English Book

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Elementary school


M. Ananda Fatkhul Mubin
Elementary school


M. ananda Fatkhul Mubin

Listen to the voice

Rabbit Cow


Dog butterfly

Listen to the voice

Fish Frog

Chicken Bird

Buffalo Cat

Listen to the voice

Lion Giraffe

Snake Monkey

Deer Elephant

Listen to the voice

Duck Ant

Goose Mouse

Camel Turtle

Listen to the voice

Bee Spider

Snail Fox

Zebra Dolphin
Where does it live

Listen to the voice

Where does a horse Live? Where does a fish live?

a horse live in a stable a fish live in an aquarium

Where does a lion live? Where does a fox live?

A lion live in a cave a fox live in a den

Where does it live

Listen to the voice

Where does a bee live? Where does a spider live?

A bee live in a hive a spider live in a web

Where does a dog live? Where does a frog live?

A dog live in a kennel a frog live in a pond


Where does a bee live

A Frog
Where does A horse live
A lion

A bee lives in a hive

A frog A pond
A horse Lives in A stable
A lion A cave


we are all very hungry : kami semua lapar

we do not know : kami tidak tahu

where does a bee live : di manakah lebah tinggal

where does a fish live : di manakah ikan tinggal

Studi These Dialogues

Dandi: What is that?

Nurma: That is a Rabbit

Zaskia : does a horse have four legs?

Fandi:: yes, it does

Jennifer : Mita, what is that? Cinta : what is that

Mita : that is a bird. Laura : that is a fish
Jennifer : What can a bird do? Cinta : Can a fish fly?
Mita : a bird can fly in the sky. Laura :No, a fish cannot fly
Cinta : What can a fish do?
Laura : a fish can swim in the water

Listen to the voice

A snake is a very dangerous animal because it is poisonous. The body of a
snake is very long and it has no legs
A penguin can swim in the sea and walk on the land. It has two wings but
canntot fly. A penguin is black and white. It lives in the coldest part of the

fill the blanks with the given words

1. a ________________ has long neck Grain
2. a bird eats _____________ Egg
3. a rabbit likes to eat ___________ Milk
4. a monkey likes to eat _____________
5. an ____________ has wide ear and big body Carrot
6. a tiger eats _____________________ Banana
7. a cow produces _____________ Elephant
8. a chicken produces ________________
9. a goat likes to eat ___________________ Meat

Listen and Write the number 1,2,3,4,and 5
Guess what animals are
1. I have for legs
I am big
I live in a stable
I am a....

2. Moo
You drink my milk
I eat grass
I am a...

3. I eat leaves
I have a long neck
A am very tail
I am a...

4. Meow
I chase mouse
I cannot swim
I am a...

5. I have feathers
I quack
I swim in the pond
I am a...
Find the name of the animals

b X b c a t e l F g Bird

e T i g u t b c o s Dog

l W r r c i w o k n Tiger

e I d b o g q w I a Lion

d A i s d e g h J k Snake

o X o g i r a f F e Giraffe

g W n j v e l i o n Cat

t B f o x s n a k h

Complete the sentences

-Where does it live -where does it live -where does it

-It live in a -it in a stable - it lives in a pond

- does it live - where it live

- It lives in aquarium - it lives in a den
Ask your friend about their pets

Friends pet name

Farid cat pusyi

Old mac donald

1 1 1 5 6 6 5 . 3 3 2 2 1 1 . . 5
Old macdonald had a farm e i e i o and

1 1 1 5 6 6 5 . 3 3 2 2 1 1 . .
On this farm he had a cow e i e i o

5 5 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 1 .
With a moo moo here and moo moo there

1 1 1 1 11 1
Here a moo there a moo

1 1 1 1 11 1
Every where a moo moo

1 1 1 5 6 6 5 . 3 3 2 2 1 . . . .
Old macdonald had a farm e i e i o
Mark or X


Duck Cow

3 4

Monkey Snake




7 8

Goat Tiger
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C, or D !

