, details to
details to back up relevant relevant relevant back up
Crace 8

back up major claims examples and examples and examples and major claims
major claims in each body details to details to details to in each body
in each body paragraph back up back up back up paragraph
paragraph and the major claims major claims major claims and the
and the thesis. in each body in each body in each body thesis.
thesis. -Clear paragraph paragraph paragraph -Clear
-Clear reflection on and the and the and the reflection on
reflection on the evidence thesis. thesis. thesis. the evidence
the evidence is referenced -Clear -Clear -Clear is referenced
is referenced from the text reflection on reflection on reflection on from the text
from the text and the evidence the evidence the evidence and
and thoroughly is referenced is referenced is referenced thoroughly
thoroughly and clearly from the text from the text from the text and clearly
and clearly explained to and and and explained to
explained to the audience. thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly the audience.
the audience. - and clearly and clearly and clearly -
- Demonstrates explained to explained to explained to Demonstrates
Demonstrates thoughtful the audience. the audience. the audience. thoughtful
thoughtful consideration - - - consideration
consideration of the task Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates of the task
of the task and thoughtful thoughtful thoughtful and
and thoroughly consideration consideration consideration thoroughly
thoroughly answers the of the task of the task of the task answers the
answers the prompt. and and and prompt.
prompt. thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly
answers the answers the answers the
prompt. prompt. prompt.

Mechanics, 5 = Fully and 4= 3= 2= 1= 0 = No

Usage & creatively Demonstrated Attempted to Attempted to Attempted to attempt made
Style W.2.c,d demonstrated Mechanics, demonstrate; demonstrate; demonstrate; Mechanics,
& L. 1 & 2 Mechanics, Usage & a couple a few errors several errors Usage &
Your score: Usage & Style W.2.c,d errors exist exist exist Style W.2.c,d
5 Style W.2.c,d & L. 1 & 2 Mechanics, Mechanics, Mechanics, & L. 1 & 2
& L. 1 & 2 -Sentence Usage & Usage & Usage & -Sentence
-Sentence variety and Style W.2.c,d Style W.2.c,d Style W.2.c,d variety and
variety and word choice & L. 1 & 2 & L. 1 & 2 & L. 1 & 2 word choice
word choice is effective -Sentence -Sentence -Sentence is effective
is effective and variety and variety and variety and and
and sophisticated. word choice word choice word choice sophisticated.
sophisticated. -A formal is effective is effective is effective -A formal
-A formal style and and and and style and
style and objective tone sophisticated. sophisticated. sophisticated. objective tone
objective tone is established -A formal -A formal -A formal is established
is established and style and style and style and and
and maintained & objective tone objective tone objective tone maintained &
maintained & -Writing is is established is established is established -Writing is
Crace 9

-Writing is clear, and and and clear,

clear, concise, and maintained & maintained & maintained & concise, and
concise, and strong. -Writing is -Writing is -Writing is strong.
strong. -Sentences clear, clear, clear, -Sentences
-Sentences demonstrate concise, and concise, and concise, and demonstrate
demonstrate correct usage, strong. strong. strong. correct usage,
correct usage, punctuation, -Sentences -Sentences -Sentences punctuation,
punctuation, capitalization, demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate capitalization,
capitalization, and spelling. correct usage, correct usage, correct usage, and spelling.
and spelling. punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
and spelling. and spelling. and spelling.

MLA Format 5 = Fully and 4= 3= 2= Attempted 1= Attempted 0 = No

W.8 creatively Demonstrated Attempted to to to attempt made
Your score: demonstrated MLA Format demonstrate; demonstrate; demonstrate; MLA Format
5 MLA Format W.8 a couple a few errors several errors W.8
W.8 -Information errors exist exist exist -Information
-Information from the MLA Format MLA Format MLA Format from the
from the research is W.8 W.8 W.8 research is
research is integrated -Information -Information -Information integrated
integrated into the essay from the from the from the into the essay
into the essay selectively to research is research is research is selectively to
selectively to maintain the integrated integrated integrated maintain the
maintain the flow of ideas into the essay into the essay into the essay flow of ideas
flow of ideas and selectively to selectively to selectively to and
and overreliance maintain the maintain the maintain the overreliance
overreliance on the text. flow of ideas flow of ideas flow of ideas on the text.
on the text. -Plagiarism is and and and -Plagiarism is
-Plagiarism is avoided by overreliance overreliance overreliance avoided by
avoided by each quote on the text. on the text. on the text. each quote
each quote being -Plagiarism is -Plagiarism is -Plagiarism is being
being appropriately avoided by avoided by avoided by appropriately
appropriately cited using each quote each quote each quote cited using
cited using in-text being being being in-text
in-text citations. appropriately appropriately appropriately citations.
citations. -Paper is cited using cited using cited using -Paper is
-Paper is formatted in-text in-text in-text formatted
formatted according to citations. citations. citations. according to
according to MLA -Paper is -Paper is -Paper is MLA
MLA guidelines formatted formatted formatted guidelines
guidelines according to according to according to
guidelines guidelines guidelines
Crace 10

Total: 25/25 x 4 = 100 A

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