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Meaning of consumer: An analysis of marketing management has made it clear that

consumer is a king pin the market. the product should produce goods keeping in mid the
requirements of consumers and satisfy the consumer but it is it is observed that this
obligation is neglected by some businessmen and they are involved is the unfair practice such
as supply of quality , adulteration etc




1CONSUMER IGNORANCE.:- consumer protection provide information to the ignorant

customers regarding rights and remedies available to them. It spreads awareness so that
consumer can know about the various redressal agencies where they can approach to protect
their interests.

2 UNORGANISED CONSUMERS :- In developing countries like India ,consumers are not

organised . They are very few consumers organisation which are working to protect the
interest of consumer.

3EXPLOITATION OF CONSUMERS:- Now a days consumer is the king pin of market but
then also there is lot of exploitation of consumer as businessmen use various unfair
trade practices to cheat and exploit consumers.


1 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITES:- A businessman has social obligation towards various groups
and customer is one of the important groups. It is the responsibilities of businessman
to provide quality goods at reasonable price.
2 MORAL JUSTIFICATION:- Ethics was part of profession only but today ethics is playing
very important role in business also. Moral value practised by the businessmen adds
glory to businessmen.
3 GOVTMENT INTERVENTION:- If businessmen want to avoid intervention of govt. Then
they should not involve in unfair trade practices. Govt intervention may spoil the
image of business so businessmen should involve in the activities to protect the
interest of consumer.


1 POVERTY AND UNEMPLOYMENT:- In the developing country most of the customers

are poor and unemployed . They accept anything which is offer to them at low
price. The poor consumers is the most harassed and the most helpless creature in
2 ILLITERATE CONSUMER:- In developing countries like India most of the consumers
are uneducated and illiterate. They cannot differentiate between the pure and
adulterated product . Consumer cannot read the contents , date , price, quantity
etc. So they really blindly on the information of the suppliers.
3 CONSUMERS ARE NOT ORGANISED:- Another reason for more requirement of
consumer protection in India is that in India consumers have not yet organised
themselves to have powerful consumer movement. They is lack of effective
agencies to secure redressal of there grievances.


1 THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 1986:- Enactment of consumer protection act
1986 was one of the most important steps taken to protect the interest of
consumer. The provision of act came into force from July1,1987. The main features
of this Act are;
1 This act has provide various right and responsibilities to consumers.
2 It provides safeguard to consumers against the defective goods, deficients,
services, and other from theory of exploitation.
2 THE CONTRACT ACT 1982. This act is formed to bind people on their promises
made in a contract. The act also provides remedies available to parties in case of
breach of contract.
3THE SALE OF GOODS ACT 1930. This act provides safeguard and relief to
consumers in case goods are not complying with the expressed conditions and
3THE TRADE MARK ACT 1999:-This act prevents the use of fraudulent marks on
products. This act is introduced in place of trade and merchandise mark act 1958.
4 THE PREVENTION OF FOOD ADULTERATION ACT 1954:- This act is formed to
check adulteration of food articles and ensure their purity so that health of general
public can be maintained.
5 THE COMPETION ACT 2002;- This act is related to monopolies and restrictive
trade practices act1969. This act is formed to encourage healthy completion
6 THE STANDARD OF WEIGHT AND MEASURES ACT 1976;-This act provides the
protection to consumers against malpractices of under weight, under measure.
This provision of this act is applicable on those goods which are sold by the
weight and measures.


Although business man is aware of his social responsibilities even then we

come across many cases of consumer exploitation. That why government of
India provided following rights to all the consumers under the consumer
protection act:-
1 Right to safety: - According to this right the consumers have right to be
protected against the marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to
life and property. This right is important for safe and secure life.
2 Right to information:-According to this right the consumer has right to get
information about the quality, quantity, purity standard and piece of goods or
Services .The producer must supply all the relevant information at a suitable
3Right to choice. According to this right very consumer has right to choose the
goods or services of his or her likings. The suppliers should not force the customer
to buy a particular brand only. Consumer should be free to choose the most
suitable product from his point of view.
4 Right to consumer education . According to this right it is the right of consumer to
acquire knowledge and skill to be informed to customer . it is easier for literate
consumers to know their rights and take actions.
5 Right to seek redressal:- According to this right The consumer has the right get
compensation or seek redressal against unfair trade practices or any other
exploitation. This right assures justice to consumer against exploitation.
6 Right ot heard/Right to representation:- According to this right the consumer has
the right to represent himself or to be heard or right to advocate his interest. In
case a consumer has been exploited or has any complaint against the product or
service then he has the right to be heard.