Text for no 1 to 4
Read the text carefully
Mario and Yoga are in a pet shop. They want to buy some pets. The
shopkeeper helps them to choose the pets. There are many pets in the shop. They
are rabbits, cats, birds, dogs and hamsters. Finally Mario buys a rabbit and a cat.
He is very happy, because the animals are his favorite animals. And Yoga buys a

1. Where is Mario? He is in .
a. The coffee shop
b. The pet shop
c. The animal market
d. The barber shop
2. Who helps Mario?
a. A shopkeeper does
b. An animal does
c. Yoga does
d. A waiter does
3. Are there many pets in the shop?
a. Yes, they do
b. Yes, there are
c. Yes, I do
d. Yes, they are
4. What does Mario buy?
a. A hamster
b. Rabbit, cat, and bird
c. A rabbit and a cat
d. A rabbit and a dog
5. Maya : what can we see in the zoo?
Nani : we can see many kinds of .. in the zoo
a. Flowes
b. Animals
c. Boats
d. Threes
6. The animal likes to eat meat.it is a
a. Lion
b. Horse
c. Snake
d. Rabit
7. this animal likes to eats .
a. Carrot
b. Grass
c. Insect
d. Mouse

8. The animal can fly. It is a

a. Butterfly
b. Wom
c. Monkey
d. Fish
9. The name of the animal is ....
a. Crocodile
b. Giraffe
c. Zebra
d. Bear

10. Tania : does a zebra have two legs?

Maria : .
a. Yes, it is
b. Yes, it does
c. No, it is not
d. No, it does not
11. This ia not a dangerous animal. It is a
a. Horse
b. Crocodile
c. Lion
d. Rabbit
12. We can buy some pet in the
a. Zoo
b. House
c. Shop
d. Pet shop
13. Anton :Do you have .?
Santo : Yes, I do
a. Rabbit
b. Bird
c. Hamster
d. snake
14. the rabbit is eating the
a. meat
b. tree
c. carrot
d. banana
15. Santi : .. can we see giraffe and gorilla?
Maya : we can see them in the zoo
a. Where
b. What
c. How
d. When
Text for no 16 to 18
Read the dialogues carefully!
Maya : Good Morning!
Shopkeeper : hi, good morning. What can I do for you?
Maya : I want to buy some rabbits and golden fish
Do you have them?
Shopkeeper : yes, I do. Here they are

16. Where is Maya?

a. She is in the market
b. He is in the pet shop
c. She is in the supermarket
d. He is in the zoo
17. When does the conversation do?
a. In the afternoon
b. In the night
c. In the morning
d. In the evening
18. Does maya buy hamster?
a. No, she does not
b. No, she is not
c. Yes, she does
d. Yes, she is
19. Cow produces for us to be drank
c. Water
d. sugar
20. Giraffe has a .. as their unique characteristic
c. Long neck
d. no legs
fill in the blanks with suitable word!

1. We can see many kinds of .... in the zoo


This animal is a called a

Dino: can you feed my ..?
Rio : yes, I can

4. Santi : ..can we buy golden fish and

Sari : We can buy them in the pet shop
5. Budi :Do you buy some pets?
Nano : No, .
6. The animal has a long nose, four legs and big body. It is an

7. The crocodile doesnt eat gras. It
8. A can fly butterfly.the correct sentence is

9. Bear, tiger, crocodile, are kind of
10. I have some golden fish. They can live in the

answer these questions based on the instruction
1. Mention three kinds of animals!
2. Mention three kind of animals have four legs!
3. Where can we see many kind of abimals?
4. Mention three kind of animals that can fly!
5. What does animal have long neck, four legs, and two color?

Match these animas with their food!

1.Tiger a.Grass
2.Monkey b.Worm
3.Cow c.Fish
4.Bird d.Banana
5. Cat e.Meat

Animal Hive
Rabbit Web
Cow Kennel
Horse Pond
Goat Grass
Dog Carrot
Buuterfly Meat
Fish Worm
Frog Milk
Chicken Feather
Bird Sky
Buffalo Coldest
Cat Dangerous
Lion Poisonous
Giraffe Legs
Snake neck

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