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Luqman bin Osman

Matric Number

Master of Oil and Gas Engineering

KOGE 11203 Project Management and Economics in Oil and Gas

En. Zakariah Aris
A plant turnaround maintenance plays a key role in asset management in the process-based
industries. It is an essential activity which involves a lot of maintenance work and renewal of
the certificate of fitness of the respective equipment. This is important to ensure the plant can
maintain its consistency in production capacity and to ensure the plant equipment is fit for the
purpose. With the introduction of a lot of people within a short period of time to complete the
work, the workers, asset and environment are prone to expose from maintenance hazard.
Aside from achieving a successful turnaround maintenance, management of health, safety
and environment (HSE) is also crucial to prevent unwanted event such as loss of life, injury,
property damage and many more. In this paper, an analysis and HSE lesson learnt of the
recent turnaround maintenance of a petrochemical plant in Labuan is discussed. It offers a
proper in sight in how to manage the HSE and provides essential key lesson learnt for a proper
initiation, planning, execution and termination of a turnaround. The findings and lesson learnt
is expected to be utilized for the improvement of HSE management of a turnaround

Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 3

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................... 4

2.1 Turnaround Maintenance and the importance of HSE .................................. 4

2.2 Phases of a Turnaround ................................................................................ 5

2.2.1 Initiation ....................................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 Preparation.................................................................................................... 5

2.2.3 Execution ...................................................................................................... 6

2.2.4 Termination ................................................................................................... 6

2.3 HSE Management System ............................................................................. 6

3.0 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 8

4.0 RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................... 8

4.1 Summary of worklist ..................................................................................... 8

4.1.1 Confined Space Activity ............................................................................. 9

4.1.2 Hot Work Activity ........................................................................................... 9

4.2 Manpower and Manhour ............................................................................. 10

4.3 HSE Key Performance Indicator .................................................................. 11

4.3.1 HSE Lagging Indicator ...................................................................................11

4.3.2 HSE Leading KPI ...........................................................................................12

5.0 LESSON LEARNT AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................... 14

5.1 Leadership .........................................................................................................14

5.2 Competency ......................................................................................................14

5.3 Job Hazard Analysis............................................................................................15

7.0 REFERENCE .................................................................................................... 17


A turnaround (TA) is a hazardous event. It introduces a large number of people into a confined
area, to work under pressure of time with hazardous material and equipment. In recognition
of the greater risk of loss, a contractor or the facility owner must implement a lot of control
measure associated with the work carried out base on the risk assessment that has been done
before commencing the TA. Throughout history, industrial incidents such as Bhopal in India,
Macondo incident, BP Texas incident and many more process-based industry incident have
catch global attention on the importance of managing Health, Safety and Environment (HSE).

Figure 1: Types of plant where accident occur

Source: Okoh & Haugen, 2013

Later after these major incidents, government and different regulatory agency around
the world have start established management system with regards to HSE. Hydrocarbon and
chemical-based process industry handling hazardous substance have inherently big potential
for major accident. Therefore, safety barriers are usually installed to control the risk associated
with such industrial facitlities (Sklet, 2006). Aside from that, a proper HSE management (HSE-
MS) related to people also important, a proper procedure must be in place as a safe system

of work. These system be it the HSE-MS and the safety barrier might degrade or failed due to
maintenance (Okoh and Haugen, 2013). Turnaround maintenance may cause major accidents
by triggering unwanted events, hence one of the objective of this paper is to enhance HSE
management covering both process-based safety and people safety through lesson learnt
from case study of the recent plant TA in one of Petrochemical plant in Labuan, Sabah. It will
also discuss the outcome of the HSE performance of on one of the contractor that join the TA
and discuss what can be improved for the next TA.