Various efforts have been made by governemnt or non government organisations
to protect the interest of consumer but exploitation of consumer will stop only
when consumer will come farward to safe guard his own interest. Consumer have
to bear some responsibilities which are given below:-
1 CONSUMER MUST EXERCISE HIS RIGHT :-Under consumer protection act the
consumer is granted vrious right sthe consumer must select the product according
to his preference, he must be aware of his rights and exercise them whenever
2CONSUMER MUST BE QUALITY CONSCIOUS:- The problems of supply of
substandard goods, adultered products and duplicate products can be solved only
when consumer himself stops compromising the quality of product.
exaggerate the qualities or features of product or service. The consumer must
compare the actual use of product with the use shown in advertisement and when
ever there is any difference it must be brought to the notice of sponsor or
advertisement and insist to stop showing exaggerated qualities.
4 NSIST ON CASH MEMO:- To file a complain the consumer needs the evidence of
purchase,nd cash memo is the proof that consumer has paid for the good
5 CAUTIOUS CONSUMER;- The consumer should not blindly beleve on the words of
seller. He must insist on geeting full information on the quality ,quantity, qutility,
price ect.of goods or services.
6Respect the environment,avoid waste littering and contribution to pollution.
7Discourage black marketing,hoarding and choose only legal goods and services.
7 Be aware of varity of goods and services available in market.


DISTRICT DORUM:- District forum consists of a president and two other members.
The president can be a retired or working judge of District court. They are
appointed by state government. The complaints for goods or services worth Rs. 20
lakhs or less can be filled in this agency. The agency sents the goods for testing in
laboratory if required and gives decisions on the basis of facts and laboratory
report. If the aggrieved is not satisfied by the jurisdiction of the district forum then
they can file an appeal against the judgement in State commission within 30 days
by depositing 25000or 50% of penalty amount which ever is less.
2SATE COMMISSION:- It consist of a president and two other members. The
president must be a retied or working judge of high court. They all are appointed
by State government .the complaints for the goods worth more than 20 lakhs and
less than 1 crore can be filed in State commission on receving complaint the State
commission contracts the party against whom the complaint is filed and send the
goods for testing in laboratory if required.In case the aggrieved party is not
satisfied with the judgement then they can file an appleal in national commission
within 30 days by depositing Rs. 35000or 50 % of penality amount wich ever is less.
3 NATIONAL COMMISSION:- The commission consists of a president and four
members one of whom shall be a woman. They are appointed by central
Government. The complaint can be filed in National commission if the value of
goods exceed Rs. 1 crore. On receving the complaint the National commission
informs the party against whom complaint is filed and sends the goods for testing
if required and gives judgement. If party is not satisfied with the judgement then
they can file a complain in Supreme court within 30 days.



M.T 3 Hours M.M 100

General Instruction;

A answer to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.
B answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words .

C Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.

D Answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

E Attempt all parts of the question together.

1 What is meant by consumer protection? 1

2Give any two points of remedies available to consumers under consumer protection Act.1

3 state any two points of responsibilities of a consumer. 1

4 Which consumer right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer
service and grievance cell. 1

5Establishing consumer service cell is the example of which consumer right? 1

6 Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of business. 3

7 ensure the various acts passed by the Government of India which help in protection of
consumers interests. 3

8 what are the responsibilities of a consumer? 3

9Who can file a comppaint in a consumer court? 3

10What kind of cases can be filed in State commission? 3

11What is administrarive control of national commission? 4

12Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point view of a business. 4

13what are the salint features of consumer protection act? 4

14 What is legal protection to consumers? 4

15Give the six right s of consumer? 5

16 A shopkeeper sold you some spices, claiming that those were pure. Later a laboratory test
showed that those were adultered. What precautions should you have taken before buying
and what remedies are available to you for the wrong act.? 5

17Explain, in briefany six reasons as to why consumer protection is needed in india ? 5

18explain any four ways and means of consumer protection followed in india. 5
19Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting and prompting
consumers interest. 5

20Explain the consumer protection councils. 5

21 Explain District forum relating to consumer disputes Redressal agenct. 6

22 I saw a advertisement in the newspaper regarding a domestic iron and ordered for the
purchase of the same to the shopkeper. What will be my responsibilities as a customer so that
I should not be exploited by the shopkeeper? State any such responsibilities. 6

23sandeep purchase a diesel car for Rs. 7 lacs from an automobiles company and found its
engine defective.Despite many complaints the defect as not recified. Suggest to him the
appropriate authority were he could file a complaint under consumer protection act. 6

24What are the various ways in which the objectives of consumer protection can be achieved.
Explain the role of consumer organisations. 6

25 What is redressal mechanism available to consumers under the consumer protection

Act,1986. 6



M.T 3 Hours M.M 100

General Instruction;

A answer to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.

B answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words .

C Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.

D Answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

E Attempt all parts of the question together.

1 Who is consumer? 1

2 whenor under what circumstances the complaints can be filed? 1

3 who and be file a complaint? 1

4Can a consumer file a complaint in consumer court without having the cash memo? 1

5 Name two consumer right defined UNO? 1

6 Explain the need of consumer protection. 3

7Describe briefly the features of state commission 3

8List various reliefs available to consumer on his complaints. 3

9 Explain the roll of press in consumer protection. 3

10Which type of complaints can lodged by the consumer? 3

11Explain the features of national commission. 4

12explain the role of universities and schools in consumer protection. 4

13 Why is consumer protection required in India? 4

14What are the salient features of consumer protection Act? 4

15Explain the responsibilities of consumers. 5

16 Enumerate the various acts passed by the government of India which helps in protection
of consumer interest. 5

17 What are the rights of consumer? 5

18Rajiv,a consumer purchased medicines without noticing the date of expiry. He also did
obtain the cash memo.Do you think he will be able to protect himself by the loss caused due
to expired medicine? Give reasons to support your answer. 5

19 Explain the redressal mechanism available to consumer under the consumer protection act
1986 ? 5
20 Bhavan who was a vegetarian went to snack bar for having Fremch fires and later found
out it had non vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the packing of the product
displaced that the product has non vegetarian content.will Bhawan be able to claim
compensation which right of the consumer is violate ? 5

21Explain the consumer protection councils.? 6

22 I saw a advertisement in the newspaper regarding a domestic iron and ordered for the
purchase of the same to the shopkeper. What will be my responsibilities as a customer so that
I should not be exploited by the shopkeeper? State any such responsibilities. 6

23Eexplain any four ways and means of consumer protection followed in india. 6

24 Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting and prompting 6

25A shopkeeper sold you some spices, claiming that those were pure. Later a laboratory test
showed that those were adultered. What precautions should you have taken before buying
and what remedies are available to you for the wrong act.? 6



M.T 3 Hours M.M 100

General Instruction;

A answer to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.

B answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words .

C Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.

D Answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

E Attempt all parts of the question together.

1Right the consumer education? 1

2 name the ministry which introduced eco mark? 1

3 What can serve as a proof of purchase made for filling a complaint against defective good.1

4 when or under what circumstances the complaints can be filed? 1

5 who and be file a complaint? 1

6 List various reliefs available to consumer on his complaints. 3

7 Explain the roll of press in consumer protection. 3

8Which type of complaints can lodged by the consumer? 3

9Who can file a complaint in a consumer court? 3

10What kind of cases can be filed in State commission? 3

11 Why is consumer protection required in India? 4

12What are the salient features of consumer protection Act? 4

13What is administrative control of national commission? 4

14Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point views of a Business. 4

15Rajiv,a consumer purchased medicines without noticing the date of expiry. He also did
obtain the cash memo. Do you think he will be able to protect himself by the loss caused due
to expired medicine? Give reasons to support your answer. 5

16 Explain the redressed mechanism available to consumer under the consumer protection
act 1986 ? 5

17 Bhavan who was a vegetarian went to snack bar for having French fires and later found
out it had non vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the packing of the product
displaced that the product has non vegetarian content. will Bhawan be able to claim
compensation which right of the consumer is violate ? 5

18Explain the role of consumer organizations and NGOs in protecting and prompting
consumers interest. 5

19Explain the consumer protection councils. 5

20Explain the consumer protection councils.? 5

21 Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting and prompting 6

22What are the various ways in which the objectives of consumer protection can be achieved.
Explain the role of consumer organisations. 6

23 What is redressal mechanism available to consumers under the consumer protection

Act,1986. 6

24sandeep purchase a diesel car for Rs. 7 lacs from an automobiles company and found its
engine defective.Despite many complaints the defect as not recified. Suggest to him the
appropriate authority were he could file a complaint under consumer protection act. 6

25 I saw a advertisement in the newspaper regarding a domestic iron and ordered for the
purchase of the same to the shopkeeper. What will be my responsibilities as a customer so
that I should not be exploited by the shopkeeper? State any such responsibilities. 6



M.T 3 Hours M.M 100

General Instruction;

A answer to questions carrying 1 mark may be from one word to one sentence.

B answer to questions carrying 3 marks may be from 50-75 words .

C Answer to questions carrying 4-5 marks may be about 150 words.

D Answer to questions carrying 6 marks may be about 200 words.

E Attempt all parts of the question together.

