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Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

3rd Sunday of Advent 2017 B

Theme: Joy
1st Read: Isaiah (61:1-2a, 10-11) | 2nd Read: 1 Thessalonians (5:16-24) Gospel: John (1:6-8, 19-28)

General Introduction: - Do not read this line

Sadness is easy. Joy is a decision. St. Paul tells us we will find joy by praying without
ceasing. He also says to refrain from every kind of evil, it will take away our happiness,
for that reason we need to hear John the Baptist: "Make straight the way of the Lord."
This Advent we are encouraged to make an examination of conscience take a year-end
inventory on our life. Then make a good confession. Confession can lighten one's
conscience and a clear conscience leads to joy. Today is the Third Sunday of Advent -
also known as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is a Latin word meaning "rejoice."

Advent Wreath & Candle Introduction Pause before reading

Last Sunday we lit the candle of Hope, remembering the hope which comes in Christ,
and we lit the candle of Peace, remembering Gods dream of a peaceful world. (Light
the 2 Purple Candles).
Today we light the third candle of Advent, the candle of Joy.
In Advent, we are in a time of waiting. Like the Israelites who wandered through the
Wilderness, waiting to come into the Promised Land, we wait for the coming of the Joy
of Ages. We wait for the day where we can join our voices with the angels to sing Joy
to the World, the Lord is come! We wait for the day when everlasting joy will be on
each of us.
We light this candle in Joy. (Light the Pink Candle)
On this day, we remember the Spirit who breathes joy into our lives.
Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

Introduction to the First Reading: - Do not read this line

In our first reading, from Isaiah, the prophet is filled with joy. He has the anointing of
the Spirit to bring, in the name of God, good news of encouragement, healing, freedom,
and an outpouring of Gods special favour.

Introduction to the Second reading: - Do not read this line

Our Second reading takes up today's theme of Joy. St. Pauls reference to those things
that unite that early Christian community provides a useful check list as we evaluate the
life of our own communities.

Prayer of the Faithful For the Celebrant

Cel: At the termination of the Babylonian exile prophet Isaiah articulated his
sentiments in the form of a beautiful poem in which he thanked the Lord for
making him a messenger of the good tidings. That we too may sing Gods
praises for the marvels he works in our lives, let us thank him, saying,

Response: Lord, cloth us with the garments of salvation.

Prayer after Prayer of Faithful

Cel: God our Father, we thank you for this period of preparation for the
coming of your Son. As John the Baptist prepared the people to receive your
Son through his call to repentance, may our advent penance prepare us to
welcome your Son into our midst. We make this prayer through Christ our
Lord. AMEN.
Votive Shrine, Kilpauk English Liturgy Committee

Prayer of the Faithful For the Reader

Response: Lord, cloth us with the garments of salvation.

1. For the pope, the bishops and the clergy that as pastors of the Church they may
bring comfort and consolation to the people who are suffering, we pray to the
Lord. R/

2. For the broken hearted, that the failings and the disappointments in their lives may
not drive them to despair and hopelessness but to a firm trust in God who comes
to the rescue of those who call upon him, we pray to the Lord. R/

3. For the people serving their prison terms that in their isolation and denial of
freedom they may realize their mistakes and show eagerness to live honest and
sincere lives, we pray to the Lord. R/

4. For the priests, the religious and the laity who work in educational institutions that
they may inculcate in the young the values of healthy living, we pray to the Lord.
5. For all of us present in this Eucharistic assembly that the coming of Christ for
which we are preparing ourselves may strengthen our faith in the Lord Jesus, we
pray to the Lord. R/

Pray for community and personal needs

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