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How we can How do we know if

prevent from our dismenore

are normal? DISMENORE
The key to preventing dismenore We can know that our menstru-
is adapting a healthy lifestyle. al cramps are normal by seeing
This entails a proper diet consist- how long we feel the pain.
ing of food that rich in: If you have severe or unusual
menstrual cramps, that lasts
for more than two or three
days, contact your health care
Fiber Nutrient provider. Menstrual cramps,
As well as avoiding: whatever the cause, can be
treated, so it's important to
get checked.

Sugary Created By: The prevalence of dismenore

Smoking is highest in adolescent women,
Berliana Mayorindah A longitudinal study of a
representative cohort of Swedish
You should also do: Dwi Ristanti Yarlinabudi women found a prevalence of dis-
Hari Indah Lestari menore of 90 percent in women 19
Pingkan Septiani years of age and 67 percent in
Stress women 24 years of age.
Syifa Nuramalia S
What is What causes What are signs and symp-
Dismenore? dismenore? toms dismenore?
Menstrual cramps are caused by Symptoms include:
Dismenore is painful cramping
contractions in the uterus.
sensation in the lower abdomen 1. Stomach ache

often accompanied by other The uterus, the hollow, pear-

2. Diarrhea
symptoms headaches, diarrhea, shaped organ where a baby grows,
3. Dizziness
all occurring during period contracts throughout a woman's

menstrual cycle. 4. Hypersensitivity

What risk factors Classification of What is medical management

of dismenore?? Dismenore? to dismenore?
Age < 20 years Primary dismenore To relieve dismenore, you should :
It is menstrual pain that's
Depression/anxiety not a symptom of an underly-
ing gynecologic disorder but
is related to the normal pro-
Heavy menses Massage
cess of menstruation. Rest

Smoking To relieve mild menstrual cramps:

Secondary dismenore
Taking pain Use warm
It is menstrual pain that is
generally related to some reliver compress
kind of gynecologic disorder.

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