1 What is meant by consumer protection? 1

2Give any two points of remedies available to consumers under consumer protection Act.1
3 state any two points of responsibilities of a consumer. 1

4 Who is consumer? 1

5 when or under what circumstances the complaints can be filed? 1

6 who and be file a complaint? 1

7 Which consumer right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer
service and grievance cell. 1

8Establishing consumer service cell is the example of which consumer right? 1

9Right the consumer education? 1

10Name the ministry which introduced eco mark? 1

11 Explain the need of consumer protection. 3

12Describe briefly the features of state commission 3

13 Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point of view of business. 3

14 Eensure the various acts passed by the Government of India which help in protection of
consumers interests. 3

15 what are the responsibilities of a consumer? 3

16What is administrarive control of national commission? 4

17Explain the importance of consumer protection from the point view of a business. 4

18what are the salint features of consumer protection act? 4

19 Why is consumer protection required in India? 4

20 What is legal protection to consumers? 4

21Give the six right s of consumer? 5

22 A shopkeeper sold you some spices, claiming that those were pure. Later a laboratory test
showed that those were adultered. What precautions should you have taken before buying
and what remedies are available to you for the wrong act.? 5

23Explain, in brief any six reasons as to why consumer protection is needed in India ? 5

24 Explain the role of consumer organisations and NGOs in protecting and prompting 5
25sandeep purchase a diesel car for Rs. 7 lacs from an automobiles company and found its
engine defective.Despite many complaints the defect as not recified. Suggest to him the
appropriate authority were he could file a complaint under consumer protection act. 5

26 Explain the redressed mechanism available to consumer under the consumer protection
act 1986 ? 6

27 I saw a advertisement in the newspaper regarding a domestic iron and ordered for the
purchase of the same to the shopkeeper. What will be my responsibilities as a customer so
that I should not be exploited by the shopkeeper? State any such responsibilities. 6

28 Bhavan who was a vegetarian went to snack bar for having French fires and later found
out it had non vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the packing of the product
displaced that the product has non vegetarian content. will Bhawan be able to claim
compensation which right of the consumer is violate ? 6

29Explain the responsibilities of consumer to safe guard his interest. 6

30Enumerate the various acts passed by the government of india which helps in protection of
consumer interest.



Although business man is aware of his social responsibilities even then we

come across many cases of consumer exploitation. That why government of
India provided following rights to all the consumers under the consumer
protection act:-
1 Right to safety: - According to this right the consumers have right to be
protected against the marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to
life and property. This right is important for safe and secure life.
2 Right to information:-According to this right the consumer has right to get
information about the quality, quantity, purity standard and piece of goods or
Services .The producer must supply all the relevant information at a suitable
3Right to choice. According to this right very consumer has right to choose the
goods or services of his or her likings. The suppliers should not force the customer
to buy a particular brand only. Consumer should be free to choose the most
suitable product from his point of view.
4Right to consumer education . According to this right it is the right of consumer to
acquire knowledge and skill to be informed to customer . it is easier for literate
consumers to know their rights and take actions.
5Right to seek redressal:- According to this right The consumer has the right get
compensation or seek redressal against unfair trade practices or any other
exploitation. This right assures justice to consumer against exploitation.
6Right ot heard/Right to representation:- According to this right the consumer has
the right to represent himself or to be heard or right to advocate his interest. In
case a consumer has been exploited or has any complaint against the product or
service then he has the right to be heard.

Various efforts have been made by governemnt or non government organisations
to protect the interest of consumer but exploitation of consumer will stop only
when consumer will come farward to safe guard his own interest. Consumer have
to bear some responsibilities which are given below:-
1 CONSUMER MUST EXERCISE HIS RIGHT :-Under consumer protection act the
consumer is granted vrious right sthe consumer must select the product according
to his preference, he must be aware of his rights and exercise them whenever
2CONSUMER MUST BE QUALITY CONSCIOUS:- The problems of supply of
substandard goods, adultered products and duplicate products can be solved only
when consumer himself stops compromising the quality of product.
exaggerate the qualities or features of product or service. The consumer must
compare the actual use of product with the use shown in advertisement and when
ever there is any difference it must be brought to the notice of sponsor or
advertisement and insist to stop showing exaggerated qualities.
4 NSIST ON CASH MEMO:- To file a complain the consumer needs the evidence of
purchase,nd cash memo is the proof that consumer has paid for the good
5 CAUTIOUS CONSUMER;- The consumer should not blindly beleve on the words of
seller. He must insist on geeting full information on the quality ,quantity, qutility,
price ect.of goods or services.
6Respect the environment,avoid waste littering and contribution to pollution.
7Discourage black marketing,hoarding and choose only legal goods and services.
8 Be aware of varity of goods and services available in market.