2.1 Turnaround Maintenance and the importance of HSE

Maintenance is an important activity in all industrial applications where major accidents may
occur. This is certainly the case in offshore and onshore petroleum facilities, where re and/or
explosion may put many lives at risk. It is a crucial event in asset management in continuous
process-based industries where the event will be done in high pressure environment. A
successful TA depends on the integrated planning stages where on that stage

TA is carried out to perform servicing, internal inspection, replacement, regulatory

inspection by the regulatory agency which is the Malaysian Department of Safety and Health
(DOSH) and maintenance on equipment or units which cannot be carried out when the plant
is in online condition. Besides that, the main objective of TA is to renew the equipment
Certificate of Fitness. For that reason, a TA will require a lot of manpower, machineries and
other physical resources during its execution in a temporary basis and very limited timeframe.
Hence safety in the plant turnaround is a critical aspect that needs full attention by all including
management, leaders, supervisors and all other parties that involves directly with the TA or
indirectly. Several investigations revealed that 30%-40% of all accidents and precursor events
in the chemical process industry are maintenance related (Okoh and Haugen, 2013). Hale et
al (1998) have reported that between 30-40% of the maintenance related accident, 17% of
these happen during the preparation of the site for maintenance, 76% of the accident happen
during the execution of the maintenance, 7% during or soon after hand over to production
and at least another 8% happen in other phases (Start-up, shutdown and normal operation)
due to technical failure. It is therefore, HSE plays a major role in the TA for maintaining a
safe TA by thorough risk assessment and implementing practical control measure during the
activity. During normal operation, only few experience operator present, in TA, the situation

is reverse, a large number of strangers enter the plant using unfamiliar and inherently
hazardous procedure and equipment. Under this condition, the potential for accidents rises
almost exponentially.

2.2 Phases of a Turnaround

A TA is an engineering event with relatively short duration with a cyclical process of four
processes which is the initiation, preparation, execution and termination. Each of the phase
have its own sets of critical issue and activity.

2.2.1 Initiation

This phase characterized by defining objectives, setting policy and appointing the necessary
personnel to set up the preparation team and gather basic data

2.2.2 Preparation

This is the major phase of the cycle. It is also known as integrated planning. The project
management team is mobilized wo work over a long period of time to specify, schedule,
resource and cost the large volume of tasks required to perform the event. The manpower
usually consist the department or discipline lead such as

a) QAQC lead
b) HSE lead
c) Scheduler
d) Planner
e) TA manager
f) Superintendant
g) Cost and contract engineer

During this period there is a lot of uncertainty because it will involve some prediction of
unknown condition of the plant items. A lot of guesswork and technical assessment will be
carried out example of it, the estimation of insulation volume that will involved in the TA, the
estimation of scaffolding platform that are required to perform the work and many more.
Contingency plan is a must as some item can only be known after opening of the respective

equipment. Example of situation the rubber lining can only be known to be repair or not only
after the opening of the respective vessel. The final act of preparation is to communicate the
requirement of the TA to every single person at any level that involve directly or indirectly
with the TA.

2.2.3 Execution

During this phase, what have been plan and prepare are tested against reality. Execution is
the stage where a large number of task are done by a large number of people of many skills
and disciplines in a limited space and time at different level simultaneously. The effective
control and coordination of work is of paramunt importance. Lennahan (2008) break the
execution phase into sub phases as follows

a) Shutting down the plant by removing the inventory, decontaminate, cooling and
b) Opening the plant up by physically disconnecting the item and removal of covers
c) Inspecting the plant through the use of approved NDT methods or visual inspection
d) Installation of new items, overhaul of existing items and removal of redundant items
e) Boxing the plat up
f) Plant testing (i.e air leak test)
g) Starting the plant up
h) Plan clean up and final inspection

2.2.4 Termination

For termination phase, there are two separate element in it, the first is ensuring that the plant
is handed back in a fit condition and the second is the de-briefing and demobilization of every
member of the TA organization.

2.3 HSE Management System

There is a lot of method or technique in managing HSE. One can subscribe standard, in
Malaysia context we have the MS1722 Occupational safety and Health management system.
The modern management system are including HSE management system is closely linked to

the quality management system principle. The principle is represented by Plan-Do-Check-Act

Figure 2 : Shows the Deming cycle as a spiral of continuous improvement

Source : Duijm et al. 2008

The implementation of HSE management system have its own constraint and different party
have their own goals. Industry point of view is different from authorities point of view.
According to Duijm et al. 2008, industry have the main objective of competitive production
where management effort is primarily aimed at maximizing net benefit related to the primary
process. HSE is looked as a constraint and not as the main objective. As for authorities,
maximizing HSE is the primary objective and the constraint of this objective is the competitive

Figure 3 : Comparison of focus area and methods for HSE management by industry
and supervising authorities
Source : Duijm et al. 2008


The methodology that being used for this writing are

I) Interview of workers and management to get input from their thoughts

II) Database analysis
III) Site observation throughout the TA period
IV) Analysis of others associated journal


4.1 Summary of worklist

In the planning phase the main contractor was received the worklist from the client and do
the planning from the respective worklist. A total of 344 work has been received from client
to service provider.


