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Masitoh Ika Cahyani

Definition of thypoid is an acute illnes in small intestine caused by the

Salmonella Typhi bacteria, it can also be caused by Salmonella Paratyphi.

Thypoid fever are contracted by 5F, that are finger, food, fly, feses, and

fomiting. The incubation period is usually 1-2 weeks, and the duration of the

illness is about 3-4 weeks.

Signs and symtoms are the temperature rises slowly in first week,

headache, blood cultures are positive for salmonella, leukopenia, the abdomen

is distended and painful in the right lower quadran, fever, and lethargi.

Diagnosis of thypoid fever is made when the salmonella bacteria are

detected with a stool culture. We can commit widal tes to find result. Because

with this result, we can make care plan for patient.

Thypoid fever are treated with antibiotik and supportive care. With

appropriate antibiotik therapy, there is usually improvement within one to two

days and recovery within seven to ten day. When our patient hypertermi, we can

compress with warm water or as usual water. We can give healt education, for

example give information diit with not eat vegetables and fibrous food.

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