1CONSUMER IGNORANCE.:- consumer protection provide information to the ignorant

customers regarding rights and remedies available to them. It spreads awareness so that
consumer can know about the various redressal agencies where they can approach to protect
their interests.

2 UNORGANISED CONSUMERS :- In developing countries like India ,consumers are not

organised . They are very few consumers organisation which are working to protect the
interest of consumer.

3EXPLOITATION OF CONSUMERS:- Now a days consumer is the king pin of market but
then also there is lot of exploitation of consumer as businessmen use various unfair
trade practices to cheat and exploit consumers.


1SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITES:- A businessman has social obligation towards various

groups and customer is one of the important groups. It is the responsibilities of
businessman to provide quality goods at reasonable price.
2MORAL JUSTIFICATION:- Ethics was part of profession only but today ethics is playing
very important role in business also. Moral value practised by the businessmen adds
glory to businessmen.



1 THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT 1986:- Enactment of consumer protection act
1986 was one of the most important steps taken to protect the interest of
consumer. The provision of act came into force from July1,1987. The main features
of this Act are;
1 This act has provide various right and responsibilities to consumers.
2 It provides safeguard to consumers against the defective goods, deficients,
services, and other from theory of exploitation.
2 THE CONTRACT ACT 1982. This act is formed to bind people on their promises
made in a contract. The act also provides remedies available to parties in case of
breach of contract.
3THE SALE OF GOODS ACT 1930. This act provides safeguard and relief to
consumers in case goods are not complying with the expressed conditions and
3THE TRADE MARK ACT 1999:-This act prevents the use of fraudulent marks on
products. This act is introduced in place of trade and merchandise mark act 1958.
4 THE PREVENTION OF FOOD ADULTERATION ACT 1954:- This act is formed to
check adulteration of food articles and ensure their purity so that health of general
public can be maintained.
5 THE COMPETION ACT 2002;- This act is related to monopolies and restrictive
trade practices act1969. This act is formed to encourage healthy completion
7 THE STANDARD OF WEIGHT AND MEASURES ACT 1976;-This act provides the
protection to consumers against malpractices of under weight, under measure.
This provision of this act is applicable on those goods which are sold by the
weight and measures.


R0LE OF CONAUMER ORGANISATIONS:- There are about 500 consumer
associations whuich are working in the field of consuer protection. These
organisations are performing various functions to protect the interest of
consumer and spread awareness among the consumers.
ROLE OF THE PRESS:- Apart from publishing articles,columns ect. Newspapers
have tried to provide protections to harassed consumers by including a
consumer pomplaint column.
ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES AND :-the schools and colleges can plays a very
important role by makingt students aware of consumerism. Indira Gandhi
National Open University(IGNOU) has developed a complete syllabus which
provides the basic framework for other universities to chalk out the curriculum
of consumer education.
DISTRICT DORUM:- District forum consists of a president and two other members.
The president can be a retired or working judge of District court. They are
appointed by state government. The complaints for goods or services worth Rs. 20
lakhs or less can be filled in this agency. The agency sents the goods for testing in
laboratory if required and gives decisions on the basis of facts and laboratory
report. If the aggrieved is not satisfied by the jurisdiction of the district forum then
they can file an appeal against the judgement in State commission within 30 days
by depositing 25000or 50% of penalty amount which ever is less.
2SATE COMMISSION:- It consist of a president and two other members. The
president must be a retied or working judge of high court. They all are appointed
by State government .the complaints for the goods worth more than 20 lakhs and
less than 1 crore can be filed in State commission on receving complaint the State
commission contracts the party against whom the complaint is filed and send the
goods for testing in laboratory if required.In case the aggrieved party is not
satisfied with the judgement then they can file an appleal in national commission
within 30 days by depositing Rs. 35000or 50 % of penality amount wich ever is less.
4 NATIONAL COMMISSION:- The commission consists of a president and four members
one of whom shall be a woman. They are appointed by central Government. The
complaint can be filed in National commission if the value of goods exceed Rs. 1 crore.
On receving the complaint the National commission informs the party against whom
complaint is filed and sends the goods for testing if required and gives judgement. If
party is not satisfied with the judgement then they can file a complain in Supreme
court within 30 days.

Following are the some teaching strategies:

1 Providing for face to face interaction

2 providing as many simple examples as possible to explain the


3 promoting active involvement of the student

4 observing students response to probing questions as well as his
behavior to ensure continuous learning.

5Giving assignment on the corrected learning difficulty to strengthen


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