4.1 12.5 24.1



Defect (Others) Piping replacement Small bore
Valve replacement (HW) Valve replacement (CW) Compensator replacement
Steam trap replacement (HW) Steam trap replacement (CW) Painting

Figure 4 : Shows the worklist summary

From the above graph, DOSH work is the prominent one with 24.1% and the least one is work
related to Management of Change (MOC) with 0.9% from the total percentage of work

received from the client. DOSH related works are mainly confined space activity involving
static equipment where the equipment certificate of fitness need to be renew.

4.1.1 Confined Space Activity

Confined space activity is one of the hazardous activity in this TA. From the worklist received,
a total of 56 confined space entry (CSE) activity has been identified which are mainly came
from DOSH equipment, Non-DOSH equipment and MOC related activity.



Figure 5: Shows the distribution of CSE activity of WSSB

4.1.2 Hot Work Activity

Hot work activity can be defined as any operation that has the potential to produce spark.
There are 105 works from the work list received involves hot work activity such as grinding,
welding and cutting. Most of the hot work comes from small bore piping replacement activity,
27.6% and then followed by activity involving DOSH equipment 23.8%.


18.1 6.7




DOSH Non-DOSH MOC Small bore Others Valve replacement Steam trap replacement

Figure 6 : Shows the distribution of Hot work

4.2 Manpower and Manhour

The data cycle of manpower and manhour reporting is from 6.00 a.m to 6.00 a.m next day
(24 hours interval)

799 795
800 756 758

632 629

409 419
400 353 352
333 330 325 314 319
300 275 282 279 276
243 238
103 104

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


Figure 7 : Shows the manpower trend throughout P1 Minor TA 16 from day 1 to day 33
10 | P a g e
There are many deviations of actual manhour from the targeted manhour. From day 1 to day
4 the contractor is still idling because there is a hiccup during shutdown of the plant. On day
6 to 15 the subcontractor of the main contractor has lost the targeted manhour because of
one of its subcontractor. To increase financial benefits of the project, the subcontractor holds
the mobilization of its manpower, they dont want the manpower in standby mode. But
because of that, the manpower will have difficulties to enter the plant as it takes time to
process the workers pass as it involve a lot of process such as to ensure the worker have valid
medical check-up, to ensure the worker have the required competency (i.e scaffolder
certificate, Authorised entrant and standby person for confined space and many more). From
day 17 to 26 there is an increase of manpower this is because the contractor must catch up
with the required progress, so they add up the manpower. From day 27 to 33 the manpower
still high because of the delayed work.

4.3 HSE Key Performance Indicator

4.3.1 HSE Lagging Indicator

The key performance indicator (KPI) of the TA are as follow :


1 Fatality 0 0
2 LTI 0 0
3 RWC / MTC 0 0
4 First aid 0 0
5 Near miss 0 6
6 Property damage 0 0
7 Occupational illness 0 0
8 Minor fire 0 0
9 Major fire 0 0
10 Loss of primary containment 0 0
11 Chemical / oil Spill 0 2
12 Zeto rules violation 0 1

11 | P a g e
13 Regulatory violation 0 0
14 HSE non-compliances 0 2

Out from the 6 near miss happen, 4 of it are of falling object. The reason why most of the
falling object happen is the failure to secure material while working at height. All immediate
action has been implemented and action to prevent the re-occurrence of the incident has been

4.3.2 HSE Leading KPI

The leading KPI for the main contractor


1 HSE training 100% 100%
2 Participation of contractor SHO in daily
100% attendance 96.9%
TA HSE meeting
3 Participation of contractor in TA HSE tier
100% attendance 100%
1 audit
4 UAUC submission 165 314

For induction, the main contractor sent all our personnel for briefing before entering the plant.
A total of 842 application has been made to client. Among the training attended are

a) HSE briefing
b) Work Leader training
c) PTW training
d) Environment training

12 | P a g e
Below are the data for the unsafe act and unsafe condition (UAUC) of the main contractor.







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


Figure 8 : Shows the actual vs targeted submission of UAUC

From day 1 execution to day 4, there was no UAUC submitted. This is because on the 9th
October, it is the starting of equipment shutdown and WSSB workers still not start their work.



open close

Figure 9 : Shows the number UAUC closure status

13 | P a g e
It has been observed that the report from observer are too general so the contractor are
having problem in closing the reported unsafe act and unsafe condition.


18.7 19.4



Other Unsafe act Unsafe condition Zeto / HSE violation

Figure 10 : Shows the distribution of UAUC category

From the UAUC recorded, unsafe condition is highly observed which is 40.3% and the least
one is Zeto / HSE violation which is 18.7%.


5.1 Leadership

During the TA, it has been observed that there is poor leadership in the contractor project
management team especially supervisor level. A lot of bypassing of procedure have been
observed. In TA context, Leadership is the ability of the TA manager, engineer and supervisor
to inspire confidence and support and influence the team to accomplish the objectives of the
TA (Ghazali & Shamim, 2015). In HSE context, the leaders should able to instil safety culture
and behaviour among the TA workers.

5.2 Competency

14 | P a g e
For this TA, the work leader is really experience in handling technical work, but current
management styles that involve English as communication media in the Job Hazard Analysis
(JHA) and other documentation makes it difficult to implement the procedure. By right, after
the morning toolbox meeting, a pre-job meeting on site must be conducted where the content
of the JHA is read out to communicate the hazards associated to the work. But almost all work
leader cannot understand English. For new diploma holder that want to be work leader, they
lack of experience handling permit to work (PTW).

5.3 Job Hazard Analysis

A job hazard analysis (JHA) is tools that focus on job step as a way to identify hazards before
they occur. If focus on the workers, the task, the environment and the tools. In any plant, a
JHA is currently one of the most important site risk management tools for high risk task using
a simple and structured approach to identify hazards related to each step in an activity (Zheng
et al. 2017). During TA the type of JHA use is the generic type instead of the conventional per
equipment type. There are pro and contra using each type of JHA approach. For generic type
it eases the planner during integrated planning, but the problem comes during execution. The
work leader will have difficulties because they always forgot some important JHA to be
attached to the PTW. When doing tier-1 HSE inspection there will always a finding where
there will be insufficient of attachment document on the PTW. Aside from that, to cover the
deficiency, a JHA summary might be an effective tool to cover the deficiency on hazard
communication. The summary must be in a language that the work leader can read and

15 | P a g e

There were a lot of deficiency in the TA and there were also a lot of opportunity of
improvement to be done. Among of it are as mentioned above. Contractor selection also a
main important thing. HSE planning should also start as early as possible. The significance of
managing HSE risk during TA has been discussed in this article. Investment for managing HSE
risk during plant shutdown is very essential as it helps to enhance TA workflow and in the
same time fulfil all the HSE requirement. This paper has contributed an insight on the proper
way of tackling current issue of HSE management during a TA. To prevent an unwanted event
during TA, a management must focus on the proper selection of contractor and subcontractor.
Aside, from that management must lead by example to nurture a safety culture among the
workers. There is some limitation in the study which need to be address. The observation
approach only provides surface information regarding on what happen on site. This only gives
a surface picture and provides surface insight in the management of HSE. To give a detail and
deep insights a proper methodology of data collection should be use such as the distribution
of questionnaire, and involves a more harmonic sample population with a proper sampling
system. To develop a more detail conceptual framework on managing HSE during plant TA, a
detail empirical study is recommended is recommended to be carried out. After establishment
of the management framework, field test should be conducted to test whether the framework
helps in improving the HSE management and lead to successful TA execution (within budget,
on-time and carried out in a safely manner) or not.

Before carrying out the research, it is advised that the researcher exploit previous
accidents database of the plant to narrow out the root cause contributor of an unwanted
incident as part of the input in developing conceptual framework of TA HSE management.
Though the paper discusses only observation data, it can help the industry player especially
in the process based industry a key insight on what is the key factor that drag the project
slow in term of HSE perspective. Furthermore, it help to tackle out problem from the root level
as detail observation with regards to HSE has been made especially the current level of the
authorised work leader.

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